My partner drove while I conducted reconnaissance for that elusive parking spot. Space to play or pause, M to mute, left and right arrows to seek, up and down arrows for volume. It certainly wont have increased when the 2021 census figures are released. [5] Perrottet served as Minister for Industrial Relations in the first Berejiklian ministry and as Minister for Finance, Services and Property in the first and second Baird ministries. Whether NSW or the country at large will judge his actions to come favourably in light of this understanding remains to be seen. The NSW state election is not for another 18 months, but politicians are always looking ahead and in NSW, they will be keen to steady the ship. A proposal for an annual rodeo at the council-managed Les Burger Sports Field, Cabarita Beach came to Tweed Shire Council meeting yesterday. For other people with the name, see, Premier of New South Wales (2021present). Perrottet is not a member of the order, which is known for its . During the pandemic, he strongly opposed the extension of lockdown in July in NSW and there is some suggestion that he wants to speed up the reopening of the state as he takes power, although he did say during his press conference that stability and staying the course set by Berejiklian would be important in the coming months. The PARED board, which runs the schools, is made up of mostly current and former parents. The NSW premier is a former school captain of all-boys Redfield College, which along with sister school Tangara School for Girls, featured in a Four Corners program this week. He is one of 12 children from a family of religious Catholics. What we take into the future is largely the result of what has happened here at Redfield, a young Mr Perrottet said in 2000, according to then-school principal Andrew Mullins. As a boy, he attended Catholic school Redfield College which has a Opus Dei priest as it's chaplain but Mr Perrottet is not a member of the order. The new leader attended independent Catholic . Please try again later. Just when we dont need to expect the Spanish Inquisition, out pops its wolf-in-sheeps clothing remake: Opus Dei. Funded by NSW Parliamentary Entitlements. Under the guidance of the ultra-conservative Liberal party heavyweight David Clarke, Perrottet was elected to state parliament as the member for Castle Hill in 2011 as the Coalition first took power. Dominic Perrottet, MP. The Ukraine war may be a battle for the global order but whose rules are we fighting for? It is the result of a team effort, now it is up to us. Paul Collins, the church historian and former priest, is a Catholic of the liberal theology kind and not a theological conservative. to become the states youngest premier on Tuesday. He also attended Redfield in years 9 and 10, and Oakhill College in years 7 and 8. Mr DOMINIC PERROTTET (Castle Hill) [6.30 p.m.] (Inaugural Speech): It is an honour to stand here in this place today, before . This is typical of right-wing sleight of hand. He opposed the decriminalisation of abortion in NSW in 2019, saying that supporters of the law were on the wrong side of history.. A combined investigation by The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald and ABC TV's Four Corners found that icare had underpaid as many as 52,000 injured workers by up to $80million and that the organisation was close to collapse. In 2017, the NSW Premier said he opposed same-sex marriage on the basis that "marriage is about every child's fundamental right to grow up with their own mum and dad." This may mean he faces more challenges in parliament than his moderatepredecessors Ms Berejiklian, Mike Baird and Barry O'Farrell. He couldnt have killed six million (Jews). [65], A poll found that 67% said the Nazi uniform scandal, won't make a difference to their vote, 20% said it would make then less likely to vote for the Liberal coalition and 8% said the scandal would make them more likely. Under the Education Act 1990 (NSW) ('the Act'), NESA is responsible for monitoring the compliance of non-government schools with the requirements of the Act, including those relating to curriculum, assessment, school registration and teacher standards. Last year he spoke about how his devout Catholic beliefs havehad a fundamental influence on his work in politics. As we approached this years Bluesfest, controversy arose as two acts pulled out of the event after discovering Sticky Fingers was also playing. Opus Dei has increased in strength, and now controls the purse strings of the state, with Opus Dei member Dom Perrottet becoming Treasurer. Suite 303. Opus Dei is recognised as partof the Catholic Church, and has historically been accused ofsecrecy, elitism and misogyny. Helen is relatively private, with little information about her online. "I know this is a time of challenge for our state but I have complete hope and optimism that NSW is in a very good place," he said. Francos regime included Opus Dei members, and its founder, Josemaria Escriva, wrote to Franco rejoicing as a priest and Spaniard that Spains Head of State should proclaim that Spain accepts the law of God according to the doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church, a faith which will inspire its legislation. [36], An internal note among senior figures in the NSW Treasury in 2018 raised a concern that "a direct line to [Perrottet] means icare often bypasses Treasury". His mentor Clarke is one of just a handful of order members in Australia and Redfield College was run by an Opus Dei chaplain. Perrottet's early statement that freedom is innate to us all and not a gift of government sounded promising. Why Adrian? A statutory review by the NSW Government was released on the same day, with the reviewer the Hon Robert McDougall QC saying execution