Note this is a rough guide and some airlines define short and long haul in different ways (eg: according to miles travelled, or whether it is a domestic flight or not). You should also start practicing pilot aptitude tests, as they have featured as part of the assessment process for many years. Some airlines (usually low-cost carriers) only operate short haul flights whereas other airlines only operate long haul flights. While our Boeing 737 and 787 aircraft offer a modern and high-tech workplace, it is the personal attitude of our crew members that makes the ultimate difference. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Please Note: Airline roles will be managed by an International Recruitment Team and therefore your application may be viewed by TUI colleagues outside your home country. This just makes it easier for passengers who cant speak English. A keen linguist, he also has experience in translation and interpreting. Whilst we do our very best to verify that the jobs we advertise jobs are genuine, you should carry out due diligence checks before parting with any money for a selection process or the promise of a job. This covers costs such as food whilst on the layover. However our passion for flying is not only characterised by a strong community on-board, but also by striving for the highest standards within our Flight Operations. What Could Cause a Double Engine Failure? Standby crew will then get a call from Crew Operations asking them to operate the flight. All Rights Reserved. Did you find it helpful? This webpage is provided to help students at aviation schools and flight schools find information on TUI Airways pilot jobs. How tough is the TUI pilot assessment process? A Flight Attendant roster can vary greatly between different airlines. TUI is an airline that a lot of pilots aspire to join, which means that whenever they open recruitment, there is always a lot of competition from other pilots. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Flights 1-3 hours long. TUI Airways travels to 96 destinations in the UK, the Republic of Ireland, Europe, Africa, Asia. We started by a short (5min) company presentation given by a HR woman. As a Pilot with TUI Airline, you will join colleagues that have a distinct sense of responsibility and dedication. Yes, you may apply, however, were unable to credit any previous exam passes so these will be repeated as part of the course. You will find the Imprint here. It is also really handy for planning when you and your friends are free to meet as it allows you to compare your flying schedules! Answered 17 June 2020. Were looking for people with great communication and leadership skills, the ability to remain calm under pressure, resilience to work hard throughout a challenging course, motivation to learn and ultimately develop into highly skilled professional pilots. You can install CrewLounge PILOTLOG on the company iPad, or you can use your personal device (iOS, Android, Windows, Mac). But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. You can import your EFB data in 3 different ways! For example New York to LA or Sydney to Tokyo. Flight Deck Wingman have extensive experience assisting current, fATPL and military pilots apply to and the TUI assessment processes. Share the JSON or PDF file from TUI OFP app to the CrewLounge PILOTLOG app, installed on the company iPad. For example if a crew does a turnaround from London to Moscow and back that can easily be a 12 hour day with no dedicated break time! Whatever your needs, with our Skype service you will have the chance to speak directly to your Wingman about any element of your application. Thursday: OFF For further information, including the processing of data by third party providers, see our Cookie Notice and our Privacy policy. Respond to cabin crew and pilot queries and feedback, actively participating in forums, providing feedback, guidance, and . They can't do this without the help of their dedicated aviation staff which is made up of cabin crew, pilots, maintenance, ground support, and engineers. . Crew are paid a basic on-ground salary when they are on the layover, ontop of their flying duties. As a First Officer you will already be given quite some responsibilities. Youll complete approximately 270 hours in the simulator, and this will include the completion of a type rating. Planes that can be spawned with this livery in-game: Boeing . That is to say that there is no fixed pattern and you can end up working any day of the week at any time of year. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Thursday: OFF day down route (in Las Vegas) With more than 80 destinations worldwide, no two days are the same. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Flight Deck Friend Limited Registered in England & Wales, Company Number: 13806209, Edelweiss Air Airbus Rated First Officers. 