It is also ideal for rock gardens, border edges, and even containers besides being an excellent choice for an ornamental ground cover. By Sarah Littleton and Teresa Odle Published Jan 10, 2023 4:50 PM. Plant ivy in the spring and you won't need to maintain it at all. Spotted dead nettles are generally grown more for their silvery leaves than for their flowers, but the latter can be quite pretty, as well. This ground cover requires very little care at allif planted in full shade. Learn tips for creating your most beautiful home and garden ever. Manure tea is a good substitute when it is too difficult to work more compost into the soil. . However, sweet woodruff can be a good ground cover choice for dry shade, such as in areas under big trees. This plant works as a ground cover, a border plant or even a houseplant in a hanging basket. Leadwort is an excellent low-maintenance groundcover for putting on a late-season show. Otherwise, no pruning is needed, and if you're using it only for ground covering, watch that it does not grab hold of a tree bark or the siding of your house because its roots will dig in, making it hard to remove without damaging the surface. which is great for using as a ground cover in large fields and gardens. Root-hardy, it will return after a freeze, but in mild winters such as this year's, little damage is done to the foliage. Bloom time begins sooner, of course, after a mild winter, since plants do not have to regrow. Plus, each is interesting enough to enhance your surroundings more than an ordinary carpet of grass. It's deer-resistant and can tolerate drought, heat, and cold. Because the common name is often given as spotted dead nettle. Roger Clemens makes surprise appearance at Astros' Spring Training, Hiker captures 'once-in-a-lifetime' photo of wildlife at Brazos Bend State Park, This is how astronauts see Houston, Texas Gulf from space with unaided eyes, These bites won big at the Houston rodeo's foodie awards, Here's what Lina Hidalgo carb-loads before a long run, Heres how you can watch 'Daisy Jones and the Six', Houston police ticket man for feeding homeless people, Texas Republican wants to ban access to abortion websites. It grows in little clumps, likes moist soil, and prefers full to part sun. Get daily tips & tricks to help make your best home, Spotted Dead Nettles vs. Stinging Nettles. In fact it thrives on summer drought in dry shade. It is perfect for rock gardens, edging of pathways or front of the flower border. Elsewhere (and depending on growing conditions), they are more likely to besemi-evergreen, herbaceous plants. They love harsh conditions, including heat, full sun, low water, and even rugged terrain or rocky soil. The Spruce uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Photo: Stan Shebs, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons, 25 Plants That Survive With or Without You, 14 of the Best Plants for Your Drought-Tolerant Garden, 10 Grass-Free Alternatives to a Traditional Lawn, Bad Neighbors: 11 Plant Pairs Never to Grow Side by Side. On the other hand, keeping it in check requires occasionally cutting back the stems, which can actually self-root if they fall off naturally. And Beacon Silver has pink flowers and silvery leaves. But beware: This hardy opportunist, if left unchecked, can become unsightly and sometimes invasive. Honeysuckle grows best with full sun and moist soil, and its resistant to heat. Growing 3-6 inches tall, it can be used as a full ground cover, or you can plant it around stepping stones and pathways. Ground cover plants play an important role in the forest garden, protecting the soil, providing refuge for wildlife at ground layer, preventing unwanted plants from establishing and can provide some food such as berries or leaves. It's cold hardy and prefers part shade. It is far too unattractive a little for this low-growing carpet of leaves. In addition to white flowers, you can find colors like moonshine yellow, paprika, or vintage violet. Lamium is an excellent ground cover for shade. Swallowtail butterflies, hummingbird moths and hummingbirds are all fans. If you set out a little nursery-grown pot of Lamium in spring. These creeping ground cover plants will reward you with easy care and bright colors. You might be more familiar with the short, colorful asters commonly sold along with potted mums in the fall. And, of course, you can snip off the leaves for cooking. The low-maintenance plant thrives year-round, rewarding you with delicate blooms in spring and summer. Despite its vigorous growth, it's not considered invasive. Good Housekeeping participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. Within two to three years of planting, it forms a lush carpet of velvety, green, heart-shaped leaves that hug the ground. When planted in groups, heuchera works well as a ground cover or along garden edging. The low-lying ground cover is a popular option as a filler for rock gardens or as an accent above retaining walls. This plant grows vibrant purple flowers that grow against grey-green foliage from early spring through early summer. If you want this