(ii) An addendum is completed and documented in KIDS Resource Contacts to reflect the household changes. Family accused of exceeding apartment occupancy limit. A Paternity case that includes a custody order will often include a child support order too. (C) The current or most recent employer of the other adult in the home is contacted by letter, phone, or in person using Form 04AF011E, Resource Family Reference Letter for an Employer. Oklahoma City, Ok73105 (A) An applicant or parent is responsible for ensuring the safety of a child in OKDHS custody who comes within close proximity to: (ii) an individual in possession of a firearm or other weapon. The resource specialist or RFA contractor uses Form 13HI003E, Authorization to Disclose Medical Records, to obtain permission from the applicant to receive his or her behavioral health information. E. Except as otherwise provided by the Oklahoma Child Supervised Visitation Program, court-ordered supervised visitation shall be governed by the Oklahoma Child Supervised Visitation Program. For Additional Assistance in locating Child Care, contact:Oklahoma Child Care Resource and Referral. Kitchens and other non-habitable rooms cannot be used as a bedroom. 4. Also, if you have any doubt that you are the father, you should not sign the affidavit. or abandonment Oklahoma Child Care Services P.O. (J) An infant is immediately moved to a crib, port-a-crib, or playpen when he or she falls asleep in other equipment. The amount of time required in the notice depends on the type of tenancy. What does it mean when they say the child abuse was unsubstantiated? Then, an intake worker will search for previous child welfare history and recommend the priority level for your referral. (B) When applicable, all adult children are contacted by letter, phone, or in person to complete Form 04AF015E, Resource Family Reference Letter for Adult Children. 7 An Indian child in OKDHS custody is placed in compliance with the placement preferences of the Indian Child Welfare Act, per Oklahoma Administrative Code (OAC) 340:75-19. Oklahoma Human Services (v) When both resource parents want to continue to foster, the primary resource parent maintains the original KIDS resource number and another resource is opened cross-referencing the original resource number. The immediate danger was denied but the judge granted a hearing for the modification motion. : Child Abuse and Neglect What Constitutes Abuse. (d) Number of children in the home. While abortion laws also are included in this section, it may also be considered a matter of health care law. What are the details? (iv) requests approval of the Family Assessment Line in KIDS. How to prove paternity depends on your situation. The resource specialist or RFA contractor uses Form 04AF002E, Guidelines for Resource Family Assessment, to obtain information regarding the family. 13. Only a trained resource specialist or an RFA contractor solicits and reviews information received from references the applicant provides regarding the applicant's parenting strategies and skills. The applicant and each adult household member complete and sign Forms 04AF001E, Resource Family Application, and 04AD003E, Request for Background Check to authorize OKDHS to conduct a search into the applicant's and adult household member's criminal history records and OKDHS records. (g) Household income. These services may be provided by OKDHS or other community resources. Appropriate measures may include, but are not limited to: (i) fencing. The Republican politician has . The resource specialist verifies the applicant's tribal membership or tribal affiliation by obtaining a copy of the tribal membership card and submitting Form 04TB001E, Resource Family Applicant(s) Letter to Verify Tribal Membership, to the tribe to identify valid placement resources for the Indian child pursuant to the Indian Child Welfare Acts, per Oklahoma Administrative Code (OAC)340:75-19. (B) When possible, the resource specialist makes face-to-face or phone contact with the applicant to clarify the reason for denying the application. If the father wishes to establish custody he can file a case in court to ask the court for custody rights. Children who have outgrown their rear-facing car seat move to a forward-facing seat with a harness. The family disaster plan includes: (A) a list of emergency phone numbers posted in an accessible and conspicuous place. In this situation, OKDHS is responsible for following up with a written affidavit within 23 hours. (A) The applicant's home provides a separate bed for each child, with the exception of siblings younger than 6 years of age who exhibit a need for mutual support. (vii) scans the documentation into the KIDS Pre-Resource or Resource DMS and closes the Pre-Resource or Resource. A lot of people make the mistake of thinking that older children do not need to use a car seat but that is not the case. The legislation is named after the child Clevenger and her husband Craig lost through miscarriage. (H) Infants birth through three months of age may be swaddled with an infant-sized, thin fabric, such as a receiving blanket. 2. 9. Oklahoma Custody and Visitation Schedule Guidelines The Oklahoma laws about custody and visitation are found in Title 43 of the Oklahoma Statutes. When the resource specialist or RFA contractor is completing the RFA, the information is written on Form 04AF003E, Resource Family Assessment. (D) When the other adult currently receives or received behavioral health services in the past 10 years, the behavioral health care professional is contacted using Form 04AF013E, Resource Family Assessment Reference Letter for Behavioral Health Professionals. (5) reviewed at each annual update or reassessment. In these cases, your name is submitted with other available families across the state and the childs worker selects the family he or she feels will best meet the childs needs. (B) proceeding for a protective order filed by or against the applicant or any household member. (4) The resource specialist emails a vendor update with a copy of the Social Security card to *STO.Finance.VUR for name changes. Grade school children should never be left to care for younger children. In most cases, this is one or both of the child's parents unless the court determines that one or both of the parents are unfit. When evaluating placement in a resource home, consideration is given to the number of children and: (1) each resource parent's capabilities and skills; (2) the number and ages of the resource parent's own children; (3) if the home can physically accommodate the children; (4) the known behavioral patterns of the resource parent's own children, the children in foster care currently residing in the home, and the prospective child; (5) the presence of additional adult caregivers in the home beyond the approved resource parents; and. These responsibilities include the education and necessary support of the child and exist whether or not the parents were ever married. When we discuss custody, there are two types of custody at issue: legal custody and physical custody. Current Oklahoma law already requires hospitals to keep a written policy that allows families to decide on the disposition of their child's remains. Q: What does it mean when they say the child abuse was unsubstantiated? What happens now? (3) Review of resource assessment forms. 