(17 May 1944). (11 December 1936). 14 pp. Los Angeles Times, p. G10. Q00957). The Citizen Advertiser (Auburn, New York), p. 14. (1932). Advertisement: "The wedding veil Ill never get to wear" [with illustration showing 1810, Prelude, Royal Danish, Serenity, and Spring Glory patterns]. (Viewed 25 October 2017. (Viewed 27 April 2019. (Viewed 30 December 2020. R00162). Sunday Star (Washington, DC), p. A-14. 170,973; serial no. (Viewed 27 July 2018. Marketing film for retailers: [Your chance of a lifetime], about 15 minutes. 23I & 24I. LIFE magazine, p. 23. (Viewed 2 January 2021. For example, the pewter market is saturated with gravy boats; hence, they do not fetch tremendous prices when sold. Lillian V. M. Helander, assignor to International Silver Company. Design no. Good Housekeeping, pp. International Silver Company / Wm. (Viewed 20 June 2019. (Viewed 18 June 2019. 16g. 51,882: Silverware container. (9 December 1979). Advertisement: "You should Consider Stocking Up on Silver ". (23 December 1941; filed 8 May 1941). Evening Recorder (Amsterdam, New York), p. 7, cols. (Viewed 22 May 2018. (Viewed 10 April 2018. Factories and their lines. Meridenhistoricalsociety.org. Design no. (See two catalogue no. (3 May 1932; filed 19 February 1932). AAA03153). (17 October 1938). E00969). Papers of Lurelle Guild, designer, concerning the International Silver Company. (Viewed 30 December 2020. " [with illustration showing Adoration, Daffodil, Eternally Yours, First Love, and Remembrance patterns]. Rogers & Son hollow ware, approx. Silverware catalogue including hollow ware and some Modernist designs by 1847 Rogers Bros. / Holmes & Edwards Silver Company / Wm. G01485.). Yale University library, New Haven, call no. Offline - pre-exhibition planning documentation, 6 pp. D00640). The marking IS, or International Silver, does not indicate the purity of the silver. AAA02046). B00742). C00204-11). Silver Road Capital was established as a bridge between Israel and the world. Rogers & Son [/ Wm. 70 pp. (Viewed 10 April 2018. (2 August 1932; filed 1 April 1932). AAA03239). Design no. (undated). A02952. (22 August 1939; filed 8 April 1939). Henrys, presumably Plattsburgh, NY. bread or roll tray Lovely Elegance pattern in fine quality silverplate. F00871). (Viewed 1 December 2017. Twelfth exhibition of contemporary American industrial art: Gallery of special exhibitions, October 12 to November 22, 1931. (Viewed 30 December 2020. (Viewed 29 April 2019. > "Paul Lobel, designer; Wilcox Silver Plate Company / International Silver Company; "Tea or coffee service", (1934), (pp. 2,347,634; serial no. 41,140: Spoon or similar article of flatware. Rogers Mfg. (Viewed 15 October 2017. Famous [star] Rogers & Bro. International Silver Company. Schweitzers, San Bernardino, CA. 54,520: Design for a spoon or other article of flatware. Post Standard (Syracuse, New York), p. 13, cols. Siro R. Toffolon, assignor to International Silver Company. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada (Industrial and Publicity Dept.). Advertisement: "Its still the things to do Its still the thing to own" [showing Adoration, Eternally Yours, First Love, and Remembrance patterns; with The Adventures of Ozzie & Harriet mention.] Schiffer Publishing: Atglen, PA. (Viewed 8 August 2020. Advertisement: "You Dont Have To Be Rich" [showing Courtship, Enchantress, Minuet, and Prelude patterns and CBS radio show mention]. (Updated 24 January 2018. Bullocks, Los Angeles, CA. Wm. 223,405; serial no. A00145; A01859; A02736; L00867-72). 2. [Internal corporate newsletters including various kinds of advertising campaigns, marketing and media/communications information.] Woodward & Lothrop, Washington, DC. UConn gives new prize to art gallery owner ["The University of Connecticut, with the support of the International Silver Co., has established a new annual award for persons who have made a distinguished contribution to the arts". Rogers (presumably Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co. / International Silver Company) pickle fork, with illustration]. AAA02139). Hyperallergic. (Viewed 17 July 2020. E00967-68). (2004). H00543). 1-3, 4 August 1965, presumably p. 5, cols. Newark Museum, NJ. Advertisement: " easter 20-pc. Sterling silver toilet ware and manicure goods, new and attractive styles, design brochure presumably [no. A02387. no. Wilson, Richard Guy. C00908-09). (Make sure location indicates being a holder of the microform in addition to the guide.). and [Wm.] (Viewed 22 October 2017. (Viewed 20 October 2017. A wide variety of pewterware exists, and not all of it was created equal. 