Sorry! I immediately DM'd the owner about this. Holy fucking shit is right about r/navyblazer New York Yacht Club Swamp Yankees making Newport, RI the historic Slavs-trade capital of the U.S. . Twitter user @RosaLSmothers[3] tweeted examples as well that day, gaining over 2,400 retweets and 15,000 likes. However, once Jerma started streaming on Twitch, something changed in him. Not gonna be active on Discord tonight. to view the video gallery, or . He came onto stream and honestly seemed slightly drunk. Whoever the admins are you should take a good long look at who you accept into this group cause chances are they fuck dogs in real life. This copypasta is often reposted as a humorous overreaction to an insult and is thought to have originated in a post on a 4chan message board from 11 November 2010. He did briefly apologize for the Amelia situation, but that twitlonger she wrote really exposed the absolute horror of being stood up and finding your date in bed with the reaper of souls himself. PROTIP: The origin of the copypasta is unclear. RIGGED RIGGED RIGGED is a copypasta that spread following the 2020 U.S. presidential election, much like the similar copypasta I love seeing Trump supporters cry. by . Simply explained for a busy day. I just looked at your profile I didn't realize you where a lady. TUCKER CARLSON, FOX NEWS: Last fall, a Democrat called Tony DeLuca got re-elected to the Pennsylvania statehouse while dead. I'm meeting a girl (a real one) in half an hour (wouldn't expect a lot of you to understand anyway) so please don't DM me asking me where I am (im with the girl, ok) you'll most likely get aired because ill be with the girl (again I don't expect you to understand) shes actually really interested in me and its not a situation i can pass up for some meaningless Discord degenerates (because ill be meeting a girl, not that you really are going to understand) this is my life now. Post author: Post published: June 12, 2022 Post category: amalfi furniture collection Post comments: somerdale nj police chief somerdale nj police chief by At first it was a very small change, where he would make occasional threats and insults to his chat, but most of the time he seemed mentally and emotionally stable, just like the old Jerma on YouTube. 'r' After this though, Ill be gone. Keep bwogging fwom youw hawdwowking pawents basement. -rep cooked me a pancake but forgot to add the proper milk to it, so they were kinda weirdly textured and i do not understand what i was really eating. I am no longer an Orioles fan. Also keep joking about us being technologically illiterate. [4], This copypasta is in the manifesto of the perpetrator of the Christchurch mosque shootings. The koala copypasta (and its response) There's a very popular copypasta on Reddit (and probably other sites) that gets posted whenever koalas are brought up. Youre not above everyone else just because you manage a Facebook group. I could not believe what had happened. Valve Corporation. Founded. It reads: "Oh I'm sorry. Everyone here is a thot, and incel, or a white knight. I immediately DMd dream about this on twitter. Refresh and try again. All rights reserved. Adam. He came onto stream and honestly seemed slightly drunk. i'm leaving this group copypastabuddy foster now. Its absolutely ridiculous. You guys are ill, morbid egoistic fucks. You were my best friend, and I couldn't imagine my life without youuntil it became a reality. I'm meeting a girl (a real one) in half an hour (wouldn't expect a lot of you to understand anyway) so please don't DM me asking me where I am (im with the girl, ok) you'll most likely get aired because ill be with the girl (again I don't expect you to understand) shes actually really interested in me and . The presumed origin of the copypasta comes from a tweet by Twitter user Lionel on November 6th, 2020, but appears to have since been deleted. If you do not do this, we will have to ban/kick you." In each pair (A and B) below, which electrophile would be expected to react more . Press J to jump to the feed. I do this pruning regularly as to not inflate member numbers for servers I'm inactive in. Right now, I cannot support what this group is. The Navy Seal copypasta is a lengthy, comically written, aggressive attack paragraph against a "kiddo", written in the voice of the stereotypical "tough guy . Press J to jump to the feed. I got a DM from MEE6 saying that I got banned for the reason "inappropriate status". [2], The term "copypasta" is derived from the computer term "copy/paste", and can be traced back to an anonymous 4chan thread from 2006. Y F. Added damn yea, it might make you feel better to share your hatred but thats not an option. Please, dream community. I have been bullied, harassed, cyber