(in Italian accent) I have match for you: you and this mop. Beavis and Butt-Head's 'dancing' to the chorus. As expected, their attempts fail miserably due to their stupidity. Fill out the requested information. (Can you be my one and only sunshine, lady) Hey baby, hey baby, hey. Couldn't add my other gecko Beavis, so Butthead got the spotlight. Episode 1 Regarding a homeless man they believe to be a werewolf: How come there arent any, like, women in his lair? Theyre probably out doing his bidding., 45. Uh, I mean, no. What makes the scene funnier is Van Driessen's nearly deadpan response to McVicker cheating for Butt-Head, complete with his obligatory "mmkay". add your own caption. Beavis starts repeatedly hitting Butt-Head with a flyswatter in an attempt to kill the lice, only to be sent to the ground after. Prepare to feel my wrath!" Huh-huh. . Butt-head: Yeah it is. Beavis and Butt-Head is a VERY hilarious cartoon, so you might be here for a while. But its like, they suck like, in new ways, yknow. The duo is actually stupid enough to believe that they can buy stuff with. ", After Beavis saves the rat from the trap, it follows him everywhere: "Boy, Beavis, that rat dude really likes you. Do you understand? See more ideas about beavis and butthead quotes mike judge king of the hill. Thinking sucks -Beavis Work sucks, lets go break something Butthead. Play sound alerts and soundboard memes live on Youtube Gaming, Tiktok Live, and Twitch! Listen and download to an exclusive collection of hey baby ringtones for free to personalize your iPhone or Android device. On January 25th, 2011, the television show Tosh.0 [1] featured "Hey, Baby!". These guys remind me of Danzig and my butt. Hey, baby. SelfDemonstrat. maybe he's a pornologist. "[watching a Violent Femmes video] I don't understand what the big deal is about breaking up. The original warning disclaimer for Beavis and Butt-Head: Even better, the disclaimer is apparently voiced by Mike Judge himself doing a voice very similar to his, The second disclaimer (despite its serious message) can also get a laugh too, with its fairly upbeat banjo tune playing in the background. Funny Happy Birthday Wishes. This old lady probably scores -Beavis in Beavis and Butthead The Movie- Tour Bus Scene. How you doing, baby? "Y'know, like, this band sucks. This is the ultimate Duke Nukem soundboard, with new stuff added as I find it. | 30 Dub a Beavis and Butthead cartoon with actual audio clips from Barack Obama and Donald Trump as the voices for Beavis and. Original Price $13.99 Ooh, nachos." Beavis causing a major blackout due to his customer support when an engineer at the local power plant calls for help with their software, and Beavis "advice" leads to him accidentally causing a meltdown. 2d. . The end where Beavis and Butt-Head are soaking their tired feet (because Dave made them walk home from the border) and contemplating sticking one of the illegal fireworks up Dave's butt. Sale Price $18.40 Birthday Cards For Boyfriend. Yarn is the best search for video clips by quote. You will beat the crap out of Butt-Head on your, Butt-Head's utter persistence in reminding Beavis that he was crying, even when they're. The whole "masturbation experiment" bit, especially Butt-Head's crack about the "stimulus package.". "Ball Breakers", with Beavis on one of the bowling ball returners, just as Butt-Head, From the same episode, Beavis and Butt-Head's increasingly violent attempts at breaking the ball. 'Laced' Halloween Candy Returns For 2022 Edition Of 'Check Your Kids Candy' Meme . [watching a Violent Femmes video] I dont understand what the big deal is about breaking up. There is the duo practicing mud wrestling by forming a mud pit in their front yard, putting on bikini tops, and beating each other with baseball bats that have a boxing glove on the end. the false ending mere seconds into the song, informs Beavis not to use his bandaged finger for the next month, taking a dump in the middle of their living room. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. I got this ringin in my ears. "[Stewart] tried to bite Beavis's butt.". If you have quotes you would like us to cover, please contact us. What the heck is that? They try to kill the bugs "the old-fashioned way". One in particular is the one where. Beavis: This is the one girl who deserves to be emo. (10% off), Sale Price $10.85 Westworld (2016) - S02E03 Virt e Fortuna, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (2005) - S12E08 The Gang Tends Bar, Yellowstone (2018) - S01E04 The Long Black Train, Loki (2021) - S01E05 Journey Into Mystery. Beavis, you monkeyspank. . Uh, hey, baby. Damn were smooth. Were gonna score -Beavis and Butthead. While watching Benny Benassi's video for "Satisfaction": The scene in which a wedding is interrupted by the drone flying low - a gothic-looking fellow is set to marry a