to be a fast-growing ground cover plant, make sure it receives 4-6 hours of sun each day. Turf lawn grasses are by far the most popular ground cover plant in residential landscapes, but some places aren't really suitable for grass growth (like arid desert yards) and some people simply prefer more diverse or unique "lawnscaping.". It makes a dense mat of three-lobed leaves on lengthy, cane-like stems, which provide an interesting ground . You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. It prefers shade, but . Ground Cover Dogwood. Type above and press Enter to search. "Lamium maculatum" is a lovely ground cover, you can use them to decorate the hostas' edges. Creeping Phlox. Hardy and deer resistant in USDA Zones 4 through 8, this colonizing fern prefers humus-rich, moist but well-drained soils. If you have a sunny to partially shaded spot in USDA Zones 3 through 9 where youd like a flowering ground cover but want something more colorful, try this ornamental onion. In zones 6 through 8, it remains evergreen most of the year. Lamium is evergreen from Zone 6 south. The little silver leaves of lamium are like bits of glitter strewn about the garden floor, reflecting any dappled sunlight that finds them. Though this is considered a flowering ground cover, it's tiny white flowers are quite insignificant. Some leaves may revert back to an all-green color (instead of being variegated); be sure to prune these out, so that the green color does not eventually take over the plant. Keep it in a shady spot, especially under trees and shrubs. This sweetly-scented perennial spreads easily, so keep it in check by planting it in well-groomed areas like along walkways or close to the house's foundation. Plant this deer- and rabbit-resistant herb in the spring and its fuzzy leaves will cover large areas by autumn. Yellow archangel (Lamium galeobdolon 'Hermann's Pride', Zones 4-8) is one of the fastest-growing ground covers. Creeping lamium averages 10 inches tall, with small flower groups appearing in the summer. These deer-resistant plants are not bothered by rabbits either. While this super spreader is a great ground cover to prevent weeds, if you want your vinca minor to play nice with other plantings, youll need to cut it back on a regular basis. One way to cut back on the energy and resources you put into your yard is to incorporate ground covers into the landscape. Interrupted fern, like bunchberry and liverleaf, is a North American native that can serve as a low-maintenance ground cover for shade. The plant dies back to the ground in the winter and comes out in the spring, but giving it a good shearing before winter will help keep the plants healthy. . In fact, they are one of the best perennials for shade. Being creepersand having a tendency to spread, these classic cottage-garden plants are popular flowering ground covers. Flowering: Yes. It matures to a height of about 3 feet, and it, too, can be used as a taller ground cover. It spreads well, but is easy to manage. Lamium Anne Greenway Need a good ground cover in the shade or morning sun. While it prefers full sun, it needs regular moisture, especially during hot months. Good For: Plant Hardiness Zones 3-10 SHOP DEAD NETTLE SEEDS skymoon13 // Getty Images Advertisement - Continue Reading Below 10 Creeping Phlox Though many annual flowers can be used for ground coverings, it can be laborious to replant large swaths of coverings yearly. Poke holes in the fabric and plant the junipers, then cover the fabric with mulch. Its ornamental value is twofold: it bears splendid blossoms in various colors (depending on the variety), and it displays eye-catching silver leaves, which provide color long after the flowers have faded. Native to Europe and western Asia, Lamium is frequently found naturalized along woodland trails and paths and colonized along the banks of streams. The leaves, bulblets and bulbs of the nodding onion plant are edible with a strong onion flavor, but its more common to grow Allium cernuum for its easily identifiable flowers. Growing Conditions: Full to part shade in moist, well-drained soil There is no need to apply fertilizer, encouraging them to become too robust and invasive. The dainty lavender flowers and vining evergreen leaves make this purple ground cover incredibly popular as a low maintenance ground cover for shade. Yellow archangel ( lamium galeobdolon) Lamium needs shade and a fertile, moist but well-draining soil. Don't site near small plants which may be overtaken. Going to google creeping jenny. Spectacular as a ground cover in the shade garden, Lamium maculatum (Spotted Dead Nettle) is a perennial plant whose appearance is unlike other perennial ground covers. Although it favors dry climates, this ground cover can survive in the warmer end of some humid regions. Try some honeysuckle! chezmoose. Spotted dead nettles have few problems in the north; among other good features is the fact that they are deer-resistant plants. Kathleen Miller is a highly-regarded Master Gardener and Horticulturist who shares her knowledge of sustainable living, organic gardening, farming, and