3) The CrewLounge PILOTLOGapp opens. This example is over a one-week period without any annual leave or special requests. So for example, around 15th-20th January the roster for February will get published. However, complete the other fields, such as your Home Base, How to auto-load Function & Condition Time. During this phase, youll also complete Upset Prevention & Recovery Training (UPRT) which will be completed over three hours on an advanced trainer aircraft. Qatar Airways Pilot Recruitment Cadets, First Officers & Captains Company Information Last Recruitment Commenced: Ongoing Currently Recruiting: Yes (As of Summer 2019) Previously Recruited Low Hour Pilots: Yes Trend: Positive (219 Aircraft on order) "Qatar Airways is currently in need of Non Type rated Captains. By clicking on Okay! you are agreeing to the use of non-essential cookies. TUI ask questions from all of the major pilot interview question categories which include: You must be thoroughly prepared to answer all of these questions categories. Sometimes it will happen that cabin crew are rostered for a flight, and then a few days (or a few hours!) Roster Buddy let's you follow the airline roster of one or more crew members you know. Like all other jobs, crew get annual leave too. Share your thoughts by commenting below. Etihad used to have dedicated 380 fleet and 320 fleet (with everybody operating on 330 and 777/787) but now crew are being trained on both 380 and 320 so crew will be able to visit all destinations. Professional and experienced Captains will be coaching you actively to bring you to the next level. Within TUI Group, TUI AirlineSee this and similar jobs on LinkedIn. This is for medium-haul flights that land late outstation and then depart the next morning. As of December 14th 2022, TUI Airways has launched their Pilot Cadet (also referred to as 'Ab-Initio') Programme, enabling individuals in the UK to obtain a Multi-Crew Pilot Licence (MPL) with the airline. Since their inception in 2012, a substantial number of candidates attending the TUI Direct Entry Pilot assessment have gained benefit from the online preparation software provided by Opening the Window Blinds For Take-off & Landing? AMC - Psychological Interview. A total of 30 cadet pilots are expected to be trained over the 19-month program, going on to fly the airline's fleet of Boeing 737 aircraft. The flight into our various destinations in Europe or around the globe is a key element of our customers holiday and we want to make it a remarkable one. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Hi Im Catrina and welcome to 24 Hours Layover! In Virgin Atlantic all crew are trained on the same aircrafts. A valuable resource centre which we hope will assist you when you need it the most. afterwards. Together with a highly motivated and dynamic team, you make travel experiences special! This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Some airlines schedule extra flights in the busier holiday months and so there can be variations in the layover time. Professional and experienced Captains will be coaching . Legacy Airlines Variable Roster. At the end of the course, youll be required to present improvement ideas back to the business. With Andrews help I wrote a CV which helped me obtain interviews with 5 UK carriers, and I am now about to embark on a new career with a major UK airline on the 737-800. How many days off do flight attendants get? 5) you may also want to read the following solution articles to configureauto-load of function times: How to export data from TUI OFP?CrewLounge PILOTLOG can import the Logbook(JSON)and the DailySummary (PDF). They include cookies for the operation and optimization of the website as well as cookies for analyses, retargeting and to provide personalised content on websites by third party providers. easyJet Fixed Roster. All the flights are legal to operate, even though the roster looks so busy and there is a combination of day and night flights. The following month's roster is published 14 days before the respective month so that you can plan your time. Do you need help answering those tricky application questions? In order to commence training, you need to be at least 18 years of age. You are dynamic leader of the flight deck and cabin; You meet the following requirements regarding Flight hours: You are in possession of an EASA-license; You have previous CAT 3 experience with an EU operator; You are open to fly right seat when needed; You are fluent in English, knowledge of Dutch or/and French is an advantage; You will guarantee a safe flight experience for our passengers; You are interested in a temporary contract for our summer season in France/Belgium/Morocco, A competitive and attractive salary package for a fulltime position, To fly with the most modern fleet for passenger travel (including the 737 MAX), To fly to over 100 different holiday destinations. Can I be an Airline Pilot if I have Diabetes? As a very rough example, layovers are generally not shorter than 24 hours. Youll have seven days to complete this stage. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Airline Pilot salaries at TUI Group can range from 30,280 - 399,011 per year. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Run by our Learning & Development team, this is an opportunity to learn about the TUI business, and work in different business areas. Some airlines reserve the right to change their pilots rosters right up until the day before the flight without penalty or ability for the pilot to refuse the change. Generally crew do not like being on standby incase they get sent on a rubbish flight some crew have a tendency to call in sick for these demanding flights or turnarounds, so there is a high chance youll get one! The program is split into four phases, beginning in September 2023: Several airlines worldwide offer pilot training programs, including oneworld members British Airways and American Airlines. CV & Cover Letter Tailoring Express Service, Pilot Aptitude Testing Practice JobTestPrep. Access to an industry leading roster bidding system. What Speed Does a Boeing 777 Take-off and Land? The unions general secretary, Martin Chalk, said, The best indicators of future star aviators are aptitude to learn the skills required and professional determination not access to six-figure sums of money or gender, religion or cultural heritage.. Press the CONVERT button to process the file. You can expect to fly a mini LOFT exercise, with the pilot assessor looking for evidence of your core pilot competencies and how effective you are in resolving the scenario presented as a crew. Friday: OFF The TUI fly Netherlands pilot assessment consists of the following stages: AMC - Reasoning. Homepage: TUI Airways. Thoroughly! Generally when a flight is longer than 4.5 hours this means the crew should be entitled to a layover. before the flight their roster will change and the flight has been swapped for another flight due to operational reasons. This will show up on their roster for that month and counts as a working day. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Help us improve this article with your feedback. *Applications for this role are now closed and will re-open later in the year for 2024 coursesEmbarking upon the 19 month TUI Airline Multi-Crew Pilot Licence (MPL) Cadet Programme is an exciting opportunity for those with little, or no, flying experience. For airport standby the crew actually need to come to the airport for a few hours all ready in their uniform and suitcase packed. However, if the Sender address is different from your CrewLounge AERO account email, you must first insert that Sender address in My CrewLounge - Roster - Airline Interface - EFB Inbox (login here). TUI Airways is also aiming to increase diversity among its pilot community, and provide opportunities for those who are unable to pay the hefty fees upfront in the UK, average training costs currently total around 100,000 ($124,000). People often wonder how many days off flight attendants get each week. There is no need to look anywhere else. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Again, it depends on the airline. For standby crew need to always have their mobile phone on them so they can answer a call straight away and be ready to work. All pilots are eligible for non-contributory Loss of Licence scheme provided by the company after a qualifying period. Read the instructions about the EFB Inboxmethod below. Bases For TUI Airways Pilot Jobs (including restrictions for recent pilot school graduates) Live within 90mins of UK base. Our state-of-the-art fleet is a key factor to make our flight operations as carbon-efficient as possible and we have a strong history of backing new, carbon-saving technologies for continuous improvement of our operations. To offer this great service, TUI fly is hiring experienced captains for our Belgian and Morrocan bases! Access to British Airways Health Services. Turnarounds are often more tiring for crew as the crew dont even have time for a break, even though the duty hours can be just as long as an Ultra Long Haul. Visit our services for more information. With five airlines based in the UK, Sweden, Belgium, The Netherlands and Germany each serving their own markets, we work together to build a better, stronger and more efficient TUI Airline for the future. What Speed Does a Boeing 777 Take-off and Land? TUI fly | Pay & Benefits | Fleet & Bases | Roster & Lifestyle | Interview Info | Employee Reviews The Legal Stuff Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Join Our Journey 2018-2023 Coradine Aviation Systems, LLC, 4039 N Mississippi Ave., Suite 301, Portland, OR 97227, USA. It is also currently the largest charter airline in the world, carrying almost 12 million passengers in 2019. Do you expect other airlines to offer a similar fully funded program over the coming years? CrewLounge PILOTLOG will build a Duty event around all flights of the DailySummary (PDF), given that Historical Duty is turned On in the Import Events section of the Settings - Airline page in your CrewLounge PILOTLOG app. Assessment Process This method is very convenient if you prefer not to install the CrewLounge PILOTLOG app on the company iPad, especially if your personal device is not iOS. Other airlines offer roster protection periods, where the roster can only be changed with the pilots permission or through financial incentives. Readthe instructionsabout the EFB Web method below. The DailySummary (PDF) contains planned FLIGHT + DUTY data for the day, and includes the entire Crew List. Scandi bases (HEL, ARN, CPH) in winter only for 75/767 and 787. Airlines work on a monthly basis, so crew will get a new roster schedule each month. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Please note that has no affiliation with any airline. The web method is useful for company iPads that don't allow installing third-party apps and/or sending emails outside of the corporate domain. Want to book our pilot application and assessment services? TUI fly wants to offer their passengers a safe and pleasant journey to their holiday destination. To apply for this job, you should follow the link provided above. Read on to discover all you need to know about a Flight Attendant roster! We interlink local airline and group aviation functions to share expertise, collaborate effectively, drive continuous improvement and create economies of scale. Layovers are necessary to ensure crew have adequate rest between duties, and that they are not fatigued from working too many hours. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. EDI Edinburgh In many airlines flight attendants are able to swap flights with other crew. For further information, including the processing of data by third party providers, see our Cookie Notice and our Privacy policy. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Upon completion of training and joining TUI as a Cadet Pilot, you'll be paid a Cadet Pilot salary for four years, which will include repayment of training costs to TUI via salary sacrifice. Airport Standby crew need to be packed for any destination summer or winter as they never know what they could get called to operate! If you don't want that, you can Decline All the use of cookies or change your Settings at any time. At TUI we are proud of all our Pilots, heres an example of one who has recently been recognised for going the extra(s)mile. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Flights less than 1 hour long. Were striving for a team thats as diverse as the destinations we send our customers to. Feedback and training to create a powerful pilot CV for any Airline or Flight School Application! Report. How to log Relief Pilot / Supernumerary . What questions do TUI ask at the pilot interview? Upon completion of training and joining TUI as a Cadet Pilot, youll be paid a cadet salary for four years. You should make sure that your CV is specifically tailored to TUI as a minimum, well i advance of an application window open. Or are the hours set? A short haul day trip roster would be similar to that above but finishing back at your home base every night. Our state-of-the-art fleet is a key factor to make our flight operations as carbon-efficient as possible and we have a strong history of backing new, carbon-saving technologies for continuous improvement of our operations. The majority of airlines that operate both domestical and international flights have a mixture of turnaround flights and layovers. Sunday: OFF. The typical TUI Group Airline Pilot salary is 131,834 per year. We are proud of our success rate for pilots who reach and pass the assessment stages of their TUI pilot assessment. The recruitment process is made up of five stages. This is never guaranteed, but often crew get at least one requested flight. Please ensure that you read the information on this page thoroughly and if you need to ask a question thats not already answered, you can contact us here and a member of the Pilot Recruitment team will respond to you. The data is limited, it does not have aircraft registration, PF/PM or takeoff/landing hours. You need to have at least five GCSEs including Maths, English and a Science at grade C/4 or above, or equivalent qualifications. All methods require internet access. Why are there still No Smoking signs on planes? Just look at the roster below to see how tough a turnaround roster can be. Variable Roster. The roster for cabin crew at Virgin Atlantic is made up of all long haul flights. We are proud of our success rate for pilots who reach and pass the assessment stages of their TUI pilot assessment. Max 750 hours a year. Flights 6-12 hours long. Applications are to be submitted online here. How should I prepare for my TUI pilot assessment? We use a variety of methods to conduct our selection processes including Microsoft Teams, online assessments, assessment centres, and in-person interviews. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. I now make a living as a travel writer, as well as through passive income so if thats something that also interests you, make sure to follow along! Operation Description Cargo, Short & Long Haul, Europe based Airline. We would have 30 days of annual leave but remember this includes weekends too! Planes with the Tui livery have a wave running through the plane, with a white underside and light blue topside & tail. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". For example Dubai to Los Angeles is a 16 hour straight flight. The crew can often work a 12 hour day when they are doing turnarounds as all the embarking, disembarking, cleaning of the aircraft and safety checks on top of all the flying hours adds up quickly. The global pilot shortage is something we've discussed a lot here on Travel Radar. Typically, most pilots receive their rosters for the following month about half way through the current month. This method is fully automatic, no buttons to click inside the app! Hours on your IDPS roster are updated with actual times, with a delay of approximately 2 weeks. A layover is when the crew fly to a destination and then disembark the plane after the passengers, instead of operating the flight back. It totally depends on the length of the flights you have been given, as you wont be able to exceed a certain number of flying hours a month. In order to apply for our MPL Cadet Programme, there are a few requirements that need to be met: Be at least 18 years of age on or before 1st September 2023 Have at least five GCSEs including Maths, English and a Science at grade C/4 or above, or equivalent qualifications Be fluent in English (verbal and written) Be eligible to live and work indefinitely in the UK without additional approvals Hold a valid passport which permits unrestricted worldwide travel Be at least 1.58cm (5ft 2in) tall Able to swim 25m Able to obtain a CAA issued Class 1 medical prior to commencing training (at your own cost) click here for more information Before commencing training, complete referencing and pre-employment checks. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. TUI Airways has confirmed that the post-deduction salary for this period, according to the airlines current pay scale, would be 32,867 ($40,862) per year. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. UK-based YouTuber MrAviationGuy, known . The newest Airbus A220s fleet, excellent flight crew training, professional reliable management: all this gives great confidence for the future!" . A great place to start your preparation is our interview and group exercise preparation eBook. Layovers are also known as stopovers or being down route or out-station. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Today this changed, as TUI launched it's new training program - the MPL Cadet Pilot Program, which is fully funded by TUI. It varies from company to company, but they get a similar amount of days off to regular jobs. So often if a crew has an Ultra Long Haul flight rostered, that will be their only flight they will operate that week. Location Remote Computer-Based Training (CBT) and virtual classroom learning (from your home location). Due to their nature, long haul rosters are nearly always variable. Standby is when a crew is on reserve and could potentially get called last minute to operate a flight. Some airlines even allow crew to swap flights for days off with another crew if their rosters allow. We tend to follow a natural interview process as we want you to feel relaxed and enjoy the . One thing that greatly affects a Flight Attendants roster is whether they have turnaround flights or not. This estimate is based upon 3 TUI Group Pilot salary report (s) provided by employees or estimated based upon statistical methods. All methods require internet access. This means that if you are a very senior pilot and enjoy having weekends off and doing the flight to New York, you could well end up doing this most of the time! Truth is it varies greatly. Our aim is to present our audience with pilot jobs which we believe will be of interest. The CV rewrite certainly worked, as I have been offered several interviews and assessments with major airlines, and have already been offered a position with Ryanair. As to when they receive this roster, this once again depends on the airline. No two weeks are the same. They include cookies for the operation and optimization of the website as well as cookies for analyses, retargeting and to provide personalised content on websites by third party providers. Select the TUI Smile interface for your company from the mobile app Settings - Airline Interface page in your CrewLounge AERO app. You will find the Imprint here. 1) Export the data from the TUI OFP app, as explained above, 2) Select the Mail app from the company iPad. Should your flight happen to get delayed by 3 hours and above, it makes you competent for additional monetary compensation. Andrew's guidance, insight, knowledge and thoughts were beneficial in helping me to prepare for my academy assessment where I was successful. Its just their duty hours vary greatly and are often packed much closer together (well youre not going to go and work 16 hours straight in the office are you?!). So ideally they should have their hair and makeup done and have their suitcase packed if it takes them a long time to get ready! 15 19 days off a month. Not just on the airline, but on the season too! Learn more here. AMC - Mental Math. Some airlines are not as flexible as others and you must do your rostered flights. ABZ Aberdeen. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Now, some 57 years later the ratio of male to female pilots is still overwhelmingly skewed. This will depend on the scheduling agreement between the airline and its pilots and/or union. The following is funded by TUI Airways throughout the training: Get the latest aviation news straight to your inbox: Sign up for our newsletters today. Thanks Andrew, I couldnt have done it without you! You operate the flight out and then the next day/two days later you operate the flight back thats 32 hours flying already. AMC - Planning Exercise. We use cookies to provide you with an optimized website experience. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Communal kitchen and laundry facilities are provided. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Stage FiveThis stage is a flying test with our TUI Airline Training teams. After first submitting their CV on TUI Airways careers website and completing online assessments, candidates will then take part in an online interview and an in-person assessment day. Some airlines assign crew to a few days home standby once every couple of months, whereas other airlines such as Emirates put crew on standby for a month (reserve month). We get asked a lot of questions about how you can prepare for the TUI pilot selection and application process. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. This will give crew time to rest, sleep, eat and explore! Get yourself noticed with a pilot covering letter that helps you stand out from the crowd. You can send emails from any email address. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. You are in possession of a (Frozen) ATPL and an EASA license; You preferably have completed your line check on the B737; You are fluent in English, knowledge of Dutch and/or French is an advantage; You are interested to fly out of our Belgian (Brussels)or Moroccan (Casablanca or Marrakesh) base; You are interested in a temporary contract for our summer season; A competitive and attractive salary package for a fulltime position; To fly with the most modern fleet for passenger travel (including 737 MAX); The opportunity to fly in a dynamic team with experienced Captains; To fly to over 100 different holiday destinations. All applicants must have the right to live and work in the UK. They will literally get a phone call and need to run straight away for the flight not like home standby where the crew has a bit of time to sort themselves out. All Rights Reserved. The course will take approximately 19 months to complete. Yes, private, en-suite, self-catered accommodation near the TUI approved training facility is included from phase two onwards.
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