The average loan size is approximately $100,000, demonstrating that the program is serving the smallest of businesses. Related:Why the Small Business Administration loan program frustrates borrowers, Previous PPP stories: Augusta-area physicians, clinics also able to tap into PPP loans, Database: Click here to search our PPP loan database, Biden extends to Paycheck Protection Program, President Joe Biden has signed a bill extending the Paycheck Protection Program and is "pushing lenders to raise their game," in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. CHRIST COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES AUGUSTA INC. SOUTHEASTERN FOODSERVICE AND EVENT CONSULTING, LLC. All Data Obtained From the SBA. I understand that the data I am submitting will be used to provide me with the above-described products and/or services and communications in connection therewith. You can also check to see how many workers companies receiving the assistance said they kept on the payroll. Tweet; Share. We'll be in your inbox every morning Monday-Saturday with all the days top business news, inspiring stories, best advice and exclusive reporting from Entrepreneur. Aquaguard Waterproofing Contractors, Inc. All Other Miscellaneous Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing, Assuranceamerica Managing General Agency LLC, Direct Property and Casualty Insurance Carriers, Cosmetics, Beauty Supplies, and Perfume Stores, Construction and Mining (except Oil Well) Machinery and Equipment Merchant Wholesalers, Research and Development in Biotechnology (except Nanobiotechnology), Farm and Garden Machinery and Equipment Merchant Wholesalers, Queensborough National Bank and Trust Company, Blue Ridge Mountain Electric Membership Corporation. 2. 368 Businesses with PPP Loan Data in EASTMAN, Georgia . Want to know if your employer got aPaycheck Protection Planor PPP loan? See the guide Check out bed occupancy rate of hospitals. Select a City for all PPP loans filed within that jouristiction, or search the entire state filings here: Search GA Businesses. 2020 | Privacy Policy, About Use our searchable database to see who in Alabama received funds. . You can also check to see how many workers companies receiving the assistance said they kept on the payroll. February 26, 2023 . Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania has received over 140,000 PPP loans, totaling over $7 billion. (Updated). A Lowe's employee resigned after a video of him struggling with the box went viral, garnering almost 4 million views. The Government alleged that Mr. Bernadin filed fraudulent loan applications seeking approximately over $529,000 in COVID-19 relief funds for his companies La Salette Angel Home Care LLC and Adley Electric LP. Jones Welding And Industrial Supplies, Inc. Farm Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing, Commercial and Institutional Building Construction, All Other Health and Personal Care Stores, Motorcycle, ATV, and All Other Motor Vehicle Dealers, Supermarkets and Other Grocery (except Convenience) Stores. . Heatmap of PPP Loans by Zip Code in Georgia, Number of Loans Issued by Date in Georgia, Summary of PPP Loans by County in Georgia, Top 25 Cities in Georgia by Number of PPP Loans. Texas: Texas is another state with a large number of small businesses and has received over 400,000 PPP loans, totaling over $20 billion. The Small Business Administration has released a list of businesses that have received emergency pandemic loans. You can search and filter the list, but only flagged loans will be shown. Meat and Meat Product Merchant Wholesalers, All Other Miscellaneous Store Retailers (except Tobacco Stores), Assuranceamerica Managing General Agency LLC, Direct Property and Casualty Insurance Carriers, Cosmetics, Beauty Supplies, and Perfume Stores, Research and Development in Biotechnology (except Nanobiotechnology), Board Of Control For Southern Regional Education, Services for the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities, Roofing, Siding, and Insulation Material Merchant Wholesalers, Corporate, Subsidiary, and Regional Managing Offices, Marketing Research and Public Opinion Polling, Agents and Managers for Artists, Athletes, Entertainers, and Other Public Figures, Other Grocery and Related Products Merchant Wholesalers, All Other Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services, 5 CONCOURSE PKWY Queens Building, Ste 2250, Plumbing, Heating, and Air-Conditioning Contractors, Poured Concrete Foundation and Structure Contractors, General Board Of Global Ministries Of The United Methodist Church (Inc.), Medical, Dental, and Hospital Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers, Greenberg Farrow Architecture Incorporated, Industrial Machinery and Equipment Merchant Wholesalers, Help Physician Specialists In Anesthesia PC, Rooming and Boarding Houses, Dormitories, and Workers' Camps, Residential Mental Health and Substance Abuse