It is possible to obtain both the Silver Gauntlets and the Mirror Shield without ever entering the Spirit Temple. In Majora's Mask, the Mirror Shield appears depicted as a decagonal shield with a picture of an unhappy or screaming face upon it. It simply breaks them. The first attempt, if you get over 1000 points will get you a heart piece. If the Triforce existed it would have to be one of the digits, because it covers EVERY exit or entrance. If you are trying to fool me, it is impossible. There's a tombstone with flowers around it in the first row of graves in Kakariko Graveyard. You will be able to find a total of 100 tokens in your adventures. The face can be seen on the Happy Mask Salesman's carrying bag, as it is also a mask. When one charges up magic, prepare to bounce the beam off your shield and onto the opposite sister. Defeat the two Lizalfos, climb onto the blue block and use your Mirror Shield to shine light onto the sun emblem. Acquistion:The great sword that will cost you a considerable amount of time to acquire. they replaced the design becuase of the islamic commuties rage for the moon and star symbol being placed everywhere in the game and having to do with gerudo "thieves" and ganondorf. Only wearable as an adult. In No Wrong Warp, it is possible to obtain every item early in the game via loading the debug/title screen file (, In All Dungeons, we can modify your Farore's Wind restore point to a very specific glitched value (. Please help improve this article in any way possible. Due to popular demand (2 people) I have also made a version using the original crescent moon symbol from Ocarina of Time 1.0, the texture also made by IssueLink. If you can improve this page, please edit it, or help by discussing possible changes on the talk page. It costs 20 Rupees an attempt and if you can shoot all the Rupees in the game, you're awarded with an upgrade. Entrance hall, 1F: Hit the rusty switch with your hammer. In the Kokiri Forest, there is a shop in the corner of town near the entrance to the Great Deku Tree's meadow. Use Invisible Mirror Shield: 8011A641 0031: Use Sword Case As Shield: 8011A641 0041 . I know what you mean about that symbol on the new one, but I just can't think of where I've seen it! Alongside the main model, I've included custom high definition Ocarina of Time item models for use with the model. You're done for now, but if you have some Magic Beans plant some next to the temple entrance before you warp back to the Temple of Time. This is also 20 rupees an attempt. in order to be more legible and/or presentable. Be the first one to, Ocarina Of Time SRM Age Change And Mirror Shield As Child, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help,, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). Mischievous Hero Turret room, west, 3F: Uh-oh, there are four laser-shooting Beamos here. Otherwise, the Mirror Shield acts the same except for the fact that it also destroys the projectiles spat at Link by Octoroks, Deku Scrubs, and Business Scrubs, instead of reflecting them. When you can first obtain this shield as Young Link, don't buy it right away, as a guard you must talk to later in the game will give you a discount off its regular price. The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time Codes. There's an invisible foe here. The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening Nintendo Player's Guide, Nintendo Official GuidebookThe Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Vol. Because of this, a shop in the Dark World will sell a replacement Mirror Shield if Link loses it in this version of the game. The game really does think we're adult, but the adult object files aren't properly properly loaded, so certain actions will crash the game (VC is better, but still be careful). Personally I like the new design better. When they're all gone, open the treasure chest that appears to receive some arrows. In Ocarina of Time. If you ever veer from it, the unrelenting wasteland will swallow you right up, sending you back to the beginning. While Link is wearing this, Like Likes might eat it if they attack him. [verification needed] It is simply able to block things that the Iron Shield cannot. They have been altered to look closer to the way they appeared in Ocarina of Time.