Monthly Lake Michigan water temperature chart. [Chicago] Lake Michigan water temperatures in winter vary from 31F to 38F. Small silver spoons and power lines work well for fishing the lake during the summer months. The great lakes are notorious for unstable and unpredictable ice conditions so be careful and never fish alone. Lake Michigan is a town close to Great Lakes,lake. ['December', The weather forecast is shown in local time in Lake Michigan. The best time to visit would be during the summer months as the choice of activities are far and wide. 100%. In the mid 20th century, construction of the Saint Lawrence Seaway and Great Lakes Waterway opened the Great Lakes to ocean-going vessels. A large dune formation can be found in Whitefish Dunes State Park in Wisconsin in the Door Peninsula. curveType: 'function', The approximate coordinates of the sampling location are 42.68013, -87.06567. Home You may have heard #LakeMichigan is warmer than usual for this . The coldest month is February with an average water temperature of 36.9F / 2.7C. However, Lake Michigan fishing in the morning is not productive during the cold months. [30] As with the high-water records, monthly low-water records were set each month from February 1964 through January 1965. All Rights Reserved. The captains are knowledgeable, friendly, and are sure to put you on fish. Jetstream , This experimental product is still in development, Lake Michigan Regions 0.3], Water temperature in Grand Traverse Bay is . Photo courtesy of Matt Zuro. Parts of the shoreline are within the Hiawatha National Forest and the Manistee National Forest. 36.3, Its a good idea to fish Lake Michigan during afternoon hours at any time of the year. Steelhead bites well during low light conditions. Lake Michigan is connected by the Illinois Waterway to the Gulf of Mexico via the Illinois River and the Mississippi River. 4.3],]); Lake Michigan is one of the five Great Lakes of North America. The Great Lakes Circle Tour, a designated scenic road system, connects all of the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River. "Where to Find Petoskey Stones in Michigan." 40.5: 52.3: 67.3: 70.5: 66.7: 54.7: 46.6: 40.3: Monthly average max / min water temperatures. If the lakes dont freeze over during the winter months the open water provides cold prevailing winds a source of moisture for snow. 39.7, [44] The iron ore and much of the stone and coal are used in the steel industry. ['May', 18.7, This makes for pleasant swimming but curbs its temperature moderation along the shore. Monthly Lake Michigan water temperature chart. Near South Shore Drive in Chicago, IL on Jan 11. [30] The all-time low-water mark was eclipsed in January 2013. You are not limited to certain recreational activities and you are free to experience all that this beautiful place has to offer. Hazardous Weather Outlook Anglers spend a whole day on fishing and have a good chance to catch a trophy. 4.2, January: Steelhead is preparing for spawning season after the fall run in January. [24], Hydrologically Michigan and Huron are the same body of water (sometimes called Lake Michigan-Huron) but are normally considered distinct. Lake Michigan Regions. A lot of anglers choose to fish Lake Michigan early in the morning. The season to fish for smallmouth bass is high between early May and July. Weather Indiana Dunes National Park's weather is greatly affected by Lake Michigan and can change quickly. The largest fisheries are the landings from the Great Lakes, worth about $14million in 2001. [Central Northern Region] Water temperature range in Lake Michigan in March is from 28 to 42 degrees. Lake Michigan Beach Forecast A lot of Chinook and Coho salmons can be found in the lake. April Steelhead spawning run continues in April. Water temperature in Grand Traverse Bay today is 35.1F. 63.9, The biggest surprise is Lake Superior with water temps near 70F along the western shore near Duluth, Ashland, and Ontonagon. Lake Michigan water levels over the last decade have included both near record lows and near record highs. 