We will have our first FULL day of school on September 1st beginning at 7:40 amuntil 2:40 pm. District Office Phone: (925) 682-8000|Department Contacts * 25th year in education (14 years teacher, 11 years Principal, 6 years summer school Principal) * 25th year @ HPE * Favorite Book = Little Squeegy Bug by Bill Martin Jr. ( she read it every night to her son when he was growing up) If Ms. Luke could travel anywhere in the world, she would go to Italy, Spain, and Greece to take in 201 Viking Drive This means every HP student receives a technology device for use at school and at home provided the Chromebook agreement form is signed by a parent or guardian and the student. Last names: A - G. Ext. Garrett Forgach. Transcript for thePark School Song Video. If you are new to Glen Park School and have questions about registration, please email Elizabeth Nuez at nuneze@sfusd.edu or call 415-469-4713. Please contact the appropriate administrator if you have a question about a particular area. She received a Bachelors degree from the University of Houston, Masters degree from the University of Houston- Clear Lake, and Doctorate degree from Texas A&M University. Emily Macias, Principal emaciascapellan@ossiningufsd.org. Center for Strong Families & Thriving Children, Marc T. Atkinson Gifted Academy & IB Middle School, Ral H. Castro Academy of Fine Arts Middle School, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). 6:00 PM - 6:30 PM WebMichael Dawson Assistant Principal/Athletic Director, Grades 11-12. If your child will be missing school, please call the 24-hour absentee hotline @ 708-364-3939. WebThe Kufiyah Ban by the Park West School Principal is appalling action. Last names: School: 763-569-7600. jhunt02@sowashco.org, Rena Jepma-Krohn High school is an important and critical time of transition moving from the middle school experience and preparing for the bigger challenges of adulthood. Park Ridge High School , a small, close-knit, supportive learning community, provides dynamic and evolving educational opportunities that challenge every student to become an independent thinker and a life-long learner. WebDriving directions to Lake Park East Campus Dr. Amanda Brode-Rico Principal 630-295-5211 abrode-rico@lphs.org Dr. Sean Potts Associate Principal 630-295-5221 spotts@lphs.org Anthony Swope Assistant Principal 630-295-5231 aswope@lphs.org Auditorium Rental Ethan Goldspiel 630-529-2305 egoldspiel@lphs.org. Web88% of Teachers hold a Master's Degree or higher. WebAverage salary for United Learning School Principal in Worcester Park, England: [salary]. Park Hi moved from St. Paul Park to its current location on 80th street in Cottage Grove where it has stood since 1965. Building Main Office- 914-762 He was named principal of The Woodlands College Park High School in February of 2004 which opened in 2005. Park ECC offers a robust, child centered curriculum grounded in the belief that young children learn best when provided authentic learning opportunities through play, discovery and inquiry. WebMost recently I served as the Associate Principal at North Ridge Middle School. 3204 Gary Jensen: Vice Principal. Giovanni Foster Assistant Principal, Grades 9-10. WebMr. After 3 years in Texas City, he moved to the Conroe area in 1994 where he began to work for Conroe ISD at McCullough High School. We have School Counselors, Cultural Liaisons, School Social Workers, Psychologists, and a Student Support Dean. Bobie Knight. Students are empowered to take risks and develop curiosity while building a foundation of academics and character. Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 A student who pays on the day they forgot the ID or within 5 school days will have a reduced cost of only $2. Master in secondary education. Assistant Principal (A-Hen) He has a balanced experience as an administrator, serving at the middle and high school levels as an assistant principal as well as the coordinator of curriculum and student services at district office in the Park Hill School District. Park School is a welcoming environment that fosters the joy of teaching and learning. WebAdministration LaNisha Paddock, Principal Phone: 952-928-6107 | Email: paddock.lanisha@slpschools.org This is LaNisha's first year as Principal at St. Louis Every student is assigned to both a Vice Principal and a School Counselorby the first initial of their last nameto assist them with theirneeds as outlined below. In order to accomplish this goal, all decisions that will be made at HPHS will always be guided by what is best for children. We are always here to help answer any question you may have. Middle School Administrative Assistant. COMMUNICATION DEVICES BOARD POLICY 925.682.7670 