Facilities, Other Scientific and Technical Consulting Services, 400 Interstate North Parkway SE Suite 1400, Poultry and Poultry Product Merchant Wholesalers, Lessors of Nonresidential Buildings (except Miniwarehouses), Nursing Care Facilities (Skilled Nursing Facilities), All Other Nondepository Credit Intermediation, Other Chemical and Allied Products Merchant Wholesalers, New Columbia Residential Property Management LLC, Miscellaneous Financial Investment Activities, All Other Miscellaneous Schools and Instruction, Metal Crown, Closure, and Other Metal Stamping (except Automotive), New Multifamily Housing Construction (except For-Sale Builders), Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services, General Line Grocery Merchant Wholesalers, Smallwood Reynolds Stewart Stewart And Associates Inc, 2700 Marquis One Tower 245 Peachtree Center Ave NE, Metal Service Centers and Other Metal Merchant Wholesalers, Structural Steel and Precast Concrete Contractors, Rubber and Plastics Hoses and Belting Manufacturing. Georgia. New York: New York has received over 200,000 PPP loans, totaling over $13 billion. 2023 Does something look fishy to you? Browse & Search CARES Act PPP Recipients by Company names The following data was provided by the SBA & US Treasury Department showing a breakdown of all the name of companies who received PPP loans over $150,000. Help us crowdsource fraud detection in the PPP program! The maximum loan amount is $150,000, with loans above $25,000 requiring collateral. Stepping Stones Educational Therapy Center, Inc, All Other Miscellaneous Schools and Instruction, Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services, Motorcycle, ATV, and All Other Motor Vehicle Dealers, Asphalt Shingle and Coating Materials Manufacturing, Plumbing, Heating, and Air-Conditioning Contractors. States / Location Banks. The Small Business Administration has released a list of businesses that have received emergency pandemic loans. As of August 8, 2020, after cancellations, SBA had approved 5.2 million PPP loans totaling $525 billion. The Small Business Administration has released a list of businesses that have received emergency pandemic loans. These states all received over $20 billion in PPP loans. Use our searchable database to see who in Georgia received funds. The case was brought in Boston, Massachusetts. The sum total of loans amounts to in excess of $521 billion, and in a statement, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin remarked, "The PPP is providing much-needed relief to millions of American small . Data Central; Paycheck Protection Program Loans; . Safe Aire Heating And Cooling Company, Inc. All Other Miscellaneous Ambulatory Health Care Services. 504 East Depot Street . Results. Currently, the total PPP loans approved is reported at nearly 8.9 million on Multiple PPP Loan Applications Submitted to Different Lenders. Ohio: Ohio has received over 130,000 PPP loans, totaling over $6 billion. Kenny Herzog is currently Digital Content Director at Entrepreneur Media. Find Latest SBA PPP Loan Details Search by Business name, city, state, loan amount etc Search Loan Details 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 . PPP Loan Search GA State Loan Count 10 perimeter drive 1 101 1 1010 Ben Cox Avenue 1 1064 kitchen st 1 10701 Pintail Place 1 109 Plantation CT 1 110 MANSALES CIR SUITE 305 1 111 Ashmore Dr 1 (March 30), Consolidated Augusta government's American Rescue Plan payment doubles to $84 million, Why the Small Business Administration loan program frustrates borrowers, Augusta-area physicians, clinics also able to tap into PPP loans, Click here to search our PPP loan database, Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. The cruise line's updated contract follows a spate of unruly guest behavior across the tourism industry. Compare the spread of the infection with other areas in the U.S. PPP Loan Recipient List By State Georgia 553,322 TOTAL PPP LOANS $24.9B TOTAL LOAN AMOUNT $44,956 AVERAGE PPP LOAN 5 AVG COMPANY SIZE Georgia has a total of 553,322 businesses that received Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans from the Small Business Administration. Related coverage:Treasury names 650K small businesses receiving govt loans. list of ppp loan recipients by name california. Cosmetics, Beauty Supplies, and Perfume Stores. U.S. Imports and Bills of Lading for Apache Mills, Inc. U.S. Imports and Bills of Lading for Barco, Inc. U.S. Imports and Bills of Lading for Kids2, Inc. U.S. Imports and Bills of Lading for Mountville Mills Inc. U.S. Imports and Bills of Lading for Southern States, LLC, U.S. Imports and Bills of Lading for 1888 Mills LLC. Reliance Health And Home Physician Services, Inc. ", Related: SBA Releases New EZ PPP Loan-Forgiveness Application. Select Different Area . Business Name Loan Amount Lender; DODGE COUNTY HOSPITAL AUTHORITY: 2405500: Magnolia State Bank: IV CARE OF MIDDLE GEORGIA, INC. 1310200: Great