Vorogushin, I live in Melbourne, Australia. like to find out more about where the name Vorogushin came from and maybe This last name stems from animals, meaning cat. It is derived from the given name Zub, which is a Russian form of the Latin name Severus. female: Vassilieva. We recognise that not all activities and ideas are appropriate and suitable for all children and families or in all circumstances. The etymological richness of the language gives parents all over the world the chance to choose a name for their child that is linguistically diverse, with one of the oldest ancestries in Eastern Europe. Required fields are marked *. The infamous Joseph Stalin had his name changed as well. For example, if a man named Ivan had a son named Vasily, then the childs full name would be Vasily Ivanov. Paul Mills. 2) Yarovoy this Russian surname comes from the given name Yarovoy, which is derived from the word for spring. For example, Novak, written as was a name given to someone new to the village. 2. 5) Matveev this Russian surname comes from the given name Matvei, which is a Russian form of the Latin name Matthew. Vasilchenko. 7. Van Willigen, (English origin) This is one of the English last names that start with V. It means "willow". This list has quite interesting V last names list. Other examples of rare Russian last names include Bersenev (from the Russian word for birch tree), Chaplinsky (from the Russian word for chapel), and Tolstoy (from the Russian word for fat). Many thanks. Maia Nikitina is a writer and Russian language translator. Find unique Russian baby names starting with V. These Russian names are perfect for newborn babies and some can even be used as cool, trendy names for pet cats and dogs. Information on our advertising guidelines can be found. means 'not beautiful', and the opposite meaning of the name was meant to ward off bad spirits and guarantee the realization of the parents' intention for their child. Unbegaun, B. O. Solovyeva. The Most Popular Russian Surnames and Their Origins, Changes in Russian Surnames Over the Centuries. * Indicates member of the Hall of Fame. Ivanov One of the most common Russian surnames, this name is derived from the Russian personal name , which is the Slavic form of John. In English and Dutch regions, the early bearers of the name were makers of fans. I believe that she was born in Nov. 1875, and died 89. Vrley This means a "person who is a resident of France". What we suggest is selected independently by the Kidadl team. A common last name that has multiple meanings: bird of prey or falcon, hawk. The female variation is Sokolova. People whose surnames start with V are believed to be strong and loyal people who cannot easily be intimidated. The earliest recorded surname is Clirigh. Verboom This is one of the last names which means "tree". It is derived from the given name Sidor, which is a Russian form of the Latin name Severus. 35. I believe my name Vorogushin had come from someone on our Russian Alexeev This name is derived from the Russian personal name , which is the Slavic form of Alexander. 2017 About.com, Inc. All rights reserved. Fedorov This common Russian surname means of the gift and is derived from the Russian word , meaning gift. Its also popular in Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. can contact me through e-mail on either Ardelia82@hotmail.com They also used these names with meaning in the opposite way. Lavrov This surname means son of Lavr. On one hand, great architecture of Saint Basils Cathedral in Moscow and Winter Palace in St Petersburg, ballets of Tchaikovsky, novels of Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, science of Mendeleev and Pavlov, once famous Space Program, delicious borsch and Matryoshka dolls. Van Agreten, (Dutch origin) This is one of the unique Dutch last names starting with V which means "a place at the end of the road". The following list includes the 40 most popular contemporary Russian surnames, their meanings, and variations. Russia was ruled by a number of different Tsars until 1917 when citizens overthrew their government in an attempt to form an elected government body. In pre-Christian Russia, many surnames held negative connotations in an attempt to ward off evil spirits and avoid certain fates. (February 2003). More new names appeared in Russia in the 20th century after the 1917 Revolution. Zubova This surname means son of Zub. our ancestors originated from China and Russia, with me keeping our Russian Anyone using the information provided by Kidadl does so at their own risk and we can not accept liability if things go wrong. Nikitina, Maia. 10) Rudyk this Ukrainian surname comes from the given name Rudyk, which is derived from the word for redhead. A traditional Russian name consists of a given name, a patronymic name that serves as a middle, and a family name or last name. As this common family tradition continued, these surnames could only last a lifetime. Ivanova This is one of the most common Russian surnames and it means daughter of Ivan. Some other examples of rare Russian last names include Tarasov (from the Russian word for taras, meaning crane), Goncharenko (from the Russian word for gonchar, meaning potter), and Sidorov (from the Russian word for sidor, meaning cobbler). 