landscape design. RELATED: The 15 Best Plants for Rookie Gardeners. Its cheerful bright lilac pink flowers add whimsy to the garden from early summer through midsummer. Susan has received visitors from around the world in her home garden which has been featured in numerous gardening publications. The creeping juniper is a sprawling, creeping needled evergreen shrub that grows to a maximum height of about 18 inches and with a spread that can go as much as 8 feet. BUY IT ($18) Jill King/EyeEm/Getty Images. Her goal is to inspire and educate people about how to garden every day. On top of all that, with proper care the plant can last 5 to 6 years, during which time you can harvest your own fresh thyme. Pollinating bees and butterflies delight in its bright golden yellow, daisy-like flowers that appear from late spring into early summer. It has a stripe down the middle that can be white, yellow, red, or silver. Some of these ground covers will grow in sun and others in shade; all will put on growth quickly. This plant thrives in wet soils, which is why planting it in dry soil and denying it water helps keep it in check. It's low-maintenance because this drought-tolerant perennial grows beautifully in a xeriscape or rock garden. A ground hugging creeper with silvered variegated foliage and some really pretty colored flowers Dead Nettles are an ideal choice for gardeners who want a tough plant with a variety of . She has spent over two decades working in the horticulture industry on new plant development, garden design, sales, marketing and consulting. Lamium is a fast-growing perennial ground cover that deer and rabbits avoid. In warm regions and/or insheltered areas of your yard, they may be evergreen. To encourage new growth in the springtime cut spotted dead nettles back after the first frost or in the late autumn, depending on where you live. English ivy is considered an evergreen perennial covering, period. Note that the green type of European native can be highly invasive, especially in wet areas of the Northeast westward to Indiana, and in the parts of the Northwest. Finely textured, semi-evergreen, bright green blades form a slowly spreading mass that tops out about six to eight inches tall. Do spotted dead nettle attract butterflies? Ice plants need plenty of sun to thrive. Hostas are some of the happiest and hardiest perennial ground coverings you can grow. Q. It's also toxic to humans and pets. It has excellent resistance to damage by deer and rabbits. Select Delosperma floribundum'Starburst', a mat-forming cultivar with pink flowers and white centers for zones 6 to 8. Available at Etsy; $10.99 per 1-quart plant. Choose from an annual or perennial variety, and watch charming daisy-like flowers bloom throughout this bushy plant. Compost should be sufficient, as the plants do not require rich soil. Grows in zone 2 to 6 in part shade and part Sun. It prefers moderate climates but is able to withstand full sun and drought-like conditions. This easy-to-grow plant spreads and produces numerous offspring from seed. Its a good idea to add some mulch around the plant to help suppress weeds. Height is a foot or so. Vinca minor(commonly known as periwinkle) is a very popular ground cover because it's drought-tolerant, pest-free, inexpensive, and easy to grow in just about any type of soil. Plant Lenten rose ground cover in the early fall or late spring but away from the path of bitter winter winds. This native, weed-suppressing ground cover spreads quickly by seed and offshoots to fill challenging spaces under tall trees, along the waters edge, or in that tough strip between the street and sidewalk. Hmmm. It can cover large areas if you let it, so take care to find a place where its spreading tendency will be welcomed. Like sedges, many different types of asters that will grow in partial shade to full shade. Lamium covers well and adds colorful flowers, foliage and texture. Each plant takes on a green fountain-like appearance: Long, lush shoots of chartreuse foliage sprout up from the soil, then softly twist and tangle for full coverage wherever planted. The only issue to watch for is rotting leaves. The leaves are fragrant, and deep pink flowers bloom from June through July. Plants that are under 12 inches tall are good for tight spaces and as edging but can require some weeding to look their best. Here's how: While they can self-seed themselves, spotted dead nettles do not do well if you try to grow them from seed. Alyssum is an annual ground cover that grows very well from direct sow seeding once temperatures have reached 65 to 70 degrees. But what really makes this tough perennial a standout is its vivid foliage that ranges from chartreuse to silvery white to many shades of green. The foliage is evergreen and the 3-inch-high plant trails or spreads, favoring gravel and other sunny, dry conditions in zones 5 through 9. The versatile strawberry begonia (Saxifraga stolonifera) is neither a strawberry nor a begonia. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); You have entered an incorrect email address! Take leaves off at least half of the bottom portion of the branch. Ground-huggers in the 1- to 3-inch range that tolerate foot traffic can be used between stepping stones. The nepeta genus includes roughly 250 species. Choose plants that are hardy to USDA zones 2 to 4. Pachysandra are aggressive and fast-spreading coverings that grow underground with runners. It is a woodland plant that requires good drainage and shade. Ground covers are used to provide edgings to pathways, control erosion, and add interest to landscape design. Lawns also are considered ground covers, but may require more moisture, sunlight, fertilizer and maintenance than other ground cover choices. Ground cover plants are the perfect solution for a variety of landscaping issues. plant hardiness zones 4 through 8. Cutting the stems or pinching back to a joint will stimulate new growth for the plant. It grows best in morning sun and afternoon shade. Read more about purple dead nettle and henbit. Its variegated leaves and colorful spring flowers make Lamium a reliable choice for brightening shady garden spots where few other perennials will grow. Use it to highlight other plants with darker foliage, such as boxwoods and conifers. Infinitely touchable, the velvety, fuzzy foliage of this plant is aptly named (c'mon, just look at it). This plant can be invasive, depending on where you live. Aronia is a pretty low-growing native shrub that has tiny white flowers amid glossy green foliage. You will have a Lamium carpet by fall, and the following year you will perhaps be able to pen your own lamium nursery with which to supply all your friends. They areespecially valued for use in shady spots, which is a condition that many plants dislike. Creeping liriope plants make low-maintenance, tough, and drought-tolerant ground covers with spikey flowers and grass-like foliage. She is married to photographer John Everett and they have one son. The erect flower clusters are long-blooming. You may not have thought of using an onion as a ground cover, but doing so has some important advantages. Will ruellia make a good ground cover? She did graduate work through the University of Georgia system. Curious reddish brown flowers bloom in spring at ground level under the foliage. Snip some for cooking, or keep it trimmed back to manage its height. Lamium is grown for both its pretty foliage and beautiful flowers. Physalis. This aromatic herb can be an invasive plant when grown in moist soil, where it sometimes spreads out of control. Check out these favorite ground covers that will require little effort on your part once you plant them. But in regions where spotted dead nettle is not invasive, it acts as an effective ground cover for deeply shaded areas. Hedera helix. Low-growing mats of Creeping Thyme are covered in teeny purple or white flowers in late spring, which makes it a haven for pollinators. Because the common name is often given as spotted dead nettle. This type of evergreen comes in an array of shapes and sizes. We may earn revenue from the products available on this page and participate in affiliate programs. book to class, Report: Houston ranked No. 25 Low-Maintenance Ground Cover Plants for Sun and Shade, 10 Best Plants for Erosion Control in Your Yard, How to Grow and Care for Canadian Hemlock Trees, How to Grow and Care for Emerald Gaiety Wintercreeper, 35 Common Weeds in Lawns and Gardens: Identification & Control, How to Grow and Care for Dusty Miller (Silver Dust), Forget-Me-Not: Plant Care, Growing Tips, and Symbolism, 30 Best Plants With Purple Flowers to Grow Outdoors, Purple Dragon: Purplish flowers and silver foliage, White Nancy: White flowers, silvery leaves, Beedham's White: White flowers, leaves chartreuse and white, Cannon's Gold: Pink flowers, chartreuse foliage, Orchid Frost: Pink-purple flowers; leaves silver in the center andgreen at the edge; known for its disease-resistance, Anne Greenway: Mauve flowers; green,chartreuse, and silver leaves, Aureum: Pink flowers; leaves golden on the edge, white in the center, Ghost: Light-purple flowers; leaves almost wholly silver; taller (up to 14 inches) than the typical. It grows to a maximum height of about 12 inches with an 18-inch spread, and it flowers with white blossoms in spring. It's also used for ground cover to stop erosion because its tough roots hold soil in place. While some have small flowers, the main focal point is the colorful foliage, which ranges from chartreuse to bronze. It is much less noticeable at other times of the year, but that doesn't detract from its role as a spring superstar. Reaches 3 to 9 inches tall with a spread of 6 to 12 inches. high and can spread out 2 feet (61 cm.) Slugs and snails are attracted to the liquid, fall in and drown. `Katie' ruellia has a taller cousin commonly called Mexican petunia. Any solid green leaves should be snipped out, otherwise, the plant will eventually lose the variegated leaves and become all green. Spotted dead nettles will naturalize in some areas. The plant prefers partial shade or full sun and well-draining moist soil. Although strawberry begonia is winter hardy in USDA Zones 7 through 