Now 45, Ringwald has yet to announce any new projects since the five-year run of Secret Life ended in 2013. She graduated to more mature roles in The Pick-Up Artist, Fresh Horses, and Betsys Wedding, but her movie career never returned to its Hughes-era heights. "I don't even think he's aware of this," Hall says in the interview. John Hughes' birthday was 2/18/1950. John Cusack (Bryce) His Sixteen Candles role as geek sidekick Bryce was only 17-year-old Cusack's second film role, but by the following year, he'd graduated to lead in such films as. As she once explained, "Juggling parental responsibilities with those of being a wife and a career woman while also being a member of school and church communities is difficult" (via HuffPost). Hall then did infact choose the actors who would play Bryce and Wheeze, Farmer Ted's wingmen in the movie. What a legend! In the television movie and film versions, he is credited as "Farmer Ted". John Cusack is an American actor, producer, and screenwriter. It was one of Watabe's first roles, but not one of his last. Magazines, Digital 2005 Must Love Dogs as Jake Anderson 2. She is the sister of actress Ann Cusack and actor John Cusack. He worked with him in Vacation, Sixteen Candles, Breakfast Club and Weird Science. Jake's father's 1974 Rolls-Royce Corniche Series I is worth more than $66,000 today. This is amazing because Bryce was played by none other than John Cusack. John acted alongside Rob Lowe and Andrew McCarthy in the romantic comedy Class (1983). "Kids were going to see movies more than their parents were, so we wanted to make something that took the content of their lives seriously." While she didn't plan on returning to the industry, she was pleased to find that everyone remembered her when she got back to it. He has Irish ethnicity and has four siblings. After the party scene, Jake tells Ted that his girlfriend Caroline is "in the bedroom right now, passed out cold. The cafeteria scene is only included in the televised broadcasts, and was never in the theatrical version, nor on the VHS or DVD versions. He played Bryce, one of the geeky friends of "the Geek." Soon after his appearance as Bryce, Cusack shot to fame with a series of cult teen films, including "Say Anything" and "The Sure Thing." Throughout the '80s and '90s, Cusack was a Hollywood heartthrob. John went on to become one of the premier young stars of the 1980s, starring in other movies. In the cafeteria scene, seen in television broadcasts, the lunch menu reads as follows (in all-uppercase changeable letters): MEATBALL SALAD - .80 SENIOR BURGER & FRIES - $1.00 CHIPPED PORK ON A BUN - .55 JUMBO FISHDOG - .75 CORNAROOS - .55 GELATIN BALLS - .30 CANNED BROWNIES IN LIGHT SYRUP - .50 VITAMIN COBBLER - FREE ICED TEA - .15 GRAPE BEVERAGE - .15 WARM MILK - .10HAVE A NICE DAY. While Molly did appear in Pretty in Pink, Anthony said no to the Duckie role. By age 12, he already had several stage productions, commercial voice overs and industrial films under his belt. The story, which seemingly also formed the storyline for National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (1989), has "Grandma and Grandpa Swenson" visiting for Christmas, with exchange student "Xgung Wo" along for the ride. But Molly Ringwald and Anthony Michael Hall had other plans. Cook lives with her husband of 56 years, Tom Troupe. Justin Henry played Mike, Samantha's younger brother, in "Sixteen Candles." There is a poster of Heather Thomas on the back of Mike's bedroom door. Molly Ringwald and Anthony Michael Hall dated briefly in real life. The musical was incidentally written by her husband, Peter Masterson. When Ginny, Sam's sister, sits down in the church scene, she does so next to Agnes Belushi, mother of John Belushi and Jim Belushi. Samantha's room was a set built inside the high school gym, where they filmed the dance. The movie's costume designer begged Molly Ringwald not to wear the hat she wore in the beginning of the movie. The license plate number on Jake's red car at the end of the movie is 21850. sydney domestic airport covidEntreDad start a business, stay a dad.. gmo negative effect on economy; rheese orbits positioning "I have a friend writing something about the Donger," he said. Throughout the movie, various members of the Baker family and other characters derisively call Ginny's fianc an "oily bohunk". John Cusack Bryce. Mccaulley Culkin was actually tied for #2; as he was in Uncle Buck; Home Alone and Home Alone 2. His next role was when he was a member of Anthony Michael Hall's geek brigade in Sixteen Candles (1984). ActorAgeCheck is a free service that allows you to quickly view the age of an actor/actress along with their age in a specific movie (it's important to note that the age of a person in a particular movie is based on the movies release date, and may not represent