-A custom made OoT Master Sword You'll meet up with Rauru, the Light Sage, who will grant you it. For The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on the Nintendo 64, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Early Mirror Shield". Change text to chinese slot 1: 810E4E94 00?? But you already need 40 rupees in the first game I wanted to do! There are four main slots: Tunic, Boots, Sword, and Shield. These magic gauntlets greatly increase Link's strength, necessary for shifting some objects and solving some puzzles. It Could be Verse! When worn underwater, they can be used to walk along the bottom of lakes and rivers. And you can discuss The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom here ! It may not display this or other websites correctly. Open it up to claim your first sword! Rectangular room, southwest, 3F: Fight another Iron Knuckle. It's the default wallet given to you when you start the game. It costs 20 Rupees an attempt and if you can shoot all the Rupees in the game, you're awarded with an upgrade. Try it. Stand in front of the small alcove you just opened and play the Song of Time. You will need 20 rupees a pop, but you only need to win it once. It was one the most highly anticipated games of its age, being listed by numerous websites and magazines among the greatest video games ever created. This magical shield can reflect light, some magical spells, and just deflect regular attacks like a regular shield (some attacks may not be deflected, like Octorok rocks). It is the best shield available. The Silver Scale allows Link to dive for up to six seconds. It turns out the specific value written depends on the angle of the bush whose draw pointer we modified (more precisely, the cosine of their angle). This code modifys where you go when you exit somewhere, such as the TOT or your house, or somewhere else. There's a Gold Skulltula in this room, but you need adult Link. While Link is wearing this, Like Likes might eat it if they attack him. Want to contribute to this wiki?Sign up for an account, and get started!Come join the Zelda Wiki community Discord server! You will be able to use the Hammer when you are a kid, but you will not see it. Defeat it to reveal a treasure chest with 50 rupees. It is the final shield that Link obtains in the game. It cannot be removed. It will go off, where you can plant a bomb to open a hole in the ground. See Nintendo fo America has been f'n things up with the Zelda series due to religous culture since LoZ. There's a whopping Huge Rupee (worth 200) in a chest. This is your standard bag for Young Link's Fairy Slingshot. Head towards the two trees on your right, destroy the cracked wall with a bomb, and enter. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Wiki Guide, The Spiritual Stones: Kokiri's Emerald / Goron's Ruby / Zora's Sapphire, Medallions: Light / Forest / Fire / Water / Shadow / Spiri, Xbox Game Pass Is Having its Best Stretch Ever, The Simpsons Hit and Run Designer Wants to See a Remake - IGN Daily Fix. It can store up to 200 rupees maximum. Enter the Spirit Temple, smash the three rocks, open the treasure chest for some bombchus and shoot the eye switch for a second treasure chest that contains a small key. Required for the Fire Temple, wandering about the Death Moutain Crater and for a portion of Ganondorf's castle. In The Minish Cap, the Mirror Shield can only be obtained after defeating Vaati in Dark Hyrule Castle. Inside, play Zelda's Lullaby standing on the Triforce symbol and the Great Fairy will grant you a spell: Naryu's Love. Ocarina of Time. Undeclared. Statue hall 3F: Equip your Fire Arrows and light the torches on the pillars located to the left, right, and straight ahead. - Added some missing icons for Majora's Mask. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Take it out of the pedestal in the Temple of Time, fast forward seven years to a darker world as an adult. In all N64 versions a crescent moon & star symbol is present on the mirror shield, dungeon blocks, floor switches, and Gerudo signs in the game. Robertson and starring Evart Overton, Agnes Ayres and Adele DeGarde. There are two main ways of doing this: Method 1 - Hover from the Bottom Hover Boots Last While Holding L & R Buttons, Infinite Time To Ride Epona At Lon Lon's Ranch, Items Equipped On C-Left Modifier Digits (Part 2), Golden Gauntlet + 2nd Bomb Bag (Holds 50) + 2nd Quiver (Holds 30) + Golden Scale, Text For Item Always Shown In Inventory Menu, Receive A Heart Container When You Press C or A Buttons, Equip An Item To More Than One C-Button, Double Defense Power (White Border Around Hearts), Fishing Rod