Perhaps, you found yourself cleaning fireworks debris every time or you persistently complain about neighbors shooting fireworks over my house.. Your neighbor might even see you as somebody who likes to be in other peoples business. All rights reserved. However, if there is actual damage done, you need to call your neighbors attention. Fireworks debris, if not properly cleaned up, can be washed into storm drains that lead to streams, rivers and lakes. Be prepared to have the reputation of being the killjoy or party pooper. Your complaints could fall on deaf ears and your neighbor might continue burning their trash anyway. In 2019, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) reported that there were 12 fireworks-related deaths. Fireworks are really dangerous. In addition, you will also risk straining the relationship you have with neighbors since you will then be considered a fireworks snitch. And . Pieces of plastic, paper, and cardboard that are not properly disposed of, can . by XtremeSki2001 Sat Jul 05, 2014 8:59 am, Post Debris from others' fireworks all over my lawn, upsets people with PTSD, autism, and other special conditions My horses are traumatized for days and jumpy. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. In many municipalities, the city will notify you if they need to prune or remove a potentially hazardous tree, and depending on where you live, they may do the work free of charge. In this case, just document the instances in which you witnessed the fireworks lighting. Related:Don't Make These 8 Mistakes in Your Front Yard. But whats worse is having a neighbor who burns his trash. Some rural communities allow residents to have a burn barrel in which they can burn nonhazardous household trash, while other communities may restrict burning to a fire pit. by Mudpuppy Sun Jul 06, 2014 4:07 pm, Post So far, I've just picked up the debris when mowing the lawn. Most communities have leash laws that require you to keep your dog on a leash when outdoors, unless its in a securely fenced area. You may also be required to submit a plan detailing how you intend to have the yard maintained. He refuses . Burning trash is considered illegal in most states. Copyright @2023 I'm in a restricted area according to the maps, yet people ignore the restrictions. Post Maintain plenty of distance between the site where you light the fireworks and spectators and buildings. Potentially being shot by an overeager police force responding to your 911 call. Snow shoveling is hard work. Prolonged exposure to smoke from burning trash may cause nausea, headaches and rashes. Letting the HOA handle it can eliminate any uncomfortable confrontations with your neighbor. Problem solved. Newsroom tweets. Well also cover the effects of burning garbage, so you can share this information with people around you (especially those trash burning neighbors of yours). Check if theres real damage done. Get some fireworks and shoot them at his house. I know you think you understand what you thought I said but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant. You could hear it repelling off of the driveway and roof. This is considered to be illegal dumping and can carry heavy penalties. But the real question is, do the police care about complaints against people who set off fireworks? For example, if a home is going through foreclosure, the bank eventually assumes control and the owners will move out. Heck, even medium sized ones are fun. Learn more Another option is to gather up people in your community, who might be just as annoyed as you are with the trash burning problem of your neighbor. Because vacant homes can attract burglars and vandals, neighbors are understandably wary and may be quick to report. If you observe that they do this at around the same time, that should make the work easier for the authorities. 1. This is what people do on the fourth. by Harold Sat Jul 05, 2014 5:25 pm, Post I, too, would "let it pass"-----your neighbor generally sounds like a "good guy"-----and maintaining an effective relationship with him/them is in the long-run in your best interests. If the home is being used as a rental, search records through the county assessor's office to identify the owner and contact them directly if possible. The emergency hotline should be kept clear for dire situations, such as when a fire broke out as a result of the explosion, or someone got seriously hurt because of it. If youre not unsure when to report, consider the following scenarios: When the right criteria for illegal fireworks reporting have been met, its time to report them to the authorities. But if youre unsure what to do, this can become a stressful situation really quickly. Related:The 10 Best Sheds for Your Backyard. by investingdad Sat Jul 05, 2014 10:45 pm, Post KAHULUI Fear of loud booms, fireworks debris littering neighbors' yards and police response to fireworks calls were some of the frustrations residents aired Tuesday night at a town hall . If youre fed up with fireworks too close to your house, you would wish that there will be none of those loud sounds in your neighborhood ever. That being said, dioxins is not only introduced to our system by inhaling but also by eating meat from animals exposed to dioxin. Next year I'll speak to him a few days before the 4th to talk about the fireworks. How frustrating to wake up the next day to find your yard trashed. In this blog post, well discuss important topics such as suing a neighbor for fireworks, as well as how and when to report them to the police. File a complaint. Installinga simple retaining wall or raised bed could interfere with the natural drainage pattern in your yard and divert water in unexpected directions. If you wish to contact by phone, do remember that 911 is not the number to call, as mentioned. This document is a letter written to a neighbor who may be causing a nuisance to an individual or a neighborhood. We've been here for four Fourths of July and our house hasn't