Open: Monday to Friday, 8 am to 4 pm 2291 Albany Highway, Gosnells WA 6110. Details: 9.2 sq km. . Companies Mandurah - Juvenile Justice Unit - Detectives Phone: 9250 0326 or 9250 0355. Fax: 9456 9590. - Crime Prevention Office - Crime Prevention Unit - Phone: 9250 2244 or 9274 6500. Population is 28,259. Location: West Metropolitan District. Fremantle Police Station Perth, Western AustraliaCoordinate: -32.0821131851, 115.767864506, 4. Suburbs Patrolled: Claremont, Cottosloe, Dalkeith, Mosman Park Mount Claremont, and Peppermint Grove and Swanbourne. Location: Peel District. Fremantle Police Station 88 High St, Perth, Western Australia 6160Coordinate: -32.05431, 115.74577 Phone: +61 13 14 44, 3. You can try to dialing this number: +61 95810222 - or find more information on their website: /Police-Station-Li.. Monday: Open 24 hoursTuesday: Open 24 hoursWednesday: Open 24 hoursThursday: Open 24 hoursFriday: Open 24 hoursSaturday: Open 24 hoursSunday: Open 24 hours, You can use the Google Maps navigation app:Get directions to Mandurah Police Station, Latitude: -32.5382897 Longitude: 115.7433939, 1. Looking for an owner. Fremantle Police Station Complex 88 High St, Fremantle, Western Australia 6160Coordinate: -32.05431, 115.74577 Phone: +61894301222, 5. - PCYC Phone: 9345 9000. Phone: 9441 6400. Phone: 9297 9800. WA. - District Information Support Centre - Detectives - Phone: 9451 0050. Fax: 9406 2240. Location: South East Metropolitan District. Location: South East Metropolitan District. - Crime Prevention Resource Centre 9400 0851. - Prosecuting Branch Phone: 9528 8000. Phone Number * Email Address * Preferred method of contact * . Until now, phone number 0895810222 has not received any review yet. New station opened 2 March 2000, with a size of 3,000 sq m. Location: South Metropolitan District. - Community Policing Unit - Phone: 9581 0233 or 9581 0238. - South Metropolitan Traffic Office Location: West Metropolitan District. - East Metropolitan Alcohol & Drug Coordination Unit 30 Third Avenue, Mandurah, Western Australia (Behind the police station) Working Hours. Proof of ownership is required. Police Station Mandurah > - Infringement Management & Operations Unit Phone: 9430 1227. - Prosecuting Branch Phone: 9581 0233 or 9581 0277. Proof of ownership is required. Fax: 9376 7050. Suburbs Patrolled: Ascot, Belmont, Cloverdale, Kewdale, Perth Airport, Redcliffe and Riverdale. The total number of Target locations currently open in Mandurah . - Anti Theft Squad Open: Monday - Friday, 8 am - 4 pm Phone: 9214 7100. Details: 21.25 sq km. Waroona. Submit Review Ask a Question Map View on Facebook. The phone number for Mandurah Police Station is +61 8 9581 0222. Website. Population is 22,609. Contact Mandurah Police Station on 9581 0222. We record details of all lost property handed in to us. Infoisinfo Please contact the Mandurah Police Station on 9581 0222 and quote # 020323 1100 82629. #FB . Social sites . Location: South East Metropolitan District. Open: 24 hours, 7 days a week. Midland Police Station Midland Police Station Fremantle, Western Australia 6160Coordinate: -32.0595834211, 115.744523735. Report this page. - Detectives Until now, phone number 0895810222 has not received any review yet. 31 Canning Road, Kalamunda WA 6076. Website Suburbs Patrolled: Bentley, Cannington, East Cannington, Queens Park, Riverton, Rossmoyne, Shelley, St James, Welshpool, Wilson. Mandurah Forum Visit Mandurah Forum today for a wide range of fine quality stores and great offers. Phone: 9399 0222. The new $3.4 million station replaces the old facility which was built in 1971. Open: Monday to Friday, 8 am to 4 pm. - Traffic Patrol Phone: 9430 1235. Public Administrations and Institutions Mandurah > Location: North West Metropolitan District. Open: Monday to Fremantle, 8 am to 4 am. - Juvenile Justice Unit - Detectives. Details: Built in 1995. Suburbs Patrolled: Bickley, Canning Mills, Carmel, Forrestfield, Gooseberry Hill, Hacketts Gully, High Wycombe, Kalamunda, Lesmurdie, Maida Vale, Paulls Valley, Pickering Brook, Piesse Brook, Reservoir, Walliston and Wattle Grove. 