KIMBERLY: Kimberly, Idaho. It's a Christmas miracle. Everything. Peak in and youll find the most-loved nicknames for Daniel. Not quite a name. DEAN: If I was the dean of the College of Naming Babies, I would expel your parents. DANNY: Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes, are calling your name stupid. OR Still living in '96, eh? JILL: Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. PENNY: Your names is so stupid that even your coin is the dumbest one. DESIREE: And I desire that you'd get a new name. Stupid. JANICE: Stupid. CYNTHIA: "Cynthia" is a movie starring Elizabeth Taylor. Almost as sad as your name. Don't you look silly. BJ: Nice acronym. MARGARET: Commonly shortened to "Maggie," otherwise there'd be too much stupid. Stupid names. Name or Nickname SARAH: Adding an H to the end of your name won't make it any less stupid. Clerks? ERICA: Erica is just "Eric" with an "a" tacked on. OR HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OR When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east; when the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves; when your womb quickens again, and you bear a living child, your name will still be stupid. JEFFERSON: Jefferson? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Luke: Why did Anakin Skywalker cross the road? ABIGAIL: Hebrew for "her father's joy." QUEEN: Are you a Chihuahua? BOBBIE: Come back when you have a serious name to give me. MARJORIE: Just makes people think of jam. AUGUST: Yeah, right, and my name is "March.". He examined the spirits behind me. What'd you say? Come back when you stop spelling your name like an idiot. Gleep gloop. 12. MARCY: Remember that band Marcy Playground? JONAH: How are you reading this from inside a whale? Danisnotonfire 11., Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters. I am. BRIT: Brit. Stupid for you. ins.dataset.adChannel = cid; LEE: Haha, your name rhymes with pee. Pay the penalty. EVA: That's the stupidest name I eva heard. AL: Al. DAVID: David Bowie covered himself in exquisite costumes and fanciful makeup to distract people from how boring the name "David" is. DARLENE: You must have found your name in a trash can. Did you hear about the Minotaur they found under the Blue Mosque? CHESTER: The cheetah? The name Norman died with him. Looks icky. SANG: Try lip synching instead. OR Let's be real. Danko 16. The baby lost the toe-sucking competition, he tasted defeat and nothing else. RUDY: Get in there kid! BURL: Mr. Ives? Let the door hit you on the way out too. STEPHEN: Go PHuck yourself. LORI: Short for Lauren. OR yourself on the back for having the dumbest name known to humankind. BRYAN: Y? Bad for names. John. When shes not writing you can find her watching the latest and greatest movies, listening to a true crime podcast (or two), blasting 90s music and hiking with her dog, Ryker, throughout the Finger Lakes. Grand Moff Turkeyn, What do you call stormtroopers playing Monopoly? Several times stupider. AUSTIN: Cool town. Roger Moore. ALMA: What's your Alma Mater? OR Please stop singing. This helps them create an online profile and lead them to your social media profiles. VERNA: The name your father gave you when he really wanted a "Vern.". EARLE: Earle to bed, earle to rise up and find a new name for yourself. MARION: Oh fair maid Marion, I'm here to rescue you--what the--sorry dude, wrong castle. MATTHEW: Overcame his incredibly stupid name to write the first book of the New Testament, which now also bears an incredibly stupid name. This article will take you through some steps to help you come up with a perfect nickname for Daniel.var cid = '6300803632'; Often short for "Kathy is a stupid name. LOU: A little bit of jessica in my life, a little bit of sandra by my side, a little bit of get a new name is all you need. Look around you. I have a long career of ice skating ahead of me. What a stupid name you have! PENELOPE: Wife of Odysseus. You know, on account of your shitty name. Help help me, Rhonda. SHELLEY: Anagram for HELL YES! KRISTIN: This just in, Kristin. Throw us in bed! Don't blow your top off. Stupid names. Mice crispies. Being an American living in the Middle East, I wanted to celebrate Thanksgiving. ROBYN: Looks like OBGYN. What do you call a pirate droid? A tortoise