On 03/01/2023, Lyon County Deputies responded to call in Beloit of a suspicious vehicle. (TB), On 12/27/2022 at approximately 2155 hours the Lyon County Sheriff's Office responded to a one vehicle roll over on Highway 9 near the intersection of Fig Avenue. Den Besten was already incarcerated at the Lyon County Jail on other pending charges. Simply send a check or money order in the amount of $5.00, payable to the Lyon County Sheriff's Office at the address below. (SW). The stop sign, owned by the Iowa Department of Transporation received an estimated $250 in damage and the utility pole, owned by MidAmerican Energy, received an estimated $1,000 in damage. On September 3, 2022, the Lyon County Sheriffs Office arrested Tyler DenBesten, of Inwood, Iowa. But aircraft, especially helicopters, aremore susceptible to bad weather compared to on-the-ground vehicles, according to providers atMercySt. Vincent Medical Center in Toledo, Ohio. US 75 from Rock Rapids to the Minnesota border will also be impassable. Baby dies after taking 'natural' cold medicine, Seattle Patricia Douglass, 52, dead in 2-vehicle crash at 206th Street and Mach Kuel, 39, killed in car crash on Interstate 35 in Faribault on Zaza Eristavi, 41, killed, after three trucks collide on icy Nicholas Allen Mauldin, 32, and Jurelle B. Thorpe, 21, killed, and Minnesota man with valid driver's license arrested for 28th DWI, Texas Tornado: Infant, toddler rescued from submerged truck (VIDEO), Girl fights off carjacker attempting to kidnap her and sister in Williamsburg, Virginia, Baby dies after taking 'natural' cold medicine, Seattle mother sues manufacturer, Read our affiliate disclosure policy here. The child was transported to Avera Hospital in Rock Rapids and then to Sioux Falls. A Care Flight medical transport plane carrying a patient and four others crashed Friday night in Lyon County, Nevada. County Plows are being pulled at 3:00 p,m. (TB), On October 8, 2022, the Lyon County Sheriff's Office cited Jorge Padilla Tavares, age 47, of Hudson, SD with operation with ignition interlock, driving with an expired license, failure to provide proof of financial liability, and operating a non-registered vehicle. Vandenoever was charged with public intoxication, supplying alcohol to a person under legal age, and littering. Cain was charged with domestic abuse assault. Accident Data Center can help you by connecting you with our network of experienced injury lawyers who can provide you with information about your rights and options. Huseman was issued citations for failure to provide proof of financial responsibility (accident), no valid drivers license, failure to maintain control and failure to use safety belt. (ML), December 9, 2022, at approximately 10:50 AM, the Lyon County Sheriffs Office responded to a two-vehicle accident at intersection of Hwy 75 & 270th Street. Kocks vehicle sustained approximately $4,000 dollars damage, while Ericksons was estimated at $6,000 dollars damage. (ML). On November 29, 2022, the Lyon County Sheriffs Office investigated a single vehicle accident that occurred on Highway 9 near Highway 75. Gerloff was charged with 2 counts of Criminal Mischief in the 2nd Degree (Class D Felony), Possession of a Controlled Substance (Serious Misdemeanor), Theft in the 4th Degree (Serious Misdemeanor), Possession of Drug Paraphernalia (Simple Misdemeanor), Theft in the 5th Degree (Simple Misdemeanor), theft in the 4th Degree (Serious Misdemeanor), Theft 2nd Degree (Class D Felony), Burglary in the 3rd Degree (Class D Felony). As a result of the investigations, DenBesten was charged with the following charges: 1) Felon in possession of a firearm or ammunition, a class D felony, 2) Criminal mischief 2nddegree, a class D felony, 3) Possession of a controlled substance 2ndoffense, an aggravated misdemeanor. Upon arrival on scene, it was found that Aaron Healy (41) of Sioux Falls, SD was Eastbound on 180th Street driving a 2012 Ford F350. (TB), On 12/05/2022, a Lyon County Deputy arrested Hannah Olson [27] of Inwood on two counts of Child Endangerment, class C Felonies. The NTSB will be holding a press conference Sunday. As a result Mckinsey Scroggin, of Hartley, Iowa was placed under arrest and housed at the Lyon County Jail for possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, and speeding. Published: Aug. 9, 2018 at 9:44 AM PDT. Online Crash Reports for Lyon County Sheriffs Office Lyon County Sheriffs Office Find your accident and request a copy of your accident report from Lyon County Sheriffs Office. Olsons arrest stems from two separate investigations occurring in May and August 2022. Morales Morales was transported to the Lyon County Jail. (ML). Releases from the Sheriff's Office are posted here and will remain for up to 6 months. Norwood Geerdes (85) of George was driving a 2006 International pulling a grain trailer and was Southbound on S. Virginia Street when a young child ran into the street and Geerdes struck the child. Den Besten was already incarcerated at the Lyon County Jail on other pending charges. I have many times used Hylands myself and am a fan of their products. Stagecoach is about 45 miles southeast of Reno. The Lyon County Sheriffs Office was assisted by Lyon County Ambulance and Lester Rescue. On January 24, 2023, the Lyon County Sheriff's Office arrested Alvin Carlton Jr, age 50, of Creston, IA. Conditions in the county are extremely dangerous. (TB), On January 17, 2023 the Lyon County Sheriff's Office arrested Trish Lee Waagmeester, age 45, of Inwood, Iowa at the Lyon County Sheriff's. The crash occurred amid a winter storm warning issued by the National Weather Service in Reno for large swaths of Nevada, including parts of Lyon County. Lyon County, NV Accident Reports ACCIDENT REPORTS ONLINE: Lyon County Crash Reports Request your Lyon County Sheriffs Office crash report. A 2012 Mazda 3 was traveling eastbound driven by Caryn Lengkeek, age 57, of Rock Rapids. (TB), On