56-59. Edward J. Conroy, assignor to International Silver Company. (Viewed 6 September 2016. E00996-98). H00618-20). AAA02407). Buffalo Evening News, p. 30. [Rogers Brothers, The International Silver Company, Meriden, Conn.] Silver Magazine. (Viewed 31 July 2018. (Viewed 27 May 2018. Design no. Rogers Mfg. A02929a; A02929b.). LIFE magazine, p. 56. Womans Day, p. 176. ), International Silver Company / Wilcox Silver Plate Co. (c. 1930s). (12 February 1945). Montgomery Ward, Washington, DC area. [Shows 1941 International Sterling patterns towards end; details marketing objective of the Silver Theater and print magazine advertising strategy.] (23 April 1940; filed 4 Montgomery Ward, Sault Ste. (Viewed 8 November 2018. (20 September 1948). 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. Nelson. International Sterling / International Silver Company. QUARTO 739.2283 I61c, 1952, Online - Sterling Flatware Fashions website, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, call no. Rogers Mfg. LIFE magazine, p. 80. Colony Park by International " [with photos of cutlery in the patterns]. 32,158: Border design construction. Advertisement: "Silver Spectacular; International [Silver Co.]; Wm. (14 March 1931). (Viewed 27 May 2018. Advertisement: "Well give you this service" [with four-piece, International Silver Company coffee service as promotion, with photo]. (Viewed 31 December 2018. Number of pages unknown. Design no. Advertisement: "I thought that hed forgotten " [with illustration showing 1810, Courtship, Enchantress, Minuet, Prelude, Royal Danish, Serenity, and Spring Glory patterns; with The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet mention]. Q00954). Schenectady Gazette (New York), p. 3, cols. ), 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. G01449. (29 January 1980; filed 29 June 1977). LIFE magazine, p. 52. ), International Sterling / International Silver Company. AAA00202. Advertisement: "4 pieces of famous Dubarry Americas best-loved tea and coffee service Webster-Wilcox Silverplate [/ International Silver Co.] [with illustration of tea and coffee service in the pattern]. Cheers! Design patent no. (Dallas Museum of Art collection), and International Silver Co. (1927). H01540-41). Design no. 33,381: Design for a spoon or similar article. (Viewed 19 November 1938. (13 October 1968). E00846). Vogue. G01797.). (8 May 1973). (Viewed 14 November 2017. 3,392,868; serial no. (3 November 1949). Q014 ). 12-3. (21 October 1946). Johnson, J. Stewart. LIFE magazine, p. 48. (17 December 1968; filed 20 April 1966). Advertisement: "Thought to give a hostess confidence " [including illustration showing Adoration, Eternally Yours, First Love, and Remembrance patterns; with Silver Summer Review mention; model wearing a Ben Reig design by Omar Kiam]. (Viewed 10 November 2018. Exclusive! B00850-51). 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (Viewed 20 October 2017. (Viewed 15 April 2018. (Viewed 5 November 2017. Advertisement: "Rosalind Russell gives springs best tip to the Bride-to-Be" [showing First Love and Lovelace patterns]. Mills, presumably Niagara Falls, NY. (10 August 2020. Raymonds, presumably Boston, MA. 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co. (April 1938). Coulters, Los Angeles, CA. Explore over 425 Million sold for prices with item details and images. Co. Division [The factory in Niagara Falls, Ontario] was known as H-C. [The Standard Silver Co. was] bought by International Silver Co. [year unspecified]", "Originally the three factories [the Canadian operations of Meriden Britannia Co. in Hamilton, Wm. Los Angeles Times, p. E5. R00190). (Viewed 2 July 2020. 16-17. (undated). (News section) / Town & Country. 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. LIFE magazine, p. 83. ), (November / December 2011). Levys Jewelers, presumably Buffalo, NY. Rogers [Mfg. (Viewed 24 March 2018. [Economic pamphlet - 1 item in an envelope.] 