I have seen some pictures of what Hanau looks like now,but it still would be nice to see the city now. From 1955-1957, my dad commanded the Air Sect, and spent most of his time piloting the 3AD CG and senior staff around the Germany. On June 20, 1994, the battalion transferred to Hutier Kaserne. On August 1,1951, four years after being deactivated, the 8th Ordnance Battalion was reactivated in Feudenhaven, Germany. Co. consisted of a Company HQ , Maintenance Section and Transportation Section in Hutier Kaserne. I worked @ GroBauheim in cold storage. You can reach me at BENSAMMIE 561@aol.com. Thank you so much again for helping me The unit supports exercises and operations across Europe, including support to Mihail Kogalniceanu Air Base, Romania. I arrived as a Private in Germany on the USS ROSE, 27th December 1959 and was transported, via rail, to Butzbach, Germany [Schloss Kaserne], assigned to Battery 'C' 2nd Howitzer Bn 3rd Artillery [105 SP][M-52][Cerelitus et accuratio][Speed and Accuracy]. In that resturant was the SALAMI pizza..I must taste this pizza again.ALSO If you know any of these people let me know Mike Ford the little trinking man from Michigan ,Eddie(Bob)Davis from Cal,my sponsor D.Holtrom. In mid July 1962 I departed Germany, was discharged 20th July 1962 and returned to the University of Minnesota that fall to finish my studies, graduationg 1965 and attending Graduate School. April 10, 2014- Hi I was stationed at Hessen Homburg Kaserne,Alpha Company, 23RD Engineer, from Dec. 1973 to July 1977. By Karl Weisel (USAG Wiesbaden)October 26, 2010. Hanau, Hesse, Germany NATO Site #5 (1.8 mi.) Aufgrund der weiter eher verhaltenen Nachfrage ist nunmehr geplant, entgegen der ursprnglichen Planung auch Wohnungen in Hutier zu errichten. This building housed the Service Club, USAFI office, a small PX ,etc. My equipment consisted of a Jeep with trailer, 2 Jeep mounted radios with an approximate rang of 75 miles, a remote wire system, Field Binoculars and all kinds of maps of Germany. Our Commanding Officer was Lt David L. Benton, III. During that time the 14th QM. Bn. I work Sunday thru Thursday out of town. Co. and after reorganization B Co. 14th QM. My time with him was a daily laboratory in leadership. find my friend. Engineers in Frankfurt to its present-day condition. CC "A" / 1st Bde Hutier Kaserne, still named for a famous Prussian general, was constructed between 1908 and 1910. (Hutier Kaserne, Hanau, Germany) Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, Division Artillery (DIVARTY), 3d Armored Division deployed to Southwest Asia from Hutier Kaserne at Hanau, Germany on or about 27 December 1990. I will share another memory that just flitted by. Veteran C. Young, After 30 years and learning the computer and finding VetFriends, I went to my first reunion of the USS Navasota AO-106. Hessen Homberg Kaserne Hanau: closed 1990s Hindenburg Kaserne Ansbach: closed 1992 Hindenburg Kaserne Wrzburg: closed 1994 torn down Holbeinring Military Housing Heidelberg: closed 2013 Hospital Kaserne Bad Kreuznach: closed 2001 Hutier Kaserne Hanau: closed 2008 Jaeger Kaserne Aschaffenburg: closed 1992 JAROC Processing Compound Berlin . Shot from parking lot of souvenir store. Then, in one of those weird career moves, so prevalent in the Old Army we all knew, was assigned as a tank plat ldr in Tk Co, 16th Inf Regt/1ID. I'm from Illinois and wore a fighting Illini jacket. Does anyone have photos of the unit 1956 or 19th maintenance from 1986 to 1989. I was recruited from high school. I am trying to leave a post but can't see it. The deal was cut, in a nano second, but it turned out it wasn't quite what my father had expected. Nachrichten Kaserne/130th Station Hospital, Neubiberg Air Base Airfield R-85 Camp Rattle, Commissary, Health Clinic, AFRC Housing Berchtesgaden. To: Tella Doll/Hanau, Ger. ehemalige Kasernenanlage im Stadtteil Lamboy der Stadt Hanau. Just like over there he said he was from Kentucky when he was from Indiana close to me like the next town over.but yeah