To fix this, you can tighten the water hose connection, and this should result in the leak stops. At Panda we value our clients. One of the solutions is getting a portable washing machine to have in your house. You will know that you have successfully eliminated the false OE error when it does not display again after this procedure. A local repair technician will know how to fix a dryer power cord safely. A lot of foam could easily form in the washing machine when a wrong detergent or too much of the right detergent is used. I drain function still works and spins perfectly fine. Over time, drive belts can wear down, crack, loosen, or break completely. If you have a Panda appliance whether it be a washer or dryer, we have replacement parts and some help guides to assist you. 30 Pieces Clothes Dryer Exhaust Filter,Universal Portable Dryer Lint Filter Replacement for Panda/ Chef/Sonya/Avant. If you open the door during the cycle, itll stop and display the Panda error e2. Appliance Repair | Learn How To Fix Your Appliances. Your email address will not be published. It's essentially a giant salad. Now, try to do a load of laundry. Copyright 2022 Techzillo Ltd. All rights reserved. SPONSORED. It might not be obvious to the homeowner which thermostat is malfunctioning, so its advisable for them to consult an appliance repair professional if they are unsure. Solved! if it doesn't run at all check the little white thermal fuse on the blower assembly, then check door switch if you open and close the door and can hear the door switch click its usually good then the heating element. There are a lot of spin dryers on the market, but I finally settled on a Panda Spin Dryer. Separate the clothing accordingly. Typically, the relay is damaged in these cases and will need to be replaced before the motor can receive the signal to operate again. Check the hoses to make sure theyre not leaking. 8) Turn dial back to soft/normal. Pros vs. Cons: Front Load Washers. Otherwise, a licensed professional can take a look at the belt and check for any other damaged parts at the same time. Power 2. The drain alarm means that the draining didnt finish even though its been attempting to drain for an extended period of time. Verified The main reason a washing machine won't drain is because of blockage in either the pump or the drain hose. When the motor switch goes out, the dryer wont start, continue running, or advance the time. It should latch close. When a washer leaks only during the spin cycle the likely cause is the drain hose. There is the little motor. The timer may be broken if the dial does not move after being set, the machine keeps running after time is up, or if the clothes are not as dry as usual after a cycle. 9) Fill tub in washer again with water (NO detergent, but keep your wet clothing in) 10) Place clothing from spin dryer back in washing tub with fresh water. $192.13. With a spin speed of 3200rpm this gravity drain spin dryer from Panda is designed to remove as much excess moisture as possible from your laundry, thereby reducing drying times and costs and helping to prolong the life of your laundered items by removing more harmful mineral deposits and detergents than your washing machine can alone. It made a noise while running, stopped, then started back. If the spin dryer moves in an irregular way or does not pick up spin speed, stop it. Plus when it began washing it makes very loud continuous clicking sounds, almost a grinding sound. How do I get the tube to loosen? $12.29. Dont hesitate to call a professional technician to deal with the issue. Can I order a replacement one? The thermal fuse is a helpful safety feature designed to prevent overheating. Large capacity, easy mobility and portable to carry around Perfect for Apartments, Dorms, RV, Boat, Travel. This will occur at the end of the rinse cycle most likely. The owner (s) should go to jail for selling something that doesnt work. var cid='9936577531';var pid='ca-pub-7886761311850564';var slotId='div-gpt-ad-removeandreplace_com-box-2-0';var ffid=2;var alS=2001%1000;var container=document.getElementById(slotId);'100%';var ins=document.createElement('ins');'-asloaded';ins.className='adsbygoogle ezasloaded';ins.dataset.adClient=pid;ins.dataset.adChannel=cid;if(ffid==2){ins.dataset.fullWidthResponsive='true';} Thanks. 