Then you have come to the right place! Lycamobile and Vectone Mobile SIM cards can be obtained for free, but on-the-spot top-ups or plan purchases are often required. Check the details of the resources here. The Customer acknowledges that providing false information is a fraudulent act and if LYCA MOBILE concludes that such personal information is false, it shall have the right to suspend, partially or fully, your access to the Services and/ or terminate this Contract without prior notice and with immediate effect. This plan is paid upfront for a duration of 3 months, 6 months or 12 months. 14.3 LYCA MOBILE shall not be liable for indirect or intangible damages, such as additional costs, loss of revenue over profits, loss of customers, loss of or damage to data and loss of contracts caused by the malfunctioning of the service unless determined by applicable law. Buying a Lycamobile online top-up code on beCHARGE is : Simple: click on the Lycamobile brand. Any remaining allowance after 30 days will not be carried over into the next 30 day period should the customer renew their bundle. 1. You can buy the Lycamobile Data bolt-ons (Plus 1GB and Plus 2GB) only if you have already activated one of the bundles that already include Data (Data XL and Lyca Globe excluded ). Slection des forfaits nationaux de Lycamobile, classes selon leur prix (Hors promotion). Once the data usage included in your Allowance (and any included data offered with a data add-on, if applicable) has been exhausted, any additional data can be purchased by calling LYCA MOBILE Customer Services. It contains lots of calling minutes nationwide, unlimited SMS, and browsing data. 13.7 In interruptions due to force majeure, LYCA MOBILE will automatically compensate the Customer with the refund of the amount of the monthly fee and others independent of the traffic, prorated for the time the interruption would have lasted. 6.1 The Customer may receive information about the Service or any incident affecting it through the Customer Service available on the number +32 466001976 and on the website; customers may direct their questions by ordinary mail to the following address: Lycamobile B.V. Hermesstraat 8C, 1930 Zaventem, Belgium or by e-mail to If you have a credit or debit card you can set auto top up and stay in credit. The offer is valid for 30 days from the date of purchase. This is a preloaded plan. The bundles are for non-commercial, private, personal use only. 1. Instructions for use may change as a result of the use of new technologies and will be explained in the phones user manual. 17.1 Notwithstanding clause 17.3, any complaint or dispute between the Customer and LYCA MOBILE concerning the provision of the Service must first be made to LYCA MOBILEs Customer Service using the contact details provided in clause 6. If the Customer exercises his right to the termination of the contract, any pending charges at that time will be settled and invoiced. To a selected standard european. Home Bundles List International MIX S. This Plan offers 2GB data and includes: Alle Bundles knnen in der EU ohne Aufpreis verwendet werden Preis Starter Set 10 7,50 Startguthaben + 2,50 Guthaben fr die 1. 9.3 You agree that LYCA MOBILE may begin the provision of services before the expiry of the period referred to in Section 9.2, and you acknowledge that, if LYCA MOBILE does begin the provision of services before the end of that period, if the services are partially performed at the time of cancellation, you must pay to LYCA MOBILE an amount proportional to the services supplied or LYCA MOBILE may deduct such amount from any refund due to you in accordance with this Section 9. As such, it may suffer interference from numerous external sources or inherent obstacles such as buildings, vegetation or terrain and therefore perfect transmission (relative to actual availability and quality of Service) cannot be guaranteed, everywhere and at all times. The offer is for non-commercial, private, personal use only Lyca Mobile reserves the right to withdraw or suspend the offer or to disconnect you if we suspect that offer is being used for commercial purposes, for conferencing, or if it is not being used in a handset (in a SIM box for example), or if it is being used for tethering. 14.4 LYCA MOBILE shall have no liability in the event of loss, theft or fraudulent or unlawful use of the LYCA MOBILE POST PAID SIM Card or Monthly Bundle Plan by LYCA MOBILE Customers. Same like other national plans, it also brings unlimited nationwide minutes and SMS. In any case, you will not incur any fees as a result of the refund. 2. To meet the cancellation deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning the exercise of the right to cancel before the cancellation period has expired. Follow the link to get in contact with the Lycamobile customer service. To view these, please visit 8.3 The Customer has the right to terminate the Contract at any time. Validity of promotional credit. Check the detail of the resources here. 1 Austria, 2 Belgium, 3 Bulgaria, 4 Canada, 5 China, 6 Croatia, 7 Cyprus, 8 Czech Republic, 9 Denmark, 10 Estonia, 11 Faroe Islands, 12 Finland, 13 France, 14 Germany, 15 Greece, 16 Hong Kong, 17 . In such event, LYCA MOBILE will notify the Customer at no cost that the limit of the Spending Cap is reached. Forfait national XL. The Customer must keep the SIM Card in a safe place and not use it improperly. *139*1004# for EU99) or text the Keyword (e.g. We just need a few details and then your SIM will be on it's way to you! For more details of any kind feel free to use our Lycamobile Customer Service Belgium Dial 1976 or 94# from your Lycamobile, FOR FREE OF COST HELP. The truncated card number is ; 2. Please click here to redirect to homepage and sign in again. 1.10 Products: LYCA MOBILE Post-Paid SIM CARD and LYCA MOBILE Monthly Bundle Plan or any other product offered by LYCA MOBILE. 4367040. Price and allowances valid from 09 March 2017 All In One 29: either 1000 minutes or 100 minutes or 50 minutes. . Recharging again within 3 months after the credit is frozen will unfreeze the call credit. Causing, or unknowingly allowing others to cause, any malicious or annoying call to either LYCA MOBILE or any of LYCA MOBILEs customers or others, including using the Network to send unsolicited insistent communications without reasonable cause; C. For the purpose of causing damage or harm to the operation of the Network over which the Services are provided; and D. The storage or distribution of information that does not belong to the Customer and that may be deemed to infringe the rights of a third party including the copyright of another person or other intellectual property rights (unless you have the prior consent of such third party). Enjoy 6GB data, unlimited UK texts and minutes but also unlimited Lyca to Lyca texts and minutes. In this context, LYCA MOBILE acts as a data controller. 