[14] There was a growing African-American community in the Kanawha Valley, attracted to jobs in mills and in coal production. Bumpy Johnson wanted him to bend to his wishes but Adam did not do it. He was a leading figure in passage of the backbone of the much of the social legislation of the Kennedy and Johnson presidencies. He was born in New Haven, Connecticut, and received a master's degree in religious education from Columbia University. ", The story of thevPowell family is retold in the radio drama ", This page was last edited on 2 March 2023, at 18:47. [6] Wil Haygood, a 1993 biographer of Adam Clayton Powell Jr., mistakenly wrote that Sally Dunning was held as a slave by white farmer Llewellyn Powell at the time of her son Adam's birth. In some areas where discrimination was severe, such as Mississippi, it took years for African Americans to register and vote in numbers related to their proportion in the population, but they have since maintained a high rate of registration and voting.[33]. He encouraged local residents to shop only where blacks were also hired to work. The University of Alabama's Emphasis Symposium on Contemporary Issues, Rushing, Lawrence, "The Racial Identity of Adam Clayton Powell Jr: A Case Study in Racial Ambivalence and Redefinition", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Adam_Clayton_Powell_Jr.&oldid=1142496672, Capeci, Dominic J. It successfully reported to Congress "49 pieces of bedrock legislation", as President Johnson put it in a May 18, 1966, letter congratulating Powell on the fifth anniversary of his chairmanship. [11] Pezzoni noted Sally was a free woman of color, as were her mother and grandmother, proved by the 1860 census, which documented the three generations of the Dunning family. [9] In the year of his son's birth in New Haven, Powell Sr. was called as the pastor of the Abyssinian Baptist Church in the Harlem neighborhood of New York City. Former Secretary of State Colin Powell speaks during a reception celebrating the completion of U.S. King to Powell, 24 June 1960, in Papers 5:480481. In 1961, after 16 years in the House, Powell became chairman of the Education and Labor Committee, the most powerful position held by an African American in Congress. U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell gestures as he addresses the Security Council February 14, 2003 at United Nations headquarters in New York City. [citation needed], During the Great Depression in the 1930s, Powell, a handsome and charismatic figure, became a civil rights leader in Harlem. Now a whole new generation will be introduced to this flamboyant, controversial, and wildly popular man.With colorful details, Powell recounts his childhood in early 20th -- century Harlem, his education at an all . "[26] He developed a strategy known as the "Powell Amendments". At the end of his "Speech on Civil Rights (1955)," Adam Clayton Powell Jr. quotes part of a hymn, which is a type of spiritual song. They had a son, whom they named Adam Clayton Powell Diago, using the mother's surname as a second surname, according to Hispanic tradition. Adam Clayton Powell Jr. as a student at Colgate, circa 1930. )[5] They and their ancestors were classified as mulatto in 19th-century censuses. [32] Voter registration and electoral practices were not changed substantially in most of the South until after passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which provided federal oversight of voter registration and elections, and enforcement of the constitutional right to vote. His father was a Baptist preacher and soon after his birth the family relocated to New York City when his father took over as pastor at the Abyssinian Baptist Church. Her parents had been slaves in Virginia and were freed after the Civil War. He made speeches on the House Floor to celebrate the anniversaries of the independence of nations such as Ghana, Indonesia, and Sierra Leone. He also urged United States presidents to support emerging nations in Africa and Asia as they gained independence after colonialism. The committee also found that Powell had committed numerous acts of financial misconduct. [17] In 1941, Powell led a bus boycott in Harlem, where blacks constituted the majority of passengers but held few of the jobs; the New York City Transit Authority hired 200 black workers and set the precedent for more. In 1933, Powell married Isabel Washington (19082007), an African American singer and nightclub entertainer. [3] His sister, Blanche, was 10 years older. In spite of all,King told him,I will hold nothing in my heart against you and I will not go to the press to answer or condemn you(Papers 5:481). The facility is a nineteen story highrise office building located on 125th street and stands as the tallest building in Harlem. Photo, Print, Drawing [Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. and wife Hazel Dorothy Scott, head-and-shoulders portrait, on their wedding day] [ b&w film copy neg. ] The Institute cannot give permission to use or reproduce any of the