110V outlet, plug anywhere you like. Do I need to return this and get a new one? I am in the U.S.A. If theres any tilt then the load will shift in the direction of the slope and the drum will be unbalanced. One indication that door switches have failed is a lack of the usual clicking sound that indicates a locked door. Some dryer models can still run with a damaged drive belt, though the heating efficiency may suffer. [sc name=homeimpsolutionspromo ]. A: Thank you for your interest in Panda Stainless Steel Portable Spin Dryer, please note that this spin dryer does not have the wrinkle reduction function. The "ultrafast portable spin-dryer" is the size of a garbage can, comes in white or stainless steel, fits one load of wet laundry, and plugs right into the wall. The drive motor is the mechanism that rotates the machines drum. 9. I received it in February 2016. I love my Panda washing machine (model XPB27).It has always worked great until last night.It will not agitate to wash as it has.Clothes will not even rotate.Feels like the timer knob is loose.But why would that be the cause of the agitation?I live in a apt building and to use the washers and dryers is very expensive.My panda washer has saved me so much money! This door hook is engaging the lock mechanism and this can become damaged. My Account Hello. Where can I find manual/operating instructions for PAN310DG. Deaire,If there is something stuck in the bottom of the PANDA washer, you will need to unplug it and take the side panel off.Check inside the Panda washer to see if there is anything obstructing the drain pump or drain lines.-RR, Mine is doing the same think it sounds like rocks when trying to drain and no water is coming out of the drain .did you ever get it figured out and do you know where I can order a new drain. If your portable washing machine wont drain, its likely down to the drain hose. (90 pages) Medical Equipment GE Revolution CT User Manual. Also, should I then replace the hole tube or re-glue? I bought it in April 2019. If the reading isnt close to zero, then you need to get it replaced. . DOOR LATCH. Thank you very much.Sara, We got a panda portable washing machine 6320w it not old at all it has e2 come on how do we fix it. I also find lint on the silver plate behind tub filter. Ive been searching for information on one online for hours and am not finding anything, just reviews. I had a repair man look at it and he feels it needs a new drain pump. I opened it up and saw that the buzzing noise was coming from the valley water inlet. 3. The dryer can shift out of level over time, causing it to rock slightly and squeak. All washers have a door catch or hook that keeps the top closed while the washer runs. Sometimes thermal fuses go out due to clogged dryer vents. Panda Instruction Manual Spin Dryer Model: PANSP21W Panda Products Toll Free: 1-866-371-2888 email: . My Panda washing machine makes a sound like it has rocks in the bottom when its draining.Is there a way I can take it apart and see if theres rocks in there or is there a repair service that you recommend?It does not drain correctly because of this. Now that you know what all the codes mean, you can know what you possibly need to replace or troubleshoot. Check the full page and you may find the exact Panda washer drain hose you need.-RR. Over time, the washer hose can be rattled a lot which can end up in it becoming loose therefore allowing more water in than it should. Spin drying is also faster it takes two to three minutes to get clothes . Roberta,If the motor is working, check all wiring to and from the motor and control panel.There is most likely a loose wire or possibly a bad control assembly.-RR. A qualified technician will know how to access it quickly and inspect it for damage or an electrical problem. I have a pan356HB that makes a buzzing noise and doesnt wash the clothes. One of the more serious problems for why a dryer wont start could be a faulty drive motor. This code signifies that theres a water hose issue. You might be surprised by all the trinkets that accumu $138.27 $184.99. If theres any kind of humming sound, which signifies the dryer is trying to start, the start switch is probably not the issue. 5. If you have an electric dryer, check the breaker box to make sure the breaker hasn't been thrown. In the case of clogs, unclog the drain hose to improve the water flow rate out of the washing machine. It MAY also mean there is a draining issue.Be sure the washer is able to drain, check drain hose for blockage.Check the door to be sure it is closed properly.The door may have a wiring issue so check the door switch.-RR. Some reports of leaks and difficulties reaching customer service. The Spruce / Sarah Lee. PANDA XPB27B just bought and leaking from the bottom! Then, tighten the connection to make sure that you have it connected. The motor has a thermal overload built into it, which means if the motor gets too hot, it will shut down, this will not have anything to do with heating, but the dryer will stop spinning. To check this, youll need to inspect the switch for corrosion. Please leave a question below and we will be happy to help. Inspect the hoses for any damage. For soiled clothing = rub area & pre-soak. In some cases, the drum will not turn at all. BTW love my machine!!! If youve found out that your washer is leaking due to a damaged hose, you can attempt to replace it yourself. If you want to check this, youll need to put a level (View on Amazon)on the top of the washing machine and arrange it so that you can read