"Fine, I'll see ya soon." (As Luna said that, the sisters then have a snowball fight, while Lori, Bobby, Lincoln, and Ronnie Anne are ice skating, having fun in their winter wonderland). Lola: (wailing) I messed up big time! I hope my sisters dont find out about this. (At the Loud House, Bobby, wearing a backpack, is outside on the doorway, he knocks on the door and Lori, in her winter clothes, excitedly run downstairs to the door, she opens it and she hugs Bobby) LORI: Bobby Boo-Boo Bear! This isn't my tenth fanfiction, as this story is just a brief continuation of my ninth fanfiction, not a sequel. Madeline responded to me with a nod. She also happens to be the younger sister of Lori's boyfriend Bobby. I cant wait to show it to you. The moment Lincoln and Lowie sees Lola, they briefly scowl, but then, Lola presses the play button on the boombox, and These Dreams by Heart begins playing. Youre here! Lets just keep reading. Ooh! Were sorry for way we acted a few days ago. In Lana and Lolas room, Lana is confiscating the empty bags of food she finds, and Lola is polishing all of her pageant awards). Ronnie Anne is the third character to change voice actors/actresses due to their voice actor hitting puberty, with the first two being. Bobby: Why?! - Ronnie Anne mentions, (At the Loud House, Bobby, wearing a backpack, is outside on the doorway, he knocks on the door and Lori, in her winter clothes, excitedly run downstairs to the door, she opens it and she hugs Bobby), LORI: Bobby Boo-Boo Bear! Ronnie groaned before thinking to herself for a bit. I wonder what his method of attack will be? LINCOLN: (excited) Why didn't you say so? (Lana begins to build a stage out of some spare mahogany wood in the shed), (As Lincoln plays on his game system in his room, a note slips through the bottom of his door), (Lincoln and Lowie head downstairs and walks out of the house and into the backyard, where they sees a homemade stage, and just one chair. LORI: Thank goodness. In the city, Ronnie Anne has made another best friend in Sid Chang, and she doesn't want to disappoint her two best friends,[6] wanting the best for them. Bobby: Great job, little sis. Both Santiago siblings have first names that start with an R, as well as second names starting with an A. You have to get rid of at least one dress. When they get to the elementary school, Lincoln, Lucy, Lana and Lola jump out, and the others quickly drive off. Unaware at what happened, Lana and Ms. Taber head back to their respective desks so they can get back on schedule), (Its recess time. Lynn: Oh, I dont know, maybe you INSULTED US!! "Ronnie" redirects here. Lincoln: (to the viewers) Well, my sisters did it. She responded back to me. I scrapped this idea because I couldn't think of a way the sisters could try to regain Lincoln's trust. Lincoln stands there, breathing heavily. Were so emotionally attached to each other, that were nothing without each other. Did you ever make it up to Lincoln? After saving Lori from nearly getting hit by a car, Lincoln ends up with 10 overprotective sisters and one very changed Lori Loud. Clyde's dad's brought out snacks for the children to eat. After accidentally causing a massive power outage while hiding in the small town, Sonic is found by Eggman. Lincoln raises his head, and turns his head to see Ronnie Anne), Ronnie Anne: Actually, its something different. Lucy: You know. Before he can properly store it away, his walkie-talkie buzzes, and Lincoln answers it). Ronnie Anne approaches Lincoln from the back and pokes him. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! The original titles I had for this story were "The Silent Treatment", and "Mouthwashed". The sisters, Clyde, Bobby and Ronnie Anne slowly back away from Lincoln, and dash off. Hope you like it. Once shes done, the students applaud Lana for showing off El Diablo. Read the conclusion to the story here. Lincoln: Because even if it is not a trophy, a ribbon, or a certificate, it does give something rewarding: my respect. - they said, (Lori then sign off of video chat and Ronnie Anne shuts off her laptop). No matter what situation youre in, youll always be my little sister. Chapter 6, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction Ronnie Anne and Lincoln were sitting in the back row of vanzilla with very irritated looks on their faces. - Lincoln laughs, (Ronnie Anne and Lincoln then throw snowballs to each other, Lincoln