writings, statements, or images of Martin Luther King, Jr. Powells outspoken opposition to racism and his flamboyant lifestyle made him enemies, however, and in the early 1960s he became involved in a lawsuit with a woman who claimed he had wrongly accused her of collecting police graft. He had that trump card. In 1960, Powell, hearing of planned civil rights marches at the Democratic Convention, which could embarrass the party or candidate, threatened to accuse Rev. He won election to the New York City Council in 1941, becoming the first black man to serve on that body. In a heated telephone conversation on March 1, 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson accuses Adam Clayton Powell of holding up the passage of an education . Bob (Billy Gardell) attempts to learn more about Nigerian customs while Abishola (Folake Olowofoyeku) has to contend with gossip spreading at the hospital about her relationship with Bob. [30], In 1961, after 15 years in Congress, Powell advanced to chairman of the powerful United States House Committee on Education and Labor. He was the 65th United States Secretary of State, serving under U.S. President George W. Bush from 2001 to 2005, the first African American to serve in that position. US ex-lawyer admits lying but denies killing family. President George H.W. Gen. Colin Powell, who died Monday at 84 from complications of COVID-19, was a lot of things to a lot of people the first Black Secretary of State, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, a. In the 1870 census, he used the surname Dunning, as did his and Sally's children. He was nevertheless reelected in his district in 1968 but was then deprived by his colleagues in the House of his committee chairmanship and his seniority. He organized mass meetings, rent strikes, and public campaigns to force companies, utilities, and Harlem Hospital, which operated in the community, to hire black workers at skill levels higher than the lowest positions, to which they had formerly been restricted by informal discrimination. He was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives three years later, representing a newly formed congressional district in Harlem. His parents were of mixed race with African and European ancestry (and, according to his father, American Indian on his mother's side). Colin Powell, the barrier-breaking former top diplomat and military leader who represented the waning vestiges of cross-partisanship in the country he served, has died of complications. Many Negroes were angry that no Northern liberals would get up on the floor of Congress and challenge the segregationists. He walked a fine line. In the film's most humorous scene, a re-enactment of an actual event, he pursues a racist Southern legislator who refuses to sit next to a . at Virginia Union University (1904). I have always vigorously defended you against your most severe critics,King wrote Powell in response. When Powell was named chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee the following year, King wrote him praising hisunswerving dedication and loyalty without compromise to the civil rights struggle of the Negro people(King, 28 January 1961). Hulton Archive/Getty Images; David Lee/EPIX, David Giuntoli stars in A Million Little Things.. [52], Powell is portrayed by Giancarlo Esposito in the 2019 Epix cable series Godfather of Harlem.[54]. "General Colin L. Powell, former U.S. Secretary of State and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, passed away this morning due to complications from Covid 19. Colin Powell at his home in Virginia. Powell had widespread influence in the community. After a high-strung theater producers behavior shifts from demanding to demonic, Kristen (Katja Herbers), David (Mike Colter) and Ben (Aasif Mandvi) are summoned to assess the situation. Oct. 18, 2021, 9:42 AM PDT. He helped steer the passage of the minimum wage bill, the Manpower Development and Training Act, the . The first such tour with Dizzy Gillespie proved to be an outstanding success abroad and prompted similarly popular tours featuring other musicians for many years. As chairman of the Coordinating Committee for Employment, Powell used numerous methods of community organizing to bring political pressure on major businesses to open their doors to black employees at professional levels. American First Lady Barbara Bush fastens the Presidential Medal of Freedom around the neck of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff US Army General Colin Powell, as US President George HW Bush, watches during a ceremony in the White House's East Room, Washington DC, July 3, 1991. The rent strike in Harlem in 1963 was about the mob. Gen. Colin Powell, the first Black U.S. secretary of state and a trailblazing figure in Washington, D.C., and around the world, died on Monday of complications from COVID-19. [42] He also was elected as a New York state Assemblyman (D-East Harlem) for three terms and had a son named Adam Clayton Powell V.