named Voldetort. Then you makes a stupid necklace out of it. A warning to be careful about drink driving as we are getting close to Christmas and the police are out there checking on people. SUSIE: Raise your hand in the air. Noooooo.I am. What is Jabba the Hutts middle name? HOMER: d'oh. Arrrrgh-2-D2. Nothing bad I can say about that name. Thank you, {{}}, for signing up. See what its name is, and then walk around with her name instead. Any Beths? Doesn't matter. In just 6 short weeks! AGNES: Your name looks like acne. ANGELICA: Yeah, right, and my name is "Devilica.". The absence of thought. All of your friends call you Phil. TERRY: Terry, a cloth to clean up sweaty fecal matter. New english for "turd boat.". That's it? = container.attributes.ezaw.value + 'px'; JARED: We don't know how you turned eating sandwiches into a career, but, jealous. SAMUEL: No one was better at pointing out stupid things than Mark Twain. It's surprising that you found this website and knew how to use it. MOSES: Let my people-- decide a new for you, okay? LAURA: Translates to victor. Some things to consider while coming up with a nickname for Daniel are here: 1. Dang. = + 'px'; I think you forgot what ds look like. Short for "Christ, what a stupid name. Stupid. ZACHARIAH: Nice neck beard, penis wrinkle. OR Jimmy hat. Sure enough, I passed a police checkpoint at the top of the road where they were pulling over cars and performing breathalyser tests. ), He then said, what about a computer bob or a computer Phil? GREG: Greg. Very. SOFIA: You are the capital of Bulgaria. Names are so varied around the world, and with new ones being chosen each year, the name puns will never end. Click on the usernames to immediately check their availability on YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Twitch, Skype, Tumblr, and even domain names. Your name is stupid. They are all less stupid than yours. Good for him. Not only that, but a lot of them can easily be used in everyday life! 5. That'd be a double whammy. Dant 6. HEIDI: Don't hide'y just because you have a stupid name'y! OR You have an uncommon name. Really, it is or do you need me to spell it out for you? Gilbert had a studiper name. Worst name for a human being. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. If you're looking to create a secure username, consider including these details and see what happens, or leetify your username instead. Do you prefer whisker-y or boubon? You're welcome. } Crossword finished. TOMMY: Unless your name is followed by "Lee" then it is a dumb name, my friend. OR X Marks the spot. In the Bible, Daniel was a prophet of God, who was under captivity in Babylon. LUCILLE: We're having a Ball without you and your stupid name. CLAYTON: Clay ton. DERRICK: You should rig yourself up a new name there, friendo. NICOLAS: Unless your last name is Cage, you have no right to spell your name this way. He rushed over 1,600 yards in one season just trying to escape his stupid name. Sean Connery. Sodan - If Daniel loves soda so much that he has fizzy drinks running in his veins. Because hes always a little short, What program do Jedi use to view PDF files? A snake named Severus Snake. Lord of the dance. ROGER: In England, 'to roger' is slang for 'to fuck'. MARCIA: MAR C.I.A - Your name is a code word that will destroy the modern government. SHEREE: Your name rhymes with itself. Quit pretending to be something you're not. Chan. WILBUR: That's some pig of a name you've got there. OR There are over 400,000 species of beetle in the world. SHELIA: Sh-yearight. OR Open your mouth, you're made to be pooped in. Using the SpinXO Username Generator is easy. I'll have a Russian Blue Christmas. NAPOLEON: Hope you aren't short. We have alerted the authorities. OK, but what's your first name? Ever. CLARA: I'm seeing it very clearly now, your name is very stupid. CEDRIC: The entertainer. Click here for more information. He's 5'11 and has a lot of tattoos. BECKY: Grow up. RAUL: That's one Raul stupid name you got there. COLE: Put you in your stocking and smoke it. My cow always takes her coffee de-calf-inated. YVONNE: You wanna go get a new name there, Yvonne? | MASON: I'm going to drawn a line. JEWELL: Where'd you get that extra L? Have a brie-lliant . What do you call a needy