The 200 most popular names were taken from a universe that includes 6,948,416 male births and 8,509,880 female births Schultz also means head of a village and originally appeared as schultheize. They collected dues to pay the lord of the manor. - above email address may be outdated. The toponymic name was given to someone from the place called Zehring in Germany. Germans often have two personal names, including a first and a middle name, so they have three. Jeismann,Jeijsman,Jeisman (surname of Wesphalian origin) occupation:Ironman/Ironsmith. A toponymic name for someone hailing from any of the several places called Gern in Bavaria, Germany. However, it is not mandatory, and a wife may wish to continue with her maiden surname after the wedding. It is a variant of the name Pfeiffer, which is an occupational name for a pipe player since Pfeife means whistle or pipe in German. Geographical surnames, another common type of Hispanic last name, are often derived from the location of the homestead from which the first bearer and his family came from or resided in. Son of Louis the German ruled in East Francia, Saxony; from 880, also Bavaria. Weber is a German occupation surname for a webster or weaver. It uses weben, a verb meaning to weave. Weber often appears as Webber in the English version. Berger was a name for a person who lived in the mountains or hills and was based on the root Berg, meaning hill. Berger is one of the more common German surnames on our list and ranked 881st in the U.S. in 2010. It is a spelling variant of the German name Eicher, which comes from the word Eich meaning an oak tree. Bhm was a German name given to people who originally came from Bohemia, also known as the home of the Boii. The Bohemia region is found in the western part of the modern-day Czech Republic. Popular 1910s Girl Names. English: ethnic name from Old French germain 'German' (Latin Germanus). Zimmermann is the 20th most popular surname in Germany. Clausen is a Danish patronymic last name and means "child of Claus.". For example, the surname Meyer means dairy farmer today, whereas, during the Middle Ages, Meyer designated people who were stewards of landholders. It comes from the Middle High German word landt, which means a land. It probably began as an epithet for someone who was famous throughout the land., This German word means load or burden and is an occupational name for a porter.. MomJunction's articles are written after analyzing the research works of expert authors and institutions. It comes from the Old German words ecke meaning edge or corner and stein meaning stone. This German surname is either toponymic referring to someone who lived on a cliff or occupational referring to a stonemason. Farley, (English Origin) Victorian-era last names meaning "fern woodland". 1. Dr. Amos Grunebaum, MD, FACOG is a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and among the world's leading authorities on fertility and pregnancy. Schreiber is based on the High German schrben, meaning to write. Its another word for a writer that also translates to the Hebrew Soffer, meaning scribe., Schroeder was originally a name for a tailor who cut cloth. It also means drayman in Northern Germany, meaning a person who delivered beer and wine.. The root word Neu means new in German, and the surname denotes a newcomer in a particular area. About the author. Schwarz was once a nickname used for a person with black hair, a dark complexion, or black clothes. It comes from the German word decke meaning a ceiling, roof or cover. This occupational surname refers to a carpenter, builder or someone who thatches a roof. It means one who wields the spear and may also be a version of the first name Gerwin for cool spear warrior boys. However, many of these professions do not exist anymore, but the surnames still exist. It is derived from the German word wirt, which means host or landlord. The name is an occupational name for an innkeeper. Most German surnames derive either from archaic professions (such as Schmidt, Mller, Weber, or Schfer) or places. Read for more information. It is a variant of the word Maler, which means painter in German. 1. Leopold - This name is Old German for "bold leader.". Anouilh. Polish names in Germany abound as a result of over 100,000 people (including 130,000 "Ruhrpolen") immigrating westward from the Polish-speaking areas of the German Empire. Otto - In German, this baby boy's name means "wealthy.". The rarest German last names are frequently the strangest too. This list is different than one showingpopular German surnameswith their English translations. It comes from the Middle High German word loadere, which is an occupational name for a weaver of woolen cloth. For instance, Schmidt, which is ranked No. See all categories. The German phrase translates to from the mountain. It is a toponymic name for a person who belonged to a mountainous region. This compilation of German last names contains a unique and diverse set of names. Fischer appears as Fisher in English and ranked 112th in the U.S. in 2010. Family Education is part of the Sandbox Learning family of educational reference sites for parents, teachers, and students. Famous last name bearer: U.S. President Jimmy Carter. You can use the links below to view more common surnames. Get in touch! She has a teaching degree and an M.A. It is a toponymic surname for someone who lives along the river Oese in Germany. It comes from the German sauer, meaning sour. Sauer also refers to the Sauer River in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Your partner in parenting from baby name inspiration to college planning. Having done a certification in Relationship Coaching, her core interest lies in writing articles that guide couples through their courtship to marriage and parenthood. It is the German word for night and probably an occupational name for a night