it. For example, if the power cord is visibly damaged, logic dictates that the machine is not receiving electricity. Thank you for your help. If the motor is stuck or still wont turn on, it may need to be replaced. I bought a Panda PAN725SF mini dryer.Right out of the box it didnt work.After 5-8 minutes it turns off and the vent on the bottom is very hot.After about half an hour it will turn back on, but no heat.I contacted the place I bought it from and they wanted me to ship it back to them.It would have cost about $200 to do so.I bought the thing for about that.So I am trying to understand whats wrong with it. Bought it last July. The terminal block is located on the back of the washer behind an access panel near the power cord. Ft. 120-Volt Gray Electric Stainless Steel Portable Spin Dryer 3200 Rp Tilt the pump forward and lift it out of the opening. For expert gas or electric dryer repair service, be sure to call Mr. Appliance at (888) 998-2011 or schedule an appointment online today . How Do I Fix My Bathroom Vent Fan Thats Not Working? Unplug your dryer and remove the lid so you can inspect the belt to confirm that it's broken. Panda PANSP23B Spin Dryer for Swimsuits and Laundry, Water Extractor, Gray Product Description & Features: Stainless steel drum to ensure long life. You can use drop-in lint catcher device or add vinegar to the rinse. Beyond the mess that a leaking washer makes, the problem doesn't always mean an expensive repair bill. It also spins very fast 3000 revolutions per minute. If other troubleshooting efforts have come up empty, its probably time for the homeowner to call in a licensed technician who will be able to inspect whether the main control board has been damaged or not. Panda PANSP21W, a gravity drains spin dryer from Panda is designed to get your laundry to damp-dry in minutes. Household use only. 9. A: When a dryer is not drying properly, its a huge inconvenience. Is that normal? Compact size works well for dorms. I have a panda washing machine model: XPB70, unfortunately its power plug is broken (used for grounding) of the 3 pins in plug is broken, Does anyone have any idea how to fix it or where should I go to get it fixed? Lint screen is dirty A lint screen that is blocked by lint can increase the drying time of your appliance. I need to find out where to Download a copy of the manual immediately. Peel the gasket away so that you have access to the door strike. Its 1 1/2 years old. It can be attached to most surfaces, thanks to its highly adjustable clamping mechanism that can fasten at different . It also doesnt complete a spin cycle/ air dry without taking a really long time or humming without spinning the drum. 800-299-9470. I think its a clogged drain pump as it sputters a little when draining and I spotted some clumps of lint OUTSIDE the lint trap and in the water. My Panda dryer no longer has heat.Unfortunately, one time it was used, the apartment was cold so Im guessing the heating coil fuse blew.Can it be replaced? Julian Washington,If the Panda washing machine stopped, open it up and check to see if the components inside are visibly in working order.You may have a bad belt or other part that has caused the Panda washer to not spin.Once you find the bad part, order the part online from the websites above.-RR. It will not get your clothes 100% dry; it is not a heated dryer. They spin out so much water that 10 minutes in a commercial dryer would get the clothes dry. In this case, it's better wait between 5-20 minutes then try The motor can overheat from lint buildup, or sometimes small items can get inside and cause a blockage. Copyright 2023 Acton Media Inc. All rights reserved. Panda Small Compact Portable Washing Machine 7.9lbs Capacity with Spin Dryer.Purchased September 2016.The drain / pump will not work any more.Like it quit.It makes a slight noise when you turn it on otherwise it is like it is not coming on at all.I just saw the manufacturers warranty is to send it in plus I bought extended.I didnt realize this when I bought it.Paying for shipping there and back would make this purchase a complete loss rather than saving money at a laundromat.Can the part be replaced?Can I do it? Can hear motor buzzing but nothing pumps. Homeowners can locate the door switch on the inside of the doorif any prongs are bent, they may simply need to be straightened back out. A typical load will take around 60 minutes to dry. If there is no power, the dryer won't start. jyoti,Yes, to fix your Panda washing machine power cord, buy a new one.Buy a 3 prong 110v or a 3 prong 220v cord (Whichever the one you need).The cords are universal, it does not have to be a Panda washer brand cord.