I feel confident in my decision. I can relate. We don't publish poetry, anonymous or open letters. Politics. The Panthers logged a team score of 35.35 on the floor, and that put them in fourth place. My name is Trevor Sprague. You have permission to edit this article. I found a table and chairs at Vinhost vintage shop a few doors down, for what I consider a great deal. Letter: Swift action needed on clean energy. Really cuts into the bottom line for a small business. However, I think we should be . Cuba City won the SWAL championship this season with sophomores Olson and Ella Vosberg (15.7 ppg) and freshman Ashley Rowe (8.7 ppg) as its top three scorers. I never had a problem finding suit jackets, blouses and slacks, dresses, and shoes stylish enough to wear to my 8:00-4:30 job. Read our profile on the United States government and media. Giants of the Earth Heritage Center presents another fascinating Passport to Other Cultures program on Thursday, March 9 at 6:30 p.m. Name, street address and daytime phone are required. It is my passion to continue to offer support, education and resource connections to care partners and persons living with Alzheimers and other related dementias. Jovenel Moses death has created a power vacuum for the local gangs to seize control over more than half of Port-au-Prince as the death toll rises from gang warfare and the Haitian national police struggle to keep the peace while being underfunded, outmanned and outgunned. January 28, 2023 at 5:15 a.m. (Letter) Thomas J. See more of La Crosse Tribune on Facebook. There was a problem saving your notification. My interest was piqued by a Nassau Guardian article pertaining to a Progressive Liberal Party Cabinet minister's claim in Parliament that the Free National Movement opposed independence. With many worthy investments available, this conversation is important and fundamentally represents a debate on how best to prepare Minnesota for the future. There are four candidates running for the Wisconsin Supreme Court and the top two candidates will face off in the April 4 Spring Election. By Greeley Tribune letters to the editor. Accessibility Help. I want to show my family's support of Tim Gaskell for Vernon County judge. Facebook. We had a hard time reconciling the kindhearted friend we knew with his job of defending some people accused of terrible crimes. Uncover why LA CROSSE TRIBUNE is the best company for you. Please subscribe to keep reading. ", On Tuesday, February 14 at 11:30 a.m., the League of Women Voters of the La Crosse Area (LWVLA) is hosting a free online program to explore Public Education Spending: Decisions & Tradeoffs.. When I called back I got the message that it was BTC but we cant take your call right now. Huge influxes of money allow last-minute targeting, often negative, leaving the other party no time to respond. If we somehow manage to keep it on the road after the first few sharp turns, the bridge is still out a mile down the road. Biden and his handlers want to see total government control over our lives and that is something we cannot allow to happen. If the voters would make the parties accountable at the polls it might promote change for the better in our system. Log In. Oktoberfest . Jump to. If we refuse to do our duty to protect children, what will become of the future generations? Please subscribe to keep reading. La Crosse speaks up: Letters to the editor for the week of Feb. 3, 2023. lacrossetribune.com 8h. Then, there are the Groupies. They listen to like-minded individuals to make their selections. It was with some amazement that we read and listened to the Prime Ministers bold and vigorous assertion last week that the Oppositions ability to ask questions of the government is not an entitlement! That road has been that speed limit since I can remember. I do not agree with Lincoln Bain. However, minerals for batteries are mined under highly pollutive and environmentally devastating conditions. For information on how to submit a letter-to-editor to Wisconsin newspapers: Appleton Post-Crescent Ashland Daily Press Baraboo News-Republic Beaver Dam Daily Citizen Beloit Daily News Chippewa Herald Daily Jefferson County Union Eau Claire Leader-Telegram Fond du Lac Reporter Green Bay Press-Gazette Janesville Gazette Kenosha News La Crosse Tribune Manitowoc Herald Times Feb. 27, 2023. Letters to the Editor: Trump's 'perfect call' to Georgia was wrong. One has to shake your head in dismay at what Joe Biden does that is reported in the mainstream media, but what is troubling is what he does that is NOT reported. Besides womens, mens, and childrens clothing and footwear, you will find housewares, decorative items that change with the seasons, select books and DVDs, jewelry, toys, furniture, and so much more. First and best in western Wisconsin news http://www.lacrossetribune.com/ 1407 St Andrew St, La Crosse, WI 54603 Even clothes Im wearing, someone wore before. That was my dad to a T. Dad was a salesman by trade and could find a deal on virtually anything. Although Rosemond has a wide following, he also has been the target of legitimate criticism during his career. Please subscribe to keep reading. Program Committee, League of Women Voters of the La Crosse Area. After a few alterations by my mom, I was all set, although the styles werent anything like the clothing the girls I went to school with wore. 0. The paper was first founded in 1904, following a media scandal in which existing publications failed to report on the recent creation of a power monopoly in La Crosse. Stuff in our apartment came from fathers store. Readers Write: School meals, clearing snow, flophouses, paid family leave, parental engagement. It provides independent nonpartisan oversight and accountability, ensuring that members of Congress work for the people, not special interests. The West Salem co-op gymnastics team celebrates after capturing its second WIAA Division 2 team runner-up finish at the WIAA state gymnastics team competition on Friday at Wisconsin Rapids High School. Contents of this site