of the program was "sloppy" and "the result of these shortcomings was that procurements for the [Nominal Insurer] often involving very large sums of money were conducted on an opaque basis". This could start him off on something of an uphill climb as he works to negotiate the various interests of the party. Media "blind eye". The economy is in turmoil and COVID cases are expected to rise as the state opens up, meaning the job of the state leader will be a tougher one than at almost any other time in history. We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Australians and Traditional Custodians of the lands where we live, learn, and work. "I never experienced anything like that," Mr Perrottet told Sky News on Wednesday. Mr Perrottet's faith has been in the spotlight this week after the ClubsNSW chief executive was sacked for saying the premier was choosing his "conservative Catholic gut" over evidence in a debate about cashless poker machines. Pope John Paul II thought groups such as Opus Dei could be useful in re-secularising the West. Mr Perrottet who also won his schools English prize and major athletic shield for his middle distance running went on to become the states youngest premier on Tuesday. In Perrotet's case, the use of the term means he is a member of or associated with Opus Dei, a recognised conservative group within the church. But many people like it, thats why they send their kids there. [34] Following the investigation, NSW's workers' compensation regulator State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) announced in August 2020 that it would be applying increased scrutiny to icare's 2020 financial audit. It would also mean a diminishment of public services and social security nets and almost always leads to a consolidation of wealth at the very top of society. It also has investigatory powers and, in the event it finds a school has failed to comply . Horror! That is until Finance Minister, Opus Dei Catholic and former board member of the CMCT, Damien Tudehope, demanded Treasury . Victor Martinez, with the consent of Most. The ABC report aired claims a Tangara teacher showed students the knotted whip she and other celibate followers used on themselves. Also read: Why Gladys 'had no option': A timeline of Berejiklian's downfall The father of six will be the youngest NSW premier in history. If you support stronger borders, you are not a racist, he wrote. We live in evil times. This was unsuccessful, with Williams retaining the Liberal preselection, and resulted in media reports of significant party infighting and Perrottet publicly apologising. Perrottet is not a member of the order. [58] Allegations were also raised of potential interference between Petinos and removals of stop work orders placed on development company Coronation Property, a company employing Barilaro and implicated with links to gangs. [59], Towards the end of September, opinion polls showed significant drops in popularity with Labor establishing a substantial lead over the Coalition, drops widely linked with the fallout from the controversies. But many students will also attend after-school or holiday study camps operated by the not-for-profit Education Development Association, an organisation founded by Opus Dei members whose first operation was UNSWs conservative Catholic Warrane College in the 1960s. "I've been blessed with a great education that's given me significant opportunities in my life," Mr Perrottet said. Were seeking to give kids the best preparation for adult life and responsibility for whats going on in our world as part of that, he said. Students from Redfield College march with the cross in Dural in 2008.Credit:Robert Pearce. Subscribe now He is a Liberal, which in Australia means a conservative, and faces a tough election in March. Dominic Perrottet is a self-described "proud conservative" who is reportedly a member of Opus Dei, a theologically conservative movement that seeks to integrate work and religion. He was an outstanding school captain and I have been delighted to see what a capable leader he is in society.. The publication of letters is at the discretion of the letterseditor. And I think it has to be personal. They are Opus Dei values. Mr Perrottet told reporters on Monday "it's not a crime to be Catholic" and stressed any allegations of impropriety at Opus Dei schools would be investigated. Interviewed by the ABC on The World Today on Wednesday, Collins said that Opus Dei is widely misunderstood. Mr Perrottet has secured a deal that will see him become the state's 46th premier and Gladys Berejiklian's successor. Perrottet is not a member of Opus Dei, but has been open about his faith: "I think having a Christian faith is part of who I am and inspires me to make a difference wherever I go," he said . The inspiration behind Redfield Josemaria Escriva, born in Spain in 1902 and ordained a priest in 1926, was the founder of Opus Dei meaning "Work of God". An earlier version of this article stated Dominic Perrottet attended Redfield high school in years 11 and 12. When Perrottet says he supports fiscal conservatism, this is what he means. [17][18] At the 2011 state election, Perrottet was elected with a swing of 12.2 per cent, and won 80.8 per cent of the vote on a two-party-preferred basis. But the new premier is no longer following health advice", "NSW's new Premier revealed after Liberals strike deal to find Berejiklian's replacement", "Draconian new anti-protest law will hurt democracy in NSW", "Labor helps pass NSW bill targeting road-blocking protesters despite union opposition", "Labor mocks NSW Premier for back-flipping on Indigenous flag on bridge", "Documents reveal selection report edited to make Barilaro first choice for trade job", "Dominic Perrottet says he should