$24.00. Enlever les capuchons du balais avec un tournevis. Trouver le manchon hexagonal situ au-dessous du devant de la table. Order online or call (866) 539-1710. ASSEMBLAGE Enlever les boulons, les entretoises et les crous de blocage des ensembles de pied. TABLE SAW SCIE TABLE de 254 mm (10 po) SIERRA DE MESA de 254 mm (10 pulg.) Installing the guarding components onto the riving knife in any other position will prevent them from working as designed, which could increase the risk of serious personal injury. Item: 385383541739: Seller: Sign Up for Our Newsletter: APAGUE la sierra y permita que la hoja deje de girar completamente antes de retirar la tabla. Cette scie a t conue et fabrique conformment aux strictes. The trademark is licensed from RIDGID, Inc. All warranty communications should be directed to One World Technologies, Inc. RGLES DE SCURIT GNRALES SCURIT PERSONNELLE AVERTISSEMENT : Lire les avertissements de scurit, les instructions et les prcisions et consulter les illustrations fournis avec cet outil lectrique. Retirer le guide en relevant le levier de verrouillage. ELECTRICAL DOUBLE INSULATION Double insulation is a concept in safety in electric power tools, which eliminates the need for the usual three-wire grounded power cord. rbol Es el eje donde se monta una hoja o herramienta de corte. . Before performing any maintenance, make sure the tool is unplugged from the power supply and the top button on the switch is not depressed. Diagrams. R4511 Assembly Instructions. This heavy-duty saw is equipped with a 5000 RPM motor. Unplug the saw. ASSEMBLY UNPACKING This product requires assembly. Key Features of the Ridgid r4514 RIP Capacity The rip capacity is 25 inches. 1 CROSS CUT WARNING: Always make sure the blade guard and antikickback pawls are in place and working properly when making these cuts to avoid possible injury. RGLAGES Rpter les tapes au besoin, jusqu ce que le guide infrieur soit correctement align. BLOC DARRT Aprs la coupe, teindre la scie. Eclorian What do you mean by extra oomph? Unlike other benchtop tools, the RIDGID 10 in. KNOB UNLOCK THROAT PLATE WARNING: HOLE If the throat plate is too high or too low, the workpiece can catch on the uneven edges resulting in binding or kickback which could result in serious personal injury. Readjust hex coupling if necessary. RAILS - Les rails avant et arrire fournissent un support pour le guide longitudinal. Hay cuatro agujeros para perno en la base de la sierra para este fin. UTILISATION COUPE DUNE PLANCHE DE GRANDE TAILLE COUPE DUNE PLANCHE DE GRANDE TAILLE Voir la figure 62. For unauthorized use of the saw, you can remove the 089037006045 Switch Key. NETTOYER LES PLAQUES DU LEVIER DE VERROUILLAGE DU COUTEAU FENDEUR Voir la figure 78. La scurit dutilisation de ce produit exige la comprhension des informations apposes sur loutil et contenues dans ce manuel dutilisation, ainsi que la connaissance du travail excuter. Brand: RIDGID Category: Saw Type: Operator's manual for RIDGID R4514 Pages: 164 Download RIDGID R4514 Operator's manual 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ASSEMBLAGE ASSEMBLAGE DE STAND Voir les figure 7 13. Est desalineada la gua de corte al hilo. Let the blade build up to full speed before feeding the workpiece into the blade. There are six basic cuts: 1) the cross cut, 2) the rip cut, 3) the miter cut, 4) the bevel cross cut, 5) the bevel rip cut, and 6) the compound (bevel) miter cut. blade, (1) blade guard assembly, and operator's manual, Heavy duty saw boasts 5000 RPM for DIY or Professional Jobs, Ability to rip through 4-inch x 4-inch material in a single pass for fast, accurate cuts, Front and back clamping fence which features integrated T-slots that give ability