I want to see other people smile and understand what they say. Linda Ledgerwood, Walnut Creek, I realize that everyone is over the pandemic, nobody enjoys wearing a mask, but shouldnt we do what we can to protect ourselves and others? Ferrer noted that some requirements -- such as mandatory mask-wearing at health care facilities -- are state orders, not county. The governor added that California is moving in the same direction as the Biden administration, which announced plans to let the federal coronavirus public health emergency expire May 11. Experts have ideas why, California COVID-19 state of emergency ends soon. ABC News' Britt Clennett contributed to this report. Californias chief executive has been careful to avoid declaring victory over the virus, but in June 2021 he proclaimed at a reopening celebration at Universal Studios that the state was ready to turn the page. Later that year, another wave of the virus led to more restrictions. Douglas firs: This 500-year-old tree in California has a story to tell. <> I've been previewing this last month because we've been working on it for more than a month are endemic plan? Dont blame the meteorologist. David Lewis, San Francisco, I have been extremely frustrated with the general population of Stanislaus County, where I live, from the beginning of the Covid crisis. "There is much unknown about the Delta variant, such as whether this variant causes more severe disease, but we do know that this variant is about 2 times more transmissible than the original coronavirus strain," the county said in a news release Monday. |~ECJ?4@CMR57]#V9^yIBS{69H[o8geIEUwv,q Ib Soumya. Details will be provided to the public by Friday, Olsen said. Public health officials said the county saw an abrupt rise in infections last week, which nearly doubled the new case count of the week prior. / Good Day Sacramento. Bruces Beach: Los Angeles County officials presented the deed to an oceanfront property to the heirs of a Black couple who built a beach resort for African Americans there a century ago, The Associated Press reports. Think of it like an umbrella: If its raining, we use it; if not, we dont. Lo Chung-mau, director of the Medical and Health Bureau, said at the press conference that he expects cases of respiratory viruses, such he expects the peak to be short and that it will have very little impact on public health systems. l@. An infected person can spread the virus before symptoms appear. The county also continues to promote coronavirus vaccination and booster shots as a way to avoid a serious case of COVID-19. Here is the latest advice. Quarantine and isolation California Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly said the mandate will affect about 50% of Californians who are not currently under a county-level mask mandate. The case rates in some counties remain very low, such as in the Bay Area. Monarch butterflies: The International Union for Conservation of Nature placed both Western monarchs, often spotted in California, and Eastern monarchs on its endangered species list. Dec. 6. photo of shoppers, some wearing masks, some not, make their way along Santee Alley in Los Angeles. Public health officials in the county said fewer than half 45% of residents aged 12 and older are fully vaccinated. In a surprising and welcome revival after an early pandemic slump, more than 300 new independent bookstores have sprouted across the United States in the past couple of years. "I have been extremely frustrated with the general population of Stanislaus County, where I live, from the beginning of the . The cities of Pasadena and Long Beach, which have their own independent health departments, have said. This is effective immediately.A release from the Stanislaus County Health Office . \kA%\J*" p :R\cAq|hyE.!wE]q6>2*SeHKgG2gU]FL8t"N8t Xa2vcrShIBvT2(J{5F%hegAmo (~~Da@Fc0HRHT;Sz-7;u:P`F>_yf6jbZ([uUHm|O*8L[#}4-(|U 949 QTG+@x Rk`61s %V`Z EY-)\wBQ,8b*~d37ucQ*f5dBsc%\MDZu {u \QcE&+ Meanwhile, leaders in his own party at times criticized his decisions. The new order applies to Stanislaus County, which has not been under a mask requirement for a month. Ill be back tomorrow. Leaders in Hong Kong hope the easing of requirements will help bring back tourists and businesses. So, what is an endemic and how do we get there? SACRAMENTO (CBS13) -- Two years into the pandemic, one local county is looking to change up it's COVID-19 response by dropping it's emergency order and working toward treating the crisis like an endemic. "We look forward to a better tomorrow, which is the 1st of March so that we can all put a smile on our faces say, 'Hello, Hong Kong,'" he said, according to Hong Kong Free Press. In a press . Remember there's 1050 school districts in California, 10,500 plus schools. KCRA 3 also reached out to several school districts in the Greater Sacramento area and all said they were awaiting further guidance from the state. "Sacramento County: We are planning to follow the states lead on lifting the masking mandate. Read more here. Ken Carlson covers county government and health care for The Modesto Bee. It was lifted in November after the seven-day average of COVID-19 cases dropped below 20 per 100,000 population. Dr. Sara Cody, the county's director of public health, said the county will lift its indoor mask mandate when COVID-19 hospitalizations in the jurisdiction are low and stable and the 7-day average of newly confirmed infection cases per day is at or below 550 for at least a week.Changing guidance for school coming? Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, ICE detainees allege retaliation for speaking about medical conditions at Otay Mesa center, Downtown L.A stabbing sends six to hospital; suspect arrested, San Diego Roman Catholic diocese facing yet another lawsuit from its insurance company, Desperate mountain residents trapped by snow beg for help; We are coming, sheriff says, Newsom, IRS give Californians until October to file tax returns, Californias snowpack is approaching an all-time record, with more on the way, This is me, this is my face: Actress Mimi Rogers on aging naturally, without cosmetic surgery, Los Angeles is suddenly awash in waterfalls, dining with lobbyist friends at the posh French Laundry restaurant, Newsom handily defeated the recall campaign. Let us know at CAtoday@nytimes.com. Suggestions may be selected). / CBS Sacramento. Ive learned to smile with my eyes. There are no plans for additional health orders.Placer County: Placer County Public Health continues to align with the state's COVID safety measures and does not have COVID-related health orders that are more restrictive than the state's guidance. And I just want to preview now with a little more specificity we will be putting out next week. Ferrer said public health officials will be reviewing data to determine whether that requirement will continue under a revised health order. His coverage of public health, medicine, consumer health issues and the business of health care has appeared in The Bee for 15 years. Please include your name and location. But other counties, especially those where vaccine rates are low, are seeing a greater rate of increase that could pressure hospital capacity. On Tuesday, Hong Kong recorded just 96 COVID-19 cases, according to Hong Kong's Centre for Health Protection. In Stanislaus County the Board of Supervisors is looking to end their local emergency order. . California will end its COVID-19 state of emergency on Feb. 28. Strategies would change from a pandemic approach to endemic approach. Medicare Sales Field Agent - San Joaquin /Stanislaus County CA. A step toward possibly declaring an endemic a move if not made by the state would come from the county's public health officer. Lucy Yu was certain that a bookstore focused on Asian American and immigrant stories was just what Chinatown needed. Universal masking, for unvaccinated and vaccinated people alike, still is required in Stanislaus County and throughout California on public transit and in emergency shelters, health care. One of the mandates set to be lifted is a requirement that people who are exposed to COVID-19 wear a mask for 10 days. Gavin Newsom said this week that California will end its statewide indoor masking requirement for vaccinated people next week. KCRA 3 reached out to counties in Northern California for information on what they plan to do when the state's mask mandate expires on Feb. 16. I work in a grocery store. Guih Fire at Salida auto dismantling yard creates visual hazard, slows traffic on Hwy 99, Crop duster crashes in west Stanislaus County, pilot hospitalized, Here are 11 ways to prevent identity theft after data breach at Modesto Police Department, Do not be alarmed. Stanislaus Sheriffs Office responds to 911 calls about lights in sky. Several other countries and territories in Asia have been rolling back COVID-19 restrictions as leaders look to shift to an endemic phase. Sign up here to get this newsletter in your inbox. Health experts at the state, local and international level agree face masks are an important tool in reducing the spread of COVID-19, Olsen said. My workplace has required masks throughout the pandemic. Dr. Sara Cody, the county's director of public health, said the county will lift its indoor mask mandate when COVID-19 hospitalizations in the jurisdiction are low and stable and the 7-day average of newly confirmed infection cases per day is at or below 550 for at least a week. The resolution detailed: "As there is now a level of protection against severe COVID-19 in most county residents, diseasemanagement shifts from pandemic-related strategies to a new focus recognizing COVID-19 will likely reach endemic status in 2022 and join other common respiratory illnesses circulating in the community.". Testing Get tested for COVID-19 if you may have been exposed. It will help safeguard public health and also enable the countys public health officer to approve the reopening of more businesses and activities. If you have a situation where more people are sick, feel sick, dont know what they have, potentially are going into work and exposing themselves to other people and probably should be on Paxlovid, but