Category: Mods Tags: kawaiistacie, mods, sims 4 November 3, 2019. Mod More Homes + House Flipper by KAWAIISTACIE, Mod 50 Babies Challenge at KAWAIISTACIE, All Mods in One Traits Bundle #1 by KAWAIISTACIE, Mod Christmas Party Event by KAWAIISTACIE, No More Flyaway Icons by Gnasher316 at Mod The Sims 4, Urn/Stone Overhaul: Release and Destroy v. 1.0 by andiberlin at Mod The Sims 4, Pride Plumbob by SimMattically at Mod The Sims 4, All Kinds of Ice Cream from the Fridge at Mod The Sims 4, NO MORE ScreenSlam for Adults-Children-Toddlers Skills at Mod The Sims 4, Children can light campfire and bonfire and also fire dance at Mod The Sims 4, Tidy Detail & Tidy Tattoos Tidy Cas Sims 4, Monica Hairstyle for Girls + Clips Sims 4 Hair, Teenage Dream (4 Items All Lods Shadow Map) by Boonstow. Required fields are marked *. kawaiistacie mods espaol. You can find more photos and a download link here. I'm a big fan of giving credit where due. a month ago I see some publicly available versions on a few different sites but they look to be outdated. NOTE: Estos ajustes solo se aplicarn al navegador y dispositivo que ests usando actualmente. #FantacornFamDOWNLOAD :'t forget to subscribe to become a member of the FANTACORN FAMILY and hit the BELL so you'll never miss another video!You can find all my creations on the gallery under my Origin ID RealFantayzia or under the hashtag #fantayzia---------------------------------------------------MERCH CHANNEL W/ MY HUSBAND ROBLOX CHANNEL SERVER ID: RealFantayzia---------------------------------------------------SOCIAL MEDIA TWITTER : INSTAGRAM : ALPHA TUMBLR : MAXIS MATCH TUMBLR : CURSE NETWORK What mic do you use? Audio Technica AT2020- What editing program do you use? Filmora- What computer do you have? Check the about section on my channel page for details on that- What default eyes do you use? Whisper eyes : What default skin do you use? Moonlight V2 : What eyelashes do you use? Kijiko 3D Lashes : How do you raise your sims needs by clicking them? This new version of the game lets you travel and meet other Sims in new places. The third mod is for when you want to be a patient instead. Puedes cambiar tus ajustes en cualquier momento. A menu on the Sim's phone is available for all sims child and up called Healthcare Services. This mod will assist you in improving and enhancing your skills in a variety of areas such as: This mod would also assist you in providing certain services that you may require, such as: Read More: Are Mars Lost Sectors Still In Destiny 2 (If Yes Then Where). This site is not endorsed by or affiliated with Electronic Arts, or its licencors. The showtime menu will help you become rich and famous but you still have to put in your own personal work. - Parties, texts, periods, and health have returned! Mod - Visit Hospital event by KAWAIISTACIE about a year ago 16.7k Views shares Pinterest Facebook Twitter Are your sims not feeling well? There are 3 parts: Doctor Career Reimagined Part 1 - Doctor Interactions. If your Sims 4 mods arent working, its possible that they were disabled by a game update, the games cache was corrupted, or there are compatibility difficulties. UI Cheats Extension : Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: #sims4mods A la izquierda se especifica qu cookies y scripts se usan y cmo impactan en tu visita. For most people, they were the first place theyve ever seen in the whole entire world. This mod also adds physiotherapy patients who will use gym equipment, and will use Barista when hungry/thirsty, so Willow Creek Road is perfect for it because it has a gym and a caf too. Sims 4 Explore MOD Kawaiistacie Ultimate Guide. Doctor Career Reimagined Part 3 - NPC Staff. The Sims 4 Mod Hospital Career Welcome to another Sims 4 mod review, today I'm going over the hospital event mod by the amazing KawaiiStacie! Recently, the Sims community has been overrun with Simmers turning their attention to a new game, Animal Crossing: New Horizons. 2) Better Hospital Staff by Simvasion. EA just does not support mods, thus if they dont work, youre out of luck unless the creator decides to update it. Milo. @Player_1g1vsoqr Hi! Staying later at work? Here are some of our favourites: Modder chicagonative has crafted this hospital with a greenhouse-style design, with high-fidelity recreations of staple facilities like labs, exam rooms, surgical suits and cafeterias, some of which are fully interactive. Gambling off lot (Rabbit holes): You get to pick your gambling sims. You can work at your own pace and even plan out your events. You can also make your Sims play real games, such as Resident Evil 7 or Grand Theft Auto V. Some of the Sims 4 mods can remove idle chat from conversations. Thanks. I hope you find a fix!/I hope it works. Game content and materials copyright Electronic Arts Inc. and its licencors. Hospitals have been an integral part of life since their inception. Today. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. You can find install instructions and download links here. Also, stairs take up too much space. This modification adds college seating habits, and makes it easier to move your Sims around. Mar 17, 2019 - Sims 4 CC Mods: Preschool Mod from Kawaiistacie Sims 4 Downloads. Important: Certain places open and close during certain times, in different seasons, and on certain days. This mod allows your sims to leave the lot through rabbit hole places and return with buffs, motive increases, skill increases, relationship increases, etc.. You can also shop for clothing, do part-time work, gamble your money away, get your nails done, visit the hospital, and more! (The Sims 4) Memorable Events Mod | Updated This mod adds over 40+ social events to your game. Whether to let Sims fulfil their ambitions of becoming a successful nurse or doctor or to pay tribute to medical workers, its no surprise that there is a high demand to expand both the aesthetics and functionality of hospitals and clinics in game. I love this so much.. All contents published under GNU General Public License. Like this mod? You'll probably need to use the hospital that comes with the Doctor career and use the bb.enablefreebuild cheat to modify it to your liking. Come visit the hospital and get checked out by our amazing