to hold select accessories, Maximum cut depth of 2-1/4 inch at 45 and 3-1/2 inch at 90 for a variety of useful cuts. Properly maintained cutting tools with sharp cutting edges are less likely to bind and are easier to control. WARNING: PUSH STICK Make sure the blade guard assembly is installed and working properly to avoid serious personal injury. AVERTISSEMENT : Afin dviter le risque de blessures graves, sassurer que le protge-lame est installe et fonctionne correctement. ridgid r4514 repair sheet. TUERCA HEXAGONAL Numerosos las piezas de carro para servicio son movibles. WARNING: Indicates a hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. Accueil Uncategorized ridgid r4514 repair sheet. Glisser une entretoise dans chaque boulon et insrer les boulons dans les trous des pieds et du stand. Position the workpiece flat on the table with the edge flush against the low fence. ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLING THE LEG STAND See Figures 7 - 13. NOTE: This tool is heavy. 2023 Emerson Electric Co. All rights reserved. (DISCLAIMER- I am an Amazon affiliate. Bevel Cut A cutting operation made with the blade at any angle other than 90 to the table surface. GRIFFES ANTIREBOND AVERTISSEMENT : Toujours installer le protge-lame et les griffes antirebond sur le couteau diviseur vers le haut afin de protger adquatement la lame. FIGURE A ; FIGURE B ; FIGURE C ; FIGURE D . marca hecha previamente a 101,6 mm (4 pulg.). Pro Jobsite Table Saw with Stand Check out my Amazon store! AVERTISSEMENT : Ne pas essayer pas de modifier cet outil ou de crer des accessoires non recommands pour utilisation avec ce produit. Holding the grips firmly, pull grips toward you until the leg stand and saw are balanced on the wheels. Obviamente, el contragolpe puede causar lesiones graves y vale la pena tener precauciones para evitar riesgos. carbide tipped combination blade See Figures 2 - 3. provided with your saw. NOTE: Do not use this leg stand with other equipment or for other purposes. ASSEMBLAGE RANGEMENT DES ACCESSOIRES DE LA TABLE SCIE Voir les figures 23 26. This saw is designed for use with a 6 in. LISTA DE PIEZAS SUELTAS Con la sierra de mesa vienen incluidos los siguientes artculos: B A C E D G H I1 K F I2 L J Fig. BLADE WRENCH (LEFT) NOTICE: To work properly, the saw blade teeth must point down toward the front of the saw. Un guide de pression aide contrler la pice travailler sil y a un rebond. FUNCIONAMIENTO CORTE A INGLETE COMBINADO (EN BISEL) CMO EFECTUAR CORTES A INGLETE COMBINADOS (EN BISEL) COLOQUE LA MANO DERECHA EN LA PIEZA DE TRABAJO AQU Vea la figura 61. For the location of the authorized service center nearest you, please call 1-866-539-1710 or visit us online at www.RIDGID.com. Make sure that the saw blade is installed to rotate in the proper direction. Aprs un usage prolong, il peut tre ncessaire de vrifier les rglages. Vrifier quaucune pice mobile nest mal aligne ou bloque, quaucune pice nest brise et sassurer quaucun autre problme ne risque daffecter le bon fonctionnement de loutil. Glisser la rondelle plate (ID13.5 x OD32 x 1.6t), la roue et une autre rondelle plate (ID10 x OD18 x 1.6t) sur lessieu. Use la herramienta elctrica, los accesorios, las brocas, etc. Retirer le protge-lame et les griffes antirebond. AJUSTES HOJA A 0 BISEL PARA FIJAR EL INDICADOR DE BISEL Y LOS TOPES DE BISEL A 0 Y 45 Vea las figuras 68 y 69. portable contractor table saw (42 pages), Manual will be automatically added to "My Manuals", Blade Guard, Riving Knife and Anti-Kickback Pawls, Rgles de Scurit Gnrales / Reglas de Seguridad Generales Table Saw Safety Rules, To Install the Anti-Kickback Pawls and Blade Guard, To Check and Align the Riving Knife and Saw Blade, How