0000141476 00000 n The action began for FFA members on Wednesday, August 9 and continued through Friday, August 12. endstream endobj 263 0 obj <>stream Learn how to enter the different contests. 2023 Iowa State Fair. You can find rules and information for the each of the categories, available through the drop down menu, below. 0000012575 00000 n 0000006025 00000 n G. PHOTOGRAPHY - Exhibitors entered in 4-H Photography are not eligible to exhibit in the FFA Photography Show or vice-versa. Counties are encouraged to use this guidance when working with local FFA exhibitors. Exhibits previously entered in an FFA Ag Science Fair or any other FFA event or competition may not be entered in any 4-H exhibit class. (Performance Beef weigh-in sheet, DNA sample and payment are due February 1, 2023.). 0000160277 00000 n 207. 0000010604 00000 n 252 46 0000045997 00000 n 207. For 11 days in August, its a fairground, but for the other 354 days of the year, the Iowa State Fairgrounds is home to auto shows, livestock exhibitions, flea markets, antique shows, concerts, trade shows and more. endstream endobj 261 0 obj <> endobj 262 0 obj <>stream 0000001863 00000 n 0000011390 00000 n 2023 Iowa State Fair. <<99A7D0B028604F40A1001C1544400F18>]/Prev 214829/XRefStm 1419>> rfOJy?7 k8_+nc.~y~p_ j 3000 East Grand Ave 4-HOnline Login Help Sheets You can find rules and information for the each of the categories, available through the drop down menu, below. Many attendees are not familiar with common standards of care for livestock, pets and other animals. gYpV:+Wro*^t9n1#lTiLZoW _ Email competitiveevents@iowastatefair.org or call 515-262-3111 ext. PO Box 542 Winterset, IA 50273 Future Fair Dates 7/19/-7/23, 2023 7/17-7/21, 2024 .qm-,J< _k)|M$,4B~c-(A ?-lb2ngeXu,w&'`6vF=v@5%w"6k-rB-=&xPgUzMpUqcG1h`(\kTp{u/o>V!]cn-i!> 8g[)apj XFwd07N7Z=GzmE|.f 95 . 0000012330 00000 n Questions? The special events application deadline is April 1, 2023. FFA and 4-H members and families, find the entry process for entering eachorganization'slivestock or static competitions. ]O2.-x~3tD &ydImdJdI\ qqH/E]Ox{Ex[>[Jl7I8%Xm^@2}x^C_o0. endstream endobj 385 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[22 325]/Length 34/Size 347/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream Open Class Helpful Tips FFA Helpful Tips Iowa State Fair Aug 10-20, 2023. Honorable Mention) Dave Burmeister, Logan, Honorable Mention) Nadir Nimry, Urbandale, Honorable Mention) Virginia Stone, Waukee, Honorable Mention) Jacqueline Piasecki, Des Moines, Honorable Mention) Sara Johansen, Johnston, Honorable Mention) Don Guthrie, Fort Dodge, Honorable Mention) Roger Feldhans, Pomeroy, Honorable Mention) Melvin Bobo, Des Moines, Honorable Mention) Barb Earles, Urbandale, Honorable Mention) Brad Brissey, Mediapolis, Honorable Mention) Jacklin Stonewall, Ames, Honorable Mention) Jared Oosterhuis, Des Moines, Honorable Mention) Lana Harshbarger, Madrid, Honorable Mention) Tony Dunsky Sr., Johnston, Honorable Mention) Marcus Clutter, Des Moines, Honorable Mention) Bill Roach, West Des Moines, Honorable Mention) David Garrison, West Des Moines, Honorable Mention) Brayden Breckenridge, Monroe, Honorable Mention) Graci Bedwell, Norwalk, Honorable Mention) Sophia Penisten, Des Moines, Honorable Mention) Leelia Rudicil, Des Moines, Honorable Mention) Kristin He, West Des Moines, Honorable Mention) Lydia Sandbulte, Elkhart. 0000149997 00000 n Agricultural Cooperative . Other Contests xref h9EFNN+p|Wh4NXn~ f 04UT.0 Apr 2016 - Sep 20226 years 6 months. 