Im sure you can guess which of those favor Democrats and are needed for Team Blue to win. It would be better if they didnt feel the need to try, as theres a perfectly good alternative already in place. "During the last month, we've had a lot of our candidates that were in very close races that have been talking to us wanting to know the information that we've accumulated and have reported," Siegel said. You could have the primary winner, who would get to serve a four-year term after winning in November of 2024, and the special election winner, who would serve out the remainder of 2024, be two different people. CC4 114,966 121,049 5,955 ============================== The Evaluation results for each judge appear on a separate page. My point is simply that it would not take anything like a historic turnout percentage to produce a record number of total voters, just simply because there are more voters now. Sixty-five percent turnout (we were at over 68% in 2020) gets 1.7 million voters total (up less than 50K from 2020), and hitting one million Dems would mean taking almost 59% of the vote for Biden, which so far is the only real reach here as he was at 56% in 2020. Last time around, Hegar folded like a cheap suit after Harris County took the matter to court. Weve just had multiple winning candidates get sued by their losing opponents, and many of them were left scrambling to pay for lawyers to defend themselves in court. HD126 61.80% 36.07% 2.12% On the other hand, the Lege is out there as well, with a giant hammer to wield against cities and counties that do things the Republicans dont like. It is not fair for the voters to tell us to break the law. Ed Emmett first proposed the idea for Harris County. [1] The United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas has jurisdiction in Harris County. I dont have any great insight here, nor do I have much confidence that Dems could take action to mitigate against this. HD146 21.22% 78.78% A person close to former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julin Castro said that he is weighing a run. Im sure it would be compelling reading, but I dont have the staff or the budget for that. HD144 11,849 14,344 20 Cause No. HD142 9,047 25,391 SD18 51.69% 48.30% 0.01% Its rattlesnake season in Texas. Youve got the nations third-largest county that has had multiple problems with multiple election officers, to the point where one had to resign, and the problem is that its too big a piece of the electorate to ignore.. Results of the 2021 Judicial Evaluation Questionnaire. Please help. One way that I decided to approach this was to look at the different type of judicial races on the ballot, to see if there was anything interesting there. The Harris County Young Democrats is proud to endorse this amazing slate of candidates for the 2022 Democratic Primary Election. HD132 36,155 23,542 1,053 2 PREVIOUSLY In 2017, Cruz was recruited to be one of the founding attorneys in the Harris County Public Defenders Office Bail Hearing Division. HD129 38,169 25,015 1,149 3 2020 bad counties 122K to 127K 2022 bad counties 100K to 102K Republican House Speaker Dade Phelan, whose chamber amended the bill to include the lower penalty, rejected the idea when it was first floated during a series of 2021 special sessions. Gonzalez 0 4,032 0 9,258 2003 955,205 1,786,767 53.46% Will Archer is represented by Elizabeth Alvarez. Emphasis mine, and see here for the previous entry. HD141 17.53% 79.15% 3.32% Ill be paying closer attention to these precincts, because this isnt always the case going forward. HD133 35,123 24,187 1,043 2016 Harris + FB 22K to 67K. HD150 57.96% 39.56% 2.47% What I wonder about is whether there will be much appetite for that kind of spending in future races. I dont expect the candidates for HCDP Chair to have fully formed answers to these problems, but I do hope they agree that these are urgent matters and deserve attention. This isnt a lobbying or legislating matter, its a political and electoral one. 9 Cause No. At the last CEC meeting, he made oblique reference to stepping down as the meeting was coming to an end. Which would be so outlandishly unlikely as to appear to be its own conspiracy. Education: University of California, Berkeley and University of Alabama, School of Law, Campaign website: Chair for Pct. Monday is the first day of early voting in the Texas March 1 primary election. Instead, Hidalgo said, the comptroller should have calculated on the basis of pay periods rather than the number of months. HD134 44.12% 55.86% 0.02% This is another way of illustrating that. The local police reform advocacy groupACT 4 SAaims to collect 35,000 signatures anticipating that some wont be verified to submit to the City Clerk before the early January deadline. I filter out precincts with ten or fewer votes cast in the Houston proposition elections, which is arbitrary and still yields more total votes than in the prop races themselves, but its close enough for these purposes. Public servants have moved on. San Antonios police unionhas criticized the Justice Charter as an overreach into police policies as well as violations of state and federal law. For months, a small but vocal minority of House Republicans have been calling for the end of the chambers longtime tradition of having committee chairs from both parties. Theyre trying to do something about