-RR. I just bought a PAN56MG1 for my mom a few weeks ago. Other dryers may stop working completely. To check if your venting is clogged, start a timed dry on high heat. The dryer is model #PAN40SF. Perfect for apartments or other small living spaces. It appears that moisture corroded the lower contact and over heated it and melted off the notch. Need a manual for Panda portable washer 70SW. Search for qualified appliance repair pros at no cost. (740 pages) Medical Equipment GE MAC 5500 Service Manual. There are a lot of different codes and problems tthat can be displayed on the control panel of the Panda washer and dryer. Inspect the drain hose thoroughly to ensure it is in perfect condition. There are many places that dont have laundry units in their homes and many times, you dont have the time or convenience of going to a laundromat. Grab a buck and place it under the water hoses to catch leaking water. Basically a spin dryer spins at a high rate of speed (mine spins at 3200 rpm), and is intended to get your clothing almost dry without using heat - just a fast spin. Tried to do my first load. The form is likely to get into the pressure switch tube, thus creating a lot of pressure. A new dryer motor may be required. Add. 4. I hate these people now. It boasts five cycles, including a spin dry cycle, and three water level settings so you have complete control over washing your clothes. Capacity, Stainless Steel Drum, 3200 RPM Spin Speed, Safety Locking Lid, and Stabilizing Rubber Feet: Stainless Steel . Panda 621 SG washer will not drain. Below are Panda Washer DryerVideo HelpGuides. This is one of the most common dryer problems. Stopped spinning it makes that noise though. If drain pump must be replaced, what do I buy and where can I buy it? 3. 13. It may be loose or broken and is inexpensive and usually easy to replace. Whats wrong? The way you put your clothes in the panda washing machine or dryer could be causing the imbalance. Hoses all seem to be clear and no leaks can be seen when rear panel is removed. This acts as the drain hose and the water inlet hose. 118 Haifu AlleyBaixia District NanjingNanjing JiangsuChina 210007. If the cord is melted or discolored near the metal prongs, this could indicate that the cord is overheating. These codes are important because they tell you whats wrong with the machine. 8. Is there a cover that will fit on the portable dryer pan 760SFT? Some visible signs of terminal block failure are discoloration and corrosion. 11. Since the control board controls every part of the machine, it can be difficult to say for sure whether this is the root cause of the issue. Dont know of any other filter that can be removed and cleaned. Hi I have the xpb70 and the drain pump has stopped working. Is there a replacement part for this pump? Another common reason for filling failures is a clogged or obstructed filter. Limit the wash time. Usually, its a broken motor switch contact problem. Love panda and have had these for many years. How To Replace An Oven Light Bulb For New And Older Ovens, Frigidaire Dishwasher Is Not Draining? With a spin speed of 3200rpm this gravity drain spin dryer from Panda is designed to remove as much excess moisture as possible from your laundry, thereby reducing drying times and costs and helping to prolong the life of your laundered items by removing more harmful mineral deposits and detergents than your washing machine can alone. Tomography scanner (702 pages) Medical Equipment GE Vivid i n Service Manual. If your dryer keeps shutting off in the middle of a cycle, it could be that the motion of the laundry is popping the door open. Panda PAN56MGW2 Compact Portable Washing Machine. I need to order a faucet adapter for my panda pan56mgp3 I have the hose with the ball bearing quick release, only. 8. When the lid of your open top Panda washer is opened, it can trigger the error code E2. Regular washers have a water inlet hose but the portable ones have a unicouple. Heat Pump Dryer Dryers, Panda Dryer Spin Dryers, Bosch Dryer Condenser Dryers, Electric Dryer Spin Dryers, Washer & Dryer Thermostat Kits; Additional site . How feasible is it to fix the thermal overload motor issue should this be the problem? Its about 3 years old. Customer Support 6 days a week. Panda PANSP22 16 Inch Portable Spin Dryer with 22 lbs. 2. So you might want to check it with your multi-meter. Broken Drive Belt. There are lots of small pieces of plastic mixed in with the clothing. Use a high quality detergent if you are experiencing excess lint when using your Panda. My machine also was missing the users manual so I dont know how to operate it correctly and what I need to do to keep it in the best condition possible. You might need to purchase a new approved part for the portable washer. Can you help? Due to this pressure, the sensor then sends a signal to the control module indicating high frequency. Panda washer floating lint filter bagif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'removeandreplace_com-box-4','ezslot_5',636,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-removeandreplace_com-box-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'removeandreplace_com-box-4','ezslot_6',636,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-removeandreplace_com-box-4-0_1');.box-4-multi-636{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. I