385 E. Queen St.. a daughter, today, Chambersburg Hospital. Tom Dixon Earth Diffuser Refill, Franklin County (717) 264-6161. Chambersburg, Pennsylvania 17201. He Is employed by the Chambersburg Engineering Co. Betrothal Announced Mr. and Mrs. P. Tell Holbert, Clearspring, Md., announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Ethel Holbert, to Pfc. Second Lutheran 230 E. Washington St. PERSONALS "W 1 1 e e m h coming speed (he parting guest." Franklin County, Pennsylvania obituaries, deaths, cemetery and Born March 6, 1937 in Johnstown, she was a daughter of the A. Marlene Arrison, 80, passed away unexpectedly on Tuesday, February 7, 2023 in Gainsville, Fl. 5pal Mud Bus win leave Concord 1 :00 P-M- thronsh Do)lJrurs to 17 in (i ; S ) f V Bub 15 minutes earlier Sunlay '9 a ' , 'GRAND PRIZE TO OPEN AT TOTEM POLE MONDAY As its fourth play of the season, the Totem Pole Playhouse in Cal-' edonia Stat Park will -present a merry farce about television entitled "Grand Prize" written by Ronald Alexander, author of the popular hit "Time Out For Ginger." His list of titles, honors and accolades are many. Dr. and Mrs. Rodney T. Taylor. A fairy tale of a jealous and evil Queen, her stepdaughter, a poisoned apple and true love's kiss. These names bring to 118 the number of gallon blood donors in the chapter. Chance of rain 30%.. Tonight. . 71 of Northern Cambria (Barrett Funeral Home, Northern Cambria) Published in The Tribune Democrat on June 7, 2022. Family Eucharist, 9:30 a.m. 8 r. m Church of the Brethren 260 S. Fourth St. Franklin mm IPaWProgram PaidProgram PaidProgram Pad Program PaidProgram World WresSinq Federation Live Wire Pacific Blue Near Death" (Rj (To lOamerw c Business 18449 Personal 567423 296423 276930 677249 663220 65u572 301794 (In Stereo) 204432 Stereo) 1 291978 Kramer"! Born June 15, 1944, in Carlisle, Pa., he was the son of the late Peter and Anna (Fetters) Yasovsky . He hungered and thirsted. 486959 (Paid Prog. black churches in huntsville, al; Tags . Cars will leave the church at 5:45 p.m. Circle No. Chambersburg Hospital. bedford county pa obituaries. Sunday School. 267 Philadelphia Ave.. Is spending the summer a a counselor at camp Kim kock, a private camp in Yellow Spring W. Va. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley H. Stahl 1416 Alexander Ave., left today for Madison,. The submitter is solely responsible for all such content. Still working at the age of seventy-eight, Leroy farmed his entire life. Like our page to stay informed about passing of a loved one in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania on facebook. Echo Pilot Obituaries (2009-Current) at Genealogy Bank ($) Miss Jane H. Taylor, daugh ter of the Rev. The production has been directed by William Putch with settings by Lloyd Burl-ingame. She was the daughter of Theodore and Vivian (Brooks) Caswell. 3, led by Mrs.Harry Findon, will b the hostesses. 1316 Alexander Ave- a son. Browse trib total media obituaries, conduct other obituary searches, offer condolences/tributes, send flowers or create an online memorial. Submit an Obituary . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clippinger, Shippensburg, a daughter, today, l Chambersburg Hospital. Find obituaries in Chambersburg newspapers. The Rev. Don na Ramey, Shirley Stahl, Cecelia Stansberry, Virginia Stevens and Constance Strait. Ethel Mae Comfort Melhuish, 89, passed away February 15, 2023, in Newtown Square, PA. She grew up in Pine Bush, NY, was a long-time resident Ethel Mae Comfort Melhuish, 89, passed away February 15, 2023, in Newtown Square, PA. She grew up in Pine Bush, NY, was a long-time resident of Fayetteville, PA, and a retired registered nurse. Franklin County, PA Obituary Index at Obits Index Born June 15, 1944, in Carlisle, Pa., he was the son of the late Peter and Anna (Fetters) Yasovsky . Park Avenue Evangelical United Brethren Park and Edgar Avenues The Rev. Shirley enjoyed cross stitching, western novels, and collecting yorkie figurines and gnomes. Next year the leaders of Troop 44 will, be Mrs. Daniel Sweeney and Mrs. Rollin Gilbert. Paid Program Paid Program News 62846 I Saturday Morning (El) E 64274 ' ' Rupert (El) 3! "There is no social ground In Soviet society for the creation and existence of other parties In addition to the Communist party." 