9, some people in Zone 6b have reportedly had luck with it overwintering, too. Just like other plants with the word "creeping" in the name, liriope can be considered aggressive and invasive in parts of the United States, from Virginia through to Mississippi. MLB legend makes surprise appearance at Astros' Spring Training, Hiker takes 'once-in-a-lifetime' photo at Brazos Bend State Park, This is what Houston looks like from space, Oops! Candytuft is a ground-hugging, clumping, and flowering perennial that dies back each winter and rebounds each spring and early summer. Evergreen ground covers, such as creeping juniper, require little care. But with hardy plumbago (Ceratostigma plumbaginoides), youll enjoy a carpet of cerulean blue blooms every year from late summer to frost. A native of Moultrie, Ga., she graduated from Queens University of Charlotte, formerly Queens College. Arricca Elin SanSone has written about health and lifestyle topics for Prevention, Country Living, Woman's Day, and more. wide. If you do not want to open a nursery, and it is crowding other plants, shear in midsummer to promote more compact growth. Not picky, spotted Dead Nettles do just fine in average, well-drained soil. Although taller than a typical ground cover, yarrow ranks among the most attractive ground cover flowering plants. Pachysandra is one of the most widely used ground covers in the country thanks to its extreme durability while it grows under challenging conditions such as too much shade and drought. Spotted Dead Nettle ( Lamium maculatum) is a flowering type of low growing ground cover plant that thrives in the shade. It likes part to full sun. You can plant this drought-tolerant, low-maintenance ground cover at the edge of a rock garden or other space and more or less forget about it (except for occasional watering) during the summertime. One of the best fast-growing ground cover plants for full sun is flowering candytuft. Dead nettle, also known as Lamium, is a low-growing perennial with silver-splashed leaves and bursts of purple, pink, or white flowers that pop up in spring and early summer. Read our, Amethyst in Snow (Centaurea montana 'Amethyst in Snow'), 31 Best-Deer Resistant Flowers and Plants to Grow, 10 Best Deer-Resistant Shrubs for Landscaping, 18 Perennial Flowers That Bloom in Spring, Summer and Fall, 35 Types of Orange Flowers: Identification & Photos, 15 Best Plants for Drought-Tolerant Gardens, Angelina Sedum (Sedum rupestre 'Angelina'), Rock Cotoneaster (Cotoneaster horizontalis), Chinese lantern is also considered invasive. But they are not grasses, and are instead herbaceous floweringperennial plantsin the asparagus family. Look for the distinctive crook at the top of the stem to identify this species. This ground cover forms a low-growing carpet that spreads quickly as its stems root when they touch the ground. Hailing all the way from Siberia, this cold-hardy evergreen has fern-like foliage that turns a pretty bronzy color in colder climates. Invasive Plant Atlas of the United States. Dont worry if it doesnt reappear first thing in spring. Well to make a long stroy short the Lamium is gone and in its place we planted a very small ground cover called Tiny Thyme. Angelina Sedum is easy to propagate by rooting, so you can quickly fill an area with its succulent foliage. 3. This elegant fern looks as dainty as a pearl necklace, but is tough enough to survive winter growing in the Himalayan Mountains, where it is native. When shopping for this plant, be sure to ask for Aurinia saxatilis or yellow alyssum, not sweet alyssum, which is an entirely different species. Whatever you decide to mix it with, remember to select plants that need partial to full shade. Virtually disease and pest free, Spotted Dead Nettle is also deer and rabbit resistant. LAY-mee-um mak-yoo-LAH-tum Description Fast growing; Spotted dead nettle is a good ground cover for moist, shady areas. It grows best where it has plenty of space to spread out. One of the most popular is Carex pensylvanica, commonly known as oak sedge, and it can be found across the eastern half of North America. If you prefer a small hosta, opt for 'Blue Mouse Ears' that grows 6 to 12 inches high with round, heart-shaped blue-green leaves. Vinca has few pests, so it can be considered invasive, which is good news if your goal is to keep weeds at bay. Eventually, they will form a mat. Hostas are definitely not deer-resistant but they are toxic to other animals. See more ideas about plants, shade plants, shade garden. Plant it with an assortment of flowering plants, including paperwhites, cyclamen, and coral bells. Ajuga ground cover doing very well in low light. It's also a beautiful ground cover to consider for moon gardens, but just beware the flowers are less than fragrant. But purple deadnettle (Lamium purpureum) takes advantage of the open expanses of soil and lack of competition. The petite white star-shaped flowers provide a nice contrast to the deciduous green foliage. However, keep a good supply of glyphosate on hand to keep these in check!
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