the actual filming date). Jim Carrey auditioned for the role of Ted "The Geek". Gedde Watanabe's accent isn't real. "I am a business development and sales executive with over fifteen years of experience developing and managing partnerships between media companies, brands and advertising agencies that drive revenue and build value," his profile reads. She said Hughes held a grudge against them for rejecting him, and effectively stopped making teen movies all together. Sixteen Candles. She took a 14-year absence to raise a family and get a stockbrokers license, but she returned to TV in recent years with guest spots on Criminal Minds (2011) and American Horror Story (also 2011). As his wife, Valerie Robinson, once told People (via 9Honey), "He's very reclusive and private." Paul Dooley, and Glynn Carlin, who play Molly'/Sam's parents in the movie, the Bakers, both convinced John Hughes to add scenes of parental support so that they would not look so cartoonish in the movie. Hughes agreed, and added the scene where Brenda tearfully apologizes to Samantha (Molly Ringwald). 2002 Max as Max Rothman Blanche Baker (born December 20, 1956) is an American actress and filmmaker. Robert Downey Jr. was on that season too, but none of them made the cut for the next season. One scene, which was cut from the final theatrical version, but later shown in the television version, was shot in the cafeteria at one of Niles East's two sister schools, Niles North. When Ted is walking up the aisle of the bus to sit next to Samantha, the theme from Dragnet (1951) plays. The movie captured the awkwardness, loneliness, and confusion of teenaged life, and the film has gone down in history as one of the most iconic teen movies of all time. John alongside Kate Beckinsale starred in Serendipity a romantic comedy film directed by Peter Chelsom and written by Marc Klein. The film, which was written and directed by John Hughes, follows high school student Samantha (Molly. Her last TV credit was an episode of "Law & Order" in 2006 (via IMDb). Carlin Glynn, who plays Samantha's mother, is the real life mother of actress Mary Stuart Masterson who co-starred in the John Hughes production "Some Kind of Wonderful". In addition to these roles, Watanabe has appeared in dozens of other shows and films, according toIMDb. Niles East High School, the school where the movie was filmed, is now part of Oakton Community College, and has been compeletly remodelled. Anthony Michael Hall and Molly Ringwald initially disliked each other, so John Hughes took them to a record store and they bonded after they found out they like the same music. Anthony Michael Hall is particularly effective as the leader of the nerdiest students on campus. By the end of its run, it grossed $23,686,027 against a budget of $6.5 million. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Sixteen Candles (DVD, 2008, Flashback Edition) at the best online prices at eBay! During the dance scene, John Cusack is wearing a WLS t-shirt. She also played mother to Molly Pruitt, played by Scarlett Johansen. Molly Ringwald almost lost the part of Samantha Baker to Ally Sheedy, her future co-star in The Breakfast Club (1985). She also starred as the villain in the horror film "The Girl Next Door," along with numerous other films (via IMDb). Born Gary Watanabe, the 28-year-old actor was so convincing in his audition (and later, on screen) in the role of hard-partying Chinese exchange student Long Duk Dong that few observers realized he was born and raised in Utah. The studio had to frantically edit out "F" bombs to avoid an R rating. Tora! She has starred in over 70 movies and TV shows over the years, including "Betsy's Wedding," the TV show "Townies," and "The Secret Life of the American Teenager." Showalter also had a successful career as a Broadway actor and composer. Now a music producer, the 48-year-old Curtis will be seen on screen in Body High, a comedy due for release this spring. A number of interior/exterior shots involving the high school (in real life, Niles East, Skokie, Il) were also used in Risky Business (1983) which included interior scenes in the school's hallways, a classroom, the wrestling workout area, plus its main outdoor stairway entrance; the same one Joel Goodson (Tom Cruise) uses during his nightmare of being late to school to take an exam. Haviland Morris, after playing Caroline Moffett in this movie, would go along to play Karen Pruitt in Home Alone 3, mother of the her Alex Pruitt. Early life. Carole Cook played Helen, Samantha's grandma, in "Sixteen Candles." He appeared in "Hello, Dolly!," "Knights of Song," "Very Warm for May," and others. Gedde Watanabe played Long Duk Dong, the comedic foreign exchange student, in "Sixteen Candles." : On September 18, 2016, when television writer Alan Yang won an Emmy for Master of None (2015), he