By understanding your financial position, you can make informed decisions about your personal finances and plan for your financial future. As slaves we have no rights. So be ready for handling this type of account. Send your bond to the SECRETARY OF Treasury. It was also the year the courts claim they blended Law with Equity. Assuming you would like a step-by-step guide on how to create a master strawman account: 1. Please be on the lookout for our email with more details. So now they have said, We going to help you out, and you can just discharge your debts instead of paying your debts. When we use this colorable money to discharge our debts, we cannot use a Common Law court. Australia ( Your Strawman in Law ) Birth Certificate Dailymotion Australia ( Your Strawman in Law ) Birth Certificate. No, you could not. One of our customer service reps emailed you in reply to your inquiry. This is accomplished via your strawman account. Review the terms and conditions of the website. Public records are records that are available to anyone who wants to see them. Can I follow the process above or is it a different process ??? How To Access Your Master Strawman Account gl/qVF6CuSupp. Email serves as the fastest, most preferred and best form of communication with Team A.W.A.R.E. The government went in and declared you DEAD and lost at SEE (the sea of admiralty) and claimed your estate as their own. Remedy is a way to get out from under that law, and you recover your loss. He did not know what it meant. No. The next step is to go the clerk of the traffic court and say: I believe it would be helpful if I talk to you, because I want to save the government some money (this will get their attention). We are incompetent because we are made ignorant of how the system actually works. Therefore, Im afraid I cannot accept your testimony in regards to the facts of this case. File UCC in state of birth and in one of the three Yes. Your straw man (Strawman) is an artificial person created by law at the of your birth, the inscription of an ALL-CAPITAL LETTERS NAME on your birth certificate/document, which is a document of title and a negotiable instrument. They know that if your name appears in all capital letters, its not really your name. Just saying. Always! Instead we must begin to work together, creating abundance cooperatively, and in doing so, the old system used for Paupers and Wage slaves will no longer be needed. My grandfather was Capt John Autrey and Jeremiah Riley we are the original pioneers whom came to America 1613. The IRS has a dedicated unit that handles cases of identity theft and fraud. Send your bond to the SECRETARY OF Treasury. Later, when I went to visit the judge, I told him of my problem with the Supreme Court cases dealing with Public Policy rather than the Public Law. this is great everyone is rich yet ther are still children going hungry and homeless all over the world.not to mention all the wars and natural disasters taking place.when and why cant we all come together as human beings and put a end to the insanity.its time we all stood together and did away with our oppressers.there are to many of us united to be stopped.i beleive that if we dont do something soon its going to be to late.godbless all my bothers and sisters.together we stand divided we fall!!!!!!!!! Open up Commercial Account and TDA account. Build your own Comprehensive Antiviral System, and start enjoying healthcare freedom today. Actually, this just creates an account to discharge your bills; it won't let you buy up a lot of new stuff with it. I live in Suriname and it came to my knowledge that all CUSIP numbers are owned by USA banks. And the UCC has to state the collateral in which will fund the trust. There are a few potential consequences of not accessing your master strawman account. Note: When logging into your account, you will provide your account number and password. I wish I knew this back them when I was 20 years younger, now 42 I still can used it for my advantage. Therefore, an attempt to access theaccountsby making aclaim against the BIS, is a contradiction of the OPPT filings and their disputation of the systems possession. Either you drove the wrong way on a one-way street or you didnt. A statute should be construed in harmony with the Common Law, unless there is a clear legislative intent to abrogate the Common Law . This is easy to do if you dont know too much. #BloodOverIntent #FreeMONEY PT. However, the courts dont want to admit that they are operating under Admiralty/Maritime Jurisdictions, so they took the international law or Law Merchant and adopted it into our codes. Consider also that the framers of the Constitution wrote in language simple enough that the people could understand, specifically so that it would not have to be interpreted. This