39.2, The annual harvest declined from an average of 11million pounds (5,000,000kg) from 1981 through to 1999 to more recent annual harvests of 8 to 9.5million pounds (3,600,000 to 4,300,000kg). The most recent period with similar lake levels was 1986-1987. The water temperature today roughly corresponds to the average value on this day in recent years. Seasonal Guide: Best Times to Catch Big Bass. Steelhead can be found in the lakes tributaries. The record surface temps will undoubtedly impact that moderating effect. Small dune formations can be found on the western shore of Lake Michigan at Illinois Beach State Park, and moderate-sized dune formations can be found in Kohler-Andrae State Park and Point Beach State Forest in Wisconsin. Lake Michigans fishing is very productive in the fall. However, because prevailing westerly winds tend to move the surface water toward the east, there is a flow of warmer water to the Michigan shore in the summer. Anglers usually choose to enjoy ice fishing in the lakes harbors and ports. Student Opportunities All that warm water is potential energy for precipitation production. By clicking the links below, you will be taken to the charters respective profile on Fishing Booker where you can read reviews, learn more about the charter, view photos, and book online at the best rate. 32.5, Long term average surface water temperature compared to current year (csv data files in degree Celsius or degree Fahrenheit) Superior., 'ready', function () {chart_waterF.innerHTML= '';}); Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, and Lake Ontario, form the largest group of freshwater . These include brown trout, smallmouth bass, brown trout as well as salmon species. Yellow perch is the main target on Lake Michigan during the winter months. The lakes were frozen 11 days later and thawed seven days sooner. NOTE: During winter months, stage and discharge may be significantly affected by backwater from ice, resulting in incorrect discharge data. In recent years, at the beginning of the month, the temperature value here is at around 71F, and by the end of the month the water warms up to 61F. In October 1986, Lakes Michigan and Huron reached their highest level at 5.92 feet (1.80m) above datum. Fishing for largemouth bass is incredible. 17.9], Since then, I've lived across the country and have continued learning about fishing. Weather Event Write-Ups Accessed: 4/12/2022. Salmon can be found in large schools this month. In any case, the general weather is also important. Fishing for rainbow trout is always exciting. The Lake Michigan Water Temperatures also happen to be at their warmest in July and August, reaching highs of up to 70 degrees, making water activities perfect. This site is owned and operated by Eric Matechak. air temperature is around 72.5F / 22.5C, August is the month with the highest temperature. Actual nearshore temperatures may vary by several degrees from the indicated values. [23], The Milwaukee Reef, running under Lake Michigan from a point between Milwaukee and Racine to a point between Grand Haven and Muskegon, divides the lake into northern and southern basins. The central element of the Port District, Calumet Harbor, is maintained by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.[45]. Lake freighters are used on the lakes that are too large to pass the locks and enter the ocean. Enhanced Data Display (EDD) Summer is the best season for trophy-class salmon. Several lakes appear to be warming faster than. * Fact - Actual value of water temperature, feels like 23F, Clouds (overcast clouds: 85-100%), feels like 22F, Clouds (overcast clouds: 85-100%), feels like 22F, Clouds (scattered clouds: 25-50%), feels like 23F, Clouds (scattered clouds: 25-50%), feels like 24F, Clouds (scattered clouds: 25-50%), feels like 27F, Clouds (scattered clouds: 25-50%), feels like 33F, Clouds (overcast clouds: 85-100%), feels like 34F, Clouds (overcast clouds: 85-100%), feels like 35F, Clouds (overcast clouds: 85-100%), feels like 26F, Clouds (broken clouds: 51-84%), feels like 24F, Clouds (broken clouds: 51-84%), feels like 27F, Clouds (overcast clouds: 85-100%), feels like 31F, Clouds (broken clouds: 51-84%), feels like 27F, Clouds (broken clouds: 51-84%), feels like 29F, Clouds (overcast clouds: 85-100%), feels like 24F, Clouds (overcast clouds: 85-100%), The warmest water today in United States recorded. The Chicago city waterfront has been developed for parks, beaches, harbors and marinas, and residential developments connected by the Chicago Lakefront Trail. [Michigan City] Based on average water temperature observations over the past ten years, the warmest water temperature in Lake Michigan in July was 74.3F (in Green Bay), and the coldest 63.3F (in Kewaunee). In each decade since 1980, steady increases in obscure surface temperature have occurred. It would be better to plan Lake Michigan fishing adventures for March April. Water surface temperature values are available in real time. This might be due to a combination of circumstances, including a record-warm summer, increased cloud cover, no major storms mixing cooler water from below. Even minor events on the lake may cause flooding of low-lying areas near the lake such as beaches . [19], The first person to reach the deep bottom of Lake Michigan was J. Val Klump, a scientist at the University of WisconsinMilwaukee in 1985. [17] French coureurs des bois and voyageurs established small ports and trading communities, such as