The customer rating for Marvel Mystery Oil (MMO) is 4.7 out of 5 stars. Looks like the 185 hp version was used in larger straight trucks. Even when using more MMO breaking in a fresh rebuild and adding a quart of motor oil to a 20 gallon tank, it's tough to see much smoke in the exhaust. This is a fuel additive specifically designed to Puts me in a bit of a pickle! MY 86 CJ-7 NEEDED THE HEAD GASKET REPLACED. Three grand for the car and three grand for the engine. MM is not designed to burn and could create deposits around piston and ring grooves which cause scuffing. Posted September 2019. Therefore, carbon deposits can be broken down and dissolved with the use of this oil additive. I hear a lot of disagreement about the need to run lead-substitute or lead additive in older engines. However, it turned out later on that the fears were overblown. Just like the topic of using non-detergent oil. I use it at every oil change to replace one quart of new oil and use it regulary in my fuel tank. So I guess the question comes down like this: Slippery stuff! ", "Long life exhaust valves. Finally I took off the spark plug and sprayed MMO into the hole at what appeared to be the exhaust valve. Drive with unleaded and be happy. engine. Share Followers 0. Tricresyl phosphate, an antiwear and extreme pressure additive in lubricants 0.1-1.0%[2], According to the company's 2015 safety data sheet Marvel Mystery Oil is composed of:[2], Petroleum Distillates (Hydrotreated Heavy Naphthenic) also known as mineral oil, 60-100%[2] My understanding is that valve rotators were developed to prevent lead deposits. But how does it work? I know this has been talked about before but I didn't see any information specifically about original, un-modified engines-- ones that haven't had hardened valve seats put in like mine. It is great for old,abused and sludged up engines. I do the same for the '65 Corvair, '37 Buick Roadmaster, and '88 Corvette. 1100 to 1200 RPM. After posting Mr. Parker's article, I had a personal experience with you might want to try some ZDDP ( zink) the new oils don't have enough zi nk for the old it on goggle for more info. The Seafoam on the other hand is a bit more expensive with its selling price of $6.97 for a 16oz bottle. Quote; Link to comment Share on other sites. With Marvel Mystery oil, you dont have to worry about your oil thickening at low temperatures. In very short order this one seat dramatically ate itself away. Mystery Oil is a top cylinder 1 1993_VG30E_GXE Joined Apr 4, 2009 Messages 355 Location Ontario, Canada Dec 12, 2009 #1 Does anyone know of a substitute or name a few, as MMO is discontinued now in Canada. You are actually in error on many of your assumptions. I use it in everything but a modern car that strictly specifies premium. A good burn is difficult to achieve in an engine that always runs cool. From the stories I had heard I figured my carburetor must look like a glue factory inside. As it turns out, the valve seat recession occurred in engines that were run hard (such as towing and drag racing), and in ordinary street engines not so much. The lead subs. lubricant, so when it vaporizes during combustion, oil droplets are There were re-portly 7 different cylinder head redesigns in 1973 and 1974 until all the problem were solved in the 1975 and up V-8 heads in particular, these are generally the 502 heads, a little bigger port, a little bigger valves, and supposedly induction hardened valve seats. After a while, your vehicles engine may begin to malfunction. but results is what really tells the tale. decide". I have been running unleaded in the Ambassador for 230,000 miles and never had valve seat issues. Modern gas has lot more aromatic daisy chain hydrocarbons in it and a higher Reed vapor pressure. It contains additives that help lubricate and protect the engine. to do the cleaning job. Both of them have a solid track record for keeping your engine system and fuel clean. In the 60's Amoco gasolines were unleaded and generally cost a few cents more. Yours will never break its valve seats due to anything that might be related to lead in the gas. the Warbird's Forum Using Marvel mystery oil in your fuel extends the life of these vital components by providing them with lubrication that fuel alone does not provide. As an oil additive, you replace up to 20 percent. Re: Marvel Mystery Oil and E10 in our small engines. Ryan has got more than 15 years in the auto industry. Ninety-five percent of customers gave it a four-star rating or above. "Mystery Oil", as it was originally called, proved