Phone | 925.676.7892 Fax, MT. Our work is all centered around equity and high expectations for our students. Welcome to Cobra Country!, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIK9U-c6_PllykRg3PoZtPA, Yearbook, Senior Portraits, Underclass Pictures. Hazel Park High School, High school is an important and critical time of transition moving from the middle school experience and preparing for the bigger challenges of adulthood. Lower School Counselor. As an International Baccalaureate World School and an AVID National Demonstration school we arevery proud of the educational opportunities available for students. In 1997 she sought to impact a larger scale of students in mathematics by [] Elizabeth Mercado, Assistant Principal emercado@ossiningufsd.org . Students are NOT permitted to keep medication on them. Lawrence Dunlap. WebPrincipal. Personal Communication Devices (PCDs) include but are not limited to: CELL PHONES, computers, tablets, electronic readers, and/or other web-enabled devices of any type. Menlo Park City School District Superintendent, Kristen Gracia is recommending Danielle OBrien as the next principal of Hillview Middle School, for Nuestros maestros son expertos en la enseanza y el desarrollo de la primera infancia y saben cmo fomentar un ambiente de clase que sea acogedor y positivo para todos nuestros estudiantes. The first day begins at 12pmand dismisses at 2:40 pm. Hoffman Planetarium Visitors to the Hoffman Planetarium can create their own adventure alongside our expert, Mr. Grayling Mercer! Students can access their schedules on the student MiStar portal. We will continue a positive culture and climate where we are all setting high expectations and learning together! - -Principal Susana Huntley, 7960 W. Osborn Rd. WebAudubon Park School; Blankner School; Kelly Park School; Lake Como School; OCPS Academic Center For Excellence; Orlando Gifted Academy; Pershing School; Wedgefield School; Windy Ridge K-8; Other; Acceleration East High School; Acceleration West ; Alternative Education; ESE Transition; Magnolia School; OCPS Virtual School; Silver Vocal Music Teacher. We are approaching a major milestone in IUSD by celebrating our 50th anniversary. On top of that, I have the honor of being the new principal of Beacon Park as the school moves forward in Law Office of Gretchen J. Kenney is dedicated to offering families and individuals in the Bay Area of San Francisco, California, excellent legal services in the areas of Elder Law, Estate Planning, including Long-Term Care Planning, Probate/Trust Administration, and Conservatorships from our San Mateo, California office. WebAsbury Park School District. Menlo Park City School District Superintendent, Kristen Gracia is recommending Danielle OBrien as the next principal of Hillview Middle School, for approval by the MPCSD School Board on March 9, 2023. In accordance with Education Code 37.105 and Districts Code of Conduct, the District has the right to refuse entry to or eject a person from property under the District's control if the person refuses to leave peaceably upon request. Cynthia A. Cardenas She has a specialization in Reading, an Early Childhood Endorsement, and a Bilingual Endorsement. 651-425-3708 Student Handbook and Code of Conduct 2022-23- updated 2-27-23. For the safety of all students and staff, any student without ID will be directed to the media center. What happens during these few short years will have a lasting impression on students development, growth WebPrincipal. BISDs Title IX Coordinator: Carmelita Rodriguez, Assistant Superintendent For Human Resources/Title IX/504. WebEvery student is assigned to both a Vice Principal and a School Counselor by the first initial of their last name to assist them with their needs as outlined below. DIABLO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 1936 Carlotta Drive,Concord, California 94519 Please see the Student Handbook for more details. Welcome to Park High School, Home of the Wolfpack! To support the student learning experience, Park has had several renovations to core facilities and classrooms including modernization with the latest in technology for students and staff. WebMichael Lewis, HPHS Assistant Principal for Students FaLee. 1200 Bangs Avenue 732-776-2559. Students must keep personal belongings in their assigned locker. 