*Luffy doesn't meet Shanks which causes him to not get the gomu-gomu fruit*. Persephone, God of Spring, he states. "No," Blackbeard had laughed, darkness surrounding his body. When Blackbeard was caught in the action of stabbing Thatch, a fight ensues, a trap planned ahead off time was laid out, causing Marco, the first division commander, to be thrown to the sea in his Phoenix Form, hearing the laughter of the traitor and the cries of his siblings as he submerged. Mission after mission, they would not fail. Bulan November, Mereka akan ketemu lagi. Izuku Yagi is the son of the number 1 hero All Might and the number 3 hero Green Tornado. That much was clear to Marco. Or: the ASL brothers have regular calls and Ace is an idiot, this is set in a bigger universe i will slowly be adding to so not everything is going to make sense but it should be understandable without the context, Portgas D. Ace thought he lost both of his brothers, Sabo and Luffy, 7 years ago.So when a young malnourished boy shows up in the forest in absolute fear. Weve gotta go to the treehouse! Luffy exclaims immediately after, and starts pulling them forward. Makino can't say that she's very pleased with him, but Garp gave this little girl to her. Which ever part i don't rewrite goes the same as Cannon. Luffy misses Shanks and Dragon gives him a hug. Luffy meets familiar faces and some legendary figures. Please consider turning it on! Only the bubbling of magma and his own heavy panting. A scream threatens to crawl out of her throat as she looks down at the side of Merry. This is a shameless smut between Shanks X Luffy X Marco. Really, really fun, and hes loved every second of it and he wouldnt trade it for the world But everything gets boring after a while. That being for you and your soulmate. She stays the night after the party. "About a new, secret marine base that's been cleaning out shop in Sabaody.". Summary: Luffy comes to the Moby Dick with Jinbe to invite them to a planned party. Luffy couldn't find where to go in his nightmare, all he had left were his mother's dying breaths, the revolutionary's angry gasps. :). Don't you want to read a little something like a quick snack between your long fic maincourse? Enjoy! But he doesn't realize the meaning of the nightmares, just that they won't go away. !My Au! Luffy meets familiar faces and some legendary figures. The characters in One Piece/Marvel are not mine | This takes place after Wano | Some facts of the story may be altered. 30 Years Before | One piece Fanfic. A Luffy is a Marine AU because hes lived through his life so many times that hes bored of being a pirate and decides why not? Please consider turning it on! With the Tenryuubito gone, the Revolutionaries leading new missions, and the Marines reformed, the world has undergone many changes since the Throne War. However, I did not except this to be happen. Is it really okay to say goodbye? They have been searching for a few days now. +10 more. Hay alguna consecuencia de la eleccin que hicieron? Can he figure it out before it's too late? The girl, who we knew was an actual Monkey D Luffy, was shocked after Monkey D Luffy the person who will be pirate king His devil fruit is ( ) not telling yet read the story to find out. It was strange that he was born as his own uncle who was not real. Marco was mildly disturbed to see the human projectile was a child. If you use your oath to bind another choose your words carefully or you will leave them a means of escape. What a mess, it must be because I love you! It was all they knew how to be, even if they longed to be free. Please consider turning it on! Marcos father and Anns grandpa wont let them date because of that fact, knowing the two have feelings for each other. That should be the end of it, but IX-0 finds itself following them into the New World in search of something it can't explain. And if such a curious thing like fate can interlink them, then maybe love can too. Well, their crew always was made of the misfits and the broken. He looks like hes about to cry. Que es lo que oculta Ace?El secreto de Ace sera revelado?Los personajes actuarn differente que en el anime/manga por qu este es mi AU. From Drabble to Long Narrative, from K to M, from Extreme Fluff to Little Tragedy, from Nurse to Porn-Star anything can happen here. # 1. When Benn sacrifices his life to protect Shanks, Shanks goes off of the deep end. (title taken from 'I Will Be King' by The Hoosiers). About a year and a half after its deployment, it encounters a small, captainless crew with dreams each more impossible than the one before. His wings were torn off and now he could not fly over the sea without any binding. Please consider turning it on! Rzd wiatowy poluje na takie osoby, jednak Luffy nie zamierza zostawa na swojej rodzinnej wyspie. (Join Buggy as he meets people he would have never met before, and deals with the many tasks of being a parent). They must learn his struggles. Ann didnt find out about soulmates till she meet Sabo and he told her why she would have something inked on her skin since she was a baby. Just like