bemoaned the historical dearth and negativity of Asian-American representation on television and in movies, and in his acceptance speech, he specifically named "Long Duk Dong" as a low point in that history: "There's seventeen million Asian-Americans in this country, and seventeen million Italian-Americans. She catapulted to global prominence as the co-host of the, Syd McGee is a well-known home renovation and interior designer in the United States. Official Sites He went on to star in theshow "Gung Ho," and play Mr. Katsuji in "Gremlins 2: The New Batch," alongside his "Sixteen Candles" co-star, Haviland Morris. It was released on June 22, 2007, in the United States although July 13 (which in 2007 fell on a Friday) is mentioned as the release date on the website. Originally rated R by the MPAA due to language and nudity, it was re-rated PG on appeal. Bryce On the VHS and some DVD versions, Anthony Michael Hall is credited as "The Geek". . 2008 War, Inc. as Brand Hauser But I know we can get there, I believe in us, it's just gonna take a lot of hard work.". The Cusacks are the only teens really from the Chicago suburbs, where the movie is set, in this movie. Looking back, Watanabe has mixed feelings about his career-defining role, as he is often accused of playing into Asian stereotypes. Promote your business with effective corporate events in Dubai March 13, 2020 Anthony Michael Hall . His next appearance was in the 1984 John Hughes classic, "Sixteen Candles," in which big sister Joan also had a part. When Sam sees her grandparents for the first time, the theme song from The Twilight Zone (1959) is playing. However, by 2018, her thinking had evolved on this as she became more aware of the negative effect that many Asian Americans felt the character had on their upbringings; in an article she wrote for the New Yorker about John Hughes regarding sexual and racial aspects of his films that she now perceived as insensitive, Ringwald said, "the character of Long Duk Dong, in "Sixteen Candles," is a grotesque stereotype, as other writers [including NPR's Kat Chow] have detailed far more eloquently than I could.". Cast & Crew Read More John Hughes Director Max Showalter Molly Ringwald Anthony Michael Hall Paul Dooley Justin Henry Photos & Videos View All Sixteen Candles (1984) -- (Movie Clip) Utterly Forgettable Writer/director John Hughes, plus actors John Cusack and John Kapelos all have the same first names. "I didn't realize how it was going to affect people." If Ringwald and her schoolmates held a 30th class reunion, these are the stories they might tell of their lives. Required fields are marked *. There are some cut scenes where Long Duk Dong and his Sexy Girlfriend go to a drive-in restaurant and cause a bit of trouble. "Over 90% of my work has been fathers after [Sixteen Candles]," he said. He is also a father and a musician. The next movie the Cusacks filmed together was Seattle's Say Anything in 1989. 2000 High Fidelity as Rob Gordon. The first being Class (1983). Viggo Mortensen auditioned for the role of Jake Ryan. The movie was one of his very first roles. Max Showalter (as Casey Adams) was Ward Cleaver in the first pilot episode for Leave It To Beaver, and Edward Andrews was first George Baxter in the original pilot for Hazel. Cusack went on to become a huge star. Carlin Glynn (Brenda) confronted John Hughes about the fact that the script didn't call for her to apologize for forgetting her daughter's birthday, despite the fact that her character was described as a good and attentive mother. Search. Copyright 2021 - All rights reserved In 2019, Hall announced that he was engaged to Lucia Oskerova. She was salvaged in the 1950s, and is now displayed at the Vasa Museum. If you see a bug, please email me below. (music by) Cinematography by Bobby Byrne . A girl's "sweet" sixteenth birthday is anything but special: her family forgets about it, and she suffers from every embarrassment possible. Molly Ringwald and writer-director John Hughes share the same birthday, 18th February. Filming & Production Samantha's dad's car has the license plate "V58", which stands for "Vacation '58", a story written by John Hughes for National Lampoon Magazine, which served as the basis of the screenplay for National Lampoon's Vacation (1983). Glynn (now 74) and Masterson are the parents of Mary Stuart Masterson, who starred in Hughes Some Kind of Wonderful. As if all of that weren't enough, she's now the mother to three children. Ted, that's the prom queen. Sixteen Candles (1984) Full Cast & Crew See agents for this cast & crew on IMDbPro Directed by John Hughes Writing Credits John Hughes . He is also running the production company Manhattan Films, and is set to appear in the upcoming addition to the "Halloween" series and in "The Class," a new high school film. The girl lead's name