[41] In 1994, and again in 2010, Adam Clayton Powell IV unsuccessfully challenged incumbent Rep. Charles B. Rangel for the Democratic nomination in his father's former congressional district. Powell worked through college and graduated in 1892 from Wayland Seminary, a historically black college located in Washington, DC. Brown, Tamara L.; Parks, Gregory S.; Phillips, Clarenda M. (February 17, 2012). from Colgate University (Hamilton, N.Y.) in 1930 and his M.A. Gen. Colin Powell, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, points to a group of American troops at an airbase after his arrival in Saudi Arabia on Thursday, Sept. 13, 1990. Both his mother and Powell married mulatto spouses, a former slave and a daughter of former slaves, respectively. This show is very different from The Get Down, which was wonderful. ), a free woman of color, named her first son after her older brother Adam Dunning. Respondents had no way to indicate mixed race until the 21st century. The amendments content was eventually incorporated into the Civil Rights Act of 1964. In the early 21st century, Adam Clayton Powell III became Vice Provost for Globalization at the University of Southern California. Rome (Romany Malco) takes a meeting about his movie script with an old producer friend. Series premiere. Following an investigation of Powells conduct, in 1967 the House voted not to seat him. Powell urged his supporters to "keep the faith, baby," while the investigation was underway. [13] (Note: Both Llewellyn and Powell are names associated primarily with Wales and England rather than Germany.). According to biographer Charles V. Hamilton, Anthony Bush "decided to take the name Powell as a new identity. [4] Powell's paternal grandmother's ancestors had been free persons of color for generations before the Civil War. In 1880 Anthony Powell worked at the dam; Adam Powell at age 15 worked hauling water at the mines, and Malinda Dunnon worked as a weaver. The Boston Business Journal spoke with Jagan Jayachandran, Assistant Professor of Aerospace Engineering, and Adam Powell, Associate Professor of Mechanical and Materials Engineering about their research to develop a net-zero aviation fuel made with magnesium. Secretary of State Colin Powell and National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice talk in the Oval Office of the White House after a meeting between President Bush and Colombian President Alvaro Uribe. Before Barack Obama, Colin Powell, and Martin Luther King, Jr., there was Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. -- the most celebrated and controversial black politician of his generation. After serving in churches in Philadelphia and New Haven, Connecticut, Powell was called as pastor to Abyssinian Baptist, where he served from 1908 to 1936. [34], The full House refused to seat him until the completion of the investigation. Although they continued to encounter patches of disagreement, King spoke occasionally at Abyssinian Baptist Church in the early 1960s, raising funds for SCLC. For example, only he could (or would dare to) challenge Congressman Rankin of Mississippi on the House floor in the 1940s for using the word "nigger". [41] In 1980, this son changed his name to Adam Clayton Powell IV, dropping "Diago" from his name when he moved to the mainland United States from Puerto Rico to attend Howard University. He was admired; he was vilified. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. In researching the role, Esposito, 61, listened to audio tapes of Powells speeches and researched his Congressional record. [37] In June 1969, in Powell v. McCormack, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that the House had acted unconstitutionally when it excluded Powell, as he had been duly elected by his constituents.[38]. He clashed with the many segregationists from the South in his party. Nevertheless, Powell easily won the primary in August and the general election in November. We look back on his life and legacy with his former chief . The family changed its surname to Powell when they moved to Kanawha County, West Virginia, as part of their new life there. Powell is buried at Flushing Cemetery, Flushing, Queens, New York City, New York. [51], Powell was the subject of the 2002 cable television film Keep the Faith, Baby, starring Harry Lennix as Powell and Vanessa Williams as his second wife, jazz pianist Hazel Scott. Adam Clayton Powell (87) 7.0 55min 1989 13+ The Academy Award-nominated Adam Clayton Powell delves into the gripping life and career of the most influential and flamboyant civil rights leader in America in the 30s, 40s and 50s. Colin Powell died at 84 this week of coronavirus complications after fighting cancer. He was greatly influenced by the preaching, social work and the Black spiritual music of the congregation. A man both celebrated and tarnished by war. All the family members were listed under the surname Dunning in the 1870 census. 