to have other beneficial effects on the engine. Marvel Mystery Oil can be used as a break-in oil rebuilt engines when recommended to use a very light weight oil for the first 500 miles. that mechanic also told me that if I poured diesel fuel in the crankcase while the engine slowly idled, it would clean out the varnish and free up the oil passages. Understanding that the various brands of what I call 'tin canisters, which are marketed under many names, worked to save valve seats by leaching tin into the fuel, I ordered one. DO NOT use it in vehicles equipped with catalytic converters. If you drove 100 k miles a year at full throttle then I would say you need hard valve seats, and you do not! Hardened exhaust valve seats on the 327 engine reduce wear and distortion-- insure better valve seating. OTC and Third Party Oil Additives Substitute for Marvel Mystery Oil 1993_VG30E_GXE Dec 12, 2009 Not open for further replies. Moving on ten or fifteen years, we were using 'lead replacement petrol', which had varying degrees of usefulness I'm told. It happened quite a bit back in those days. It's confusing. Therefore, it helps reduce friction of moving parts and cools the engine. This oil helps your car start more quickly in cold temperatures and keeps it running smoothly. named Rick told me that TCP stands for Tri-Cresyl-Phosphate. I don't think they would sell them, either, if there was enough heat and compression in the crankcase to ignite the fluid. Made an exceptional difference on a 4.3L GM engine with 40K of mostly in town driving. Re: Mystery Oil Substitute? Didn't even have cloudy gasoline in the carb. does. created during WWII because the cooler cylinders on the multi-row radial It will double the life of rings and valves. Many are getting 400k out of these truck easily. However we are addressing two totally different problems. because the gasoline comes from a region where ethanol is not used. Think about the whole scenerio . Sign up for a new account in our community. Marvel tells you on the can how many ounces of mystery oil per gallon (s) of gas. How much MMO do you use? This additive also enhances the vehicles fuel economy and minimizes the noise produced by the fuel injectors. Marvel Mystery Oil is top end lubricant , not an octane booster. In a few months all those untouched seats had no problems but the one which had been cut saw the valve bury itself well into the seat, about 3mm down. Sorry for beating a dead horse, guys. So it seems that the residual lead on the seats from beforehand had continued to provide protection, but once cleaned off by cutting the seats valve seat recession commenced. fouling syndrome. I Discover Is Marvel Mystery oil good or bad? AMC engines never really have issues with valve recession as they used good materials in their heads. There is a very good article on RVP and specific gravities as well as othe things relative to custom blending of racing fuels available from Torco and I beleive Sunoco has some litteriture also. This was a hot topic in the late 80s and early 90s. However, there are some customers who dont like this product. Deutsch; English; Franais; Portugus Same color, same smell. 80/87 has 0.50 ml TEL [tetra-ethyl lead] per gallon and is dyed RED, 91/96 has 2.00 ml TEL per gallon and is dyed BLUE, 100LL has 2.00 ml TEL per gallon and is dyed BLUE, 100/130 has 3.00 ml TEL per gallon and is dyed GREEN, 115/145 has 4.60 ml TEL per gallon and is dyed PURPLE. MMO is basicly automotive ATF. Instead of a 'lead substitute', try Marvel mystery oil. Don't encourage someone to do something illegal. People use Marvel Mystery Airtool oil. This in turn caused increased vehicle performance and fuel economy. Going on 6 months with no awful clicking noises. The "Turbo-Fire" 327, by comparison, had a 10.5:1 compression ratio. These long and hard grades some at over 7% especially in summertime heat will really pound seats out if doing it on a daily basis. Another way is to run about three tanks of mo-gas and Can MMO be used as a lead substitute? This More than that, he used it in the fuel with every fillup. Started it up and of course it smoked for a little while, but I couldn't believe how much better the thing ran. The main thing is:Drive your truck and enjoy it. I can build an engine, but, I can't drain oil without a mess. Dan Ford, Other websites: Marvel Mystery Oil, an additives found in Marvel Mystery Oil, can extend the life of your vehicle's engine. Sign in or register to get started. EXCLUSIVE: Why this pro-gun Colorado Democrat thinks he can beat Lauren Boebert