burned down yet. (How to Make Them Stop), Neighbor Hit My Parked Car (First Thing You Should Do), Neighbor Putting Trash in My Can All the Time, Neighbors Dog Digging Under My Fence (This Made It Stop), Neighbor Keeps Parking in My Spot (This Made Them Stop). You might also enjoy our post on How to Tell the Difference Between Fireworks and Gunshots. If you are friends and communicate with them on a daily basis, it may be prudent to simply sit down with them and have a friendly chat about the problem. If you don't know how to react when a neighbor damages your property, we will provide you with solutions. How to Stop Neighbors From Knocking on Your Door, How to Avoid Talking to Neighbors When You Dont Feel Like It, How to Find Out If My Neighbor Has a Building Permit, How to Stop Neighbors From Throwing Trash in Your Yard, stop their neighbors from setting off fireworks. It's not a ton of debris, but I can see the debris on my roof from the front of the house. by Jerrybaby Sun Jul 06, 2014 2:41 pm, Post If your property is damaged, a strong negligence argument can be made. You'll then be charged for the towing cost along with daily fees while your vehicle is impounded. If your pooch gets out and starts visiting other houses, one of your neighbors may call animal control, which will then pick up your dog and transport it to a holding facility. Call 311 if you are inside the County or 301-883-4748 if you are outside of the County, Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. except Federal and County holidays. Be an adult in the situation and tell your neighbors directly how burning trash is not good for the environment and health. Your neighbor might understand and be compassionate enough to put a stop to the fireworks lighting. Instead, you should first obtain your neighbor's consent before entering their property. There's always that one neighbor who does their own thing, and occasionally that includes leaving their yard a huge mess. If this results in water pooling in a neighbors yard, you may have to answer to the local building authorities. In a lot of cities, leaf blower users are not allowed to blow leaves into the public right of way. "I was very disappointed," Gibbs said. You might need to make repeated calls before an action will be done. How about an 11a-11p timeframe for fireworks (or 10a-10p)? Remember, if you are planning on burning outdoors other than a standard recreational fire, contact your local fire district before you burn, as you may need to obtain a burn permit. If broken limbs or dead trees present a danger of falling and injuring pedestrians or damaging cars, theres a good chance a neighbor will report the tree. You could have the upper hand if other neighbors agree with you and are on the same side as you. Homeowners are touchy about their property lines, so if you build a fence that extends even a few inches onto your neighbors property, you may be forced to remove it. At the time I had a wood shingled roof. (How to Make Them Stop)Continue, Walking out to your car in the morning to find it scratched up and dented is not a great, Read More Neighbor Hit My Parked Car (First Thing You Should Do)Continue, Having your trash can filled up by your neighbor can be annoying. wtf kinda fireworks be leavin debris all over da place? If youre one of those people who have PTSD or sensory issues, or you have a pet that is easily spooked by loud sounds or you simply just want peace and quiet during late hours, you would want to do something. According to the American Pyrotechnics Association, revenue from firework sales in the U.S. reached $1 billion in 2019, up from $333 million in 1999.. Firework Dangers. You can get their attention by saying that your neighbor is putting the building at risk with his fireworks display, especially if they do it over your house. My neighbor has an enormous tree whose leaves have been dumping in my yard. These things can break your mower, your dog could suffer from ingesting, etc. For a water or sewer emergency, dial (405) 297-3334. Graffiti. If there isnt, move on. You can definitely sue your neighbors for fireworks, whether or not you will win a case is a different story. For one, burning garbage such as plastic and treated or painted wood releases toxic fumes into the air. Because the dumping of garbage, household appliances, abandoned automobiles, construction and demolition debris, hazardous materials, and other waste endangers public health, states have enacted a variety of laws designed to address the problem. You can then take it up to your local council so they can come up with a solution that benefits everyone. The thing with etiquette is that it generally requires both/all parties are interested in having good prosocial behavior. If it's bottle rockets and the like, they could have set your roof on fire. If your neighbor does not clean up after his/ her pet waste, contact Environmental Health Dept. The latter option would likely involve lawyers and that wouldnt sound appealing to your neighbor. My neighbor has an enormous tree whose leaves have been dumping in my yard. Keep your pets in mind: Protect your furry friend's emotional and physical health by . If you live in a state where burning trash is illegal, try talking with your neighbor about their actions. You may think that they are just fumes that can be dispersed in the wind, but the chemicals that are in it can be deposited into the soil, which can be absorbed by your plants. A jury has found a San Diego County man guilty of first-degree murder and assault with a deadly weapon in the death of his neighbor over a tree-trimming feud last . Your neighbor could be dealing with a health issue that makes keeping up the yard difficult, for example. We're they blowing shite up Tuesday at 1am or did they stop at a reasonable time? - Alan Greenspan, We had multiple fireworks shows in our rural neighborhood last night. If your property is damaged when a neighbor sets off fireworks, even if illuminating