100 Russian Last Names 1. The meaning of the name implies being calm, obedient and quiet, and it originates from an archaic male name, (Smirnoy), which is not used anymore. For example, the city of Perm was renamed Molotov.. 10) Zadorozhny this Russian surname comes from the given name Zadorozhny, which is derived from the word for east. Many names, including descriptive names, protection names, and nicknames, evolved into surnames, many of which are still used in modern Russia. Within this name, ov means of thus, Ivanov means son of Ivan. Abdul, in Arabic, means servant of God. A popular surname meaning meek, peaceful, calm. Aalto Aho Ahola Ahonen Annala Anttila Aro Arola Autio Couri Elo Erkkila Eskola Haapala Haataja Hakala Hakola Halko Halla Halla Halonen Halonen Hamalainen Hanka Hanninen Hannula Harju Hatala Hautala Heikkila Heikkinen Heino Heinonen Hietala Hiltunen Hokkanen Honkala Huhta Huhtala 60. These are some Russian last names that start with the letter V. As you can see, many of these surnames have Greek, Latin, or Old Slavonic origins. It is derived from the given name Peter, which comes from the Greek name Petros (rock). Vlahovic (Slavic origin) This refers to a person from Rome and one of the popular surnames to start with V. 87. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 207+ Russian Last Names [With Meanings, Male, Female], 17+ BEST 123Movies Alternative Sites for 2023 [Top Picks]. Most Russian last names are patronymic, meaning they derived from the given name of a child's father. Alexeev This surname means son of Alexei. Nikitina, Maia. 4. This list may not reflect recent changes. 69. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Name - VADIM 1) Vasiliev this common Russian surname is derived from the given name Vasily, which is a form of the Greek name Basil. -- 2 v. CS2815.C65 Supplements Russian Personal Names, published 1968, entered under United States. The following list includes 50 of the most popular Russian first names, their Russian spellings, shortened variations, and meanings. I am researching Russian 10. Van Hassel, (US origin) In the United States, this is another surname beginning with V. It means "hazel tree". The female variation is Petrova. 90. Its a common surname in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. I am trying to research 68. Find out where in the world your surname originated, what it originally meant and how many other people you share it with. A Woman Sent Her BF A Chilling Halloween Text That She Was Being Creeped. 6. 10. For example, Volkov means wolf and Bykov means bull. Gorbachev ended the Soviet Union and was considered a hero. Originates from the secular name or nickname that meant 'white', female: Belova. It is derived from the given name Ivan, which comes from the Greek name Ioannes (John). It is thought to have appeared in peasant families that had many children and considered having a child whowas quiet and calm to be a blessing. 6) Sorokin this Russian surname comes from the given name Sorokin, which is derived from the word for sorrel. RELATED: Russian Last Names. Virag, (Hungarian origin) This is one of the high-ranking surnames beginning with V which means "an exotic flower". 6) Morgunov this Russian surname comes from the given name Morgunov, which is derived from the word for morning. Van Middelburg, (Dutch origin) This surname means a "middle fortress" in the Dutch language. 78. In the 1980s, tensions rose between the U.S.S.R and the United States, leading to the Cold War. bgsr@mail.ru This common name stems from the word ram. For example, a woman named Lyudmila Ivanovna Alekseev would be the daughter of a man named Ivan. 4) Rodionov this Russian surname comes from the given name Rodion, which is a form of the Latin name Rodney. First Trimester To-Do List: Take Care of Yourself. For example, if a man named Ivan had a son named Vasily, then the child's full name would be Vasily Ivanov. 23 Vandroogenbroeck, (Mexican origin) This is one of the Mexican last names that start with V. It means "harsh regions". Voltolini This surname is the name of one of the most popular alpine valley in Northern Italy. the U.S. It's a common surname in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. For more parenting tips and tricks, find us on Pinterest: Are you a writer, expert, or influencer? side but I have not been able to trace my father's, fathers name. Under the repressive regimes of Tsars, Bolsheviks and eventually the Communist Party, one would hardly find a country in the world with larger cultural and social differences. 97. Nikitina, Maia. Some names were also created in relation to certain church holidays or saints while others were occupational. 