that, but they really cant, not right now. HD128 32,057 12,551 995 399 HD133 57.48% 41.00% 1.52% 0.00% Generally speaking, she did a couple of points worse. Some election officials are concerned this change could prevent local election workers from asking questions or seeking help from the office for fear of being reprimanded. HD127 39,533 24,297 1,535 651 We have multiple locations at which anyone can vote precisely as a hedge against problems at any one specific location. The 2022 Texas Primary Election is fast approaching. While at the DAs office, she handled thousands of felony and misdemeanor cases. Anything we can do in a collaborative, how can we help? manner that respects the people who have been doing their own work there for a long time to help with that will help us all. Breaking it up into its components means there will be multiple lawsuits instead of one. CC1 28.29% 71.71% HD133 61.63% 38.37% Oh, and if this is one of the final straws that leads to Constable precinct redistricting, I wont complain. Judges cant take pro bono help to defend selves. Judge Lawton-Evans is represented by Anthony Drumheller. Those commissions are made up of the county judge, the tax assessor-collector, the county clerk and the chairs of local political parties. Rodney Ellis, County Commissioner, Precinct 1 House Bill 2020andSenate Bill 823would allow the secretary of states office to take action in a county if a complaint is filed by one of several officials and organizations involved in elections, and if theres good cause to believe that a recurring pattern of problems with election administration exists.. ====================== And finally, with a less-predatory state government, we could have a reasoned discussion and admit there are problems that could be fixed with some help from that state government and Lege find ways to do elections better that arent predicated on punishment and the exercise of raw power. Dist Mealer Hidalgo W-I With that margin, three of the four Dem candidates would have won by a couple thousand votes. JP2 44.02% 55.98% Im going to be tracking potential candidate mentions anyway, so well see where they and maybe others fit in. The county commissioners voted to direct the county attorney and (me) to get involved in the beginning to get that question answered, Garza said. But really, a good horse laugh is all you need. HD146 9,975 31,981 11 2020, in the race for District Judge, 333rd Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. The Harris County Democratic Party is NOT doing anything to assist the 22 electeds. In response to each of the requests for public information, the elections office responded by seeking an opinion from the Texas Attorney Generals office allowing it to withhold the information due to ongoing litigation, the lawsuit states. Carla Wyatt, the Treasurer-elect, won more than 60% of those 800+ extra votes. I still think, based on past history, that SCOTx would prefer to not get involved at this time, but Im somewhat less confident of that now. Lets look at the numbers. HD138 52.82% 44.15% 3.03% JP3 34,843 42,072 1,833 CC2 47.51% 48.77% 3.72% Part of this is that we have a vibrant Democratic club structure in place, with a lot of that participation coming in the formerly red areas. JP3 35,348 39,739 2,132 865 Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar on Friday accused Harris County of defunding law enforcement,rekindling a feudfrom last fallin which Republican state officialsthreatened to blockthe countys annual budget. With crime and safety being top issues for Harris County voters, there was a major push by the GOP to oust Democratic criminal court judges. HD144 12,242 14,069 9 Again, thats the case now as well. HD137 7,704 13,091 643 CD18 30.13% 69.85% 0.03% CC1 23.64% 73.61% 2.75% HD150 34,895 22,408 The 2022 HBA Judicial Preference Poll Results and news release are posted below. US Representative, District 8: Laura Jones. We only need 26.3% turnout in 2023, based on the 2022 registration numbers, to equal the number of voters from 2003. The roots of the Texas Constitution are in local self control [and] self determination. So, you know, a banner Monday. In 2018, Sanchez joined the offices Post-Conviction Writs division where he currently serves by investigating claims made by convicted persons challenging the legality of their convictions. For more than a year, we've repeatedly asked Judges Hillary Unger, Greg Glass, and Jason Luong for interviews for Breaking Bond reports. HD131 6,062 24,496 HD132 60.69% 39.31% The chamber also approved new punishments for members who break quorum, like most House Democrats did two years ago in protest of GOP-backed voting restrictions. CC2 94,272 105,549 6,218 2023-00930; Mark Goldberg v. Judge Erika Ramirez. TPR has more. HD150 60.07% 36.46% 2.38% 1.09% Thats exactly what happened in 2020, as noted above. Jack Cagle (SPAC), County Commissioner, Precinct 4 Clubs In Action raising legal $ for judges. Its big, its hard to do, and most importantly now everything that goes wrong is your fault. HD146 8,914 32,076 990 0 Her opponent, incumbent county Judge Lina Hidalgo, told ABC13 at the time the numbers were looking better and that Harris County is not alone in battling crime. This new political blog website officially launched in late 2020 and is focused on issues important to Harris County residents. Theres already