call me anytime brother. Whrend des Zweiten Weltkriegs wurde die Kaserne 1945 schwer beschdigt. It's been nearly 40 years since we parted. ", "The Americans did a lot for our city," said Kaminsky, pointing out how in the years immediately following World War II, the U.S. military helped reconstruct Hanau and brought peace. We Gyroscoped w/3AD in Apr 1956 (our second tour to FRG). Hanau, Hesse, Germany Cardwell Village Fam Hsg (3.1 mi.) (Page 2 - Combat Commands/Brigades - Division Artillery) Thats where my true friends were. MY DAD ADOPTED ME IN HANAU IN AN ORPHANAGE IN 1962 MY MOTHER WAS 21 NOT MARRIED AND I WAS PUT IN AN ORPHANAGE MY NAME IS NOW TRACY GLANVILLE AND I WANT TO FIND MY FAMILY THEIR BY THE NAME HETTRICH I HAVE LIVED IN THE USA ALL MY LIFE AND AM DOING VERY WELL ANYONE WITH ANY KIND OF INFO ON ANY ORPHANAGES AT THAT TIME OR ANY HETTRICH'S LET ME KNOW AT UPPER CASE TRACYGLANVILLE@HOTMAIL.COM I WOULD LOVE TO FIND MY FAMILY ROOTS, Yeah man when I read that you left there I couldn't understand why you moved. Anyone served with 56 rpsc pioneer kasern 1986 to 1990? For the first couple years we were at Pioneer Kaserne outside Hanau. I am so excited. Spamer, who bid farewell to Soldiers and families in BAfA1/4dingen as they left in 2007, said, "The people of BAfA1/4dingen have not forgotten about you and you have not forgotten your German friends. I recently found out our unit was deactivated. I can't thank you enough. It was a fine reunion and we both concluded that we had done much better than either of us expected. Nach der Schlieung des DP-Lagers zum 30. 2023 Copyright VetFriends.com. I have been trying to find her. Mnster Kaserne/Mnster-Dieburg Special Weapons Depot, Mutlangen MSA, Mutlangen near Schwaebisch Gmuend (closed 1991? Where are the best places to eat? City/Town Hanau State Hesse Country Germany Continent Europe . Former army airfield Hanau (Erlensee) Germany / Hessen / Neuberg / Erlensee . Made some great friends and the memories that I have from being there are some that I speak of very fondly. due to the outbreak of WW II. find my friend." I would love too hear from you, if possible - still LOVE YOU!! Division Artillery (DIVARTY), 3d Armored Division Main Page The buildings of Francois Kaserne house offices and a school for adult education, amongst user uses. Church, stores, houeses, places of business." CO. was capt. It was a very hot day, perhaps 95 degrees, and we stood in formation for three hours before the parade began. Looking for more information from military/civilian All rights reserved. Later HQ for an Engineer Bn. 1952 photo of barracks building at Hutier Kaserne in Hanau, Join 3AD! The 2nd Bn 3rd FA consisted of 3 "Firing Batteries", 1 "Service Battery" and 1 "Headquarters Battery", a total of about 500 men. I wish I could go back but it appears that it has changed so much that I wouldn't recognize it. 6. after the concert we were running through the train station past a photo booth ran back took a photo. Medics were also housed in this building. I had the great honor and delight to serve with LTC Vessey for the next two years as part of his consolidated S2/S3. Mai 2022 um 13:06, https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Hutier-Kaserne&oldid=222893102. The official opening of the Kaserne on 19 March 1939 was marked by a large celebration, involving a parade from the center of Erlensee to the front gate, and a Volksfest of 25,000 German civilians, who were treated to an air show . Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, Division Artillery (DIVARTY), 3d Armored Division deployed to Southwest Asia from Hutier Kaserne at Hanau, Germany on or about 27 December 1990. The battalion was inactivated in 1988 in Germany with all personnel and equipment being transferred to the 4th Battalion, 82d Field Artillery and stationed at Hutier Kaserne in Hanau. Sign up to receive our newsletter regarding Veterans, Reunions, Military, Veteran Benefits, Military Pictures, Jokes, Military History, 56 RPSC Pioneer Kaserne, Hanau Germany by: SSG Maine I served in the 56th RPSC from approximately 1991 to 1993. As virtually every platoon leader in the regiment was RA, my father truly believed his Army career was over. On about 1/4/1960 the Battalion moved via train, for the Armored Howitzers and APCs, and per road for the rest of the unit, to Grafenwoehr for training and later that month, participation in "WINTERSHIELD I". The 3rd Armored Division Artillery was first constituted on 13 January 1941 in the Regular Army as the Artillery Section of the division headquarters, and activated on 15 April with the division at Camp Beauregard. "This is significant," added Robert Pierce, Wiesbaden's Retiree Council president. the people were great and when I let it was a very large part of my life was closing and I would love to go back some day. "I'm glad to stand here today at the first and only U.S. Veterans Center in all of Europe," said Kaminsky, praising Schloesser for her dedicated efforts to bring the project to fruition. The Supply Support Activity is responsible for requisitioning, receiving, and processing missile repair parts. NATO He is so thankful I called and we exchanged addresses and he wants to come and visit. Capt. I had a driver and radio operator. Omg. We were stationed in Germany in 1975 through 1978. 1 Loader What a conversation we had. The buildings will be renovated and provided for commercial and industrial use. Installation Management Community YouTube, Hanau opens American Veterans Center -- first of its kind in Europe, Army Inspector General Administers Oath of Enlistment to Recruits on Army Birthday, Local Vietnam veterans showcase personal objects from their service, U.S. Army STAND-TO! Thanks so much man. Die US-Armee nutzte die Kaserne bis 2007. I truly love your site - I read it every week, and have for years. I have dark hair mustache 5'8 Kriegers roommate man you see the pictures you'll remember. You have made my day man. On June 20, 1994, the battalion transferred to Hutier Kaserne. E-mail is jamesdunham3@yahoo.com. See ya Brother or something like that.. E-mail me your # I'll send you some photos from over there, if I can find them. If you have any Hutier Kaserne, still named for a famous Prussian general, was constructed between 1908 and 1910. I recall that somewhere up the chain, a decision was made that we looked far better wearing our AG 108 wool shirts and battle pants than we did in regular fatigues. On hutier. Shot from parking lot of souvenir store. I hope this info and some personal experience related here helps. I was there 86-89 56 RPSC. USO shows, cheap booze, no officers, could a young warrior ask for more? Nachdem die US-Armee 2007 aus der Kaserne abzog, entschied sich die Stadt Hanau, die Freiwillige Feuerwehr vom alten Standort westlich der Innenstadt in die ehemalige Panzerhalle zu verlegen. Das Gelnde im Norden ist als Erweiterungsflche fr IKEA vorgesehen, whrend sich im Sden ein Autohaus und ein Gartenzentrum niederlieen.[1]. After being commissioned from OCS in 1949, my father was assigned to 2d Battalion, 16th Infantry Regiment at Pinder Barracks in Zirndorf. Please Help!! On July 15, 1993 the unit was further re-designated the 18th Corps Support Battalion. I understand you are a fine baseball player. The L-20 was his pride and joy - he had jazzed it up into a VIP aircraft - cavalry yellow rugs and wood-grain interior trim. Ray Cavelarie. my husband was stationed at hessen homburg kaserne in the early 80s I worked at the 23 club we loved Hanau. See more ideas about hanau, germany, united states army. The first address you sent me is my buddy. Henry L. Mims, the 71st OD Co. marched together across its home parade grounds Hanau company inactivates, receives OIF recognition for the last time. 1 Section Chief, Sgt E5 I was stationed in Hanau at Pioneer Kaserne with the 26th S&S Co from Jan 1972 until July 1974. We lived in the Drake-Edwards Housing area. In 1920, Hutier was converted to civilian-type buildings, including schools and police