2. %%EOF 0000012415 00000 n Iowa State Fairgrounds Year Round Events For 11 days in August, it's a fairground, but for the other 354 days of the year, the Iowa State Fairgrounds is home to auto shows, livestock exhibitions, flea markets, antique shows, concerts, trade shows and more. 0000004920 00000 n Categories include: Ag & Natural Resources, Photography, Visual Arts, Food & Nutrition, Home Improvement, STEM, Woodworking, and much more. 0000000016 00000 n As the Iowa State Fair geared up, many FFA members could be found across the fairgrounds competing. All 4-H/FFA Exhibitors. Champion: Samantha Wilbur, South OBrien FFA, Paullina, Reserve Champion: Maizee Lindsey, Central Trail FFA, Leon, Champion: Brianna Wolfer, Albia FFA, Albia, Reserve Champion: Brylea Wollums, East Union FFA, Afton, Champion: Abigail Martin, Davis-Rodgers FFA, Shenandoah, Reserve Champion: Samantha Wilbur, South OBrien FFA, Paullina, Champion: Jackilyn Campbell-Mills, East Union FFA, Afton, Reserve Champion: Jackilyn Campbell-Mills, East Union FFA, Afton, Reserve Champion: Autumn Domeyer, Beckman Catholic FFA, Dyserville, Champion: Clark Spencer, Stanton FFA, Stanton, Reserve Champion: Alaina White, DeWitt Central FFA, DeWitt, Champion: Jaylin VanderWiel, East Union FFA, Afton, Reserve Champion: Tyler Zuercher, MFL-Mar-Mac FFA, Monona, Champion: Laci Cockrum, Carroll Area FFA, Carroll, Reserve Champion: Abigail Martin, Davis-Rodgers FFA, Shenandoah, Reserve Champion: Emery Hippen, Clear Lake FFA, Clear Lake, Reserve Champion: Raina Brown, Alburnett FFA, Alburnett, Champion: Nora Martin, Davis-Rodgers FFA, Shenandoah, Champion: Sierra Wegener, Northeast FFA, Goose Lake, Reserve Champion: Kaitlin Martin, Wellmen, 3000 East Grand Ave 0000159352 00000 n A non-profit organization raising funds to help preserve and improve the Iowa State Fairgrounds. 0000014769 00000 n 0000150658 00000 n 5+khWh]`q08XCjKjCNKN%GKac01A hI'hIh)V03GgY:stf3Og?gY?gY?~b97?Wl\zL|+J>?.sgZvwM>NS;+ y2 YQCA - The Iowa FFA Association follows federal and state livestock industry requirements; therefore, YQCA certification is required of all members who exhibit/raise/sell pork. Please note: These are preliminary results. Iowa State Fair FFA Entry Department Dennis Meggers, FFA Superintendent P.O. 0000003431 00000 n FFA & 4-H FFA and 4-H members and families, find the entry process for entering each organization's livestock or static competitions. 0000160393 00000 n Pie Basics Baking Class with Dianna Sheehy | The Kitchen | Sunday, March 19, at 2 p.m. Iowa State Fair Grandstand | Presented by Homemakers Furniture. 0000015717 00000 n 0000007383 00000 n 0000004387 00000 n Email competitiveevents@iowastatefair.org 3. Des Moines, IA ~ The Central Plains FFA Chapter had 18 members exhibit at the 2021 State Fair in mid-August. An up to date list of Marion County entries that placed at the 2010 Iowa State Fair. Find entry deadlines, proceduresand show schedules for the Iowa State Fair. 0000006328 00000 n Des Moines, Iowa 50317. 2022 Camping Request Form. Learn more about employment at the Iowa State Fair. The Iowa FFA Association was organized by delegates from 23 schools at Iowa State College on May 17, 1929 and is an integral part of public instruction in agriculture. 0000005524 00000 n Receive the latest Iowa State Fair news and information with our e-newsletter! 0000006641 00000 n or call 515-262-3111 ext. 0000014606 00000 n We make every effort to make sure the results posted are accurate; if you see anything that needs to be updated or changed, please email us immediately. 0000046451 00000 n Get your favorite souvenirs from the Blue Ribbon Foundation Online Store. 1. . . Counties are encouraged to use this guidance when working with local FFA exhibitors. 0000014247 00000 n 19. 2023 Iowa State Fair. 0000007913 00000 n 0000046188 00000 n All results are entered, checked and verified before being posted. As you have questions, please email xmadison@iastate.edu, and we will do our best to provide answers as we have them. Queen Crowning/Awards on Wednesday, July 12, 2023 In the show pavailion at the Central Iowa Fairgrounds Central Iowa Fair July 12-15, 2023 Iowa State Fair August 10-20, 2023 Photo Here 0000007224 00000 n 0000013233 00000 n Find 4-H Livestock and Horticulture Results at Fair Entry. 0000046682 00000 n Iowa State Fair and agree to release and hold harmless the State of Iowa, Iowa State Fair Authority, their officers,employees and agents and any 2023 Iowa State Fair. 0000150997 00000 n May 15 ID Deadline - Applies to all 4-H and FFA Exhibitors May 15 is an Iowa 4-H statewide deadline for livestock. H\j@E^& []]08v^R~.