have Panda XPB36 and the spinner stopped, the washer is fine.I do not know what to do. Regarding the thermal overload does this mean if the motor gets to hot the unit will shut down even mid cycle? Panda 3200 rpm Portable Spin Dryer 110V/22lbs Stainless Steel Visit the Panda Store 1,147 ratings | 212 answered questions $17999 FREE Returns Style: Dryer Pattern Name: Spin Dryer Spin Dryer Spin Dryer + Washing Machine Stainless steel drum to ensure long life.110V outlet, plug anywhere you like. Thanks Toby, Is it okay to use in-wash freshness boosters in my portable panda? Our dog ate ours. If youve been using your Panda washer for some time, then chances are that the water hose has been damaged. Problem: As a general rule, a washing machine doesn't spin normally unless the laundry load has been drained of water. In the case of kinks, straighten the drain hose. Appliance repair technicians have seen hundreds of broken dryers and will be able to get to the root of the problem quickly. I have a PAN875W Dryer.Recently, when press start touch control, began to buzz, and sometimes motor would start, sometimes not.Further inspection shows motor firmly mounted, all belts/pulleys good, motor and drum turn freely.Started dryer, and heard buzzing from motor/mounted black box (on motor).A nudge on drum will get it turning.Motor shows very little effort to turn when start is pressed, but does buzz.Again, a nudge will get it turning.Dryer was empty during inspection and troubleshooting.Is there a Start/Run Capacitor, and if so, where can it be obtained?It has been a good dryer for 14 months till now. To remove the false overflow error, one can take several actions. Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite brands | affordable prices. If this happens, the fuse will need to be replaced before the machine can be used again. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. To fix this issue, turn the drum by hand. With a spin speed of 3200rpm this gravity drain spin dryer from Panda is designed to remove as much excess moisture as possible from your laundry, thereby reducing drying times and costs and helping to prolong the life of your laundered items by removing more harmful mineral deposits and detergents than your washing machine can alone. Have same washing machine. Unscrew both hot and cold water hoses. The spinner has stopped spinning. The Compact Panda dryer is 120V with a 1400W at its maximum. Weve tried dissolving whatever is it in, most likely tissue, to no avail. You will have access to the terminals after . As I mentioned if I set it to 180 mins of dry time the timer dial arrives at 0 about 20 mins later. My panda dryer has a small blue rubber belt that i need to replace and i need to know where i can order it. 3 months later and its filling about 1 inch below halfway. . How do I replace the hose? 2. Replace the door strike if you think its too worn. A common question Panda washing machine owners ask is lint issues, wash time, overloading, and detergent type See below. Its frustrating to have the dryer acting up after youve checked to ensure its properly plugged in and the door is completely closed, and you may be left wondering, What are some reasons my dryer wont start? According to Ron Shimek, president of Mr. Appliance, The most common explanations for a dryer not starting are a broken belt or a broken start switch or door switch. As with most major appliances, the possible solutions range from a simple fix to a heavy-duty dryer repair thats best left to a licensed technician. The floor needs to be completely flat, which will change the imbalance. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Panda 3200 rpm Portable Spin Dryer 110V/22lbs Stainless Steel at You can also attempt to fix the issues yourself. These washers have certain errors in place to tell you whats wrong with them and in turn, you can troubleshoot them if something is wrong. Only use green friendly low suds high quality detergent. If the switches are broken, then no current will be able to pass through them so the washing machine will think that its open. Where can I purchase, find this hose or should I just use a bucket? 5. The thermal fuse on most models can be found near the exhaust vent on the back of the dryer. Panda sl1052 12lbs washers. The first one I had also lasted less than one year with the gear stems falling down into the machine when the mounts broke and the gears were stripped. These usually allow for a one sink connection. I have a Panda Washer xpb36-388s and I need to find a replacement motor for the washer side. Original, high quality Dryer Parts and other parts in stock with fast shipping and award winning customer service. [2] Unscrew the black sensor on top, and unscrew the black sensor on the bottom. Joe,Panda phone number here: (888) 329-8832They have a Facebook page to contact them also here Panda Appliances On FacebookHope this helps.