See you there! He is the CEO of Life Gate Ministries and was ordained as a pastor in 1991. And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, 2 Timothy 2:24. He loves his church, and even through growth over the years, Lifegate has maintained its close-knit family atmosphere and its passion for serving people. A colorful rug and toys can be . Les Beauchamp Lead Pastor Les has been the Lead Pastor of Lifegate Church since 1996. 749 Pinnacle Dr Papillion, NE 68046 Come join us for Sunday services at 9:15am and 11:00am at our Lifegate Papillion campus. For more information about Lifegate Church visit // This function changes the button text and link. Lifegate Churchis cutting-edge and ready to equip you to takeyour next step with God. Around 2013 God began to reveal to Les that Micah may eventually be the one to receive the mantle of leadership for Lifegate. circlefacebookcircletwitterbird circleinstagram circleyoutube circleemail. Our gatherings last about 75 minutes, are filled with great music, and include an inspiring message from the Bible by our pastors. Only months after moving to Omaha, Trinity went through its second church split and Micah and Shireen committed to stay and serve Gods people with Les and Kris. LEARN MORE Look around. Wired Womens ministry, and leading our nursery care team. Click to see what we have for our Middle and High School Students! Tune in as Pastor Jillian brings an encouraging word from the Lord entitled, "In God We Trust. If you've ever struggled with anything in life, we encourage you to tune into Pastor Brian's newest series entitled, "Porn In My Pocket." Website:. selection =; Tony is a graduate of Mercer University, and he and Sheryll have doctorates from Jacksonville Theological Seminary. LifeGate Church | Staff Senior pastor We are currently searching for the next senior pastor here at Life Gate! a die-hard Pittsburgh Steelers, St. Louis Cardinals, and Fighting Illini fan as She began to phone them with a list of questions regarding God. For more information about Pastor Brian Gallardo or Lifegate Church visit www.briangallardo.comor SEND Doug and his family have been a part of Life Gate Church since its conception. Arrive a few minutes early or stay after the service to grab a free cup of coffee. Prior to Pastoring at LifeGate, Jaime traveled the country preaching God's word with passion. About. Lifegate Church has a long established history in Omaha, NE, beginning as Trinity Church back in 1975. Welcome to LIFEGATE Denver! Check out our events here! He has a passionate love for Jesus and a vision for people everywhere to discover the Life only available through a relationship with Christ. For more information about Pastor Brian or Lifegate Church visit www.briangallardo.comor LIFEGATE Church 2023 | Privacy Policy | Website Design by Missional Marketing. Want to get connected? He was then called to be the senior pastor at Lifegate. of their focus is on missions outreach. David was more than a little disturbed by his wife embracing religion and to make matters worse she could tell him that she was going to Heaven and, because he had not been born again, he was going to Hell. Sundays at 9AM & 11AM KidsLIFE Click to find out more about KidsLIFE! Their 152 views 3 months ago We are so glad to have you here! Our Team. LifeGate Church is a loving and spirit-filled church in Opelika, Alabama. Pastor OGorman and his wife, Valarie, have been married for 35 years. Friendly & family like atmosphere. Business administrator & assimilation director. Through this ministry, Pastors Brian and Jillian Gallardo are passionate about winning the lost for Jesus, mending their hearts, equipping us all as disciples, and sending us out to spread His word. David and Valerie OGorman were both raised in Dublin but in entirely different backgrounds. David was raised in a Catholic home and Valerie in a Church of Ireland home. Lifegate Church in Nebraska Overcomes Church Split, Finds New Unity Newsletter. TALK TO US, WE ARE KINDA AWESOME LEADERSHIP (BELOW IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION) Doug Eaker We believe God blesses each of us to be a blessing to the world around us. Don Lamb, another pastor at LifeGate, said in a statement the church has not directed parishioners to engage in specific political activity, but that the church's members believe "the. He graduated in 1992 with a Bachelor of Arts degree. As a young couple they searched for God talking to all the cults but found no one that could point them to Christ. The prophetic word from the Lord is, "Elevation." LIFEGATE Church | Church in Denver CO Welcome to Lifegate We exist to see people made alive in Christ New Here? Villa Rica, GA 