Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. Baker is Senior Counselor for the Carlyle Group, and the bin Ladens are among its major investors. After graduating from Princeton, he served in the U. George Walker Bush, George Bush Gaddis Smith REPUBLICAN George Herbert Walker Bush took the oath of office as the forty-first president of the United States on 20 Januar Dick Cheney, Cheney, Dick Lincoln, Nebraska . I know he didnt mean it that way, Kemp said. He recalled that the discussion was indeed focused on the votes of the Jewish community, but that Baker didnt use the F word. Virginia was the daughter of James A. Baker IV, who is the son of the former cabinet secretary. in history from Princeton University in 1952 after completing a 188-page senior thesis, titled "Two Sides of the Conflict: Bevin vs. Bevan", under the supervision of Walter P. According to the new biography, its far from certain those words were actually ever used by Baker. It turns out the full story is more complicated than how most people remember it. Baker was a shrewd and highly effective political manager whose skills were a major factor in the Republicans retention of the presidency throughout the 1980s. James A. Baker III. The White House and State Department quickly denied that Baker had said it, but William Safire, the New York Times columnist, followed with a piece saying that Baker had actually said something like it on two different occasions. In an essay that James Baker wrote in 2018 for the Encyclopdia Britannica Anniversary Edition: 250 Years of Excellence, he argued that international collaboration is essential for humankind to solve such problems as climate change and weapons proliferation: All of these challenges are global in nature, and, as a result, each will require global solutions. Former Secretary of State James Baker III gives a eulogy during the funeral for former President George H.W. The administration forced Israel to halt the development of the 6,000 planned housing units, but the 11,000 housing units already under construction were permitted to be completed and inhabited with no penalty. It concluded with his service as White House chief of staff and senior counselor to President Bush from August 1992 to January 1993. Before the 1988 election, he and a team of some Middle Eastern policies experts created a report detailing the Palestine-Israel interactions. Providing new insights on the role of economics, policy and regulation in the performance and evolution of energy markets. Adventures and Lessons from an Unexpected Public Life Hardcover - October 5, 2006 by James Baker III (Author) 87 ratings Kindle $14.99 Read with Our Free App Hardcover $24.42 65 Used from $1.45 8 New from $19.90 2 Collectible from $29.96 Paperback Learn more about the Baker Institute's leadership and get contact information for the administrative staff. High-Powered D.C. Baker is the son of former Secretary of State, James Baker. He served until May 1976, ran Ford's 1976 presidential campaign, and unsuccessfully sought election as the Attorney General of Texas. Former U.S. Secretary of State James A. Baker III responded to my question about NATO's eastward expansion. Secretary Baker himself is actually a pretty religious person, but hes not a favorite of the evangelical wing of the party, which has long viewed him with suspicion, Peter Baker added. [27] Baker proved willing to confront Israeli officials on statements they made contrary to American interests. In 1981, Baker was named White House Chief of Staff by President Ronald Reagan, in spite of the fact that Baker managed the presidential campaigns of Gerald Ford in 1976 and of George Bush in 1980 opposing Reagan. Baker has formal involvement with the country of Azerbaijan as he serves on the Honorary Council of Advisers for the U.S.-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce. View the profiles of people named James Baker III. Baker is presently a senior partner in the law firm of Baker Botts. President George H.W. Koch wrote that during a recent White House meeting Baker had responded to criticism of his tough approach to Israel by saying, Fuck em. Mr. Baker was present in a leading position when, in 1990, the negotiations with the Soviets on the reunification of my homeland primarily concerned the question of the future of the transatlantic alliance. Providing actionable policy analysis and recommendations that aim to expand the economy through private enterprise. His friends . Baker was the Republican co-chair along with Democratic Representative Lee H. Hamilton, to advise Congress on Iraq. Bakers grandson, was born in 1930 to the wealthy Baker family and attended Princeton University. In the mid-2000s Baker was active on a number of government investigative committees; he served as cochair of both the Federal Commission on Election Reform (with former president Jimmy Carter) and the Iraq Study Group (with former U.S. congressman Lee Hamilton). Safety experts said yesterday that whirlpool drains have caused nearly two dozen deaths in the United States over the past 20 years. In 1973 and 1974, in the wake of the Nixon Administration's implosion over Watergate, Baker returned to full-time law practice at Andrews & Kurth.