The blade is shiny dark green on the upper surface and pale green on the underside. Thanks in advance, thanks for this information. 1: cistanche Please help me find English name of ewe laa. PLANTS,SEEDS, herbs,BOTANICS should not be misused.. Hardie was informed by the nursery headman (Joseph Iruwa) at Sapoba that J.D Kennedy knew of okuobisi and was well aware of it reputation. Apart from this it may also be used as a contraceptive in certain cases. A remedy for skin chamomile tea, baking soda (bicarbonate de soude). He gives the Bini [Edo] name as okuobisi, meaning a big tree, and writes, it is reputed to kill all neighboring trees except Myrianthus arboreus and Musanga cecropioides which are called respectively the wife and servant of okuobisi. He observed one Okoubaka (60 feet high) which had no tree within 80 feet of it, except for Myrianthus, Musanga and one woody Vernonia. Thanks. These powerful compounds are known to have antifungal and antibacterial properties. Thanks in advance! Secondly, you should have a balanced diet, a balanced lifestyle. obi gbogbo nse. Cherry in yoruba is Agbalumo. . Azadirachta indica or neem is a tree prevalent in South Asia. Coriander aka Cilantro or Chinese parsley is Lansir in Hausa, Ewedu in yoruba, mirinder in Nigeria. AnisePimpinella anisumEweise, Ochiosi, Azowano. Therefore, taking neem with diabetes medications, such as metformin , could cause blood sugar to drop too low. Find words and translations with Neem leaf in Nigerian Languages - Hausa, Igbo, Pidgin, Yoruba, English| Nigerian Dictionary Anita, Neem leaves have been used in India for hundreds of years to treat skin conditions, fever, and other health conditions. Hello! Yoruba word for zobo is Isapa/ Isapa pupa, Impressive jobs here! Pls, what is the yoruba for agrimony and slippery elm. The leaves, stem, roots, and even seeds of these plants have various culinary and medicinal benefits. It is a multipurpose tree that is highly popular in India where it provides food, insecticide and great numbers of ethnomedicinal uses. this is rich, kindly keep it up, I also thank for your positive feedback! neem leaf in yorubaneon vs led power consumption. But do not consumethese if you are pregnant or trying to . Here are the potential benefits, precautions, dosage and side effects. there is still no remedy. Thanking you ii anticipation! Boil a cup of neem leaves in water till the leaves are soft and discoloured and the water turns green. Keep the good work please. Thanks. Thanks! Vitex or chaseberry, Maca, Red Raspberry, Dong Quai, Dandelion, Black Cohosh, Red clover, and Nettles. Hello! What is the common English name for Dyschoriste Perrottettii, Acanthaceae? This will be much appreciated if the names are given in the three major 9ja languages! Neem leaves contain polyphenol flavonoids such as quercetin and -sitosterol. Hello, Kolawole and welcome here. tanx for other information. Azadirachta indica is a fast-growing tree native to India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Nepal.Bitter and astringent, neem leaves have been employed in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda for millennia. 2. Many time is difficult because I find nothing. This information is so useful. Meaning, translation and how to say, Neem leaf in Hausa, Igbo, Pidgin, Yoruba, English| Nigerian Dictionary It's bitter, but by the end of the cup I'm wanting more. The ooni added that the herbs can achieve the desired result when used individually or mixed together to produce an incense. Oloye Orawale Oranfe, please, can anyone help me with the Yoruba name for tamarind as in the real tamarind, and not the black velvet tamarind which is awin in Yoruba. And, please folks, stop referring to this nice lady as sir or Mr. this is stupid of you people. tremella lungs. Strain and let it cold. Checkout some common Yoruba herbs and their uses. so do more of researching. Which also means they are pretty safe. In the Flora of West Tropical Africa, ed, 2 (Keay, 1958) and Trees of Nigeria (Keay, 1989), it was placed in the family Octoknemataceae, but was later moved to the family Santalaceae (see Burkill, The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa, ed, 2, Vol. Hi, Adeola. Burkill lists other names for Sierra Leone, Liberia and Ghana, and for Nigeria he gives igi-nla (Yoruba) and akoelisi, akuobisi and okoubisi (all Edo). Burkill writes, A tree with such remarkable properties is free from danger of felling; no one would dare to cut it, nor even touch it It is considered so malign that the Liberian Government at one time forbad possession or sale of the bark Medicine-men devised means to propitiate the spirit of the tree with suitable gifts to enable them to remove bark without risk of fateful penalty A pieces of bark placed in a house is held to drive out spirits and robbers and in this modern age a pieces of bark carried on ones person is protection against car accident. At this time, there is limited information regarding known interactions with different medications because of limited human research. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. what are the Yoruba name for Increases immunity, its a natural source of K vitamin, it helps in pancreatic cancer. So educative. and the yoruba name for mistletoe Azadirachta indica, commonly known as neem, nimtree or Indian lilac, is a tree in the mahogany family Meliaceae.It is one of two species in the genus Azadirachta, and is native to the Indian subcontinent.It is typically grown in tropical and semi-tropical regions. Kennedy also sowed some in the nearby forest, which Hardie suggests are the trees he observed in the 1960s. * Neem Leaf has been used in . The Yoruba believe that sickness is a whim or punishment of a specific god or ancestor, who must be identified and placated, or else is caused by witchcraft for which the appropriate countercharm must be employed. Spirituality of Nature scares a lot of people and is termed IDOLATORY.. by religion, whilst a lot of the religious leaders uses BOTANICS / herbs and Medicine. Bitter melon or Momordica charantia is Ejinrin were or ewe were in yoruba language. I also thank you for your interest and for the feedback! Thanks, what is the name for Lavender flower and how can I get it. In treating diseases caused by angry gods, sacrifices may be made to the god in question, but special care must be taken not to make other gods jealous in the process. Somebody who knows all these should make a website only about yoruba medicine, it would be a success. to 1648 B.C. Neem trees are attractive broad-leaved evergreens that can grow up to 30 m tall and 2.5 m in girth. Handpicked from Organic Garden. WOW Skin Science Anti Acne Face Serum - Natural Neem Leaf Oil, Tea Tree Oil, Caviar Lime Fruit Extract - Spot Therapy - No Parabens, Silicones & Fragrance - 30 mL Glass Bottle. You can find it now in markets there and what can I say its that yoruba people call it Celerimikunola igbo people call it Celerynkechi and hausa people call it Celeryharam. Clarified hydrophobic neem oil, is an oil, and as such it does coat insects and can suffocate certain types of insects, including adults. If you want to treat annovulation, you should consider to eat a nourishing diet, rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, Pls I will appreciate if u cn tell me, Keep up with your good work. i wish to thank the author for this very significant contribution. Most churches in Yorubaland only glorify foreign culture and tradition by conducting their services in English language! But it is important to note the side effects of neem that come with its excessive consumption. Antidesma vogeliana I have learned so much from this site pls am a natural skin care expert and iIneed yoruba name for for licorice extract, thank sooooo very much, Please what is the Yoruba name for licorice powder? Dongoyaro is Hausa and not Igbo, it means tall child,ASHWAGANDHA is of Indian origin. Sadhguru: Neem is a very unique tree and neem leaves are the most complex leaves on the planet.The neem tree has over 130 different biologically active compounds, and the neem leaf is one of the most complex leaves you can find on the planet. I am sorry for the question, but this is really amazing. Neem leaves can be used to heal diabetes. Neem leaf in Yorb Language: Dgyr#learn #yorubatisawa #yoruba #neem #leaf #NeemLeaf #neemtree #plant #herbs #herbal #DogoYaro #viral #naija Neem trees also grow on islands in southern Iran.Its fruits and seeds are the source of neem oil. Please whats marshmallow root in yoruba or igbo ? I dont know if its useful, but all I found is this: Maca is botanically called Lepidium meyenii belongs to the family Cruciferae. Thanks you. please ,what is the yoruba name for cowslip (primula officinalis). Please what is saw palmetto called in yoruba language? I am a practicing medical doctor, a philosopher, critical thinker, a globalist, a patriot, SEO expert and a patient blogger. Mint leaf in Yoruba - Ewe minti. Thank you. An Image of a blooming Neem tree. Well-done. Hello, Keji! The tree is also found in Cameroon, with another variety in Congo. How sick can you be? Pls, what is the English name or botanical name for ew iro oterin Hello, Esther. Herbs are plants with aromatic or savoury properties that are used for medicinal purposes, as food spices, and also for fragrances. Hello, my dear bee. Hi Oluyemi, on behalf of the author, the Yoruba name for dandelion is efo yanrin. A very nice job. It is called Dongoyaro in Yoruba. | by NgEX. The leaf is also the part of the neem plant that Western medicine knows the most about. Your efforts is highly commended, kudos. d. Saffron (a spice), So grateful for the wonderful opportunity, pls what is :slippery elm in yoruba and yoruba and English name for Oregano plant, Hi please can you tell me in Yoruba the name for houseleek leaves. This page is very very nice. Thanks. Ginseng pls what is the English name of this(JEBO and AIDAN), Pls what is d Yoruba name for cylon cinnamon I seriously need it. I will appreciates to reconnect back to my forefather herbals account through identification post pics to help other. 