Oaks Bank: THREE RIVERS HOME HEALTH SERVICES, INC: 1080812: Colony Bank: City. Company Name. Search GA Businesses. Click on a company's name to see additional loan details. And for how much? This map is your interactive guide to confirmed cases, recoveries and deaths from the coronavirus around the state, nation and world. We've since followed up to additionally clarify whether the aforementioned 50-state document will be appended. Here's a closer look at the number of PPP loans approved by each state: California: With over 3.3 million small businesses, California leads the way in terms of the number of PPP loans approved. Search Latest PPP Loan List Searchable PPP Loans - Businesses with PPP Loan 2021 Small Business Administration (SBA) released a list of all the businesses their loan amount with Bank and business details. This is your state and county equivalent level look at how many have gotten a dose or doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. Has the curve flatten in my town? This data may not include the most recent approvals, but will be updated as more data becomes publicly available. Search by zip code, business name, type of business, etc at or at https://h. Some mom-and-pop restaurant owners, for example, might wonder why between $2-5 million the information was released both by state and assorted loan-amount thresholds, ultimately ranging from less than $150,000 to as high as $10 million was allocated to the Diocese of Alabama in Birmingham. Under the CARES Act, companies are only eligible to receive one PPP loan from one lender at a time. U.S. Imports and Bills of Lading for Samsara Surfaces LLC, Electrical Contractors and Other Wiring Installation Contractors, Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services, Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting. According to the SBA, the Paycheck Protection Program ended on . According to the SBA, thePaycheck Protection Program ended on May 31, 2021. Business Name: Georgia Urology Pa: Loan Amount: $5-10 million: Business Address: 1930 BRANNAN RD: Jobs Retained: 365: City, State Zip: MCDONOUGH, GA 30253: Date Approved . After months of withholding information on exactly which businesses received precisely how much from Congress's Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and considerable consternation after multiple publicly held companies were outed for accepting sizable sums before ultimately returning them the Small Business Administration (SBA) and U.S. Department of the Treasury today released detailed information on nearly five million PPP grantees. Thursday's order requires the SBA to be more specific. This interactive map provides a picture of the ranks of the unemployed at the national, state and county level. Barber Petroleum And Equipment Company, Inc. Industrial Machinery and Equipment Merchant Wholesalers, Power and Communication Line and Related Structures Construction, Other Support Activities for Road Transportation, Fabricated Structural Metal Manufacturing. Albany Regional Plastic Surgery Associates, P.C. Not surprisingly, California topped the list. Our Albany, GA PPP loan data includes all Paycheck Protection Program loans as publicly released by the Small Business Administration. Amazon announced in mid-February it would ask its employees to come back to the office at least three days a week. PPP Loan Data. Use our searchable database to see who in Georgia received funds. Or do you want to know whichcompanies got taxpayer-fundedloans? According to the SBA, the Paycheck Protection Program. At least 908. Not sure where to start? Report it to the Small Business Administrations with just a few clicks. The PPP loan program has been a vital resource for small businesses in the U.S., with varying levels of approval depending on each state's specific needs. Earlier, the SBA provided a tracker for the PPP loans. $8,876.00 370 reports Winter Park, FL. Florida: Florida has received over 250,000 PPP loans, totaling over $13 billion. The Small Business Administration has released a list of businesses that have received emergency pandemic loans. Innovative Service Technology Management Services, Inc, Other Business Service Centers (including Copy Shops), Ground or Treated Mineral and Earth Manufacturing, Dry Pasta, Dough, and Flour Mixes Manufacturing from Purchased Flour, Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting, Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment (except Automotive and Electronic) Repair and Maintenance, Neighborhood Restaurant Partners Florida LLC, Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services, Commercial and Institutional Building Construction, Atlantic Capital Bank, National Association, Security Systems Services (except Locksmiths), Specialized Freight (except Used Goods) Trucking, Long-Distance, 5901-C PEACHTREE DUNWOODY RD NE SUITE 510, Other Support Activities for Air Transportation, Internet Publishing and