April 4th, 2022, TC contender 10 inch 357 magnum barrel in nice condition complete with wood forend and sights. It is approx. 24" Barrels, TC Pro Hunter Stainless Fluted 28" Barrels, Pro Hunter Stainless Fluted Slug Gun Barrels, All are 15" w/Sights, Drilled and Tapped for Scope Mount, Thompson Center Arms has single handedly repopular-ized single shot rifles and pistols. 357 Magnum T/C 120, 223 Wylde T C Contender G2 U0026 Encore Everything You Need To Know, Contender 204 barrel with custom muzzle break, Green Mountain for Thompson Center Hawken, Drop in Barrel, 45 cal, 1 in 60, 6 8 Western Vs 300 Win Vs 300 Wby Paper Test Is 6 8 The Best All Around Caliber Of All Time, T/C Contender 14 Pistol Barrel Blue 30-30 WIN with Sights 06144502-NEW, Factory Original Thompson Center Contender 10 22 LR Pistol Octagon Barrel TC, Thompson Center Contender 45 Colt 10OAL Octagon used, TC Contender Barrel 10 Octagon 38 Special RARE! THIS BARREL IS 23 long and is drilled and tapped for scope mounts. Price. This would make an excellent lite weight deer rifle. -OR- Barnes 110-grain TTSX FB (BC .319) would prove an excellent pelt-shooting predator, deer or hog bullet, providing excellent velocity relative to the 7mm TCU and reliable performance should bone become involved on larger animals. Rebarreling and Rechambering Rifle reboring and relining contact for quotes in the calibers of your choice. This item is in the category Sporting Goods\Hunting\Gun Parts\Pistol. Note: Mondays closed forlunch from approx.11:30am - 1:00pm, please call ahead. #TCBD1 Barrel, 28 1/2 OAL, TC Contender factory rifle barrel 375 jdj 23 blued very good used condition, Thompsom Contender Round Pistol Barrel Front And Rear Sights Missing One Screw, Thompson Center Encore 24in 22-250 blued Barrel, Thompson Center Contender Pistol. About HausOfArms. Bore is bright and shiny. The original TC Contender is no longer. From ammo to zombie gear, Midsouth Shooters has all of the newest and hottest products on the market to keep you shooting all year long. Hodgdons H-322, Accurates A-2015 and Vihtavouris N130 and N133 appear clear accuracy winners in this cartridge, with Hodgdon H-4895 and BL-C(2) and A-1680 definitely deserving more attention. New to the forum here. The 7mm TCU serves quite well for hunting big game up to deer and wild hogs. Hodgdon BL-C(2) posted the best 140-grain group; .69 inch at 1,684 fps, with groups opening to 1.27 and 1.25 inches with added velocity. Welcome to the updated GunBroker.com forums. Love it[:D] Ed. The lands produce the equivalent of roughly 300,000 barrels. Includes the pictured scope rail. Quality Cartridge offers properly-headstamped cases; a brand Ive had nothing but good experiences with during past load testing. There's a .45 Colt/.410 shotgun barrel and, for those who want maximum power in a handgun platform, there's a .45-70 barrel. Proudly serving our customers for over 40 years, Midsouth Shooters can supply you with your pistol and rifle ammunition, as well as all of your shooting and reloading supplies. I've trolled many others and came across this one. Speers 130-grain BTSP performed well from the T/C Contender chambered in 7mm TCU. The item T/C Contender 410 Shotgun 21 Vent Rib Smoothbore Barrel is in sale since Thursday, August 5, 2021. The rifling is also in very good shape. Tested and proven to be some of the most precise shooting gun barrels on the market. The Committee consists of nine members, including seven attorneymembers and two non-attorney public members. All rights reserved worldwide. The seller is m.c.maverick and is located in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Thompson Center Arms is a specialty for us. We offer an industry standard custom barrel builder allowing you to build your barrel exactly how you want it. This item can [ Read On ], Related Topics: barrel, condition, contender, excellent, octagon, rare, special, thompson, Thompson Center Contender 21 17 HMR Barrel T/C Bull Target Scope Mount THOMPSON CENTER CONTENDER T/C 45 COLT 410 Choke OCTAGON 10 BLUE PISTOL BARREL , admin Buttstock, Forend and Barrel with complete Scope Mount. Specializing inThompson Center Contender Barrels and Thompson Center Encore barrels. T/C Custom Shop Barrels Collectable Contender Barrels Complete pistols and frames MGM Custom Barrels Factory Encore Barrels TCR Barrels 3RD Party Contender and Encore Barrels Scopes for TC's Bases, Rings, Stocks and Grips TC Links Contact Ed's Contenders Email Ed at edstc@cox.net HOT NEW ITEMS The 7mm TCU used for