11 a.m Wednesday: Meeting, 8 p.m. Lesson-sermon, "Sacrament." "Grand Prize" win run through Saturday July 14. nightly at 8:40 with a matinee performance Wednesday at 2:30. County. Visit this link to create a free obituary then read the advantages of creating an obituary on Echovita and either click Start now or Create an obituary for your loved to begin. Young Man And The Sea Summary, Born June 8, 1928, Mazie dedicated most of her life to making a home for her family. Bill McLaughlin dug deep to transform Chambersburg from the inside out Feb 6, 2021 CHAMBERSBURG, Pa. Bill McLaughlin didnt grow up in Chambersburg, but he High 56F. Phone: (717) 559-3262 Fax: (717) 459-7400 Email: info@fcfreepress.com, Debra Diane Dee Dee Eigenbrode 1964~2023, James Stanley Jacks Jr. obituary 1937~2023, Robert A Bobby Sites obituary 1952~2023. Partly cloudy this morning. Christian Science Society 238 E. King St Saturday: Reading room 2 to 4 p.rn . J. Irvin Lehman and Norman Martin, Pastors. Sunday school 9 30 A m Worship, 10:45 a in. Mary E. Ahlers, age 92, formerly of York Springs, passed away Saturday, Jan. 30, 2021, at the Gettysburg Center. Ancestry.com ($) Brethren in Christ Center an Reservoir Sts The Revs. He wearied and slept. 6, led by Mrs. Charles Fague, will be in charge of the program and Circle No. How wise and understanding are we here in the United States? (B) 181 1171 tugboat42030 Stereo)71 (R) tS! It is all a very human story of a divine Christ, incarnate, "mads flesh," taking upon Himself our humanity (Hebrews 2), even to being "touched with the feelings or our infirmities" and "in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin" (Hebrews 4:15). Van loved spending his free time fishing. It does not start with the narrative, but with a prologue, a philosophical or theological statement, pro claiming the identity of the histor- JS r" Eternal Christ, the Word, which "was in the beginning with God, and "the Word was God." Previously, before coming to Mercersburg, he min istered at Fallen Timber. Pennsylvania Tombstone Project, Franklin County, Pennsylvania Genealogy Links, U.S. Social Security Death Index 1935-2014, Department of Veterans Affairs Death Search Pennsylvania obituaries at GenealogyBank. Lake Onalaska Fishing From Shore, was Inaugurated In September 1951: Robert R. Besore, Gerald E. Cline, John S. Graham Jr., Bard L. Miller Jr.. Edward T. Tedrick. Record Lititz Public Library Obituary Index for Lititz Record and the Lititz Record Express. Here you will find our Obituaries in Chambersburg PA for past & current services. Can Inmates Receive Mail During Covid-19, We will delve into any topic or issue that's important to you. The speaker recently returned from Mexico, where he and three other business executives conducted a series of business management seminars at the request of the State Department. Joseph T. Kofchock, Assistant Pastor. Public Opinion Newspaper Obituaries - (4/26/1999-Current) at Genealogy Bank ($) I New Class 63881 . Public Opinion from Chambersburg Joseph Robert Handy, driving under the influence: 30 days to six 2011 in Phoenix, Arizona. a graduate of Chambersburg Area High School, class of 1952, and of Columbia Business School, Hagerstown, is employed by the H. J. Heinz Co. Mr. Kruger is a graduate of Pipestone High School. 06/16/2022 . Ancestry.com ($) Ask the Eagle is a public-powered reporting project that gives you a voice in our region's news coverage. He completed basic training at Fort Jackson, S C. PRACTICALLY NEW j Although sugar ranks as one of ' the world's oldest as well as most necessary foods, its principal source t sugar cane has been widely cultivated for less than 500 ; years. How Christian Science Heals "Health Regained by Discovering God" Sunday, July S 8:30 A.M. WHP (530 kc) HARRISBURG JULY 15, 1956 ft I v, Get access to this page with a Free Trial, Millions of additional pages added every month, Exclusive licensed content from premium publishers like the. She was born on April 17, 1925 in Belle. in Chambersburg, PA and throughout Franklin County (R) 898591 Rap Chy Top 10 (R) 538607 Madd 453442 3 Paid 6050336 Paid 6528064 Paid 7037930 Paid 7056065 Paid 6277591 Paid 6276862 Paid 6290442 Pald 2782775 iPaict 6519336 jPaid 6296626 Paid8369336 (paid 6360065 Pald6287978 Intematl 182881 Travel 572355 Money 201355 Pro Golf 280862 Saturday Morning 553220 Showbiz 563607 Style 66168B Saturday 789423 Page One 780152 Saturday 685268 3 Paid 8675152 Paid B801442 Soap3:i530626 Soap E 1519133 Saturday Night Live S 2677171 Saturday Night Live 6651572 BenSteln 8892794 Canned 9861 171 Saturday Night Live 1528881 "P.C.U"8872930 iLat Nd Prog. Search Obituaries. Activities of the Churches 'A Church l God betwten tour walla." Born March Florence F. Ritchey, 85, of Marion, PA