girl, with her parents looking on nervously as if they don't want it to happen. During the music video for RuPaul's "Supermodel", Beavis finds RuPaul attractive and said he'd make out with her. Uh, hey, baby, Beavis and Butthead parody t-shirts at TeePublic featuring your favorite quotes like I am the Great Cornholio, breaking the law, and thinking sucks. - Hey, Ram. Hey, baby.' #BeavisandButthead #BeavisandButtHeadDoAmerica #BeavisandButtHeadDoAmericamovie # . Butt-Head is a fictional character and one of the two protagonists from the MTV / Paramount+ animated series Beavis and Butt-Head. Listed by MTV Style. Hey Beavis lets make fun of people with STDS. If you want to change the language, click Hey baby, hey baby, hey. Id just be like Hey baby, get lost. Huge range of colors and sizes. This makes us crack up and literally laugh out loudevery single time! uh hey baby are u a lax brah? An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Meme Generator No items found. Beavis's name came from a boy named Bobby Beavis who lived a few blocks away from Judge. 41. Hey baby- Beavis and Butthead Sounds is an audio clip, sound button, sound meme, discord soundboards slash commands, soundboards, sound extension used with Twitch channel points and bits sounds or Discord soundboards! There are many sounds in this one including the famous quote "I am Cornholio" Each character has their own page too with over 140 of their best quotes. 640k. Smile." Episode 7 Butthead talks to a scientist who has survived the apocalypse: I see your spacesuit, like, saved you from the acopalypseso do you wanna, like, recopulate the earth?. The boys roll a gigantic tire up a hill overlooking Highland, and before Beavis is completely settled inside, Butt-Head rolls him down the hill, leading to a lengthy montage of a screaming in terror Beavis nearly causing a multi-car pile-up, almost killing Mr. Van Driessen, crushing someone under a car. Like qm now and laugh more daily. sound clip is made by Roblaster. Within 11 years, the video received more than 6.6 million views (shown below). Click Buy it now or Add to cart and proceed to checkout. ", Beavis trying to throw in a "vampire accent" in his lines such as "I will be a denizen of the night", "And soon, they will do our bidding", and "I am willing them this way. Beavis and Butthead have generated numerous quotes; these quotes are meant to inspire you and enhance your mood. His accent is what sells it. Yeah I know theyre medical marvels and all, but I really dont want to change their catheters again.-a nurse tending to a comatose Beavis and Butt-Head. The seller might still be able to personalize your item. The duo's reaction to drinking non-alcoholic beer for the 1st time in "Buy Beer". Yknow, like, this band sucks. Take "Huh, huh, humbug" for example: And again in "The Future Of Beavis and Butt-Head", where he's imagining himself in the military. Eventually, the episode cuts back to Van Driessen's classroom. Beavis And Butt-Head Uh Hey Baby Groovy Portrait Premium T-Shirt. There's also the fat, shirtless drunk who repeatedly screams "Rock N Roll". Those partners may have their own information theyve collected about you. Beam your phone up with these great ringtones from the Star Trek tv series. 560k. I'm sick and tired of this! I dont know what youre thinking, but I simply cannot have students roaming the halls, disrupting other classes, and giving prophecies of a great plague! Hey, hey, hey, hey. Then when everyone believes snakes are on the loose, a, "Uhh Because Beavis would be happy to spank his monkey." Everybody will be saying "Hey Baby" when you add this Beavis and Butt-Head Hey Baby Unisex Tri-Blend T-Shirt to your wardrobe! Butt-Head suggests using the bug zapper on his wiener, which Beavis does. Coach Buzzcut restraining Beavis after he finally flips out at Butt-Head: "Beavis! -Butthead Shut-up fart knocker! uh huh huh huh. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. "Stewart is Missing". 10000+ high-quality GIFs and other animated GIFs for Free on GifDB. Such a shame that the version of this episode on the Mike Judge collection DVDs had that scene cut. Dont stop until you reach the back of his teeth! Agent flaming. Then I get tired. Also the way Butt-Head screams when the dentist barely even put the scraper on his teeth. All of the classic one liners with a few extras! . We're never gonna score. 2007-2023 5. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. Dad Fuller. During the video for "I Wish" by Skee-Lo: Butt-Head has truly mastered the art of the, The beginning of "Held Back", which consists of Beavis and Butt-Head answering Buzzcut's answer wrong three times ("60?" 