This site uses cookies to serve you better. Cardona was born in Popayn, Cauca, Colombia. His other notable works include roles in Netflix's Narcos (2015-2016), Por qu diablos? Cardona portrays an opioid-addicted plastic surgeon tormented by his friend's death and his role in the cover-up. Also, the United Talent Agency hired him in June 2021. Manolo studied finances and international relations. According to our analysis, Wikipedia, Forbes & Business Insider, He has made such amount of wealth from his primary career as a TV actor and producer. En 2009 inicia el rodaje como nuevo protagonista de la versin espaola de la popular serie Sin tetas no hay paraso. The love life of Mary Queen of Scots is about to get even more complicated. Cardona began modeling at a very early age. He has made gritty series, such as " Narcos ," and made. Cardona began his professional acting career in 1995, at the age of eighteen, in the popular Colombian television series Padres y Hijos. Sigue tus temas favoritos en un lugar exclusivo para ti. Cardona began modeling at an early age after his elder brother introduced him to the modeling agency where he signed his first contract. When he was 18, he moved to Cali, Colombia, to finish his studies. Manolo Cardona is married to a Columbian socialite,Valeria Santos. Pero Manolo no quera ser modelo, y por eso se mud a Bogot. as the main character Alex Guzmn. Manolo is gaining more popularity of his Profession on Twitter these days. Manuel "Manolo" Julin Cardona Molano (full name: Manuel "Manolo" Julin Cardona Molano) is a Colombian actor, producer, and former model who has appeared in a number of films. His other notable works include roles in Netflixs Narcos (2015-2016), Por qu diablos? The same year, he laso appeared in Plaza Catedral, Guerra de Likes, and The King of all the World. Foto Netflix. Spis treci 1 yciorys 2 ycie prywatne 3 Filmografia 3.1 Seriale 3.2 Filmy fabularne 3.3 Telenowele 4 Przypisy 5 Linki zewntrzne yciorys [ edytuj | edytuj kod] Sur cette version linguistique de Wikipdia, les liens interlangues sont placs en haut droite du titre de larticle. He was given the nickname Manolo when he was seven years old, that has stuck since then and later became his screen name when his career began. After him are Karla lvarez, Eric Millegan, Caroline Rhea, Guillaume Gallienne, Onew, and Elliott Nugent. Recuerda que para ver tus temas en todos tus dispositivos, debes actualizar la App de El Tiempo. Manolo Cardona became the recipient of a Latin Pride Award in 2008. Currently, the whole family lives a happy life without any rumors. Will Have You Playing Detective", "Manolo And Juancho Cardona's 11:11 Films & TV Signs First Look Deal With VIS",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles with style issues from July 2010, Articles lacking reliable references from February 2023, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2023, Articles needing more detailed references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Episodes: "Kissed" and "Hearts and Minds". After a two-year absence, Cardona returned to work for Telemundo and Argos on the Telemundo production Marina, replacing Mauricio Ochmann as Ricardo. When he was 18, he moved to Cali, Colombia, to finish his studies. Read More:Natalie Joy, Zayn Malik, Cely Vazquez, Tatjana Asla. Tambien es muy importante para nosotros llevar a nuestros hijos cada vez que podemos, queremos que crezcan y se sientan colombianos. Portraying a young man who becomes part of a drug organization so he can avenge his friends death. Esperan regresar a Colombia en algn momento? Manuel Julian Cardona Malona, born on the 25th of April 1977, is a Colombian actor who became known for his work both on TV and in films, including in Rosario Tijeras, El Cartel de los Sapos and Narcos. Manolo Cardona was born on 25 April 1977 in Popayan, Cauca, Colombia. A renowned Columbian actor, Manolo Cardona is best known for playing a roleof Gustavo Velascoin the TV series,Ladron de CorazonesandJulio KaczynskiinLa Hermandad. Who killed Sara Gay Kiss Manolo CardonaI hope you enjoy it and leave a comment. Her ideal body weight is 172 pounds (78 kilograms). The Actor with a large number of Twitter followers, with whom he shares his life experiences. Seinen Durchbruch sollte er mit