If you move down a band the date used will be the date that applied when you were previously in that band or any earlier date when you were in a higher band. Please see end of bidding cycle. Second Saturday of the month 10.00am 11.00am at: Camberwell Library, 48 Camberwell Green, London, SE5 7AL. Why do we need an allocations scheme? Information about data collected via. Expected number of people to attend if more than 5000: Sale by retail of alcohol to be consumed off premises, Sale by retail of alcohol to be consumed on premises, Premises (Full Variation to approve a new layout plan with the installation of karaoke rooms in the basement. Registered charity number 1085300 - Company limited by guarantee number 4146495 YOUR HOME 1 CONTACT DETAILS Housing Advice Service - 020 7525 5950 - hsg.has@southwark.gov.uk Home searchline - 020 7525 4208 Housing Services - 0800 952 4444 Southwark Council - 020 7525 5000 Bermondsey One Stop Shop - 020 7525 5000 - bermondseyarea@southwark.gov. If you do not leave your contact details, the team are unable to access these and won't be able to return your call. Localoffer@southwark.gov.uk, The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog, Regular text size with high contrast version on dark background, Large text size with high contrast version on dark background, IPSEA (Independent Provider of Special Education Advice). Sunshine House drop-in It includes up-to-date information on opportunities and services that are available to you. The centre is open 7 days a week to young people aged 16-21. The price you pay depends on your circumstances: We offer extremely competitive rates so if you have a repair in your home, please get in touch with any questions and we would be more than happy to advise you on the charges. . PDF, 381KB, Information Advice & Support Service Network. When you first contact the team you can explain what you need advice about. If you are in hospital, you can ask the hospital social work team to request an assessment. Topics include: starting primary and secondary school, pathways to employment, SEND tribunal appeals, Details of other support and advocacy services specialising in health, social care and more can be found, Statutory advice about school exclusions can be, Equality Act guidance covering disabilities can be. Revise existing conditions and add conditions. If you are feeling unsafe at home and would like information and support, 'TheHide Out' can help,click here. Please use this online form to contact the Resourcing Teamat SouthwarkCouncil. Contact. Alternatively, you can email the team or book a slot at our drop-in: An error occured while processing your request, please try again. Other councillors representing this Ward: Ward Information Your local ward Councillor will be holding fixed surgeries on the following dates and venues. Tel: 020 75253104 We know that having a safe and secure home is one of the most important things in life. If you are unsure use the GOV.UK website to find your local council. For more details click Step One-Choosing, part of our step-by-step guide to using the service. rachel.bentley@southwark.gov.uk. Property shortlists are compiled at the end of each bidding cycle. This website uses cookies to give you the best online experience. Southwark social services department are who carry out the assessment of your care and support needs if you are finding it difficult to manage at home. uk Remember, no matter how bad things may seem, if you leave home without preparation, you may find yourself in an even worse situation. The assessment looks into your needs, what kind of help you would like and finds out what you can and cannot do for yourself. Undercover off-street cycle parking is available at 59 Southwark Street. If your application form is incomplete it will be returned to you. To see the results of properties that have been let use the Properties and recent lets search. Councillor James McAsh. We represent Londons 32 boroughs and the City of London. A big factor in making this decision will probably be your financial situation. In Southwark, we have just over 14,000 households on our housing register but we can only . You bidding may be suspended because you have been offered another property. If you are a council tenant we can carry out repairs that are included in your tenancy agreement at no charge. Please visit https://my.southwark.gov.uk/Default.aspx. If you'd like to know more about the information we hold, or the way we use it, please email the data protection officer at Southwark Council at dpo@southwark.gov.uk or write to: Data. You can read more information about Housing services and support in Southwark at the following link: Housing, Southwark Council. Some examples of making yourself intentionally homeless includes: Not paying your rent when you could have - however not being able to pay your mortgage because of significant financial difficulties that were out of your control i.e illness and redundancy will not be considered as intentional. response? Allocations and Property Information Affordability Allocations scheme-consultation feedback Register your household New household registration Information This application is for viewing the website, applying for Mutual exchange or to complete a Housing Options assessment. An error occured while processing your request, please try again. Training and information sessions throughout the year. Whether you are thinking about leaving home or want to live more independently, it is important to know what options, services and provisions are out there to help you achieve this. Supported housing is a form of housing that combines support services and accommodation. (every