the night sky is legal in your state, you can still sue. It is a violation in the City of Mesa to feed pigeons and doves on private or public property. For neighborhoods without an HOA or if your HOA doesn't handle the situation, you can also file a complaint with your city or county. by theduke Sat Jul 05, 2014 10:00 am, Post by Taylor Larimore Sat Jul 05, 2014 7:09 am, Post Fireworks remain potential sources of fire, injury and pollution long after they light up the night sky. If you have the money to hire a handyman for every household woe, go ahead. Who knows? Even the smallest fireworks are a fire hazard. But, with great firepower comes potentially even greater legal liability. You may receive a warning, or you may receive a fine, but either way, youll have to clean it up. And if you have one such neighbor, it would be challenging for you. In that case, you can call the non-emergency local police department number to report illegal burning. No need to be all bitchy about it. The bad news is, you cant stop people from breaking the law or stop them from being inconsiderate and rude. Your neighbors are thoughtless and there is not much you can do to change that, other than talking to them -- and getting the police involved could make things worse. A good recommendation is Macks Ultrasoft Foam Earplugs as well as the extremely popular Bose QuietComfort 35 II Noise Cancelling Headphones. If the damages are not too extensive, a small claims action can be filed. If you do not have a flat surface on the lawn, place a wide piece of lumber across the grass. If I still played paintball, as I did in 1998, then I would have certainly found that fuker and yes I promise I would have had a hell of a time, what? In some municipalities, you can call to have your house number painted (or repainted) on the curb. If you dont have a choice but to snitch, then you have to do what you have to do. Noise ordinances vary by community and usually involve a set curfewfor instance, 9 p.m.after which youre not supposed to make loud noises. by bottlecap Sun Jul 06, 2014 2:22 pm, Post A messy yard is likely a violation of the HOA guidelines. Talk to your neighbor as soon as possible. Worse than that, these fireworks may also hurt other innocent people who happen to be nearby. Check out a few options: Talk to your neighbor. So ask them nicely to clean it up? You can also have a few neighbors go together to ease the discomfort, but be careful not to make the person feel like the entire neighborhood is attacking them. Seven of these were due to the misuse of fireworks and two of them were a result device malfunction such as when the firecracker ignited late. Sounds like a reasonable neighbor. Frankly I don't want them in my yard to clean the fireworks up and we don't have a relationship where that conversation would be comfortable. For some people, the health effects may not be observed immediately but overtime, the prolonged exposure to smoke can take a toll on the body. Which would be more appropriate for dealing with debris in your yard from your trashy neighbors fireworks, get the blower out at 6:30 am and blow it all in their yard or tell them to come clean it up themselves? While youre free to go on vacation without worry, if you move out of your house and no ones living in it, you may be in violation of your communitys vacant property ordinance. If youre concerned about fireworks being set off in your neighborhood, potentially causing damage to your property and others nearby, you may feel the need to do something about it. Even with the availability of recycling centers, there are still people who are least concerned about the effects of burning garbage. Related:11 Living Fences That Look Better Than Chain Link. Sue your neighbor in a small claims court. By creating an account you agree to the Hunker, How to Find Out Who Owns a Property for Free. Think Safe reminds citizens to use City-approved fireworks only. Many communities have tree ordinances that regulate where trees can be planted and how they must be maintained. by JonnyDVM Sat Jul 05, 2014 10:55 pm, Post You would want to know how to stop fireworks in your neighborhood altogether. A dog can suffer burns inside its mouth if it tried eating a firework that was hot or still lit. If you're concerned about fireworks being set off in your neighborhood . So I went out and sprinkled a bunch of brown eyed susan seeds, shasta daisy seeds and rose campion seeds on top of his debris pile. You may also call the local health department or the fire department if your neighbors trash burning is happening more frequently, which is already considered a nuisance or a serious risk to your health and your property. What Do I Do Now? But remember, this option can use up your time and money, so assess if its worth it. Calming music, or white noise like fans or television but not too loud can be used to provide comfortable, familiar sounds . He picked up a large pile of trash off his property. Some fireworks will still be burning as they fall, which could lead to potential, costly damage to your roof. If any type of burning is permitted, keep in mind that during hot, dry weather, a burn ban may be issued, which means you cannot burn anything outdoors until the ban is lifted. Related:7 Snow Shoveling Lessons No One Ever Taught You. What kind of shite were they popping to leave "debris" in another person's yard? Neighbors abuse fireworks each year (legal here) and refuse to clean up afterwards. In addition, it can increase the risk of heart disease and worsen respiratory illnesses. Please include the address of the property in question and a brief description of the complaint or suspected violation. If there is no damage, I'll call it no harm no foul. Most communities consider inoperable vehicles to be neighborhood blights. That is until he starts leaving you little presents, Read More Neighbors Dog Digging Under My Fence (This Made It Stop)Continue.
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