Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. Both projects wrapped up this month. Shout Gladi Gladi. JUDITH ARCANA: Women did awful things out of fear and desperation. Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival 2013 LEARNING INSTITUTE FOR ELDERS (L.I.F.E.) We knew that some would be injured, some would die, former member Judith Arcana says in the film. This documentary tells the story of a young doctor named Rebecca Gomperts. Nobody wants to spend an hour on [Interstate] 95. Kaplan, stopped doing them under pressure from organized crime. Interviews with former members and with women who sought their services are interwoven in the documentary with archival footage from septic abortion wards in Chicago hospitals, where women who had illegal abortions or tried to induce their own often wound up with infections and sometimes took their last breaths alone. snoopy happy dance emoji 8959 norma pl west hollywood ca 90069 8959 norma pl west hollywood ca 90069 The Supreme Court Has Overturned 'Roe v. The class also watched the only documentary previously made on the subject, Allyson Beutkes Behind Closed Doors: The Dark Legacy of the Johns Committee. Prior to the Roe v. Wade case, the so-called Janes built the underground organization and assisted an estimated 11,000 women. PBS is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Visit our website terms of use and permissions pages at www.npr.org for further information. This renewed interest is of course not a coincidence. Washington D.C., Mar 1, 2023 / 16:45 pm (CNA). 11: New York allows abortion on demand up to the 24th week of pregnancy, as Gov. Esposito, a web application developer for a tech company, presented emotional testimony before the committee in support of Senate Bill 798, which seeks to enshrine abortion rights in the state's constitution, if approved by voters in 2024. But for what it's worth, I didn't ask how often or when at all it might happen. "I wanted it over with and I didn't . The House Oversight and Reform hearing came a day after the Senate Judiciary Committee held a similar hearing on the legal ramifications of a controversial Texas law. In fall 2011, professors Robert Cassanello and Lisa Mills taught an Advanced Documentary Workshop class at the University of Central Florida. Melissa Kogut (bottom row, center) wasExecutive Director of NARAL Pro-Choice MA at the time of the clinic shootings and throughout the six yearlong dialogues. She reached out to women at various activist meetings and, quickly, dozens of women joined her. Booth says she found a willing doctor who promised safe, secure procedures. THE ABORTION TALKS follows the crimes, trial, and murder of John Salviand the story of six women, all of them leaders in the pro-life and pro-choice movements, who sought to ensure that it would never happen again. You can always mobilize to help one another, you can organize, and ultimately thats what matters most, Pildes said. Before there was Roe V. Wade, there was Jane, and the HBO documentary The Janes (on Crave in Canada at 9:00 p.m. Tel : 617-923-1216 But doing so gave them a real understanding of what they were capable of at a time when a lot of women were told they werent capable of much, Pildes said. Saturday, June 24 at 7:30pm. Rep. Jim Himes, D-4th District, was tapped last year to lead the U.S. House Select Committee on Economic Disparity and Fairness in Growth, an issue he said is in my face every single day in his southwestern Connecticut district home to one of the nations highest concentrations of millionaires and some of its most economically distressed communities. Two new films tell the story. Click here to find a screening in your area. A new documentary tells the story of "The Jane Collective," a group that helped women with nowhere else to turn for a safe abortion, in the days before Roe v. Wade. Eventually, the Janes learned to perform the procedure themselves. One of the reasons we get screwed up in Washington is we stop thinking about real people and we start thinking about stereotypes That destroys your ability, destroys the empathy that is required to be thoughtful about trying to help real people.. A doctor hugs a patient at an abortion clinic in Santa Teresa, New Mexico, on 13 January 2023. . Drawing on a landmark FRONTLINE film from the 1980s, the documentary. But now, without having to pay Mike, they remodeled their payment service by reducing the price from $500 to $100 and offering a pay-what-you-can option. Columbia/SONY, Inc. Anita Bryant Orange Juice Advertisement DORRIE BARRON: I was petrified. Here is a partial list of stations that will air The Committee. Try some deep breathing - very