Linda Applegate is a retired Elder in full connection from Lacey UMC. James is passionateabout creative worship, student ministries and the discipleship of new believers. Lark was born in Guyana South America and received her M.Div. Korean United Methodist Church of Greater Washington: Younghoon Kim (3) OE . Alans passions for the church include dynamic worship, nurturing Bible Studies in small groups, developing leadership (especially with youth and young adults), effective evangelism, world missions, and vital service of Christ and His church through Spirit-gifted ministry. Kendra was an ordained elder in full connection at the 2021 annual conference. As a rookie retiree, Brandon Cho will begin his new ministry at Old FUMC with faith and dedication. More. Powered by WordPress. Gratitude is what Jim feels for the Lifegate Church for offering this opportunity to again pursue my passion and my calling. John loves Disco, Salsa, and Barry White. Sammy Arroyo recently served as senior pastor at the First United Methodist Church of Hightstown. Prior to this appointment, she was the lead pastor at Centenary UMC in Lambertville and Linvale UMC in Ringoes. Linda J. Stephan From: Northern Waters District Traverse City Central UMC (Associate Pastor) To: Western Waters District Traverse City Central UMC (Lead Pastor). Braden Memorial United Methodist Church. Tony is now attending Rutgers Law School and hopes to reimagine what serving the Church as a pastor lawyer looks like. For the past 3 years, he has been the President of the Cranford Clergy Council and has joined with other local community leaders in developing the Cranford Equity and Inclusivity Initiative. A demonstrated leader, he serves as a UMC Pastor and also serves on the GNJ Board of Higher Education and Campus Ministries. He has been serving at Arcola Covenant Community, the church that he loves. Gina Kim has served in full-time ministry for over 24 years, as a youth pastor, associate pastor, senior pastor and district superintendent for the United Methodists of Greater New Jersey. Numbers indicate year(s) in appointment. He cannot stop praising God for how the Lord uses him to broaden the Kingdom of Heaven. Yoseb earned his Master of Divinity degree from Drew Theological School in 2014. He enjoys running and time with his family. Deb Epley, currently pastor at Lester's Chapel in Columbiana, will become pastor of Talladega First United Methodist Church. In her spare time, she is a quilter and a reader of mysteries. She received her Master of Divinity From Drew Theological Seminary. The goal each year is to match the gifts and graces of each pastor with the ministry needs of a particular congregation and community in a particular season. She and her husband, a UMC clergy, have been serving several churches together for the last 26 years. After graduating from high school, his path took him on the long road to becoming a licensed mental health therapist. She enjoys being together with family, mission experiences, steam trains, shelling, music, and creative arts. Eli has a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Technologies and holds a masters degree in Environmental Health. Her heart for mission has led her to serve with A Future with Hope and the Skainos Project in Belfast. After receiving her call to ministry Christine started off preparing herself for her second career. CENTRAL TEXAS CONFERENCE of The United Methodist Church. In her spare time she loves being with her family and friends, she enjoys getting out in nature and enjoying Gods beauty around her. Through his pastoral journey, God has graciously taught him to love and serve Gods precious people, believe the power of prayers, and acknowledge the Lordship of Christ. He is passionate about building relationships in community, preaching, evangelism, serving the needs of others, and sharing in Gods love. Throughout his upbringing, Andrews family was privileged to serve many churches throughout Western Pennsylvania. Nashville TN 37206. Serving both churches in these times will be a challenge, but with prayer and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, much will be accomplished to the glory of God. He received his B.A. Randy Cross, retired We will often make appointments to have our car worked on, or our teeth cleaned, or to meet with someone over an important matter, but the word "appointment" has a special meaning for United Methodists. In 2011, Ivelisse answered her call to ministry and joined the MDiv Program at Drew