[Po}N.9!Nvm;se5m=}>SS41Ml. 2022 Fair Book. Community See All. Aug 10 - 20, 2023 | Days | Hours | Min. ?#^b7[]Oj^]mO&)]1?/)SMU;\kt5E%yy~%IQ/KpA.tpJV LOOOOO!o/BA t8BA t8BA t=PCA=PCA{@ @ @ @ @ evEveEeEeEevEvevEve}E}evEvt+++++++++++ Fo7 Fo7 +/=+!"Y: qL;bb.~*C? , Click here to access the County Fair Partnership Agreement via the ISU Extension Webpage. Learn how to enter into each organization's livestock or static competitions at the Iowa State Fair. All Rights Reserved. Learn how to enter these events at the Iowa State Fair. 0000088840 00000 n 0000001522 00000 n Iowa State Fair. endstream endobj 296 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[14 238]/Length 31/Size 252/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream Since then, Iowa investigators have given no hint of a motive and refuse to release. 0000158931 00000 n Organizers say the Iowa Foundation for Agricultural Advancement (IFAA) raised a record of $443,500 for the 16 exhibitors of 4-H and FFA Grand and Reserve Champion livestock in the Sale of Champions Saturday. 0000003976 00000 n Three people, including a 6-year-old girl, were murdered inside their tent at Maquoketa State Park in July. 0000005776 00000 n Questions? Exhibitors in 4-H classes are not eligible to exhibit in a similar department of the FFA divisions or vice-versa. Sale of Champions scholarship information is also available. The Committee endeavors to enhance the image of animal ownership, the Fair and to provide a positive experience for all involved. 2022 is no different! 0000010650 00000 n Serving as a state FFA officer is an honor as well as a great responsibility. 2023 Iowa State Fair. trailer 0000005523 00000 n 0000001703 00000 n 0000003704 00000 n Open Class Exhibitors. 0000001704 00000 n 0000008595 00000 n Local members were involved with Ag. Nomination deadline is May 15, 2023. Aug 10 - 20, 2023 | Days | Hours | Min. ; Iowa 4-H members who are interested in entering 4-H shows at the Iowa State Fair need to enter through FairEntry. With entries for beef or dairy cattle, dairy or boer goats, dogs, llama, poultry, rabbits, sheep and swine, find out the entry deadlines, proceduresand show schedules for livestock competitions. 0000141406 00000 n Admission tickets and select products now on sale! 19. Fair 2022 - Tuesday, August 16 Episode Season 53 Episode 5302 Aug 16, 2022 We visit the 2022 Youth Livestock Judging Contest. L. Individual animals must be identified as either a 4-H OR FFA project, not both. Receive the latest Iowa State Fair news and information with our e-newsletter! 725 people like this. 0000006896 00000 n The Iowa State Fair does not condone animal mistreatment of any kind. This website provides links and help sheets to 4-H and FFA families for the North Iowa Fair. 0000003975 00000 n startxref 252 0 obj <> endobj HUn@}W-^"MBiQmM{fskTXErx3gNt($Bp>8{5uk* Purpose of the Animal Care Committee: The Animal Care Committee was established by the Iowa State Fair Board to ensure that all animals at the Fair receive the best care that is possible and practical. 242 FFA 202 Click here to view. xref H\j@E^& []]08v^R~.[Po}N.9!Nvm;se5m=}>SS41Ml. 0000004672 00000 n 5 out of 5 stars. <<3AC14CA4BF813C43833B368945DC1224>]/Prev 172119/XRefStm 1521>> 0000160583 00000 n 0000005133 00000 n 0000141572 00000 n 3000 East Grand Ave Learn entry deadlines, procedures and more. H\n0E|"Z EJVbj2CV4H a_k|nrG}.56e>\Y&o)wq?onp Ofus'pk1\>O{}7ncpL32Mu 0000013469 00000 n xi\[j4A)WNO$iFYi:r0FiT%2O6vmX :dwT]Sh' =2#3Fs7hCEm6>^-Bo"sU(. 0000015647 00000 n Serving as a State FFA Officer Learn entry deadlines, proceduresand rules for the fine art and photography competitionsat the Fair. 2023 premium books will be posted April 1. 