reassuring. Filmmakers Tia Lessin and Emma Pildes wish their new HBO documentary, The Janes about a group of Chicago women who covertly helped thousands safely obtain abortions in the late . Mississippi residents might get back the ability to enact public policy through statewide ballot initiatives. Marcie Bianco is a writer and editor based in California. Trump documentary maker says he now has 2 armed guards for protection after he gave evidence to January 6 committee Joshua Zitser and Bethany Dawson Jul 2, 2022, 6:06 AM Documentary maker. They were so detailed in care, said Doris, whose second abortion with the collective was remarkably different from her first one, via the Mafia. In the letter, the signatories ask recipients to communicate with the US about these violations, to request an official visit to the US, and to ask the country to comply with its obligations under international law as a UN member state. The actions she took on became known as Women on Waves. June 8, 2022. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. At the center of two separate symbolic victories for pro-choice and pro-life advocates, McCorvey makes a deathbed confession that she was paid by anti-abortion groups like Operation Rescue to speak out against abortion later in life. The films stories of womens desperation are haunting and ominous. Judith Arcana was one of them. Her first book, "Breaking Free," will be published on September 5, 2023. Many people around them, including children that they already had, would suffer. Weve seen consistent lip service from the Biden-Harris administration, but not enough action, she said. Barron says someone in the Chicago mob took her to a seedy motel with another young, pregnant woman. It chronicles the real-life story of a group of women who helped those seeking abortions in Chicago more than 50 years ago. Im just enormously happy with the outcome of the committee, Himes said. That is, until May 1972, when two women went to the police to report the collective, after attending a counseling appointment with their sister-in-law, who was seeking an abortion. And many private . In the aftermath of John Salvis murder spree at two Brookline clinics, leaders from opposing sides of the abortion debate met together in secret talks. The film, which premieres on HBO and HBO Max tonight (June 8) at 9 p.m., tells the story of a group of women who ranand were. This is going to hurt, but it won't hurt for long. Even before last year's Supreme Court overturning of Roe v. Wade, a recent international surge in films about abortion rights and the endangerment thereof from period pieces like . A new documentary series warns about the dangers of chemical abortions, as the Biden Administration has recently removed restrictions on the abortion pill . Investigative journalist Ellie Flynn follows the story of Ireland's landmark vote to legalise abortion. Will they matter? Any exceptions allowing abortion in very narrow circumstances for example, where an abortion is necessary to save the life of the pregnant persons life, or when the pregnancy is the result of rape are practically unworkable, the signatories write. RICHARD HARRISON CT proposal causes confusion, concern, Shelton group to host Syrian refugee family, Suspect in rape at CT housing authority property rejects offer, West Haven public housing waitlist highlights 'national crisis', Is CT recycling going into the trash? And although they continued to disagree, together they successfully prevented future violence. Some women left the collective because they felt both personally betrayed and that they had betrayed the women they counseled. The documentary premiered this week in Washington, and its available to watch on the congressmans website as well as on YouTube. Since Planned Parenthoods decision to remove itself from Title X, the federal program that provides reproductive care for nearly 4 million low-income Americans, thousands of health care workers and administrators have been scrambling. Florida Senator Charley Johns chaired the committee, and its aim was to root out communist and homosexual teachers and students from state universities. Signatories in the letter list prior actions from the UN Human Rights Committee's over abortion . Wheres the doctor? N. ADAM WATSON These norms must be deployed against the state here at home as well. The letter sent on Thursday was addressed to a number of UN agencies and officials, including the Working Group on Discrimination against Women and Girls; the Special Rapporteur on Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment; and the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Privacy. COLLEEN HAMILTON, LYNN AND LOUIS