der Telenovela Por qu diablos? Increble, siento mucho agradecimiento con este proyecto que ha sido motor de crecimiento personal y emocional.Si uno hace las cosas con rigor, profesionalismo, seriedad, conviccin y amor, el resultado siempre ser bueno. Todos los das al lado suyo han sido distintos y especiales, Manolo es una persona amorosa, generosa, creativa y con un corazn gigante. De pronto cuando cumplan diez aos?Valeria: No sabemos, a lo mejor, celebramos todos los das estar juntos. His older brother persuaded him to sign with a modeling agency, and he was promptly signed to a contract. USER RATING FOR MANOLO CARDONA 100% 0% 0% Manolo Cardona est un acteur de tlvision et de cinma colombien. When Cardona was eighteen, in 1995, he began his acting career on a popular Colombian Television series called Padres e hijos in which he starred for three years. Il est le fils d'Enrique Javier Cardona et de Nancy Molano. Manolo Cardona (born Manuel Julian Cardona on April 25, 1977) is an award winning Colombian actor. Seguramente con la educacin y ejemplo, llevarn la bondad que dintingue a Manolo y la sencillez de Valeria. Creo que fue cosa adrede, porque parece que estaban esperando que nos moviramos, pues apenas subimos poco y me grita mi esposa que el nio ya no estaba en el carro", dijo. La manera que Manolo Cardona encontr para que le hicieran caso en un set fue hablar del convencimiento de . He is an actor and producer, known for Who Killed Sara? This would later be used as his name as an actor. At the age of seven, Cardonas relatives dubbed him Manolo, which he would use as his stage name. Manolo Cardona's birth flower is Sweet Pea/Daisy. He has been married to Valeria Santos since 2012. He concluded filming Madrid-Mexico with director Enrique Renteria in 2006. que se estren el 24 de marzo. His net worth has been growing significantly in 2020-2021. Pronto cumplirn siete aos como esposos. Required fields are marked *. Dies wrde spter als seinen Namen als Schauspieler eingesetzt werden. (2021-Present). For Netflix, he is known for his role in the 2015 series, Narcos, in which he portrayed Eduardo Sandoval. Hace siete aos fuimos testigos de su matrimonio en Cartagena y desde entonces hemos celebrado cada uno de los triunfos que han logrado como personas, pareja y familia. El actor Manolo Cardona anunci a travs de sus redes sociales el fallecimiento de su padre Enrique Cardona. Son seres de luz impresionantes, muy nobles, nios aterrizados, conscientes del mundo en que vivimos. Manolo tiene tres hermanos y una hermana. Currently, Cardona is working for the series,The Brotherhoodas Julio Kaczinski. [1] The series is based on the life of the diplomat, military, car driver and Dominican polo player Porfirio Rubirosa. El chiquito no necesito ni pronunciar palabra y ya nos tiene todos rendidos a sus pies y en los ojos de Gael se ve que llegar lejos. Son fils Gal est n le 12 dcembre 2013.[rf. Manolo Cardona se coloca detrs de las cmaras. Then in 1998 he won his first lead role in the television telenovela Carolina Barrantes. He came to prominence for his role as Juan 'Diablo' . One of his greatest passions is playing football (soccer). Ha sido difcil mantenerlo?Valeria: somos afortunados de tener carreras que nos apasionan y nos enriquecen en el mbito personal porque llegamos a la casa llenos de historias por contar. [7], He starred in Netflix's Who Killed Sara? Manolo Cardona and Valeria Santos have been dating for approximately 10 years. He produced and directed a short film called Risas Inocentes with his brother Juan. He tied the knot with his girlfriend turned wife, Valeria Santos. Il est le fils d'Enrique Javier Cardona et de Nancy Molano. See . Manolo: Gael tiene 5 aos y Guadalupe, 2 y medio. He also worked as a model, where he most likely made a great living. Next Read: Actor Jaeden Martell Biography. Valeria: Gael, es diferente a Lupe, l. Show More Posts from manolocardona. It was his elder brother who introduced Manuel to a modeling agency; he was then quickly signed on to a contract. En 2017, Manolo y Valeria tuvieron su segundo hijo, Guadalupe Cardona. The film was based on Jorge Francos book of the same name. Manolo Cardona, a waciwie Manuel Julian Cardona Molano (ur.25 kwietnia 1976 roku w Popayan, Caucua, Kolumbia). Tiempo, Casa