He was here a few weeks ago, along with other pirates who save Dressrosa! " No one knows ab by: Kitsune Foxfire The look of whitebeard pirates were funny and interesing. "Who are you looking for? After Ace, Luffy and Sabo make it to safety, they find a place that accepts them regardless of who they are and where they came from. Things go differently from the original. However, a few days after leaving Dressrosa, they got another newspaper that stated a bigger issue than the last one. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Portgas D. Ace & Shirohige | Whitebeard | Edward Newgate. Chapter 1: The news after 2 years Things only get exponentially worse under the stress of their loss of precious freedom. And the bandits are helpless, Oh, did I One Piece and Avatar: The Last Airbender Crossover Are you going to stay on this island too? Zeff's Cook Pirates only traveled the Grand Line for a short period before meeting a devastating end in East Blue. WIP, What if Thatch had found the Yami Yami fruit two years earlier? No matter, they were of no interest to him. The designated newscoo seagull arrived and came to Marco to give him that day's newspaper. I'M NOT AS BAD AS LUFFY!" "There's some monster on that island that eats humans that visit. That's the most important thing to know: do NOT interact with him.". OI LUFFY!! The Straw Hats crew also including Whitebeard's pirates , Navy Marine (only smokey , Garp , Sengoku , Koby and Helmeppo) , Revolutionary Army , Red Hair Shank's pirates were all got teleported to a Mystery Cave in which they are all stuck there. The World Government jumps on this opportunity, eager to use it to their advantage. WIP ;Character who joins: Whitebeard pirates. and Im so sorry for the late update. He is strong enough to take down the top officers who are worth 800 million and a billion. English version of my book() As a little angel and 2 demons fallout of the sky watch as they grow up with a group of pirates that will eventually learn their secrets. Marco misses the time when all he had to worry about is Pops drinking too much. "Killing machine", eight year old Luffy kidnaps an emperors's son, only to be later welcomed onto that ship with his two brothers. The Whitebeards find this out and are so proud of their younger brother for causing chaos on the high seas. I am very sure that Luffy is stronger than you now~ and maybe he is not your cute little brother anymore that needs your protection said Thatch jokingly with tears in his eyes. Throughout the bickering, he has been talking to the whitebeard to discuss what step to be taken next in order to be able to catch up to the Strawhat group. "DAMN WHAT DID HE DO THIS TIME?! Ace and Marco wondered who Lucy was but the thought was immediately directed to the fact that Luffy was not on the island anymore. Either way, he exists. "Eh? Before ace could even answer his question, thatch interrupted the conversation by saying "Ohhh is that the infamous strawhats pirate? so I'm sorry for any grammar mistake since english is my second languange. According to the vermin in the trash dump, the kid usually hangs around the mountains. I know that this sucks but I hope you read this! Will they be able to admit their feelings "I like you." "Straw hat Luffy..? "What's wrong luffy?? The brothers stayed with the Whitebeards, Ace becoming the Second Division Commander. He yelled. Diff, Immortal & Overpowered! When something happens to the facility, after being ripped so far from each other, will they learn to love again? "Yeah, lets meet with this little imp" "THANK YOU OYAJI". WARN: Manga One Piece : Time Travel (to the past) Asked marco. Until a group of pirates appeared and freed them from their living nightmare. If I remember correctly, there is a small island called Carigby Island near our current position. said Nami while pointing the small dot on the map. This is a goofy little cannon divergence story about the Strawhat Pirates meeting the Whitebeard Pirates. The trio and crew alike do not know how to handle the situation but eventually they figure each other out and the brothers find somewhere they feel like they belong. Said haruta and thatch. It can also send you disasters like having Gol. One Piece: Ace's Rebirth fanfiction! Before they could say anything more, Ace ran to oyaji with full speed. She even catches a few guys' a [OMEGAVERSE AU] Perhaps his son wouldve been able to see Luffy grow into a fine young pirate. Marco, who was silent throughout the bickering between Thatch and Ace, actually thinks about what island that Strawhat will visit next. People like his so-called brothers, who had been rescued over the course of Crocodiles life. Before they could say anything more, Ace ran to oyaji with full speed. There had to be more to life than this. They hadn't updated in a while so i decided to 'take' a f Top Ace x bottom Zoro After a disaster worse than Sabaody, the crew are 'saved by Vegapunks experimental time machine. Secluded on an island with his two dragons he thinks he can stay forever alone. Thank you so much for 10k 22.11.2022 Lets hope the world keep standing when he has reached the end of all this fighting. I appreciate it said Nami while entering the kitchen area. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. He finally come to the new world heh?" But do they care? It's a really good picture and Marco isnt sure how they even managed to take it. But who would have guessed that, just a few years later, they would all start reuniting under the Straw Hats jolly roger? Others had it far, far worse than simply being the least favorite.. onepiece whitebeardpirates # 13 Phenix's Old Friend by Idiot 101 1K 20 3 This is a MarcoxMale reader if you don't like boyxboy, then bye bye. Everything should have been great. Everyone wants Ace back. ARE YOU SICK?! Wha..what??! What if Luffy wasn't given to Garp? No doubt he is ace's brother. Then hell leave. He blew on his fist to get ready for his own 'Fist of Love.' He striked Luffy hard on the head. Both of them are very reckless" "HEI! Please consider turning it on! SO DELICIOUS! Thank you for reading this! When Ace finds out Luffys been kidnapped, he sets out to retrieve Sabo so they can go after him, and a chance encounter at sea drastically alters their plans. In a whirlwind of emotions that suffocates her What's a lost and tired soul to do in a place like that? "Well. that's my little brother, luffy!! #07 Luffy Terry? There's not enough yandere one piece one shots so I made one. Kid Ace, Sabo, Luffy, AngelLuffy.Rated M for murder. the much-awaited part two to Lions Acceptance (An Emperors Protection)! Or, the one coffee shop au where Usopp pulls a prank, Sanji is unexpectedly (read: completely unexpected to him and only him) popular among the male population of their campus, and Zoro just wants to grab a coffee. Someone took Luffy. Hey Marco, set the next course to dressrosa!" Its incredibly disrespectful to even ask. Before ace could even answer his question, thatch interrupted the conversation by saying "Ohhh is that the infamous strawhats pirate? Not much is known about the crew, but it has to be assumed that Zeff was not the only one who could put together a mean plate. "Aren't you the doctor chopper?" But Kaku only has one choice for survival, and the irony of the situation isnt lost on him. Whoever had taken Luffy was going to wish that they had never even looked in the boy's direction. Los 3 almirantes, Sengoku y Grap parecen confiar mucho a Ace, fue esa la eleccin correcta? Nothing however could have prepared Ace for this. Will he be able to save the person he want to save? WIP. The Strawhats have reunited and just finished up their fight on Fishman Island against the New Fishman Pirates. But because of these loose, lax or generally frowned upon morals.He finds himself wrapped up in a delightful conversation with the first division commander of the White beard pirates. What happened at the end of the bonus chapter of I love you for a thousand years and morewhen Roger went to wake them up. The madness was going to come with or without them.). #010 Luffy One Piece is owned by Eiichiro Oda Going from one ship to another ship, travelling with a few great pirates. I hope you liked it enough to follow for more parts. Defeat Kaido. Luffy is there to cause chaos, like always. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Ace was dead. We have just finished our business with big mom and currently we are also sailing towards it. said Nami sternly. Pictures, Memes and Moreee~ That's My Little Bro!, an one piece fanfic | FanFiction A/N: This little oneshot was inspired by that one panel in the manga where Ace is showing Whitebeard Luffy's first Wanted Poster. Instead of being killed by Black Beard he ends up kidnapped, along with a certain flame users little brother. In summary, the Paramount War definitely didn't go as planned. ! For one thing, how on earth could Ace possibly feel good about himself leaving Foosha Village if his brother had been six-and-a-half instead of the canon fourteen? Im so glad we didnt have to eat another poisoned fish now. That is very true, chopper-san! //. He will not join us" "That's a really big ambition to have yoi. "GURARARARA what an interesting brother you have, ace", "Oyaji!! And the Whitebeard Pirates most definitely didn't expect for a new, powerful trump card to form from of a battered, beaten body. Pops, I am thinking that we should visit the island after Totto land. as the title have stated this is a story where whitebeard pirates meet strawhats! Everyone's jaw dropped at the sudden confession and contact. You give me your number. What are they doing here? RANDOM PIRATES Not one bit. Still distrustful of his new crew Ace is reluctant to ask for help. I dont know why he was in Linlin's area but I am pretty sure he is after Kaido said whitebeard. A newspaper gets slammed on the table beside his mug of coffee. I am not good at writting and english is my second langue. The results are not what they were expecting. Can Shouta be saved or is he going to forever be stuck in his husband's cage. Join them as they sail the seas free and wild under Whitebeards name! **:.:*'*:.. That is a really good idea, son. I also think so, pops. And will Luffy even last that long as he is? Crocodile just wants to live in peace, away from the trauma his father left him and safe from his ex chasing him down. WIP ; Character who joins:Almost everyone (Luffy is building armada ;D ). Five year old Luffy's whole family was just