bullied and cyber stalked by people young enough to be my children. I have been bullied, harassed, cyber bullied and cyber stalked by people young enough to be my children. is funny. to view the image gallery, As a matter of fact now I actually do agree with you. He started having frequent mental breakdowns on stream, where he would throw insults and scream at the top of his lungs for just the smallest things, such as problems running and streaming a video game. Refresh and try again. The following day, Twitter[1] user VEN0KEY tweeted a screenshot of the original, receiving 42 likes in roughly two weeks (shown below). Was that yeet enough for you fam? /copypasta. They have one of the smallest brain to body ratios of any mammal, additionally - their brains are smooth. Y'all make jokes like kids who havent even reach puberty. Copypastas are said to be similar to spam[1] as they are often used to annoy other users and disrupt online discourse. We jack off to fortnite sex too. My dad hears me and calls me a faggot. That was a fucking lie. As we speak we are getting divorced and I'm leaving for Vietnam. What does he says? [6] It was popularized when edits of the film were first uploaded to YouTube in late 2016. I'm leaving this community, jerma can't keep getting away with this After jerma's recent apology video, it seemed like the only thing he cared about before going live was his looks. I'm sorry. Listen, listen, tell me why your math teacher made a diss track on you, he said "Yuh! The popularity of these tweets led to parodies of the copypasta. I am weaving this gwoup. Really sorry i'm really shy I don't go out much haha add me on skype we should talk more you look really nice and fun xxx. I've been a fan since 1982 and a season ticket holder since 1996. Nov 22, 2020 at 05:06PM EST I knew he was just jealous for my devotion of Shrek. 2007-2023 Literally Media Ltd. He slaps me and sends me to go to sleep. All rights reserved. Not just dead inside like most politicians, but actually dead, not . Peace out! Please tell me, r/dreamgender! Copyright 2023 TwitchQuotes. I do not mean to offend anyone with this, and I hope you all can have a nice day. I'm leaving this group. Otherwise, they need to know that our accounts exist at all, and that is a very low chance for any individual person. It is only visible to you. I lay in bed and it's really cold. Say My Name (Script) Lyrics. These aren't the dongs you're looking for. It seemed he had grown to hate his chat, hate many of the games he played, hate many of his memes, and began became increasingly greedy for bits. I was so mad that I punched my dream themed computer so hard. December 3, 2016. At that point the camera footage was frozen, but it later returned to Ster pretending to be Jerma. I heard a few weird noises. I'm livin' my life, ain't got stress no mo' [Chorus] I'm puttin' on my shades to cover up my eyes I'm jumpin' in my ride, I'm headin' out tonight I'm Solo, I'm Han Solo I'm Han Solo,. Show some wespect. I'm leaving "im leaving" My server count has reached 25 servers on discord, which is when I prune down on the servers I am in. ( ) You take everything that sounds like fun. Some users there were unaware it was a joke. Then, I immediately told the moderator that I am a 13 dreamgender girl. Simply explained for a busy day. by . I'm leaving this community, jerma can't keep getting away with this All of you fucking assholes have finally pushed me to the limit. I punched my daddy dream monitor. Their analysis shows that many of the accounts tweeting the copypasta had also posted "That seals the deal" variations related to UK football. He didn't care, and he had the audacity to block a fellow DREAMGENDER person. Your guys damn posts makes me sick. SO PATHETHIC. well. In the beginning, Jerma showed many signs of being thoughtful, compassionate, and a loving human being. Privacy. | This subreddit was made to archive copypasta. We should really play l4d2 sometime its a really cool zombie game with a lot of scary moments, but don't worry ill be there to protect you ;) sorry that wasnt flirting I swear Im just trying to be friendly I really like your profile picture sorry was that too far? i'm on a break right now just enjoying my life, but i'll return with new . Sorry! Show some respect. Maybe you could even add me on PSN and we can play some games together. Subscribe to The FinanceTLDR Newsletter with. Then, I logged to Discord on my dream themed phone. Let's get together and end this moderator's life! Im suwe theywe thwiwwed about youw caweew path. chats will probably get you banned. Go ahead, hide behind your computer screens and angry react this. I'm Leaving For Vietnam refers to a copypasta on Twitter that is an offshoot of the That Seals The Deal. ( ). "Your discord status is against our server rules, please remove or change your status. The earliest known post of the copypasta was submitted to /r/copypasta on April 11th, 2019, but the post was . 