Theological Seminary, graduating in 2015. In addition, Bo has been serving as a youth pastor at Calvary KUMC since 2018. In her free time, Ronell lovesto travel, garden, draw/paint, and follow all things Star Wars and Marvel Cinematic Universe. Greenock United Methodist Church is a growing congregation in Elizabeth Township, Allegheny County. The congregations have worked together in various configurations for many years. He is passionate about casting and sharing the vision with church members, identifying their gifts, and inviting them to the place where they can serve God and Gods people. John has a passion for youth and young adult ministries and for making disciple-makers. Jessica is the proud mother of two amazing children, Alyssa and Kristie. Her DMin was focused on Social Justice and Social engagement in the local church which she feels are so important in these changing times. Michelle brings the gifts of fruit bearing multi-racial/multi-cultural ministries to GNJ Conference. United Methodist pastors are sent, not called or hired. Charlie Kinch was born and raised in Somers Point, New Jersey, where he grew up and served in the local church (Lifegate UMC) throughout his life. Growing up in a pastors home, Andrew watched and learned from his father, Rev. John E. Flower, Jr., while fostering a deep love for God and his own heart for ministry (even though he spent many years resisting Gods call). and D. Min. John married the love of his life and later went to law school in at Boston University. Matthew was born and lived in the small town of Saxonburg, PA for most of his formative years. Kay identifies community outreach, spiritual formation, and pastoral care as some of her gifts in ministry. She wasnt raised in the church. Later she went back to school and earned a BA in Human Development and has worked as a social worker for over 15 years. Schuyler is also an On-Site Project Manager for SGS & CO, and works at Sabra Dipping Company in White Plains, NewYork. from Methodist Theological Seminary in Seoul, a M.Div from Drew Theological School, and a S.T.M. Marissa is passionate about mission and helping congregations connect with their communities. He has been serving at Hackensack UMC where he was nurtured to grow as a pastor since 2017. "Itinerancy" refers specifically to the commitment by pastors to go and serve wherever their bishops send them. The Heartland Crossroads Cooperative Parish is a fellowship of six small town and rural congregations (Albion: Calvary; Conneautville: Valley; Espyville; Hickernell; Palmer and Franklin Center). Prior to ministry, John had thirty years experience in management, specializing in training, facility management, and conflict resolution. HyunHui Kim was born, raised, and educated in South Korea. Evan was born and raised on the coast of Maine and loves the ocean, reading, spending time with his children, and music. He obtained a master of social work from Monmouth University. In the past, she has served at Wesley UMC in South Plainfield as an assistant pastor. He loves to play a variety of sports including baseball, basketball, soccer, and bowling. Anson will be graduating with his M.Div from Drew School of Theology in May 2022. The Courtney Memorial Library provides Christian literature and great literature to the preschool, church, and community. Since 2017, Charlie has been appointed to both Malaga and Porchtown UMC. April 11, 2021 Bishop Debra Wallace-Padgett and the Cabinet announce the following full-time clergy appointment changes to take effect July 1, 2021. Sharon has also pastored the congregations of Free Union and Vienna churches. He has served Belvidere UMC, Broadway UMC, Port Colden UMC, and McCrea Memorial UMC in Port Murray. Eunjis bountiful pastoral experiences, ranging from children to adults, have made her passionate for multigenerational ministry that connects all ages collaboratively. Ronell loves watching Korean dramas, drawing, painting, travel, and eating chicken wings. She serves on the Metro-Highlands District Committee on Ministry, as a Circuit Elder, and on the Commission on Christian Unity and Inter-Religious Concerns. Names in all capital letters indicate new appointments. She believes that the church should be without borders and a welcoming place for everyone to find acceptance, love and respect. Tiffany S. Murphy moved from the Midwest in 1995 to the East Coast to pursue her bachelors in music in Boston, and MDiv, DMin from Palmer Seminary. Find the 2021 Clergy Move Schedule at " Clergy