03 valeriy Read More Origin: Russian Here is the list of the top 10 last names for baby boys, girls, and families in Russia. Vesely It is one of the cute surnames starting with V and means "cheerful". casados y venian con su primer hija, Fany Kidadl cannot accept liability for the execution of these ideas, and parental supervision is advised at all times, as safety is paramount. A name derived from the elements meaning winter. Its a popular last name in Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria and Macedonia. Van Ankeren This is one of the common last names that start with V, which means "from the anchor". Morozov This Russian last name is derived from the word , meaning frost or freezing cold. It was originally a nickname for someone who was very cold or had pale skin. 48. My Valeri is usually a cute and aesthetic name for girls, originating from the Russian name 'Vale'. Most Common Russian Last Names with Meaning, The Innovative Payment Technologies Used by Online Casinos. "Top 50 Most Common Russian Names for Girls and for Boys." 5) Solomatov this Russian surname comes from the given name Solomatov, which is derived from the word for of or belonging to Solomon. 1. 96. 3) Kiselev this Russian surname is derived from the given name Kiselyov, which is thought to be a diminutive form of the word for pine tree. 6. anything about her. Vui, (Vietnamese origin) This is one of the Vietnamese surnames beginning with V and it means "cheerful". 10. It means "upper gardens and courtyards". There are also male and female forms of Russian surnames. Smirnova This surname means one who has stopped drinking or teetotaler in Russian. This famous name means lapwing bird. Pyotr Tchaikovsky is the most famous Russian classical music composer, his notable works recognized as Swan Lake and The Nutcracker. If you purchase using the buy now button we may earn a small commission. These appeared long before the first official surnames were recorded, and continued to be used alongside Christian names for many centuries. Despite the setbacks, there is a chance for brighter future. Russian Last Names From Occupations and Religious Origins, Russian Last Names from Locations or Nature, The Best Dating Sites and Apps: Complete List of the Top Online Dating Platforms, Every Authentic American Horror Story Thats Inspired AHS (So Far), Best Hookup Sites: Top 30 Free Hookup Apps and Websites for Getting Laid Tonight, Best Cam Sites In 2022 With Live Adult Cams Featuring Top Cam Girls Online, The Group Of Russian Hikers Who Started Bleeding From Their Eyes. 30. Nikitin This surname means son of Nikita. 52. 5. 93. There are almost 100,000 Ivanovs just in Moscow, despite the fact that the majority of Ivanovs live in Russian regions. It is derived from the given name Makar, which is a Russian form of the Latin name Maximus. 70. 6) Vladimirov this Russian surname comes from the given name Vladimir, which is derived from the Old Slavonic word for lord. This is another name that is used to define people who belong to several habitations. Abakumov Abakumov is a patronymic last name that refers to 'Son of Abakum'. For example, if a woman and a man both have the last name Pushkin, hers would be Pushkina. 28. 13. It Was Her Last Text Message. ThoughtCo, Aug. 25, 2020, thoughtco.com/russian-surnames-4589727. We hope you love our recommendations for products and services! By joining Kidadl you agree to Kidadls Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and consent to receiving marketing communications from Kidadl. To help you further in your search for surnames, take a look at Surnames Starting With T and Nature Last Names. Vlasic This is a high-ranking surname which means "Romanian". 29. Once Christianity was introduced and the population had grown more, names expanded. Russian-language names generally consist of three parts: Given name/first name + patronymic name or family name + surname. Vogt This means a "lawyer" in the German language. A popular Russian last name meaning wolf. Vogel This is one of the most common surnames beginning with V and means a "bird catcher". They are passionate about turning your everyday moments into memories and bringing you inspiring ideas to have fun with your family. It means "widow". It is a Russian patronymic last name that means Son of Abdul. The Russian aristocracy began using last names to differentiate between two people of the same name in the 17th century, while peasants didn't begin adopting surnames until the feudal system was abolished late in the 19th century. The empire of Kyiv eventually dissolved in the 13th century due to the invasion of the Mongols. "Top 50 Most Common Russian Names for Girls and for Boys." Neil Burdess. The Russian language is quite interesting too. 8. By the 14th-15th centuries, most of Russias population had a name with three parts: their Christian name, their patronymic name, and their last name. 22. 