That was added at the request of the US Government. RAE Industries magazine speed loaders fit over 99% of all types of single or double stack Handguns. Flash shoot it, the first empty would go almost straight up vertically, the second would hit her in the chest, the 3rd would take off at 4 o'clock and at a 60 degree vertical angle heading for the lower stratosphere, as would the . There are often warnings about specific grain ammo to use, or some such issue known to shooters. Still, this is the exception, not the rule yet. In regards to shooting expertise, I would consider my marksmanship abilities as competently accomplished and not at all expert as you state is necessary to shoot this pistol well. Well, this pistol does feature a fairly strong trigger pull of about 7 pounds. I shot out to 20 yards and was able to keep all the rounds on an 8-inch paper plate, but I had to take my time to do that. I am not suggesting the the advice offered by the many is inaccurate. Then, using the brush that came with the kit, scrub all the nooks and crannies, getting rid of any dirt or debris. The P238 is 15.2 ounces, and before I get into the rest of the specs, let me tell you that it is an absolute joy to carry! This firearm is an all-metal gun. Squeeze the trigger. I concur 100% with Don P. His post is the perfect review of the P238. Be sure to get all the nooks and crannies. John Browning's original design (for what became the M1911) did not include a grip safety. All youll really need for the best concealment is an IWB Kydex holster. Be sure to get the solvent into all of the nooks and crannies. I have found the product link on Amazon and provided it below.So, I hope you like my gun maintenance for beginners video, let me know in the comments if you want more gun reviews or more maintenance and disassembly videos! I bought it for my wife for concealed carry because she couldnt handle the recoil on my Ruger LCR. This means a weak wrist wont affect the ability to shoot it quite as much as on weapons with a stronger kick. Its ideal for IWB or OWB holsters, and it can also be used with many ankle holsters. Plus, swapping them out is an easy DIY job. Filter. So we have a tiny 1911, and the controls are as good on the P238 as they are on the legendary 1911. It also includes a toothbrush-style brush and a cotton swab to clean the outside of your gun. Eight major concealed carry insurance programs are now available to the millions of Americans who carry concealed. The Ruger LCP Max, with its 10+1 (12+1) and other improvement is a more intelligent Ruger to utilize in your comparison. It features a manual safety and slide release lever. Pull back the slide to line up the indentations, then remove the slide release lever. Firearm instructors. Sort. Truly one of the classics, the PPK/S still holds its own in modern concealed carry. Aimpoint Pro vs Eotech: Which One is the Better Value? If theres any one thing to raise eyebrows its the 911s G10 switch, an effort to cut weight and costs. There simply isnt all that much room for mounting them. I guess I could get into owning a 1911 style handgun for nostalgia's sake. Both the Glock 42 and the M&P EZ are too large to belong in the deep concealment .380 category, imo, and the 42 still has low capacity. Using a cleaning rod and patch, run a wet patch through the barrel. Its a personal comfort thing, and if you are going to conceal carry, the P238 is perfect no matter the Condition. I have a P238 Two Tone with just over 1000 rounds through it, including JHP, FMJs, and a lot of Sig Crown JHP and not one failure to feed. Firearms of 1883: A Yellowstone Origin Story, CCI Blazer Brass 10mm Auto 180gr FMJ Brass Case Reliability, Looking for affordable .308 for Range Work? Separate the slide assembly from the frame. I always recommend all the beginner gun owners to clean their guns themselves, to get more comfortable with their firearms. Once the solvent has had a chance to work, use the compressed air to blow it out. Finally, replace the grips. So, before we ramble on to the top .380 pistol options available today, we should hit some of the pros and cons of the demure 9mm and its handguns. I do not hold the factory holster in high regard and opted to purchase a DeSantis Mini-Scabbard, which carries outside the waistband (OWB) very comfortably. Assuming you have all the necessary parts to your kit-. The 6+1 capacity P238 runs on the spendier end of the spectrum. This involves controlled double tap execution in addition to firing a number of rounds from the 15 and 25-yard lines. 2023 GunMag Warehouse. Using a cleaning brush and solvent, clean the inside of the slide. I can carry it in a shirt pocket if needed. At some point, I want to give the 9mm P938 a try, but until then, this Sig Sauer P238 will fill the bill quite nicely. I like the Kahr .380 very much extremely light and THIN. The standard tritium night sights are probably the best and largest of any semi-automatic I own. The parts contained in a P238 which are admittedly smaller, are made to no more of a tighter tolerance than those found on larger sized firearms. These have to disappear. Remove the barrel from the slide assembly. They are what youd expect from a single-action of 1911 linage. vintage clothing. There are some blatant reasons for this discrepancy: Short Sight Radius: Sight radius is the distance between the front and rear sights. And if its not reliable, then its not worth carrying. The kit includes a bore brush, chamber brush, and trigger assembly brush to clean the inside of your gun. And yet, it doesnt feel much heavier than what youd expect for such a tiny pistol. Second Media Corp., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. Again, you want to be