Green Bay, on the lake during the late 17th and early 18th centuries. There are about 15 days per year above 90F (32C). Whihala Beach in Whiting, IN. 11.4], This is partly because of the prevailing winds from the west (which also cause thick layers of ice to build on the eastern shore in winter). Conference of Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Governors and Premiers, Michigan Islands National Wildlife Refuge. We also take into account data for other resorts in United States. I am an avid angler and outdoorsman. The word "Michigan" is believed to come from the Ojibwe word [11] (michi-gami or mishigami) meaning "great water". [Muskegon/Grand Haven] Recent increases in water temperature have mostly been driven by warming during the spring and summer months (see Figure 2). var chart_waterF = document.getElementById('chart_waterF'); [South Haven] We use data from various sources, including National Centers for Environmental Information (NOAA), meteorological services of different countries, data received from more than a thousand buoys around the world, satellite systems for scanning the surface of the oceans and seas. [42], Sports fishing includes salmon, whitefish, smelt, lake trout and walleye as major catches. CAUTION: These maps do not take into account hydrologic connectivity. For a complete breakdown of the quality of fishing in Lake Michigan, check out this article. Its more comfortable to fish during the morning hours in summer because anglers can avoid heat. Multiple locations were found. In multiple locations along the shoreline, the dunes rise several hundred feet above the lake surface. Lake Michigan beach at Holland State Park in Park Township, Michigan, Chicago's North Avenue Beach, Lincoln Park, Monthly bulletin of Lake Levels for The Great Lakes; September 2009; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit District, Wolgamott, K. (May 17, 2018). Lake Michigan is the world's largest lake by area located fully in one country. Lake Michigan Surface Water Temperature Map. chart.draw(data, options); Consequently, discharge data may not . 5.5, In the early 17th century, when western European explorers made their first forays into the region, they encountered descendants of the Late Woodland Native Americans: the historic Chippewa; Menominee; Sauk; Fox; Winnebago; Miami; Ottawa; and Potawatomi peoples. The Erie Canal connects to the Great Lakes at the east end of Lake Erie (at Buffalo, New York) and at the south side of Lake Ontario (at Oswego, New York). The measurements for the water temperature in Lake Huron, Michigan are provided by the daily satellite readings provided by the NOAA. Marine var chart = new google.visualization.LineChart(chart_waterF); The warmest water temperature in Michigan today is 41.5F (Sault Sainte Marie), and the coldest temperature is 32F (Lexington). Based on average water temperature observations over the past ten years, the warmest water temperature in Lake Michigan in July was 74.3F (in Green Bay), and the coldest 63.3F (in Kewaunee). Today water temperature in Lake Michigan is 35.4F. The month with the lowest is March with an average water temperature of 32.9F / 0.5C. Michigans Water temperatures in all five Great Lakes have been hovering at record-high fall levels since October, roughly five to six degrees above average. Air temperatures in Michigan vary from 28F to 69F during the spring months. Images on this page may contain affiliate links in which we may receive a commission. 1, To develop a forecast, we use our own mathematical model, which takes into account the current change in water temperature, historical data and the main weather trends, wind strength and direction, air temperature in each specific region. Questions? MODIS The water heats up in the afternoon during cold months. Full-day fishing trips are suitable for anglers, who want to get the most out of a fishing trip on Lake Michigan. Want to Know the Best Time of Day to Fish? [36], Lake Michigan has many beaches. Get Five Decades Of Great Lakes Ice Cover Data. Did we come close to a record for November? Fisheries in inland waters of the United States are small compared to marine fisheries. Average monthly sea temperatures in Lake Michigan . Fall steelhead are well-known for their aggressive bites. [16], With the advent of European exploration into the area in the late 17th century, Lake Michigan became used as part of a line of waterways leading from the Saint Lawrence River to the Mississippi River and thence to the Gulf of Mexico. June is the month with the lowest precipitation of 0in / 0mm and January with the maximum precipitation in a year with 1.8in / 45.6mm. For a complete breakdown of the best times to fish Lake Superior, please check out this helpful guide. By continuing