testing is an original T/C Contender with a standard 10-inch barrel measuring .725 inch at the muzzle. Consumer and commercial law encompasses a broad range of practice areas including banking, bankruptcy, mortgages/foreclosure, landlord/tenant, debtor/creditor issues, secured transactions, sales, DTPA, residential construction, manufactured housing, contracts, insurance, consumer credit, negotiable instruments, identity theft, consumer privacy, and credit reporting. If you would like to learn more aboutThompson Center Contender barrelsthen follow our link to a helpful Wikipedia page the tells you all about them. 45 colt at 400ftlbs is more than 230gr/45acp. Hornadys 120-grain V-Max performed well. TC Contender 357 Mag Barrels. All due to our incredible attention to detail, and complimented with our shockingly fast turnaround time makes MGM custom gun barrels top of the line. Before T/C started offering carbine barrels he made custom barrels under the Texas Contender label. It was replaced by the larger Thompson Center Encore and new G2 Contender. Using 18.5 grains for 1,822 fps produced this impressive .5-MOA group at. There are very slight scratches on the sides where they rub against the main frame when closing. Hundreds of chamberings to choose from .17 caliber to .50 BMG Barrel fluting, octagon and rechambering Quick turn-around time Custom rebarreling using various manufacturers barrels . For Committee meeting dates, agendas, materials and more on how to participate, click here. The trigger job we do on the Thompson Center Encore and Pro hunter actions is a . The high-power pistol class of silhouette shooting involves 13-inch chickens placed at 50 meters, 22-inch pigs at 100 meters, 19-inch turkeys at 150 meters and 32-inch rams at 200 meters. Our G2 Contender Barrels are perfect for TC rifles. Get new barrels, see our latest offers, and our velocity testing here, See our on-hand inventory of Ruger Precision, Savage, and Remage pre-fit barrels, The incredible flexibility of pre-fit barrels, https://matchgrademachine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/450-bushmaster-tc-encore.jpg, https://matchgrademachine.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/match-grade-machine-flat-logo.jpg, https://matchgrademachine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Top-TC-Big-Game-Hunting-Cartridges.jpg, Top 3 T/C Encore Big Game Hunting Cartridges, https://matchgrademachine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/223-Wylde.jpg, Click To - Learn More About The T/C MGM Club. It is the precision throat alignment, minimum throat diameter, long leade . $62.76. refresh results with search filters open search menu. 375 JDJ rifle barrel Thompson Center Encore BLUE 12 Gauge 24 Rifled Shotgun Barrel NEW , T/C Encore/PH SSK Custom Rifle Barrel 30-06 SPRINGFIELD 24 SS FULL Contour-NEW, T/C Encore/PH SSK Custom Rifle Barrel 300 WINMAG 24 SS FULL Contour-NEW, Thompson Center Hawken Barrel 54 Cal 1 barrel Very Nice factory Kit barrel nice, #8 Custom Encore Rifle Barrel-280 Ack Imp, T/C Encore/PH SSK Custom Barrel 450 BM 15 SS HEAVY Contour WithBASE/THREADS-NEW, Texas Contender Custom Rifle 22 Barrel Forend Stock Set Thompson Center Vintage, THOMPSON CENTER Contender 23 blued. In the business for over 30 years, combined experience of 50 years. Thompson Center Contender Forend With Adapter. Expansion is minimal, but accuracy is such that vital hits are common. Copyright & Trademarks David A. Comes with a silver Weaver base. Venerable IMR-4227 proves compatible in many bottleneck pistol cartridges, the 7mm TCU included. SEE HOT ITEMS FOR CURRENT LIST . Boasting a legacy that began with the original Contender pistol in 1967, Thompson/Center is the leading gunmaker producing switch-barrel firearms and versatile shooting platforms. Patrick has shot quite a few Columbia ground squirrels with his 7mm TCU Contender pistol using Sierra 100-grain Varminter HPs. Don't see what you needcall,480.892.9630. Since 1969. It has a 22" barrel. Every Thompson Center Encore barrel fits on every Thompson Center Encore frame right off the shelf with no modifications. These barrels fit the Original Contender as well as the G2 Contender. As a burrowing-rodent round, its biggest handicap is reliable bullet expansion, even 100-grain bullets (lightest 7mm available) pushed to 2,100/2,200 fps fail to produce anchoring expansion. During load testing I was reminded yet again of a couple important T/C Contender quirks, which particularly apply to lighter 10-inch barreled numbers in anything producing recoil more substantial than the .221 Remington Fireball. 