dont have access to it, thats all bad, Wachter said. However, after China dropped several of its stringent policies in December 2022 and Hong Kong followed suit, it led to a surge of cases not seen since March 2022, according to Our World in Data, which uses data from Johns Hopkins University. There are no plans for additional health orders., Placer County: Placer County Public Health continues to align with the state's COVID safety measures and does not have COVID-related health orders that are more restrictive than the state's guidance. Although the county health website says "all residents are mandated to follow CDPH for the Use of Face. And over the past few days, hundreds of you have weighed in. Gavin Newsoms political career. "After looking at all the data, the trends and the fact that the winter surge [of influenza] is nearing the end, in order to give people a very clear message that Hong Kong is resuming to normalcy, I think this is the right time to make the decision," Lee said. "I mean, it's not going anywhere," said West Sacramento resident Charles Marlborough. We fear the mask mandates and fights over masks more than we do the darn virus! Hugo Schwyzer, Hawthorne, Mask mandates should be reinstated whenever there is a surge. "So by the end of March, some of the health officer orders that were written here in L.A. County by Dr. (Muntu) Davis (the county health officer), would in fact need to be changed if they are going to continue, because some of them were done under an emergency declaration," Ferrer said. Earlier this month, the tourism board launched the "Hello Hong Kong" campaign, giving away 500,000 free airline tickets in an attempt to lure international travelers. If that doesnt prove that masking is an effective way to stop the spread, I dont know what does. Jennifer Spindler, Crestline. his own party at times criticized his decisions. Modesto - Stanislaus County - CA California - USA , 95351. City News Service contributed to this report. After years of mask mandates and COVID-19 protocols, you might be wondering just how long this pandemic is going to last. Of California's 58 counties, only L.A. County has mandated that masks be worn indoors. In addition, 11 San Francisco Bay Area counties said they will also follow the states lead and lift their mask requirements. And hopefully in a matter of days we'll be putting that Good morning Governor Hannah Wiley with the L. A. Stanislaus County: "There will be no mask mandate re-issued. Stanislaus County's local health order will remain in place, even if the board votes to remove the county's emergency order Tuesday. We will be looking for recommendations and guidance from the state. The previous guidelines required a test within 72 hours. Hong Kong is ending its mask mandate Wednesday, becoming one of the world's last cities to drop rules demanding face coverings. Or did the drought prompt you to rip out your grass? 2 0 obj (Enter less keywords for more results. The emergency declaration also allowed Newsom to commandeer private property, including hospitals, medical labs, hotels and motels. After previously resisting GOP pressure to end the emergency as conditions improved, Newsom now says California is finally ready to move forward. In a perfect world, that wouldnt happen.. The state also will recommend that those who travel in or out of California get tested for COVID-19 within three to five days. But the evidence is shakier on whether mandating that people wear masks is an effective strategy. The change wont make much of a difference in the daily lives of most Californians but could eventually affect the cost of and access to treatment and preventive services. The order will remain in effect through the Christmas season before ending Jan. 15. "Ef.+-\B@Z(\LD>SuhsWt+bs$:eS4) hZ,b)|$ 9k$h: K5JCA~`;2=t (z$D%jDsW`L5}E] July 19, 2021 / 4:50 PM There is so much resistance to wearing a simple mask; it makes me very sad. Kristin Olsen, chairwoman of the Board of Supervisors, disclosed the countys plans during Wednesdays update on the Stanemergency Facebook page. Robert Wachter, chair of UC San Franciscos Department of Medicine, warned that any policy changes that make it more difficult for the uninsured to access free COVID-19 care, testing or vaccinations could pose health equity problems and as a result increase the threat of contracting COVID for all Californians. February 7, 2022 / 11:38 PM Updated: 5:44 PM PST November 15, 2021. The California Nurses Association is arguing that the Bay Area counties continue with mandatory masking. Newsom said Wednesday that the state will soon announce an endemic plan that would include updated guidance on schools on the states mask mandate for students. First published on July 19, 2021 / 4:50 PM. 4 0 obj Although the pandemic solidified Newsoms legacy as a crisis governor, his use of power opened him up to scrutiny from across the political spectrum. Under the state order, face coverings must be worn in stores or any indoor public space, while at work, when visiting the doctors office or pharmacy, riding public transportation or talking with other people in public. But the county is making sure the rules are consistent with state guidance. Additionally, last week, the gambling hub of Macao said people will not be required to wear mask outdoors but will still be required in elderly care homes, hospitals and public transit. We are at a spot where we are comfortable, our rates are going down, our hospitalizations are going down," said Withrow. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. )DjK/;{dp _,|F/A]R{KW\.iA}D/eJC3rn8dr-:p".PyE2wwD@("VZ&% :.^a"3Urq )0mKlRyeRFQ &U\.yJ}F 2-=tx&:GhcS_:VS8WI**qpiP_YXyWTb{@- gS{#1j1\RTMjl The order goes into effect on Saturday, Sept. 4. The county still has a goal of opening those establishments by July 1, Olsen said. Lifting the emergency declarations does not automatically mean that all COVID-related restrictions will immediately go away. You mentioned local control. As youre probably well aware, the latest Covid surge has reignited a debate about mandatory masking in California. Heres a sampling, edited for length and clarity: I followed the rules for over a year, but Im done. I still recommend that everybody wears a mask indoors in Yolo County, but it will no longer be required in most settings for fully vaccinated persons starting February 16. Read more here. The Associated Press contributed to this report. For how long. Almost none of my fellow crew and we are mostly nonwhite and working class wear masks. Modesto received $45.9 million from the federal American Rescue Plan Act, which allows cities to pay premium pay. The California Department of Public Health also reported this year that the state breached 100,000 deaths as a result of the virus. STANISLAUS COUNTY, Calif. Stanislaus County is reinstating its indoor mask mandate as coronavirus infections continue to surge upward. A county mask order ran from early September to mid-November, requiring people to wear face coverings in indoor public places, regardless of their vaccination status. 2023 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. . People dont have to wear a mask when eating at a restaurant or swimming, walking, running, cycling or doing other exercise. I want to smile at people again. The county has a Public Health Immunization Clinic, at 401 Paradise Road in Modesto, open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays and 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. CE $lXyamAuTA-I. So at what point will the state lifted school mask mandate. In a press conference Tuesday, Chief Executive John Lee said residents and tourists will not be required to wear masks indoors, outdoors or on public transportation for the first time in nearly three years. The indoor mask mandate is expected to be in effect until Jan. 15, 2022 . Copyright 2023 KABC Television, LLC. In addition, 11 San Francisco Bay Area counties said they will also follow the states lead and lift their mask requirements. UaNg8ZipZ[ty~* PYHPp;+PamYo_EvmUsF)N @ @N$0oqFcz7#NHHP:c-P.^P2X Starting Wednesday, all California residents will be required to wear masks indoors in public places. I still recommend that everybody wears a mask indoors in Yolo County, but it will no longer be required in most settings for fully vaccinated persons starting February 16. Read more here. That distinction has led to a lot of disagreement about what California officials should do during yet another coronavirus wave. The science is clear: Wearing a mask reduces your exposure to the coronavirus, as my colleagues Tara Parker-Pope and Knvul Sheikh have explained. has been careful to avoid declaring victory over the virus, at a reopening celebration at Universal Studios, breached 100,000 deaths as a result of the virus, began transitioning into a plan to live with the virus, cost of and access to treatment and preventive services, Look up: The 32 most spectacular ceilings in Los Angeles, Winter storms ease drought conditions in California, report shows, 19 cafes that make L.A. a world-class coffee destination, This fabled orchid breeder loves to chat just not about Trader Joes orchids, Calmes: Heres what we should do about Marjorie Taylor Greene, David Lindley, guitarist best known for work with Jackson Browne, dies at 78, Elliott: Kings use their heads over hearts in trading Jonathan Quick, Fox News finally reveals its kryptonite: the bottom line, Best coffee city in the world? The state guidance comes ahead of anticipated holiday gatherings that could drive up cases. And how can we create criteria in terms of community surveillance and an approach to this uh pandemic as we transition into an endemic phase where we can address the latter part of your question, which was the impacts of these rules and regulations and requirements, particularly on small businesses, individuals and the like. She noted that masks are intended to keep the wearer from spreading the coronavirus to other people. When combined with social distancing and hand washing, the states top officials hope face coverings will mean fewer people come down with COVID-19 illness. "Mask mandates should be reinstated whenever