to Make a Jig (for Rip Cutting Narrow Workpiece), To Set the Rip Fence Scale Indicator to the Blade, Adjusting the Blade Parallel to the Miter Gauge Groove (Removing Heel), To Set the Bevel Indicator and Bevel Stops at 0 and 45 Degrees, To Check the Alignment of the Rip Fence to the Blade, To Check the Tightness of the Rip Fence Locking Lever, Cleaning the Riving Knife Lock Lever Plates. R4514_Manual.pdf The Home Depot will provide an accessible format of PDFs upon request. Dbrancher la scie. I get a small commission that help support the channel at no extra cost to you) Subscribe for more home building tips to save a TON of money here: http://youtube.com/theexcellentlaborer?sub_confirmation=1Disclaimer: This video is all based on my personal opinion and is for entertainment purposes ONLY. blade) can be made with the grain (ripping) or across the grain (cross cut). Retire las tapas de las escobillas con un destornillador. February 27, 2023 alexandra bonefas scott No Comments . To check alignment of the riving knife: Unplug the saw. MAINTENANCE CLEANING DUST CHUTE See Figure 79. rip capacity for ripping through large sheet goods like plywood and OSB . UTILISATION Installer la cale-guide en la position approprie pour le type de coupe. Desbloquear la perilla de fijacin de altura de la hoja. Cuando corte con la sierra de mesa, asegrese de que la pieza de trabajo est bien sujetada. Ce produit est fabriqu par One World Technologies, Inc., sous licence de marque de RIDGID, Inc. Toutes les correspondances relatives la garantie doivent tre adresses One World Technologies, Inc. REGLAS DE SEGURIDAD GENERALES ADVERTENCIA: Lea todas las advertencias, instrucciones, ilustraciones y especificaciones proporcionadas con esta herramienta elctrica. Effectuer deux ou trois coupes dessai sur des chutes de bois. Failure to heed this warning could cause damage to the saw blade, the saw, or the workpiece. RANURAS DE LA GUA DE INGLETES - La gua de ingletes se desplaza por estas ranuras situadas a cada lado de la hoja. btd6 hero stereotypes. Los ajustes de ngulo de la sierra se hicieron en la fbrica y, a menos que se hayan daado durante el transporte, no necesitan ajuste durante el armado. Lock the sliding table extension. 104K views 2 years ago In this video, I will be unboxing and reviewing the Ridgid 10" R4514 table saw. ARMADO PARA REVISAR LA INSTALACIN DE LA HOJA DE LA SIERRA Vea la figura 18. Make sure the workpiece is clear of the blade before turning on the saw. Slow the feed rate. To reduce the risk of injury, the user must read and understand the operator's manual before using this product. Ne jamais tenter de passer autour ou par-dessus une lame qui tourne. This support could be required on the infeed side, the overhang side, or the outfeed side of the table. Profundidad de corte a 90 88,9 mm (3-1/2 pulg.) Pour le travail lextrieur, utiliser un cordon prolongateur spcialement conu cet effet. Make sure the blade guard assembly is reinstalled upon completion of this type of cut. Busque el acoplamiento hexagonal debajo de la mesa delantera. Baje completamente la hoja y el bisel a 45. Baje la hoja de la sierra. ridgid r4514 repair sheet. Position a 3 in. https://www.amazon.com/shop/theexcellentlaborer . PARA AJUSTAR LA ALTURA DE LA EXTENSIN DE LA MESA Vea la figura 77. OPERATION MAKING A COMPOUND (BEVEL) MITER CUT COMPOUND (BEVEL) MITER CUT See Figure 61. Para la asamblea ms fcil, empareje numro a la numros y apriete con los dedos todas sujetadores. Retire los conjuntos de las escobillas y verifique el grado de desgaste. Limited to RIDGID hand held and stationary power tools purchased 2/1/04 and after. Utilice paos limpios para eliminar la suciedad, polvo, aceite, grasa, etc. It can