6392. WebWelcome From the Principal. WebPrincipal Park A-Z Guide. WebGalena Park High School Principal Dr. Kimberly Martin . Conroe, Texas 77304 We begin each morning reciting the Titan Pledge because we believe that "We are destined for greatness!" Additionally, Park High school staff are committed to their own professional development on proven instructional strategies that meet the unique and diverse needs of Park High School students. Title IX Non-Discrimination Statement, | isalin ang pahinang ito | , Jobs/Volunteering Opportunities/Internships, Colleges for LGBTQIA+, DACA, & Undocumented Students, Jobs/Volunteering/Internships/Driver's Ed. Jeffrey Sharpe Jeffrey.Sharpe@ocps.net. Throughout the year, our school website will attempt to provide you with the most current information including weekly newsletters that will be emailed and posted to the website. Her daughter, Lauren, works and attends college in Portland, Oregon. Social Science & SpEd. Students may NOT carry a backpack or purse larger than 4 X 6 inches with them to each class. Kerrie Herren started at Park Hill South in 2007 as a math and student leadership teacher. Jamie Gordon Altchek 98. Mark served as principal for two years. Dear Parents and Families of Please mark your calendars for our Back to School/Meet the Teacher Night on Tuesday, September 13, beginning at 6p.m. WebIndependence Middle School 2807 Bethel Church Road Bethel Park, PA 15102: Mrs. Racquel Sutton Principal (412) 854-8677 sutton.racquel @bphawks.org. WebDr. All student fines must be paid before students can purchase tickets to events such as the upcoming Homecoming Dance. It is the student's responsibility to keep the locker clean and free of any food. It is graded as a PASS or NO CREDIT. Dr. Murrell earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics from Stephen F. Austin State University. WebWygilla Alford Special Education Teacher Dorian Allen Teacher Loretta Balsam CTT Biology Teacher Mrs. Carletha Becton Noemi L. Leal Students can come in for breakfast beginning at 7:10 ambut may also receive breakfast as they enter the school. Todo nuestro trabajo se centra en la equidad y las altas expectativas para nuestros estudiantes. Employment. Personal devices such as laptops and tablets are not allowed. Based on 1 salaries posted anonymously by United Learning School Principal employees in Worcester Park, England. WebMohamed Abdi. An elementary school principal died in an apparent suicide after jumping from a multistory parking structure at Disneyland in California, officials said. The Law Office of Gretchen J. Kenney assists clients with Elder Law, including Long-Term Care Planning for Medi-Cal and Veterans Pension (Aid & Attendance) Benefits, Estate Planning, Probate, Trust Administration, and Conservatorships in the San Francisco Bay Area. WebPrincipal's Message Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year. WebPark ECC ofrece un plan de estudios slido y centrado en el nio basado en la creencia de que los nios pequeos aprenden mejor cuando se les brindan oportunidades de Students who attended Viking Day on August 24and had their picture taken should bring it and be ready to present it at the door. A locker is assigned to every student. WebThe Averill Park Central School District, through active school and community partnering, will ensure diverse educational opportunities for every student in a safe, respectful, Moana movie night - Park School gym, Trimester 2 Report Cards available on Skyward, Last Day of School (changed due to snow day 12/23/22). Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. As your principal, I am excited to be part of the world-class team that works together to foster a rich tradition of excellence at Park Vista. The faculty and staff of Park Vista Community High School want to make our students high school experience a positive and memorable one. Each administrator has a specific set of responsibilities. We will have a printed copy of every students schedule upon arrival. Dr. Murrell served as assistant principal for two and a half years before being named interim principal and ultimately principal. Bullying; Dress Code; CPSD Non Discrimination Statement; CPSD Title IX Structure; Family Complaint Procedure for Harassment; School ASB Report; ASB Free and Reduced; Clover Park High School. WebAs the Principal of Deer Park High School, I am honored to work with such an outstanding group of students who understand the importance of scholarship, citizenship, and Gracias por visitar la pgina web de Park Early Childhood Center. He served as principal of Knox JHS until 2003 when he was named the principal of The Woodlands High School-McCullough Campus. Students have access to a variety of service professionals in addition to their teachers. Bachelor of Musical Arts: University of Ilinois at Chicago. Backpacks We begin each morning reciting the Titan Pledge because we believe that "We are destined for greatness!" Winter/ heavier jackets must be stored in lockers and may NOT be worn in class. Wednesday, August 31, 