then skate and Lori catches him, Ronnie Anne then skate to Bobby and he catches her. Lisa: (realizing Lily pooped her diaper) Here we go again. The more I thought about it, I realized "This mostly upsets the sisters, not Lincoln", so I changed it to embarrassing things Lincoln went through, like the fecal incident in "Two Boys and a Baby" and having a girly side in "Roughin' It". Ronnie Anne: Thats good. (All the sisters sit on the couch and begin reading), Authors Note: (Leni grabs a couple canisters of insect repellent and sprays it all over the house, causing the siblings to cough and gag. - Lori said, shocked. Oh wait, Im always knew I was this good! Halloween es una fecha para sustos, dulce o truco y dulces muchos dulces, pero Lincoln no esperaba ninguno de los que le dieron este ao.Ttulo corregido, esto se trata de halloween y las otras festividades. "Come on, it's not that bad." He has one grandson and ten granddaughters. "Hey Lincoln are you ok bro ?" she asked gently still with this worried expression on her face. Lincoln and Lowie walk up to the chairs and notices a piece of paper on it that reads SIT HERE. LUNA: I don't want to disturb them. Come to think of it, my sisters all looked scared. Signed, Lincoln Loud., (Lincoln stretches his body, yawns loudly, and immediately jumps into his bed and passes out from exhaustion), (Lincoln wakes up and immediately begins to write in his journal), (The other sisters wake up. (chuckles at his own joke) Now to properly store it away. / I miss him. ARGGH! Let's just say this is an AU. Bobby: Ronnie Anne, thats no reason to break up with Lincoln. Im happy that you and Lincoln are back. - Lincoln said, excited, (Bobby then catches up to Lori, and see's Ronnie Anne, they hug also), RONNIE ANNE: Bobby! As long as youre happy, Im happy. At 15, having confessed their love for each other, Ronnie Anne visits Lincoln to have their first date since becoming a couple. Summary: Lincoln Loud was in the girls bathroom sniffing panties, Ronnie Anne and her friends caught Lincoln in the act and as a result, Lincoln was punished. With Ronnie Anne The brown haired latina took some clothes out of her bag, fighting the urge to gag at the sight of the pink outfit in it. Suddenly, a snowball hits Lincoln on his head, making him fall). She is a good student, having made the honor roll in school. The next chapter will be rather interesting though I still have to edit my others eventually so look out for that, The Loud House (Lincoln Loud x Ronnie Anne Santiago). Originally, the premise was that all the Loud kids have secret passions, but do them privately in some secluded area. Leni: (hearing Luan say spider) SPIDER!!! Lola: I just polished them yesterday. Luan: He said that you have to perform an act of kindness that would lift his spirits. I dont deserve to be his little sister because of how I treated him! (As the two hug each other, the sisters are happy to know that the two finally made amends), (Lincoln, Clyde, Lucy, Lana, and Lola arrive at school. Lola arrives upstairs, and sees all the sisters dumbstruck). Lincoln sure is some kind of sissy. - Lana finishes. RONNIE ANNE: My place. Her eye is slightly damaged, but she can still see out of it though. When Lucy sees that Lynn didnt see the book, she sighs in relief and goes back to sorting out her books. She had a dream where she was marrying Artemis. LORI: Bobby is already asleep, he look's cute. Ronnie Anne: Youre right. CIA Agent David Steele is sent on a mission to track down a dangerous female mercenary as she works with M.A.L.I.C.E. Lincoln, however, lowers his eyebrows to form a furious expression, showing that he hasnt forgiven Lola for her heartless action, and storms back into his room. Lincoln glanced at Ronnie Anne and shuddered slightly, hoping she wouldn't try to do anything to him at the party. Ronnie Anne: (entering the house) Hey, bro. The secret you told everybody caused Ronnie Anne to break up with Lincoln. The van was filled with the whole Loud family and Bobby. - Ronnie Anne said - Come on, let's get rid of your sorrow and let's grab some cocoa. Some mature person you are. Ronnie Anne and Lincoln both arrived at Clyde's home at relatively the same time. She said with a laugh and I smiled gently at her. I managed to reunite Ronnie Anne with Lincoln, and the two are happy now. "Who is it?" "If you say so Lincoln" Clyde muttered and the two walked down the steps. Its