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved. [43][44] Yvette Diago admitted to the committee that she had been on the Congressional payroll of her former husband, Adam Clayton Powell Jr., from 1961 until 1967, although she had moved back to Puerto Rico in 1961. In 1958, he survived a determined effort by the Tammany Hall Democratic Party machine in New York to oust him in the primary election. Adam Clayton Powell Jr. (November 29, 1908 April 4, 1972)[1] was an American Baptist pastor and politician who represented the Harlem neighborhood of New York City in the United States House of Representatives from 1945 until 1971. Before 1920, Blanche married Clarence D. King, who had migrated to New York from Virginia, and the young couple lived with her parents for a time in the city. Following allegations of corruption, in 1967 Powell was excluded from his seat by Democratic Representatives-elect of the 90th United States Congress, but he was re-elected and regained the seat in the 1969 ruling by the Supreme Court of the United States in Powell v. McCormack. Adam Clayton Powell Jr. was best known in his role as chairman of the House Committee on Education and Labor. In the end, the Select House Committee to investigate Rep. Adam Clayton Powell recommended that Powell be seated but stripped of his seniority and forced to pay a fine of $40,000, citing article I, section 5, clause 2 of the Constitution, which gives each house of Congress the ability to punish members for improper conduct. By the mid-1960s, Powell was increasingly being criticized for mismanaging his committee's budget, taking trips abroad at public expense, and missing meetings of his committee. 1845-d. 1937), a mulatto freedman (former slave). Mr. Powell's age, citizenship, and inhabitancy [sic]; 2. United States President George W Bush meets with the National Security Council in the Cabinet Room of the White House in Washington, DC (from left to right): Secretary of State Colin Powell, President Bush, President Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, September 14, 2001. The two would go on to have son Adam Clayton Powell III. He was a member of the YMCA, Republican Party, and fraternal organizations, including the Masons, Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias.[21]. Biographer Hamilton described the NAACP as "the quarterback that threw the ball to Powell, who, to his credit, was more than happy to catch and run with it. Full online access to this resource is only available at the Library of Congress. She moved people to new heights when it came to seeking equality. "General Colin L. Powell, former U.S. Secretary of State and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, passed away this morning due to complications from Covid 19," the Powell family wrote on Facebook. Thats the Harlem of my mothers time. These included the appropriation of Congressional funds for his personal use, the use of funds meant for the House Education and Labor Committee to pay the salary of a housekeeper at his property on Bimini in The Bahamas, purchasing airline tickets for himself, family, and friends from the funds of the House Education and Labor Committee, as well as making false reports on expenditures of foreign currency while heading of the House Education and Labor Committee. [2] He received 65,736 votes, the third-best total among the six successful Council candidates. I dont want to demean it, but it was a little Hollywood. Brought up in a middle-class home, he received his B.A. Powell used the pulpit to work for social change, organizing his community around issues related to discrimination in employment and government services. Former Secretary of State Colin Powell died from complications of COVID-19. Colin Powell on May 28 in D.C. Paul Morigi/Getty Images for Capital Concerts. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the German theologian and pastor, attended Abyssinian Baptist for six months while studying in New York at Union Theological Seminary before World War II. Although he was implicated as someone who had inside connections, it was untrue. in religious education from Columbia University. 1920 US Census, "Adam C. Powell", "Blanche F. King", Manhattan, New York, Last edited on 24 November 2022, at 18:45, Downington Industrial and Agricultural School, National Training School for Women and Girls, "U.S. Passport Applications, 17951925 [database on-line]", Theodore R. Hazen, "Slone's Grist Mill History Study and Related Information on the Grist Mills of Franklin County, Virginia ", 1860 United States Census, Franklin County, VA, "Sallie Dunning", J. Daniel Pezzoni, "Hook-Powell-Moorman Farm": Historic Nomination Form, 1860 US Census, Franklin County, North Eastern Division, Lawrence Rushing, "The Racial Identity of Adam Clayton Powell Jr.: A Case Study in Racial Ambiguity and Identity", Rushing, Lawrence, "The Racial Identity of Adam Clayton Powell Jr.: A Case Study in Racial Ambivalence and Redefinition", Pezzoni, J. Daniel. WASHINGTON Family, former colleagues and friends honored Colin Powell's "life well lived" during a funeral service held Friday at the Washington