4. background-color: #003388; Representative Matt Gress Announces Plan to Ban TikTok on State Devices. color: #fff; } for 1+3, enter 4. @media (max-width:600px) { } The youngest of four, he was raised by a single mom in a single-wide trailer. The Gress bill does nothing to permanently address the Aggregate Expenditure Limit, the spending cap that nearly forced Arizona school districts to cut nearly $1.5 billion from their combined budgets in the final months of this academic year, Rep. Judy Schwiebert, D-Phoenix, said. text-align: center; Liz Harris is a real estate broker and state legislator in Arizona. padding-left: 10px; Thats why Im running: To be a common sense conservative lawmaker that will fight to keep our states future as grand as the states landscape. Republican Party of Arizona Schools must be more transparent with their budgets, especially at the school-site level, and with curriculum. Our state has the obligation to stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves, especially the vulnerable and elderly. From 2017 to 2021, Matt served as a Governing Board Member in the Madison Elementary School District. var nTimer = setInterval(function() { Do you believe that the Legislature has plenary power, or should obtain the power, to overturn elections? Arizona represents everything we love about America. He paid for his education at the University of Oklahoma by driving school buses and won the prestigious Harry S. Truman Scholarship. Thats why Im running. p.survey-question {font-weight:bold;} Matt GressCandidate for the Arizona House of Representatives. Running government responsibility and creating a tax and regulatory environment that supports economic growth and prosperity will be my goals in the Legislature. | } Like many, Matt came here from somewhere else small town Oklahoma.
top: 0px; $('.hideResponses').hide(); Allowing all parents to use tax credits, vouchers, or education savings accounts to enable their children to attend any public, charter, private, homeschool, or online academy. 8. Matt is a budget hawk. font-size: 0.9em; 2. } margin-bottom:16px; Families should get to decide where and how their kids learn. Public safety Ill say NO to Defund the Police efforts, and Ill always back our law enforcement in the State House. width: 150px; } Terech (D): Our Legislature should try to help ease inflation. I support making all school curriculum available online for parents and taxpayers to review. While attending the University of Oklahoma, Matt was selected for the distinguished Harry S. Truman Scholarship awarded to only one college student in each state who possesses leadership potential and a call to public service. .inner_percentage.Republican { Matt Gress, a . --progress-bar: #f0a236; Arizona values Im proudly pro-life. flex: 0 0 175px; Arizona is on the frontlines, and the state must take action. Because scorecards have varying purposes and methodologies, each report should be considered on its own merits. event.srcElement.innerText = '[hide]'; .widget-row.heading { clear: both; "I will continue fighting for Arizona teachers. Inflation and Cost of Living As your next representative, I will propose and support fiscally responsible legislation that fights inflation, reduces the cost of living, cuts back on big government spending, keeps taxes low, and helps small businesses grow. We set our students up for success by attracting and retaining amazing teachers. State Rep. Matt Gress, R-District 4, said Tuesday he intends to add an amendment to House Bill 2416 that would ban the popular social media app from phones and tablets that are used for state. color: white; U.S. Congress | --title-background: #334aab; margin-bottom: 1px; }) All rights reserved. div.survey-scrollbox { height:400px; overflow:scroll; margin:20px; padding:10px; border:1px solid gray; } }) Additionally, the courts can also review any legal action brought against election results. Matt Gress, a candidate for the state House of Representatives aiming to represent District 4 in northeast Phoenix, announced his "Pay Teachers First" plan on Monday, centered around an immediate and permanent $10,000 pay raise for Arizona teachers. Rep. Matt Gress, who ran on a campaign promise to revitalize teacher pay, introduced House Bill 2800 to help retain those who still remain. display: inline-block; .results_row { Matt lives in Phoenix with his partner, Daniel, and is an active member of the local community. .indicate_scroll { Arizona people are resilient and strong; I promise to cut through red tape to ensure our economy reflects those values. In Paradise Valley and north Phoenix's highly competitive Legislative District 4, three candidates are vying for two open House seats. top: 2px; Growing up, Matts family didnt have much, but that never stopped them from dreaming big. column-count: auto; $('.showResponses').hide(); Allowing parents to seek professional counseling for their minor child with