nighttime the Loud House. I just had a bar of soap shoved down my mouth because of a very harsh insult. Wholesome shenanigans occur. (to Lincoln and Clyde) Come on, Ill drop you guys off at your house. (Lori grabs Lincoln by his shirt) Bobby broke up with me! - Ronnie Anne replied, (Ronnie Anne then kiss Lincoln on his cheek, and the two then resume to watch the movie; Lincoln then finds Ronnie Anne sleeping on the couch), LINCOLN: I wonder how Lori is doing. Now, her clothes are darker. Lincoln: Yes. She knows a few words in Spanish, but cannot speak it fluently. - Lori said, relieved - Is Ronnie Anne okay? - Lincoln greeted - What was that for? Despite being considered a major character for the series, she only made four onscreen appearances total in the main show before moving to Great Lakes City. Im only going to talk anybody who isnt one of my sisters. It reads READ ME), Lincoln: Alright. Bobby: Sure, sis. Please consider turning it on! Luna: Listen, little dudette. "Why'd she have to pack me this?!" - Lori said - If the snow clears tomorrow, come on home, Lincoln, and bring Ronnie Anne too. "It's fine if you are." stated Clyde. Lincoln: And how have I insulted you girls? Lola: Because I humiliated my brother, he was so furious at me, that he punched me in the face, which gave me a black eye, and caused some of my teeth to fall out. By the way, hows that comic book youre making going? Lola: Yes. Lincoln Loud, two weeks after being diagnosed with Autism, protecting his sister and mom from their drunk, combative father, The Loud siblings and a single mom, Rita, must now adapt to life without a father. Ronalda "Ronnie" Anne Santiago[n 1] is a supporting character from The Loud House, and the main protagonist of its spin-off, The Casagrandes. I gave her what she deserve by punching her right in the face. I needed something for show and tell! Luna: Forget about whos who, dudes. When she saw how much hate I had in me because of her mistake, she immediately regretted her actions and wanted me to love her again. During her time in Royal Woods, and before they became best friends, she frequently bullied and humiliated Lincoln in front of his peers. She's fearless, free-spirited, and is quick with a plan. Ms. Taber: Alright, then. At Clydes house, Lincoln and Clyde are anticipating the second half of ARGGH! during a commercial break). If they destroy something I love, I have the urge to hate them. (Lana moves her eyes with suspicion) Well, time to toss them out. Lincoln: (nervously) Well, this is awkward. (The two look around to make sure no one is looking, they hold hands at the two walk to Ronnie Anne's place, she uses her house key to open her door, the two walk inside and place their backpacks on the floor, along with hanging their coats). - Lincoln said, (At the Loud House, Lori is brushing her teeth and applying ointment on her face, she then went to her room and find Bobby already asleep). I made my own comic based on my experience living here. Later that day, the entire house is asleep. They go as fast, but as quietly as they can. I was just heading back home after picking up my sis from the arcade. On October 14th,ten sistersdiscovered a book on a young boys desk. "Ronnie Anne, I need to change." She has to do something that would lift my spirits from her. However, the task wasn"t simple. (Those words from Leni cause Lola to begin crying). "WHAT? - Lincoln answered - You? - Lori said happy, (Lori then gets up and she see's someone, she narrow her eyes and she see's a familiar face with Ronnie Anne), (Lincoln see's Lori running to him, he then runs to Lori and the two hug each other), LORI: I can't believe it's you, Lincoln! Luan: (pulling out her plastic spider) Hey, my plastic spider! Concerned, the girls quickly call an ambulance. The siblings are getting ready for bed. Bobby: You guys need a ride? - Leni said, worried, LORI: We all do, he's having fun with Ronnie Anne. Something secret. - Lola replied. (all the kids pull out the thing they want to show) Who wants to go first? The Loud parents and Sisters gain powers from one of Lisa's experiments blowing up, Lincoln was away on a trip with Clyde, so while his family became heroes like many ot. ben suarez bread / joseph wiley kim burrell / loud house fanfiction lincoln loses his memory. I've had that thought for a couple months, but never thought how I should execute it, until I thought "What if Lincoln had a secret