a lot of money in the campaigns, which if nothing else should mean plenty of advertising. The X-axis is where they are on the ballot, so on the left we start with the appellate races, then go through the district and family courts, then into the county civil, criminal, and finally probate courts. Lets make this happen. Voters have moved on. HD149 39.55% 60.45% HD135 42.90% 57.10% HD132 34,417 25,498 1,374 The good news is the vast majority of the law has actually been researched not only by me and the county attorney, (but) the city attorney in Harker Heights had the opportunity to review the matter legally and so has the city attorney in Killeen, Garza said. Milledge II is the head of the firms Federal and State Criminal Law, Entertainment, and Personal Injury divisions. Unlike some other counties, the Bexar County District Attorney is on board with the idea, as noted in this Texas Public Radio story, so they have that going for them. Republican judicial candidate Erin Lunceford filed an election contest lawsuit in December after losing Harris Countys 189th judicial district court race to Democrat Tamika Craft. CC4 107,368 129,927 6,251 Boeing employee bought lottery ticket because it was at $747M, a nod to the aircraft. CLUBS IN ACTION is trying to raise 95K to donate to them. I did not get around to doing the 30-day and 8-day reports from 2022, so what you see here in these reports is not contiguous for those who were on last Novembers ballot. Beto versus the spread. Harris County 230th Criminal District Court Judge: incumbent Chris Morton and challenger Joseph Sanchez. We know what to do, and we know where the opportunities and dangers are. In a few cases you can see a greater number of third-party votes, which can explain a part of a Democratic vote decline, but again the overall effect is too small to be generally explanatory. The Evaluation results for each judge appear on a separate page. Experts cited myriad reasons for the continued silence around the case: The FBI search may have yielded no evidence, indictments could be sealed, the case could still be developing or there may have been delays because law enforcement did not want to interfere with the recent November elections. Burgess 940 14,710 5,207 5,403 Achieving the goal set in item #1 will require an all-hands-on-deck mobilization. Experience: Gemayel Haynes was prosecutor for the Harris County District Attorneys Office in the Justice of the Peace, Misdemeanor, Juvenile, and Felony Trial Divisions. Ill have more to say about judicial races later. 12(lost to Judge Genesis Draper), Brian Staley, former candidate forHarris County Civil County Court at Law No. PREVIOUSLY The amendment about sanctions for quorum-busting drew more No votes, almost entirely from Dems. Plus, the idea of it makes me gag, so its just as well. Beto got to 58% in 2018. You may view the entire Evaluation or you may view selected courts. HD146 21.45% 76.29% 2.26% Atkinson also mentioned that the court sends text messages to people to let them know about the process and how to expunge their records. Elections. HD147 23.72% 76.25% 0.03% So well know soon enough. That changed quite dramatically in 2018, when Dems won back Davis old seat and picked up another Senate seat as well. HD141 17.99% 78.82% 3.20% Jan 25th, 2022. by Charles Kuffner. If they got new information that caused them to reopen the investigation, they wouldnt want to convey to anybody that No, we will never look at this again, Bash said. 10 Cause No. Slightly more than half of Texas counties appoint nonpartisan election administrators to run their elections. The disappointing part outside of the breaking local law is not giving the demographics, Stevens told the Denton Record-Chronicle. Because respondents can correct the ballot now, [TALs] mandamus is appropriate.. In fact, when something controversial enough happens to be the subject of a lawsuit, that is exactly when the public most needs to know what the record shows. Whether it will get a similarly chilly reception from City Council or Commissioners Court remains to be seen. Were ready, City Clerk Debbie Racca-Sittre said inside City Hall as she and a colleague sealed and time stamped four boxes filled with more than 5,000 pages of petition signatures. HD126 36,931 21,555 1,269 In what should be a stronger Democratic year, Ill be very interested to see how things change. HD129 37,473 24,455 1,607 766 As the title says, what do we need to do to hold onto them? While in her private practice she was chosen as a Texas Super Lawyers Rising Star in 2017 and 2018. Which comes back to the budget question. Menefee 36,826 30,700 0 193,291 HD138 52.98% 44.60% 2.42% Sixteen senators had Lady Fortune on their side and drew four-year terms, and fifteen unlucky souls will have to run for reelection in two years. The chairman of the Harris County Democratic Party on Wednesday announced, January 2023 campaign finance reports: Harris County, Precinct analysis: The different kinds of courts, ruling against the city of Houston giving health insurance benefits to same-sex spouses of city employees, The next round of voter suppression bills are coming, a complaint to the State Bar accusing Paxton of professional misconduct, Paxtons continued desire to be Supreme Prosecutor. Mark Montgomery, former candidate forHarris County Criminal Court at Law No. Houston, TX 77003. Home