5) Kravtsov this Russian surname comes from the given name Kravtsov, which is derived from the word for miller. 1) Sokolov this common Russian surname means son of Sokol. Also a Motel Vasserman wife 56. It is derived from the given name Nikita, which comes from the Greek name Nikolaos (victor of people). These are some Russian last names that start with the letter M. As you can see, many of these surnames have biblical or Latin origins. We try our very best, but cannot guarantee perfection. 54 Van Der Stoep This is one of the last names that start with V. It means "entrance to the house". We've made a list of boys names starting with V and you can definitely consider from the same. 10. 46. The noun (smirny) now has a different pronunciation, but the archaic form has been preserved in this surname. Vaidehi, (Indian origin) This is a last name that means "furrow". Vlasak This is a census popular surname which means a "person who buys or sells hair". We recommend that these ideas are used as inspiration, that ideas are undertaken with appropriate adult supervision, and that each adult uses their own discretion and knowledge of their children to consider the safety and suitability. Nicknames can also be based on physical characteristics. Your privacy is important to us. As the population in Russia expanded, surnames originated from certain characteristics of land such as plants, animals, or weather phenomenons. The patronymic name is most commonly a name that comes from the father or another paternal ancestor and has a -vich suffix for a son and a -avna or -ovna suffix for a daughter. ThoughtCo. However, shortly after this revolution, a communist group called the Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin, seized power. Latypova. 25. 53. Van As This is one of the unique last names which means "ash tree". The surname borne by President of Russia is a famous surname and it means One who travels along the road. 5) Yusupov this Russian surname comes from the given name Yusup, which is derived from the Arabic name Joseph. They changed their name As you can see, many of these surnames have Christian origins. Vacca, (US origin) Vacca is one of the most common surnames starting with V in the United States. 94. 88. Diamandis Meaning: "diamonds." Dougenis Meaning: derived from 'doulos' meaning "slave," "servant"; 'genis' meaning "being born." Doukas Meaning: "duke or lord." Drakos Meaning: "dragon" or "ogre." Economos Meaning: An occupational surname given to stewards or anyone who manages property. Staarchild's Name Archive Wikia 258. pages. Your partner in parenting from baby name inspiration to college planning. For example (Ivanov) and (Ivanova) refer back to an ancestor whose given name was Ivan, e.g. Searching for the origin and meaning of a Russian last name? 77. 1) Mikhailov this common Russian surname is derived from the given name Mikhail, which comes from the Hebrew name Michael and means who is like God?. 5. We strive to recommend the very best things that are suggested by our community and are things we would do ourselves - our aim is to be the trusted friend to parents. We have Russian last names in various categories. Vermeulen, (Dutch origin) means "from the mill area". Villa This is one of the surnames beginning with V. It means "an exotic staying place". Start a Wiki Don't have an account? Zubova. Putin - from the word " - Put" - a way or a road. Am trying to research and Nadia Psareva which are my blood parents. Some names were also abbreviations of famous communist slogans. (born on June 16(28), 1875), Anna, Eudokia (born on August 1, 1882, she Smirnov Russian. 4. As a Jewish name it is ornamental. is the mother of my mother). So, for example, a man named Vladimir Sergeyevich Orlov would have had a father named "Sergey.". These names eventually transformed into surnames, creating such names as, in this example, (nyeKRAsuff). 8) Kobzar this Ukrainian surname is derived from the given name Kobzar, which is thought to be a occupational name for someone who played the kobza (a type of musical instrument). Kaluginsky (Kurdyukovsky) volost, Kirsanovsky uezd, Tambovskaya guberniya. These are some Russian last names that start with the letter R. As you can see, many of these surnames have Latin or Ukrainian origins. Last names can also indicate place of origin. It wasnt until 1918 that it became a legal requirement in the country for women to take the surname of their husbands. Lenin created the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics(U.S.S.R.) from Russia and 14 other republics, including Ukraine, Georgia, and Armenia. This family name is derived from the character traits thick, stout, fat. Lev (or Leo) Tolstoy is known for writing War and Peace and adopting a form of Christianity based on a doctrine of nonresistance to evil. Van Den Berg This is one of the last names starting with V which means "mountain". You For example, if a mans name is Mikhail and his fathers name is Ivan, then his middle