Before you run the CMPivot query, ensure the devices are online. Lets check that Box for "Installed Software" and click OK. You'll want to trigger both a Machine Policy Update (So it gets the new Client Settings), the Trigger the . The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. Lists information about the applications found on Configuration Manager clients, through software metering, that were recently run. file, Python, Ruby, etc. Normal user accounts are prefixed with S-1-5-21, which matches the Microsoft documentation on Well known security identifiers. The view is also listed and described in the Asset intelligence views in Configuration Manager topic. Most users might not have the application installed, so they also don't need to go through this check every time. This view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. InstalledSoftware AnoopisMicrosoft MVP! The last part is important, failing to do so will leave the user unable to log in due to the same error we encountered above. Lists software shortcut information for Configuration Manager clients found through Asset Intelligence. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. Using this info we can put together a smarter function that pulls system wide installed applications, as well as those deployed across all user profiles. SCCM Report of Most Installed Applications. As discussed in the above section, you can check and validate the WQL query with the Query Results Preview. We also need to update these versions. HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Uninstall (which are exactly what my script checks and what ConfigMgr hardware PowerShell is nice and converts those entries into properties you can access that way. One which checks for App1 only and other which checks for App2 only. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. The dynamic device collection created based on Google Chrome installed Windows PC helps to target Google Chrome upgrade scenarios; however, I dont recommend using this method for upgrading the Chrome version. ConfigMgr Resource Explorer Deep Dive Helps to Troubleshoot and Fix Issues, Enable SCCM Resource Explorer from Intune Portal | ConfigMgr, ConfigMgr Collection Based On Active Directory OU, Right-click on one of the devices and select. This method seems to be exceptionally prevalent and can be dangerous. On theQuery Rule Propertieswindows, specify the following information, such as the querys name, resource class, etc. Lists information about the system enclosure found on Configuration Manager clients, including chassis types, serial number, SMBIOS asset tag, and so on. The view also shows the WMI namespace, the class name and the name of the class as it will be displayed in Resource Explorer. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. After doing the following I ran a Hardware Inventory across toe building. I'm looking to remove a particular application from around 150 machines. The v_R_System and v_GS_SoftwareProduct views are joined by using the ResourceID column, and the v_GS_SoftwareProduct and v_GS_SoftwareFile views are joined by using the ProductID columns. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. There are six (6) devices with Google Chrome Installed, as you can see in the below screenshot. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Integrate Third-Party Patch Management in Microsoft ConfigMgr and Intune. How to add Active Setup into existing MSI? The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. To create an SCCM group follow this post. Lists information about Web applications found on clients. Afterwards deploy to all those machines and in the script do the more complicated checks (could even check sccm execution history), and in case the program is detected as sccm installed or does match whatever your criteria is do nothing, in case it is not correct it. I don't want it to overwrite any device that currently has the 32bit version of office installed. So it needs to go to only targeted devices. If there is another solution to keep Available applications up to date we would be interested to hear what the solution would be. In your criteria in query editor, go to Criterion Properties, select installed software and just hit Value. Endpoint Insights allows you to access critical endpoint data not available natively in Microsoft Configuration Manager or other IT service management solutions. Lets find installed software using SCCM CMPivot query. In testing this has gone well and successfully removed the application. Navigate to \ Assets and Compliance \Overview\ Device Collections. The following query lists all software files for the Configuration Manager product that have been inventoried on Configuration Manager clients. I don't see what's so harmful about running that via a package? Hello Prajwal, So well need to enumerate a list of profiles in the system, determine whether we need to load their registry hive, mount it if we need to, pull the application install data, and finally unload the hive. As shown in the below list, you need to create a WQL query based on Installed Software. I recently attended the MMS conference and /u/jasonsandys mentioned that SWI should really not be used. That leaves is with the challenge that a user installed Application A some weeks ago through Available Apps no updates can be installed because the user does not have the rights to install an update. This includes file names, paths, maximum and current sizes, and more. Lets see how to create an SCCM collection based on the installed application on Windows PC. > "The advice online for this particular app is to use a WMI command and then deploy it as a package.". is it possible to have the list of applications installed in a specific computer in sccm in powershell SCCM Query to find two different applications installed. This would be to assign configuration profiles for specific apps. This view contains the information in the v_GS_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE view and joins several other tables to provide additional details about the installed software. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. This view is unlikely to be joined to other views. Open SCCM Console and navigate to Monitoring -> Overview -> Reporting -> Reports -> Create Report: In the Information page of Create Report Wizard: Choose SQL-based Report in Type field. As it's much easier to understand what the two actually do that way! Lists information about the type, capabilities and status of serial ports inventoried on client computers. The v_GroupMap view contains a list of all the hardware inventory groups and the associated view for each of the groups. The v_GroupAttributeMap view contains all of the attributes that are inventoried for each of the groups. Right Click Device Collection node and select Create Device Collection. Using the CMPivot you can find specific software installed on computers and export the results as well. Win32_product Class is not query optimized. Then you get all the installed software SCCM detects under that class. So far I have this below, but not quiet working. Lists all system console user information for Configuration Manager clients found through Asset Intelligence by polling the Windows System Security Event Log. Out workaround at the moment (in a tenant attached, co-managed SCCM/Intune environment): create SCCM collections based on the installed software and sync to an AAD group to assign the configuration profile. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. Have a look at the Application Event Log after running the above command (preferably on a test system). The view is also listed and described in the Mobile device management views in Configuration Manager topic. This view can be joined to other views by using the ResourceID column. On the Home tab, in the Create group, select Create Query. On corporate computers you are not allowed to install any new softwares unless it is approved by business. And in this case, that means automating the calling of the uninstaller for the product in question whatever that may Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide, Of course! You need to check the Hardware History section from resource explorer and Navigate to Installed Software Current node to get all the list of applications/software installed on Windows 11 or Windows 10 PC. In this case, its based on the Installed software (Google Chrome) of a particular Windows 10 or Windows 11 device. LEFT JOIN v_GS_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE App ON VRS.ResourceID = App.ResourceID . Lists information about the Exchange ActiveSync service on Configuration Manager clients, including the version and last synchronization time. Could you illustrate maybe how the PSCustomObject would be better if possible? And what the problem? FROM v_GS_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS a, v_R_System c. WHERE a.ResourceID = c.ResourceID AND a.DisplayName0 like '%Adobe acrobat%' Why is this application still showing in the Resource Explorer list when if you look at the machine, it's clearly not installed? This includes the name and URL to the application. When you run a CMPivot query, it immediately runs a query on all currently connected devices in the target collection and returns the results. But please read above the issue with having 20++ MSI GUIDs for the same product, Installed Applications vs Installed Software - After successfully removing an installed program via WMIC script (package), Configuration Manager 2012 - Application Management. explorer is simply of view of what's in the site's DB and not any sort of live view of the systems. Win32_product Class is not query optimized. This includes BIOS duration, boot duration, event log start, group policy duration, system start time and update duration. How Intuit democratizes AI development across teams through reusability. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. The view is also listed and described in the Asset intelligence views in Configuration Manager topic. Now that we know how to query installed softwares, its the matter of refining our above query and finding the product name. Lists computers that have the App-V client application installed. What is the difference between Installed Applications and Installed Software in Resource Explorer? Lists detailed information about the Windows Event Logs found on client computers. Lists workstation status information for Configuration Manager clients, including last hardware scan, default locale ID, time zone offset, and so on. I'd prefer to call the MSI uninstall GUID and based on your advice, get Powershell to call a batch script for example. Software inventory is really file inventory, files in the workstation. These details available in resource explorer can help us with troubleshooting scenarios. The Where field in the Criterion Properties window is filled with the value with Installed Software ARPDisplay Name as explained in the above list. It is useful to create SCCM collections for workstations or servers having a certain piece of software installed. There has been a growing trend of application vendors making installers that deploy to a users profile (%userprofile%\AppData). Launch the SCCM console and go to Assets and Compliance > Overview > Device Collections. It reads the ARP data and uninstall all apps that match the string. Lists all system console usage information for Configuration Manager clients found through Asset Intelligence by polling the Windows System Security Event Log. Lists all system console usage information for Configuration Manager clients found through Asset Intelligence by polling the Windows System Security Event Log. The view is also listed and described in the Mobile device management views in Configuration Manager topic. For information about how to enable or disable hardware inventory classes, see the How to extend hardware inventory in Configuration Manager topic in the Configuration Manager Documentation Library. what if you have many specific devices you want to check for in a go Win32_Product will only return applications installed via Windows Installer. This view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. For an MSI based installer, yes. Calculating probabilities from d6 dice pool (Degenesis rules for botches and triggers). Lists information about the Windows Update Agent found on Configuration Manager clients. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column and to the v_LU_CPU asset intelligence view by using the CPUHash0 column. Check the answer for how it can be solved :), What an elegant solution! How can I explain to my manager that a project he wishes to undertake cannot be performed by the team? Okay then I'll have a read through that thanks - Would you guys recommend Powershell instead to do this sort of task? Twitter. That mistake is querying for both x86 and x64 software titles using an Inner Join between x86 and x64 views. I am trying to put together an query that will give me the user of a device that has two applications installed. SOLVED - SQL query to find the application installed | SCCM | Configuration Manager | Intune | Windows Forums Home Forums What's new Contact Log in Register This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. The following query joins the v_GroupMap and v_GroupAttributeMap to generate the hardware inventory view schema, based on the specific settings for the site: Most of the hardware inventory views start with the v_GS_ view name followed by the name of the hardware component, such as CDROM (for example, v_GS_CDROM). I have to same questions. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. This view can be joined to other views by using the ResourceID column. Question. Combine queries (WQL subselect query - Powershell - SCCM), WQL/SCCM - Comparing version numbers correctly (less than). You can configure multiple query rules for each collection. Lists information about the desktop monitors found on Configuration Manager client computers. Usually the users cannot run these updates on their own because they do not have Admin rights. If the application is present MEM will check the detection rule to see if the correct version is installed. The view is also listed and described in the Mobile device management views in Configuration Manager topic. And we get much the same information as the WMI command. Not only for Chrome but any installed software. Lists information about the login profiles found on Configuration Manager clients. I have been exploring the CMPivot queries from sometime and I find it very interesting. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. Collection to find application (two queries): select SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceID,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceType,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Name,SMS_R_SYSTEM.SMSUniqueIdentifier,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Client from SMS_R_System inner join SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS In the results, see the column name. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. This view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. Click Browse. Sign up today to participate, Just to confirm, you wouldn't recommend running the following via a package? . Lists information about the IDE controllers found on Configuration Manager clients. You can create a collection based on the application installed on Windows 11 or Windows 10 PCs. Then when you remove the resource from the collection, the application uninstalls. Armstrong 10 January 2023 Share SCCM Collection Query How do I create the SSRS report? Lets see how to start troubleshooting and Fixing SCCM Collection based on the Installed Application? Lists information about the desktop settings on client computers including the icon size, wallpaper settings, fonts and more. This can help visualize just how many systems have the software install. Some are one, some are the other because I don't really understand the difference. Launch the SCCM console and go to Assets and Compliance > Overview > Device Collections. As an example App A is assigned to a group of users, but with an exclusion on some devices with special settings. I've followed guidance from several KB articles but the issue is not resolved. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. How to create an MSIX installer for your app? Lists information about the memory found on Configuration Manager devices. Lists, by resource ID, information about jobs that are in the printer queue of client computers. This view can be joined to other views by using the ResourceID column. These applications will also have their installation documented in the registry, but under HKEY_CURRENT_USER instead of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. Both come from hardware inventory though so until the systems perform their hardware inventory and send this to the site, the site is unaware of any changes and thus the collections can't reflect the changes and neither can resource explorer as resource Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Once you in the settings, go to Hardware Inventory, click on "Set Classes". The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. My problem is that some of those machines that have successfully run the command and removed the application are still showing in my collection to find "machines with application Is it possible to get license information too. x installed" (see collection below). When you run a command such as Get-CimInstance Win32_Product it causes every single application installed via Windows Installer to perform a consistency check, and if any problems are found, it runs an automated and silent repair. In general, packaging MSIs as a Win32 package is always recommended for a variety of reasons. Here I'm executing the query in the device collection. Staging Ground Beta 1 Recap, and Reviewers needed for Beta 2, WQL Subquery as field value, CIMV2 WMI WQL query for WMI-Filter. Installed Applications and Installed Applications (x64) is raw data from the uninstall keys in the registry. This view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. Lists information about the Direct Memory Access (DMA) channels found on client computers. Queries: Installed application vs. The simplest and fastest alternative has been to query the registry. Using parameter sets we can allow the user to pull various combinations of data, though some will require administrative privileges: The last and probably most convenient option is Get-Package, but as is the way, there are a few caveats. If you are interested in exploring CMPivot, you can check out all my ConfigMgr CMPivot queries. IOW, what will you use it for? But i want to get the cumulative list of applications installed in a particular device collection which will help us to know , if any of our users installed unauthorized application in their system. Select * from v_Add_Remove_Programs" doesn't make a great deal of sense. The view is also listed and described in the Asset intelligence views in Configuration Manager topic. I basically use the Scrips option to run live queries and find the info I need. Installed Applications comes directly from Add/Remove Programs while Installed Software comes from Asset Intelligence (AI). Could you perhaps break that section out for us? Old Blog:, Twitter: @GarthMJ Book: By limiting the requirement to the dynamic group MEM does not have to check all the applications published unnecessary as Required to All Users. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. NOTE! The last time Ive tried it, it didnt work because we allow to run only signed scripts in our environment. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Lists virtual application package information found on Configuration Manager clients. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. The limiting collection establishes the resources you can add to this collection using membership rules. The hardware inventory views contain information about the computer hardware scanned on Configuration Manager client computers. Since the application is Required for All Users, everytime MEM does a check if an application is installed it also checks the required applications to see if they are installed or not. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. Avoid using All Systems or All Devices collection as Limiting Collection as explained in fix SCCM Limiting Collection Issue. There is some good documentation from Microsoft on this in KB974524. SCCM Report for all software installed for all computers: The following report will give you all the installed software's (applications from the environment) and removing the installed hotfixes, security updates and any other updates. Lists information about the disk drives found on Configuration Manager clients. scan state.exe failed to load due to unknown internal error, Easysense2.exe Unatended Install Silent Switches, Cant get dependencies to work with Scripts. The advice online is naive and misleading. Lists information about user profiles found on client computers including the path to the profile, roaming preferences and more. This view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. He is Blogger, Speaker, and Local User Group HTMD Community leader. This view can be joined to other views by using the CollectionID column. I would have the same question, how to have a dynamic group based on installed software. He writes about ConfigMgr, Windows 11, Windows 10, Azure AD, Microsoft Intune, Windows 365, AVD, etc. 1 Reply The nature of simulating nature: A Q&A with IBM Quantum researcher Dr. Jamie We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. about creating a query with that in the query text? This view contains a subset of information from the v_GS_SYSTEM_ENCLOSURE view. One caveat is that this method will return many more elements than Win32_Product, it will include things such as service packs, Office updates, language packs, etc. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column and with Asset Intelligence views by using the SoftwareCode0 and SoftwarePropertiesHash0 columns. The following sample queries demonstrate how the Configuration Manager software inventory views can be joined to other views to retrieve specific data. Let's say we can't call the uninstaller for a particular product. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. List information about Interrupt Requests (IRQ's) found on client computers. SCCM Collection Based on Installed Application Version Let's specify the basic details of the device collection. Default. The view is also listed and described in the Asset intelligence views in Configuration Manager topic. Lists information about devices connected to Configuration Manager clients by using Exchange ActiveSync. Fetch report to get application in add remove from all machines. error. I'm not a VBS person by any stretch as you can tell! Right click the device collection and click Start CMPivot. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. Lists information about the USB controllers found on Configuration Manager clients. When ConfigMgr administrators are creating a collection query to find all computers with a particular application for both x86 and x64 computers, almost everyone falls into the same mistake. This view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. Lists detailed information about the network protocols used by client computers. Short story taking place on a toroidal planet or moon involving flying. This includes the initial size and the maximum size for the page file. If the application is installed the user is added to the dynamic group and this group can then be used as a required Installation group for the Application that was previously published to All Users (with a requirement rule). previously one had to uninstall the 32 bit version of office and then deploy 64 bit but this solves that issue. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. Find Installed Software using SCCM CMPivot. This view can be joined to other views by using the ResourceID column. Lists information about the installed Microsoft software applications on Configuration Manager clients found through Asset Intelligence. You can check whether the WQL query is working as expected or not. Lists information about protected disk volumes found on client computers. Lists information about the browser objects found on Configuration Manager clients through Asset Intelligence. By running our first query, it will bring back a huge amount of data (depending on your environment size of course) - it will basically show everything that is in the Add/Remove Programs list for every machine in your Configuration Manager database. Lists information about the software installed on Configuration Manager clients that is registered in Add or Remove Programs or Programs and Features list. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact Or is there some sort of quick thing to run that you're referring to? Lists information about the print devices attached to clients, including the model, print capabilities and current status at the time the inventory was ran. This view can be joined to other views by using the ResourceID column. Lists information about modems found on Configuration Manager clients. My boss have given me a task to produce a report of installed apps in our environment. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. Installed Software pulls from Asset Intelligence, which is a combination of multiple locations. The least important reason is that its not very fast. Lists information about the actions that Windows clients take when they experience an unrecoverable error. This view can be joined to other views by using the ResourceID column. This view can be joined to other views by using the ClassID column. What's the purpose of the group once you created it? This method works, but it has some drawbacks. Click Next. Lists information about parallel ports found on Configuration Manager clients. Lists information about Terminal Services key packs found on client computers. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column.
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