CEU Plan provides affordable state approved WebIL Water Operator Training | American Water College IL Water Operator Training Home \ Water Treatment Water Distribution Wastewater Treatment Wastewater Collection ILLINOIS Select the type of water operator training you need: Exam Preparation Continuing Education Certificate Programs Leadership & Management Box 19276 Springfield, IL 62794-9276 (217) 782-3397 State Government State of Illinois For new students, please visit our Getting Clean Water Act. Topics include safety, use of meters and test equipment for diagnosing confined space entry. This course will fulfill 4.5 of your required hours for Illinois water operators. Support. NOW! Wastewater Operator Certification FAQs; Wastewater Training Providers; Wastewater Examination Schedule; Wastewater Operator Forms; Wastewater Board of Certification; Wastewater Operator Certification Contacts Currently selected Ground water treatment, ion exchange softening, surface water treatment and lime softening are covered with math and chemistry. Basic Operations and Responsibilities for Water & Wastewater Operators is an 8-hour course series, consisting of a historical overview of the USEPA. Available as the separate 2-hour individual courses or together in a 10-hour package that includes all of the titles. Clean Water Act. There was a lot of very good information without getting too deep in the chemistry and manufacturing. In addition to assisting an individual operate a wastewater treatment facility and/or prepare for a wastewater certification examination, wastewater training can be applied toward meeting wastewater operator certification requirements. New users. Topics include ground water quality, oxidation, iron and manganese jar testing, sampling and operation reports. Benefits. This 2-hour course includes biological treatment principles, process control, normal operation, and preventative maintenance on wastewater lagoon systems. WebIL Water Operator Training | American Water College IL Water Operator Training Home \ Water Treatment Water Distribution Wastewater Treatment Wastewater Collection ILLINOIS Select the type of water operator training you need: Exam Preparation Continuing Education Certificate Programs Leadership & Management WebWastewater Operator Certification Contacts Footer Policies Policies and Disclaimers Notice of Nondiscrimination Notificacin Sobre Actos Discriminatorios Accessibility Contact Us 1021 North Grand Ave. East P.O. If you are unable Does my Business Need a Certified Water Pollution Control Operator? Examples of procedures covered include pH, BOD, dissolved oxygen, total suspended solids, etc. Im currently working on a treatment plant project in China and internet connection available to me is very slow, great program and helps me renew my Operators License, while overseas . Topics include biological treatment principles, process control, normal operation and preventative maintenance for collection systems, preliminary treatment devices , primary treatment devices, activated sludge and disinfection systems. Wastewater Operator Short School (31 hours) An intensive training session to develop skills specific to process control and operation of Class 4, 3, 2 and 1 plants. Also covered are single and three phase motors, pressure and flow sensing devices. The Florida Board of Professional Engineers showed you on its a list of CEU suppliers, I am now stationed in Iraq. Math relative to Class A/B topics include Filtration, Ion Exchange Softening, Jar Testing, Chemical Feeding, Lime Softening and Clarification Math. State Regulations. minimum requirements. Support, Thank You for your fast response and help, very professional. This one-hour short course shows the use of the revised ISO 27001 standard Cybersecurity for Information Management Security Systems dated October 2022 as a checklist or utility plants in their security planning. WebTo renew a Drinking Water Operator Certificate in Illinois, you must complete the required number of Renewal Training Hours: Class A Operators = 30 Hours (minimum of 20 hours related to the technical aspects of water treatment and distribution and a maximum of 10 hours related to professional responsibilities or safety) Call us at 800-269-1181. fields available in your area. Also covered are single and three phase motors, pressure and flow sensing devices. Thanks again. results click the link above! You must apply to take the exam with the IEPA office in Springfield at least 30 days in advance. Thank You. Class 3 certification exam materials are reviewed. Sign Up with CEU Plan now. Each course includes a manual and Call us at 800-269-1181. It will include pumps, screens, grit chambers, flow measurement, etc. JB Pritzker, Governor. IEPA Finalizes CEU Requirements Wastewater Operators PROJECTS FOR BID Corporate Office 40W201 Wasco Road, Suite D St. Charles, IL 60175 Phone: 630.587.0470 Fax: 630.587.0475 IEPA Finalizes CEU Requirements Wastewater Operators May 15, 2019 The IEPA will begin requiring Continuing Education Units from Nutrient removal will also be discussed. Call us at 800-269-1181. We also discuss sealing devices, including packing and mechanical seals, bearings, lubrication, and installation. Sample Collector's Handbook. Online Payment & Registrationis now available for all courses, renewals and workshops. I have already recommended the site to a co-worker. Mac OSX also supported; This means that each wastewater treatment facility in Illinois is required to be operated by a wastewater operator who is certified at or above the certification level required for the treatment facility. Save on our 15 Hour CE Package. WebOperator Certification Login. Subjects covered include Sequencing Batch Reactors, Integrated Fixed Film Systems, Membrane Bioreactors, Nutrient Removal Systems (biological and chemical), Autothermal thermophilic aerobic digestion, and Process Control used for these processes. It will also include laboratory tests and mathematical calculations needed for process control. You can find us on the Illinois Training Provider List as @YPOTech. This course is intended to provide water operators with information on basic electrical concepts they will need in their career. Then, we discuss securing an electrically safe work condition, lockout/tagout, energized work, grounding electrical equipment, arc flash and more. Support. WebThe wastewater operator certification program is a mandatory program. It includes: Surface Water, Source Water, Disinfection, Corrosion, Membrane, Water Distribution Overview, Pipelines, Meters, Storage Tank, and much more. JB Pritzker, Governor. Water and Wastewater Continuing Education (7.5 hours) This class is designed to provide the working operator with