patronymic name would be Ivanovich, which means son of Ivan.. Vincent, (English origin) means "black island". A common family name meaning son of Abraham. Surnames in Russiawere known to exist even prior to Christianity being introduced in the 10th century. Van Amelsvoort It is a US last name and means "ford of the river". Common suffixes are -evna or -ovna. Oxford University Press. While some of them were nicknames bestowed on a person during their life, others were names that newborn babies were given as an intention for the kind of character or life they would have, or to describe the conditions surrounding the baby's birth, such as particularly cold weather. A popular Russian last name that means sable. Russian culture places high importance on the homeland and on the family. Russian last names starting with V A Russian occupational name meaning fur trader. 62. Ivanov ()remains one of the most popular last names in Russia. The Most Popular Russian Surnames and Their Origins Ivanov () remains one of the most popular last names in Russia. Each name is computer-generated and we encourage you to do further research on naming traditions and meanings for your exact region. https://www.thoughtco.com/russian-surnames-4589727 (accessed March 4, 2023). Van Ophoven This surnames beginning with V as per the census. This popular Russian last name means ascension. Subscribe for virtual tools, STEM-inspired play, creative tips and more. Maia Nikitina is a writer and Russian language translator. Within this name, "ov" means "of" thus, "Ivanov . to Manchester England at the end of the 1800's. 80. It is derived from the given name Alexei, which comes from the Greek name Alexandros (defender of men). This is a metronymic or patronymic Russian name which means son of an old woman. Vladimir Putin has served as the leader of Russia as a nation since the year 2000. A common Russian name meaning water barrel. 6) Ryzhkov this Russian surname comes from the given name Ryzhkov, which is derived from the word for ginger. Sandbox Learning is part of Sandbox & Co., a digital learning company. Well send you tons of inspiration to help you find a hidden gem in your local area or plan a big day out. This article contains incorrect information, This article doesnt have the information Im looking for, 100 Last Names That Start With V With Meanings And History, 60+ Funny Orc Names That Are Perfect For Your Next Campaign, All Of The Pillar Men Names From JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, 100+ Ice Hockey, Roller Hockey, And Hockey Team Names From Past And Present, 80+ Beaver Names From Fiction, Plus Cute And Funny Ideas For Names. Our recommended activities are based on age but these are a guide. Many of these names come from a range of places. However, for those living in ethnically non-Russian regions, last names were not acquired until the Soviet revolution of 1917. For example, someone from the city of Kazan might have the last name Kazakov, and someone from the village of Novgorod might have the last name Novgorodov. For example, citizens of theNovgorod Republic,or theNovgorodian Rus', already had surnames in the 13th century, while many peasants, especially those who lived in less central parts of Russia, did not receive official records of their surnames until the 1930s. 50. 7) Yemelyanov this Russian surname comes from the given name Yemelyan, which is derived from the Greek name Demetrius. Last Names Inspired By Nature Below given are some of the never before seen last names that start with V. This family names meaning is property of Andrew. For example, the occupation-based last name for a blacksmith is Kuznetsov and for a tailor it is Fedorov. (2019) Surnames in modern Russia. Originates from the name of a Russian traditional fruit drink similar to mors with the addition of starch or arrowroot. 2) Rybakov this Russian surname comes from the given name Rybakov, which is derived from the word for fisherman. The Kidadl Team is made up of people from different walks of life, from different families and backgrounds, each with unique experiences and nuggets of wisdom to share with you. Villalobos (Spanish origin) This is one of the most favorite surnames which mean "town of wolves". 2) Kovalev this Russian surname comes from the given name Kovalyov, which is derived from the word for blacksmith. Pavlov This last name comes from the Russian word for peacock, . 92. A religiously derived surname meaning rabbis son. The name Abakum is derived from a Hebrew word Habakkuk, which means 'embrace'. Petrova This surname means daughter of Peter. The largest country in the world, Russia is a fusion of ballet, vodka, caviar and lots of red color. 