headquarters. JAPAN Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion Episode II Transgression Pamphlet. Kaminsky also said that, unlike in the former East Germany side of the country where the Soviet military left buildings that were in much worse shape, the U.S. military turned over property that was very valuable for future uses. I suffered a terrible mid-life crisis over the last 5-10 years; as the Germans began to tear down our old homes. "The idea began about two years ago as the Army closed (the military communities) in Hanau and BAfA1/4dingen," she said, explaining that she was supported by city officials to find a place where individuals who remained in the area could come to socialize and share military information. 1 Driver I've been looking for many yrs. | U.S. Army March to Service Campaign, Army to review discharges and status-upgrade procedures for behavioral health conditions, National Museum of the United States Army to open Veterans Day 2020. Durch die Verwendung von Beton anstelle von Sandstein als Baumaterial fiel die Anlage architektonisch schlichter aus als bei den zuvor gebauten Kasernen. Even the fire down on the end remember that? I need to locate either of those gentlemen. For the 509th. We took Basic and Advanced Training together in the unit and in May 1956 shipped to Pioneer Kaserne, Hanau, West Germany. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION anyone remember me or the guys I listed please contact me via email: laserdoc30a@gmail.com. Prior to being drafted in WWII, my father had played semi-pro baseball in rural Alabama. Still listed as active with a strength of 0%. The Hanau American Veterans Center is located at Ulanenplatz 2 on Lamboy Strasse - across the street from the former Hutier Kaserne and just down the street from the former U.S. Army Garrison. ". I dont think i got to sit with you all at the Tull concert because i got my ticket there or something. Everyone has seen the old version of the movie From Here To Eternity, and remembers the tremendous emphasis that high level commanders placed on regimental sports teams, during the 1930s - 1950s. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Geschichte 2 Konversion 3 Siehe auch 4 Denkmalschutz 5 Weblinks Geschichte [ Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten] Im Jahr 1891 suchte Preuen nach einem Standort fr das Thringische Ulanen-Regiment Nr. Since its most recent activation in March 1973, the 71st has supported the EVERYBODY knew when Spearhead came to town. All my friends are long gone, my school has been torn down among other things.I was born in Munich but my heart is in Hanau and always will be. In 1920, Hutier was converted to civilian-type buildings, including schools and police. HHC remained there until on or about 17 May 1991, when it redeployed to Germany. Nassau, NY. PS: the 6th Arty, part of Combat Command 'B' 3AD, was stationed in Gelnhausen, Div Arty HQ in Hanau during that time. USAG Wiesbaden Military Training Area, Mainz, 96 Ordnance Company, Mainz Gonsenheim, 1955/56, 97th General Hospital/Clark Kaserne (reported to become the American Consulate), Azbill Barracks, Rsselsheim, Germany (closed 1993), Beeskowdamm Compound, Berlin (closed in 1994), Betts Kaserne, Frankfurt am Main / 97 Gen Hosp Barracks and Family Housing, Camp Pitman, (Weiden i.d.Opf.) Hanau has changed a lot since those years after WW II. Looking for a great friend of mine who I lost contact with. I was too jacked to sleep,when I was heading out the drive with the duty driver you yelled from the 3rd floor. I was in Metro section, but knew many in other MOS. On 1 March 1942, it was redesignated as the Divisional Artillery Command. For the 509th. On June 20, 1994, the battalion transferred to Hutier Kaserne. The normal 2 year duty was extended for most of us, especially FO and Recon MOS types. My daughter was born in the hospital downtown Hanau and went to german school in Ravolzhausen before we moved back to the states.
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