have told John Barilaro not to apply for New York job", "NSW premier denies promising David Elliott a job outside politics", "Blocked by 'inaction': NSW building commissioner explains reason for resignation", "NSW Premier admits he was alerted about minister concerns months before she was sacked", "NSW Labor secures election-winning lead as voters abandon the Coalition", "analysis: NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet says his Nazi costume scandal isn't about politics this is why he's wrong", "Regional exemptions on the cards for NSW government's cashless gaming scheme", "VIDEO: Dominic Perrottet apologises for wearing a Nazi uniform", "Transport minister called Perrottet to warn premier his rivals knew he'd worn Nazi uniform", "Two months before NSW election, a new poll gives Labor a big lead", "How power and factionalism work in Berejikliand", "The Right stuff: why shellshocked NSW Liberal moderates are fearing factional fights", "Dominic Perrottet set to become NSW premier after securing factional deal", "Dominic Perrottet the 'great hope' for political conservatives in Australia", "Perrottet and Stokes: running mates, factional rivals and men of faith", "Voluntary assisted dying bill passes lower house of NSW parliament", "Staunch Catholic Perrottet set to replace Berejiklian",, Deputy Leader of the New South Wales Liberal Party, Leader of the New South Wales Liberal Party,, This page was last edited on 3 March 2023, at 12:25. In essence, the welfare state was acting as a substitute for the family, crowding out its formation, and increasing rates of divorce, Perrottet has said, claming that his own family of 11 siblings is a benefit to the nation through providing 12 future taxpayers. [42][43][44], Perrottet opposed his cabinet colleagues and the advice of NSW Health when they extended a COVID lockdown on 7 July 2021.[45]. Perrottet has been described as both as conservative warrior and the great hope in Australia of political conservative. He has long been a fan of right-wing Liberal and former PM John Howard and Howard himself described him as the best person to lead NSW at this time. [39], Perrottet advocated strongly for business activity in the face of lockdowns and advice from health officials. Scrutiny of Perrottet's close relationship with icare prompted him to direct Treasury Secretary Michael Pratt to audit the Treasurer's staffing arrangements, which the NSW Labor Party criticised as a "sham" as the Secretary was a former deputy chairman of icare. "Obviously, certain kids you have teachers who do wrong things in all schools from time to time.". Having struck a deal with party powerbrokers, he was elected leader by the Liberal party room when it met on 5 October, and was sworn in as premier later that day. Paul Collits. . This is a list of prominent Opus Dei members.It is intended to include people whose membership in Opus Dei is documented in published sources, and therefore a matter of public record.. "[54] Ayres resigned as a result from the fallout in early August 2022, being replaced as deputy Liberal leader by Treasurer Matt Kean. Redfield College alumnus Dominic Perrottet became the states youngest premier on Tuesday. Mr Perrottet served as theMinister for Finance under former Premier Baird in 2014 and his portfolio was expanded to include property and innovation. He stated opposition to "more social engineering, more welfare handouts more government spending and intervention in our lives". Fees reach $9700 for year 6 and $17,300 for year 12; Tangaras HSC scores ranked 25th in the state last year. To the general public it is somewhat shadowy, and to . Dominic Francis Perrottet[c] (born 21 September 1982)[3] is an Australian politician who is currently serving as the 46th premier of New South Wales and leader of the New South Wales division of the Liberal Party of Australia. Today thousands of Australias most dedicated and hard-working volunteers will be on deck to let you know more about what Lions Australia does. Authorised by Dominic Perrottet MP. Berejiklian is from the party's moderate wing, while Perrottet is from the conservative wing. Perrottet was educated at private schools Oakhill College in Castle Hill and Redfield College in Dural. Please click below to contact my office. IVE Group is run by former NSW Liberal party president Geoff Selig. Is Premier Perrettet a far-right puppet, or the puppet master? Tag: Opus Dei. A dusty corner on the internet where you can chew the fat about Australia and Vince my cat would not find your assessment of the matter particularly edifying Vincent. Advertisement. After leaving school I visited Santa Teresa, a small Aboriginal . He is frequently linked to the religious order Opus Dei. The status of Opus Dei was recently raise when Pope John Paul II gave permission to canonise Josemaria Escriva the founder of Opus Dei in 2003 at a huge ceremony in Rome. "If you want a plebiscite on same sex marriage, you are not a homophobe. Perrottet's family were members of the Catholic prelature, Opus Dei. . Dr Mullins said his tenure at the school between 1996 and 2010 emphasised service and civic life. He is part of the Liberals' right faction which is considered less dominant in NSW. It emerged the troubled agency, set up by Mr Perrottet in 2015, had lost more than $3 billion despite cutting benefits to thousands of injured workers. [41], As Treasurer, Perrottet has been one of the architects of the JobSaver program and has overseen micro business support payments, payroll tax waivers and deferrals, vouchers for spending in CBD businesses and other support for businesses affected by the epidemic. New Premier, Dominic Perrottet is closely affiliated with this extreme, conservative, secretive and politically influential, Catholic