Move Day 2021 ." Personal interests include music, sports, reading and spending time with grandkids. She has a passion for making the Word of God accessible by presenting the Gospel in freshand creative ways. Sanggeun Jo, also called Sam, was born and raised in South Korea where he served as a pastor of the English Ministry at Chungdong First Methodist Church in Seoul. He attended seminary at MTSO, graduating in 1998. She hopes to use her enjoyment of creativity and writing for the benefit of the church. ; worked as a social worker before starting seminary at Fuller and then graduated from New Brunswick with an M. Div. She received her B.A. The United Methodist Church PASTORAL APPOINTMENTS 2021-2022 (This is a list of the appointments as of June 7, 2021 when the appointments were fixed.) Effective . Dr. Sammy Arroyo and is blessed with a son, Gabriel and daughter, Adeline. Appointment Changes - Susquehanna Conference 2023 - 2024 Appointment Changes It is the intention of Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi and Bishop Sandra L. Steiner Ball to set these appointments as of July 1, 2023* (*other effective date as noted) As of February 27, 2023 Pastor Gary D. Allshouse from Gatchelville-Crossroads, York to Paxton, Harrisburg Josh enjoys spending time with his wife Kate, and four children, Christina, Suze, Bridget & Micah. Monte is passionate about working with the youth in the community and finds joy in seeing the smiles on their faces as they encounter the Jesus that loves them. Several building transitions occurred until the church settled into its current building on California Ave. in Pittsburghs North Boroughs of Avalon/Bellevue. Donna Hoffman (Local Pastor) to Retirement from McConnell/Pearl City (Rockford District). This page will continue to post appointments as they are announced at the local church level. His father Daniel was a blue collar worker and his mother Pauline was the secretary at the Presbyterian church they attended from the time Matthew was in high school. Kate holds an MDiv/MA in Christian Education from Princeton Theological Seminary, as well as a BA in Religion from Houghton College. Eddie is currently serving as Pastor of Discipleship at St. Johns UMC in Turnersville where he has served the last three and half years. They are two different congregations, but share many similarities. Eliezer Franqui was born in New Jersey and raised in Camuy, Puerto Rico. He is blessed to have his wife, Yoonjung, and three lovely children, Chloe, Daniel, and Samuel as his life journey companions. He comes with wonderful gifts of teaching, preaching, and leading both in the local church and throughout the annual conference. Jung Ung Moon is a church planter, great preacher, spiritual leader and church developer. Adam has been part of Savannah UMC since 1997, and is joined in ministry there by his wife Denise and daughter Grace. Since then, Penns Woods church has joined with Christ to continue their mission ofKnowing Christ and making Him known.. from Drew Theological School this Spring. The Discipline, in 428.1 says, "A change in appointment may be initiated by a pastor, a committee on pastor-parish relations, a district superintendent, or a bishop." 3. Sarah Borgstrom Lee has been serving in ministry in Greater New Jersey for more than 10 years. Wayne moved to the United States in 1977 from Jamaica. Their ministries include a womens group and a mens prayer breakfast. Dutilh UMC was born in 1844 when two farming families started worshiping together in a barn. from Drew Theological School. Bishop John Hopkins announces the following clergy appointments for the Northern Illinois Conference of The United Methodist Church, effective July 1, 2021 (unless otherwise noted): 2021 Appointment Book. Andi and her soon-to-be husband are excited to step into a new season of marriage and ministry together! Denise Tiedemann has been serving the United Methodist Church for over 20 years. Everyone Is Welcome. The Butler North Charge, which includes Boyers UMC, Eau Claire: Bethel UMC, and Hilliards UMC, continues to offer gracious and faithful ministry in northern Butler County for the cause of Jesus Christ. Michelle holds a Master of Divinity from New York Theological Seminary. 10:00AM | Sunday School (Suspended) 11:00AM | Worship Services . He has served at many places inlcuding Bountiful KUMC, Diamond Hill UMC, KUMC of South Jersey, Fort Lee Campus of Bethany KUMC, and Calvary KUMC in East Brunswick.
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