in a rematch: Businessman Adam Frisch criticizes his own party for abandoning him and rural Americans - and says . A 2 cycle oil is designed to burn. Marvel Mystery Oil helps unleash maximum power and performance while extending engine life. AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS ARE A WHOLE DIFFERENT FAMILY FAMILY OF OILS WITH GOOD SOLVENT AND LUBRICANT PROPERTIES (THEY ARE CALLED AROMATIC BECAUSE THAY SMELL SO GOOD, BENZENE/TOLUENE DRYCLEANING FLUIDS ARE ALSO AROMATICS AND CAUSE CANCER BUT THEY SMELL GOOD TOO..). Marvel Mystery Oil is an automotive product of the American Marvel Oil Company, [1] founded by Burt Pierce in 1923. Marvel mystery oil,the idea behind it was and still is,it is basically a cleaner,it removes sludge from lifters and helps to soften the carbon built up between the rings.We used to use a quart of. Thats why besides being a mechanic and technician, he started his writing for an auto blog. Contact Us - DO NOT EMAIL CAR QUESTIONS. The advantages of this additive are described in full below: This is an absolute must-have product if you wish to keep the internal components of your engine clean. Everyone must know about Mystery Oil. Followers 4 . No problems. It's primary purpose is to cool the cutters. This chemical is a petroleum-based fuel that provides long-lasting protection and can be used in a wide range of engines and machinery. MARVEL Mystery Oil. engine parts. As a result, your oil will be unable to efficiently lubricate your engine. Added to fuel: At every fill-up add 4 ounces of Marvel Mystery Oil to every 10 gallons of gas or diesel. I NO LONGER OWN IT BUT THE NEW OWNER NOW HAS 145K ON IT AND IT IS STRONG AND QUIET, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Pierce was best known for his invention of the "Marvel Carburetor", which became the standard automobile carburetor of its time. It's easy! Tetra-Ethel Lead is not an octane booster either. LOL. Marvel mystery oil safe for modern engines? (If you ADDED TO ENGINE OIL:Use Marvel Mystery Oil or Marvel Ultimate Oil in the crankcase to enhance oil lubrication and sludge control. There I don't remember hearinganything about valve seat recession from the mechanics I hung around with,. including the guys who did marine engine rebuilding, fire departmentcompetition trucks,and race engines. Tricresyl phosphate, an antiwear and extreme pressure additive in lubricants 0.1-1.0%[2] The trick on a 65 hp Continental is to take the primer I thought I had successfully purged all that stuff from my brain like a bad dream. Thank you. If you're only driving it a few hundred miles a year, it'll outlast your great-great-grandchildren. This one from the brand is a special one. thanksStan. For every 10 gallons of gas, add 4 ounces of Marvel Mystery oil. During your next oil change, substitute 20 percent of your engine oil with Marvel Mystery oil. Moreover, this additive has the ability to dissolve and remove fuel residues from fuel injectors and carburetors. This site sets no cookies, but the Mailchimp sign-up service Couldn't keep it running. While some oils are suitable for use with metal parts, they do not work well with rubber components. If used properly, there are no harmful side effects of using Marvel Mystery oil at every fill-up. After a highway run and cool down, I started the car and a carbon dome broke loose in the head and started bouncing about the cylinder for a few seconds. there are two STCs on the market for mo-gas, EAA and Petersen. Use non-ethanol if it is available. Thanks, PFitz. Ethanol much more readily evaporates then pure gas which basically can not get any more. This is in the 72 Wag (360). That's probably more than you wanted to know about benzene - and I don't know why I remembered it. Great stuff and recommended by a mechanic. I found that the airplane motor crowd uses it for top cyl lubrication, but i don't know if there's necessarily much correlation between airplane and car engines in this area. Send me an Tetra-Ethel Lead is not an octane booster either. You aren't driving your truck for racing (drag or track), pounding up steep hills day after day or abusing it in any way. If residual fuel is left in them, the methanol draws moisture from the atmosphere, causing corrosion. We are putting 89 octane in, and adding a can of lead substitute every tank right now. If it's near spec, I recommend you just go drive the thing, enjoy it,and pretend you never heard the word "additive". The says there were two 327 versions for trucks, one (185 hp) at 8.0:1 compression and another (225 hp) at 8.5:1 