so deep, Lola told everyone?" "You go ahead without me, Lincoln." Lincoln: (gasping with horror) Oh, shoot! Ronnie Anne and Lincoln both arrived at Clyde's home at relatively the same time. Lola: Hmm Where did Lincoln put the big kid scissors. Why did Rita and Lynn Sr hide it from her for her entire life? Lori: YOU!!! In this episode, Luna gets grounded by her parents for her obnoxiously loud music she plays 24/7, and becomes grumpy and impatient, so her siblings, after being sick and tired of it before that happened, try to help her become less insecure and angry, and also play quieter music. Are you feeling any better after that night? The writer will expand if necessaary.Also, this fanfic is a joke. How embarrassing! Luan: It looked like he didnt want to see us. Tardy means late for class. Theres something on the back. Seeing this, Ronnie Anne decides to help him destress. In the first grade classroom, Lana and Lola quickly jump into their seats before the bell rings). How will the rest of the siblings handle the mystery, especially Leni? I do appreciate what you did to redeem yourself. - Lori noticed, (Lori then opens the video chat screen and Ronnie Anne and Lincoln are there). This whole book was just to make fun of us! (As Lola begins to laugh, Lincoln, incredibly enraged at Lola for spilling an embarrassing secret that caused his girlfriend to break up with him, clenches his fist tightly, and delivers the hardest punch hes ever given onto Lolas face, dead center. Then I thought to myself, "What if Lincoln harshly insulted all his sisters?". The comic youre reading is a representation of my life living in a house with ten girls. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Bobby: Hey, bro. My third fanfiction. Unbeknownst to the two couples, the others were watching them), LOLA: They do look really cute. Curious, he change into his clothes and run through the backyard, he see's the girls in the front yard in a deluxe pool, they're having tons of fun; Lincoln then walk back in the house and sits on his bed) LINCOLN: See what I mean? No blood or gore. Lori: Leni, come on! Lincoln: (angrily) I swear, whoever ratted on us is in big trouble! Just tell Lola that if she wants me to love her again, she has to dazzle me. (Lincoln and Clyde arrive to the Loud House, and when Lincoln opens the door, the sisters, with the exception of Lola, see Lincoln and Clyde, and immediately begin bursting out with laughter. In regards to her tomboyish demeanor, she is shown to dislike cheesy romance, and kissing in public, evident upon barfing at the nicknames Bobby and Lori give each other along with their kissing and saying that her Abuela and Abuelo's anniversary trip is "the mushiest, but sweetest thing [she's] ever heard. Lincoln glanced at Ronnie Anne and shuddered slightly, hoping she wouldn't try to do anything to him at the party. Ronnie Anne: But I still get to hang out with Lincoln, right? As the sisters look on with pride at the comic burning away and Lincoln reacting to this. But one sleepover in an empty house when Ronnie moves back, and suddenly they have more to worry about than a relationship. While she can't tolerate foods as spicy as CJ and Carlitos can. (Lincoln raises his fist and delivers a hard punch on Loris face, knocking her out cold. We werent aware that your story was a piece of fiction. Now a student on the honor roll at Cesar Chavez Academy,[n 2] Ronnie Anne was known as the toughest girl in Royal Woods Elementary School. I should have been the prettiest! Lincoln: (infuriated) I cant believe this! Who knew I had so many balls? My sisters and I were hard at work going through stuff we wanted to keep, and what we wanted to get rid of. A curious expression slowly became present on the light skinned males face before he quickly shook his head. (Ronnie Anne and Lola walk upstairs and Ronnie Anne knocks on Lincolns bedroom door. Lincoln Loud glanced both ways to make sure no one was around. Read Chapter 28: The tech knight rises (Remastered) from the story The loud symbiotes (a loud house x marvel crossover) by omegacrow-nexus with 1,937 reads. RONNIE ANNE: Thanks, it's not compared to your house and your rambunctious sisters. LORI: It is, we'll talk later little bro. (which might be the worst fanfiction ever) In this episode, Luna gets grounded by her parents for her obnoxiously loud music she plays 24/7, and becomes grumpy and impatient, so her