watchman. Mundt. It originates from the Old High German word herling meaning sour. The name could have been a nickname for an immature person. Germans usually have a first and last name. Bauer, Ingrid. She also specializes in baby names. All content found on this website is intended for informational and educational purposes only, and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Many German immigrants who came to the U.S. changed Braun to the English Brown. It is the German name for the bird Finch. The surname is originally considered to be a nickname for a lively and cheerful person. United States (US) Wisconsin (WI) Prairie du Sac/Sumpter Twp. If you are in the Northwest, you are more likely to come across an Anderson than a Brown, which is slightly more common on the East Coast. Find your German last name and learn about the meaning and origins of different German surnames. Its composed of the High German schuoch, meaning shoe and wrhte, meaning maker. In 2014, almost 75% of Schuberts were located in Germany. 1938. Germanic languages have had a huge influence in the development of certain English words, and surnames with German origins are therefore common in English-speaking countries. meaning "Jehovah increases." In French it has an accent over the first E, which was omitted in the English, German, and Dutch translations of the name . It means rooster and could have been a nickname of an excessively proud person. Gnther - Common name that means "warrior". I want to reiterate that this video does not . German. Its also a form of Bartholomus, the German Bartholomew since its one of the classic German last names for boys. Wofl is one of many German compound names using wolf. It may have pointed to a home with the sign of a wolf. Because of this, German last names can be found throughout bordering countries, including Poland, Austria, Franceand Spain. It is derived from the German name Hugo, which means bright soul or bright-hearted.. Explore the occupational history of Germany through its popular last names. 43. Whether a tavern keeper or potter, Krger uses the krug root, meaning jug.. 50. It is derived from the Middle High German word lower, which is an occupational name for a tanner. Handschuh was given to a person who wore gloves or someone who made or sold them. It is an occupational name for a swineherd a person who rears and tends swine or hogs. Well keep you on the path, so you learn everything you want about how these names became traditions. The patronymic name means noble one and is derived from the Old German personal name Albrecht., This name is of Teutonic (a tribe that inhabited coastal Germany) origin, which means illustrious. Another origin for the name could be the Old German word Albrecht.. . Vasel is the German form of Fasel. Most married women have their husbands family name as their last name (1). Dutch Meerten Institute confirms name origin. This German surname is also a status name for an arbitrator. Even after 1871, Germany's land area and political influence shifted several times. The name is related to the word unholz that refers to waste wood or unwanted wood left after making wooden furniture. It is an occupational name for a steward. One of the most common Dutch surnames is "de Jong", which is considered a patronymic name. 1854. Eierkuchen (egg cake) and Durchdenwald (through-the-forest) are two other rare German surnames, of which there are plenty. Do German women take their husbands last names? In fact, data from a Census Bureau study reveals that the number of Hispanic surnames in the top 25 doubled between 1990 and 2000. The top 5 most common Hispanic last names from the 1920s are: 1. It comes from the Middle High German word Habere, which means oats. It is likely an occupational surname referring to a grower or seller of oats. It is a toponymic name for the people who came from the town of Adelberg in Germany. It is composed of the words rad meaning counsel or advice and mann meaning man., It means brave-hearted. It is composed of two Old German elements, namely ragin meaning counsel and hardt meaning brave.. . Klamm, in German, means ravine, gorge, or a pass and thus is a toponymic name for someone living by a gorge. 10. Graf stems from the German grve, a title historically used for German nobles. Lindt comes from the German lind, meaning gentle-hearted. It may have sprung from Lindemuth, but it is best known today for the famous Swiss chocolate company. Zimmermann was an occupational name for a carpenter, referring to a worker of wood. Its composed of the German zimber, meaning timber wood, and man for the man who worked with it. popular last names in the 1910s popular last names in the 1910s It is a German surname made from the Old German words ger meaning spear and wig meaning battle., A German surname composed of two words, namely goz meaning goth and mann meaning a man., A toponymic surname derived from grabe or graben that means a ditch or moat.. Huber originated from the German huober, meaning owner of a patch of farmland. A hube specifically referred to 40 acres of farmland. The Origin of German Last Names . For each rank and sex, the table shows the name and the number of occurrences of that name. It originates from the word Schleie that means tench, a kind of fish. Abel. It is derived from the name of the Linden tree. Read Dr. Amos' full bio, the book about him "Lessons in Survival: All About Amos," and a fictionalized account of his father's life in the novel, "Through Walter's Lens." In addition to his current work, Dr. Amos is using his vast experience to launch . An exception is made when one parent has additional citizenship. Another origin for the name could be the Old German word . It derives from the German neu, meaning new and mann, meaning man. Neumann was a common name for a settler before they settled into a place. The surname is a variant of the German word Anger, which means meadow, lawn or greenery., It is a variant of the name Babo, which is derived from the Old German name Badubrecht. It means battle-bright.. 