nurses/doctors. We have a play area for children so feel free to bring your little ones as visitors. No Time Capsules Without A Treasure Map by Menaceman44 at Mod The Sims, More German Names by LaLuvi at Mod The Sims, Pervy Copter by CloudyWeather331 at Mod The Sims, Get To College Mod V3 by itasan2 at Mod The Sims, Skin Colors Fixer mod updated! - last edited Your email address will not be published. Modern Toilet/Sink Combo by K9DB - with this, you can build a 1x2 bathroom if you want to save space! The hospital lot is 50x50, which is quite huge. You can compete in tournaments or just regular games! Working Elevator Everywhere by LittleMsSam. October 11, 2022. To guarantee that the mod works properly, make sure you enable custom content and script mods. Not all medical facilities are created equal, and while large hospitals usually get all the hype, its the countless family clinics that do the heavy lifting around residential areas. Unlike the original game, this mod will not crash your Sim's computer. With this mod, you can control your Sims weight and blood pressure, and even add jobs to your characters resume. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. In the past few days, I've been mixing and matching several hospital related mods, and I'm finally satisfied of what I have. It looks like you have to be a patron on Patreon to get the most recently updated version and even that was last updated in November, before the last two game updates. Support With No Strings Thank you YOU MIGHT LIKE Check out Doctor Interaction Mod by Ferdiana. Finally, save the package to your DocumentsElectronic ArtsThe Sims 4 Mods folder. The first and second mods are for a better experience when playing the doctor active career. - Memories even if you don't get gold! (The Sims 4) Slice of Life Mod | 0.2 This mod is still a WIP but I will try my best to update! Without it, you'd have to admit them yourself. Filed Under: Mods / Traits Tagged With: kawaiistacie, mod, Sims 4, Slice of Life May 12, 2021. Otros juegos: Qu trae el nuevo DLC de pago de Animal Crossing? You can find details about both versions here. Thank you so much for your support! Your email address will not be published. 4. Showtime Mod by KawaiiStacie. Download the mod package file and place it in your Mods folder for The Sims 4, found in Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > Mods. Things like health history, blood pressure and regular check-ups are a thing, together with knock-on effects and options that affect your Sims careers and daily life, and new Health Sciences careers to pick from. You can use it to create a criminal empire. You can find install instructions and download links here. You will be able to gamble at home using a card table! The Sims 3 Stores Lucky Simoleon Casino was the first to introduce gambling. September 12, 2022. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. So, it's possible the version of the mod you have may not be compatible with the current version of the game. KawaiiStacie on Twitter: "(The Sims 4) Visit the Hospital - Mod Did your child catch a cold? You will only be able to gain money if you are the winner or none at all if you lose. Also, the correct key combination to open the cheats console on a Mac is also ctrl-shift-C and always has been. Your email address will not be published. Cambia al modo de da que ser ms agradable para tu vista durante el da. Come visit the hospital and get checked out by our amazing nurses/doctors. And if you scroll past them, you can spot the Download here option. This is the hub for all available healthcare services. a month ago. Did you miss the Growing Together Livestream? You can give medicine or give a sick sim a shot and they'll be cured from their illness. In 2020, hospitals also found themselves in the global spotlight like never before due to their role battling the COVID-19 pandemic. All Rights Reserved. Which increases hygiene and gives your sims little buffs. Shift + C PC: Shift + Control + C. Then Put "Testingcheatsenabled true" or "testingcheats true". So in order to get where I am now with this hospital system thing, I use a lot of mods and CC, tho cc is just a personal preference thing. They have all new features and everything can be done with only having the base game! From The Sims 2 to the Sims 4, weve got you covered! Shift click on your sim and have a look if there is any options for it to heal your sim for now on, if not I think you can just order medicine from a Computer. This functional The Sims 4 mod hospital fits a 5050 lot, and relies on clever use of space to fit in all the necessary medical facilities without expanding the hospital beyond its regional scope. - Disable features in CAS under the likes/dislikes system if you don't want to delete files. Unlike the original game, this mod will not crash your Sims computer. - I use elevators so that sims can just go to other floors and the other building quickly. This functional The Sims 4 mod hospital fits a 5050 lot, and relies on clever use of space to fit in all the necessary medical facilities without expanding the hospital beyond its regional scope. Click here for the best Custom Content for The Sims 4! Published May 5, 2020. You will not make as much as you do at a rabbit hole. This site is not endorsed by or affiliated with Electronic Arts, or its licensors. I had an idea of changing it to downtown with several shops and a clinic or something like that. I also put a Pharmacy Capsule Kiosk (from the 3rd mod mentioned below) here so it serves the purpose. Gua: Cmo usar la aplicacin CurseForge para descargar CC y Mods en Los Sims 4; Gua: Cmo descargar CC y Mods desde la plataforma oficial de EA y CurseForge; This mod adds in a new trait called gambler, a new skill called gambling, and it also adds in a new interaction to the card table. You can find more photos and a download link here. Sorry you're having trouble with this mod. To begin, drag the KS-Explore Mod.Then drag and drop all files (not the folders themselves!) You will not be banned from the Sims if you use mods. , KawaiiStacie Visit the Hospital Mod - No Venue. You can also explore other areas of your Sims life with the Explore Mode.
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