Broadcasting and Web Search Portals, New Single-Family Housing Construction (except For-Sale Builders), All Other Miscellaneous Electrical Equipment and Component Manufacturing, Other Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing, The Hospital Authority Of Wayne County, Ga. Each state in the U.S. has received a different number of PPP loans, reflecting the differing levels of need among small businesses in each state. The average company had a total of 10 employees and the average loan amount is $83,156. Use our searchable database to see who in Georgia received funds. U.S. Imports and Bills of Lading for 1888 Mills LLC, U.S. Imports and Bills of Lading for Norcom, Inc, JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association, Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services, Nursing Care Facilities (Skilled Nursing Facilities), Nonupholstered Wood Household Furniture Manufacturing, Stationery and Office Supplies Merchant Wholesalers, Professional Registered Nursing Pool, Inc, All Other Amusement and Recreation Industries, Truist Bank d/b/a Branch Banking & Trust Co, Other Services (except Public Administration), Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment (except Automotive and Electronic) Repair and Maintenance, Offices of Physicians (except Mental Health Specialists), Electrical Contractors and Other Wiring Installation Contractors, All Other Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services, Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services, Assisted Living Facilities for the Elderly, Automotive Body, Paint, and Interior Repair and Maintenance. Plumbing, Heating, and Air-Conditioning Contractors, Industrial Machinery and Equipment Merchant Wholesalers, Advanced Urology Institute Of Georgia, PC, Meat and Meat Product Merchant Wholesalers, All Other Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services, All Other Miscellaneous Store Retailers (except Tobacco Stores), Lessors of Residential Buildings and Dwellings, American Society Of Heating, Refrigerating And Ac Engineers, Inc, Amicalola Electric Membership Corporation, Regulation and Administration of Communications, Electric, Gas, and Other Utilities, Anesthesia Associates Of Gainesville, LLC, Artificial and Synthetic Fibers and Filaments Manufacturing. Copyright 2022 PPP Directory. This disclosure covers each of the 4.9 million PPP loans that have been made. Sherwood Baptist Church Of Albany, Georgia, Inc. Other Services (except Public Administration), Truist Bank d/b/a Branch Banking & Trust Co, Services for the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities, Offices of Physicians (except Mental Health Specialists), Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services. Michigan: Michigan has received over 90,000 PPP loans, totaling over $5 billion. A PPP loan is a Small Business Authority-backed loan that helps businesses keep their workforce employed during the COVID-19 crisis. Based on the data, between $2,034,040,897 and $4,100,940,897 have been loaned through the Payroll Protection Program to businesses in Atlanta, GA. Heatmap of PPP Loans by Zip Code in Atlanta, GA, Number of Loans Issued by Date in Atlanta, GA, Summary of PPP Loans for all Nearby Cities, Summary of PPP Loans by Zip Code within Atlanta, GA. The data includes the congressional district of each organization, but for Pennsylvania and North . PPP Loan Search Location Lookup. Search Latest PPP Loan List Searchable PPP Loans - Businesses with PPP Loan 2021 Small Business Administration (SBA) released a list of all the businesses their loan amount with Bank and business details. Illinois: Illinois has received over 150,000 PPP loans, totaling over $8 billion. Entrepreneur emailed the SBA earlier this month when the forthcoming disclosure was first announced, seeking clarity on whether any loans exceeded $10 million and if so, whether their information would ever be made public but did not hear back. All PPP Loans in Griffin, GA Summary of PPP Loans in Griffin, GA A total of 78 loans were distributed to Griffin, GA leading to a reported 3,871 jobs being retained. . Now They're, Warren Buffett and Partner Charlie Munger, The Viral Brand Behind Soaring Searches for 'Female Body Hair', SBA Releases New EZ PPP Loan-Forgiveness Application, Which Public Companies Have Returned Their SBA PPP Loans? See PPP Loans Recipients In Georgia Loans Issued In Georgia PPP Recipients Browse PPP Loans By State Georgia Select a City for all PPP loans filed within that jouristiction, or search the entire state filings here: City Loan Count 79 PPP loans (>$150k) have been issued in the city of LAGRANGE, GA. . WASHINGTON - The U.S. Small Business Administration, in consultation with the Treasury Department, today announced it was releasing detailed loan-level data regarding the loans made under the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).
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