November 4, 2022, the Lyon County Sheriff's Office arrested Rudi Gamez Ramos, age 24, of Rock Valley, IA. The arrest warrant was for violation of probation. If youre hosting a party, take care of your guests. On February 25, 2023, the Lyon County Sheriff's Office cited Joshua Uhl, age 39, from Rock Valley, IA. The Lyon County Sheriff's Office was assisted by Lyon County Ambulance, Lester Fire and Rescue and the Iowa State Patrol. NTSB:Care Flight plane broke up midair before it crashed, investigator says, Mother's story:The same PC-12 aircraft that crashed was a lifesaver for one Reno family, Scott Walton:Pilot of crashed Nevada Care Flight plane followed passion to fly. Lyon County Sheriffs Office offer's 3 ways to get a copy of your accident report: Phone: 5075377666. Both vehicles had multiple occupants and no injuries were reported. On October 11, 2022, the Lyon County Sheriff's Office arrested Justin Mwareluk, age 26, of Sioux City, IA. The conditions are very dangerous. (SW), On February 5, 2023 the Lyon County Sheriffs Office arrested Alex Vandenoever of Rock Rapids, Iowa, after they spotted him walking on Highway 9 and Tama. On 10/30/2022 at approximately 0800 hours the Lyon County Sheriffs Office responded to the 300 Blk of East Indiana in George for the report of a person that had been stabbed. One person was hurt in a crash in central Osage County on Thursday afternoon. If you would like to contact me on Facebook my name on there is Brandi Cooper Sodemann or my email is brandisodemann@yahoo.com. Damage to Niebrugges vehicle is estimated at $5000.00 dollars, while Hooyers received approximately $1500.00 dollars. While making a corner the trailer tires went off the roadway, causing both the trailer and tractor to overturn on to the passenger side, in the ditch. As a result of the stop, Jonah Davis, age 19, of Larchwood, IA was charged with possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of a controlled substanceand person ineligible to carry dangerous weapons. Mr. Vinks original charges were Possession of Marijuana, a serious misdemeanor. The Reno Gazette Journal reached out for comment but has not received a reply. I knew it was going to crash. The flight had taken off from Reno and was on the way to Salt Lake City when it went down, according to air traffic control communications. These are the area's fatal crashes of medically related flights in the past four decades: June 21, 1987: A Rockwell Turbo Commander 690 airplane plunged into Bridgeport Reservoir near Bridgeport, Calif., killing pilot Delmar Baer Jr., 42, of Carson City, and nurse Linda Montgomery, 38, of Reno. Altayyans warrant was for Theft-3rdDegree, an aggravated misdemeanor. Phillips was charged with operating while intoxicated 3rd offense, child endangermentand open container. Rivera was already incarcerated at the Lyon County Jail on other charges. January 13, 2023, at 7:46 AM, the Lyon County Sheriffs Office responded to a one vehicle accident in the 1400 block of Cleveland Avenue. Perform a free Lyon County, NV public driving records search, including drivers license checks/status and numbers, motor vehicle records and reports, DMV/MVR abstracts, traffic accidents, tickets, points, violations, convictions, and public DUI/DWI records. (LS). Plows will be clearing the streets tonight, please remove your vehicles from the streets or you will be ticketed. The vehicle went off into the shoulder of the road and due to the snow, the vehicle was sucked in and rolled over onto its top. Tracy DVS Office 336 Morgan Street Tracy, MN 56175 507-629-5533 Directions. No other property was damaged. Lyon County Accident Reports https://app.dps.mn.gov/mspmedia2 Find Lyon County, Minnesota motorcycle and car crash accident reports by date of occurrence, driver's license number, or first and last name. Vandenoever was charged with public intoxication, supplying alcohol to a person under legal age, and littering. Den Besten is being held with a total bond of $24,300, which is the total for all Mr. Den Bestens charges combined. The woman was eventually able to be helped to shore where Larchwood EMS and Fire assisted with getting her safely to the parking lot where Lyon County Ambulance took her to Avera Rock Rapids. I knew the plane was in trouble, she said. Mwareluk was found to have an arrest warrant out of Sioux City, IA. (ML), On 01/05/2023 Anita Parra, [40] of Sioux Falls, was picked up at the Nobles County Jail and transported to the Lyon County Jail on an outstanding warrant for Failure to Appear. It was learned that a 2010 Chevy pickup, driven by Venus Van Tilburg of Larchwood, Iowa, was westbound on Highway 9 and lost control because of theicy roads. On 08/04/2022, Dammer was involved in an injury accident which lead to the OWI investigation. The incident occurred at approximately 9:15 p.m. when the Lyon County Dispatch Center began receiving multiple calls regarding a possible plane crash near Stagecoach, Nevada -- about 45 miles. Timothy Hollenbeck, age 38, of Rock Rapids, IA was charged with possession of drug paraphernalia. She and her husband stepped outside, thinking perhaps there had been a car accident on Highway 50, but couldnt see anything due to heavy blowing snow. Kentucky State Police reports the wreck claimed the lives of 35-year old Amanda McAmis and 79-year old Sondra McAmis, both of Wentzville. When Robin Hays heard a single-engine plane buzz her house just before crashing behind her stagecoach property, she knew it wasnt good. Upon Investigation, Paxter Medal, age 33, of George was arrested and charged with Operation while Intoxicated 1st Offense. As a result Aliwis Lewi of George, Iowa was arrested and housed at the Lyon County Jail for assault causing bodily injury. The National Transportation Safety Board is in charge of the investigation, and representatives will give an update Sunday at a time and place to be announced.
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