1949 (13 pp. (Viewed 26 May 2018. AAA02410). LIFE magazine, p. 3. Chas. Advertisement: "Auction 1847- Rogers [/ International Silver Company] " [with no illustrations]. Stream lines [with photo and caption concerning Paul Lobel for Wilcox Silver Plate Co. / International Silver Co. (c. 1930s). Number of pages unknown. - Connecticut Historical Society archive, Hartford. (Viewed 27 April 2019. (7 November 1933; filed 29 August 1933). G01776-78.). (Viewed 9 April 2018. (16 November 1942). (c. 28 July 1960). F00825). G01724. Advertisement: " Holmes & Edwards [/ International Silver Co.], 2 Piece Set, Baby Fork and spoon Lovey Lady Pattern" [with abstract illustration of baby fork and spoon]. Advertisement: " serving platter International Silver [Co.] exquisite 1847 Rogers Brothers silver chafing dish " [promotion related to opening an account, and a prize; with illustrations of platter and chafing dish]. 184,918; serial no. D00815). Sterling silver designs - sterling silver spoons and forks with fancy pieces and cutlery [cat. (Viewed 8 November 2018. set silverplated silverware " [with abstract illustration of silverware in case]. 811,154: Casserole holder. In 1949, an attempt was made to bridge the Silver Theater program to television, but this venture proved unsuccessful. Advertisement: "How to get the most silver out of a dollar" [showing Burgundy, Gardenia, and Georgie patterns]. (Viewed 15 October 2017. (Viewed 9 February 2019. 108,686: Spoon or similar article of flatware. Get the best deals on International Silver when you shop the largest online selection at eBay.com. (c. 1931-59). (19 February 1958). E00962). International Sterling / International Silver Co. (May 1931). The Nassau Daily Review-Star (Freeport, New York), p. 3, cols. (Viewed 15 April 2018. (6 November 1950). H01548). G01681. [4], Starting in the late 1930s, ISC sponsored the Silver Theater, a radio program in Hollywood featuring many stars of the era and was broadcast on CBS radio. 9814: Fork or similar article of flatware. R00992). G01794. "Vision by International Silver: Commercial Failure and Aesthetic Triumph". (26 February 1935; filed 20 December 1934). (Viewed 3 October 2020. (Viewed 15 October 2017. The SilverLogic. ), " Judy Garland [played] a singing star in a New York nightclub. (c. 14 February 1930). (Viewed 9 June 2019. C00199-03). Saxon. (Viewed 21 October 2017. (Dallas Museum of Art collection.)] Rogers Mfg. International Sterling / International Silver Company. AAA02054). LIFE magazine, p. 60. Shah & Shah, Washington, DC. Various pattern illustrations. Advertisement: "The most adored patterns have these [marks] " [with illustration showing Danish Princess, Lovely Lady, Spring Garden, and Youth patterns]. 44 pp. C00200-04). [Wedgewood Silver by International]. (Viewed 14 November 2017. Design no. (Viewed 29 June 2019. Famous Wilcox Silver Plate [Co. / International Silver Co.] creation; Glendale pattern; of Provencial French Design " [with illustration showing several hollowware designs]. H01894-95). Answering the question: How much silver. F00737-38). Norton Museum of Art. Milton Gonshorek, assignor to International Silver Company. 4-8. International Sterling / International Silver Company. Advertisement: " take pride is announcing the opening of their newly redecorated and enlarged China, Glass and Gift Department Sterling International Silver Company " [with no product illustrations]. Advertisement: " silverplate from International [Silver Co.] Revere bowls Webster Wilcox " [with product illustrations]. (Viewed 25 October 2017. 44,813: Spoon or similar article of flatware. 4-5. (9 January 1958). (Viewed 2 July 2020. (3 December 1962). The strategy of selling sterling: A guidebook of selling suggestions for sterling silver salespeople [no. AAA03226). F00414-19). LIFE magazine, p. 90. D01636). (Viewed 1 May 2019. Golf bag cocktail shaker, tray, and six cups.]. Number of pages unknown. (1956). The company's founders envisioned the great advantage of connecting . (22 March 1948). On "Eliel Saarinen (Designer), Tea Urn and Tray" webpage. "The Silver Theater" mention. Advertisement: "Thanks! The studio builds an entrance hall [exhibited at Good Housekeeping publications building, New York; exhibited design: International Silver Company. (Viewed 4 May 2016. Design no. Advertisement: "Says Ginger Rogers, May I help you choose? " [showing Adoration, First Love and Legacy patterns, with CBS radio show mention.] Design patent no. ), 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. Edward J. Conroy, assignor to International Silver Company. B00848-49). Rogers & Son [/ International Silver Co.] " [with portrait photo of Jacobson]. NK7230 W95 TC, Online - exhibition mention, Cranbook Art Museum, Connecticut State Library, Hartford, call no. (21 April 1947). Dallas Observer. R00159). Design no. 12,902: Spoon or similar article of flatware. Advertisement: "Free Wm. (Viewed 26 May 2018. 