organisation. Contracts were found to have been awarded without competitive tender and the whole operation nearly collapsed due to opaque mismanagement. They will be appointed by the Vicar for a term of five years, How will NSW change under his leadership? Anne and John Perrottet, who now live in the US, sent Mr Perrottet to the Catholic school Redfield College in Dural, where the school's chaplain was an Opus Dei priest. [56], In late July 2022, further controversy emerged over allegations of bullying and mistreatment of staff by then-Fair Trading Minister Eleni Petinos, resulting in her sacking from the cabinet. The following paraphrases Wikipedia: Opus Dei supported repressive, right-wing regimes including Franco and Pinochet. The lines between the religious order of Opus Dei and the school are intentionally blurred, a former student who graduated from Tangara in the late 2000s said. Perottet beat out the Planning Minister Rob Stokes in a party ballot of 39 votes to 5. Vronique Duborgel re-counts in a new book, Inside the Hell of Opus Dei, the 13 years she spent as a member of the group, which she describes as rigid, insensitive, sectarian and misogynistic. 746k members in the australia community. Tangara and Redfield are sibling schools both run by PARED, which emphasises parents role in their childrens education. . Lateline has reported that Opus Dei currently have 200,000 members worldwide and 500 members living in Australia and its investment is reported to be more than $300 million. Its no secret that Perrottet comes from the conservative right of the Liberal Party and its impossible to understand the man without reference to his deeply-held Catholic views more on this later. [37][38], In April 2021, NSW Parliament's Law and Justice Committee tabled its 2020 review of the Workers' Compensation Scheme. -AAP Image. "The ABC couldn't resist religion on this topic either, highlighting Perrottet's religious beliefs and saying he belonged to Catholic group Opus Dei which it described as a 'sect' of all . Dominic Perrottet was born in 1982 to parents, father John Perrottet and mother whose name is unknown to date. Our first response as a community should be to help, not to harm, and to comfort, value and support both mother and child, Perrotett said. Subscribe to the news that matters to you. Housing policies favour the rich and leave first home buyers high and dry. Dr Mullins, Redfields longest-serving headmaster, accepted religion was very integrated in the school. and as for the same sex marriage plebiscite Adrian need i remind you that 5 million voted against are they I think thats what attracts people to the school because they have those values in their family. "I believe in freedom, because it is only by exercising freedom that individuals can develop the habits of generosity, hard work, fairness and concern for others," he said. [26] Later that day, Berejiklian was sworn in as New South Wales' second female Premier. The Opus Dei Premier. Sticky Fingers is no longer on the bill. They were depicted pretty poorly in Dan Browns blockbuster The Da Vinci Code. But Mr Perrottet has never . Should rich people be able to support Ballina Council with their taxes? At the extreme end, it basically argues for a complete dissolution of government, except in areas of law enforcement, where all services will be run for profit. News. Level 3 51 Rawson Street. He attended Redfield College and Oakhill College, both strongly Roman Catholic private schools and is married to Helen Perrottet, a woman he met at university. Although Perrottet has denied being a part of the organisation, he cant seem to shake the characterisation of a religious zealot. Robert Borsak, the leader of the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers party, argues that this potentially breaks the Oaths Act, which is punishable by up to 5 years in jail. He has experience in running economic experiments along these lines. [19], With the resignation of Barry O'Farrell as Premier,[20] and the subsequent ministerial reshuffle by Mike Baird, the new Liberal Leader,[8] Perrottet was appointed as Minister for Finance and Services in April 2014. Sign up here. Perrottet is a Catholic. The NSW premier is a former school captain of all-boys Redfield College, which along with sister school Tangara School for Girls, featured in a Four Corners program this week. [62], On 12 January 2023, Perrottet revealed that he had worn a Nazi uniform as fancy dress at his 21st birthday, apologising at a media conference after a cabinet minister was made aware of the incident. "I've been blessed with a great education that's given me significant opportunities in my life," Mr Perrottet said. Instead of tolerance and embracing the Woke mantra of endorsing 'diversity and . It was a real mantra he put in front of them.. She requested anonymity because her family members are involved with the community. A. "That recovery package is in its final throes and it's pretty much finished. If you can spare a few dollars a week or maybe more we would appreciate all the support you are able to give to keep the voice of independent, local journalism alive. The school's chaplain is an Opus Dei priest. According to Opus Dei whistleblower and former priest, Vladimir Felzmann, Escriva remarked that Hitler had been badly treated by the world and he further declared that Hitler couldnt have been such a bad person. I believe Adrian addresses this, you just dont read very well. "If you love your country, you are not an extremist. [72][43][73], In his maiden speech to New South Wales Parliament in 2011 he stated a belief in "exercising freedom [so] that individuals can develop the habits of generosity, hard work, fairness and concern for others".
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