National Cathedral. Powell also led a fight to have drugstores operating in Harlem hire black pharmacists. Diplomacy Center Pavilion at the Department of State in Washington, USA on January 10, 2017. In 1945, Powell was elected to Congress, becoming New York's first Black representative. I have really good feelings about it. [31], Powell was instrumental in passing legislation that made lynching a federal crime, as well as bills that desegregated public schools. [12] The Encyclopaedia of African American History (2006) claims that Powell's father was Llewellyn Powell, and that he was of German descent. Adam C. Powell, IV is an Associate Professor in the Mechanical & Materials Engineering department who joined the WPI faculty in August 2018. (It was the predecessor school of Virginia Union University). He became a member of Alpha Phi Alpha, the first African-American, intercollegiate Greek-lettered fraternity.[12]. Two years after Adam's birth, in 1867 his mother Sally married Anthony Bush (b. abt. Although he was implicated as someone who had inside connections, it was untrue. [43][44][45][46], In April 1972, Powell became gravely ill and was flown to a Miami hospital from his home in Bimini. He died there on April 4, 1972, at the age of 63, from acute prostatitis, according to contemporary newspaper accounts. Powell was the son of the pastor of the Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem, New York City. Lyndon Johnson Rebukes Adam Clayton Powell. Powell was the son of the pastor of the Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem, New York City. An astute businessman known as "Mr. Civil Rights," he represented Harlem for twenty-four years in the House of Representatives. Onstage at the 42nd Annual NAACP Image Awards held at The Shrine Auditorium on March 4, 2011 in Los Angeles, California. [19] Powell Jr remained pastor of the church until 1972. But when. In fact, in the committee's official report, Conyers asserted that Powell's conduct during the two investigations of his conduct was not contrary to the dignity of the House of Representatives, as had been suggested by the investigation. [20], Powell was ordained a Baptist minister in 1892; he served at churches in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and New Haven, Connecticut between 1892 and 1908.[1][21]. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Thanks for contacting us. As one of only two black Congressmen (the other being William Levi Dawson)[27] until 1955, Powell challenged the informal ban on black representatives using Capitol facilities previously reserved for white members. An astute businessman known as "Mr. Civil Rights," he represented Harlem for twenty-four years in the House of Representatives. Powell headed theDont Buy Where You Cant Workcampaign, which succeeded in opening up jobs to African Americans at New York stores, utility companies, and city buses. His mother Sally Dunning (18421848? Secretary of State Colin Powell stands with President George W. Bush. [7] Sally never identified the father of Adam Clayton Powell Sr., born in 1865. Adam Clayton Powell was the most important figure in Negro politics because his career was built upon the support of the black masses; they, and they alone, were the cornerstone of his electoral success. [3][4] (In his autobiography Adam By Adam, Powell says that his mother had partial German ancestry. People in daily life and legal challenges made judgments about racial classification based on personal associates, marriage choices, and community, more than by genealogical documentation. Adam Clayton Powell (May 5, 1865 [1] [2] - June 12, 1953) was an American pastor who developed the Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem, New York as the largest Protestant congregation in the country, with 10,000 members. On March 1, the House voted 307 to 116 to exclude him, despite the recommendation of the Select Committee. The service comes a few . "Hook-Powell-Moorman Farm": Historic Nomination Form, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Adam_Clayton_Powell_Sr.&oldid=1123618986, The story of the Powell family is retold in the radio drama ", This page was last edited on 24 November 2022, at 18:45. [34], The members of the Select Committee had different opinions on the fate of Powell's seat. Season premiere. (Original Caption) 4/9/1972-New York, NY: Two of Adam Clayton Powell's three wives- pianist Hazel Scott (upper right, eyes closed) and Ivette Diago Flores (upper left) -along with Powell's companion during his last years, Darlene Expose (lower left, wearing veil) and Mr. and Mrs. Adam Clayton Powell the 3rd (seated next to Miss Scott) join other mourners at funeral services for the former . Although the rider did not pass, Powell reintroduced the legislation so many times that it became known as the Powell Amendment. She was the sister of actress Fredi Washington. The status of legal proceedings to which Mr. Powell was a party in the State of New York and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico with particular reference to the instances in which he has been held in contempt of court; and 3. Former secretary of state Colin L. Powell died Monday morning from complications related to covid-19. [52] It garnered three NAACP Image Award nominations for Outstanding Television Movie, Outstanding Actor in a Television Movie (Lennix), and Outstanding Actress in a TV Movie (Williams). With the church as his power base, Powell was able to build a formidable public following in Harlem through his crusades for jobs and housing for the poor. Linda Powell and Colin Powell during "On Golden Pond" Opening Night on Broadway - Curtain Call and After Party at The Cort Theater and Blue Fin in New York City, New York, United States. Secretary of State. In 2011, the new Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Paideia Academy opened in Chicago's South Shore neighborhood. [25] He was the first black Congressman elected from New York State. After he was elected to Congress in 1944, other people led the paper, but it finally closed in 1948, after being accused of communist connections. Under his leadership, in 1920 the congregation acquired a large lot and built a substantial church and community center at a cost of $334,000. The four other African American students at Colgate at the time were all athletes. That same year he divorced his first wife, Isabel Washington, and married his second, actress and jazz artist Hazel Scott. Requiring poll taxes for voter registration and voting was a device used by southern states in new constitutions adopted from 1890 to 1908 to disenfranchise most blacks and many poor whites, to exclude them from politics. He challenged the Southern practice of charging Blacks a poll tax to vote. In the 1860 census, she is listed as a free mulatto, as were her mother, grandmother, and siblings. When his father retired in 1937, Powell became the new pastor of Abyssinian, ministering to a congregation of over 10,000 members. Omissions? Powell to Eisenhower, 22 February 1956, WCFO-KAbE. 1860 US Census, "Adam Duning" and family, Franklin County, North Eastern Division, Virginia. "African American Fraternities and Sororities: The Legacy and the Vision". Bumpys wife came to him to urge him not to turn Bumpy in. Colin Powell has died at the age of 84 from COVID-19 complications, according to . In this census, all the family but Dunnon were classified as mulatto; she was classified as black, although she had been classified as mulatto in 1860 and 1870. We've received your submission. But when a socialite is murdered, she is a prime suspect. He walked a fine line. Powell's disease resulted from a breakthrough infection; he was fully vaccinated. Joint Chiefs Chairman. He also played a role in the implementation of the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy that barred openly gay, lesbian, and queer service people. [17] He was later made an honorary member of Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity. He lived his. In 1969 the U.S. Supreme Court decided that the action of the House in depriving him of his seat had been unconstitutional, but by that time Powells health was failing. Colin Powell a former U.S. military general who became America's first Black secretary of state died Oct. 18 at age 84 of complications related to COVID-19, according . The white Congressmen and Senators controlled all the seats allocated for the total population in the southern states, had established seniority, and commanded many important committee chairs in the House and Senate.[22][28]. It closed in 2009. Speech by Adam Clayton Powell given on April 10, 1969. George W Bush; United States; Top Stories. My mother, who has passed, used to say, Why did that give that boy the Emmy again? As chairman, Powell played a crucial role in moving Lyndon Johnsons progressive War on Poverty legislation through Congress. He attended Yale Divinity School (18951896) and earned a D.D. Freedom's Ring: King's "I Have a Dream" Speech, Martin Luther King, Jr. - Threats/attacks against, Montgomery grand jury indicts 115 bus boycott leaders, King's remarks before Democratic Party Platform Committee read by representative, King attends March on the Conventions Movement at the Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles, King and A. Philip Randolph hold press conference in Chicago concluding March on the Conventions Movement. Powell's parents married in West Virginia, where they met. Colin Powell at his home in Virginia. The email scandal has dogged presidential hopeful Clinton for more than a year. Former Secretary of State Colin Powell 's friends and loved ones honored the life of the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during a funeral service Friday at Washington's National. Powell is an American statesman and a retired four-star general in the United States Army. "Colin embodied the . Powell is an American statesman and a retired four-star general in the United States Army.
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