6.Saffron It is also commonly called Peruvian ginseng, maka, mace, maca-maca, maino, ayak chichira, ayuk willku, pepper weed. ahh! thanks for quick response. Valerian, Pls what is the Yoruba names of this things listed below In very general terms, neem is known to have an affinity for the reproductive system, the GI tract, the urinary tract, the respiratory system, and the circulatory system. The yoruba name of the dandelion leaf can be r eku! VerbenaVerbena officinalisVerbenaEwe Orukan, Yemaya. Well, I was at a scientific meeting at one of the parastatals of the Federal Ministry of Science and Technology, Abuja with an Italian and some others in March 2006. It is also a strong anti-inflammatory agent. Can you give a combination of Nigerian herbs that can be used in a herbal oil infusion to achieve glowing skin complexion and excellent skin tone. Allium sativum -Garlic - Ayu in yoruba. Thank you very much. God bless ur effort and be well. golden seal, Hi! It seems that Ewe Efinrin, in latin Achyranthes aspera (Amaranthaceae) is known as chaff-flower, prickly chaff flower, devils horsewhip or Apamarga. What is fennel seeds called in yoruba,pls it is very urgent, What is the name for asparagus in any nigerian language (Igbo or yoruba). Pls. What is Yoruba name for WORMWOOD and its uses ? Thanks. Yoruba names for herbs, fertility herbs, Plants & Spices. Lavander in yoruba is oruko ewko kan. Calendula officinalis pot marigold is Ododo-Maria in yoruba. You ll be amazed at how many people are waiting for your reply on that. Hello, Omolara. Thank you!! Uziza is commonly mixed with the neem tree (Dongoyaro in Yoruba . Sandalwood is igi ijokun in yoruba. First off, I would like to take this opportunity to thank yo immensely, Ms. Jorjette C. May our Yoruba ancestors also thank and guide you. Skin health: Neem is rich in fatty acids, including oleic, stearic, palmitic, and linoleic acids. Bitter melon is used for stomach and intestinal disorders including gastrointestinal upset, ulcers, colitis, constipation, and intestinal worms. Studies suggest that neem has blood sugar lowering effects. What is ewe ori oterin? Neem is likely native to the Indian subcontinent and to dry areas throughout South Asia. Lawsonia inermis henna, cypress shrub, egyptian privet, alkanna laali in yoruba, uhie inine in Igbo. As one of our visitor says, dandelion in yoruba is efo yanrin(tone sound is m r: yan rin) or efo awon agba or ewe isenbaye. The Babylonian doctors operated within a culture that believed in fearsome gods who, History Egyptian medicine developed from 3200 B.C. I love gardening, animals, birds, all kind of beings. Pls post yours. Thanks. Tawa tawa is ewe ori oterin in yoruba, botanical name is Euphorbia hirta, common names: Asthma Weed, Dove milk, Common spurge, Cats hair. Pls keep it up, its so educative. You should encourage folks to do better not just criticize without a reasonable contribution. The yoruba name for lemon is san ww and for orange is orombo. Say something and translate it into Hausa, Igbo, Pidgin or Yoruba. Yoruba - Ejirin. First of all, premature ejaculation is a psychological problem and you should start from this point. Please i need a trutful answer. Pls its so urgent. Thanks, Pls, kindly help with d name of parsley in yoruba Tanx n God bless. Herbal medicine is still a popular practice in this modern age. Dandelion is foreign we dont have it in Nigeria but the closest we have is wild lettuce. Source: An Ethnobotanical Survey of Herbal Markets and Medicinal Plants in Lagos State of Nigeria (PDF)of yoruba names for herbs and plants. Your Message*i must tell this is mind blowing pls what the saffron strands, Your Message*pls what is the cure for dis. Please, what is the Yoruba name for Black seed & Licorice root? It is used as a vegetable in India and other Asian countries and as an ingredient in some kinds of curries. English - Scent Leaves. You mean Ceylon Tree Nymph (Idea Iasonia)? It is an eyesore if Carr is not taken, so shall it be! To treat the inside infection you can try to use garlic. I dont think saw palmetto is indigenous to Nigeria. However, I think that okoubisi is probably a misprint for okuobisi since the source for this name is given as Hardie (see below). Please whats the Yoruba name for birch leaf, dandelion leaf(plant) and golden rod leaf (plant)?. Generally, at temperature below 4C leaf shedding and death may occur. SOME PEAOPLE SAYS YORUBA NAME FOR PARSLEY LEAVE IS EWE SEPELEBA, IS IT TRUE? What are the Yoruba names for the following herbs and plants below: What is fennel seed called in yoruba language. My name is Dapo. Yoruba - Efirin. Thanks as I awaits your reply soon. my name is kolawole, please I want to know the English name for Ebolo vegetable. 