same-sex attraction or gender identity issues. box-sizing: border-box; Our state also has the obligation to stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves, especially the vulnerable and elderly. } Requiring any government entity, including schools, to inform parents about their childs physical, emotional, or mental health. Terech (D): I support mail-in voting, and, like 80% of Arizona voters, choose to vote that way myself. .key-messages li:last-child { margin-bottom: 0px;} He won in the general election on November 8, 2022. } He donated to three other candidates in AZ; Vince Leach, TJ Shope and Matt Gress. font-weight: 300; font-size: .9em; $('.hideResponses').show(); A record number of illegal crossings and drugs are flowing into our state. font-style: italic; break-inside: avoid-column; .non_result_row th { Click here to contact our editorial staff, and click here to report an error. Families should get to decide where and how their kids learn. Matt Gress @MatthewGress. I intend to use common sense and do the right thing for our state. Source. z-index:1; Matt, along with his partner Daniel, is proud to call Arizona and District 4 his home. AZ Nurses Association (AzNA), } left: 0px; .inner_percentage.Green { clear: both; This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. }, 100); Ill work with Republicans and Democrats to run the government responsibly, keep taxes and regulations lowand allow Arizona families to keep more of their hard-earned money. 2022 Arizona State House - District 4 Republican Primary Results Election Date: Aug. 2, 2022 | Updated 9:18 PM EDT Aug. 10, 2022 District 4 Republican Primary 99% Est. Do you think the Legislature should try to help ease inflation in Arizona, (metro Phoenixs inflation rate is No. Cities | } . Should the Aggregate Expenditure Limit be raised, allowing schools to spend the extra money? font-weight: 500; Doug Ducey, launched his campaign for the Arizona House of Representatives in December, he promised not to accept any contributions from. Terech (D): I do not support universal voucher expansion. overflow-x: auto; .leg-hnt-district-number { Matt Gress is a leading force in public safety advocacy. Or you can call their bluff and propose to meet them halfway. Matt lives in Phoenix with his partner, Daniel, and is an active member of the local community. Matt Gress is an Arizona conservative, running to represent us in the State House. div.oneoff-scrollbox.regular { height:400px; overflow:scroll; margin:20px; padding:10px; border:1px solid gray; } } (function() { Representative Gress and Chairman Tim Dunn (R-Arizona) will introduce an amendment to HB 2416 including the TikTok ban at the House Government Committee meeting on Wednesday. $('.showResponses').hide(); He is a proud Rotarian and past president of the Phoenix-Arcadia Rotary Club, a Flinn-Brown Civic Leadership Academy Fellow, a former board member of the Madison Education Foundation, and serves as a commissioner on the Maricopa County Planning and Zoning Commission. After graduating, Matt was accepted to join Teach for America, a national teaching corps focused on serving in high-need, high-poverty schools. float: right; He's running to protect the Arizona we know and love one built on freedom, free enterprise and opportunity for all. Matt worked his way through college driving school buses, and became the first in his family to earn a degree. Arizona House of Representatives . , See also:Arizona House of Representatives elections, 2022. Election integrity Im supportive of a constitutional amendment that makes Voter ID requirements permanent and unchangeable, and other measures that strengthen the security of our elections, like increasing the threshold for automatic recounts. .image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper {} In Paradise Valley and north Phoenix'shighly competitiveLegislative District 4, three candidates are vying for two open House seats. When Matt Gress, the budget director for Gov. width: 57%; There were no incumbents in this race. .large-date { text-align: center; margin-top: 30px; margin-bottom: 20px; font-size: 20px; font-weight: 600;} background-color: white; [1], .votebox { This educational landscape encourages innovation and advances the guiding principle that the size of a familys wealth must never dictate what educational opportunities are available to them. document.getElementById('leg-hnt-content6402d592ba3cc').classList.remove('leg-hnt-hide'); Source1Source2. Matt Gress Announces Pay Teachers First Plan, Matt Gress Announces the Save Our Streets" Plan. Matt is endorsed by some of our communitys most respected organizations: Arizona State Troopers, the Arizona Police Association, the Arizona Fraternal Order of Police, the Phoenix Law Enforcement Association, the Professional Firefighters of Arizona, the Arizona Nurses Association, the Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce, the