1.12 Spending Cap: The maximum amount corresponding to the Services used which a Customer is allowed to spend per month, on top of the Services included in the Post-Pay SIM Card or in the Monthly Bundle Plan. 7.1 A Customer who wishes to avail the Monthly Bundle Plan shall: (a) pay for the initial connection fee and setup payment of the by credit or debit card and; (b) after that, proceed with the payment of the Monthly Bundle Plan. 2.9 Rates for calls using the Services are attached to the Contract. Today customers can visit the Lycamobile website to sign up for a variety of data bundles including national bundles, depending on the country . To top up the phone from Belgium by calling 1966 (or 92#) and follow the instructions. In the event that, for reasons not attributable to the Customer, the disconnection is not carried out within ten (10) days of the request for disconnection, LYCA MOBILE shall bear the costs of the service for which disconnection has been requested but not carried out. If you dont need data volume and you are interested in only talk and text services, this plan is particularly for you. A purchase of 12 months is required. National Bundles with more than 10. A new reminder will be sent to the Customer, inviting him to pay within the specified term. Go online to the official site of Lycamobile Belgium and get this offer from there. They get free EU roaming and many other incentives at the same price. Looking for an alternative or similar product to Lycamobile Belgium (BE)? Any remaining allowance after 30 days will not be carried over into the next 30 days period should the customer renew their bundle. Exclusive offer only available online: Activation Your Lyca Mobile number is also printed on the back of your SIM booklet. National Bundles with 10 or less. 28 days offer for new online. Other usage will be charged at standard rates. Check the details here. Other Lycamobile UK plans: Lycamobile All in One Bundles: 5, 8, 10, 12, 15 & 25 Plans. Secure: choose the available payment method: Bancontact, Payconiq by . Up to 4 Months Free Data Addons Cannot be purchased with sim. After that, you will be charged the standard price/MB. 17.3 The Customer has the right to address his complaint at the ombudsman for telecommunications ( without prejudice to going to court. EU Roaming See Other Lycamobile Belgium Plans & Bundles: Your email address will not be published. network or performance issues. 4367060. Customers need to buy a Lyca Mobile data Bundles to access Mobile data on the phone. Your consent for Lyca Mobile to store your payment card details is valid for 365 days unless you remove your consent as detailed in point 3, above. or Text 4004 to 3535. It brings some unlimited resources and data volume in bulk. 14.7 LYCA MOBILE shall not be liable to perform any obligation or provide the Services in cases of force majeure, for example, any factor beyond its control, including but not limited to, assumptions of natural events, labor protest measures, breach or default of a third party, war, governmental action or by any law or decision made by a court of competent jurisdiction. The service is provided in the national territory of Belgium, outside the same the Customer agrees to receive the Roaming Service unless you state otherwise by calling the Customer Service free of charge. (c) the Customer shall not obtain more than 5 POST PAID SIM Cards including this one. Dpchez-vous, achetez votre plan. If the customer requests that his/her data be included in the subscriber directories, LYCA MOBILE will communicate those data that the Customer considers to the Telecommunications Market Commission so that the latter makes them available to the entities that prepare the directories and/or provide information services. To cancel Auto-renewal, dial *190# and follow the instructions. Offer is valid from 24/10/2018. (Landline only to Slovenia, Slovakia) 1 Minute = 10 Unit for Bangladesh, Brazil, Nigeria, Pakistan. Any new data bundle purchase for Data 1, Data 5, Data 10, Data 15, Data 20 & Data 25 on or after 07.10.2016 will receive data allowance of 50MB, 600MB, 2GB,3GB, 5GB & 10GB data respectively. Check here the details of the subscription and resources. 100Lyca to Lyca minutes from Belgium to Ukraine Kyivstar, Unlimited**Minutes to Morocco IAM & INWI. Get 50 calls to get the latest updates on sports. 4. To view your Lyca Mobile number on your mobile screen, dial *613 followed by #. 10.3 Customers must notify LYCA MOBILE of any changes to their personal data so that the data maintained by LYCA MOBILE is up to date. Austria. 17.2 In order to make complaints regarding the Service, the Customer must address LYCA MOBILE, within one (1) month from the time he becomes aware of the fact giving rise to his complaint. Get SMS Package, Call minutes, and Internet Browsing with one single Lycamobile Offer. 9.1 This Section 9 applies if and only if you contract with LYCA MOBILE, as a consumer that is, as an individual acting wholly or mainly outside your trade, business, craft or profession. Check here the subscription details of the plan. The present general conditions replace any other previous general conditions that differ in their content and/or obligations, which, if applicable, will be without effect. Please refer to your specific bundle description for further information. New customers SIM with Bundle: 20. 50 minutes to Ukraine (Kyivstar excluded) and Afghanistan (AWC) We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. (b) In your first bill, you will be charged your first and second month of the Monthly Bundle Plan. Your consent for Lyca Mobile to store your payment card details is valid for 365 days unless you remove your consent as detailed in point 3, above. Belgium; Denmark; France; Germany; Ireland; Italy; Macedonia; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Romania; South Africa; Sweden; Switzerland; .
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