that, Zoro barely had time to think before he found himself on an adventure caked with the mysteries of the world and tragedy. it's a surprise every time, warnings for each chapter in their summaries btw, please know i thrive off fluff but i inevitably always add in angst. Work Search: Marco was extremely young when he joined Whitebeard's crew, being just 15 at the time the crew visited Wano. Basically I write this because I can't chose who to ship with Luffy. Roronoa Zoro aslnda, kk yata bana gelen olaylar yznden krlm olan ve de bu sebeple kendini gizlemi olan biriydi. Or, that's what everyone's told him since he was little and with growing up with a fire elemental and an enochian for brothers and a godling for a grandfather, he hadn't had much reason to question it. One thing leads to another, and he's saddled with three kids. What wasn't so clear was whether there was room for him in that simpler world. Are they contagious? After recovering his memories, he is determined to go to where Ace will be born, but something stops him and he arrives at the time Rogue is dead. Buggy se oprete la un bar din East Blue, unde gsete un copil agresiv care ntreab despre Cpitan. IX-0 is under orders to patrol and vet the pirates trying to enter into the New World, and it's been going great. Even the joy of becoming the Pirate King has worn thin. ***All rights belong to Eiichir Oda, I only own Eleonora, other OC's and part of the plot. This is season one of 10 shots. Meeting me is a risk in itself. !Shipper Y/N!! The two get on extremely well and have equal intrigue and admiration for one another. But the boy knew that everyone wasn't a perfect human being. "There have been several theories as to what's happening to the rookies trying to cross Sabaody; slave trading is popular, but there's one idea that seems to be downplayed a lot, almost too much for coincidence." After all, a mother's love is to be feared.Mix that up with the strongest Haki user there is in all the seas and a vice-admiral, and well, she can go above and beyond to keep her family safe, no matter the price. AU: Where Law & Luffy will be found in various Avatars & situations. If Ace hadn't gone running off without his Den Den this wouldn't have been a problem. He can't remember, can't remember when he was still a human. He was a demon seeking peace.". Since he was young, Monkey D. Luffy wondered why the marines weren't always the good guy and the same as the pirates. # 5. Work Search: Justo despus de Wano vienen ms aventuras pero en esos das antes de salir de tan bella tierra, vamos a observar un extrao amor entre la herida hija del difunto Oden y la mismsima autoproclamada Oden. Just a warning. That mop of black hair bobs once in a nod. Marco's father and Ann's grandpa won't let them date because of that fact, knowing the two have feelings for each other. Female LuffyTodo empez con el vicealmirante Garp, abuelo de Luffy, capitn de la tripulacin los sombreros de paja. Unlike Luffy, an older kid he heard so much about growing up, no one seems to know or take notice of him. Second Wind by The Lost Samurai. All while being a pirate. (Oh you thought Luffy can go through all that and be completely fine? The more Law learns, the more he falls in love with his under-age husband. The worse part is that it was inked on your skin randomly, so you can only hope that its easily hidden. Trafalgar Law suddenly finds himself married to a naive teen. I decide on the Punishments. I didn't want to delete anything because otherwise I would have lost all the sweet comments from these. Luffy wanders into the Underworld and meets a god. honestly). He mirrors the motion with Sabo, swinging their arms back and forth, and for a moment Ace is ten again, with his brothers as his whole world. TRIGGER WARNING: SKIP THE PAGE OR WORDS IF U WANT IN CHAPTER 1. On the day Dragon held his son in his arms, and saw his gummy smile. Ace glances over at Sabo- his brother is looking around the forest like hes a little kid again, and Ace feels his smile soften. Smart!Luffy Strong!ASL Bros AU! Maybe he will also find himself a family during this journey. Luffy early on finds out what kind of danger being Monkey D. Dragon's child brings. WARNINGS: When he told her that it was her soulmate's biggest secret and that theyll know hers too, she wasnt so keen on meeting them. His wings were torn off and now he could not fly over the sea without any binding. She also never imagined that 20 years later, to be put into the position to betray her job to save her son, while fighting the one she loved. Because he is about to change the world, and no one can stop him from achieving it. He doesn't know what goes in the mind of D's, but for her, he'd try his best to care for the little guy. The more Law learns, the more he falls in love with his under-age husband. He is our most pure being! Meanwhile, Vice Admiral Garp picks up his den-den Mushi and dials a number he has tried his level best to forget, but never could. Garp drops a child on Makino in the middle of the night with no warning, no explanation, and very little assistance. Ace quiere ser campen de campeones, pero para eso debe derrotar a todos los lderes de gimnasio y luego a los del Alto mando. One of the filths knew the location of these so-called bandits he could be with. Law wishes Shachi didn't have so much perchance for drama and, for once, could give an intelligence report that doesn't sound like a soap opera. They take a step into the forest, and its like coming home. Monkey D. Luffy is a blessed blood. Then, Luffy found a solution. . But the boy knew that everyone wasn't a perfect human being. marcoxluffy. He sported a vertically striped shirt, with black pants, and no shoes. It's a gift. Shanks is the chief of the Red Hair Pirates, an Emperor, and a former apprentice of the Roger Pirates. I am the judge. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. ?" Marco nudged Ace on the shoulder to snap him out of his reverie. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. [17] As a kid, Marco's signature tuft of hair was curlier. Welcome home, Ace says instead. AU where Ace was discovered early and kept locked away on a Navy base. Strong(One Piece x Reader)[EDITING IN PROGRE. For years, I have been watched over humans for long time. So many D's! Luffy looked at him and nodded quickly. Eleonora never imagined her in this position, raising two kids as her own at the age of 17, not to mention keeping tabs on her old man and elder sister to keep them safe. Smart Monkey D. Luffy Different Devil Fruit Monkey D. Luffy Bigger Crew Alternate Universe Luffy early on finds out what kind of danger being Monkey D. Dragon's child brings. Sabe cul es su meta a seguir y esa meta es superar a su difunto padre y hacerse de la corona del campeonato.Su hermano Sabo, tambin tiene sueos y la mejor manera de cumplirlos es acompaar al temperamental Ace en su viaje y al mismo tiempo, tener aventuras y experiencias necesarias para lograr escribir su libro personal de aventuras.Claro que el viaje de los dos hermanos se complica cuando deciden regresar a su villa natal para informar sus intenciones de dejar el East Blue e ir al Grand Line. Without warning, Ace burst into uncontrollable fits of laughter, startling Marco so much that he fell back in surprise. WIP - Ten Years Difference by Stormy1x2 whitebeard. I do not own the cover picture or one piece that this fanfic is based on. bl only! This is a story where marco the Phoenix Perhaps one of the most endearing qualities and style clashes being how much of a literal baby face he was. . They went towards the mountains now. It's simply too late.. [MaLu]. A girl growing up as a World Aristocrat decides to change the course of fate. The teenager Luffy changes Law's whole equation. The Whitebeards just came to the island for a stock up. by Chococookie24. Nami was the one with the best love advices and the one with something to hide. Solo que durante su viaje para cumplir su meta, ciertos personajes no podrn evitar caer por la chica de goma. So they made a promise with Marco that he would be able to ask her out when shes of age (18), but Ann didnt know this. While being there the Whitebeard pirates noticed slowly that not only their second division commander has a special relationship with the "brat". What will happen to the world when the three brothers each take to the sea to fulfill their destinies? ! Clearly this wasn't his smartest moment in life Luffy at the age of 4 accidentally stumbles upon a newspaper carrying news about the Whitebeard Pirate's fight against the Beast Pirates, and a new bounty of the said right-hand man of the strongest man in the world, the First Division Commander Marco the Phoenix is issued. They got family instead. The teenager Luffy changes Law's whole equation. but hey the Roger Pirates disbanded and they all went into hiding, but Dragon said yeet fuck off imma start a Revolution, then he has Luffy and is like; More reason to continue this Revolution, Nobody saw me in the lobby, nobody saw me in your arms, Only you (never thought it would be just you), Fushichou Marco | Phoenix Marco & Portgas D. Ace, Kurohige | Blackbeard | Marshall D. Teach, come at your own risk you have been warned, the straw hats have their own hideout made by franky, Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks/Dracule Mihawk, Fushichou Marco | Phoenix Marco/Portgas D. Ace. Luffy? He didnt know what to do with this key. Luffy has never kept an oath but the one she swore for her brothers. The words are chosen by those who swear them. When he sets out and begins forming his crew of misfits that should not mesh as well as they do, it begins to look as if he isn't the only odd one out there. Ace, Luffy, Sabo, and the others rush to keep Shanks from destroying himself as the fate of the world hangs in the balance. Newly assigned as Ace's guard (jailer), Luffy takes to tormenting Ace by pet naming him "Princess", flirting and teasing relentlessly, and laying his hands on him in such a way that leaves Ace breathless. Deciding to take a chance, she takes a closer look, and that second glance changes everything. Eleonora never imagined her in this position, raising two kids as her own at the age of 17, not to mention keeping tabs on her old man and elder sister to keep them safe. Formerly: She was Curious, but Who is to Stop her?Luffy realized early on that she wanted to leave, but doubt seems to build inside her. 2021.10.5 , Love is war, there's only one winner. . Harmless looking to boot, with messy black hair, a simple vest, East-blue shorts and sandals. This is a story where marco the Phoenix got betrayed by his own brother thrown in the dark sea and met the love of his life . Luffy & Lil Brothers!Ace and Sabo. Capable of actually Killing the Azure dragon. This boy is covered in mud and dry blood, it was hard to see out his features but one thing stood out. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". He is wrongly accused by lowly mortals. Luerion. Ace doesnt know what to do. It is prophesied that at the age of nineteen, you will meet your death. His voice booms in the empty chambers. Newest chapter "09 - fear" is finally out. Marco was a member of the Whitebeard Pirates twenty-two years ago as well. Luffy becomes a marine. The rest of their crew would meet up with them via a different route. Ace eventually joins the Whitebeard Pirates but hides the fact he is blind will the Whitebeards discover, or will they go unaware? And that is becoming either a pirate or a marine. And I will make sure they suffer their punishments. However, I did not except this to be happen. Maybe slow updates?). Luffy was a caged bird. It is also set in an alternate universe, so there will be some differences to certain things than the original series. . Yeah, thats what I said. It isnt, but he doesnt feel like arguing with a teary eyed kid. Law and his crew are getting ready to set things in motion to help Monkey D. Luffy on his path to the One Piece. See how the admiral goes around the world and gathers a crew to fight the strongest in the world. It is time to move into the new world. Answering to no one but himself. Luffy has no idea people just started to worship him like a god.. which also made them protective and possessive of him, though his crew knew and always left smug knowing they will always be chosen first by luffy which left, many, people sour and scoff and them but, when they saw luffy or even someone mention him everyone would be delighted to even see him just a second many islands came together, in which they all have 1 thing in common..they all love luffy. Some say hes staying with bandits; others have heard him mention the village. What if Monkey D. Luffy has an older sister?What if she travels with him?What if she knows how the world works?Would that knowledge be enough to save her family?She is Laila and this is her story. grief; luffysmother; strawhats +12 more # 13. Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Rape/Non-Con, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (29), Shirohige | Whitebeard | Edward Newgate (18), Fushichou Marco | Phoenix Marco/Monkey D. Luffy (60), Monkey D. Luffy/Trafalgar D. Water Law (9), Fushichou Marco | Phoenix Marco & Monkey D. Luffy (8), Fushichou Marco | Phoenix Marco/Portgas D. Ace (5), Monkey D. Luffy & Portgas D. Ace & Sabo (5), Different Devil Fruit Monkey D. Luffy (12), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (8), Fushichou Marco | Phoenix Marco/Monkey D. Luffy, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. In which, Luffy, Ace, and Sabo get handed over to Shanks, Zoro gets found my Mihawk, Koala chooses to stay with the Sun Pirates, Rosinante survives, Nami may or may run into the Sun Pirates, and Robin gets the family she deserves. Luffy wanders into the Underworld and meets a god. Ace takes a deep breath in, the scent of the trees surrounding them still familiar even after six years away. Secluded on an island with his two dragons he thinks he can stay forever alone. Luffy eats a Special devil fruit. Luffy, a la edad de 4 aos, accidentalmente se encuentra con un peridico que portaba noticias sobre la pelea de los Piratas de Barbablanca contra los Piratas Bestia, y una nueva recompensa del declarado mano derecha del hombre ms fuerte del mundo, el Comandante de Primera Divisin Marco el Fnix se emite. He is accused of crimes he never committed. He doesnt know. Where Luffy expects a familiar choir of voracious laughter, there is only deafening silence. kidfic? Through him, the boys inspired to be marines! However, two fateful encounters, one during his childhood and one during his teenage years, set in motion his dream to surpass Luffy and become the Third Pirate King! He looked like some poor civilian who'd tangled with the wrong crew. According to the vermin in the trash dump, the kid usually hangs around the mountains. Nami berjanji pada seseorang. But it never seemed to sit right with anyone who knew him. My tumblr is fire-loving-siren and I'm trying to be more active again. She also never imagined that 20 years later, to be put into the position to betray her job to save her son, while fighting the one she loved.
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