continuing education to maintain your state certification. Class K Industrial Education (7.5 hours) This course is designed to assist in preparing for the Class K certification exam. School of Education, Health and Human Behavior. An ERTC math book and a calculator will be ;provided. This course was precisely written in great detail with examples Great!! Sign up Log in. Click here to watch the CEU Plan tutorial video! Class D/C Water Math Review (2 hours) General overview ot aid in preparing for Class D/Class C drinking water certification. It will include the use of microbiology in making process control decisions. Environment. This course introduces operators to piping systems and familiarizes them with the larger components that make piping systems function, including metallic and nonmetallic piping, tubing, and hoses. Contact Us. Water is a necessity for life. Click the link above & fill out This course deals with modes of operation, process control testing, operating strategies and troubleshooting of the activated sludge process (Conventional A.S., SBR, ABF), fixed media systems, aerobic and anaerobic sludge digestion and solids handling systems (drying beds, lagoons and land application). Employers can use this site to verify the current accreditation status of an employee who is a radiographer. Drinking Water Operator Certification. JB Pritzker, Governor. Online Payment & Registration is now available for all courses, renewals and workshops. This 2-hour virtual seminar reviews trickling filters, fixed film, and moving bed biofilm reactors (MBBRs). WebThe Examination Request for Wastewater Operator Certification must be submitted for a Letter of Admission to be issued. In our Corrosion Control course you will learn about the effects of corrosion on a water distribution system, the effects of contamination due to corrosion, and corrosion mitigation techniques. Each course includes a manual and To successfully complete the workshop, participants must pass the written exam and properly perform inspection and testing procedures on RPZ and double check valve backflow preventers. Class A/B Water Operations Math (7.5 hours) The A/B water math is designed as a 7.5 hour stand alone class. Enroll today! Home. Southern Illinois University Edwardsville is authorized to operate as a postsecondary educational institution by theIllinois Board of Higher Education. Detailed information relative to pump design and operation combined with hands-on examples and exercises. Benefits. You guys are great and I will definitely use you again. In this course, we'll delve into the details of this fascinating water treatment process. Facility Type: Testing procedures and general information are also covered. Class 4: Stresses stabilization ponds, collection systems and chlorination Systems. Does my Business Need a Certified Water Pollution Control Operator? However, a voluntary certification program for collection system This course explains how fluids behave, especially under pressure and in motion. About ERTC Learn about our mission, courses we offer and our unique training center. This course is an introduction to water supply covering Class D and C operations. but we are still working out some issues in this The second half treats the subject of fluids in motion. However, a voluntary certification program for collection system We start by detailing the arrangement, scope, and purpose of the document, as well as define common terms. Partners. The morning session will cover chlorination, disinfection byproducts, taste I think CEU Plan is outstanding, Im stationed in Okinawa Japan with the Air Force at a remote location, your web site has allowed me to keep my water license current. Employer-based training programs that aim to keep your business and employees competitive. Box 19276 Springfield, IL 62794-9276 (217) 782-3397 State Government State of Illinois It will also consider governmental regulations and deadlines that must be considered as a wastewater system manager. water, wastewater, environmental health, and Class 2 and 1 exam materials are reviewed. Home. Class B Water Day 1 (Ground Water Treatment and Filtration) (7.5 hours) Ground water treatment is covered in this day with related math and chemistry. Sign up Log in. Pumps and Pumping (15 hours) This two day course covers the basic skills required for maintenance and troubleshooting of Pumps and Motors in a water or wastewater plant. Skills needed to operate both types of operations are covered. Sources and characteristics of wastewater are taught. Class A Water Day 1 (Surface Water - Clarification) (7.5 hours) Surface water treatment topics include clarification, jar testing, taste and odor control, membrane filtration and related math and chemistry. WebThe Examination Request for Wastewater Operator Certification must be submitted for a Letter of Admission to be issued. area. Most water must be treated before it can be used or discharged. Collection System Operation 1 (15 hours) This two day course covers the basic skills required for maintenance and troubleshooting of collection system operation. Enroll today! This 2-hour online session covers general knowledge of pumps, maintenance, and electrical principles, with an emphasis on their applications in wastewater systems. WebThe Wastewater Operator Certification Program is intended to protect public health, environmental quality, and the financial investment of wastewater facilities. Southern Illinois University Edwardsville is authorized to operate as a postsecondary educational institution by theIllinois Board of Higher Education. WebThe wastewater operator certification program is a mandatory program. WebWastewater treatment systems protect public health and the environment only if they are being properly operated and maintained. A 2-hour review of proper laboratory procedures for the purposes of process control at a wastewater treatment plant and reporting on an NPDES Discharge Monitoring Report. WebOperator Certification Login. Cross Connection Control (28 hours) (23.5 hours/operators) Includes demonstration of inspection and testing procedures for reduced pressure zone (RPZ) and double check valve back-flow preventers. WebTo renew a Drinking Water Operator Certificate in Illinois, you must complete the required number of Renewal Training Hours: Class A Operators = 30 Hours (minimum of 20 hours related to the technical aspects of water treatment and distribution and a maximum of 10 hours related to professional responsibilities or safety) the ability to take at home at my pace, i thought all material were useful and valid, since this was my first course, I really couldn't say other than keep it available!
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