Tuesday, during school term-time,9.30am- 1:30pm, a video or phone appointment with a SIAS advisor). You have the right to explain your actions to the council in relation to your housing situation. You must complete an on-line change of circumstances form. Does your Disabled Person's Freedom Pass expire on 31st March 2023? SE1 2QH. The Albert Kennedy Trustare a specialist organisation for members of the LGBTQ+ community who are aged 16-25 and struggling with a housing situation; their website has a live chat feature, details of how else to contact them and ways they could help you, Stonewall Housingprovide advice about different housing related issues you may be experiencing. Please note Surgeries are not held on Easter weekend, August or December. Contact us : Southwark Licensing Team 3rd Floor, Hub 1 PO BOX 64529 London SE1P 5LX: Telephone: 020 7525 5748: E-mail: licensing@southwark.gov.uk: Southwark Council has a duty to protect the public funds it administers and may use the information you . viewing your Council Tax account. Contact information. Housing - Housing register change of circumstances Introduction You should use this if you are already registered on the council's housing register and want to report a change in your. Properties will be advertised from midnight on a Wednesday and you will be able to register your interest in properties up until midnight the following Sunday. Although we are funded by Southwark Council, we work at arms-length from other local authority services. If you move up a band the date used will be the date you move into that band. Southwark social housing is rental housing owned and managed either by the council, by registered social landlords, or non-profit organizations. 0207 525 5950. . Certain people from abroad who are not subject to immigration control but who are not habitually resident in the UK, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man or the Republic of Ireland. Committee appointments. Please see property photographs. Send a text message as below to 80010. (pdf, 381kb) every Thursday during term-time, 2:00pm - 5:00 pm, starting23rd February 2023. Southwarks Local Offer shows whats available in the borough for children, young people and adults (aged 0-25) who have Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. Read more about our complaints procedure. New Horizon Youth Centreis a day centre working with young people who are homeless, vulnerable or at risk. Over 60s, people of any age in receipt of a disability benefit. Housing Option Advisors can be contacted on 0207 525 5950 or on housing.options@southwark.gov.uk. Therefore, only the successful bidder will currently be contacted following the close of each bidding cycle. Work mobile: 07599548511. There are a number of agencies who can assist you, including perhaps finding you a safe place to go. top of page. We tell you the number of applicants that expressed an interest in each property, the band and the registration date of each property. Who can get a care and support assessment? You can get advice from trusted adults and from support services in Southwark. The next stage is to decide whether you are eligible for any help. Click here for details on who can use the service. Please note, Housing Associations operate under their own policies which may differ form council policy. Preview: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. In order to register for the Social Housing waiting list please register at www.southwark.gov.uk/mysouthwark. We would recommend speaking to your friends, family and local support services for advice so that you can make informedchoices about your future! To get in touch with London Councils please call: 020 7934 9999 but you may prefer to use one of the other methods listed below. It appears that your web browser does not support JavaScript, or you have temporarily disabled scripting. Search website Submit search. Please click. These are: For more detailed information contact our Housing Advice Centre. The best way to leave home is after careful thought and planning. We will tell you what documents to provide and when to provide them. Note: 1D means 1 Day, make future bookings via your online . It may be suspended because there is a discrepancy with your application. If your relationship with your family has broken down because of your sexual orientation or gender identity. Deciding to leave home and live independently is a big decision. What happens at the care and support assessment? When deciding if you are or aren't intentionally homeless, the council must consider the reasons you became homeless. Children and young people with SEND (special educational needs and disabilities) aged 0-25, and their families. The types of queries we can help with include: You can watch this video to find out more about services provided by Information, Advice and Support teams. This type of housing can be permanent or let on a fixed-term basis, depending on the owner. ASC charging reform - Consultation response by London Councils. The full revised policy proposals can be found here. See below for more information on common issues and questions about independent living. Many young people decide to share with others at first as this will mean you can share the rent andbills. It appears that your web browser does not support JavaScript, or you have temporarily disabled scripting. Your housing application number; You may also find it difficult to continue with your education. It appears that your web browser does not support JavaScript, or you have temporarily disabled scripting. We are continuing to offer 1 bidder at a time.
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