pinching and pushing down on the hammer, so the hammer doesn't move as you initially squeeze the trigger. Which brings us to the safety. I am now considering with safety off. Nice aesthetics. But is the SIG Sauer P238 the best pocket pistol for the price? Accuracy is as expected from Sig. Get the latest news and reviews from We like this, as cleaning isnt one of our favorite tasks. We will either find one or make one for you that will fit perfectly with your magazine. Can easily cock the hammer during my draw. First, it helps to prevent rust and corrosion on your Sig Sauer P238. After the barrel is clean, use the cleaning rod with the patch holder to run a patch through the barrel. He lives in Kansas with his wife Shirley and the two German Shepherds, Troy and Reagan. You can buy a holster with a trigger strap= 3 safeties. Ticking like a Swiss-made timepiece, the P238 had folks looking .380 ACP long before the cartridge regained popularity. View or Download the PDF of our most recent product catalog on our Catalog page. If Springfield just knocked off the pistol and left it at that itd be an issue. If you have an account, sign in with your email address. Come join the discussion about optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! It really did look neat, like a little 1911 (in fact, thats pretty much what it is). Its not designed to replace every pistol on the market, but it does fit its niche perfectly. You could also choose the P938 if youre after a 9mm chambered option. Field stripping is carried out just like a 1911, with the slide being retracted until a cutout lines up with the stop pin, which is then withdrawn. Now I just bought a ruger sc40c. As we browsed the display cases, I saw that the shop had two Sig P238s for sale. Register your SIG SAUER firearm and find warranty details. In turn, the guns prove difficult to keep firm control over, particularly in faster shot sequences. People run out and snap up the latest goodies, which often leaves the older models, which are still stellar, overlooked. (1 rating) Bookmark. There are, however, a few points of detail. and get 5% off, Buy 3 - 3 20 Items . If youre familiar with the 1911, then you should find the breakdown of the P238 a breeze. A clean gun is a sign of a responsible gun owner. load bearing equipment. This ammo isn't too expensive and is pretty common. I also carry a revolver, so no safety and cocking the hammer makes sense. Chambered for 380 ACP (A.K.A. Assuming you have the basic cleaning kit that comes with the gun: Its important to keep your kit clean for a number of reasons. The grip feels wonderful in my smaller sized hands. As expected, the little Sig P238 functioned 100% with both FMJ and Defensive ammo, which was not shocking. You can't rack it with the safety on unless the hammer is cocked. Guess I'm in the minority with the 1911 crowd. Read more. Take solace, few ever feel the pistol is a waste of money. Recognizing this issue, Smith & Wesson dealt with it head-on, deftly so, with the M&P380 Shield EZ. Thats a 90-year old design that is almost twice the weight and almost twice the thickness of the best current deep cover guns. Finish by running a oiled patch through the barrel. There are numerous inaccurate descriptions and references. Lightweight. Lock the slide to the rear and remove the slide stop. Introduced in 2009, the P238 is not the latest, greatest wonderpistol. By and large, small guns are difficult to shoot well. And it looks great! In this video I will perform a partial Sig Sauer p238 disassembly to perform a basic cleaning, nothing too complicated. Questions and concerns? I'm not at all clear as to what the safety concern is when racking the slide w/ or w/o the safety on. Its light, I barely know its there. A gun of this price shouldnt reward you with a painful pinch whenever you shoot if for the first time. My pistol came with a holster and Siglite night sights. Material: The P238 speed loader is made of a tough used polymer, as opp to a more flimsy plastic, and the shape is fairly ergonomic as well. They didn't come with a ambi safety and the only aftermarket ones I ever heard of were one of customs that cost more than the gun to get done. So, take your sig safety and a 1911 safety to somebody who can cut and weld. For good measure, Smith & Wesson added a few other assets, such as aggressive slide serrations and flared section at the rear of the slide. As far as finicky, of all the guns I own, this is the only one that has never jammed. This light recoil will help you stay on target shot after shot, which is an important factor to consider when shopping for any new firearm. Now we get that it can sound a bit intimidating to carry this tiny 1911 cocked and locked. We found that the thumb safety on the stiff side, but not remarkably so. The first step is to disassemble the gun. The advice I like best for 1911 carriers that carry that way is the danger of getting it into that condition. Conversely the 1911 safety could look and feel the much the same as it does now and not interact with the slide movement. I always slingshot it home to chamber a round with the safety off myself. We often hear the phrase, "I barely know I'm carrying a pistol" used to describe some handguns, and that fits perfectly here. Not that it still isnt. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Assuming you have the basic cleaning kit that comes with the gun: Unload your gun and make sure it is clear of any ammunition. The portion of your review where you compare the P238 to the 1911 where you again refer to finicky safeties might lead one to believe the P238 has a grip and a thumb safety. Use the cleaning rod and brush to clean the magazine. The thumb safety is one, the cost is the other. You can also press on the rear of the Extractor and get the extractor hook off the rim of the live round. Contrary to your review, I have found the pistol to be exceptionally accurate at distance. Spring Rate and compressed 1 inch, its Load would be 10 lb. But, if you are comfortable with it, its up to you. Be sure to rotate the brush as you go to get a good scrubbing action. I wonder how many people passed on this outstanding gun based on this review? scorpion ocp camo. You will find most other reviews to be more accurate and offer opinion, which differs greatly than those presented in this article. with an anodized alloy frame. Add in the smaller grips, youve created a downright bucky handgun. They are about the size of some 9mm pistols, so why not use a 9mm unless the person has some physical limitation. Its small, lightweight, and easy to conceal. You should also clean it after exposure to any kind of corrosive substance. The ambidextrous safety pinched my trigger finger when I flicked it down with my thumb. I have had mine for 7 years without issues. But carry one, rather than a DA/SA Beretta PX4 or a SIG P226 with one chambered, decocked and no safety to deal with? For 25 years, he was a professional instructor, teaching topics including Defensive Tactics, Riot Control and Tactical Operations, Immediate Responder, and cognitive programs as an adjunct instructor at the DOC Training Academy. Finally, reassemble your gun and youre done! of Corrections for 16 years as a corrections officer in the State Correctional Institute at Graterford and later at SCI Phoenix. I admit, my pistols must have striking looks and the 911 has it, with its natural stainless finish and the black and white G10 grips. It felt pretty good in my hand. Its slide is stainless steel, with both front and rear sights dovetailed into it. My back up is a us bonds defender. In this same decade, Colt decided to make a more compact version of the 1911. Reassembly is fairly easy, but the extractor must be pushed down for the slide to be placed back onto the frame. When it comes right down to it, there are both Pros and Cons to carrying the P238. Additionally, the PPK/S has a DA/SA trigger. For more information, check out our in-depthBest Tuckable IWB Holster reviews, ourBest OWB Holsters for Glock 19reviews, and ourBest Ankle Holster reviews. But it does mean doing your homework on the ammunition youll use to guard your life. Fine tolerances in firearms are a sign of a well-made gun. This has reasonably rectified the situation and rebuilt my complete satisfaction to the point where I hold them in the highest regard as a firearms manufacturer. PMC Bronze, Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Gun Guy Goes Gaming. The P238 has an overall length of 5.5, measures 3.96 in height and weighs just short of 16 oz. How To Mount Atlas Bipod On Remington 700 | Ultimate Guide. multicam. MSRP: $685; Sig P238 starting at $519 Glock 42 Among the most highly anticipated guns in the past decade, the G42 didn't disappoint. That's why I carry that way. Required fields are marked *. It was. As far as accuracy across a room, I practice at 21 feet from the target and I consider this to be one of my most accurate guns. I currently carry eight rounds on board with two spare 6-round magazines, giving me 20 rounds. SIG SAUER P238 .380ACP MAGAZINE SPEED LOADER Design: The Sig Sauer P238 speed loader is specifically designed for .380ACP carry handgun magazine. I showed my child but they still know to double check just in case of malfunctions.Also not to point it at anything you don't want to shoot. I consider. In fact, the attractive price tag was on the pistol because no one wanted yesterdays news, which is a very common phenomenon in gun circles. care and received a \"gift\" shortly thereafter. Not enough of it, the projectile wont penetrate deep enough nor expand properly, if at all. Second, it ensures that your gun functions properly and smoothly. Elwood Shelton is an online content developer for Gun Digest. I like it the way it is. The SIG P238 has an anodized aluminum frame and a stainless steel barrel and slide. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Separate the upper and lower receiver. I personally like the ability to chamber a round with the safety on. Seriously, a Walther PPK?! 4.3. But as the saying goes "different strokes for different fokes". Truly, there are few nits to pick on this 8+1 capacity .380 pistol. Find information on how to contact our Customer Service department. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. I also carry a separate full magazine with it. I just ported the 3D model to GTA V. Replaces the SNS Pistol. Your email address will not be published. Finally, my pistol will not fire if a magazine is not inserted. A good example, a smashing single-action trigger that works overtime in ensuring the 2.7-inch barreled guns accuracy. Now its time to clean the slide and frame. Push the hammer down. When you pull the trigger, you want to let the hammer up rather than slow it down. I have no trouble shooting a 50 round qualifying round on an FBI Q target. Start with the barrel. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Anyone, from the experienced shooter to those new to semi-automatic handguns, who are looking for an exceptional concealed carry pistol and who may be considering the purchase of a Sig Sauer P238 would be well advised to do some additional research. The sights on this tiny pistol are very good, and show up well at night. Pull back the slide to line up the indentations, then remove the slide release lever. The lack of heft in most .380 pistols amplifies recoil.
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