37,863: Spoon or similar article of flatware. (3 June 1941; filed 22 June 1940). (26 August 1946). Beach, Laura. (Viewed 14 November 2018. G01444.). H01892-93). Here are some common marks on silver or silverplate - These marks mean the same standard as US silver prior to 1870-or 90% silver: COIN PURE COIN .900 These marks mean the same as a content of 92.5% silver: STERLING 925 These marks mean electroplated, developed in the US around the Civil War by William Rogers: EPNS Electroplate on Nickel Silver (Viewed 24 May 2018. Los Angeles Times, p. 9. International sterling of silverplate made-to-order for you in 44 different patterns " [with illustration showing over 40 patterns.] (1947). Hartford Courant, p. D6. (maker's mark examples) CLOSE Silver Research 925-1000.com Geo. Woodward & Lothrop, Washington, DC. (7 February 1967; filed 6 January 1965). (8 February 1938; filed 8 January 1938). 1-2. Advertisement: " Holmes and Edwards Silverware [/ International Silver Co. " [with no illustrations]. Design no. Design patent no. 77,289: Fork or similar article of flatware. 50,160: Design for a spoon or other article of flatware. coffee sets, footed trays, platters, 4-pc. Atlanta Constitution (or Atlanta Journal). (7 January 1930; filed 17 October 1929). (Viewed 9 April 2018. 209,920; serial no. ), 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (2 May 1948). United Home Furnishing Company, Paducah, KY. (4 October 1962). About This Listing. Advertisement: "Hats off to a real artist, says Gail Patrick" [with five spoons in First Love, Legacy, Lovelace, Marquise and Sylvia patterns]. [Exhibited Eliel Saarinen for International Silver Co. / Wilcox Silver Plate Co. (c. 1933-35). There, it also entered into a contract with The Mid America Commodity Exchange, Chicago Mercantile Exchange, and COMEX (based out of New York City), to whom it delivered coin silver and silver bullion. LIFE magazine, p. 36. (12 March 1951). A product of the International Silver Company. (20 August 1956). Wm. 1-2. Town & Country, pp. Town & Country, p. 20. E00838-40). Advertisement: "So easy to love. Some noted as in Ladies Home Journal. (Viewed 29 July 2018. (23 September 1958; filed 29 July 1957). Advertisement: "The International wedding International Sterling. (13 February 1950). (University of Connecticut library, special collections. Heres some of the best barware of all time [with photo of Charter Company / International Silver Co. cocktail shaker (1928), and link to Town & Country article online]. LIFE magazine, p. 122. Rogers & Son. (Exhibition history: 29 June - 14 November 1999, Recent acquisitions of twentieth-century design and architecture at the Metropolitan Museum of Art). (Updated 28 April 2017. New York: Ballantine Books. (Viewed 15 April 2018. AAA02133). G01624. Getting around (with mention: "at the Silver Gallery in Needham elaborate coffee services from Webster Wilcox [/ International Silver Co.] ") Boston Globe, p. F4. 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co. (January 1972). Sterling inlaid for those who desire the best. Design no. (Viewed 26 May 2018. (Viewed 13 June 2020. The first hailed from Derby, the second from Norwich, and the latter two from Waterbury. Gertz, Long Island, NY area. (2 September 1957). [showing Burgundy, Gardenia, and Georgie patterns]. B01221). (2 October 1962; filed 14 March 1962). Pewter of the 1920s. (Viewed 15 April 2018. (7 November 1933; filed 29 August 1933). Design no. G01520. F01011-12). (Viewed 24 July 2020. C00324). 86,962; serial no. (25 October 1937). G01539.). C00200-07). Washington Post, p. A5. LIFE magazine, p. 5. Dey Brothers & Co., presumably Syracuse, NY. (Updated 11 April 2017. Stainless Sale International Stainless 1847 Rogers [Bros. / International Silver Co.] International Deep Silver [/ Holmes & Edwards] " [with no product illustrations]. 3,083,823; serial no. Famous Makers discontinued pattern Juliette Wm. (Viewed 9 June 2019. (Viewed 22 August 2018. (19 January 1932; filed 15 April 1930). (Updated 15 April 2017. 30,112: Spoon or similar article of flatware. (13 September 1960; filed 17 September 1959). Frederick William Stark, assignor to International Silver Company. Hartford Courant, p. 38A.
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