Arizona Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Home Builders Association of Central Arizona. Approved by Matt Gress. All of these wins have required strong advocacy in the Legislature. I support making all school curricula available online for parents and taxpayers to review. .leg-hnt-responsive-columns { } In that tribute, he wrote, Jim Kolbe was also a political pioneer, serving as the first openly gay Republican in the U.S. Congress. .survey-result {padding:10px;} .non_result_row div { It is Ballotpedias goal to incorporate all available scorecards regardless of ideology or number. Rep. Matt Gress, R- Phoenix, countered, telling his fellow Republican House members that Bolles' work in rooting out corruption was "really monumental and really something we should all strive to . Hopefully, the Democratic reaction so far is itself theater, and somewhere in the recesses of the Capitol complex a new mushroom coalition is beginning to take shape. What, if anything, should the Legislature do to address immigration and border issues? } Legislation going around school districts to directly increase pay for Arizona teachers passed the state House Appropriations Committee. (Gress) said he wants to make Arizona a mecca for teachers by boosting pay well above the national average, reported the news service. $('#candidate-connection-twitter-91833').on('click', () => { ga('send', 'event', 'surveycta', 'surveycta-click-twitter'); }); text-align: center; I support making all school curriculum available online for parents and taxpayers to review. Matt believes in common sense principles like small government, balanced budgets and individual liberty. Thats why I support better forest management to reduce wildfires, state funding for new farming practices and irrigation technologies that save water without taking away the freedom to farm, and research into future innovations that save water and reduce emissions. Election integrity Im supportive of a constitutional amendment that makes Voter ID requirements permanent and unchangeable, and other measures that strengthen the security of our elections, like increasing the threshold for automatic recounts. He is undoubtedly sincere about raising teacher pay because he ran on it. Higher gas, grocery and housing prices are devastating Arizonans. From 2017 to 2021, Matt served as a Governing Board Member in the Madison Elementary School District. background-color: green; margin-top: 1em; } font-weight: 300; border-top: 1px solid #aaa; .outer_percentage { $('.showResponses').on('click', () => { a[aria-expanded=true] .fa-chevron-right { display: none; } Parents and taxpayers want to know: Wheres the money going? Public policy. Raised by a single mother in a single-wide trailer in rural Oklahoma, he became the first in his family to earn a college degree. Paid for by Arizonans for Matt Gress. 6.
float:right; .widget-row.Democratic { font-size: 12px; }) Since 2013, Ive had the honor of working in the capitol community. Educational freedom I support more learning options for parents and kids. max-width: 75px; Gress (R): The largest priority of any Legislature must always be education. Another bill from Gress, HB 2427, would up the penalties placed on those who assault a pregnant woman to a class 3 felony aggravated assault that can warrant five years above the . Matt believes in common sense principles like small government, balanced budgets and individual liberty. } Here in Arizona, Matt has served as a faculty associate at Arizona State University and as a budget analyst at the Arizona State Capitol, learning exactly where our tax dollars go. If you are elected, what will be your top priority while in office, and what would you do about it? In the statehouse, Ill ensure the secretary of state and counties have the resources they need to properly conduct elections: voting machines, staffing, cybersecurity tools, etc. Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion.Thats why Im running. margin: auto; Matt taught high school English. Educational freedom I support more learning options for parents and kids. David Cook (R . padding-left: 8px; Thats why Im running. While on the board, Matt fought to keep schools open during COVID-19, supported increased school choice and advocated for parents and taxpayers to have a seat at the table in curriculum, hiring decisions and budgeting, including expensive procurement contracts. .votebox_legend { Home / Press Releases / Representative Matt Gress Announces Plan to Ban TikTok on State Devices. [1] Gress is openly gay.[2][3]. Its a community I call home and one I care about. overflow-y: hidden; Matt Gress. School districts | Gress ran on that, too, promising that he would work with both sides Republicans and Democrats to find solutions to issues such as reducing the cost of living, increasing teacher pay.. He's an avid volunteer in the community, and plans to focus in the Legislature on solutions that can bring both sides together. Matt Gress Announces "Pay Teachers First" Plan . Arizona Republican Rep. Matt Gress wants to expand a state law that provides a tax credit for children to also include the number of months a person is pregnant. 