rip through a 4 inch by 4 inch material. Aligner les trous des pieds sur les trous du stand. Un aspirateur datelier ordinaire peut tre fix la chute, situe sous le dessous de la scie. FUNCIONAMIENTO Durante el uso, el medidor de inglete puede moverse ligeramente hacia la izquierda o hacia la derecha dentro de la ranura del medidor de inglete. Faire trs attention lorsquon procde une coupe dans les zones caches des pices travailler assembles. Fixer la scie, par chacun de ses quatre trous de montage, laide des boulons de carrosserie de 6 mm (1/4 po), des rondelles, des rondelles freins, et des crous oreilles. ARMADO PARA REVISAR Y ALINEAR CUCHILLA SEPARADORA Y LA HOJA Para ajustar (horizontal y vertically): Para verificar la alineacin del cuchilla separadora: Para realizar ajustes horizontales, use una llave hexagonal de 5,00 mm (0,197 pulg.) LAME OBLIQUE AVERTISSEMENT : GUIDE LONGITUDINAL Pour viter de coincer le bois et causer un rebond, le guide longitudinal doit toujours se trouver sur la droite de la lame. ADJUSTMENTS TO CHECK THE TIGHTNESS OF THE RIP FENCE LOCKING LEVER See Figure 74. The Ridgid r4514 is around 700+/-, whereas the Ridgid r4518 is . FUNCIONAMIENTO SOPORTES DE LA PIEZA DE TRABAJO Vea la figura 35. Cost. WARNING: LOW FENCE To reduce the risk of injury, always make sure the rip fence is parallel to the blade before beginning any operation. The plastic throat plate attaches to the table in the area around the blade. dutilisation avant demployer ce produit. Il y a six principaux types de coupe : 1) coupe transversale, 2) coupe longitudinale, 3) coupe donglet, 4) coupe transversale en biseau, 5) coupe en long en biseau et 6) coupe donglet compos (en biseau). These items must be secured prior to closing the leg stand and moving the saw. Verrouiller la rallonge mobile de la table. Cuando no estn en uso, la gua de corte al hilo, la cuchilla separadora, las llaves, la proteccin de la hoja, el medidor de inglete, los trinquetes anticontragolpe y el palo empujador pueden guardarse debajo de la mesa de la sierra. blade. Genuine OEM replacement part. NOTE : Le ensemble de balais est muni dun ressort et va rebondir quand le capuchon est enlev. Asegrese de que la pieza de trabajo est lejos de la hoja antes de encender la sierra. Se tenir lgrement sur le trajectoire de la lame pour rduire les possibilits de blessure en cas de rebond. Spindle Sanders Constructed as two tools in one, the RIDGID Oscillating Edge/Belt Spindle Sander operates with rotary and oscillating motion to help you effortlessly achieve burn-free finishes on edges, contours, faces, inside . Ne jamais se tenir debout sur la scie table, ne pas lutiliser comme tabouret. carriage bolts, washers, lock washers, and wing nuts. La falta de atencin a esta advertencia podra causar lesiones corporales graves. Mueva la regla a la parte posterior y mida nuevamente la distancia desde la cara interna del diente de la hoja al borde izquierdo de la ranura derecha del calibre de inglete. OPERATION MAKING A DADO CUT See Figure 64. FUNCIONAMIENTO Installer de peine de sujecin en la posicin adecuada para el corte que se hizo. Fence After the table, most woodworkers would be interested in the fence. RAINURE DE GUIDE DONGLET - Le guide donglet se dplace dans ces rainures dun ct ou de lautre de la lame. No seguir las instrucciones indicadas a continuacin puede provocar descargas elctricas, incendios o lesiones graves. Afloje los tornillos mariposa. RIDGID R4514-R8600521K download instruction manual pdf 10 in. FEATURES PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS Blade Diameter 10 in. Ajuste los tornillos de ajuste horizontal y verifique la alineacin. TOOLS NEEDED The following tools (not included or drawn to