compression. Colder than that, and we couldn't fly, I think he was right thoughthe internal explosion of the diesel fuel as it gets compressed between the main bearings would probably clean it up pretty good, it would disassemble it for me, then if I didn't die, I could rebuild it in the parking lot over the next few days (if I didn't get arrested) and it would no longer use any oil. A mechanic I know says to put a little of this in. - It makes a beautiful molecule - the famous "benzene ring". So in the end nothing is needed. Never saw that before but was RPO ZL1. Simple. cut-off time, for first use. At your next oil change, replace 20% of your engine oil (traditional or synthetic) with Marvel Mystery Oil or Marvel Ultimate Oil. Sitting around is no good for old cars or the fuel in them. Tough high alloy gives extra durability. However, Kano Kroil Oil performs faster than PB Blaster by providing better lubrication. Which brings up an interesting topic: yes most mass production engines under about 10:1 compression and 4" bore (see "flame propagation rates") are reasonably safe under light duty on 93 PON. By Tundra1, January 17, 2015 in General Discussion - Any topic is welcome here!!! (Pack of 2) 1,388 $1776 $19.40 FREE delivery on $25 shipped by Amazon. Every 100 hours use a good top engine cleaner such as A/C Delco X-66 in an aerosol and follow directions. that our friendly 80 octane had. email. I installed new pistons (and liners) and had that one seat cut and lapped in the valve. Login; Register; Espaol. Not those other engines that were not really for the sans coulottes often had unusual ratings. Your email address will not be published. Probably not an issue with racing, however. No matter how many times it's beat over the head, it keeps coming back to life . Most pump gas runners I know only add lead substitute, not any MMO. Or any? the carburetor as a droplet, broken up Obviously I had a dirty injector and MMO cleaned it fairly quick.Im at 230k miles now and do a maintenance dose at each fill up and cruising good. Every time I have ever broken into or had work done on one of my engines, they have been clean and free of sludge. Marvel Mystery Oil has been around for a long time and is used by many people. WHEN I DID THIS I ALSO CLEANED OUT THE PUSH RODS AND POURED MMO IN THEM. This gives the oil time to work its way through the buildup around the spark plug. The pickup is driven sparingly, just a few hundred miles per year, if that. needed to go around again. It's your money. Marvel Mystery oil Marvel Mystery oil. not do their job. valves and guides to mess up your engine. was also left to ponder what would have happened if I had overshot and I have wondered what adding MMO does to your 5w-20 as well. Before that is was all the hype about new cars being unleaded only. Well, substitutes for leaded fuel, here's something I've researched, as I own an older car. | Reading Proust. And then I fitted the canister and drove another 50,000kms without having to touch a thing. I'd converted to LPG and one of the valves simply ate away at the seat at an horrendous rate. Well, there you have it, that engine already has induction hardened valve seats, so no worries, DRIVE ON! One of the hot rodding magazines (probably Popular Hot Rodding) built some engines and ran some tests. Personally, I was sorry to see the mogas go, because I bought it Marvel Mystery Oil(R) boasting an enviable reputation among vehicle owners worldwide, is truly a legend of its own. venerable taildraggers. There is a bromide chemical in 100LL that is supposed to keep the the fourth is a tank of av-gas (100LL) Either of these work OK. One website has listed Marvel Mystery oil, 3 in 1 oil, and mineral oil as good substitutes basically because they are cheaper than sewing machine oil. I have a 1966 Chevy 327 in a low-mile, original pickup. everyone was looking for a lead substitute in forum. we weren't allowed to prop the planes without someone in the cockpit.) It does not mean that you need to cut the link with Seafoam . It's mostly mineralspirits with some light oil, red die and fragrance added. What fuel or additives we are talking about depends on which SBC (the 275hp 327 was a really nice Impala combo but required premium fuel). In addition, Marvel Mystery oil helps you to avoid unnecessary rubber parts repairs or replacements. This will prevent the formulation of sludge and varnish build-up in the crankcase. Regularly adding this additive to your fuel tank can increase your cars fuel mileage, eliminate carbon deposits, clean your engine and fuel system, etc. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Okay, thats not a trick subject line. MMO isno mystery. i have a 2001 astro van 6 cylinder vortec with 250thou on it.. i bought it a year old .. an runs like a spanked race horse.. use marvel EVERY fill up.. no knocks an pings ,, just flat out gets it..and with this gas today ,, corn gas junk,, you better use something for to help.. its the engine destroyer..i even use a 1/2 quart in my oil at oil changes.. Nice i really enjoyed reading your blogs. By Just finished my third overhaul, this time I had to replace the guides for the first time and fix 15 cracks in the block. Marvel Mystery Oil. or intake manifold. sodly Let's end this nonsense before the cloudy waters become opaque, eh? manufactured without [additives]. It not only removes carbon deposits and sludge, but also improves cold start lubrication and film strength. TEL had been identified chemically in the mid-19th century, but its antiknock effectiveness was discovered in 1921 by the General Motors research laboratory, which had spent several years attempting to find an additive that was both highly effective and inexpensive. combustion, there is a chemical reaction between TCP and the lead in the I Timothy 3:16. However, nowhere on their website, nor in any information I have seen, is the claim that it can replace lead substitutes. What power steering fluid is compatible with 89021184? This oil helps to prevent bad gas millage by removing fuel residues from fuel injectors and carburetors, lubricating and cleaning pistons, intake valves, and cylinders, and eliminating fuel residues in fuel injectors and carburetors. nauseous each time he gave a lesson. Once we started using top oil, fuel pumps lasted all season.Can't say what Marvel will do for seats but we saw less guide wear with top oil. The extra few bucks may not really be necessary, but is not hurting anything and to my mind is worth theprecaution. Are unneeded now but have not seen any more efficient valve shapes, rather 4 valve cyls are now common (except for hemis which cannot without very expensive valvetrains). Engine is stock - never been apart and has the 2100 carb. in the bottom of the oil kidney. Along with being better fuel, I make sure it flows through the carb as fast as possible. to free up stuck rings and valves by giving the engine a "Mystery AMC engines never really have issues with valve recession as they used good materials in their heads. whether because of transportation problems (alcohol absorbs water) or It is recommended that you use Marvel Mystery oil in your fuel system every time you fill up your vehicle. Then, in the new oil, My older brother ran an auto repair business back then and I was hanging around with other mechanicswhen I got involved withcars in the mid 60's. Thanks. You may also use Marvel Mystery oil as an oil addition in the crankcase. If you ever do get severe valve seat recession, the cure is to install inserts. More than once I had to get on my handheld radio and call the shack to tell was, the airport is apparently willing to live with it. So when the pump in the tank of the wife's Voyager started to hum its death tune, I poured a pint of Marvel in the tank for dungz and giggles, figured I'd be dropping the tank soon enough anyway. The quality of oils and the precise metering of fuel has nearly eliminated the varnish and gumming problems for cars driven under normal conditions. Mystery Oil is a top cylinder lubricant, so when it vaporizes during combustion, oil droplets are spread around the valves, guides, and rings to keep things moving. Sometime they do, and other times that's the last you hear.) July 9, 2019 in General Discussion. They claim that the engines run VERY SMOOTH. I think the term upper cylinder means to lubricate the moving valve stems with in the guides. through directly through the carburetor while the engine is running. Then, it fortifies the oil coating, preventing rust from forming inside your engine. This diesel fuel additive does not comply with the federal ultra low sulfur content requirements for use . free then up. When winter is over your engine will be thanking you as the life of your car continues to extend. Besides, Marvel Mystery oil should be applied to your motor oil at every oil change. The TCP/Marvel Mystery Oil option: These are most likely I think the can looks neat. The engine is very quiet and responsive. Discussion in 'Old's Cool' started by lucky6600, Dec 1, 2010. on unleaded and no additives. Marvel Mystery Oil is a blend of mineral oils, which are a byproduct of the fractional distillation process used to make gasoline. further need for TCP. my great uncle was a ww 2 army air corp airplane mechanic .. he swore by the stuff .. he put marvel in everything that ran on fuel.. he instilled his great wisdom to me an so do i.. weedwackers , mowers, scooters, outboards , an vehicles they all get marvel in the fuel ,, an in the oil crankcase for 4 cycle engines.. 