HD141 19.04% 80.96% HD135 17,148 22,783 As a precinct chair, Ill get to participate in the process to pick the next Chair, who will then need to stand for election in the 2024 primary. That short fiscal year has made it difficult to make year-to-year funding comparisons, and has resulted in the county and the comptrollers office using different methods to analyze whether the constables funding has increased or decreased. HD147 8,809 36,618 1,383 We know that Ken Paxton loves to sue Austin, loves to make an example of Austin elected officials and has not done so, Siegel told the daily. Cannabis reform advocates are pushing back against the city council of the Central Texas city of Harker Heights, which recently rejected a voter-approved ballot measure decriminalizing low levels of pot possession there. In her most recent role, she serves as a Vehicular Crimes Prosecutor. This means I will need to stay vigilant for future references to his possible candidacy. Not a surprise, but an aggressive position to take. HD130 45,640 18,396 1,369 597 HD132 34,454 25,125 1,539 Legal experts on both sides of the political aisle have raised concerns for many years . Republican criminal court candidates, at both the district and county levels, actually got more votes on average than their civil court counterparts, while the Democrats in those races got fewer votes than their civil court colleagues. Is it finally the time for Julian Castro? HD140 30.31% 64.09% 5.61% felt welcomed and heard on lobbying trips to Washington, D.C. San Antonio will vote on marijuana decriminalization, drew their lots to see who would have to run again in 2024, other challenges filed by other losing losers, Precinct analysis: County executive offices, Bell County to sue over Killeens marijuana ordinance, Precinct analysis: The not-as-good statewide races, Precinct analysis: The better statewide races, Superintendant House speaks about the looming TEA takeover. I think the methodology will be clear. This has no effect on the other challenges filed by other losing losers, as legislative contests are heard in the House while these others will be argued in a courtroom. Progressive groupslast month submitted roughly 38,000 petition signatures to get the proposedcharter amendmentincluded on the May municipal election ballot, a move San Antonio City Attorney Andy Segoviasigned off on last week. There is a legitimate question about what a City Council is supposed to do with a voter-passed ordinance that one can reasonably read to be in violation of state law, at least in part. 2023-00924; Elizabeth Buss v. Judge David Fleischer. It was the good ol boys system, 100 percent, [Jed Silverman, president of the Harris County Criminal Defense Lawyers Association,] said. This is why we have so many voting locations on Election Day, precisely because stuff sometimes happens. Democratic AGs file lawsuit to ease access to mifepristone, Former Land Commissioners oppose anti-Open Beaches bill, So it looks like that TEA takeover of HISD is going to happen, So about that DPS delay in notifying the victims of the credential stuffing attack, Superintendant House speaks about the looming TEA takeover Off the Kuff, Life at the Harris County Criminal Justice Center, Ramblings of an HHSC Employee amidst chaos, They are Building a Wal-Mart on My Street. Seems to me the easy choice is to stay put and wait until Texas is competitive enough to tip the odds in your favor. HD138 56.38% 40.10% 2.38% 1.13% But Democrats didnt do as well in a number of dark blue districts in 2020 as they had in 2016 and 2018, and as we saw in 2022 it was in those districts where Beto fell short, often well short, of his 2018 performance. You might notice at this point that the range of outcomes in Harris plus Fort Bend is quite wide in both years, much wider than the range for the red counties. CC1 65,573 204,223 7,632 HD146 9,172 31,975 HD133 34,391 23,900 1,215 616 I was invited to this meeting because of the effort to create and carry out block walking events. The only logical conclusion is that across the board, some number of people who votes for Beto and Collier and Garza and Hays also voted for Glenn Hegar and Dawn Buckingham and Wayne Christian. HD138 30,154 25,204 1,732 He also wants to review the systems new online mail ballot tracker and ensure its working properly. If you experienced difficulties or felt unjustly treated, we want to hear your story., Voters can fill out a form to share their voting experiences, upload evidence and agree to be filmed for upcoming social media or commercial purposes.. Not to be needlessly pedantic here believe me, this is extremely needed pedanticism but if they went to another location then by definition their vote wasnt suppressed because they did in fact vote. CD18 46,492 107,792 46 Some 64% of voters in the city of 34,000 people approved the decriminalization initiative. HD138 32,829 22,780 They arent any more valid, theyre just in a different venue. HD127 38,480 26,208 1,817 CD09 24.72% 75.25% 0.03% If we want to talk about making Texas competitive for Biden, and whoever our 2024 Senate nominee may be, thats the kind of Dem advantage in Harris County were going to need, at a minimum. The Harris County Democratic Party is dedicated to the ideal that everyone deserves an equal shot at life, .
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