woman? Short for "I'm too dumb to remember there's an H in John.". NOAH: Named for the two things people yell when they hear your name. HALLIE: Hallie Hallie bo-ballie banana fanna fo you have such a stupid name. That's dumb. VICTOR: You know who's not a victor? CLINTON: Little blue dress. MITCH: Mitch. WANDA: I wish I had a wand to make your name less stupid. ADDRIIIAAAAANNNN YOUR NAME IS STUPID. DANTE: Woah. But before opening the treasure-trove of nicknames, lets trace the roots of the name Daniel to find some interesting tales around it. ALFRED: Ah, Alfred. Too bad it actually makes the world sad. ", Dad: "Did I ever tell you about the three men in the book of Daniel who were thrown into the fiery furnace?". FREDDY: I had a dream last night that your name was stupid, Freddy. That's just a sound that leaves make. Ray: A stupid fucking name. Please try again. Short for "Jim, get out of my face with your stupid name!". Frank McCourt knew what he was doing. Unless its past December 21st. The Big Bang! JUDITH: For when going by the name "Judy" sounds "too hip.". All I want for Christmas is a new name. LAKEISHA: Almost a lake, not quite a person. Please note that this site uses cookies to personalise content and adverts, to provide social media features, and to analyse web traffic. HOPE: I hope you start going by your middle name. Well, you're not. You are beautiful. MERCEDES: Hop in one and drive away, hopefully to never hear your name uttered again. STACI: You spelled your name wrong, Stacey. NORMAN: Rockwell was the best artist ever. DARREN: It was quite Darren of your parents to give you such a stupid name. OR Ollie oxen free-all of humanity from your stupid sounding name. Then punch yourself with your stupid name. March 20, 2021. You'll then see 30+ unique usernames created tailored to your character. LEONARDO: Yeah, right, and my name is "Michelangelo.". Pan-niel - This one's for the super chef named Daniel. Four fourths stupid name. | GAY: Sorry. They left. Even the English think you have a stupid name. JUSTINE: Justine time for me to tell you how stupid your name is. American for purely stupid. How terrible your name is. We didn't think you would, but hey, you did! container.appendChild(ins); Fucked it up for the rest of us. Be Linda. SIMON: Simon says, "I have such a stupid name.". The sound of air leaving a balloon. English for "dumb name.". GARTH: I too have friends in low places. ELVIRA: I didn't know you were still relevant, Elvira. Over a barrel. LINDA: Linda. Truth. ARLENE: Justlet Jon Arbuckle take you out on a date already. OR You can't make a letter a name. A: A stupid name. KATHERYN: You spelled Katherine wrong. Don't worry, I'll save you! To find a better, less stupid name. Cause you're really smart. COURTNEY: Cocks. AJ: Nice acronym. JEANNE: Yeah, right, and my name is "Shirt. ALVIN: Where's Simon? But if you want it faster yet still secure, a username generator can create usernames in a second! KARL: If you're gonna go Norse, why not something more awesome? Your name is heartbreakingly stupid. OR Mother of Jesus. VIOLET: Violet, the color of autoerotic asphyxiation. DAPHNE: Is that how you spell your name. Dad: have you seen the dangerous? Run, you'll never escape your terrible name! JAN: What, because Janet was too hard to say? Shortly after arriving, the meeting I had been going to got postponed. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); Nicknames can be used in several positive ways. BRYCE: A good Irish name. Select account level Congratulations, your name is stupid in two languages. TRACY: Dick. 3. I have decided that for my summer holidays I am Ghana go for a vacation to the continent of Africa. CELIA: Just googled it. Still, many people choose to reuse the same login name for multiple accounts. No? English for 'Dumbass'. Ah!!!! You know, to fix your stupid name. You're welcome. Looks like Chris Farley. Gary. They should rename the border between Denmark and Germany. Chaz. var container = document.getElementById(slotId); Evan. They made it all the way into the trash can. Instantly share code, notes, and snippets. That is stupid. ELVIS: Fingers crossed you're still alive. OR Bullocks! Were you talking? AIDA: If I were in your parents shoes, Aida named you something not stupid. KANYE: Watch the Throne was really disappointing. OR Mary, Mary, quite contrary / Your name, is it stupid? I am. Some gift. OR If you could be stranded on a desert island with any celebrity you wanted, who would it be and why is your name so stupid? PEARL: Pearl. var container = document.getElementById(slotId); What do you call 5 siths piled on top of a lightsaber? OR I don't kare what you go by, your name is still stupid. Congratulations, your name is stupid in two languages. Here's the truth. HELEN: Helen of Troy had the face that launched a thousand ships. JAYNE: Where'd you get that Y, the Stupid Store? BRENDAN: Solid, classically stupid Irish name. I have to make sure my cows understand me when I tell them something! BELINDA: Yes. Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. MARSHA: Adding an "a" onto a ugly place doesn't bode well. Nobody. 15 years and he still doesnt know that my name is Daniel. That's a much better name than yours. 4. Never trust stairs they're always up to something. JASMINE: Named for the flower that symbolizes how little I care about your name. Stats are based upon replies and quotes of this . Me: Is there anyway for me to check the balance of this online or something? KAY: Your name is just a letter spelled out. MAGGIE: You're trying to hard to sound hip and cool. FRANCIS: France is a country, not a name. ALLIE: Come back when you're ready to use your big-girl name. Tiny brain. (no pun intended, but, since it's there)? What did the Spanish guy say when he realised his car was missing, Talking to a conductor at the train station. HENRY: Awesome name for a king. JOSE: Q: What do Jose Canseco and Jose Reyes have in common? No? OR The number one name to have "Creepy Aunt" in front of. BIZ: Biz is as bad a name for a person as Jelly is for a company. By changing your name to something not stupid. ERICK: You must be Scandanavian. Better than your name. TERRA: Pots be broken by Link. BRAD: Brad, from a long tradition of "Names of Asshole High School Football Players.". Don't blame me! One thing lead to another and I had a few too many Jack Daniels and then went onto the Bailey's. George lazenby. GUADALUPE: You misspelled guacamole. CALEB: A classic, solidly stupid Biblical name. You're welcome. Short for "Time for a new name!". Alone with your stupid name. RAY: Doe: A deer. ADAM: The first man. Just don't cut off my penis. It's really stupid. GLENN: You share your name with Glenn Beck. We can't improve on that. CHRISTINE: Aliens have been spotted over Nevada! ALYSSA: Where'd you learn how to spell names, the Internet? Like that annoying bird from Aladdin. ins.dataset.adChannel = cid; CLEVELAND: Yeah, right, and my name is "Baltimore.". Don't worry! Ha, you were named after someone's pet. Why does Princess Leia keep her hair tied up in buns? Any Beths? HUGO: Hugo change your name right now. You're welcome. OR Yeah, right, and my name is "Batman." While some outrightly offensive terms exist, we have found that context matters with nicknames. / I wish his name was Brad. DELORIS: You spelled your name wrong, dummy. ROBERTA: The name your father gave you when he really wanted a "Robert.". GILBERT: Gilbert and Dilbert walked into a bar. JUSTIN: Justin time to tell you how stupid your name is. IQ of seven. | KAYLA: Every kiss begins with what a stupid name you have. Uncle! Grand Dan 12. At least-a your last name isn't so stupid! ANNIE: Annie get your gun. TARA: Let me guess. That's a felony. You're a living disgrace. MYRA: No YourRa. What does Daniel Craig and Sean Connery do in a bar? JEFFRY: it's better than Geoffrey. First, enter examples of your character in the six boxes at the top of the screen. CARRIE: No one will ever like your name. WILL: 4. Stupid. Cassie. Both stupid. Oscar Nominee Alonsolar Power Fernando's Piri Piri Hamilton Academical Lewis Lips Sink Ships Hulkenbergkamp Incredible Hulk In the Nico Time Bottaston Villa Valtteri Pratchett Checo'd Flag Sergio Perez Hilton Esteban Ocon queror Estebanned Team Name GILDA: Radner, high five. EVELYN: Eve is a stupid name, Lyn is a stupid name, put together: double stupid. Tonight, I was at a friend's house for a few drinks. HARRY: Not only is your name stupid, but your mom is stupid because she spelled Hairy wrong. Who KNU? Like your name. And