[9][10]. From his combat service during World War II until his time at the highest levels in American political leadership, he spent his career trying to make our country the very best it could be," said Secretary Baker. On June 15, 2002, Virginia Graeme Baker, the 7-year-old granddaughter of Baker, daughter of Nancy and James Baker IV, was the victim of suction-pump entrapment in an in-ground spa. He called for Israel to "lay aside once and for all, the unrealistic vision of a greater Israel", cease the construction of Israeli settlements in West Bank and Gaza, forswear annexation of more territory, and to treat Palestinians "as neighbors who deserve political rights". "It was functioning perfectly," Lubas said. Hall. Baker served as the Chief of Staff in President Ronald Reagan's first administration and in the final year of the administration of President George H. W. Bush. George Kennan, James Baker, Senator Edward Kennedy, Senator Sam Nunn, and Thomas Friedman, among others, all warned in the 1990s of a new Cold War if NATO was expanded without including Russia. Baker met his first wife, the former Mary Stuart McHenry, of Dayton, Ohio, while on spring break in Bermuda with the Princeton University rugby team. He served as the nation's 61st secretary of state from January 1989 through August 1992 under President George H.W. The authors explain that as the quote spread, it would be repeated by others without the brackets, shortened to Fuck the Jews, an even cruder version than Koch originally alleged., The real story behind the inflammatory comment, the authors write, stemmed from Bakers long-running feud with [Housing Secretary] Jack Kemp, who had told Koch about the episode. The following year, he was selected as Gulf Coast Regional Chairman for the Richard Nixon presidential campaign. James A. Baker III served in senior government positions under three United States Presidents and was a central figure in the administrations of Ronald Reagan and George Bush in the 1980s and early 1990s. In 1993, Baker became the honorary chair of the James A. Baker III Institute of Public Policy at Rice University in Houston, Texas. D URING THE confusion that followed the attempt on . But James Baker III, the Houston lawyer who rode shotgun for Jerry Ford, George Bush, and Ronald Reagan in their presidential campaigns, plans to keep a low profile in the White House. They claimed that Baker, a former Democrat and a Bush political intimate, was undermining conservative initiatives in the administration. Until 2005 he was senior counsel to the Carlyle Group and is currently a senior partner at the law firm of Baker Botts. Baker also served as Secretary of the Treasury from 19851988 in the second Reagan administration, and Secretary of State in the George H. W. Bush administration. Delivering research and analysis on the effects of major U.S. fiscal policies. "Bob Dole was a true American patriot who represented the very best of our country. [10] Winston had two sons and a daughter with her former husband. As Secretary of State, he helped oversee U.S. foreign policy during the end of the Cold War and dissolution of the Soviet Union, as well as during the Gulf War. [26], Baker was notable for making little and slow efforts towards improving the state of Israeli-Palestinian relations. A family member found her, and it took two adults to dislodge her, authorities said. Reagan appointed Baker as his White House Chief of Staff, and Baker remained in that position until 1985, when he became the Secretary of the Treasury. This article was most recently revised and updated by,, U.S. Department of State - Office of the Historian - Biography of James Addison III Baker, Miller Center - Biography of James A. Baker, James Addison Baker - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up), Iraq Study Group before U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee. Reagan rejected the Phillips-Wright request. [55] To promote greater safety in pools and spas, Nancy Baker gave testimony to the Consumer Product Safety Commission,[56] and James Baker helped form an advocacy group,[57] which led to the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool And Spa Safety Act (15 USC 8001). In this candid, revealing account, Baker uses his unique perspective to take us inside those events and the personalities involved in them: the collapse of Communism, the Berlin Wall, and the. After the election, Bush appointed Baker to the position of Secretary of State. In this August 11, 1990 file photo, President George H. W. Bush is pictured with his advisers on the Middle East crisis, including Secretary of State James Baker III, right. Baker III worked as White House chief of staff and secretary of the treasury under President Ronald Reagan, and as secretary of state and White House chief of of staff under President George. In June 2004 he resigned from this position, frustrated over the lack of progress in reaching a complete settlement acceptable to both the government of Morocco and the pro-independence Polisario Front. [26], The 1992 election was complicated by the on-again-off-again candidacy of Ross Perot, who would end up taking 19% of the popular vote. His team included Dennis Ross and many others who were soon appointed to the new Bush Administration. In order to understand what's going on in Ukraine from Vladimir Putin's point of view, you have to go back to 1990 when the Soviet Union was collapsing. President Biden's Afghanistan withdrawal strategy received an unexpected endorsement Friday, Politico reports. On January 9, 1991, during the Geneva Peace Conference with Tariq Aziz in Geneva, Baker declared that "If there is any user of (chemical or biological weapons), our objectives won't just be the liberation of Kuwait, but the elimination of the current Iraqi regime." Baker later acknowledged that the intent of this statement was to threaten a retaliatory nuclear strike on Iraq, and the Iraqis received his message. Bush. [52], Baker began service on the Rice University board of trustees in 1993.