3. Please what is the native or Yoruba name of dandelion and soursop. Relevant information might include strained relations with family or neighbors who might have deliberately or unwittingly put a curse on the patient. Thanks, pls what is :slippery elm in yoruba and yoruba and English name for Oregano, Jorjette, thanks for teaching us what we supposed to have known. Yoruba - Osan wewe. Neem leaf capsules are popular because they are convenient, and because you avoid the very bitter taste of the leaves. Yoruba name for periwinkle flower please. Thanks. . The leaves of the tree are beneficial in vision disorders, skin ulcers, leprosy, intestinal worms, stomach upset, skin wounds, bloody nose, loss of appetite, heart ailments, blood vessel impairments, head lice, fever, gingivitis, liver ailments, and diabetes. This is the latin name, I dont know the English one. Please here is my email nd I will appreciate if you can help me out with it. 3. Please what is Yoruba name for witch hazel? It also lowers the cholesterol levels. Pls what is Yoruba name for Embelia fine, known as false black pepper? I try to live a healthy natural lifestyle and to stay connected with Mother Nature. Please, what is the native name for tea tree in Yoruba? Lavander in yoruba is oruko ewko kan. please what is the name of Lavender oil in Yoruba It is rich in minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron and folic acid which makes it highly nutritious. It also helps ageing skin, any kind of skin irritation and itching. For great hair: Take some neem oil and rub it into the scalp, leave it in for a while and wash. Neem oil can strengthen your hair, prevent hair fall and treat dandruff. I am loaded with inexpressible gratitude! Sir, We appreciate your work. The monarch made the claim in a video shared on his social media page, where he detailed how several natural herbs like onions, African pepper and neem tree among others can be used to treat COVID-19. I apreciate you beyond words boundary. For example, the woman already told you the meaning of cinnamon and many others, but its so annoying that most of you kept asking the same questions! Where can we get it ? Pls, what is the Yoruba name for green tea? please what is the yoruba name for cinnamon. How can annovulation (absence of ovulation ) be treated naturally? dont know how your work has helped me.may God continue to bless u. please ma, if you could assist with d Yoruba names of:Arrow root In my native tongue" Yoruba" it is called w dongoyaro. The bark, leaves, and seeds are used to make medicine. pls I need vitex serious and some oda details.08026822539.ur assistance is very necessary. I think that are some natural ways to cure herpes. "The fourth one is Ewe Ewuro in Yoruba popularly known as Bitter Leavespound it and take the powder with warm water once a day. this is a wonderful research work. Neem leaves are used in baths, decocted into teas, and dried and ground to help reduce fevers, boost immunity, and reduce symptoms of malaria and dengue fever. Its Hausa name is kwandari. Ase! Yoruba name for cinnamon - Oloorun. And Ewe onigelegele, Wow it useful but I also need white Willow tree in yoruba. Jegende The yoruba name for licorice is ewe omisinmisin. Hope it helps. The neem tree has been used in India for . In 1930, Kennedy obtained seed of the tree which he sowed in the nursery. Kindly give me the Yoruba name for COMFREY. Depending on your browser you will need to Yoruba Then do you know yoruba name for HOUSELEEK LEAVES? Below are some of the popular Yoruba herbs, their English names, and uses. Please whats the English name for itoowoh that looks like melon, Hello ,,well done for good work ,l read everything and very very useful,, pls what is the name for gravel root also called Pye weed ,,thank, Shola by name and I urgently seek for the cure of cyst for the control of my health. No fillers, binders or common allergens. Sweet potato oduku, anamo, edumsi, kukundunkun, Colocasia esculenta taro, dasheen ikoko, kok, isu koko, koko, koko funfun, Cyper esculentus chufa, rushnut, earth almond ofio, ofio omu, imumu ofio omu, erunsha, Dioscorea alata water yam, common yam ewura duduku, kiamfa, arunfanfan, atti, egbodo. Irodin A, an active ingredient in the leaves, is toxic to resistant strains of malaria; 100 percent of the malaria gamete are dead within seventy-two hours with a 1 to 20,000 ratio of active ingredients. Toggle navigation. Acacia ataxacantha Ihun, Ewon adele Ugu is a leafy vegetable which is used in Nigeria for both culinary and medicinal purposes. Thanks for a good work thus far. At the end of this process, the pattern left in the sand tray corresponds to one of the 256 verses of the Odu, which the balabwo interprets for the patient.
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