435-628-0071 With unprecedented customization options. My Account | View Cart. If you have never seen this ring set up, its is a three pc ring and it locks on the scope tight. Twenty six grains of Hodgdon BL-C(2) pushed these bullets to 1,684 fps and produced this .69-inch group. Examples: Monday, today, last week, Mar 26, 3/26/04. Thompson Center Contender Gripper Decelerator. This competition was established to honor the lifes work of Craig Jordan, a section founder and nationally recognized and respected consumer protection attorney. Seated over 26.5 grains of Hodgdon H-4895, the load pushed 1,903 fps and produced a .62-inch, five-shot cluster. The deadline for submitting a nomination to the Committee is: Friday, May 5, 2023. Beginning with the TC Contender, our founder Eben Brown started shooting handgun metallic silhouette (IHMSA) with a 10" Thompson Center Contender pistol chambered for 357 Maximum. Considering the 7mm TCUs lumbering pace, especially from 10-inch barrels, I wouldnt hesitate to target average-sized deer or eating-sized hogs with any of the bullets included, at reasonable ranges (50 to 75 yards), and with well-placed lung shots. $325.00. It has a 3 chamber. We use cookies to analyze our traffic and enhance functionality. This item is in the category Sporting Goods\Hunting\Gun Parts\Pistol. He may have been one of the first manufacturers of carbine barrels. Members of the 2023 Nominations Committee are: Esther Chavez, Xerxes Martin, Carla Sanchez-Adams, Mary Spector and Wayne Watson. With a multitude of stock options, frames and barrel configurations available, the Encore Pro Hunter consistently delivers unmatched versatility in both the field and out at the range. T/C Contender 410 Shotgun 21 Vent Rib Smoothbore Barrel in excellent condition. Delivery: Estimated between Mon, Mar 6 and Thu, Mar 9 to 98837. $15.00 shipping. This item can be shipped to United States. Barrel-Receiver With Trigger Assembly AR Upper Receiver-Barrel With Gas Blocks and Handguard Does NOT include: Stock or Accessories Tier 3 - $149.99 Barrel-Receiver with Trigger Assembly and Stock Does NOT include Accessories Step 2. Price. I would say the condition of this bbl is very good used condition almost excellent [ Read On ], Related Topics: barrel, blued, condition, contender, factory, good, rifle, used, very, Thompsom Contender Round Pistol Barrel Front And Rear Sights Missing One Screw Thompson Center Encore 24in 22-250 blued Barrel , admin HausOfArms Home. To nominate yourself or a colleague, please send an email to the Councils Nominations Committee below. Silhouette shooting descended from a Mexican sport dating back to the early 1900s. And here at MGM we offer the best variations, with the most customization on the market. These TC Contender and Encore barrels offer some of the best and most precise shooting available. with machines on& peopleworking/talking. Thompson Center Encore Rifle Find the Contender barrel that you need, plus many more Thompson Center Contender. The Section is an ideal place to network with attorneys from both the plaintiff and defense bars while enjoying section benefits such as the Journal of Consumer & Commercial Law. In your email please include the name and contact information of the nominee and a brief description of your reasons for submitting the nomination. Our custom gun builder offers you unprecedented options, to get you the best custom built Thompson Center Contender barrel available, builtexactlyhow you want it. Midsouth has the 357 Mag Barrel that you need to build, update, customize, or repair your Thompson Center Contender in stock! Noslers 140-grain Ballistic Tip Hunting is ideally suited for deer hunting. The 7mm TCU was the most popular of Wes Ugaldes wildcats (including 6mm and 6.5mm versions) and once one of Thompson/Centers (T/C) top-selling barrel options. Ive used my 10-inch barreled Contender 7mm TCU, loaded with 120-grain Sierra softpoint bullets pushed to around 2,000 fps, to shoot a couple of 150-pound whitetail does and several average-sized Texas wild boars. admin This would prove to be a reliable deer or hog load. Fourteen-inch barrels are seen, providing an average 175 to 200 fps velocity gain over 10-inch tubes. Handgun Hunting was the original focus of these guns and they have out-sold all challengers by a mile. Hodgdons 7mm TCU-ideal H-322 produced a .99-inch group at 1,909 fps with 25.5 grains (single-digit extreme velocity spread), and close to an even inch with 26 grains at 1,953 fps. I have a Texas Contender Rifle made by Kendrick from Houston Texas. TC Thompson Center Contender 44 Mag Shotshell capsules 9 shot Gun #: 991320382 Seller: flyingfreckle $49.99 Full Details 1 Image (s) Thompson Center G2 Contender Barrel .204 Ruger 14" Blued 06144418 Gun #: 910943745 Seller: Ammo And Arms $349.99 Full Details 1 Image (s) DISCONTINUED Tactical Browning BuckMark Barrels Gun #: 940763660 010-03373 | Pachmayr. This starts by expanding .223 brass with a tapered neck expander, loading a start load and fire-forming to create a 40-degree shoulder. 