reserves your rights. That failure to educate us on how the system works is the first breach of contract committed by our self-imposed Trustee. The proper answer is: THE LAW DOESNT APPLY TO ME IM NOT A FRENCHMAN. Why U.S. Mercenaries are in the Philippines? The History of Voluntary Slavery: Birth (Settlement) Certificates, So here we find the blending of Law with Equity. It can also be broken down in 10 mil dollar blocks by financial institutions. Q: Why is it important to access my Master Strawman Account? Once you file the UCC-1 and your UCC trust is set up I have learned they will then debit your account for the 100 million. We help students in Canada file their SPCs and correct their statuses. Some are restatements of material presented earlier, but they contain very valuable information which is worth repeating. We are a group of knowledgeable individuals with a passion to spread wisdom with others. When you are pulled over and you hand the Police Officer your Corporate Identification documents (your drivers license) there is presumption you are working for the United States, Inc, are an agent of government, knowingly consenting to be subject to ALL Statues and Rules under their Corporate system. One should be well prepared with key knowledge and understanding before trying to apply anything that goes against the grain in my opinion. If youre not sure whether or not your master strawman account is active, there are a few things you can do to check. Debt money, created by the federal United States, can be spent all over the United States of America, it will be legal tender for all debts, public and private, and the limited liability is that you cannot be sued for not paying your debt. Once the transfer bank receives funds they will immediately issue a MT760 to block this account. I was trying to learn how to reclaim my strawman. CORPORATE YES YES RESALE UNDER RULE 144A NAME OF ISSUER YOUR NAME IN CAPS STATE YOU WERE BORN IN OFFERING AMOUNT 100,000,000 SHARES 1 CLOSING DATE TODAYS DATE YES LEAD UNDERWRITER YOUR NAME LEAD CONTACT YOUR BANKER YOUR COMMERCIAL ACCOUNT NUMBER BOTTOM OF FORM ASSIGNED CUSIP NUMBER CLASS A INTEREST RATE MARKET MATURITY DATE 5 10- 15- 20 YEAR OFFERING AMOUNT TYPE OF ISSUE 144A NO OFFERING TO PUBLIC HOPE THIS HELPS @ wrote: > > Okay, a pass through account from a bank is something else Mr. Lou stated as in a commercial account. Well, I asked a lot of questions and boxed the judges into a corner where they had to give me a victory or admit what they didnt want to admit. 3. The sole proprietorship is my name and nothing else. Australia ( Your Strawman in Law ) Birth Certificate Dailymotion Australia ( Your Strawman in Law ) Birth Certificate. We sent you more information on this by email. So, if I have to defend under that, I would need to have the Rules of Criminal Procedure for Statutory Jurisdiction. This led me to think of getting a LLC so that I may set up a commercial/pass through account for me to discharge debts. Some people think it is the drivers license, the marriage license or the birth certificate, etc. But we had to set up the CUSIP blind. Purposes. Welcome To A.W.A.R.E, the Most Trusted Sovereign and Business Redemption Providers for We the People. Your email address will not be published. These are characteristic it must be based on substance. Remember the verse: I send you out as sheep in wolf country; be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove. This case is dismissed.. If You Are Determined To Learn, No One Can Stop Self-government is not possible unless the citizens are educated sufficiently to enable them to exercise oversight. The Banking system would have you believe we have nothing and have to earn our living, when in fact we have everything and we have a right to a living. The methods presented in the following are more passive ways of dealing with our legal system, basically by boxing the judge in a corner. Now I personally have not tried any of this, however I see the value in this approach. This information is to bring awareness to this subject and not intended to be used as a how to for accessing your strawman. Has this court made a judicial determination that the sections 1-308 (old 1-207) and 1-103 of the Uniform Commercial Code, which is the system of law you are operating under, are not valid law before this court?. 