in this movie is Baker. Molly Ringwald told Access Hollywood: "I really wanted him. Everyone thinks Molly Ringwald was Hughes' favorite young actor. Of all the films Molly Ringwald made with John Hughes, she said, "I had the most fun on Sixteen Candles.". Actor Age Check - How old was John Cusack in Sixteen Candles? Afterwards, she was a series regular on Benson, appeared in two Police Academy sequels, and acted in the Hughes-scripted comedies Home Alone and Dennis the Menace. John sold his beachfront house in Malibu for $10.3 million, an impressive amount that is almost five times the $2.1 millionhe paid in November 1999 but nearly 25% below the propertys optimistic original asking price of$13.5 million. John Hughes cast Molly Ringwald, Anthony Michael Hall and John Kapelos in The Breakfast Club (1985). He's been in more than 60 movies since 1983, from blockbusters such as Con Air and 2012 to genre-bending comedies Being John Malkovich and Grosse Pointe Blank as well as teen classics Sixteen . After the film's success, the houses have become tourist attractions. They didn't have enough money to air condition the gym, so it was over one hundred degrees during filming. The 90-year-olds last acting appearance was a 2006 guest spot on Greys Anatomy. Cell is a 2016 science fiction horror film. Darren Harris was: >> Debbie Pollack Lumberjack (as Deborah Pollack) What is this?ActorAgeCheck is a free service that allows you to quickly view the age of an actor/actress along with their age in a specific movie (it's important to note that the age of a person in a particular movie is based on the movies release date, and may not represent the actual filming date). Niles East is in Skokie, Illinois, and was closed for over ten years when the filming started. John and his sister Joan have appeared in several movies together. Not only did the film make stars of Ringwald, Anthony Michael Hall and others, not only did it mark the directing debut of John Hughes, but it also became one of the signature movies of the 1980s and the template for most high school comedies of the last 30 years. It was panned by critics upon its release; most criticized the films acting and plot. A classic scene from Sixteen Candles. The Geek In this movie, Kapelos appeared as Sam's future brother-in-law. The print above the bed in Jake's room depicts the 17th century Swedish man-o-war Vasa, which sank in Stockholm harbor during its maiden voyage in 1628. It was bracing a few years back, at least for those of us of a certain age, to see Molly Ringwald cast as a grandmother on TVs The Secret Life of the American Teenager. In 1991, Schoeffling quit acting to lead a private life. The movie's line "Can I borrow your underpants for ten minutes?" Debbie Pollack played Marlene, fondly known as the "Lumberjack" in "Sixteen Candles." In "Sixteen Candles", "The Breakfast Club" and "Weird Science" the Anthony Michael Hall character reveals that he is a virgin. Hughes stopped making teen movies and started making kids movies, Uncle Buck, and the incredibly successful Home Alone, which at that point was the most successful comedy ever made. But, in reality, the life of a Hollywood star wasn't the right fit. In actuality, Haviland Morris was 25 years old during filming. John Cusack is an eminent American actor and scriptwriter. "In life, he dropped out of the business. . Coincidentally, February 18th is also Molly Ringwald's birthday (in 1968). The John Hughes teen movie was dead. Bird had a long career in vaudeville and theater before enjoying her film breakthrough as a comic actress in her sixties in The Odd Couple. In addition to a new design, everything is served through the cloud and cached to speed up image loading. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for #34 80's & 90's Drama & Comedy DVD LOT PICK & CHOOSE $4 Flat Combined Shipping at the best online prices at eBay! During this period, the early and mid eighties, when John Hughes was at the height of his powers, Hughes, Hall and Ringwald were essentially in a clique together (strange as that was, since Hall and Ringwald were teenagers, and Hughes was in his 30s). 