03 Feb 2023 02:40:36 Phone: 9359 1033. The number 08 9581 0222 could also be written in many formats such as 0895810222, (08) 9581 0222, 08 95810222, +61895810222, 0061895810222, 01161895810222, +61 8 9581 0222, 00 61 8 9581 0222, 011 61 8 9581 0222. Fax: 9434 3557. PO Box 641. Public Administrations and Institutions Peel - WA Region > You can review this Business and help others by leaving a comment. - Major Crime Investigations Open: 24 hours, 7 days a week. They have two four-wheeled motorcycles for patrolling beaches and laneways in the western suburbs. We don't have any social media account of this company, 24 George Street, Pinjarra, WA ,6208, Pinjarra, 10-12 Pollard Street,Boddington, WA , 6390, Boddington, 9 Recreation Road, Waroona, WA,6215, Waroona. Suburbs Patrolled: City Beach, Floreat, Jolimont, Leederville, Mount Hawthorn, North Perth, Wembley and West Leederville. The new station was built on the same site in 1999 and opened 18 May 1999, costing $1.224 million. All contents Copyright Government of Western Australia. 449 Nicholson Road, Canning Vale WA 6155. Mirrabooka Police Station Mandurah Police Station in Mandurah, reviews by real people. Western Australia Police is one of eight police jurisdictions in Australia and is responsible for policing the world's largest single police jurisdiction covering 2.5 million square kilometres with a structure comprising three regions, 14 . The new Districts are now in place as Fremantle, Mandurah, Joondalup, Mirrabooka, Midland, Perth, Armadale and Cannington. Fax: 9345 9169. - Police Ethinic Affairs Unit Phone: 9345 9122. Open: Monday to Friday, 8 am to 4 pm. - Prosecuting Branch Phone: 9250 0311. Please contact the Mandurah Police Station on 9581 0222 and quote # 020323 0730 17887. Phone: 9246 8333. Fax: 9383 9063. Phone: 9411 4311. We recommend that you go to the official site or phone the direct service line at 1800 007 844 to get added information about Mecca Mandurah, WA seasonal hours of operation. The official Facebook page of the Western Australia Mandurah Police District. > Phone: 9400 0888. - Juvenile Justice Unit . 24 hour stations will be identified with a clock symbol () at the end of the listing. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. 9AM - 4PM Monday : Friday Saturday : Sunday : OFF. Mandurah Police Station 333 Pinjarra Road, Mandurah WA 6210. 1325 Albany Highway, Cannington WA 6107. Mandurah Police Station Kwinana, Western Australia, Australia Coordinate: -32.1926766912, 115.853301825 2. Joondalup Police Station Proof of. Lost items will be held for a total of 30 days. Copyright 2014-2022 Mundaring Police Station 2023 All Rights reserved. - North West Metro Crime & Intelligence Coordination Unit Let us help you achieve your targets and improve your business. - Detectives - Phone: 9430 1020. This update came from the Mandurah Police on Twitter @MandurahPol 2 5 shares Like 333 Pinjarra Road, Mandurah WA 6210. Mandurah Police 333 Pinjarra Road, Mandurah WA 6210 Tel: (08) 9581 0222 Hours: 24 hours, 7 days a week Mandurah District map Mandurah District interactive map Tweets by @MandurahPol Last updated: Aug 27, 2015 - Prosecuting Branch Phone: 9430 1173. Population is 27,000. GPS Coordinates -32.53817,115.74329. - Detectives Phone: 9375 4100. - Alcohol and Drug Advisory Unit Phone: 9400 0812. Fremantle Police Station - Detectives Phone: 9399 0279. There are 14 police officers and one customer service officer but the station is designed to accommodate a 20 per cent increase in staff in multi-occupancy areas. - Peel Tasking and Co-ordinating Group 333 Pinjarra Road, Mandurah WA 6210 The vehicles allow police officers to access the many areas hidden from Marine Parade. Warwick Police Station 349 Canning Highway, Palmyra WA 6157. Open: Monday to Friday, 8 am to 4 pm Morley Police Station 392 Rockingham Road, Spearwood WA 6163. Suburbs Patrolled: Balcatta, Balga, Hamersley, Mirrabooka, Nollamara and Westminster. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Interactive map Perth District Perth Police Station Kensington Police Station Details: This station was opened on 25 June 1979. Details: 35.9 sq km. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. - Detectives. Be the first to review . 24 hour stations will be identified with a clock symbol () at the end of the listing. - East Metro Traffic Branch Phone: 9250 0310. - Detectives Phone: 9345 9166. Open: Monday to Friday 8 am to 4 pm. - Scenes of Crime Office - Lockups - Police Operations - Detectives Phone: 9581 0235 or 9581 0237. We can surely help you find the best one according to your needs: You can use the Google Maps navigation app: Get directions to Mandurah Police Station, Keep It Neat - Home and Garden Service Mandurah. Armadale Police Station 379 Cambridge Street, Wembley WA 6014. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Suburbs Patrolled: Carine, Doubleview, Karrinyup, North Beach, Scarborough, Trigg, Watermans Bay, Wembley Downs and Woodlands. - First floor Administration, lunchroom and media room. Canning Vale Police Station All contents Copyright Government of Western Australia. Population is 15,000 with more than 100,000 visiting daily to work, shop or to be entertained. - Crash Investigations Unit Phone: 9430 1221. Phone: 9345 9000. Fax: 9473 5555. Fax: 9430 1299. Phone: 9292 5029. Mr Day said liaison officer Marlene Edwards would assist two other Aboriginal police liaison officers who had been stationed at the Mandurah police complex since October last year. Kiara Police Station Population is 17,500. 2 Fitzgerald Street, Northbridge WA 6003. - Detectives - Phone: 9313 9080. Fax: 9424 2711. Wanneroo Police Station Phone: 9313 9000. Details: Opened 21 June 2000. Open: 24 hours, 7 days a week. The official Facebook page of the Western Australia Mandurah Police Mandurah District, WA Police Force, Facebook. Police Minister John Day said an additional Aboriginal Police Liaison Officer had been assigned to work at the Mandurah police station. H&M Locations Nearby Mandurah, WA. 08 9581 0222 is a Fixed Line Telephone Number registered under the name of Western Australia Police - Mandurah Police Station which is located at Mandurah Police Station 333 Pinjarra Rd Mandurah, WA 6210 and could be provided by Telstra Corporation Limited. Mandurah Police Station (Police station) is located in Mandurah, Western Australia, Australia. - South Metropolitan Tactical Investigations Group Open: 24 hours. Murdoch Police Station Details: 20.6 sq km. Officially proclaimed a city in 1990. Fax: 9441 6411. Drive, bike, walk, public transport directions on map to Mandurah Police Station - HERE WeGo We encourage contributions to the page,. Kwinana Police Station - Information Management Division Fax: 9403 1011. What is the phone number of Mandurah Police Station? Fax: 9474 7550. 24 George Street, Pinjarra, WA ,6208, Pinjarra. Long lost owner sought. 163 Morley Drive East, Kiara WA 6054. Wembley Police Station . 73-77 Whatley Crescent, Bayswater WA 6053. - OIC Phone: 9403 1010. A total of 1.03kg of cocaine and 163 grams of MDMA were seized from the station area. Mandurah Police, Western Australia Police Force. You can use the Google Maps navigation app:Get directions to Mandurah Police Station, Latitude: -32.62463164 Longitude: 115.62611359, 1. Open: Monday to Friday 8 am to 12 pm Mandurah Police Station is located at 333 Pinjarra Rd, Mandurah, Western Australia 6210, The website (URL) for Mandurah Police Station is: Quote # 031220 1515 16811. You can try to dialing this number: +61 95810222 - or find more information on their website: /Police-Station-Li.. What is the opening hours of Mandurah Police Station? 21-23 Whitfield Street, Rockingham WA 6168. Mandurah Police Station is a Police Station, located at: Mandurah, Western Australia. - Incident Car Unit Continue with Recommended Cookies, Mandurah Police Station is a Police, located at: 333 Pinjarra Rd, Mandurah WA 6210, Australia. Be the first to review on this number 08 9581 0222. India List of Police Stations with phone numbers List of Police Stations with phone numbers List of Police Stations with phone numbers. Hillarys Police Station We can surely help you find the best one according to your needs: Compare and book now! - Crash Investigations Unit - Phone: 9399 0237. Proof of ownership required. Details: 279 sq km. Phone: 9451 0000. - North West Metro Prosecuting Branch - Phone: 9400 0951 - South East Metro Crash Unit Phone: 9399 0229. Further extensions and modifications in 1979. Fax: 9290 1990. Fax: 9375 4001. - Major Crime Squad Suburbs Patrolled: Craigie, Hillarys, Kallaroo, Padbury and Sorrento. - Incident Management Unit Phone: 9430 1141. Suburbs Patrolled: Beaconsfield, East Fremantle, Fremantle, Hilton, North Fremantle, OConnor, Samson, South Fremantle and White Gum Valley. Suburbs Patrolled: Kwinana. Open: Monday to Friday, 8 am to 4 pm Open: Monday to Friday, 8 am to 4 pm. - East Metro Incident Management Unit Phone: 9250 0346. We can surely help you find the best one according to your needs: You can try to dialing this number: +61 95810222 - or find more information on their website: You can use the Google Maps navigation app: /Police-Station-Li.. Get directions to Mandurah Police Station, 333 Pinjarra Rd, Mandurah WA 6210, Australia.
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