there is a surge. Texas is one of seven states with an emergency declaration still in place. And I think that what they did in the beginning, and Id say this about anyone, was heroic, and they took huge political risk in a time where nobody knew what the right answers were.. " A health officer always has authority to mitigate the impact of communicable diseases," she said. Newsom was spotted dining with lobbyist friends at the posh French Laundry restaurant in Napa Valley after advising Californians to avoid mixing with other households, leading to headlines across the country and criticism of him as a hypocritical leader. COVID-19 hospitalizations have been four times that amount when surges have been at rampant levels during the pandemic. The countys latest numbers Wednesday showed 55 new cases. Sacramento County and Yolo County had previously imposed local mask mandates. 2023 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. Dirkse said he will wait for the order to come out before making that determination for deputies. I am about to become a grandmother. California is better prepared and thats because we have a serious Legislature and the health ecosystem in California is second to none in the country, Newsom said. "It means it occurs a low enough level and people have enough partial protection that they can make choices themselves whether they want to be protected by the disease or not.". London Breed: San Franciscos mayor beat progressives to get the job by focusing on being tough on crime and addressing homelessness. &8 M[Re\SYI%0`a@MccPhs7VU |9yl7 The University of California, Irvine, and the San Diego Unified School District reinstated indoor mask requirements on Monday, the same day that Bay Area Rapid Transit lifted its mandate. Gavin Newsoms administration released a statewide order that Californians wear a face covering to help prevent outbreaks of COVID-19 illness. {:i\jYbx>D|Sf!JiY`ToDqlq@n_ZUe- @Uu$. Fraud: A man in Southern California who tried to obtain $27 million in unemployment benefits by falsely claiming his business was affected by the pandemic was sentenced to more than 11 years in prison, The Associated Press reports. Heres what it means for you, Catching COVID may increase chances of developing an autoimmune disease, study says, What to do if your COVID test expires or if you test positive? You DO NOT need a Mask if you: Are working alone in a closed office or room Are actively eating/drinking Are swimming or showering in a fitness facility Are obtaining a medical/cosmetic service involving the nose or face that requires you to remove your mask Are specifically exempted from wearing face masks based on other CDPH guidance. P.S. "We're looking hard at the information that comes out about what you should do to minimize risk, and what are the patterns that we see as we have more infectious strains that seem to lead to less serious or severe illness," Ferrer said. Free sales job search site: Medicare Sales Field Agent - San Joaquin/Stanislaus County CA job in California, USA. Starting in early November, drugs and tests will be covered only if obtained from providers in patients insurance networks. After initially requiring masks in indoor public places from July 2020 until the following March, Abbott changed course months later and has used his emergency powers to prevent cities and counties from instituting their own mask requirements and vaccine mandates. I have a disability, and a good number of my friends and loved ones do, too. Both counties now say they will follow the states lead and lift their mandates next week. California will lift a statewide COVID-19 mandate requiring masks indoors after Tuesday, Feb. 15 as coronavirus cases related to the omicron variant continue to decline. Its ineffective and cruel, and punishes the very people low-wage workers whom the public health director pretends to want to protect. Cases have been declining for weeks. The other recommendations include washing hands regularly and safe distancing. One important detail is how the order will be enforced. There's tremendous progress. LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- California's coronavirus emergency declaration officially comes to an end Tuesday, but the change is not expected to have too much of an impact on people. El Dorado County: As we have done since the start of the pandemic, El Dorado County will follow the state's lead on this issue. A quiet fire season: Californias fire season has been relatively tame, despite fears that this year could be one of the states worst, The San Francisco Chronicle reports. Moving away from requiring everybody to wear masks indoors is a first step toward living with COVID-19. %PDF-1.7 Olsen said the county hoped to release details of the order earlier. - listing US Job Opportunities, Staffing Agencies, International / Overseas Employment. The county has delayed the opening of personal services like nail salons, tattoo shops and massage therapy until more is known about the recent spikes in coronavirus illness.
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