0 Comments Like . "Sixteen Candles" was one of John Cusack's first films. Before she starred as Samantha's snotty sister Ginny in Sixteen Candles, Blanche Baker won a Emmy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her work in the television mini-series Holocaust in 1978, playing alongside such heavy weights as Meryl Streep and Joseph Bottoms. In addition to her career, Cusack has also had a busy personal life with her husband, Richard Burke, and their two sons. Free shipping for many products! Glynn's three children are Mary Stuart Masterson, the actress known for "Benny & Joon" and "The Stepford Wives," Alexandra Masterson, another actress, and Peter Masterson Jr. who became a cinematographer. His impressive and colorful acting resume. John Cusack John Cusack Biography. John Hughes agreed that it was creepy, and changed the line. He followed that up with such indelible films as The Grifters, Bullets Over Broadway, Grosse Pointe Blank, Being John Malkovich, High Fidelity, and 2012. Bryce His Sixteen Candles role as geek sidekick Bryce was only 17-year-old Cusacks second film role, but by the following year, hed graduated to lead in such films as The Sure Thing and Better Off Dead. Molly Ringwald shot to fame as the awkward 16-year-old Samantha Baker in "Sixteen Candles." Send your feedback! In his final years, he had been performing a one-man musical show about his career and he had become a painter. The storyline follows the romance between Lloyd Dobler (John Cusack), an average student, and Diane Court (Ione Skye), the valedictorian, immediately after their graduation from high school. The Rolls-Royce which Jake lends to Ted to take Caroline home was owned by a friend of John Hughes' father. John is Bryce, one of Anthony Michael Hall's geeky friends. Age, she explained, had never bothered her. But Hughes insisted there would be more layers to this character, at which point he wrote a scene which Jim apologizes to Sam for forgetting her birthday and also consoles her about the situation with Jake. In 2009 when asked why he had never married he answered, society doesnt tell me what to do.. #2 would be Molly with SIxteen Candles, Breakfast Club and Pretty in Pink. He started training under Urquidez in preparation for his role in Say Anything and holds the rank of a level six black belt in Urquidezs Ukidokan Kickboxing system. 2002 Adaptation as Himself John Cusack was acting in his backyard Cusack, along with his sister Joan (who plays the nerdy girl in a neck brace), grew up in Evanston, Illinois, only miles from where the movie was shot.. It remains her highest profile to date, though she also appeared in such films as Critters 2: The Main Course, Girlfriend From Hell, Queens Logic, and Benny & Joon, as well as TV guest spots on such shows as ER and Sons of Anarchy. By the end of the decade, with Say Anything, he became one of his generations favorite leading men. Dooley had been acting since his 40s in the '60s, with memorable roles in 1979's "Breaking Away" as the dad, and in 1980's "Popeye" as Wimpy. It stars John Cusack, Cameron Diaz, and Catherine Keener, with John Malkovich and Charlie Sheen as themselves. She played Sister Agatha in the long-running show "Santa Barbara." "I just wasn't getting enough acting work any more so it was time to explore something else. "You're never as good as you want to be," she said. Blanche Baker played Ginny Baker, Samantha's older, impatient, engaged sister in "Sixteen Candles." Danny Elfman, leader of Oingo Boingo, which is on the soundtrack of this film, and uncle of Bodhi Elfman, whose wife, Jenna Elfman, wore a neck brace in Grosse Pointe Blank (1997) at the dance scene, as Joan's character wore the neck brace in this film. She's the daughter of famous actress Carol Baker; an actress who was often compared to Marylin Monroe, and starred in many movies in the 1950s and 1960s like How The West Was Won, Baby Doll and Giant. How can it have been 30 years since that iconic film opened in May 1984? She has appeared with her brother John in 10 movies: Class (1983), Sixteen Candles (1984), Grandview, U.S.A. (1984), . Since his 2011 relationship with Brooke Burns, his personal life has been kept private. director of photography Film Editing by Edward Warschilka He also voiced the character of Ling in "Mulan." She is most recognized for her roles in the upcoming films Fabrications, William Stanford Davis is a veteran of both the theater and the cinema with close to one hundred credits to his name. But of all of Hughes' muses; and all the young actors he worked with; he worked with Anthony Michael Hall the most. In fact, this might have very well gone on forever if Hall and Ringwald hadn't put a stop to it. John Cusack (@johncusack) November 8, 2020. While Morris is still acting, her roles have begun to slow down. Glynn went on to reprise the role in 1982, shortly before landing her role in "Sixteen Candles.". As of 2021, Henry is the Vice President of Business Development at engage:BDR, a video marketing agency. You probably remember Max Showalter as Grandpa Fred in "Sixteen Candles." John Cusack is an American actor, producer and screenwriter. She also provided the voice for Jessie, the cowgirl in the "Toy Story" films and played the uptight principal in "School of Rock," to name just a few roles. June 16, 2022. She went on to a recurring role on the soap Santa Barbara and other TV guest roles on such shows as St. I could violate her ten different ways if I wanted to."
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