scale) are needed for assembly and adjustments: FRAMING SQUARE FLATHEAD SCREWDRIVER COMBINATION SQUARE PHILLIPS SCREWDRIVER C-CLAMPS ADJUSTABLE WRENCH 13 English Fig. After the unboxing of the Ridgid table saw, I will show you how to do the assembly of. PROTECCIN DE LA HOJA DESMONTADA Pueden efectuarse cortes sin traspaso (hizo con un estndar 10 pulg. Los procedimientos de trabajo para hacer cada tipo de corte se dan ms adelante en esta seccin. I am just a consumer sharing my experiences and research. WARNING: Do not use any attachments or accessories not recommended by the manufacturer of this tool. Protective equipment such as dust mask, non-skid safety shoes, hard hat, or hearing protection used for appropriate conditions will reduce personal injuries. Max cutting depth REGLAS DE SEGURIDAD SIERRA DE MESA Use siempre hojas de sierra con orificios de encastre de un tamao y una forma apropiados (hojas con diamante en comparacin con hojas redondas). ADVERTENCIA: GUA BAJA Para reducir el riesgo de sufrir lesiones, siempre asegrese de que la gua de corte al hilo est paralela a la hoja, antes de iniciar cualquier operacin. Remove the rip fence by lifting the locking lever. No es necesario conectar a tierra las herramientas con doble aislamiento. ASSEMBLY TO REMOVE/INSTALL/ALIGN THE THROAT PLATE LOCK See Figures 15 - 16. Saw RIDGID R4514 Operator's Manual (164 pages) Saw RIDGID R45171NS Operator's Manual (120 pages) Saw RIDGID R4518 Operator's Manual 10 in. Ridgid 10" R4514 Pro Jobsite Table Saw W/ Stand Unboxing, Assembly, and Review. Nunca use medios de montaje de hojas de sierra daados o incorrectos, como bridas, arandelas de hoja de sierra, pernos o tuercas. SYMBOLE SIGNAL SIGNIFICATION DANGER : Indique une situation dangereuse qui, si elle nest pas vite, aura pour consquences des blessures graves ou mortelles. Bien soutenir la pice travailler lors de la dcoupe permet non seulement damliorer la prcision de coupe, mais aussi de rendre la coupe plus scuritaire pour lutilisateur. Guarde todas las advertencias e instrucciones para consultarlas en el futuro. Repositionner le couteau diviseur gauche ou droite. RIDGID R4514 Manuals & User Guides User Manuals, Guides and Specifications for your RIDGID R4514 Saw. UTILISATION COUPE DONGLET Voir la figure 57. FUNCIONAMIENTO CAUSAS DE LOS CONTRAGOLPES ADVERTENCIA: El contragolpe puede ocurrir cuando la hoja se atasca o dobla, lanzando la pieza de trabajo hacia atrs, hacia usted, con gran fuerza y velocidad. Always wear eye protection. Zoom. With your hands on the grips, push the leg stand towards the ground until the table saw is in an open position. Ralentir lavance. FUNCIONAMIENTO CMO EFECTUAR CORTES AL HILO Ajuste la gua de ingletes a 0 y apriete la perilla de bloqueo de la gua de ingletes. RIDGID R4514 Operator's manual (164 pages) Pages: 164 | Size: RIDGID R4514 Related Products RIDGID R3000 RIDGID R4251 MODEL NO. Le guide onglet permet deffectuer des coupes angulaires avec plus de prcision. Tighten all four bolts securely. The lock lever on the riving knife may become difficult to lock securely after extended use due to sawdust or debris falling into the plates. RULER If the distances are different: Remove the blade guard, riving knife, and anti-kickback pawls. Estos elementos deben asegurarse antes de cerrar el pedestal con patas y mover la sierra. Remove the bolts, spacers, and lock nuts from the foot assemblies. ADVERTENCIA: La gua de ingletes debe estar del lado derecho de la hoja para evitar atrapar la madera y causar un contragolpe. AVERTISSEMENT : COUPE TRANSVERSALE PLACER LA MAIN GAUCHE SUR LA PICE COUPER ET LE GUIDE DONGLET ICI PLACER LA MAIN DROITE SUR LE BOUTON DE VERROUILLAGE DU GUIDE DONGLETS Ne pas utiliser de lames dont la vitesse de rotation nominale est infrieure celle de loutil. No permita que el medidor se mueva de un lado al otro. TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE DES MATIRES / NDICE DE CONTENIDO Introduction.. 