Editorial El (24 de mayo de 2021). At the age of fourteen, he began modeling professionally for TV commercials, photography, and runway shows for many Colombian agencies. Manolo se enamor perdidamente de la hermosa brasilea, en los medios declaraba que era una . Sin embargo, decidi establecerse en Mxico, en Valle de Bravo. Manolo Cardona is arguably the worlds most influential social media star. Manolo Cardona is a famous Colombian actor, model, and producer. Manolo Cardona says it was hard work getting into shape for his role in the hit Netflix series "Who Killed Sara?" To play Alex Guzmn a personal trainer who has spent 18 years behind bars . He is most known for his roles as Alex in Who Killed Sara? Spter stand er in Cali auch auf dem Laufsteg. At first, the husband-wife duo welcomed a son,Gael Cardona, Then, in2017, Manolo and Valeria again became parents of a daughter,Guadalupe Cardona. Cardona, a quien en su vasta carrera actoral se le conoce por papeles en producciones como La mujer de mi hermano, Beverly Hills Chihuahua, Sin tetas no hay paraso y Narcos, entre tantas otras . En 2011 protagoniza Restos, de Alfonso Pineda, compartiendo reparto con Leonardo Sbaraglia, Carolina Guerra e Ilse Salas. Entre esos vaivenes Manolo Cardona se vio obligado a viajar por varias partes del mundo debido a su profesin. Alex Guzmn (Manolo Cardona), condenado por un crimen que no cometi (la muerte de su hermana Sara), sale luego de 18 aos de la crcel y busca vengarse de Rodolfo Lazcano, a quien cree . Overall, he has a fit figure and a nice attitude. He adopted his family nickname Manolo as his stage name when he started acting. Year Title Role 2005 Rosario Tijeras: Emilio La mujer de mi hermano: Gonzalo / Rohan-Ignacio's brother 2008 Beverly Hills Chihuahua: Sam Cortez 2009 Contracorriente For Netflix, he is known for his role in the 2015 series, Narcos, in which he portrayed Eduardo Sandoval. Tambin ha participado en pelculas como Una chihuahua de Beverly Hills, El cartel de los sapos y otras. In 2006 he finished filming Madrid-Mexico with director Enrique Renteria. Se cas con Valeria Santos, sobrina del expresidente y Premio Nobel de la Paz, Juan Manuel Santos. He also has two other siblings whose identity is still under wraps. 824k Followers, 757 Following, 694 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Manolo Cardona (@manolocardona) manolocardona. When he was fourteen, Cardona appeared in commercials including runways for several design agencies. Sus padres son Javier Cardona y Nancy Molano, durante toda su infancia creci en Cali, Colombia. Thanks for watching our video, we share content related to the lgbt . Cardona appeared in the 2008 Disney filmBeverly Hills Chihuahua. 25 kwietnia 1977 w Popayn) - kolumbijski aktor telewizyjny, model i producent [1] . In it, he portrayed Gustavo Velazco, a man who returns to his hometown in Mexico after ten years to avenge his fathers death and clear his name. Manolo isn't just his stage name, it's also his family nickname. Beverly Hills Chihuahua (2008)as Sam Cortez, El cartel de los sapos (2011)as Martn Gonzlez 'El Fresita', Your email address will not be published. 2000: "Best Actor of Colombia" from TV y Novelas. Manuel Julin Cardona Molano est n le 25 avril 1977 Popayn, dans le dpartement de Cauca. Manolo Cardona and Valeria Santos have two children together. Sigui luego con Carolina Barrantes, donde consigui su primer protagnico en el primetime y termin de afirmar su popularidad con Por qu diablos?, gran serie de televisin en la que fue protagonista y en la que encarn a un ladrn de buenos sentimientos. In 1998, Cardona gained his first lead role in the soap opera entitled Carolina Barrantes, that was followed by another successful show entitled Por qu Diablos? which catapulted his career to greater heights. Manolo Cardona was born on April 25, 1977 in Popayan, Colombia. Mannolo wurde in Popayn, Cauca, Kolumbien geboren. En el ao 2016 decidieron mudarse a Mxico ya que l se encontraba grabando una serie y quera tener a su familia cerca. Tambin ha participado en pelculas como Una chihuahua de Beverly Hills, El cartel de los sapos y otras. On September 27, 2007, Cardona was awarded the Latin Pride Award in the Back Bay Events Center in Boston. 2022 Narcos 2017 Reign 2013 Covert Affairs 2013. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Seit 2010 ist Manolo Cardona auch als Filmproduzent hinter der Kamera ttig und produziert auch jene Serien und Filme, in denen er mitwirkt. At the age of seven, Cardona's relatives dubbed him "Manolo," which he would use as his stage name. Cardona plays the character of Santiago, a gay painter who arrives in a small town and falls in love with Miguel, a married fisherman played by Cristian Mercado who is torn between his love for Santiago and his love for his pregnant wife Mariela (Tatiana Astengo). April 1977 in Popayn, Departamento del Cauca) ist ein kolumbianischer Film- und Fernsehschauspieler sowie Filmproduzent . Instagram. Cardona is working, with his brothers, on his two production companies 11-11 and Miramas. Biographie de Manolo Cardona - Interprte : dcouvrez sa filmographie, ses dernires news et photos. In 1995, at the age of 18 he made his television debut, when he joined the cast of Padres e Hijos. Cardona later made an onscreen debut with the movie, Fathers, and Sonsas Nicolas where he worked for three years and appeared in the other TV series such as Carolina Barrantes, Why the Devil, Thief of Heart, Sin Testas NO Hay Paraiso and more. Sin embargo, no juzga a su protagonista y por el contrario disfruta el hecho de tener que interpretar una figura que mueve . Copyright 2021, All Right Reserved MARRIEDCELEB. on Netflix and Eduardo Sandoval in Narcos. But his estimated net worth is around $1.5 million as of early 2021, which he earned through his profession as an actor and producer. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 30. Soon at a relatively young age he was already appearing in TV commercials and on runways. Enrique Javier Cardona was born in the Colombian town of Popayn. Your email address will not be published. Come attore ha impersonato Sam Cortez in Beverly Hills Chihuahua del 2008, doppiato in italiano da Luca Argentero. Manolo Cardona is a Colombian actor, former model, and producer who has been lauded for his performance as Alex Guzman in the smash-hit Mexican series, Who Killed Sara? The film was nominated for a Goya Award for best foreign film. Manuel Julin Cardona Molano est n le 25 avril 1977 Popayn, dans le dpartement de Cauca. As of May 2022, his age is 45 and he stands at a towering height of 6 feet 1-inch or 185 cm. The series was followed by a film of the same name. The actor was born Manuel Julin Cardona Molano but has been referred to as Manolo all his life. Caracol TV will air the series of 40 episodes starring Cardona, Karen Martinez, Diego Cadavid, and Robinson Diaz. CIUDAD DE MXICO (El Universal).. En 2001 se dio a conocer como Jhon Hctor Afanador en la comedia romntica de accin Amor a mil. Aside from that, he makes money through brand endorsements and collaborations with other businesses and initiatives. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Facebook. on Netflix and Eduardo Sandoval in Narcos. selon les conventions filmographiques. Gael Cardona: Height: 1.85 m: Net Worth: $1 million - $5 million: Table of Contents. In 2015, he co-starred with Barbara Mori in the film La mujer de mi hermano, which was released in the United States in 2006. Su carrera actoral fue gracias a Andrs Barrios empez en la serie televisiva Padres e hijos en el ao 1996 como Nicols Franco, junto a Diego Cadavid, con quien se reencontrara 12 aos ms tarde, en la serie El Cartel. (Fuente: EI Tiempo) . Ahead of Who Killed Sara 's debut on the streaming platform, the 43-year-old actor spoke to ET about what drove him . Cet article est une bauche concernant un acteur colombien. The series premiered in Spain in fall 2010. Besides this, he also earns money from his brand endorsements and collaboration with other companies and other ventures. 71.8K me gusta,380 comentarios.Video de TikTok de Gael Cardona (@gaelcardona01): Cantndole su rola al patrn #cdjuarez #joseaguirre #uniquehunter #amg. Let's check, How Rich is H, Riley Sabara estimated Net Worth, Biography, Age, Height, Dating, Relationship Records, Salary, Income, Cars, Lifestyles & many more details have been updated below. In November 2008, Cardona played a lead role inUndertow(Spanish titleContracorriente) in Peru. Rubirosa is a Mexican biographical drama web television series produced by 11:11 Films & TV for Claro Video. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); You have entered an incorrect email address! Un lugar exclusivo, donde podrs seguir tus temas favoritos . They have one child. Manolo Cardona est un Acteur, Producteur dlgu colombien. Diamond is a symbol of everlasting love and once was thought to bring courage. When he first began performing, Manolo used his family surname Manolo as his stage name. Este personaje marc su carrera como actor y poco a poco entr en las grandes ligas de la actuacin. Manolo Cardona has been in relationships with Brbara Mori (2002 - 2005) and Katarina Sacht. Apple TV+ presenta 'Now and Then' oficialmente en una alfombra azul con Manolo Cardona, Quines son los actores en Guerra de Likes, pelcula de Amazon | Reparto, La pelcula Plaza Catedral se estrenar en diciembre en el IFF Panam | La Prensa Panam, Se estrena en Espaa El rey de todo el mundo, Carlos Cuarn, hermano de Alfonso, estrena su pelcula "Amalgama", con Manolo Cardona y Tony Dalton, LA SERIE LA NEGOCIADORA ESTRENAR EN PANTAYA Y CLARO VIDEO - Seal News, Telemundo estrena su nueva serie Parientes a la fuerza, Carlos Cuarn, Manolo Cardona y una pelcula de dentistas, Manolo Cardona gana el Imagen Foundation por el filme "Chihuahua, Manolo Cardona es nominado a los Premios TVyNovelas, Nominados Premios CineyMs al Mejor actor de reparto, Informacin sobre Manolo Cardona en ColArte, He has appeared in several other films including, The Woman of my Brother, Beverly Hill Chihuahua, Undertow, The Poster of the Frogs, Fort Bliss and many others. Then, he was also involved as a boyfriend with Katarina Sacht for a few months. Cardona returned to work for Telemundo and Argos on the Telemundo soap opera Marina, replacing Mauricio Ochmann as Ricardo, after a two-year break. The soap opera was filmed in Acapulco, Mexico. Juan Jos studied film direction at the University of Catalonia in Barcelona, Spain, while Francisco is an agent and engineer. Manuel Julin Cardona Molano, conocido como Manolo Cardona, (n. Popayn, Colombia, 25 de abril de 1977) es un actor de cine y televisin colombiano; hizo su debut en Padres e hijos con el papel de Nicols Franco. Me parece increble la capacidad que tenemos las mujeres de ser multitasking, pero creo que tambin esta habilidad puede jugar en contra nuestro, porque no nos permite estar cien por ciento presentes en lo que estamos haciendo. In 2005, he made his film debut in Rosario Tijeras that gained international fame, and other notable films that he has appeared in include La mujer de mi hermano that was released in the United States, and Madrid-Mexico. However, the husband-wife duo had not revealed when they met for the first time and when they started dating each other. Manolo studierte Finanzen und internationale . He moved to Cali, Colombia when he was eighteen to study finance and international relations, but later moved to Spain to study film. Nuestra Poltica de Tratamiento de Datos Personales ha cambiado. Moving towards his education, he graduated with a degree in Finance and International Relations. He stayed with the show for three years, which helped set up his career and was the real basis of his net worth. . Manuel Julin Cardona Molano, mejor conocido en el mundo del espectculo con el nombre artstico de Manolo Cardona, naci el da 25 de abril del ao de 1977 la ciudad de Popayn, Colombia. He acted inLa Ultima Muertealongside Kuno Becker, in 2009. He is known for his work both on TV and in films, including in "Rosario Tijeras", "El Cartel de los Sapos" and "Narcos". His first movie was Rosario Scissors as Emilio and nominated forGoya Award. Doch Cardona wollte nicht Fotomodel werden und zog daher bald darauf in die Hauptstadt Bogot. So, how much is Manolo . Since it premiered in July 2008, El Cartelwas the highest-rated show on Colombian television. Cardona began modeling at a young age. On Thursday's episode of Reign, Mary (Adelaide Kane) meets Tomas (Manola Cardona), the son of the King of Portugal . Er verkrpert Toms in Reign. Since it premiered in July 2008, El Cartel was the highest rated show on Colombian television. When he was 18, he moved to Cali, Colombia, to finish his studies. Volvamos al pasado. Twitter. As of 2022, his net worth is expected to be $3 million. Manolo