Equipped to B-Button, Young Link Looks Like He Is Riding The Master Sword, Access Japanese Version of Zelda, Enter A Town To Make Time of Day- Night, Use Any Item Inside Houses (Not Under/In Water), Safety On (Nobody Or Thing Gets Hurt), Enemies Don't Come Out At Night On Hyrule Field, Walk Through Under Wall At Temple of Time, Infinite Time To Race The Running Man, Go Through Blockade Walls (Ice/gates), Go Through Most Blockade Walls and Ice Sheet In Zora's Domain, Link Always Holds His Shield With One Arm, Link Doesn't Like To Hold His Shield, Turn Longshot Into A Deku Nut Launcher/Nuts Don't Seem To Work, Link Rides Messed Up Horse Sideways, Kid Link With Invisible Steel Boots On, Kid Link With Invisible Hover Boots On, Hearts Fill Life More/To Maximum, Link Takes Off To The Sky Like A Rocket (Freezes), Swipe Stays on Screen Permanantly, IMPORTANT: A version 2.2 or higher Gameshark is. Exit the room and open the locked door. Go to the doorway opposite the statue and use Din's Fire on the frozen switch. Unlike the Hylian shield, which is customary to have a red Royal Crest and being mostly blue, the Mirror Shield is more one of a kind, somewhat. (Thanks Exodus for working out where the values come from. The Mirror Shield can also cause certain stone statues to break and reflect light along a large network of mirrors, as seen in the Earth Temple. =\ I don't see why that's such a big deal, I mean, it's just a video game. Once you have the Gerudo Token to roam around the fortress freely, go see the guard at the top of the tower above the gate. You must log in or register to reply here. The Mirror Shield can only be obtained in a Linked Game, via upgrading the Wooden Shield into the Iron Shield, and the Iron Shield into the Mirror Shield through both gameplay and use of a password. Exit the room through the now open door. The block will appear on the opposite side of the room. Drop down to the first floor, avoid the blades, and open the door. A small key is inside. Luckily, these bushes in lost woods have angle C000 which will cause them to write exactly the zero that we need. Watch both witches to see which one makes the first move, with the Mirror Shield at the ready. The post was edited 3 times, last by Maetora (Nov 28th 2008, 3:32am). Hit the switch and go through the doorway to collect the rest of the silver rupees in exchange for a small key. Statue hall, 2F: Make your way up the right stairway to go to the room with the sun idol on the ground. If you stand in one place for too long, you will begin to sink into the sand. This fire-red tunic protects Link from the intense heat of the volcanic interior of Death Mountain and Fire Temple. Just stand at the edge of the red tiles when you're doing this and you can't miss. )Deku shields are also available for purchase by Business Scrubs or shops around Hyrule. Enter a shop and you can sometimes go through the counter. Jump down and take out the nasty giant with your bow and arrow (or any other way you see fit). The Mirror Shield is extremely versatile. Jump in and grab the Hylian Shield from the chest for nothing. To activate the boots, simply walk off of a ledge. It's frequency of these actions will increase and decrease through proximity to the secret. Open the treasure chest to get 50 rupees. While Link guards with the Mirror Shield, any projectiles that hit it are converted into a beam that shoots back in the direction that Link is facing. Change text to chinese slot 2: If you want to see the younger Link from Ocarina of Time and more, click here. Ocarina of Time . The effect is that instead of the code writing to 801FAC84 (some random variable in the overlay), it writes to 8011AC84 (Link's current age). This heat resistant tunic allows you to remain in chambers with extreme temperature. You need the `moon jump' code in places, so you don't get stuck or fall. Don't change all the patterns just because there isn't C-buttons. This code has problems on Hyrule field when Link is a kid. I'm thinking about making a zelda rupeeless series. Statue hall 2F: Go to the southeast corner of the area. Playing the Song of Time makes an additional blue block appear. Treasure room, northwest, 3F: Fight the mummy and open the chest to get the boss key. These are the items you find during your journey that Link can equip. Stand at the very edge in front of the tomb stone and send a bombchu into the direction of the rock on the other side. The block above the switch will be gone