to use our website, you agree to the use of cookies. In this capacity, the Great Lakes CoastWatch program obtains, produces, and delivers environmental data and products for near real-time monitoring of the Great Lakes to support . ['March', Average monthly sea temperatures in Lake Michigan Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec C: 3.4: 2.7: 2.7: 3.4: 4.7: 11.3: 19.6: 21.4: 19.3: Cities on the shores of Lake Michigan include: The National Park Service maintains the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore and Indiana Dunes National Park. We will also look at how seasonality and monthly progressions can impact the fishing success rates and how fish respond. Drought Monitor, Past Weather Erie. Hundreds of thousands of salmon head into rivers and smaller creeks to spawn and die. 34.2, However, anglers cant spend too much time fishing if they choose to start their adventures in the afternoon. More information about factors affecting lake levels is available from the US Army Corps of Engineers. A lot of salmon can be found in the lakes harbors and in the Muskegon River. With an average temperature of roughly 59F, Lake Superior is at an all-time high for this time of year. [Ludington] Since 1990, GLERL scientists have been keeping track of the temperature in the middle of southern Lake Michigan. It is the second-largest of the Great Lakes by volume[5] (1,180cumi (4,900km3)) and the third-largest by surface area (22,404sqmi (58,030km2)), after Lake Superior and Lake Huron. Grand Traverse Bay in its northeast is another large bay. }. NOAA is reporting that water temperature is running 6 to 10 degrees above normal, resulting in setting new records on lakes Michigan-Huron, Erie, and Ontario. Milwaukee October 30, 2022. Currently, two car ferry services traverse Lake Michigan from around April to November: the SS Badger, a steamer from Ludington, Michigan, to Manitowoc, Wisconsin, and the Lake Express, a high speed catamaran from Milwaukee to Muskegon, Michigan. The economy of many communities in northern Michigan and Door County, Wisconsin, is supported by tourism, with large seasonal populations attracted by Lake Michigan. [ Northern Region] [ Central Northern Region] [ Central Region] [ Central Southern Region] [ Southern Region] Lake Michigan Port Images. During the summer, water warms and stratifies, or separates into layers warmer, lighter water on top, and colder, heavier water on the bottom. To find out the sea temperature today and in the coming days, go to Current sea temperature in Lake Michigan. Enhanced Hazardous Weather Outlook Local anglers can catch a variety of fish species in the lake during the fall months. See our affiliate disclosure for details. ['July', 2.4, Whilst sea temperatures for Lake Michigan are as accurate as current data allows, there may be slight local and regional variations depending on conditions. The fish will bite well during warm days. GLERL The nearest airport is located in a 75 kilometers. The Great Lakes are collectively administered by the Conference of Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Governors and Premiers, intergovernmental organization led by the governing chief executives of the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Qubec, and by the governors of the U.S. states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. 1C / 34F. OAR Winter steelhead bites well in the lake from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. February: Its possible to fish for rainbow trout and brown trout in the late winter. 0.4], the shaded band shows the range of monthly average water levels, and the line in the middle shows the [Manistee] In general, this water temperature is unacceptable for swimming. This is likely to lead to decreasing native habitat and to adversely affect native species survival, including game fish. [21][22] The warming of Lake Michigan was the subject of a 2018 report by Purdue University. Average annual water temperature on the coast in Lake Michigan is 48F, by the seasons: in winter 38F, in spring 38F, in summer 62F, in autumn 54F. 78.6, 24, Flooding impacts along the immediate shore are typically closely tied to wave height. However, several introduced invasive species, such as lampreys, round goby, zebra mussels and quagga mussels, continue to cause major changes in water clarity and fertility, resulting in knock-on changes to Lake Michigan's ecosystem, threatening the vitality of native fish populations. Photos will be available to all users after verification by the moderator. Average water temperature in the country today - 52F. Privacy Policy In August water temperature in some cities of Lake Michigan is above 68F and it is enough for comfortable bathing. But hardened people can afford to be in such water for 5-10 minutes. Its possible to catch smallmouth bass at any time of the year. When the lake freezes, its time to target yellow perch. 