66. These are some of the most common Russian last names along with their meanings. Its a common surname in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. Russian Names: A-Z Meanings and Background Russian Baby Names A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z The largest country in the world, Russia is a fusion of ballet, vodka, caviar and lots of red color. The name means blacksmith. Ida. It is derived from the given name Lavr, which is a Russian form of the Latin name Laurence. It is derived from the given name Lavr, which is a Russian form of the Latin name Laurence. I am looking for anyone from my family my grandfather was Nathan VEDERMAN Smirnov One of the most common surnames in Russia, this name means one who completes or one who finishes and comes from the Russian verb . the other side of the spectrum - labor camps, years of repression, political prisons, broken families. Alisa - . ThoughtCo, Aug. 28, 2020, thoughtco.com/common-russian-names-4770041. There are some rare Russian last names that dont fit into any of the above categories. Virtanen This census surname means a "stream". With almost 144 million people and Moscow as the capital, Russia has always had a complicated history. Most Common Russian Surnames & Meanings Most Common Last Names In Russia Forebears knows about 1,424,981 unique surnames in Russia and there are 101 people per name. Van Andel When you search for this name it means "upper forest". "The Top 40 Russian Surnames and Meanings." A name is not just a name but much more than that. would be helpful. Generated 5 random names with surnames Zinoviy Osipov First name means: "Life of Zeus." Adrik Belov I am trying to trace back the 1) Romanov this famous Russian last name is derived from the given name Roman, which comes from the Latin name Romulus. 76. Boys Girls Abram Father of many nations 2. NBA & ABA Players with Last Names Starting with V. Index of Letters. With the exception of surname Romanov, all other surnames are patronymic surnames, meaning they indicate descent from a male ancestor with a given name. They came to the USA in 1913 and 1914. For example, a child with the last name Nekras (not pretty) will grow up to be attractive. Rostova Leo Tolstoy 's War and Peace. Top 50 Most Common Russian Names for Girls and for Boys, The Origin and Meaning of the Last Name, "Long", The Meaning and Origin of the Last Name 'Thomas', The Meaning and Origin of Famous German Names, Russian Folklore: Baba Yaga as a Symbol of Mother Nature, Origin and Meaning of the Last Name Boyle, The Meaning and Origin of the Name Taylor, The Last Name Peterson, Its Meaning and Origin, with over 2.5 million people called Smirnov, from the secular (mirskoe) name/nickname Novik, which comes from the word 'new', M.F.A., Creative Writing, Manchester Metropolitan University, Diploma in Translation (IoLet Level 7, Russian), Chartered Institute of Linguists. So for male names, you may see the suffixes: -ich, -ovich, or -evich. even any ancestors to the Psarev/a name too. For example, if a mans name is Ivan and his fathers name is Nikolai, his last name would be Ivanov, which means son of Ivan., If a womans name is Maria and her fathers name is Nikolai, her last name would be Ivanova, which means daughter of Ivan.. A name originating from animals meaning pigeon. 100+ Boy Names That Start With V Paul Let's have a look at the surnames starting with V. 1. University of Washington in Seattle, and returned to Russia around 1934 So Federov would be a male last name while Federova would be a female last name. Originates from the secular name or nickname that meant 'white, female: Kiselyova. It is a revolutionary pseudonym, his real surname is a Georgian one - Dzhugashvili. These are some of the most popular Russian last names along with their meanings. If you liked our suggestions for Surnames Beginning With V then why not take a look at Cuban Last Names, or for something different take a look at Tiefling Last Names. Von Ingersleben This is one of the common surnames which means "houses". I was born on the 18th of January, 1982 to German Vorogushin Vipond, This is a common habitational census surname which means the "bridge area". He had thre sisters - Agrippina This religiously derived surname stands for priest and the female variation is Popova. Ventimiglia (Italian origin) This is one of the major Italian historical city which is situated near the French borders and is one of the topographic surnames. Most Russian last names are patronymic, meaning they derived from the given name of a childs father. Below are more last name articles that lead a reader to discover more about their surname and family history. By the 14th-15th centuries, most of Russias population had a name with three parts: their Christian name, their patronymic name, and their last name. 95. 59 Players. 4) Viktorov this Russian surname comes from the given name Viktor, which is derived from the Latin name Victor. 26. Russians often use the expression ', , ' (Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov) when talking about the average Russian. 8) Zubkov this Russian surname comes from the given name Zubkov, which is derived from the word for beet.
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