again and the small block will make a return. Mirror Shield. It is completely free and you don't need to register. Link needs two hands to wield this sword, leaving him without a shield for defense, but the strength and length of the blade are worth it. Acquistion:Costs 200 rupees, and is stronger than the Master Sword. i still think it looks better than the new one, though. It is located in a treasure chest that can be reached after defeating an Iron Knuckle, a mini-boss of the dungeon. I remodeled and remade a lot of the mirror shield model. East chamber, 1F: Pull the tombstone and step on the switch. Very carefully work your way across the desert by following the flags, until you reach a small stone building, atop which is a plaque that hints at using the Lens of Truth. The main problem is finding the location of all the changed textures, there are actually a ton of textures in the game that use the new Gerudo logo (crystal switches, floor switches, a wall in the forest temple, mirror shield, blocks, Ganondorf's cape, several in the spirit temple, to name a few). In Link's Awakening, the Mirror Shield is located in Eagle's Tower. Hitting the target with the slingshot causes a point score to appear over to the left of the tree. Press L to make a cutscene. But before you can face the two evil witches, you'll have to deal with another armored knight. The post was edited 3 times, last by Maetora (Nov 28th 2008, 3:56am). The design is the same as the Mirror Shield from The Wind Waker. Need help? Gear room, 1F: Jump onto the spinning gears and fight the Stalfos. Paired off with the Master Sword, the Mirror Shield can be bought in the Pollux Shop, Rigel Shop or the Aldebaran Shop for 2200 Gold while playing the Weapon Master Mode. Like the other Shields, the Mirror Shield can be eaten by Like Likes. In the Gamecube version and onward, this symbol was replaced with the diamond-shaped Gerudo symbol that was used in Majora's Mask. There are no special effects, it's just what Link and Kokiri normally wear. It requires two hands to use but is worth it as it can take out a poe in one hit and regular ReDeads in two hits. This is Link's Mirror Shield from Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Follow it through the wasteland, avoiding the Leevers that emerge from the sand, until you reach the Desert Colossus. Superior in damage to the Kokiri Sword. Also available in the shop in Zora's Domain. Probably because some people find it offensive the cresent moon and the star resembles the Pakistani flag to avoid accusations of being 'racist', Nintendo just edited it. Desert Colossus, outside: Pop open the treasure chest for the Silver Gauntlets! Large room, east, 3F: Push the sun block on the left side of the room into the light to make glass platforms appear, then use the hookshot to get on top of the glass block in the middle of the room. Paired off with the Master Sword, the Mirror Shield can be bought in the Pollux Shop, Rigel Shop or the Aldebaran Shop for 2200 Gold while playing the Weapon Master Mode. While there is no sandstorm in sight, this place is crawling with Leevers. See individual listings for details. Unfortunately, this blade will shatter after eight hits, or if you strike a wall, but you can purchase another one from Medigoron if you break it. These are the three sacred Stones you will need to acquire as Young Link in order to gain access to the Temple of Time. Go past the Razor Trap and stand in the sunlight, then hold R to raise your shield. One is to stop the small Goron rolling around Goron City with a bomb when Link is an adult, and the other is to purchase it for 200 rupees from the Goron Shop. For The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D on the 3DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "mirror shield change?". You can increase your capacity by playing two mini-games, each increasing the capacity by 10 to a maximum of 50 arrows. During the first phase, Koume and Kotake, each with their distinct command of magic, fly around on their brooms. This map is known as , or "Sasa Test", in the Map Select menu. Open the locked door and go through. If you're low on health, let the brutish knight destroy the surrounding pillars for hidden hearts. more_vert. The true nature of the knight will be revealed and you can move on to the real boss next. A Goddess is a female ***, so it's pretty much the same thing, except for the gender. It cannot be stolen by Pikits, but in A Link to the Past & Four Swords, it can be still eaten by Like Like. It can be found in the House of Skulltulla in Kakariko Village after collecting 10 Golden Skulltulla tokens. The Mirror Shield is a recurring item in The Legend of Zelda series. It is found in the Spirit Temple on a ledge that can only be reached after defeating an Iron Knuckle on the Adult Link portion of the temple. It is also used in the battle against Jalhalla. If its eaten permanently by a Like Like, another one can be purchased in the Zora Shop. In this game, it is used to reflect light on to sun symbols and walls to solve various light puzzles. 