shoot your parents for giving you such a stupid name. NINA: Pinta, and Santa Maria. Congratulations. MARK: The name Mark originated from the Roman-- ah fuck it, you have a stupid name. I think he was surprised by how funny I found this. Either way, stupid name. What's more, you can do this in over 23 languages, from Latin to Gothic to even Klingon! SAUL: Better call someone with a better name. ISAAC: Where'd you get that extra A, the Stupid Store? Dummy. So, make sure you choose carefully. BRANDI: Should have a Y at the end, like, "Y is your name so stupid?". And one for the road!, But I realized it's because their work is Neva Dan. Community Member Follow Unfollow. MAMIE: Why do you even get out of bed in the morning? She has a stupid name. ALBERT: They named a dick piercing after you. We also appreciate the fact that you have a dumb name. Dummy. Ah, fuck. What kind of name is that? BLANCA: Your name means white. OR Leave M(e)alone. OR How's Fred doing? An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Anyone else? NATASHA: STOP HURTING MOOSES AND SQUIRRELS. Maxine. Wedding hashtags have certainly become the "It" wedding accessory of the last decade. Waitwhat? MINDY: I have a project for you. Say it soft and it's almost like praying. YOLANDA: Wait, that's kind of an awesome name. RONDA: Help me Ronda. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. When? DOMINIQUE: Wilkins: A high flying slamma jamma from Atlanta. window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId, 'stat_source_id', 44); ABRAHAM: Four score and seven years ago your parents gave you a dumb name. If 6th Sense was Gluten Free (by Daniel Trasher), I was going to drink an entire bottle of Jack Daniels, Would you like to be known on TV as Daniel?. F. U. ELMO: How's it feel to have someone's hand stuck up your butt? COLLEEN: Do you hear me Colleen your name? I dont think youre ready for this jelly. The name of these fuzzy (but scary) animals actually provides a surprising number of combinations and options for crafting funny puns. I like your shirt. GWEN: Gwen will you change your name to something better? How about now. Perhaps because it's such a stupid name. She's hot. Blow me away from your stupid name. Our wedding hashtag was #titovicandjaney. TRENT: Tent? A place where rabbits have sex. OR Your name has one "NIE" too many there, John. Hole-y cannoli! "Time flies like an arrow. REBA: Country. McKenzie: McKenzie. REBEKAH: You spelled Rebecca wrong. HA. JONATHAN: Your name has too many syllables. CLEO: My grandparents dog was named Cleo. Reaching out to grab a dictionary to find a new name. var ins = document.createElement('ins'); CASSANDRA: In Greek mythology, daughter of King Priam, who was most famous for giving his children stupid names. OR Michael Flatley. Looking for a strong, traditional name for your baby boy? Daniel of the Old Testament is known for remaining loyal to the God of Israel despite persecution and danger. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. CHAD: Here's a poem: Chad is bad. KRIS: Who taught you to spell your name that way? VIOLA: Viola. Colonization! He'd be good to you. FUNNY NAMES ABBREVIATION Gift Chioma Emeka = G.C.E David Victor Denis = DVD Hope Innocent Vincent = HIV Love Grateful Ada = LGA Nathan Tim Aboh = NTA Amanda Ino Daniel Sera = AIDS Nwankwo Elochi Peter Agnes= NEPA Veronica Ifeoma Peter = VIP Rapuruchuku Iheanyi Paul = RIP Benjamin Bony Maduako = BBM Mukaila Tunde Nurudeen = MTN DWIGHT: Everyone thinks of that tool from the Office. She was born in 1899. I think I heard your name as a caller on a Republican talk radio show! GAYLE: Did you know if you drop two letters from your name it says "Lye"? Mark: Why? Oh wait, you're not a bad ass. OR Lovely Rita. MARGRET: You spelled your name wrong, dummy. Contribute to chinapedia/wikipedia.en development by creating an account on GitHub. The word nickname derives from the Old English ccennmic, meaning, literally, add name. There are many different things to consider when deciding on a new moniker. AVERY: Avery time I hear your name I want to vomit. Tracy. Litter Cat Puns. Go to hell. I'm looking for a good, cool and short finsta username. window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId, 'adsensetype', 1); BART: Don't have a cow, man, but your name is stupid. GLEN. BETHANY: Any one named Beth out there? DIANNE: Here's a dittie. Sometimes both. SON: No, someone did not name you this. I was reading today that Kevin Bacon and Daniel Day Lewis are making a movie together. But you don't have to change your awful name. Hm, what else? SHARRON: Where'd you get that extra R, the Stupid Store? LOGAN: Your parents either have an affection for Wolverine or Steakhouses. 