0 0000160764 00000 n Honorable Mention) Allison Palmer, Kansas City, Mo. 0000097201 00000 n 0000004445 00000 n Document. w[BxR 0000120718 00000 n Aug 10 - 20, 2023 | Days | Hours | Min. 0000088652 00000 n All Rights Reserved. The internationally acclaimed Iowa State Fair is the single largest event in the state of Iowa and one of the oldest and largest agricultural and industrial expositions in the country. Iowa State Fair Entries Due (birth date and YQCA # required for all cattle, goat, poultry, rabbit . All Rights Reserved. 0000158472 00000 n 0000003430 00000 n 2023 IOWA FFA ASSOCIATION. Part of the spirit of the Iowa State Fair comes from contests and competitions. State Fair Livestock Entry - . From checkers to backgammon, to heritage contests and pedal tractor pulls, the Iowa State Fair has a contest for YOU! All animals with the exception of pets, poultry and rabbits must be identified in 4-HOnline by May 15. 297 0 obj <>stream 3. 0000141143 00000 n 0 Many animal species, in addition to livestock, are on exhibition at the Fair. 98g 6 ZIb{'^?>"0dK; 0.CI>Q@s$mYCZpu~i/ctl[D. Enter your best baked goods, sewing projects, antiques, ag and hort cropsand more at the Fair. Des Moines, Iowa 50317. Laura Steinkamp of Carroll Area FFA, Carroll, received the State Advisors Selection. hbbg`b``3 Kids Bar Contest, Food - Favorite Food with Maytag Blue Cheese, Food - Cooking with Cookies' Sauces and Seasonings, Food - Breast Cancer Themed Food for a Friend in Need, Food - World's Tallest Leprechaun St. Patrick's Day Treats, Food - Our Front Porch Books Favorite Iowa Foods, Food - Dakota Style Pretzel Kraving Creation, Fabric and Threads - Sewn and Other Items for the Home, Food - Best Fruit Cobbler, Bettie or Buckle, Fruit Crops - Apples, Pears, Peaches and Plums, Food - Egg-Ceptional Eggs Cooking Contest, Food - Scenic Valley Pumpkin Patch Cookies, Fabric and Threads - Senior Citizen Division, Food - Our Iowa Church Cookbook Favorites, Food - King Arthur Baking Company Yeast Bread, Food - Fleet Farm Canned Savory Sauces, Meats and Poultry, Food - Tribute to Bessie: Black and Blue Berry Pie, Food - Dorothy Lynch Tailgate Cooking Contest, Food - Fleet Farm Fresh Preserving for Youth, Food - Cinnamon Ridge Favorite Cheese Curds, Food - Bret and Amy Doerring Ugliest Cake, Food - Authentic European Bohemian-Style Kolaches, Fabric and Threads - Counted Thread Techniques, Fabric and Threads - Counted Cross Stitch, Fabric and Threads - Clothing Construction, Fabric and Threads - Shuttle or Needle Tatting, Horse Show - Belgian and Shire Draft Horse, Horse Show: Clydesdale, Percheron and Draft Pony, Pigtail, Ponytail, Braid, Mohawk and Mullet, Horseshoes Iowa State Mens and Iowa State Elders Championships 8.20.22, Horseshoes Iowa State Doubles Championship 8.13.22, Horseshoes Iowa State Region Team Championship 8.12.22, Iowa Auctioneer's Association Bid Calling Finals, Bill Riley Talent Search Senior Championship, 3000 East Grand Ave We strive to make the Iowa State Fair a safe and enjoyable place for people and animals alike. Mechanics, Horticulture, Meat Goats, Photography, Sheep, and Swine. endstream endobj 261 0 obj <> endobj 262 0 obj <>stream DES MOINES, Iowa The Iowa State Fair doesn't start until Thursday, but there are already things to do. March 30-31, 2023; TBA, 2024; . H\@FyZv/[U6q 1)Tr=r;x;4}[uS2SMiU0Y^.I69jmeS*usQ/JB A non-profit organization raising funds to help preserve and improve the Iowa State Fairgrounds. 0000011575 00000 n Find 4-H Exhibits and Communication Results at Fair Entry. Aug 10 - 20, 2023 | Days | Hours | Min. Iowa State Fair 4-H photography exhibitors must use the Photo Exhibit Label to provide required information for photo exhibits. Thrills andexcitement are abundantinthe cowgirl queen andhorse competitions at the Iowa State Fair. YHUZeo{/icYU`bn=7 xK_/WrZ*S"\\_"|$?&1sx_K0zBld3O'?G_}=z:gY,p:gS'=Q+|e"_W+|(Dkft3nF7ft3nFtSN'}c:"NE;K 0 5A| Honorable Mention) Janet Abrahamson, Centerville, Honorable Mention) Katelyn Tannehill, Ankeny, Honorable Mention) Erin Feaker, Story City, Honorable Mention) Lindsey Carter, Bondurant, Honorable Mention) Diane Michaud Lowry, Ames, Honorable Mention) Buck Christensen, Council Bluffs, Honorable Mention) Mara Zegarac-Jasper, Dunkerton, Honorable Mention) Ernest Vortherms, Urbandale.