30180ONLINE EXPERIENCE: Access it below or at YouTube & Facebook Live at /mylgc. Richard J. "es" : "s"; If you've ever struggled with shame, we encourage you to tune into Pastor Brian's latest series entitled, "Porn In My Pocket." Lifegate is a multi-campus church that exists to invite people everywhere to discover, live and give life in Jesus! Junior Bible Quiz, Nursery care, Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge (BGMC), February 3, 2023. They have four childrenthree daughters and one son. Throughout our journey we have faced and overcome many challenges on our way to becoming the unified, life-filled fellowship we now are. Radio Streams. Lead Pastor, Community Bible Church, Vallejo California. Growing up in a military family, Les Beauchamp has lived all over the world from Togo to Hong Kong. Lifegate Church began in 1975 as Trinity Church Interdenominational when God used a group of 55 committed individuals under the leadership of Pastor Elmer Murdoch to begin a church where people could meet Jesus as Lord and Savior and take their first steps into the Spirit-filled life. In her home after the service she called upon God to save her and He did. We have been blessed over the past 25 years under the leadership of Pastor Andy and Sheryl Weil, and are looking forward to the new direction God has in store for Life Gate Church! In 2006 after 10 years of ministry in Midland the Bensons moved their family to Burleson to start Lifegate Church. Tony and Sheryll strongly believe we are stronger and happier when we do life together. Tune in as Pastor Brian gives us the vision over Lifegate Church for the year of 2023. Front Row-Donna (Vocals), Jack (Bass Guitar), Charlene (Keyboard and Organ) Lead Pastor LifeGate Church Jan 2014 - Present 9 years 2 months. window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-ZDYPV7WEC1'); (function () { David has been the pastor of Lifegate since 1992 with a growing congregation. His ministries include Childrens Ministries, Weekly Outreach into the Community, and a Reformers Unanimous Addiction Programme. Childrens Ministry for over 25 years. At last she knew God and had peace. His roles include initiating direction and setting it together with the Church Board, and overseeing all areas of ministry and day-to-day operations of the church. Manage Your Subscription. Email Pastor Chad: Email Pastor Amber: Jaime is a third generation Pastor while Laura grew up under her Grandfather's ministry, Rev. 5 reviews of Lifegate Church "Am looking for a new church so i found this one and went today! Interdenominational Lifegate Church | El Paso TX Our locations. const input = document.getElementById("pet-select"); only providing activities that are fun and current, but ministry that is deeply He felt that as a good family man he had nothing to worry about. Pastor Brian has been a guest on TBN with the following great men of God: Pastor Rod Parsley, Pastor Jonathan Miller, Pastor Tony Suarez, Pastor Matt Austin, Dr. Lee Strobel, and many others. Pastor OGormans heartbeat is that of a pastor. LIFEGATE STUDENTS Click to see what we have for our Middle and High School Students! For more information about Pastor Brian or Lifegate Church visit www.briangallardo.comor Our gatherings last about 75 minutes, are filled with great music, and include an inspiring message from the Bible by our pastors. For more information, please visit Over the next few years Micah, Shireen and the Elders were on a discernment journey, seeking God for the next best step for Lifegate. See and feel what you will experience at LIFEGATE. Even though our church is more than 40 years old, we feel like a young church since our rebirth in 2010 and Gods gifts to us of a new name, Lifegate Church, and a fresh vision: God has called Lifegate to live this vision by living out our cultural code where Jesus is the center and where people matter. Check out our events here! 1 review of LifeGate Church "Church services are Sunday @ 9am &10am. We have multiple locations to make it easy to find a life-giving church to call home. I went to the 11.50am service but missed the worship and praise music but was just in time for the message. Life Gate Church Exists to: Make True Kingdom Impact by providing an atmosphere for: "Transformed Lives" "Real. During COVID, we began streaming our gatherings and we now have members of our community who watch from across the country and the world. What's New. The Spirit of God began to convince David that he was a sinner after all and that his sin was so bad that Christ had to die for it. Oops! Search. Sgt. The Lifegate App gives you access to life-changing messages from Lifegate Church in Omaha, Nebraska by Lead