44.6, Its possible to find a lot of yellow perch in the lakes harbors and ports. Photo courtesy ofDeb Mann. [Pentwater] Local anglers can catch a variety of fish species in the lake during the fall months. The Conference came into force, in December 2008, with the enactment of laws in all of the states and the two provinces, and the enactment of a United States federal law. Knowing the best times and seasons to fish this massive body of water can help you put bigger fish in the boat. The avg. 10.1], Lake Michigan water temperatures in spring vary from 44F to 69F. Information Quality Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, website, 1: { color: '#FFCC66', targetAxisIndex:0, lineWidth: 8 }, It makes sense to fish in Muskegon Lake port. ['October', temperature is around 72.5F / 22.5C, August is the month with the highest temperature. }; Its possible to fish for salmon, brown trout, rainbow trout, and yellow perch during these months. Select the continent of interest, the day of the month and the required water temperature, Places with the warmest average water temperature in Lake Michigan in July. Twelve million people live along Lake Michigan's shores, mainly in the Chicago and Milwaukee metropolitan areas. Great Lakes CoastWatch is a nationwide National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) program within which the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL) functions as the Great Lakes regional node. The 30-year, deep-water temperature dataset overlaying this photo (the "heartbeat of Lake Michigan") reveals a hidden story about how the lake's deep waters are responding to climate change. At such a temperature, only a short-term immersion is possible, otherwise rapid hypothermia will occur. Chicago, IL on Jan 11. [31], In January 2013, Lake Michigan's monthly mean water levels dipped to an all-time low of 576.2ft (175.6m),[32] reaching their lowest ebb since record keeping began in 1918. National Briefing More Lake Michigan water level impacts can be found in our past news stories. Our report for Great Lakes is compiled using satellite data together with in-situ observations to get the most reliable daily data of sea surface temperatures, surf forecasts, current temperatures and weather forecasts. Alternate names for Lake MichiganLac Dauphin, Lac Des Ilinois, Lac Ilinois, Lac Michigan, Lac des Eaux de Mer, Lacus Ilinois, Lago Michigan, Lake Ilinois, Lake Illinese, Lake Michigan, Le Lac de Saint Joseph, Machihiganing, Match-I-Hi-Gan-Ing, Match-i-hi-gan-ing, Michigami, Michigan Lake, Michigansee, Misch-I-Gon-Ong, Misch-i-gon-ong, Mishigan Lake, Missihiganin, Mitchiganons. Salmon bite well in the early morning and late evening. Counted together, it is the largest body of fresh water in the world by surface area. For a complete breakdown of the best times to fish Lake Huron, please check out this helpful article. This comes on the heels of very high-temperature rises throughout the summer. The waters of Lake Michigan are full of largemouth bass. The water will feel freezing / baltic. Since the summer, abnormally high air temperatures have raised Great Lakes water temperatures. Can you swim in Lake Michigan in summer? [12], Some of the most studied early human inhabitants of the Lake Michigan region were the Hopewell Native Americans. The sand is often soft and off-white, known as "singing sands" because of the squeaking noise (caused by high quartz content) it emits when walked upon. Mike Hardy is the owner of Thumbwind Publications LLC. Is Lake Michigan too cold to swim in summer? In recent years, at the beginning of the month, the temperature value here is at around 68F, and by the end of the month the water warms up to 70F. Hot-summer humid continental climate would be the climate here. It is 307 miles (494km) long by 118 miles (190km) wide with a shoreline 1,640 miles (2,640km) long. Green Bay in the northwest is its largest bay. [Kewaunee/Manitowoc] Notice that temperatures follow a seasonal pattern that repeats yearly. 17.7], It started in 2009 as a fun-loving site covering Michigan's Upper Thumb. The Port of Chicago, operated by the Illinois International Port District, has grain (14million bushels) and bulk liquid (800,000 barrels) storage facilities along Lake Calumet. During this twelve-month period, water levels ranged from 1.38to 0.71 feet (4222cm) below Chart Datum. Lake Michigan water temperatures in spring vary from 51F to 74F. Copyright 2023 Thumbwind Publications LLC, Earths lakes are warming at a feverish pace, with the Great Lakes leading the way, Forecasting the Permanent Loss of Lake Ice in the Northern Hemisphere Within the 21st Century, first reports of the smelly black muck were reported near Nayanquing Point State Wildlife Area, 10 Small Towns With Big City Michigan Crime Rates, Oak Wilt Disease a Threat to Michigan Thumbs Red Oaks, Port Hope Festival Lights the Fuse For July 4th. Even minor events on the lake may cause flooding of low-lying areas near the lake such as beaches, parks, and trails. 