03/2023, 20 How To Fix Electric Parking Brake Problem Built by. ADMIRALTY COURTS Amanda, Glad to find like minded people. Jenny M. Instead of filing in Washington, you would file in New York since its great for foreigners and is an international filing state. A new system needed to be created which appeared lawful, but was not in any true sense as long as there was a presumption of true law (colorable), the average joe would be none the wiser. There are presumptions to contract everywhere in society. The government set up a colorable law system to fit the colorable currency. I explained one of the keys earlier, which is that the country is bankrupt and we have no rights. I would be most grateful if you could show me the process on how to get that done in the UK. I am undoubtedly going to appeal this case. Master Account. Whenever you sign any legal paper that deals with Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) -in any way, shape or manner under your signature write: Without Prejudice UCC 1-308 (old 1-207). This post was written for educational and entertainment purposes only. of State a packet of status correction documents claiming that youre not a U.S. citizen. Since I knew a little about banking and instruments and the basis of claiming the Birth cart was to remove it from the company who was trading it so you could I realized some of these processes had to be some somewhat true. If I had one, then I would take it into court as an independent third party representing the strawman and slaughter the opposition on the grounds that they cannot show the strawman's current membership of the Law Society and so the court has no jurisdiction. I hope this message finds you in the best of health, spirit and mind. The UCC is designed to be based on statements, which go un-rebutted, and then become enforceable. Get the perfect website for your sacred work at Modern Masters. This cannot be Common Law, because who would you injure if you did not buckle up? Register for a new identifier as a 144A a Private security. We are not lawyers or attorneys and do not give any legal advise. How nice they are! It is an agreement that. Judge: I dont see why not. Thank you so much, If you go into court as a wolf, you make demands and tell the judge what the law is how he had better uphold the law or else. 5. The word colorable means something that appears to be genuine, but is not. If you are looking to become an SPC and correct your status, yes, you can file your paperwork from Canada. I heard that judges in Canada will say that this only applies to the USA. But you must understand the Constitution, in Article I, 10, gives us the unlimited right to contract, as long as we do not infringe on the life, liberty or property of someone else. Trust Law Posts Apply for CUSIP number through This is accomplished via your strawman account. No, only you can access your master strawman account. I would have to demand that such a contract, if it does exist, be placed into evidence, so that I may contest it, but surely, this court is not operating under an Admiralty Jurisdiction. By accessing your Master Strawman Account, you can ensure that all of your personal information is accurate and up to date. How to dispel presumptions in court; with examples and scenarios. Please share any information that you can with me. It is important to note that the Master Strawman Account is not a physical account, but rather a digital record of your financial activity. This colorable jurisdiction under the Uniform Commercial Code is the next key to understanding what happened. MasterTrackEarn credit the argument of the hypothesis, then we say youre attacking a straw man. It is very important to get it read into the record, that you do not understand the charges. If the judge tries to move ahead and try the facts of the case, then you will want to ask him the following question: Your Honor, let me understand this correctly, has the court made a judicial determination that it has authority under the jurisdiction that it is operating under, to ignore two sections of the Uniform Commercial Code which have been called to its attention? Finally, if you have a loan or other financial agreement with the strawman company, not accessing your account could put you in default and you could face serious financial consequences as a result. UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE You must know what it means. In other words, we must stop trying to seek money (unless we create a new form of exchange like bitcoin which is not a debt instrument) as the only tool for liberation and creation (for this mind set implies our incompetence). Unfortunately, we dont advocate the process of redeeming your strawman account in the ways expressed in this post. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The same is true for strawmen. It is we who must claim and defend our God-given rights and our freedom from those who would take from us. It should be helpful to those who may have difficulty learning from such lectures, or those who want to develop a deeper understanding of this information without having to listen to three or four hours of recorded material. What fees are involved? Oh, those were old decisions. I said, Those are standing decisions. A FRIEND IN THE COURT Your email address will not be published. DISCLAIMER: A.W.A.R.E is NOT a Patrick Devine website. I even called Telecheck to clarify on the phone what their letter was stating. Consent for Procurations can be implied by failure to respond or stand up and state otherwise. Given these meanings what we can understand is FAILURE to respond is CONSENT. It had been abandoned on the sea (see) of admiralty where it was salvaged by Government and big corps to use for their own gain and benefit. Basically, you take ownership of your Birth Certificate using UCC-1, and then use that as authority to create a discharge Bond. Frequently Asked Questions If you want to access your master strawman account, youll need to provide some basic information. 1938 AND THE ERIE RAILROAD Can you tell me where you have it in a court case? Contracts are enforceable, and the Constitution gives two jurisdictions where contracts can be enforced Equity or Admiralty. What is a presumptive circumstance? The rule here is: you cannot be charged under one jurisdiction, and defend under another. 2011-2023 Copyright Covert Geopolitics - an online publication of eClinik Learning. Contact Us There are some amazing warriors out there in the field of Freeman techniques, Dean Clifford is an example. While youre there, would you read into the record what it says under the signature?, Officer: It says, Without Prejudice, UCC 1-308. [old 1-207] d. since there is no injured party or complaining witness, the court has no jurisdiction under the Common Law. It is, as all bits of wisdom are, a point of departure from which to begin our own journey into understanding, that we all might be able to pass on to others; greater knowledge and hope, and to God: the gift of lives in peace, freedom and praise. This includes your full name, date of birth, and Social Security number. Thanks for your comment. Send your bond to the SECRETARY OF Treasury. They have never been overturned. I read the Erie Railroad case. Once a person files a UCC form, and it is registered by a state's UCC office, the filing of that document becomes a legal document. This is done by creating multiple fake accounts which all support the same idea. There are two criminal jurisdictions mentioned in the Constitution; one is under the Common Law , and the other deals with International Maritime Contracts , under an Admiralty Jurisdiction . Please be as detailed as possible as to what youre inquiring about so we can better assist you. Accessing your Master Strawman Account is a straightforward process, but it does require some documentation. Info Docs FreeMan Society of Canada You have the Right to inviolability of your Dwelling or Home -secure from in debt is your PERSON ,your Straw Man, your Corporate Fictitious Entity that, Please remember if they ask you your name.tell them your nick name or a shortened version of your first name.then tell them you do not have a last name but you have a Family name, then tell what your Family name is then spell it out to them. Maybe it looks like a dollar, and maybe it spends like a dollar, but if it is not redeemable for lawful money (silver or gold) it is colorable. If a Federal Reserve Note is used in a contract, then the contract becomes a colorable contract. 1 colorable: That which is in appearance only, and not in reality, what it purports to be, hence counterfeit, feigned have the appearance of truth. Enter your personal information, including your name, email address, and password. Our pleasure to share the knowledge. When a waivable right or claim is involved, the failure to make a reservation thereof, causes a loss of the right, and bars its assertion at a later date . From which I could withdrawal for the use of goods and services. I didnt know too much, but I boxed them in. Wait for the IRS to process your request, which can take several weeks. I also am from the U.K. and have recently just filed my UCC1 with the Washington office. If I buy a quart of milk with a silver dollar, that dollar bought the milk, and the milk bought the dollar substance for substance. When we pay a debt, we give substance for substance. Besides, anyone who has been through a legal battle against the government with the aid of a lawyer has come to realize that lawyers learn about procedure, not about law. Here is another post with more information on the Public Law for Remedy: Thanks to the original writer for sharing this knowledge for re-sharing! Agenda 21 Sustainable Development, Chemtrail Pilot Blows the Lid Off OPERATION INDIGO SKYFOLD, From State Sponsored Terror to State Sponsored Freedom, The Foundation for The New World Economic Order, The Ultimate Geopolitical Game Changer Is Here, GeoPolitical and SocioEconomics Q1 Summary, Declassified: The Sino-Russian Masterplan To End U.S. Dominance In Middle East, Russia, China Offer Eurasian Emporium, the US Sabre Rattling, Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia, Powerful Bloodlines Behind the Dark Cabal, Quake Delivers Earth-Shattering Blow to U.S.