siblings, after being sick and tired of it before that happened, try to help her become less insecure and angry, and also play quieter music. Lori: A warning! - Lincoln thanked, (Lincoln then eat his eggs, Ronnie Anne turns on the TV to the news forecast). "[9] Although she is still a tomboy and known for disliking girlish activities, she would still dance to Yoon Kwan for Sid or do anything else that she would not do otherwise. NOTE: This fanfic is a work in progress. "Where could he be?" Lincoln Loud, two weeks after being diagnosed with Autism, protecting his sister and mom from their drunk, combative father, The Loud siblings and a single mom, Rita, must now adapt to life without a father. Anyways, enjoy The Dome Home. Lincoln: (yawns, then groans. We all made the assumption that your story was to make us look like idiots, but it dawned on us that every character matches us perfectly. No vulgar language. Sorry about that night. RONNIE ANNE: Oh yeah, he's walking to Lori's house for a date. Much like her older brother, Bobby, who is dating Lori, Ronnie Anne had a supposed crush on Lincoln, but was too shy to show or admit it so she picked on him specifically because of her feelings towards him. - Ronnie Anne replied - If you want, you can come. Lincoln walks into his room, pulls out his personal journal, and begins writing), Lincoln: (voice-over) Im feeling really happy now. He may be awkward and unfitting, but theres more to him than what he seems. Lincoln notices this, so does Lola) Oops. Lincoln asked. It was tonight?! (Lana whistles, and El Diablo slithers up Lanas body) I can bring El Diablo! Replied the voice from behind the door. LINCOLN: Let's get to Lori! Lana: Is there something you want Lola to do so your relationship with her can be fixed? I bet you put a lot of effort into making that comic. I put Lincoln in a bad light, and now he hates me. We may have different views on things, but we all love each other. Ms. Taber: Sure. Now lets go before were tardy! Despite both liking each other in early episodes, they only dated once, and even that time was only to get Bobby and Lori back together. Back at Clydes another commercial break appears). In "Pranks for the Memories with the Casagrandes", it is mentioned that she used to prank Bobby so frequently that he now cannot grow hair on the right side of his face. Lola: Thats what Im trying to figure out. Lincoln: Yes. So from this day on, Im refusing to say another word to them for as long as I can. - Lori angrily laments, BOBBY: Well, at least we got each other Lori. "Hey, Maddy!" No explosions going off this Spring Cleaning. A few minutes later, the only sisters who arent ready are the twins. The Princess and the Everlasting Emerald: A Royal Woods Fairytale. They destroyed something I loved, so I hate them, too. Quit it with the repellent! - Lincoln accepted nicely - And I'm sorry for all those mean things I'd said during that time, I hate how we're teased for dating. Lincoln then lies down on his bed and falls asleep The next morning All of the girls wake up and immediately take action. Lincoln makes his way back to his room but suddenly he got stopped by Luna and Lucy. And its all thanks a comic they made. I said with a smile. The Princess and the Everlasting Emerald: A Royal Woods Fairytale. You really are a stinker, first, figuratively, and now literally! (Lincoln exits the attic, walks downstairs and enters the living room. I really like this show because I like to make fun of and criticize the male contestants on the show. (Lola opens the journal) Theres this one show on TV right now, its called The Dream Boat. The title of this fanfiction is a reference to "The Diary of a Young Girl" by Anne Frank. BOBBY: No worries, Ronnie Anne texted me that he's with her at our house. The boy, upset to see his hard work destroyed, said something naughty to his sisters. (This revelation causes Lola to cry even harder). Ronnie Anne: Im feeling a little lonely right now. - Ronnie Anne mentioned, LINCOLN: Yeah, I'd remembered those times, my sisters keep meddling in my life and those boys keep teasing me. The four quickly run in the building to their respective classes. (The students all shrug their shoulders, since theyre unaware who gave away the information). Lori: We better get an explanation, right now! Ronnie Anne is a hardcore tomboy who seems to dislike girly things (she called her former elementary school's Sadie