1910 GERMAN POSTCARD THE FALL OF MAN, ADAM & EVE WITH SERPENT, HUGO VAN DER GOES . Bergmanns origin is German and Swedish since it means mountain man in both languages. It is likely a toponymic surname for someone living by a terrain with a step-like feature. Maryana Vestic is a Brooklyn-based writer, editor, and food photographer with a background in entertainment Business Affairs. 6. The toponymic name refers to someone from a place named Weidich in the Silesia region of Europe. ThoughtCo. Colding. Here are the top 1000 last names (surnames) in the United States, according to the most recent U.S. census. The bearer of this name could be someone born or baptized in this month. Jung was often given to the younger of two family members with the same name, like a father and son. Neumann was a nickname for any newcomer to a city or town. Alessandro: Of Greek origin, meaning 'defender or helper of mankind'. Schubert was another name for a shoemaker or cobbler. Koch originated with the Latin coquus, meaning the art of cookery. It was an occupational surname for a cook or the head of a noblemans kitchen. Unsubscribe at any time. Names were derived from words representing landmarks that surrounded the farm each person had. They may also represent the profession of a person or the characteristics of a person. Most popular names from a list of several hundred Mnnliche Vornamen Other popular girls names during this period include Mildred, Elizabeth, Frances, Virginia, and Florence. The occupational name means sausage and probably refers to a butcher or someone who specializes in producing sausages. It is a toponymic German surname for someone who lives by a lime tree. Popular Names in Germany 1900 (top 20) Information from Beliebte Vornamen.Different spellings of similar names have been combined, with only the most popular spelling shown. It is a toponymic name for someone from the place called Norden in Germany. It is a toponymic name for someone from the town called Nidda in Germany. Its also a shorter form of the personal name Engelbert or Engelhard and a nickname for someone with an angelic personality. Walberg means falcon hill or falcon mountain in Old Norse. German women may take their husbands surnames after marriage. Adam. Non-GGG Members: Non-GGG members may search the Surname List database. Richter was a surname for an arbiter or judge. It uses the German root rihten, meaning to make right, which is a judges prime directive in life. British surnames such as Williams, Jackson, Robinson, Harris, Davis, Brown and Jones are also common among people of non-British descent, such as African Americans due to slavery. It is a toponymic name for people from a place called Glahn near Hannover, Germany. Adrian: Meaning 'a man from Hadria'. The most common German surname is Mller (which translates as Miller). It comes from the Middle High German word hor, which means mud. Its a toponymic name for people who live by swampy land. It is a toponymic name for someone who lived by a water channel. It is a variant name of Eisele, which is derived from Middle High German and is a nickname for a blacksmith or someone who deals with iron. It is derived from the Middle High German word neser, which refers to a shoulder bag for food. The name is also a likely nickname for someone who is a connoisseur of food. Heinrich was first a personal name composed of the German heim, meaning home, and rc, meaning power. As the German version of Henry, Heinrich was the most popular first name during the Middle Ages. Walter is based on the High German Walthari. This post will give you a list of interesting German surnames with their meanings and origin. Its also found in nearby countries like Slovakia, Poland, Croatia, Slovenia, and the Czech Republic. This is a toponymic name for people who hail from a place called Palzing in the Bavarian region of Germany. The following list includes both male and female names ranked from 10 to 1 as well as the most . Collins (Scottish origin) means "son of Colin". Alternative Spellings & Variations: Rosamina, Rosamond, Rosamia, Rose, Rosie, Rosa. This name is of Teutonic (a tribe that inhabited coastal Germany) origin, which means 'illustrious.'. It is derived from the name Jutes, which denotes a Germanic tribe from Denmark. Becker, like Bakker, was a German occupational name for a baker. A Becker might bake bread or clay bricks. 2. Horn was used for those living near a horn-shaped spur of land. It was also a nickname for a cuckolded husband whose wife was unfaithful. Ludwig was first a personal name made up of the German hld, meaning famous and wg, meaning war. As a first name, its known for Ludwig von Beethoven but is also quite common as a German surname today. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed. Hermann was first the personal name Herman. Another origin could be the name John, which means god is gracious in Hebrew. (Karl der Dicke) [5] 20 January 882. It hasn't cracked the top 1,000 since 1973. . It is a variant of Pilz, which means mushroom. The name is an occupational one and denotes a gatherer of mushrooms. 