2022 Monday - Friday Social Science & SpEd. Please see Conroe ISD - Code of Conduct. ccardenas@bisd.us therber@sowashco.org, Jonathan Hunt WebMr. Phoenix, AZ 85033. He has been working as an educator since 1991 and in the Conroe Independent School District since 1994. Drew, her eldest, lives and works in Phoenix. We are a unique school where learning is innovative, fun and captivating. Vision: Park High School Scholars will graduate with the knowledge and skills Eachteacherwilldetermine whenandwhatschool-appropriateuseofPCDswill looklikeinhis/herclassroomundereach light in accordancewiththe contentsoftheHazelPark StudentHandbook. Parents, and students are welcome to reach out and connect with me regarding any questions at (651) 425-3704 or at therber@sowashco.org BISD does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability or genetic information in employment or provision of services, programs or activities. Peter Drucker stated, The best way to predict the future is to create it! We are committed to creating a bright future for all of our students and in having a school we are all proud to be a part of. The Conroe Independent School District (District) is an equal opportunity educational provider and employer does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in educational programs or activities that it operates or in employment matters. Our teachers are experts in early-childhood teaching and development, and know how to foster a classroom environment that is welcoming and affirming for all of our students. 281-641-6601. With your continued support, we can ensure that each student will maximize their potential in pursuit of their high school diploma, advanced coursework, and/or industry certifications. Dr. Martin is a graduate of Galena Park High School and has served in education for 20 years. WebPrincipal: Matthew Arnold: Faculty: 164.00 (FTE) Grades: 9-12: Enrollment: 3,427 (201920) Student to teacher ratio: 20.90: Color(s) Winter Park High School was constructed at 528 Huntington Avenue in 1923 and was one of the first high schools in Orange County. Secretary Todd Herber, Todd Herber Dr. Go Wolfpack! WebPrincipal. WebPark School is a welcoming environment that fosters the joy of teaching and learning. Julianne Ford. If you dont use it, the Bb footer will slide up. WebLincoln Park High School 2001 North Orchard Street, Chicago, IL 60614 Phone: (773) 534-8130 Non-Discrimination Statement at cps.edu/nondiscrimination Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Resources: cps.edu/mentalhealth Language & Science. We have great students, a caring and dedicated staff, and a very supportive community! This can be done best by working together as a team with our staff and parents. At the University of Houston he obtained his Educational Doctorate. Mark began his career in Texas City as a mathematics teacher and coach. Students must BRING their own combination lock and use the locker that is assigned to them. Law Firm Website Design by Law Promo, What Clients Say About Working With Gretchen Kenney. (956)548-7880 Dr. Martin is a graduate of Galena Park High School and has served in education for 20 years. We recommend students keep a light jacket or sweatshirt in their locker for use while in school. WebCourse OfferingsOur purpose at Spring Lake Park High School is to prepare each student for a lifetime of success, which includes preparation for both college and career. COVID-19 Safety Protocols and Information, Commemoration & Naming of School Facilities, Student Handbook and Code of Conduct 2022-23, HPHS Student/Family Newsletter - Feb. 27, 2023, HPHS Student/Family Newsletter - Feb. 6, 2023, HPHS Student/Family Newsletter - Jan. 30, 2023, HPHS Student/Family Newsletter - Jan. 23, 2023, HPHS Student/Family Newsletter - Jan. 16, 2023. After serving as a mathematics teacher and coach for 2 years at McCullough, he transferred to Knox Junior High School as an assistant principal. ALL HPHS STUDENT MUST PRESENT THEIR If your child takes prescription medication, we MUST have a form on file in the counseling office signed by your childs physician. We are honored to have been a part of so many wonderful traditions in Hazel Park Schools and excited about the many new adventures that lie ahead. Our motto- We Run As One! Dr. George Phone: 650-931-2505 | Fax: 650-931-2506 Hazel Park is a 1:1 technology district. ALL STUDENTS REPORT TO ADVISORY FIRST. Law Office of Gretchen J. Kenney. I started my career with Danville School District 118 in January 2004, as a 5 th grade teacher at You can use this area for legal statements, copyright information, a mission statement, etc.
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