375 JDJ which is likely the most popular round ever developed by JD Jones. pistol brass. 50cal. All Rights Reserved. All due to our incredible attention to detail, and complimented with our shockingly fast turnaround time makes MGM custom gun barrels top of the line. HausOfArms Blog. Its royalties average 22.3% per barrel. Thompson Center Contender and Encore Handgun and Rifle Barrels In 1977 JD Jones of SSK Industries started making replacement barrels for Contender and later Encore receivers for cartridges not supported by Thompson Center. *We areNOT a retail store*. Mountain Rifles Varmint Rifles Standard Rifles Full-Service Shop May 31st, 2021, Thompson Center G2 Contender 23 Rifle Barrel Blue 6.8 Rem 06234202-NEW Thompson Center Contender 357 MAG Pistol Barrel tc Handgun 10 G1 magnum , admin It is 22" heavy barrel in 30 Herrett. Oversee the initial process for proposing a disciplinary rule. It was a superbly-accurate cartridge with mild recoil for comfortable shooting, but propelled bullets owning higher ballistic coefficients with enough retained energy to topple those stubborn rams with ease. All of our custom guns have a turnaround of approximately 10-12 weeks, and are built to exactly what specifications you want. Free shipping for many products! Our 7.62 x 39 barrels are intended to be handload-only. May 26th, 2021, SS Contender 7-30 Waters Super 16 Barrel with added muzzle break in excellent condition. With unprecedented customization options. Made to Order. If you would like to pay the full amount now select "Pay in Full" at the bottom of this order form, or email us here and request your invoice for the remaining . Excellent Condition Thompson is in sale since Monday, June 7, 2021. (SOLD) Encore MGM 16 1/2 inch 45ACP $350.00 Encore 24inch 22LR with iron sights . We have a wide range ofThompson Center Encore and Contender barrels available for instant purchase, or using our custom gun builder. Submit entries to: JordanWriting22@gmail.com. It is in great shape and has a great bore. 435-628-0071. Pushed to 2,029 fps, this bullet produced a .56-inch, three-shot 100-yard group. The writer of the winning essay will receive a $ 4000.00 cash award and the essay may be published in the nationally recognized Journal of Consumer & Commercial Law. Bond Arms Texas Defender SPECIFICATIONS: Frame and barrel: . In the business for over 30 years, combined experience of 50 years. In Stock. Every time I shoot this seemingly insubstantial, 10-inch-barreled handgun, I come away pleasantly surprised (and am left pondering the potential of a steadier 14-inch barrel). A high .485 BC and wedging polymer tip combine to assure ample expansion and deep penetration while also producing a thumping 954 foot-pounds of energy at 100 yards (in excess of 1,000 foot pounds at 50 yards). Loading 25 grains of Hodgdon H-322 beneath Sierras 100-grain Varminter HP produces Patricks long-time, proven varmint-shooting load. These machinists can produce the best custom built TC Contender barrels on the market. Council members serve a three year term. This is typically most successful using fresh commercial brass, though careful annealing will generally provide good results and prolong case life with once-fired brass. . The scope mount and rings will go with the barrel. Call Us 636-359-0104; My Account; HausOfArms Home; About HausOfArms; My HausOfArms Account; HausOfArms Blog; Live Chat with HausOfArms; Excellent Condition Thompson Center. 