WOLFSON II ANDY HUSE, ARTSERVE FT. LAUDERDALE In the spring of 2012, the film began screening in film festivals in Florida and over the next two years it screened in festivals all over the world, winning many competitions, prizes, and awards. Ultimately, just three were included. Cole and Savannah LaBrant, who run a family YouTube channel called "The LaBrant Fam" where they have over 13 million subscribers, have faced backlash for releasing a video on April 9 labeled a "documentary" about abortion. DEL BARCO: "The Janes" airs on HBO next month. Check your local listings for air dates and times. (Photo by STEFANI REYNOLDS/AFP via Getty Images). The collective was always under surveillance, but, they noted, because male authorities from police to judges had themselves solicited services for their wives, daughters and mistresses, they were able to operate largely without police interference. After realizing the consequences of anti-abortion law around the world, she took it upon herself to provide abortions on ships in the ocean. The films stories of womens desperation are haunting and ominous. Many former members told their stories publicly for the first time in The Janes, which premiered this year at the Sundance Film Festival. Served with the US Army in the Philippines in World War II. He would assist Dr. Cassanello and Dr. Mills in guiding the students through the various technical and creative facets of the film's post-production and marketing phases. Members of the underground group informally known as Jane. DEL BARCO: The Janes hired an attorney who had represented the Black Panthers. The film's stories of women's desperation are haunting . The class sought out interviews with experts who could speak with authority on the Johns Committee or the current state of LGBTQ affairs in the state of Florida. He said he often gets asked how its possible to represent a population with such a wide range in income and wealth disparity. Where is the money? Photos taken by Flip Schulke Flip Schulke Jon and Jo Ann Hagler on behalf of the Jon L. Hagler Foundation. Several decades after Roe v. Wade, the anti-abortion movement had successfully spearheaded campaigns in multiple states, passing laws that limited access to abortion including in Mississippi, where a single facility performing abortions remained. With the confirmation of Justice Amy Coney Barrett days before the 2020 presidential election, conservatives secured a 6-3 majority on the Supreme Court and the chance to shape American life and policy, including abortion rights, for a generation. Get in the bathroom. You need an abortion. According to the media gossip platform Def Noodles, the video received more than 33,000. Editor's note: This review was originally published at the 2022 Sundance Film Festival. All rights reserved. Over the course of 16 months, beginning last July, the Select Committee on Economic Disparity and Fairness in Growth conducted a dozen hearings in Washington and several more in locations around the country, addressing a range of issues from education to housing, labor unions, small business support, infrastructure, social programs and tax policy. The organizing principle of the collectives work is care that all health care, fundamentally, should be based on compassionate care. The assurance, the trust, the respect I got when I tell you they changed my life, they changed my life., She added, holding back tears, When I saw women caring about women it was a whole new world for me., The Jane Collective is estimated to have provided around 11,000 abortions from 1969 to 1973. ARCANA: I think that folks who watch this film will be prompted to ask themselves, what would I do? I agree with TheWrap's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy and provide my consent to receive marketing communications from them. We'd love to read your comments. They just left. Students also interviewed Judith Poucher, Ph.D., who recently released her book State of Defiance: Challenging the Johns Committee's Assault on Civil Liberties. When someone suggested Parker, Himes said, I was a little concerned initially that people would see it and say, What in the world is Carrie Bradshaw doing in this documentary? referring to her character in the long-running HBO series Sex and the City. But, he said, She does a wonderful job of telling her own story, and its a remarkable story.. Natasha Hellerich The development of medication abortion has vastly changed the landscape. Wade.' YOU'VE REACHED YOUR MONTHLY ARTICLE LIMIT. And for too long, the US has been able to avoid that type of international scrutiny, she said. Web Site Copyright 1995-2023 WGBH Educational Foundation. MONICA