3 Navy seal copypasta (Original) What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I cried myself to sleep that night and decided that I should go to therapy. Man,I don't side with either candidate but this election feels like a debate involving a bunch of spoiled kids, Digital Archaeologist & Treasurer & Collection Butler. y'all got so much negativity in yourselfs it makes me sick. DO NOT DOWNLOAD IT. So, he created a group chat with me, the owner, and himself. i'm leaving this group copypasta. I could not believe it. . The reason for my departure could be any of the following, and I am not going to say which it is: The server is inactive, the server is redundant (does the same thing as another server), I personally don't feel close to most or all of the users within it, I have the server muted due to various reasons, or I just don't generall like it. Jesse: There. We could play GTA, overwatch, Minecraft, maybe even a little COD. >> This is a WIP i'm gonna keep updating this with new copypastas over time even if it doesn't get any views cuz i needed a place to store my copypastas stash anyway so this works out perfectly for me <<. I'm leaving this community, jerma can't keep getting away with this. Y'all make jokes like kids who havent even reach puberty. Except the band was also somehow the iceberg."[9]. WARNING: Pasting these into Twitch, YouTube, Dubtrack, ect. You need to sign in or create an account to do that. >> This is a WIP i'm gonna keep updating this with new copypastas over time even if it doesn't get any views cuz i needed a place to store my copypastas stash anyway so this works out perfectly for me << One Last thing, Steam Comments are limited to 1000 Characters, so sadly there is a limit to how long a copy pasta can be here. Then, I realized what i had done. i hope you all understand that i really need to focus on my long time relationship with SynthV JUN. He is not a good person like me and does not carry my values. i will miss you all. Your Reddit account can be suspended for violating Reddit's Content Policy and for suspicious account activity. 2007-2023 'i' We did everything together, and some of my greatest memories were spent by your side. Tired of all you people who sexualize a fucking dog. My discord status was: " please give me your cum daddy dream! SO PATHETHIC. I-I-I-I bet it's the first one you've seen since you slid out of your mother's! Humans of this chat i would like to inform you that i will be leaving this server . "I Saw Flying Lotus in a Grocery Store" Copypasta. Cyberbullying, homophobia, racism and sheer lack of respect have become rampant in this group and it is unacceptable to stand by and watch this transpire day in and day out. Here is where you can find a bunch of random stuff to spam chats with. ( ) That's them. Overview Announcements Discussions Events Members Comments. I'm stepping down as admin from this group and leaving until it changes for the better. I really hope this psycho gets banned. shane keeps grabbing knives from our kitchen and chasing ryland around the house with them, saying he is an imposter. On November 9th, 2020. i'm leaving this group copypasta; June 26, 2022. i'm leaving this group copypasta. i want to fuck that smiley face of yours ". This is almost definitely copypasta. He says the following. In this article, the discussions below mainly pertain to leaving groups that act as nucleofuges. He proceeded to spend time talking about how fun it was to 'woohoo' death. R/DREAMGENDER, ASSEMBLE! . Nov 23, 2020 at 05:29AM EST It just sounds so ridiculously formal, Digital Archaeologist & Treasurer & Collection Butler, Digital Archaeologist & Treasurer & Media Maid. I am stopping by to offer you a robot hug! Dumb ass boy! #reddit #copypasta #comments #leaving #funny #ifunny #im #turning #soon #time #mature #smarter. This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. The copypasta reads, "My wife told me she voted for Joe Biden. Anyone who wants to is free to send me a friend request, and clutter my PMs instead of my server list. Papers signed everything is done absolutely disgusted with the 2020 elections, what a disgrace." The copypasta stems from a fan of Major League Baseball 's Baltimore Orioles, angry that the team traded pitcher Andrew Cashner. He worked at animal shelters, participated in charities, and created many characters in the Jerma Universe which he loved dearly. However, I'm not outcasting any / all of the users.
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