0:58. } No two kids are the same. Matt Gress .votebox-scroll-container { And what are kids learning in the classroom? $('#candidate-connection-email-121878').on('click', () => { ga('send', 'event', 'surveycta', 'surveycta-click-email'); }); color: #888; display: block; Border security The Biden-Harris Administration has abandoned its constitutional responsibilities to protect America's southern border, leaving this area in crisis. Your contact infoWe'll be in touch if we look into your question. Arizona uses slightly less water than in 1950 and recycles 90% of its wastewater. @media screen and (max-width: 350px) { Families should get to decide where and how their kids learn. background-color: red; .race_header.libertarian { a.communitylink { color:black; font-weight:bold; } How to ensure teachers get a giant pay raise, House Appropriations Committee passed HB 2800, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. } if(document.getElementsByClassName("reference").length==0) if(document.getElementById('Footnotes')!==null) document.getElementById('Footnotes').parentNode.style.display = 'none'; .succession-table th, .succession-table tr { height: 100%; position: absolute; Show this thread. width: 250px; margin-right: 12px; $('.hideResponses').on('click', () => { Matt Gress (Republican Party) is a member of the Arizona House of Representatives, representing District 4. State Representative Matt Gress (R-Phoenix) is introducing an amendment at the Wednesday House Governance Committee meeting dubbed the "No TikTok on Arizona Government Devices Act." "When I was sworn into office, I took an oath to defend my constituents and all Arizonans from enemies both foreign and domestic," said Gress. } The award rose from the foundation Truman created himself to support Americans answering the call to serve., Gress:How to ensure teachers get a giant pay raise. }); What's on my ballot? } font-size: 20px; HB2379 by State Rep. Matt Gress (R-LD04) specifically prevents cities, towns, and counties from requiring hotels and motels to participate in housing programs for the homeless, thereby allowing them to refuse housing voucher payments for an unoccupied guest room. } display: flex; display: inline-block; $('.collapse').collapse('hide'); color:white; 5. padding: 2px 0; Matt also has experience in energy, water and technology policy, previously serving as an advisor at the Arizona Corporation Commission, where he worked on issues related to expanding broadband, lowering energy rates, reducing regulations on small businesses, and enhancing the stability of our power grid. Here in Arizona, Matt has served as a faculty associate at Arizona State University and as a budget analyst at the Arizona State Capitol, learning exactly where our tax dollars go. And what are kids learning in the classroom? We'll be in touch if we look into your question. Gress doesn't see a conflict. Matt Gress @MatthewGress . font-weight: 200; Im a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment, and Im against government overreach. Were home to Gods most breathtaking natural creations; not to mention, freedom, free enterprise, restrained government, and wide open opportunity. overflow-y: auto; font-weight: bold; A scorecard evaluates a legislators voting record. } While attending the University of Oklahoma, Matt was selected for the distinguished Harry S. Truman Scholarship awarded to only one college student in each state who possesses leadership potential and a call to public service. Terech (D): Although there are many programs left underfunded by our Legislature, one of many avenues we must pursue is expanding access to KidsCare, our states health insurance program for children in poverty. padding-bottom: 0px; Prohibiting abortion except when it is necessary to prevent the death of the mother. Im against discrimination in all forms and support protections for individuals to ensure they arent fired because of who they are. Ballotpedia is in the process of developing an encyclopedic list of published scorecards. $('.hideResponses').hide(); .results_row td { width: 100%; display: flex; letter-spacing: 0.03em; State revenues produced an estimated $5 billion surplus this year. font-size: 12px; His clients include the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Rockefeller Foundation. clearInterval(nTimer); .inner_percentage, .inner_percentage.Nonpartisan, .inner_percentage.Independent, .inner_percentage.Constitution, .inner_percentage.unknown { margin: 0; But it doesnt look like Republicans are bluffing. Our state has the obligation to stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves, especially the vulnerable and elderly.
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