If someone blended a Clarion with a Thompson Chain, the Schuyler is what they would end up with. Beautiful bible, you won't believe how great 125801670108 Seems they could have preformed a smaller radius there as the hinge radius is somewhat smaller on its bottom side? For example, page 720 contains Psalms 38-40. Hopefully, but not expectantly, whoever handles this aspect of Schuylers bindery, will correct this area of concern that I worked on and will do something about the egregious characteristics of the front joint that causes it to lift so much from the text block before it finally settles against it around 2.5 inches to the right of the joint. I have written before about the glorious quality of my fathers old bible purchased for him by the family in 1954, Ive found nothing to compare yet with that quality which was at that time was expected, not an exeption. Between the Concord and the KJV Reference, I find the Concord font to be more comfortable to read from the pulpit or in dimmer light. Free shipping for many products! Im sure theyll have to know by the end of the year in order to get everything ready for publication next year. Sent the bible back to EVB today and requested a replacement with the black cover as a result of yesterdays telephone conversation. I hold no animosity to those who hold other opinions, what is important to me is that the Bible be read, respected and honored, and most importantly that Gods Word be uplifted throughout the world. Between this and my Clarion; I believe my bible needs are met:). One thing I like about this is that it contains the first chapter that appears and not the first chapter that starts on that page. Rated 4 out of 5. by mcintyre.robert References are keyed to the text with letters. The inside liner is leather. Its perfect for the pulpit, but I do prefer carrying the KJV Reference or Concord. The KJV Reference is listed as a larger font than the Concord but photos make it look like the Concord might be easier to read. The KJV Schuyler Reference Bible takes a different approach to the problem of comprehension, sticking with pre-20th century design but incorporating features like archaic word lists and guides to thees and thous to make the job a little easier for modern day traditionalists. For quick reference and easy use, verse format is fine. Or even a portion of the bible in the poorest quality print on wrinkled, aged newsprint! I think that if I had problems as John described that the return of the bible would be the proper action. Verse numbers would be even better, but that could get messy. And this was the reason I brought up the variation of costs of the different materials. Gold, Diamonds, Firearms, Coins. There are secular forums where there is much wailing about the state of the nation and all that we need to do is get back to the principles of the founding fathers, rebellion, etc. A nice shade I think. I own every goatskin kjv available and the Concord is my least favoritr of them all. Wish I could post pictures. http://ourrabbijesus.com/articles/translation-debates-jewish-view/, Don, With kind thoughts, The fourth is just slightly pinched, but exits at an approximate 45 degree angle similar to the first two mentioned. Let me know if youre interested. Dont think the applied silver will remain whole for very long. Ive been tempted to get the hardcover. Thanks again for the update. Im glad you like it! Ive worked this out different ways and even tried my hand at edge gilding, like it or not these materials and features do add additional costs to the product. They cannot fathom nor admit that such an idyllic conception as they envision it, is an utter impossibility in this countrys present and declining moral state (rush to wickedness) and certainly the recompense of their ways even considering from a totally secular viewpoint. I briefly consulted the NIV, NKJV, and the NASB in the distant past. It has the same footprint as the Concord (just a little thicker) and the font is more like the Quentel is size and boldness. Received my Schuyler KJV today in Navy Blue. I dont know how this thread beginning with an outstanding review by Randy, has turned into a discussion of the merits of various publishers and marketers of Gods Word. One thing not mentioned previously was that there was a section of about 2 to 2.5 inches on the cover flange that was narrower than usual. And since I consider myself more of a textblock and paper guy Im glad you touched on the opacity issue between the Schuyler and the TBS, which I believe you noted no noticeable difference or improvement in ghosting? FEATURES 11pt Milo typeface 6.1" x 9.1" trim size . 28 GSM Indopaque Paper. This longitudinal bulge starts to form when the front cover is folded up about 90 degrees from its rest position against the textblock (bible laying flat on the table), you can than lightly push against this bulge with your finger and readily ascertain that there is an air pocket or air gap developed on its underside (its puffy). It might end up being my preaching and carry Bible. No, they are not as well made as was common 50-80 years ago, but we must remember only the very well made have survived, there was some rather shoddy material and labor used those many years ago as well. The format of the text is beautiful. Funny thing is; I found a use for all but the Longprimer 63. KJV Giant Print Center-Column Reference Bible - Premier Collection - Brown Goatskin Leather $189.99 $108.50. $177.00 + $5.05 shipping. All I wrote was in response to other input and the direction the postings have taken have lead me to believe that at some point someones feelings were injured perhaps by me or perhaps by someone else. My uses are as followedCambridge Concord- carrying to church[sometimes private reading. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. I REALLY love both of these Bibles. Entdecke Schuyler KJV Canterbury Bibel in groer Auswahl Vergleichen Angebote und Preise Online kaufen bei eBay Kostenlose Lieferung fr viele Artikel! I suspect it may last longer than the leather version. The first bible page has some severe MULTIPLE creases (think accordion) starting from the gutter radiating in a circular path towards the top and bottom edges of the page for a couple inches from the gutter. It would force more of the research into other books or bibles but that usually happens anyways. The text is presented in verse-by-verse format. However, with the opening cut on the narrow, the liner material next to the end of the flanges gets pulled by necessity when the front flange is secured to the textblock. The Schuyler Quentel is on its way to occupying a similar position as the new ESV Quentel joins the line-up. I would personally recommend the Allan Longprimer 52i. It is great for reading but not so great for preaching. The TBS because of the paste off method is more sloppy in the cover hinge area due to the fact that the end pages will lift away some from the cover hinge areas. Schuyler has answered in two ways. Only in the past year have I bought any new bibles. Now, before any of this took place, noticed that the opening between the liner flanges seem to be a little narrow for the width of the textblock to fit as it should. Its like an Allan without the yapp, and also with the same Schuyler binding style. Free delivery for many products. There is a unique flow to the text. The merits of the container only. Picture Information. $349.99 + $9.95 shipping . They are able to produce relatively good quality bibles at a good price because there are people like me who send them money every month as a tithe. Schuyler uses only the finest materials in crafting their Bibles. The Schuyler does droop more when single hand holding, but it is not all that bad. This is apparent in almost every product marketed in this country, Ive in my 72 years witnessed it time and time again. Respectfully, It has sections headings, references in the footer, and red chapter and verse numbers (that could change, but thats what the current layout is showing). The Schuyler Quentel ESV Black Goatskin can be found on evangelicalbible.com. I appreciate the review and all the pictures. Two of the ribbons exit the spine NEARLY FOLDED IN HALF and exit at a quite noticeable angle (crooked, twisted). The coloring is actually a bluish silver in daylight, a somewhat translucent effect. This was mentioned earlier. A toothpick gently showed that there extended inboard an area that was not glued down. Let us all pray that the forces that want to suppress the Word of God not be allowed to prosper in this country. Like you, I had also noticed the light impression of the imprinting on the outside of the bible, the shortness of the tail bands, and the ribbon markers could certainly do with some repositioning. List of Books and Their Abbreviations Lists all the books in Biblical order. I know the TBS one has thin writing paper, but I want to be sure about the Schuyler. Noticed just a wee bit of the same condition on the bottom attachment, not really requiring treatment, but as a possible preventive measure did the same there so as not to have occasion?? What I determined was that the liner is not glued down to the inside of the cover right up to the beginning of the hinge radius of the liner or to say adjacent the beginning of the flange. SCHUYLER NASB PERSONAL Size Quentel Black Goatskin - EUR 94,33. I can see not any difference. and which did separate surprisingly easy from the top of the liner flange. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for NKJV Schuyler Personal Size Quentel Black Goatskin Bible at the best online prices at eBay! Schuyler Canterbury KJV, Full Yapp Black Goatskin Bible. Schuyler Wide Margin KJV Bible. Hi Norm. Was then able to easily separate each end for about 1.5 to 2 inches inboard in a diagonal manner before encountering much resistance at which point no more pulling back of the flange was attemped or even needed. Schuyler Westminster at the top says a lot about its quality. Scofield Notes) - Goatskin Edition $299.99 $225.00 KJV Large Print Thompson Chain Reference Bible - Lambskin Edition $169.99 $145.00 Something a visitor might mistake for shallowness. A lost society of short attention spans that cannot endure quiet or function without stimulation. They are printed on thick paper with a dull finish. to repeat at a later date. The thin gold bridges or has to span the crevasses in the goat skin texture as a good flat substrate is not provided due to the shallow text imprinting. The grain of the leather is simply gorgeous. Your email address will not be published. TYNDALE SELECT NLT Reference Bible (Black Calfskin Leather) Very Rare - $214.73. Free shipping. The KJV is considered one of the most influential and beautiful works of . Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Allan NIV1 BL (Classic Reference Edition) Bible at the best online prices at eBay!
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