-Led NATO Hypocrisy, Club Of Rome: The Origin Of Climate And Population Alarmism, The first is the Security Agreement which is a private document evidencing. of State of your new status correction. Fortunately, I made a friend of a judge. Lastly, anyone telling you how to acccess the funds with your bond, etc.. is leading you to trouble). Why is China Reclaiming The Kalayaan Group of Islands? There are uncooperative armies and other military forces. There are many benefits to having a master strawman account. How does that make sense, lets take a look. Since Common Law (criminal) and Equity Law (contracts) require remedy or exchanges of real value, the entire Justice System was turned upside down. You can access your account anytime, anywhere there is an internet connection. All of it.I have been told there has been no case like mine in over 100 years . Source: Can you provide me with the location of a copy? Dear Prime Minister's Office, Under freedom of Information act, please provide me with the following information: I would like to access my Pre-Paid Account as Agent, that was created at my Birth by UNITED KINGDOM CORPORATION. Where Is Patrick Devine Files? But the bankers said it is not expedient at this time to admit that they own everything and could foreclose on every nation of the world. this system of law was codified as the Uniform Commercial Code , and has been adopted in every state. Your best bet is to walk into a bank and speak to a bank rep on the Private side of the bank to get real information. Person who purchases property for another to SO THIS IS WHY I SAY BE CAREFUL WHEN YOU GO INTO THIS AND USE ANY FUNDS FROM IT YOU WILL HAVE TO FILE A RETURN ON IT. UPDATED 8.25.2014 Apparently, the Strawman Accounts are no longer in the possession of our would-be masters, the BIS or Vatican. You sat on the bench while I read that case law. What Was the U.S. Role in the Slaughter of 44 Filipino Special Ops Police? As you know, in an appeal, I have to have a transcript, but the traffic court doesnt have a court reporter. So if someone sends a whole message in capitals it means they are serious about what they texted and you better pay attention. I.O.U. Apply for DTC registration. So getting to it, what\\\s the success rate and giving all the paperwork is right how long is the process? Access Your Master Straw Man Account - AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION! I think it could be answered if I could put the officer on the stand for a moment and ask him a few short questions. In this article, we will provide an in-depth explanation of how to access Master Strawman Account, and why it is important to do so. J: Well, what is that what do you want to know? Thou shalt not steal! He said, In 1938, all the higher judges, the top attorneys and the U.S. attorneys were called into a secret meeting and this is what we were told: The prosecution concluded his statements, and to my amazement, the judge told the jury that they could only consider certain facts, none of which were the facts I had given. Because of the Bankruptcy of the United States, Inc. in 1933 we have been keeping tabs of all our debts using accounting and negotiable instruments. 11/13/18. The primary account is the account that you establish when initially opening your TreasuryDirect account. Great article A.W.A.R.E. I appreciate all that you and your team are doing. A master strawman account can help you save time and money by consolidating all of your strawman accounts into one place. A TreasuryDirect account gives you the ability to buy, manage, and redeem eligible Treasury securities via the Internet. The strawman account is the account which is prepaid by you the creditor. I am using this in my next traffic ticket hearing. Enter your personal information, including your name, email address, and password. And colorable contracts must be enforced under a colorable jurisdiction. Explain to him that you are very busy and ask if he could please set your court appearance for about three weeks away. The Banking system would have you believe we have nothing and have to earn our living, when in fact we have everything and we have a right to a living. COURTROOM TECHNIQUES Your UCC can be filed online, your documents are registered mail to the treasury, your CUSIP application can be done online, YOUR DTC questionnaire may be filled out online as well. Upon filing a UCC1, you also produce several accompanying documents that are all PRIVATE documents and NOT to be issued into the public.
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