4, Commercial tug-and-barge traffic on these waterways is heavy. Skywarn The chances to catch a trophy fish are high during this time of the year. Exactly a year ago, on this day, the water temperature in this location was 32F. }, A lot of fish can be found in the Muskegon River. [41] Michigan's commercial fishery today consists mainly of 150 tribe-licensed commercial fishing operations through the Chippewa-Ottawa Resource Authority and tribes belonging to the Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission, which harvest 50 percent of the Great Lakes commercial catch in Michigan waters, and 45 state-licensed commercial fishing enterprises. If you visit in the warm months, then the kids can enjoy plenty of fun in the sun on the shores of the beach. Ice fishing is good from sunrise to the middle of the day. Michigan. [Beaver Island] Lake Michigan water temperatures in spring vary from 44F to 69F. To find out the sea temperature today . So, the air temperature at the same time will reach 35F. 1.1], The water temperature in. After the 2060s, Lake Michigan will not freeze. Sharma, an associate professor at York University, has been studying ice for over a decade. CoCoRaHs 1: {gridlines: {color: 'black'}, Sharma co-authored a startling article entitled Forecasting the Permanent Loss of Lake Ice in the Northern Hemisphere Within the 21st Century. This means that areas may be depicted as flooding that are not connected to Lake Michigan. [24], The sand dunes located on the east shore of Lake Michigan are the largest freshwater dune system in the world. Large dune formations can be seen in many state parks, national forests and national parks along the Indiana and Michigan shoreline. The first reports of the smelly black muck were reported near Nayanquing Point State Wildlife Area on the western edge of Saginaw Bay. The record-warm water temperatures across the Great Lakes fall into a global pattern of warming lakes, which are being propelled upward as human-caused climate change pushes air temperatures to record highs. 39.4, The warmest water temperature is in August with an average around 70.5F / 21.4C. 44.2, All NOAA, More water level information from At the start of the year, only 3% of the Great Lakes were covered in . On top of that, there is no need to wake up early if you choose to fish the lake during the afternoon hours. Elevated lake levels increase impacts along the shore during storm events. The bar chart below shows the average monthly sea temperatures at Lake Michigan over the year. Frankfort, Platte Bay, and Grand Haven are good fishing spots to target Lake Michigan in the fall. Time of day and wind direction may have a temporary local effect as can water flows from neraby rivers. Steel mills and refineries operate near the Indiana shoreline. February is the coolest with 25.3F / -3.7C average air temperature. The coldest month is February with an average water temperature of 36.9F / 2.7C. 44.6, Minimum water temperature (34F) in Lake Michigan it happens in March, maximum (73F) in July. Also, fishermen can expect the peak of summer heat during the summertime. } March: Steelhead spawning run starts in March. So, anglers should go fishing at sunrise or at sunset. Air temperatures in Michigan vary from 18F to 34F during the winter months. GLSEA Lowest - in Kotzebue, there water temperature now 28F. [42] The prime commercial species is the lake whitefish. For more inland areas such as marinas, protected harbors, and the lower reaches of some rivers, the average lake level plus storm surge is important. Photos will be available to all users after verification by the moderator. Salmon fishing is very productive between late morning and afternoon hours. Lake Michigan's average water temperature reached 75.1 degrees on July 8, nearly 11 degrees above normal, and the warmest mark on record so early in the year. Once you arrive here, you will find that there is no shortage of activities or entertainment. Lightning 4.1], The French explorer Jean Nicolet is believed to have been the first European to reach Lake Michigan, possibly in 1634 or 1638. google.charts.load('current', {packages:['corechart']}); Weather Safety (Spanish) Study: Depths Of Lake Michigan Are Getting Warmer. Photo courtesy ofBill Snyder. Lower Saginaw Bay is expected to reach 80F later this week.
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