2400 N Lincoln Boulevard (1) Initial visit. (F) Soft sleeping surfaces, such as soft mattresses, waterbeds, sofas, pillows, beanbag chairs, and inflatable mats are prohibited. When there are concerns about a younger adult in the home, references are requested. OKDHS must conduct a thorough criminal background check, home assessment and child welfare history check before moving the children out of the shelter and into someones home even if it is a relative. Three transgender students in Oklahoma sued the state on Tuesday over a new law requiring students at some schools to use restrooms and locker rooms that match the sex listed on their birth . It also means the CPS worker recommended prevention and intervention related services to the child and family. (A) Animals are in good health, do not show evidence of carrying disease, and do not present a threat to the health, safety, or welfare of children. Q: What does it mean when they say the child abuse was unsubstantiated? (vii) When neither resource parent wants to foster, the KIDS Resource is closed. Water safety. Information obtained from the references is confidential and can only be released upon order of a court with competent jurisdiction. (B) Any firearm or weapon in the home must be maintained, along with any ammunition, in a secure container, cabinet, or closet or otherwise be inaccessible at all times to children who are in the home. I called the hotline and reported all the information I have. (A) To reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), the infant younger than 12 months of age is placed on his or her back for sleeping, unless there is a medical reason documented by a health care professional that the infant must not sleep on his or her back. (3) To determine the safety issues for children, the resource specialist or RFA contractor contacts the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife or the veterinarian of record when the applicant has an exotic animal and documents the information in the KIDS resource. The Oklahoma Foster Care Independent Living Tuition Waiver provides tuition to any Oklahoma college or university for any youth who was in OKDHS custody for a nine-month period after 16 years of age. (E) A hot tub is equipped with a hard cover designed for a hot tub. Weapons security and safety must be addressed during any subsequent home reassessment. (D) The resource specialist denying the relative placement: (i) completes Form 04MP056E, Notice to the Court of Relative Denied Placement that includes clear documentation of the safety concerns and risks to a child; (ii) provides original Form 04MP056E to the requesting CW specialist who is responsible for submitting to the court of jurisdiction the assessment of the relative placement; and. Infant sleeping arrangements. The other adult must have the one personal reference in (1)(A) and the references (1)(B) through (E) of this ITS, when applicable. So, once again the court will look to the factors listed above to decide whether a change in custody would be in the childs best interests. (B) The definition of a water structure or water mass includes, but is not limited to: (C) Any activity that involves a child in OKDHS custody wading or swimming is supervised at all times. 11 Upon completion of the RFA, a decision regarding approval or denial is made after assessing the information gathered. (1) For kinship resource homes only, OKDHS may, at its discretion, grant a waiver of specific rules or standards that do not compromise a child's safety and does not violate federal or state statutes. (E) When the required references do not total three, the resource specialist obtains additional personal references; (2) does not deny the continuation of the resource application process based solely on information a reference provides. (2) Maximum number of children younger than 2 years of age allowed in a resource home. (K) When guarded reference information is received, the issues are fully explored with the applicant without revealing the source of the information; (2) obtains a copy of DD Form 214, Certificate of Release of Discharge from Active Duty, to determine the type of discharge, when the applicant was discharged from the armed forces. Under Oklahoma car seat laws, all children under the age of 8 years and who are shorter than 4'9" must be restrained in an appropriate child restraint. By Laurel Davidson Updated on February 4, 2023. (1) Maximum number of children allowed to reside in the resource home. The applicant grants OKDHS and RFA contractors permission to contact the applicant's references by signing Form 04AF001E, Resource Family Application. 2. The children range in age from birth to 18 years and are all races, cultures and religions. When the adult is self-employed, a reference is obtained from a customer. Marijuana is still illegal for recreational use . 12. 401 et seq. (C) The applicant agrees to transport all children and adults in compliance with applicable state law, per 47 O.S. (13) Disaster plans. (3) The CW specialist documents the exception request and request date in the child's case KIDS Contacts. They all need a safe, temporary place to live and tender loving care until they can return home or move to a permanent placement. Let us know what you think of our site or make requests for new content. Only judges and law enforcement have that authority. Children who are younger than four years of age must sit in a secure car seat with an internal four-or five-point harness, such as a forward-facing seat. (i) copies the KIDS Pre-Resource to a Resource for each approved resource home except when the child in OKDHS custody is in a kinship placement, per OAC 340:75-7-24; (ii) end dates the KIDS Pre-Resource after conversion to a KIDS Resource; (iii) scans the signed assessment and documentation into the KIDS Resource document management system (DMS); and. Approval to exceed these limits may be given to allow: (A) a parenting youth in foster care to remain with his or her child; (C) a child with an established meaningful relationship with the family to remain with the family; or. (K) Mobiles may be securely attached or hung above the crib provided no part of the mobile is within the infant's reach. Certain crimes are referred to as 85% crimes because people convicted of these offenses are required to serve no less than 85% of any . Oklahoma Statutes Title 10 7102, et seq.
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