Pastor Les Beauchamp and the Lifegate team. We gather on Sunday mornings at 9am and 11am at the LIFEGATE Building. button.textContent = `See ${selection} Photos`.toUpperCase(); events. The Pastor of the church began to visit and would explain that all men were sinners and that failure to receive Christ as Saviour would mean an eternity in Hell. Sammy Hughes, a Church of God evangelist and Pastor. He has served the church in many capacities including serving with his wife, Linda, as a . SUNDAYS AT 9 & 11AM 10200 E Girard Ave, Building D Denver, CO 80231. Less than one year later in response to Gods leading , Lifegate Novi Sad was launched in the Balkan nation of Serbia. Welcome to LifeGate The Psalmist said, "For with YOU is the fountain of life and in YOUR light, we see light". 763 people like this 801 people follow this 39 people checked in here (402) 330-5724 Ext 4 They are passionate about people enjoying the rich and satisfying life found only in Jesus Christ. . Our theological roots are in the Christian and Missionary Alliance.Over the years, weve been privileged to make an eternal difference in thousands of lives in the Omaha metro and around the world. Soon there were two children and life was very busy. well as an avid golfer. Creation . Caring for, and being cared about, is at the heart of what our church is about. Our mission is simple . Hired at Trinity Church Interdenominational, 10-40 Window Focus - Adopted Pashtun People, Global Journeys to Pakistan &Afghanistan, TVCommercials - 2 Million Impressions/Month, Reconciliation with Christ Community Elders, Emotionally Healthy Spirituality - 1,300 in Small Groups, Vision of One Church in Multiple Locations, Advance Initiative (Renovation of Papillion and West Dodge Sanctuary), 40 in 40 Vision 2015 (our 40th anniversary). James and Quinten serve on our security team ensuring that everyone can worship safely. March 1 (UPI) -- Three Kansas City police officers were shot while executing a search warrant, as a standoff continued on the east side of the city Wednesday. With a heart for children and families, Over the years, Micah has faithfully taken on new roles at Lifegate from starting the Ibex Leadership program to pastoring at Lifegate Midtown to serving as an Executive Pastor and Elder. talents in ministry! 2,587 were here. Search. Were taking four weekends to complete the succession process as a church:, A biblical perspective on healthy transition that gives us hope., AM - Celebratory services at all campuses with special guests. We are a church led by Pastor Nirup Alphonse. Tune in as Pastor Brian brings a hopeful word from the Lord entitled, "Fight For My Future." let button = document.getElementById("select-button"); These 4 continue to be great friends and enjoy being a part of each others lives. Tune in as Pastor Brian brings a revelatory word on fasting for the believer. Michaela LeColst has entered a plea of not guilty to the felony charge of theft by deception over. Insane fun, mad worship, challenging messages, friends galore. The world of the generous gets larger and larger - Proverbs 11:24. The Lifegate App gives you access to life-changing messages from Lifegate Church in Omaha, Nebraska by Lead Pastor Les Beauchamp and the Lifegate team. Lifegate Church is located on 1345 Yates Drive in Hurst, TX. LIVE STREAM Join us for our Live Stream! Pastor Dexter Rivers. However nothing satisfied; nothing filled the hole. 1,175 people like this 1,235 people follow this 3,697 people checked in here (402) 330-5724 Today, LIFEGATE is more than a church; it is a move of God. Something went wrong while submitting the form. In 1999 Micah interned in Trinitys youth department for a summer. Check out all of our local and international campuses! 2,505 were here. His guiding principle is to die empty, having accomplished all that God has assigned to his hands and to hear the Master say, "Well Done, Thou good and faithful servant". In 2001, he followed after his father and became the Lead Pastor of Harvest Time Church in . Main Campus501 Permian WayVilla Rica, GA 30180, Contact Us(770) The core All Rights Reserved. Courtesy photo Robert Wilson is shown with his family. Engage with devotional content. Published by Marco LeRoc at July 23, 2021. LIFEGATE CHURCH A United Methodist Community. They have three adult children who married wonderful people and seven beautiful grandchildren. When a position opened up to lead Trinitys Young Adult Ministry (Converge) in 2007, Micah and Shireen reached out to interview - it was a great fit right from the beginning. Pastors Les Beauchamp and Micah Eldridge are of one heart, mind and spirit in this.
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