[53]. His wife, Susan, listens at right. "No world leader has a bigger place in the history of the late 20th century than Mikhail Gorbachev, for the pivotal role he played in the peaceful end of the Cold War," wrote former Secretary of State James A. Baker, III, in an op-ed. While serving as Treasury Secretary, Baker organized the Plaza Accord of September 1985 and the Baker Plan to target international debt. In some cases, children who are trying to hold their breath underwater get pulled in and can't get out. Baker served in this role through 1992. Baker was elected a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2008.[43]. Honorary Chair, Baker Institute for Public Policy, A bronze bust of former Secretary of State James A. Baker, III that will be part of the permanent collection of the National Museum of American Diplomacy was recently unveiled in Washington, D.C. Houston, TX 77005, Email: [19] Bush and US defence secretary Dick Cheney were proponents for Soviet dissolution. Baker helped to construct the 34-nation alliance that fought alongside the United States in the Gulf War. In 1973 and 1974, Baker returned to full time practice of law at Andrews & Kurth. He served as the co-chairman of the Iraq Study Group, which Congress formed in 2006 to study Iraq and the ongoing Iraq War. By now, its probably the most famous quote attributed to the 90-year-old elder statesman. Writing about Mr. Baker years later,. The first James Addison Baker arrived in Texas in 1852, a 31-year-old widower who came from Alabama at the urging of his late wife's family. In the Trump-led Republican Party of 2020, that position is shared by very few. Shultz. But the report about his comments had such resonance because his policies were perceived to be skeptical of Israel.. [26], Baker soon decided that Aaron David Miller and Daniel Kurtzer would be his principal aides in Middle Eastern policies. Originally Baker had been a Democrat, although he had been too busy trying to succeed in a competitive law firm to worry about politics and he considered himself apolitical. Doubleday; 720 pages; $35. According to his wife, Baker was "so anxious to get out of [his job]" that he gave some consideration to the prospect of becoming Commissioner of Baseball, but he ultimately did not pursue that. He served in that capacity until 1985. They have one child. When we were talking with him about this, he thought the two-state solution was still the right goal, and that there had to be compromise on both sides to reach a workable and enduring resolution of the issue.. He served as the nation's 61st secretary of state from January 1989 through August 1992 under President George H.W. 15 of 23 16 of 23 James Baker III speaks to King Abdullah II of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Thursday afternoon during an appearance at Rice University. James Addison Baker III was born in Houston at 1216 Bissonnet St., the son of James A. Baker Jr. (1892-1973) and Ethel Bonner (ne Means) Baker (August 6, 1894 - April 26, 1991). James Addison Baker III, n le 28 avril 1930 Houston (Texas), est un avocat, , diplomate et homme politique amricain, membre du Parti rpublicain, ancien secrtaire au Trsor de Ronald Reagan entre 1985 et 1988 et ancien secrtaire d'tat de George H. W. Bush de 1989 1993. After Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused the United States of "building its policy on a foundation of distortion and lies," Baker banned Netanyahu from entering the State Department building, and refused to meet with him personally for the remainder of his tenure as secretary. His father was a partner of Houston law firm Baker Botts. On October 9, 2006, the Washington Post quoted co-chairman Baker as saying "our commission believes that there are alternatives between the stated alternatives, the ones that are out there in the political debate, of 'stay the course' and 'cut and run'". John C. Baker. War. A representative for the elder Baker at his law firm said family members were unreachable as they made funeral preparations yesterday evening in Virginia. Baker became chairman of Bush's Senate campaign in Harris County, Texas. "Mother of Secretary of State Baker dies here at 96". The book also includes a detailed account of Bakers famous testimony before Congress on peace negotiations between Israel and the Arab world, during which he said the United States cant want an agreement more than the two sides themselves. James A. Baker. [28], However, Baker has been criticized for spending much of his tenure in a state of inaction regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which arguably led to further infringements on Palestinian rights and the growing radicalism of Arabs and Israelis. But their policy regarding Israel would have been completely rejected by todays Republican Party, which has moved to the right on issues like settlements, Palestinian statehood and Israeli control of East Jerusalem. James A. Baker, III, has served in senior government positions under three United States presidents. The authors, a married couple who previously co-authored a book about the rise of Vladimir Putin, present Baker as the face of what the Republican Party used to stand for and has lost in the era of Donald Trump. Join Facebook to connect with James Baker III and others you may know. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. A member of the Republican Party, he served as the 10th White House Chief of Staff and 67th United States Secretary of the Treasury under President Ronald Reagan and the 61st U.S. Secretary of State before returning as the 16th White House Chief of Staff under President George H. W. Bush. In May 1990, Soviet Union's reformist leader Mikhail Gorbachev visited the U.S. for talks with President Bush; there, he agreed to allow a reunified Germany to be a part of NATO. Baker blocked the creation of Palestine by threatening to cut funding to agencies in the United Nations: As far back as 1988, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) issued a "declaration of statehood and changed the name of its observer delegation to the United Nations from the PLO to Palestine. Senator John Heinz Award for Greatest Public Service by an Elected or Appointed Official, an award given out annually by Jefferson Awards.[17]. [18] Privately, Bush ignored Baker's assurances and later pushed for NATO's eastwards expansion. State of Denial, a book by investigative reporter Bob Woodward, says that White House Chief of Staff, Andrew Card, urged President Bush to replace Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld with Baker following the 2004 election. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. The Man Who Ran Washington: The Life and Times of James A. Baker III. In 1973, Baker and Susan Garrett Winston, a divorcee and a close friend of Mary Stuart, were married. [37] He left behind the Baker II plan, accepted as a suitable basis of negotiations by the Polisario and unanimously endorsed by the Security Council, but rejected by Morocco.[38]. The book also shows how much the Republican Partys approach to Israel has changed over recent decades. Reach out to the Palestinians as neighbors who deserve political rights. Bakers use of the term Greater Israel and his insistence on criticizing both sides of the conflict, not just the Palestinians, was received negatively by AIPACs leadership. In 199091 he helped orchestrate the international coalition that opposed Iraqs invasion of Kuwait. Born in Houston, Baker attended The Hill School and Princeton University before serving in the United States Marine Corps. More below about Doug Baker's appointment by Bush in Nov 2001. He has been married to Susan Garrett Winston since 1973. Baker managed Reagan's 1984 re-election campaign in which Reagan polled a record 525 electoral votes total (of 538 possible), and received 58.8 percent of the popular vote to Walter Mondale's 40.6 percent. Former secretary of state James Baker considered voting for Joe Biden in November but will instead keep backing Donald Trump, a new biography reveals, in the process outlining a key reason for. He also played a prominent role in the Florida recount for the current president. Baker is the namesake of the James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy at Rice University.[2]. A new biography of the former diplomat, written by two of the most accomplished reporters in present-day Washington, corrects the record about the infamous quote which was attributed to Baker at the height of his confrontations with Likud Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir, in 1991. Corrections? He previously was The Post's education editor, and he worked as an investigative reporter, a military correspondent and covered crime and courts in Northern Virginia. His father was a partner of Houston law firm Baker Botts. In March 1997, Baker became the Personal Envoy of the UN Secretary-General for Western Sahara. As he remembered it, the presidents team was discussing a controversial policy in the Oval Office. Jim Baker's War. On March 15, 2006, Congress announced the formation of the Iraq Study Group, a high-level panel of prominent former officials charged by members of Congress with taking a fresh look at America's policy on Iraq. Stop settlement activity. and Keep Out of Politics! Focusing on U.S. space policy and the future of space travel. Israeli officials and public were highly offended due to the tone of his speech, though his address called for little more than his predecessors. He earned a law degree from the University of Texas at Austin in 1957 and then joined a major Houston law firm, eventually becoming a partner in it. Baker served as Fords campaign manager that year and went on to direct Bushs campaign for the presidential nomination in the Republican primaries of 1980. [39] When the U.S. occupation of Iraq began in 2003 he was one of the Bush administration's first choices to direct the Coalition Provisional Authority, but he was deemed too old. Baker, Peter, and Glasser, Susan, The Man Who Ran Washington Doubleday, 2020, at pp. . Also in 1993, the Enron Corporation hired Baker as a consultant within a month of his departure from the White House, and Enron said that Baker would have an opportunity to invest in any projects he developed. Family (1) Trivia (10) U.S. Secretary of the Treasury from 1985-1988 in the second Ronald Reagan administration. Originally, Baker had been a Democrat but too busy trying to succeed in a competitive law firm to worry about politics, and considered himself apolitical. Durham's indictment alleges that Sussmann told then-FBI General Counsel James Baker in September 2016 that he was not doing work "for any client" when he requested and held a meeting in which he .
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