came to Cali, Colombia when he was 18 years old to finish his education in finance and international relations. Manolo Cardona: as es el galn colombiano que est arrasando con la serie 'Quin mat a Sara? no IMDb. Disfruta al mximo el contenido de EL TIEMPO DIGITAL de forma ilimitada. Videos Tagged. Manolo Cardona has two children from his marriage with Valeria Santos. Cmo recuerdan el da de su boda?Manolo: como das maravillosos, llenos de amigos, familia y momentos inolvidables.Valeria: fue la oportunidad de celebrar nuestro amor, en Cartagena, una de las ciudades que ms nos gusta si no es la que ms con las personas que amamos. A sus 43 aos, Manolo Cardona tiene una impresionante hoja de vida como actor. He is Colombian by nationality. In 2005 the film had its North American premiere at the American Film Institute Festival, in Hollywood. Manola and Valeria Santos began dating sometime in 2012. Valeria: Gael, es diferente a Lupe, l es ms parecido a Manolo, es ms sensible, espontneo, extrovertido. His father is a politician, and his mother is a psychologist, astrologer, and merchant by profession. Esta pgina se edit por ltima vez el 7 ene 2023 a las 21:51. He has more than 2 million followers on Twitter and more than 700k followers on Instagram. In Cali, Colombia, he attended college. Cmo ha sido este proceso? CIUDAD DE MXICO, marzo 1 (EL UNIVERSAL).- La manera que Manolo Cardona encontr para que le hicieran caso en un set fue hablar del convencimiento de morir. The series was screened at the LA Screenings and the series aired in 2008 in Colombia. Manolo Cardona is a Colombian actor, former model, and producer who has been lauded for his performance as Alex Guzman in the smash-hit Mexican series, Who Killed Sara? Previously, Cardona was in a relationship with Katarina SachtandBarbara Mori. This would later be used as his name as an actor. Manolo Cardona Actor, Director y Productor de Cine & TV. Manolo Cardona, who stars in the breakout hit Netflix series, "Who Killed Sara?" has enjoyed a busy career in film and TV for decades. Unos meses despus, fue actor invitado en la telenovela brasilea Aquele Beijo de Rede Globo. After two years of absence, Cardona returned to work for Telemundo and Argos on the Telemundo soap opera productionMarina, replacing Mauricio Ochmann as Ricardo. Manolo Cardona ist seit 2012 mit Valeria Santos verheiratet, der Nichte des ehemaligen kolumbianischen Staatsprsidenten und Friedensnobelpreistrgers von 2016, Juan Manuel Santos. Cuando hay amistad y respeto, hay todo; y cuando hay amor y admiracin, pues ms. Pour larticle homonyme, voir Cardona (homonymie). Follow. The film was nominated for a Goya Award for best foreign film. He is the son of Javier Enrique Cardona (father) and Nancy Molano (mother). So konnte er in einem Werbespot fr eine Schuhmarke erste Erfahrungen als Schauspieler sammeln. In 2018, he starred Sergio in the film Saras Notebook. Cmo son ellos?Manolo: Gael tiene 5 aos y Guadalupe, 2 y medio. Cardona appeared in an episode ofTiempo Finaltitled La entrega in the second season of the show which also co-starred his girlfriend Katarina Sacht. Reportan incendio en estacin de gasolina al norte de Barranquilla Capturan a dos hombres por hurto y venta de estupefacientes en Santa Marta Manolo came to Cali, Colombia when he was 18 years old to finish his education in finance and international relations. The film is produced by Dynamo Capital (Colombia) and Calvo Films (Peru) and is directed by Javier Fuentes-Len. Se debe crear una agenda, y respetar esos tiempos es fundamental. La manera ms rapida para ponerte al da. Luego en el 2016 confirmaron su segundo embarazo y tuvieron una nia a la que llamaron Guadalupe. In it, he played a policeman named Martin La Roca. The telenovela was filmed in Acapulco, Mexico. As of May 2022, his age is 45 and he stands at a towering height of 6 feet 1-inch or 185 cm. Verlo convertirse en pap, crecer como profesional y como ser humano ha sido un honor. Sabemos que te gusta estar siempre informado. El actor de "La hermandad" y "Qu pas con Sara?" decidi colocarse detrs de una cmara y debutar en la direccin con un thriller en donde siete personajes, incluido l como uno de ellos, enfrentan sus ltimos instantes de vida.
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