murdered in front of him for their wings. " Ace you look pale, are you okay?" There are many pirates who stayed in this city in the last few weeks, especially after the incident" "we are looking for straw hat Luffy, do you know him? 2 They all knew what happens when devil fruit users fall into the sea. " Ace you look pale, are you okay?" Then that's okay! So very bored, so what should they do? Then Luffy meets the Whitebeard Pirates and his little family of three grows. Ace immediately runs towards Marco and takes the newspaper with force. Then find out there was horrific torture on said "island". Everyone loves Ace. After all, That Bastard was the one who sent Ace to Impel Down. Crocodile had never been anyones priority, Boo hoo, right? "It's okay ace, we will meet them, we can have Moby at full speed to the next island. Mpreg. Cat Viper suggests going to the Whitebeards for reinforcements. The ASL brothers hadn't seen this coming, not at all. Shanks expression blanked, just as everyone elses twisted in shocked fury. Just a story of Luffy being Luffy, but as a girl .Wacky adventures and awkward situations abound.fem!Luffy. We can prepare a really nice place for you to stay 'oh..thank you yoi, that was a nice thought of you however we are not staying on this island considering Luffy was not here anymore. as the title have stated this is a story where whitebeard pirates meet strawhats! I'M NOT AS BAD AS LUFFY!" "Hmm..Gurarararara! With someone who want to make his deceased brother dream on seeing his little brother dream come true and two of their allies, they set sail to the next Islands in the New World. But everyday left you more unclear on what you continued to live for, survive for. And this is how the article concluded "THE FIFTH EMPEROR OF THE SEA EMERGES" made Luffys head snap up. UWAAAA! Garp and Whitebeard strike a deal and Luffy, Ace, and Sabo are sent to live with the Whitebeard Pirates for six months. Your thirst for adventure leads to beginning life as a pirate.But what adventures await a young woman at sea?Not affiliated or canon with One Piece, this work is fanmade.Minors dont interact, fic is 18+. What should they do? this is my first story and fanfic I ever written so please be patient with me and I hope to make a story you'll like to read. I was the oldest out of Ace, Sabo and Luffy. // Please note! OH NO SOMEBODY CALL A DOCTOR!!" In which, Luffy, Ace, and Sabo get handed over to Shanks, Zoro gets found my Mihawk, Koala chooses to stay with the Sun Pirates, Rosinante survives, Nami may or may run into the Sun Pirates, and Robin gets the family she deserves. A friend of our savior is also our friend! "Right.. thank you very much yoi, we definitely will come here later in the future" smiled Marco. P.s.s. Instead of whining like usual, Luffy just pulled his hat on harder, covering his whole head. "The world seemed to slow down as Luffy laid there, reaching for Aces vivre card. Our food supplies are almost finished and with our captains appetite, its not enough. Hi! The members of CP9 are sold into slavery for failing to defeat the Straw Hat pirates. Youre a fairy princess, never allowed to leave the dark guarded walls of your kingdom but when your parents strike a deal with a notorious Pirate Que [ Ongoing ] WIP, Ace of Spades, the most feared name across the ocean, he was the most feared and notorious assassin and informant there ever was. Luffy blinked comically, dumb not knowing what had just happened. "COOL!" "Ah..we are here to restock our supplies yoi" "and we are also looking for a certain pirates that you might know" said Marco and ace, respectively. The only thing left was a rugged world where you fought to survive another day without getting eaten by the dead or killed by the living. Luffy beginning his adventure on to becoming the Pirate King while he's an omega. Who wants the same old boring adventure? Situated thirty minutes after the events of Through the Door. The Dadan family was well known on the island. "NAMI-SWANNNN, CARROT-CHWANNN, I HAVE PREPARED YOU A SPECIAL DISH. "Eh? + The marines watch in horror as they knew the weakness of the devil fruit user. But one day, a duel took away his inherent freedom. He is the crybaby that I talked to you about!!" Work Search: 4: IM THE ONE WHO WILL PROTECT HIM! screamed Ace. I hope you enjoy this, and. Work Search: The ASL brothers are together again, and everything is great. Ace and Marco were the first to step-down from the ship and what they witnessed, shocked them. But things are lonely. I think back then, oyaji take an interest at him" said haruta. Some swearing and graphic scenes. - . Thank you.*. He's more than a man who will become the Pirate King. Lorsque Bluejam force Ace travailler pour lui, il utilise Luffy comme otage. "Hmm..Gurarararara! 2: And if they do, will the Spades in turn accept them? Rated M for a lot of violence (murder) and emotional trauma. Damn look at that rookie go. After Whitebeard's death, the Whitebeard Pirates were led by the first division commander, Marco, but they disbanded after losing to Blackbeard in a revenge war. .. What better way to deal with him? Image not mine. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled.
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