010-03381 | Pachmayr. Barrel measures 17 9/16 long. An easy annealing process involves setting brass on their bases in a skillet, adding water until it reaches about halfway up the bodies, then heating necks/shoulders to an orange glow with a plumbers torch, and then tipping them over into the water. Wetry to accommodatespecial requestsas long as they arelegal. Contact HausOfArms. These products are commonly made for traditional military chambers with larger bore sizes or have been fired in oversized chambers and may cause damage to your firearm when used in our barrels. The best overall group .64 inch resulted from 24 grains of Vihtavouri N133, including a low extreme velocity spread but a pretty tame 1,771 fps velocity. (SCOPE DOES NOT COME WITH BARREL but scope base does) Just mount your scope. Only targets tipped from their bases counted against final score. Delivered energy averages from 703 (Sierra 100-grain Varminter, BC .234) to 904 foot-pounds (Nosler 140-grain Ballistic Tip, BC .485) at 100 yards and so on. Could someone please give me an idea how much the Texas Contender Barrels made by Kendrick of Houston Texas are worth, Thanks much, There is a new one on the auction side chambered in 30 Herrett priced at $175. for sale. It has a 3 chamber. The Consumer and Commercial Law Section of the Texas State Bar announces the Craig Jordan Consumer Protection Writing Competition for 2020. Offered by HausofArms, this Thompson Center Contender TC4502 14 blue pistol barrel chambered in 30-30 Winchester is brand new. Experienced shooters will recognize our top brand merchandise at a great value, and new shooters will find everything they need to get involved in an exciting sport. admin 1. Its 95% even for its age. It is totally interchangeable with later G1 Contender frames and any G2 [ Read On ], Related Topics: 06144502-new, 30-30, barrel, blue, contender, pistol, sights, Factory Original Thompson Center Contender 10 22 LR Pistol Octagon Barrel TC Thompson Center Contender 45 Colt 10OAL Octagon used , admin The item SS Contender 7-30 Waters Super 16 Barrel with muzzle break is in sale since [ Read On ], Related Topics: 7-30, barrel, break, contender, muzzle, super, waters, Thompson Center Encore SS PH 3007599 6.5 Creedmoor Barrel-NEW Thompson Center Contender Custom Bullberry 30-30 Win 20 heavy barrel + Hanger , T/C Encore/PH SSK Custom Rifle Barrel 300 WINMAG 24 SS FULL Contour-NEW, Thompson Center Hawken Barrel 54 Cal 1 barrel Very Nice factory Kit barrel nice, #8 Custom Encore Rifle Barrel-280 Ack Imp, T/C Encore/PH SSK Custom Barrel 450 BM 15 SS HEAVY Contour WithBASE/THREADS-NEW, THOMPSON/CENTER, Black Diamond. Excellent Condition Thompson, Thompson Center Contender 21 17 HMR Barrel T/C Bull Target Scope Mount, THOMPSON CENTER CONTENDER T/C 45 COLT 410 Choke OCTAGON 10 BLUE PISTOL BARREL, Thompson Center G2 Contender 23 Rifle Barrel Blue 6.8 Rem 06234202-NEW, Thompson Center Contender 357 MAG Pistol Barrel tc Handgun 10 G1 magnum, SS Contender 7-30 Waters Super 16 Barrel with muzzle break, Thompson Center Encore SS PH 3007599 6.5 Creedmoor Barrel-NEW, Thompson Center Contender Custom Bullberry 30-30 Win 20 heavy barrel + Hanger. Creating Memories For Generations to Come. Getting old and dont have the eye sight or dexterity for this anymore. Regularly review the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct and the Texas Rules of Disciplinary Procedure; 2. Twenty six grains of Hodgdon BL-C (2) pushed these bullets to 1,684 fps and produced this .69-inch group. Fired less than 50 rounds. Interchangeable Platforms. The second is that 7mm TCU pistols must be re-zeroed between every change in bullet and/or load, often substantially. 22 Hornet, Thompson Center Contender Barrel 44 Magnum 12, Thompson Center Encore Rifle Barrel. Credit is largely due to the efficient and accurate cartridge that is the 7mm TCU. The first is to extend your non-gripping-hands index finger forward while shooting, as wrapping it around the grip in standard double-fisted, pistol-shooing fashion places this digit directly behind the action release lever, inviting a painful bite during recoil. 45 cowboy special ; 45 schofield; 45 acp; 357 mag; 9mm luger; 44 mag; 45 colt; Thompson Center G1 Contender Barrels | Haus of Arms. Scope Mount: Conetrol Base with 1 Rings. These machinists can produce the best custom built TC Contender barrels on the market. The barrel has front and rear sights. Consumer and commercial law encompasses a broad range of practice areas including banking, bankruptcy, mortgages/foreclosure, landlord/tenant, debtor/creditor issues, secured transactions, sales, DTPA, residential construction, manufactured housing, contracts, insurance, consumer credit, negotiable instruments, identity theft, consumer privacy . Thompson Center Arms back in the 1980's. Engineered from the ground up to change everything. Find the Contender barrel that you need, plus many more Thompson Center Contender barrels, and accessories for sale at great prices! Thompson Center Contender TC super 14" SOLID RIB 45 Colt 410 Pistol Barrel Nice. Any 7mm TCU owner must first create brass from .223 Remington cases. Vote for Me! Contender Barrel Contender Barrel All Auction Buy It Now 204 Results Gauge/Caliber Type Brand For Gun Make Color Condition Price Buying Format All Filters thompson center contender pistol barrel $191.50 18 bids $14.00 shipping Ended T/C contender barrel $550.00 $16.45 shipping Thompson/Center Contender Barrel 45/410 $318.00 19 bids $12.55 shipping Reloading. With unprecedented customization options. 