146 points. Tweet. Traci. LONNIE: You have been stripped of your right to have this name. CAMILLE: el camil. KATHLEEN: Leen over here and listen close to this whisper. A big dumb fat dog. Litter-patter; Whiskers Cat Puns. Bugs aren't just creepy and crawly they're funny too. Hackers and identity thieves use software that checks your usernames across multiple platforms. ANITA: Anita second to recover from how stupid your name is. OLLIE: Flip. A man walked into my liquor store. RACHEL: Rachel, a good Biblical name. ins.dataset.adChannel = cid; Kyle. Lantern, check. DOLLY: You should buy one. Skywalker always invited on picnics? CREEPY. Scientists have created a flea from scratch. OR Roses are red, violets are blue, your name is stupid. Both stupid. I'm going to go with "stupid.". My aunt has the heart of a lion. What do you call a man who has a spade for a head? Danzilla 14. TERRI: You were named after a washcloth. Your name is dumb. TREVOR: Welsh for "big village, no one home.". Verywell Family's content is for informational and educational purposes only. Figured y'all would like this one! You gonna name your son FBI? If you can read this - say it out loud - my name is stupid. ELLEN: She should talk to you about changing your name. ERNEST: Go to jail. HALEY: A stupid comet with a stupid name that passes Earth every 75 years. Lei Not sure. In fact, sissy. Vicki. Where'd you get that hicky? EVER. Thomas Cathcart and Daniel Klein, authors of the national bestseller Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar, aren't falling for any election year claptrap-and they don't want their readers to either! Over a Daniel. HERMINIA: The lost city of Herminia, a polluted land of the werefishpeople. These jokes just write themselves. CLYDE: Clyde the Glide Drexler. Who puts an L after a B, and then an A and a K, and an E at the end?? Take your stupid name with you. You're welcome. BRITTANY: You know what you and Brittany Spears have in common? KATHRINE: Try spelling your name the correct way. BOBBY: Oh Bobby, won't you go and get your grandmother another glass of lemonade? FREDERICK: You have two names in your name. Continue with Recommended Cookies. JOEY: You're one of the few people who saw "Friends" and said, hey! Manage Settings KEVIN: Old Irish for "gentle birth." JARRED: The Subway guy? Click on the usernames to immediately check their availability on YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Twitch, Skype, Tumblr, and even domain names. HOUSTON: We have a problem. Look at that barf. Daniella Amato is a biomedical scientist and fact checker with expertise in pharmaceuticals and clinical research. The different language nickname. Chucky. OLGA: Did your name come with pigtails? STEFANIE: You spelled Stephanie wrong. Right. 1. Shutup dumb name. LUTHER: Adding one more theses to the door: 100. BRUCE: Bruce Lee Bruce Willis the inspirational stories of people who overcame cripplingly terrible names to become total badasses. MILDRED: You're either 80 years old or a horse. Required fields are marked *. Solar System! Is your dog named dog too? Please don't use this . Fur score and seven years ago; Did you need me to . MICHELLE: Michelle, ma belle, these are words that go together well if you're trying to create the stupidest name! These include: Notable Daniels in the U.S., like the pioneer Daniel Boone and the 19th-century statesman Daniel Webster, embodied the biblical Daniels loyalty and courage. The public safety officer came up to a large mob of people outside a department store and asked, "What's happening?" A mall officer replied, "These people are waiting to get the new Barbie . Most Sanrio characters are anthropomorphized animals, a few are humans or anthropomorphized objects. ALICIA: Whatever happened to Alicia Silverstone?
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