19. Butthead trying to convince Beavis not to got to church by describing a statue of the Virgin Mary as "that chick who never scored. The boys thinking EVERYONE, including President Obama and the Volunteers of the Week, are criminals. The boys watch Cale Dodds' "I Like Where This Is Going" video, where cool-guy Cale Dodds is teaching a schlubby young guy how to pick up a girl and that premise is too stupid and hacky even for Beavis and Butt-Head. If you love something, and you set it free, and it doesnt come back, youre a dumbass. Butthead, 39. XBL: Crimson Carmine. Check it out Butt-head, this chicken has three boobs. Beavis and Butt-head (season 5) Beavis and Butt-head. Beavis raids the Stevenson's candy stash, and shows up to school in full sugar rush mode. "That fish just ate his butt." He saw them making a dog drink "Killer Hot Sauce". Episode 2 Butthead to a caller on a tech-support hotline: Do people ever tell you sound boring on the phone? Huh huh. Yb Better + Ratio + Loud = funny bozos (Suggest sum stuff you would want me to upload in the comments), The ultimate Gears of War soundboard featuring clips from your favorite COG and Locust characters. Beavis's reaction is priceless, especially in "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" where he degrades into, In "Safe House", the duo were greeted by cops and. moment in a TV show, movie, or music video you want to share. And we will definitely be spending a lot of time talking about MASTURBATION. Buzzcut's entrance leads to quite possibly one of the best threats in Christmas special history, with Beavis' reaction to it being the icing on the cake: Beavis' vision of what he thinks the future will be like, which sees him as a. If you were a fan of Beavis and Butthead and you just read these quotes, were sure you probably are laughing or smiling right now. 4. Rob Zombie Art. In the episode "Choke", the duo watching a Benny Hill expy illustrates exactly what they find funny: The plot of the episode is that Butt-Head starts choking on a chicken nugget, and Beavis incredibly poor attempts at saving him. in utter horror. insists that the fly will escape if that happens. The eye doctor giving Beavis the exam gives him ridiculously strong glasses because she doesn't realize that the reason Beavis can't read the eye chart isn't because he can't see it, but because he's too stupid to read it. MTV 2 had it uncut during their "Sic-emation" cartoon block. It followed the misadventures of two teenagers, Beavis and Butt-head . About Beavis and Butthead. Episode 5 -So what made you want to shine a light on the issue of teen obesity? Uhh, we wanted to get famous and score. LOOK PRETTY GOOD GETTING YOUR NAILS DONE. Would you like to buy a tie?". Butthead. Let's start a band.". All your memes gifs funny pics in one place. On June 5th, 2009, komikero posted "Hey, Baby! Never run out of hilarious memes to share. $16.00, $20.00 MY LIVER!". "Beavis and Butt-Head are not real. Etsys 100% renewable electricity commitment includes the electricity used by the data centers that host Etsy.com, the Sell on Etsy app, and the Etsy app, as well as the electricity that powers Etsys global offices and employees working remotely from home in the US. Download Beavis And Butt Head Hey Baby GIF for free. The second time, he's the last person to use the porta-potty before the duo fight over it. Beavis and Butt-Head are complete imbeciles. No. . Beavis however, just brings two torn up pieces of paper, one of which has the word "Byrth Certyfikat" crudely scribbled on it, the other with the word "Permusion Slep" written on it that says "Yeah". $10.85, $15.50 Later MTV assigned Mike Judge to turn the series into a complete series. Basically, the whole segment belongs here, but especially when they accuse Cale Dodds of, The very fact the duo presented the Sound Effects Editing awards during the 1997. Leading to this: In "Couch Fishing," the duo manage to send an old woman flying into their house using a box of prunes as bait, but not without Butt-Head tricking Beavis into inhaling old prune box fumes first. Hey, baby.' Explore and share the best Beavis And Butthead GIFs and most popular animated GIFs here on GIPHY. Yarn is the best search for video clips by quote. $10.19, $16.99 Also in the prison, the crazy guy hiding under the bed in the cell who rhymes constantly. Beavis and Butt-head is an adult animated sitcom, which has been produced by Mike judge. Beavis breaking the plastic heart for the anatomy figure in Biology, forcing them to use an ACTUAL human heart to finish the puzzle. [as Abraham Lincoln giving the Gettysburg Address] When I almost scored with four chicks seven years ago, this one chicks father brought forth upon me a prostitute. It takes a while for Beavis and the cat's owner to make it spit the bird out, after which the cat receives a smack from Beavis. Trespassers will be prosecuted. Butthead reads it and he mistakes the word horse for whores and prosecuted for prostitutes.
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