-RR. We may earn revenue from the products available on this page and participate in affiliate programs. LG Refrigerator Ice Maker Problems Is Your LG Fridge Not Making Ice? Dryer is unplugged. Fix: For the first issue, unkink the hose. The instruction manual the machine came with was not helpful with this. I have the PAN30SW washing machine. The air coming out is room temperture. Leona,Are you sure the motor is faulty?Test it if you know how.Make sure nothing is obstructing or in the way that is making it so the tub cannot spin.If you hear the motor running, it is getting power, but does the motor seem to be trying to spin the tub but is unable?As something is not positioned or sitting correctly inside the Panda washer and that is the issue?-RR. To help you confirm that the switches are still working on the latch, you can test them for continuity. 2. Sign in Your Account 0 Cart Techzillo Ltd is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Theres glue around and inside the opening. The E5 code will then appear on the Panda washing machine display. Space Saver. When your washing machine or dryer keeps draining towards the end of the cycle, it can trigger the drain alarm which can cause the E4 error code to show. I have a Panda PAN56MGP3 1.34cu.ft Portable Machine that turns on without any issues, fills the tub, drains the tub and spins but wont wash. What could be the cause and how can I fix it? As for the heating, it stays warm/hot as long as its not in the cool section of the dial (0-20 mins section).I will reply soon with the model number and results of putting the dryer on low. A dryer squeaking may have a simple solution. The one I have now is 9 months old. Gone are the days of stringing up yards of clothesline and hanging the familys clothes on display, but this means that when the dryer isnt working, youre out of luck. I had some problems with the washing machine spinning and draining. I have an issue with the PANDA dryer on the xpb36. 1. Get free shipping on qualified Panda Washers & Dryers products or Buy Online Pick Up in Store today in the Appliances Department. Most Common Dryer Troubleshooting Problems Dryer won't start 13 possible causes and potential solutions Learn More Featured Video 02:31 Dryer stopped spinning 7 possible causes and potential solutions Learn More Featured Video 02:02 Dryer drum not turning Remove the hoses from the wall and the washing machine. 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ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'removeandreplace_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_12',643,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-removeandreplace_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'removeandreplace_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_13',643,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-removeandreplace_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0_1');.large-mobile-banner-1-multi-643{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}, Panda Mini Portable Compact Washing Machine 5.5 lbs Capacity PAN25A, Panda Mini Stainless Steel Tumble Dryer 5.5 to 6.6 lbs Compact Apartment Dryer PAN725SF, Panda Portable Compact Cloths Dryer Apartment Size PAN40SFif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'removeandreplace_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_21',644,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-removeandreplace_com-mobile-leaderboard-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'removeandreplace_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_22',644,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-removeandreplace_com-mobile-leaderboard-2-0_1');.mobile-leaderboard-2-multi-644{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}, Panda Small Compact Portable Washing Machine 7.9 lbs Capacity with Spin Dryer XPB36, Panda Small Compact Portable Washing Machine Fully Automatic 6.6 lbs PAN30SWif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'removeandreplace_com-leader-4','ezslot_17',645,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-removeandreplace_com-leader-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'removeandreplace_com-leader-4','ezslot_18',645,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-removeandreplace_com-leader-4-0_1');.leader-4-multi-645{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}, Panda Small Compact Portable Washing Machine Pan30, Panda Washing Machine 10 lbs Capacity XPB45, if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'removeandreplace_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_19',646,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-removeandreplace_com-mobile-leaderboard-1-0');if(typeof 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