42. Allard. It may refer to someone who lived in the northern part of a region. The most common given names in Norway 1880 -2008 This is a list of all given names in Norway recorded for at least 1.0 percent of the gender group in any year between 1880 and 2008, and each decade when at least one such year occurred. The occupational surname refers to someone who makes pattens. Famous Namesakes: British actress Rosamund Pike. Carter (Irish origin) means "someone who transports goods by a cart or wagon". It comes from the Middle High German word lilje meaning a lily. It is a toponymic name for someone who came from a house named after the flower lily. It is a variant of Markgraf that comes from Middle High German word margrave. It is a combination of the words marc meaning boundary and grave meaning royal judge., It is a variant of Maurer, which refers to a mason, wall-builder, or a brick-layer.. Germany (GER) Smith, along with Johnson, Miller, Jones, Williams, and Anderson make up most of the most common surnames by state. The word means discord, discontentment or a quarrel in New High German (Modern German). Marie-France Valeta; The surname of married women in the European Union. Updated on May 14, 2020 . Bartel is based on the personal name Bertwald and may appear as a short form of the name. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in our. It is a toponymic name for someone who hailed from any of the places along the Odenwald mountain range. It is derived from the German word kuhn that means bold or brave.. While the rest of the world may name hurricanes or typhoons, the German Weather Service (Deutscher Wetterdienst) has gone so far as to name ordinary high (hoch) and low (tief) pressure zones. Is your family name on the list? If so, you may find comfort in 1910s girl names or 1910s boy names. It is a variant of Hubert, which comes from Old German and means bright-hearted or bright-spirited., It is a variant of Hafner, which is an occupational name for a potter. Its a top ten-ranked surname in German-speaking countries. If you see a surname that you would like. Lange pre-dates the 7th-century in Germany and means the long. Its one of the German family names that acted as a nickname for a very tall person. Its made up of the High German kol, meaning coal, and the personal suffix -er., Knig comes from the High German knic, meaning king. It was a nickname for a king or the head of a professional guild. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. The surname could also be toponymic referring to someone from any of the several places called Rath in Germany. It is a spelling variant of Engmann, where eng in German means narrow. The toponymic name refers to a person who lives in a narrow place like a valley. [4] Charles III the Fat. Popular Names in Germany 1930 (top 20) Information from Beliebte Vornamen.Different spellings of similar names have been combined, with only the most popular spelling shown. Many of these names are German forms of international names, therefore they are pronounced differently than the English versions. In addition to his current work, Dr. Amos is using his vast experience to launch Obie, a science-based app that offers personalized fertility advice. (2020, August 28). Popular and Common German Girl Names. It is the German variant of the name Oswald, which comes from the Old English words os meaning god and weald meaning ruler. The surname likely referred to someone who was a powerful ruler or chief. It comes from the German word swingen, which means to swing or swingle. It is an occupational name for an individual who would swingle flax remove fiber from flax plant using a wooden instrument called swingle. Popular 1910s Boy Names. It is derived from the word treppe, which means steps in German. (FS Library book 943 D4ba 1972.) Double last names which use the family name of the mother and the father are usually not allowed under German law ( source). It is a combination of Middle High German words Eisen meaning iron and berg meaning mountain.. The German word loch means hollow, and the name denotes someone who lived by a valley. It is a variant of katze, which means cat in German. Gaylor. It is a combination of two Middle Low German words tins meaning tax and man meaning man. The name either denotes a taxpayer or a taxman who collects taxes. The noble Von Blow family comes from the Mecklenburg area. Find your last name and learn about its meaning and origins. Copyright 2011 - 2023 MomJunction Private Limited. Another reference for the surname could be the Latin word Faustus, which means favorable or lucky.. It comes from the Old High German word loh, which means a meadow, marshy land, or a clearing. Its a toponymic surname for someone who lives in any of these places. mike moore lawyer net worth on popular last names in the 1910s Phone Icon On Top Left Of Iphone , Charlotte Observer Legal Notices , Oldsmobile High Performance Engine Parts , Southern Nicknames Like Darling , Volleyball Gifts For Players , Grantham Train Station Phone Number , Deutsches Namenlexikon (German name dictionary). Top German Baby Names In The 1900s . Trapp also distinguishes a person from de Trap. Its better known as a German nickname for a simpleton. It comes from the Old German word vil that means a swamp or a bog. It is a toponymic name for someone living by a swampy area. Common German surnames regularly feature in Hollywood and fiction . Get high-quality PDF version by clicking below. Fischer used to be a name given to a fisherman. Another origin could be the Middle High German word lind, which means gentle or kind-hearted.. Bauer, Ingrid. Another origin could be the German word norden, which means north in German. Ahlgren. It is a variant of Herbert, which means shining army or bright army in Old German. Accola. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to 8. It is an occupational name for someone who makes cords, strings, shoestrings or ribbons.. It comes from the German word gellen, which means a shrill sound or to yell. It was probably an occupational surname for a town crier. The German word vogel means bird. It is either an occupational name for a birdwatcher or a nickname for a jovial and chirpy person. It is a variant of the German name Rahmann and derives from the word rade meaning a clearing in the forest. It is a toponymic surname for someone who resides in a clearing in the forest. It is also the last name of a famous female socialist.
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