2 Introduction / Introduccin General Safety Rules GENERAL SAFETY RULES Use personal protective equipment. Este indicador de fcil lectura muestra el ngulo exacto para cortes a inglete, con topes a 0 y a 45. Asegure la palanca de extensin de la mesa. The R4514 includes the 10 in. MITER GAUGE - This miter gauge aligns the workpiece for a cross cut. La rallonge mobile ne devrait pas bouger lorsquelle est verrouille. Entretenir les outils motoriss et accessoires. RGLES DE SCURIT SCIE TABLE leve provoque un mauvais alignement, du grippage et un rebond. Desserrer lcrous de verrouillage hexagonal. CORTE AL HILO EN BISEL HOJA EN NGULO PERILLA DE BLOQUEO Cuando termine el corte, apague la sierra. When properly cared for, it will give you years of rugged, trouble-free performance. Unplug the saw. Raise the saw blade by turning the height adjusting knob clockwise. WARNING: Do not attempt to modify this tool or create accessories not recommended for use with this tool. Lock the blade. This saw features a dust chute for convenience in discharging sawdust. When making a 90 cross cut, you can use either miter gauge channel. Wet Tile Saw with Stand R4031S Buy Now. Blade is heeling. ARMADO ALMACENAMIENTO DE ACCESORIOS DE LA SIERRA DE MESA Vea las figuras 23 a 26. Desserrer les vis oreilles. NEVER use the rip fence as a cut-off gauge. If indicator is not pointing to the 45 mark on the bevel scale, loosen the indicator adjusting screw and adjust indicator. OPERATION TYPES OF CUTS See Figure 40. 6 A. ADVERTENCIA: Nunca efectes cortes a pulso (cortes sin ninguna de las guas). Let the blade build up to full speed before moving the workpiece into the blade. FUNCIONAMIENTO CORTE DE PANEL GRANDE CMO CORTAR UN PANEL GRANDE Vea la figura 62. Do not allow the gauge to go from one side to the other. Ridgid will not sell, trade or share your email address. Las piezas de trabajo largas o anchas tienden a pivotar con el borde de la mesa, lo que podra hacer perder el control, que la hoja de la sierra se trabe con el material o se origine un contragolpe. RGLES DE SCURIT SCIE TABLE tourneront de manire dporte, provoquant une perte de contrle. durante el corte. Arbor The shaft on which a blade or cutting tool is mounted. Para reducir el riesgo de lesiones, el usuario debe, leer y comprender el manual del operador antes, 10 in. There are two miter gauge channels, one on either side of the blade. PLACE RIGHT HAND ON WORKPIECE HERE WARNING: Make sure the blade guard assembly is installed and working properly to avoid serious personal injury. NOTE: Le guide longitudinal fourni avec la scie possde un guide infrieur rglable, qui peut tre orient vers lavant ou loin de la lame. BLADE AT 0 BEVEL BEVEL LOCKING LEVER 0 STOP SCREW Unplug the saw. WARNING: Never make freehand cuts (cuts without the miter gauge or rip fence). FUNCIONAMIENTO TIPOS DE CORTES Vea la figura 40. When cutting with your table saw, make sure that the workpiece you are cutting is properly supported. Just bought the 4511 and I was putting it together yesterday evening and realized, whomever was in charge of making the assembly instructions should be fired. but the lowest points (gullets) are below the top surface. Asegure la hoja. Direct Tools Outlet Site | Direct Tools Outlet Site. En cas de dommages faire rparer loutil avant de lutiliser de nouveau. The included jobsite ready stand provides easy set-up for more stability. ADJUSTMENTS BLADE WRENCH (RIGHT) WARNING: Before performing any adjustment, make sure the tool is unplugged from the power supply and the top button on the switch is not depressed. 