2 cycle / 4 cycle ,, they all get treated every fill up .. just the other day ,, pulled the 3 plugs from my 40 hp 2 cycle outboard an the porcelain was brand new white.. an i ran them all summer since spring .. anyway,, this stuff works .. and what else is on the shelf in the auto department thats been around for a 100 years..!! Marvel MM13R Mystery Oil - 32 oz. per 10 gallons of fuel). Yes, lead lubricates the upper cylinder head, but just because you use unleaded fuel doesn't necessarily mean your car lacks lubrication. He demonstrated by dipping his finger in it and in 5 seconds it had evaporated and left his fingerprint white. I can think that this light oil will help the rings remain free, and lessen carbon build up in the grooves where the piston rings are located. He hasnt had to replace the crappy fuel pump yet, even after 300k miles. But adding it to an engine with no issues offers no benefit and can actually create issues as it reacts with the materials some gaskets are made of. Many users also stated that they would order this product again as it helps improve the fuel economy. As usual, the AACA forum has irrelevant-facted the issue and over-analyzed it to the point of rendering any sort of conclusion impossible. That would most likely cause catastrophic engine failure. Carburetor1; Feb 14, 2022; OTC and Third Party Oil . There is not really any difference in the seat area. It works with both diesel and gasoline engines. The Dick Van Dyke Show is an American television sitcom starring Dick Van Dyke as Rob Petrie, Mary Tyler Moore as Laura Petrie, Morey Amsterdam as Buddy Sorrell, Rose Marie as Sally Rogers, and Richard Deacon as Mel Cooley.. If screen type system, be sure to clean screen. 5 Reasons Why You Should Use Marvel Mystery Oil, Whats Customers Say About Marvel Mystery Oil. Be careful and informed out there!! Engine. Please provide proof so we can switch to the perfected heads. I don't see any pickle. But the Marvel Mystery Oil helps prevent this from happening. Not to be confused with the Benzites, eh, Ms. Edmonds? padgett, this is a stock "hi-torque" 327 truck engine. It was thought that since the automakers were induction hardening valve seats in the unleaded era that it must be necessary. Right. Both are high in detergents It is a rather critical machining process, and if you get it wrong, a seat can fall out and hold a valve open. Therefore the heads are original and do not have hardened valve seats. So the airport could hire a tanker truck to go to the terminal and When Marvel Mystery oil is applied, it can dramatically slow down this process. Main Menu. I have driven my Pontiac daily for 59 years, putting 400,000+ miles on a 99,000 mile vehicle. Only thing I can say about that is the oil does not seem to blackenbefore I get home like it normally does. Or is it not really noticeable? Marvel Mystery oil and Seafoam are equally excellent products. it absorbs water out of the atmosphere. Worse, I once had the engine quit as I was coming in for a landing, Period. spread around the valves, guides, and rings to keep things moving. Sorry if this has been discussed before (I know it has been). This can help him share his expertise and experience with others and learn more from them. Won't hurt but you don't need it. was any particular problem with lead fouling the sparkplugs, but if there Most gas has about 10 to 15% these days.E-85 has as much as 85 % ethanol, but out west here it's more like e-40 or 50 . Obviously, I don't want to remove the heads if at all possible to retain the original paint. Pretty sure it didn't require any special fuel back then. I fitted another head which had good seats and valves, freshly out of the machine shop. Cleaning firearms with Marvel Mystery Oil? This MMO received a lot of good comments from users. Valve seat recession does occur if you are hammering unhardened seats while drag racing, but for a even bigger demise of the seat occurs in road racing or the poor guy that climbs the Questa grade, Grape Vine, Sepulveda Grade, or the Conejo grade every day on his way to work.
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