MONTICELLO, MONICA MONTICELLO O n the day Angela Saini talks to me from her book-lined study in New York, the patriarchy is hard at work all over the world. After the genocide in Rwanda and atrocities in Srebrenica, Bosnia, in the 1990s, the world vowed never again. Then came the conflict in Darfur, Sudan, which began 20 years ago. JUDITH POUCHER We'll help you. The US Supreme Court's 7-2 decision established rules based on a pregnancy trimester framework, banning legislative interference in the first trimester of pregnancy (0-12 weeks), allowing states to regulate abortion during the second trimester (weeks 13-28) "in ways that are reasonably related to maternal health," and allowing a state to So, Mike trained the Janes to perform abortions themselves. Though illegal under Illinois law, the Janes, as they called . Almost daily, the Reproductive Health Services clinic in Montgomery, Alabama, receives several versions of the same call: Are yall still doing abortions?". Fifty years ago, Floridas Legislative Investigative Committee, led by Senator Charley Johns sought to remove homosexuals from Florida's state universities. Women dying in septic abortion wards from self-induced efforts (one OB-GYN interviewed recalls seeing a woman who used carbolic acid), and clandestine abortions gone wrong. Funding for FRONTLINE is provided through the support of PBS viewers and by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We did it. FRONTLINE is a registered trademark of WGBH Educational Foundation. BOOTH: I'm hoping that it's actually a call to action. GEOR, IOWA, KAET, KBDI, KCET, KCPT, KCTS, KENT, KENW, KLRU, KLVX, KNME, KOOD, KPBS, KQED, KQEH, KRCB, KRMA, KRSU, KTOO, KTWU, KVCR, KWSU, NDAK, NEWH, NEWJ, OREG, SDAK, WCET, WCFE, WCVE, WEDU, WFSU, WGBY, WGCU, WILL, WITF, WJCT, WKAR, WLIW, WMHT, WMVS, WNED, WNIN, WNIT, WNMU, WNPT, WOUB, WPBA, WPBT, WPTD, WPTO, WQED, WQPT, WSRE, WTIU, WTVI, WUCF, WUSF, WXXI. Revisit the documentaries below to understand how America reached this moment. The documentary begins with a cautionary tale. None of the participants would change their minds, but the dialogues changed their lives. New HBO doc The Janes offers a preview of a post-Roe future by looking to the past, The Janes, a new documentary premiering on HBO, New documentary tells story of a secret all-women group who provided safe abortions before Roe, Support for legal abortion now at its highest point ever, polling shows. As the day nears that the Supreme Court might overturn Roe v. Wade, the directors said they hoped viewers would draw inspiration from the former Janes.. Yet its not goodbye. The U.S. Supreme Court intends to overturn Roe v. Wade, according to a draft majority opinion Politico obtained and published May 2. Ending the constitutional right to abortion has had far-reaching, and in some cases life-threatening risks, the authors write including for those seeking miscarriage care, those forced to travel across state lines for abortion, and those denied care for potentially fatal complications such as ectopic pregnancies. The limitations included performing abortions with no formal medical training. After helping organize Black voters in Mississippi, she turned her activism to women with unwanted pregnancies. Web Site Copyright 1995-2023 WGBH Educational Foundation. Rarely has a documentary been quite so timely as The Janes. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. Experts believe that the use of a law traditionally used against physical threats could change the landscape. The complexion changed, noted Marie Leaner, one of the only Black women in the collective. Abortion restrictions, the signatories write, deny womens decisional and bodily autonomy in a way that rejects the agency, dignity and equality of people who can become pregnant.. To help you learn more about the history behind this courts contentious ruling, TheWrap has gathered five essential documentaries to watch. BOOTH: And word spread, and someone else called. Feel free to share it around. The Jane group evaded law enforcement until seven Janes were arrested in 1972. UNIDENTIFIED PERSON #3: For the women coming through, they were putting their trust in somebody who was breaking the law. Explore FRONTLINEs collected and ongoing reporting on Russia's war on Ukraine. South Carolina introduces bill to punish women who have an abortion by executing them Taking the lead in the red state race to make The Handmaid's Tale a documentary, South Carolina Republicans have introduced a bill that would impose boingboing.net - Mark Frauenfelder 17h Read more on boingboing.net Abortion South Carolina Reproductive Rights
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