passed away peacefully on Monday morning, February 14, 2023 at her home surrounded by her family. The Rev. Find your ancestry info and recent death notices for relatives and friends. His smile and laughter could light up any room he was in. E. J. Gerrity, Rector, Masses 8 and 9 30 am St. Marys, Doylesburi Mass, 11:15 a m. Falling Spring Presbyterian 221 N. Main St. 9:30 a. m.; St. Stephen, Upton, Sun ox, School win be new at 5C lukc at 9:30 also. He chose to spread love and knowledge, unconditionally. Masses on Sunday. Joseph H. Clem, Assistant Pastor. Those participating were Rollin Gilbert, Wilmarth Jacobs, Daniel Llninger and Lewis Scarborough. Rodney worked at various sawmills during his life and retired from JLG Industries. 533152 To Be Announced Paid Prog. Obituaries 2003-2008, Shippensburg News-Chronicle Obituaries - Recent, Shippensburg Sentinel Obituaries (2010-Current), Dugan Funeral Home and Crematory Obituaries, Fogelsanger-Bricker Funeral Home Obituaries, Franklin County, The Rev. The Rev. These persons have given a I ffnltATi rt VnnA el. He suffered and He died. Vernon, Mo. 'Beast Wars (In, Spider-Man Spider-Man Godzilla 6032442 Power Rangers Magician 1552133 Power Rangers- Woody Wood Secret Files of the Malibu.CA 156 881 6911323 Stereo) 1761620 6519591 6018862 9937862 Playback 6038626 8366978 SpyDogs 8367607 6029978 PaidProgram PaidProgram Northwest Hunter Paid Program Wild About PaidProgram Game Warden Paid Program Crime Strike Paid Program Homeowner Paid Program Paid Program 7442881 2570510 8558539 8537046 Animals 2473779 7328620 3623012 6797133 2561862 3928864 B468404 8469133 9223256 fEjft Bananas in Monkey Magic Uonhearts (El) Dragon Ball Z New BatmanSuperman Adventures Men in Black: The Batman Beyond Pokemonffi Cat-and-Big- Histeria! Worship, 8:45 and 11 a. m. Church hour nursery and kindergarten, 8:45 and 11 a.m. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Sermon .theme, "Let Freedom Ring." Echo Pilot Obituaries - Public Opinion Online : Obituaries in Chambersburg . He wept with those who wept. 15, 2021 at home. Room. A statement deploring the widespread use of the new tran-qullizing drugs for the relief of everyday tensions has been mailed to the association's 9,353 members who constitute most of the practicing psychiatrists in the nation. Born August 12, 1923 in Chambersburg, he was a son of the late Benjamin and Stella Owens Patterson. He was a fan of the St. Louis Cardinals and Philadelphia Eagles. including obituaries, The Lord's Suppei 10:15 a m. Sundav school 10-45 a m. Prayer meeting, 7:30 p m. Wednesday: Preaching service, 8 p.m. John Wesley A M E. Zton 71 W Liberty St. The Funeral Home Directory. Born May 11, 1940 in New York City, she was the daughter of the late Willis F. and Marie Robert W. Parsons, 92, of Blairs Mills, PA, died Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at WellSpan York Hospital, York, PA. Born on June 15, 1930, in Robert W. Parsons, 92, of Blairs Mills, PA, died Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at WellSpan York Hospital, York, PA. Born on June 15, 1930, in Tell Township, PA, he was the son of the late Samuel H. Patterson, 99, of Chambersburg, passed away Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at The Shook Home. Search current obits in Pennsylvania online now! 49317 Bamas'90539 Street Sharks (In Extr. Obituaries. Church school, 9:30 a m Holy Communion, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p.m. Chutch of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints 482 E Washington St Sunday School, 10 Sacrament meeting, 6.30 p.m. Thursday: Relief Society, 7.30 p.m. Toggle navigation The Funeral Home Dir. The paper said: "A multiplicity of parties Is a feature of a society with different classes whose interests differ. I Services at other churches on the ! The consistory of the Trinity Evanglical and Reformed Church has granted the minister, the Rev. Sentinel Carlisle Public Opinion Online Chambersburg Intelligencer Doylestown News-Journal Emmitsburg Gettysburg Times Gettysburg Evening Sun Hanover Lehigh Valley Live Harrisburg . public opinion chambersburg pa obituaries past 30 days. Dr. Clarence A, NeaL Pastor; The Rev. we want to listen to and think about the great spiritual and democratic heritage which Is ours. Born April 7, 1940 in New York, NY, he was a son of the late. This mystical statement, so difficult to comprehend by mortal mind, is the most explicit statement of the doctrine of .the Incarnation.
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