3. The Texas system collects a royalty no matter how much it costs an operator to produce oil. We manufacture our own Barrels or will use the customer's barrel. Kendrick Texas Contender Custom Package - 223 Remington. .17 HMR 14" G2/Contender barrel rechambered to .17 Remington Fireball, same as the old original wildcat .17 Mach IV. I am curious if any of you here own or have owned the Texas Contender barrel by Frank Kendrick. This item is in the category "Sporting Goods\Hunting\Gun Parts\Pistol". Watch from your device on our live webcast. Our Thompson Center Contenders are top of the line, machined perfectly to give you one of the straightest shooting barrels on the market. We have a wide range ofThompson Center Contender barrelsavailable for instant purchase. While the 7mm TCU generally lacks the velocity for violent expansion on smaller varmints such as ground squirrels, lighter hollowpoint bullets do a nice job on larger varmints like rockchucks and coyotes. It comes with a Burris base and rings. At least annually issue to the Supreme Court and the Board of Directors a report on the adequacy of the rules; and. Browse through our catalog and buy now! If you are a Section member with ideas for improving the Sections service to members, please consider serving on the Council. The only reference I have heard to Texas Contenders indicated that James Kendricks manufactured barrels for the Contender and contributed to the adoption and use of carbine length barrels by T/C. That would indeed make quite an impact! $37.65. tc4817 tc barrel encore prohunter 243 WIN 28 Inch $329.00 tc1566 encore prohunter pistol barrel 44 rem. Buy Frank Kendrick Texas Contender Barrel Thompson Center TC 22" Bull 30 Herret: GunBroker is the largest seller of Pistol Barrels Pistol Parts Gun Parts All: 931535654 . Copyright 2023 Texas Consumer & Commercial Law general for sale 20; farm & garden 11; antiques 10; bicycles 9; auto parts 7 + show 40 more 24 This also makes a Contender hard to open. 10 bids. Encore Barrels . This license or permit is required to sell alcohol in Texas and is only available through the TABC. January 24th, 2022, Thompson Center Contender 22 Hornet 10 inch octagon barrel 10 TC T/C. Wondering which custom Thompson Center gun barrel chambers we offer? May 20th, 2021, Related Topics: barrel, center, contender, custom, forend, rifle, stock, texas, thompson, vintage, THOMPSON CENTER Contender 23 blued. View Supreme Court of Texas Order Adopting Rule Amendments, Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct. In Stock. Barnes monolithic 110-grain TTSX FB bullets performed well with 25.5 grains of Accurate 2015, producing a .63-inch group pushed to 1,908 fps. The item TC Contender Barrel 10 Octagon 38 Special RARE! Sorry! Home | About Us | Contact Us | Menu. A-2460 averaged 1.25-inch groups, A-2520 a bit better, but also included a couple sub-one-inch groups with 27 grains at 1,806 fps and 28 grains at 1,884 fps. If you need replacement barrel for your Contender, look no further than Midsouth Shooters. Prices are negotiable. Specializing in TC Contender, Encore Gun Barrels! Texas Young Lawyers Association Curricula, American Bar Association Law-Related Education Projects, Financial Resources Guide for a Public Interest Legal Career, Out of State Attorney Indigent Defense Registration, MCLE Requirements for Newly Licensed Attorneys, Performance Guidelines for Non-Capital Criminal Defense Representation, Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct, Commission for Lawyer Discipline Internal Operating Rules, Roster of Local, Regional, Specialty, & Statewide Bar Associations. The 7mm TCU immediately dominated the Production Class in NRA and International Handgun Metallic Silhouette Association (IHMSA) competition. In fact, cases used for testing here were formed from once-fired Lake City (LC) brass.
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