Hawkins dance "lame"[8]), and enjoys more boyish hobbies, such as skateboarding, pranks, and video games. What is it that you want to tell me? (Lana walks around the classroom, letting the students pet El Diablo. Will she be able to look at her family again after this horrifying truth, or will she shut them away for good? ~Back to 3rd person POV~. Lana: This is my pet snake, El Diablo. (Lola is about to pick up the journal, but Lincoln takes it quicker than her). (Leni continues to choose indecisively as Lori groans in exasperation and Lowie is annoyed, knowing Leni hasnt got this. Lisa: Oh, I dont know? (Lola laughs at her own joke as she continues her task. They rush downstairs and enter the kitchen. -Love your sisters, (Lincoln is moved to tears by this act of apology). Lincoln gives an even colder stare at them, startling them. Lincoln heads upstairs, where Clyde and Ronnie Anne follow), (All ten sisters are in Lori and Lenis room. (Lola tosses the comic into the fireplace, where it burns away. I yelled out something so bad, it felt like the whole town was horrified. theloudhouse # 18 Lincoln Uchiha Ft (@THE_13_CLUB) by Alex Debi 30.3K 580 44 Lincoln ran to the woods after being blamed for something, where he found a man on the verge of death, let's just say Lincoln saw things differently after his encounter. RONNIE ANNE: Okay, let's change into our PJs and go to sleep. In Lincoln's room, Lincoln is hard at work deciding what to toss out and what to keep. Never use that kind of language again! RONNIE ANNE AND LINCOLN: (high five) Awesome! Tell us! - Lori moped, (At the Santiago Residence, Lincoln is staring at window, looking at the snow in sadness, he sighs, Ronnie Anne is playing a video game, she see's her boyfriend and approaches him), RONNIE ANNE: What's the matter, lame-o? Lola: Who wants to bet that this whole comic is just an insult to us? Danas jokes are so bad, she should try to take lessons from a real comedian. As we all know, a few of Lincoln Loud's sisters aren't majorly nice as Leni, Luna and Lana, especially Lola Loud (kind of, it's before she got character development), but what if those roles were proceedingly reversed out of the blue? - Lincoln thanked, (At the Loud House, Leni is sitting on the couch, sighing, Lori approaches her), LORI: Leni, why the long face? Let's have fun! Hes just one of the many pets I have at home. LORI: Yep, Bobby and I been hanging out all day. "Yeah, sounds cool." And as for Lincoln, he has since become the town superhero. LINCOLN: (annoyed) And that's the negative effect of snow days: getting hit with a snowball. Thankfully, we decided to skip out on our interests to focus on whats more important. While cleaning out the stuff from my room, I found this journal. He glanced at them and noticed they've a worried expression on their faces and stares to their only brother. Curious, Lincoln opens the book and notices that its completely blank. The two silhouettes carry him to the bathroom, where another silhouette shoves a bar of soap into Lincolns mouth. !" Lola begins to sniffle). However, Ronnie Anne is also sensitive, insecure and fragile, and she doesn't like to be misjudged. Lola: There seems to be a mistake! He slides down the slide and dashes off. LINCOLN: (to the viewers) Ah. (The sisters, after hearing why Lincoln put their comic in the trophy case, quickly get all teary-eyed, and hug Lincoln tightly). (ARGGH! Ms. Taber: Well done, Lana. She's a tough cookie with a sweet side who loves to help her family, and that's taught her to help others, too. Lincoln mentioned on The Loud House's Instagram that although he likes Ronnie Anne as a friend, she's not his girlfriend. LORI: Aw man, now we can't even go on our date! Lincoln was back home in his room play on his handheld when his phone went off and saw that it was text from a unknown number he opened it and found picks of Carlota in suggestive positions the last one was her winking with a kiss mark on the photo and text that said 'uses these when you think of me,until next time my little Semental blanco.' They get home in about 10 minutes), (Lincoln walks out of his room and looks downstairs to see Lola waving at him. First, they laugh at me, but when I told them my girlfriend broke up with me, they stopped., (Lincoln sighs loudly, and closes the journal in despondence), (Lola is being released from the hospital.
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