2. playlist_add. ocarina of time how to get into gerudo valley as a kid ocarina of time how to get into gerudo valley as a kid It decreases the damage taken from battles with Darkness as a recommended element. Fortunately, it's automatically on you. On the other side run down the passge on the left and then straight forward to reach a treasure chest sitting on a stump. Young Link cannot efficiently use this shield because of his size, so he will instead use it like a turtle's shell on his back. The Hero of Time was struck directly in the chest; he didn't even have time to cry out in anger or pain. This was removed from later versions of the game by Nintendo because of the religious association. Go through the door. Like Likes despise the shield because its mirrory surface is so bright. The Biggoron Sword can only be obtained through completion of the item trading quest. A Link to the PastAncient Stone TabletsLink's AwakeningOcarina of TimeMajora's MaskThe Wind WakerOracle of SeasonsOracle of AgesThe Minish CapCadence of Hyrule. Please note : This code does use GSCCC's Codemaster's moon jump code. Although The Legend of Zelda series remains as one of the most critically acclaimed gaming series, there have been some instances when a game, in one or another way, motivated scandals in media, as well as within the Zelda fanbase. These are proof of destroying Gold Skulltulas. After having a dream about Princess Zelda being attacked in front of the Castle Town, the fairy Navi and the Great Deku Tree send him on a quest to find Zelda and stop a great evil, on which he would earn the title of "Hero of Time.". Unlike the Hylian Shield, the Mirror Shield has a polished surface, allowing it to reflect light. This is the strongest sword you will get and like the knife will take you two hands to wield. Widely regarded as possibly the best video game of all time, Ocarina of Time was the first foray into the 3D Zelda adventures. Unfortunately, it will break after a about five hits on anything. During the boss fight with Twinrova, the Mirror Shield is used in two ways. I personally liked the design of th AlttP one the best, oh and that symbol on the redesgined OoT Mirror Shiled is the Gerudo symbol. Get a Third Key. So I got new pictures and edited my main post. After defeating Vaati, Link can find Biggoron at the peak of Veil Falls and let him eat his Small Shield. Lastly, it proves invaluable in the final battle, during which Link uses it to reflect Princess Zelda's Light Arrows onto Ganondorf when he begins to dodge them, giving Link an opportunity to land the finishing blow. Don't use gameplay menu, it will freeze the game. The Mirror Shield can only be found in Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages if the player is playing a Linked Game. The second design, it just seems weird because it's really nothing at all. 8011A60E 0001. Reply . Only one of each kind can be equipped at a time. Unlike the other test maps, Room 117 has four different setups, corresponding to Child (Day), Child (Night), Adult (Day), and Adult (Night). Locate Nabooru and reply to her with Nothing and other options of this nature. Privacy Policy. . Meh, this has been on my list of things to do. These upgrades can be performed in either order. 5 out of 5 stars (29) $ 175.00. Despite its light-reflecting properties, the Mirror Shield cannot deflect the projectiles Octoroks or Deku Scrubs spit at Link. In Oracle of Ages, the Mirror Shield appears as the third and final Wooden Shield upgrade. - To equip adult equipment and items as child, pause the game, equip it, unpause, and walk into a loading zone. Its the same scenerio with this mirror shield as onilink stated. [citation needed]. Even if the shield is lost, another one can be purchased from several different shops.
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