are Copyright 2023 Ellington. The La Crosse Tribune is a newspaper published in La Crosse, Wisconsin, United States. Recently, Rep. Derrick Van Orden has been appointed to sit on the Transportation & Infrastructure House Committee. One place they could start is by tackling an issue that Republicans, Democrats and everyone in between all agree on: corruption. As a student at WSU, Im proud to attend the oldest normal (or teacher) college west of the Mississippi River and study alongside many talented classmates preparing for jobs in the classroom, in health care and as law enforcement professionals. WISCONSIN RAPIDS, Wis. The West Salem co-op gymnastics team understood it had a chance to make this season a special one when the season began, and expectations only grew from there. Letters to the editor for the week of Mar. It was big and fluffy, but it wasnt the beautiful white kind I so coveted. Our oldest daughter is in kindergarten, and with two more coming behind her, I know we need long-term thinking to provide the be, I served as a member on the school board from 2001 to 2018. a vicious cycle La Crosse Tribune "cycle" - Google News April 11, 2021 at 08:30PM Here's a look at the most-read letters to the editor this past year at lacrossetribune.com. I did my purchasing and got up to the till and lo and behold I was told that my purchases had been paid for by the person behind me -- a "pay it forward. Online access to the La Crosse Tribune 1905-1963 (Wisconsin residents only through BadgerLink) Online access to the La Crosse Tribune 1964-1977 is not available on the subscription site but you can browse to the Tribune and search . Wow what a wonderful gift -- to know what a beautiful world we live in. It wasnt long before I realized just how expensive new clothes could be, so I frequented neighborhood rummage sales, and happily accepted hand-me-arounds from friends my age, clothes they no longer wanted. Dear Editor: LETTER: Serial criminals put America in trouble . Please allow me space in your daily to touch on a vexing national concern, illegal and irregular communities aka shanty towns. West Salem co-op's Kennedy Garbers pushes off the vault during one of her two attempts at the WIAA state gymnastics team competition on Friday at Wisconsin Rapids High School. He had faith in the legal process and was committed to giving everyone the same opportunity to a defense. It seems every day there is another idea to dehumanize our lives. To submit a letter to the editor, please email letters@time.com.. Weve rejected our Creator, and His good design for sexuality and gender. It's not IN TOWN. That Ron DeSantis and others are making woke into a pejorative word that describes people concerned about the problems of racism demonstrates the truth of t. I want to show my family's support of Tim Gaskell for Vernon County judge. Senior Taliya Michlig had the team's top individual performance with a 9.083 on the uneven bars. Each writer is limited to one published letter every two months. February 19. We reserve the right to edit letters for clarity, conciseness, taste, and to prevent libel. ONALASKA Aquinas High School girls basketball coach Dave Donarski allowed his players and coaches some time to celebrate Thursday night at t, MADISON Calvin Hargrove sat in the middle of the mat with his legs extended in front of him as Aquinas High School coach Deke Stanek talked . Accounting & Finance Center . That will end the car being the ultimate tool for personal mobility and freedom. Aquinas, of course, counters with University of Montana commit Macy Donarski at the same position. La Crosse Tribune. A new Wisconsin Supreme Court justice will be elected this spring. She also averages 5.4 rpg. Sign up for our newsletter to keep reading. All I have heard from parents since that school was built out there is what a stupid place to build a new school. Universally recognised international law, including the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, must be strictly observed. 1 of 5 Harvey Weinberg: Rosemond off track Jan 15, 2023 In last Sunday's Tribune, the Strausses provided an excellent critique of John Rosemond. One such candidate is Judge Janet Potasiewicz. Whether readying the workforce or investing in the next generation of Minnesotas community-leaders, institutions like Winona State are crucial for Minnesotas future. This last Valentines Day, The Bronze Dragon is celebrated its grand opening. We cannot acknowledge receipt of submissions. We are proud of our employees and value their role and commitment to carrying on our mission for the next 100 years. Im excited, Donarski said after scoring a game-high 17 points in Thursdays 64-39 sectional semifinal win over Bangor in Onalaska. We have cut the brake lines and are racing the vehicle down hill, thinking we are enjoying unlimited freedom of expression. Email or phone: Password: . Please consider the following point when voting in the La Crosse County primary referendum question, and for the Wisconsin Supreme Court justice in the upcoming elections. The 58th Winter Commencement was held at the La Crosse Center Sunday, Dec. 18. This belief unfortunately led to a marked decline in childhood vaccinations and a surge in measles cases in different parts of the world. Tim is now running for Vernon County Judge. He can be reached at 608-791-8208. However, I think we should be very concerned about this as a community. The La Crosse Tribune printed a section to help the voter. Letter to the Editor: State Rep. Adam Niemerg: Parents and students deserve an agenda free education. U.S. senators and Congress members don't honor their oath of office to defend the constitution. Lake Geneva Regional News ( @LG_Regionalnews) Lake Geneva Regional News is a weekly newspaper based in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. The conference gave me a new perspective and appreciation for all the ways volunteers in La Crosse County can support individuals and families impacted by Alzheimer's.
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