10-inch blade The 10-inch blade can withstand the pressure that comes with hardwood. Properly supporting the workpiece throughout the cutting process not only improves the accuracy of the cut but also makes the cutting process safer for the user. Remove brush caps with a screwdriver. Tener el mango de vaivn y utilizar un palos empujadora y/o bloque empujador, consulte Cmo efectuar cortes al hilo ms adelante en esta seccin. NOTA: Para una mayor precisin, coloque el diente marcado de la hoja sobre la regla. FEATHERBOARD A featherboard is a device used to help control the workpiece by holding it securely against the table or fence. 10 in. GENERAL MAINTENANCE Avoid using solvents when cleaning plastic parts. Si tiene las manos cerca de la hoja de la sierra, pueden soltarse de la pieza de trabajo y tocar la hoja. RIDGID R4513 Review Table Saw Central. Cada uno de los cuatro agujeros de montaje debe estar atornillado firmemente con pernos de mquina de 6 mm (1/4 pulg. RIDGID R4514 Operator's Manual RIDGID R4514 Operator's Manual Download Operator's manual of RIDGID R4514 Saw for Free or View it Online on All-Guides.com. ASSEMBLAGE TROUS DE MONTAGE BOULON La table doit tre fixe une surface de support robuste tel un tabli ou un stand. BLADE WRENCH (LEFT) To avoid unnecessary set-ups and adjustments, a good practice is to check your setups carefully with a framing square and make practice cuts in scrap wood before making finish cuts in good workpieces. Each of the four mounting holes should be bolted securely using 1/4 in. Ninguna hoja o juego de hojas de ranurar debe tener una velocidad nominal inferior a la de esta herramienta. SMBOLOS Las siguientes palabras de sealizacin y sus significados tienen el objeto de explicar los niveles de riesgo relacionados con este producto. Voir la figure 77. Page 26 ASSEMBLY To open the leg stand: Grasp the grips on the saw table and stand it upright as shown below. Le non respect de cet avertissement pourrait causer un dommage la lame, la scie, ou la pice travailler. para aflojar los tornillos de ajuste horizontal que sujetan el soporte de montaje. Sortir soigneusement la scie du carton et la poser sur un plan de travail horizontal. Si les coupes ne sont pas prcises, reprendre les tapes prcdentes. Remove the rip fence. RGLAGE DE LA PROFONDEUR DE LAME Voir la figure 41. PROTGELAME BTON POUSSOIR RANGEMENT POUR BTON POUSSOIR RANGEMENT POUR GUIDE ONGLET GUIDE DONGLET Fig. Hay dos canales para la gua de ingletes, uno a cada lado de la hoja. La scie a t rgle en usine et, moins quelle ait t endommage en cours de transport, aucun rglage ne devrait tre ncessaire. Always place the workpiece against the face of the miter gauge body when making cuts. GARANTA HERRAMIENTAS ELCTRICAS DE MANO Y ESTACIONARIAS RIDGID GARANTA DE SERVICIO LIMITADA DE TRES AOS Debe presentarse prueba de la compra al solicitar servicio al amparo de la garanta. Si los cortes no estn a escuadra, repita el proceso. Durable enough for the heaviest of projects. The Ridgid r4514 cuts 12 inches to the left and 30 inches to the right, whereas the r4518 cuts 8 inches to the left and 28 inches to the right. Do not use an adjustable dado on this saw. ARMADO Retire los pernos, los espaciadores y las tuercas de seguridad de los conjuntos de las bases. SMBOLO SEAL SIGNIFICADO PELIGRO: Indica una situacin peligrosa, la cual, si no se evita, causar la muerte o lesiones serias. Verifique que la placa de la garganta est colocada correctamente. El corte sin traspaso del espesor de la pieza de trabajo es esencial para cortar ranuras, rebajos y mortajas.
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