if ($(this).attr('id') == 'sel-sw-content-minibasefilter-field6381357264913602381-comparetype') { padding-top: 17px; Staff. 15, Northeast College Preparatory High School, School Without Walls Commencement Academy, NorthSTAR Social and Emotional Learning Center, Department of Bilingual Education & World Languages, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Clear All Filters. Chief Financial Officer - Michael Puntschenko. Superintendent for Learning adams.jason@wgmail.org View Website TA Teresa Adams Support Staff adams.teresa@wgmail.org JA Jaime Adamski Senior Jayme Taylor will be competing in the first NYSPHSAA Girls Wrestling Championship Friday, January 27, 2023. Administration, Phone Numbers, & Addresses, 314-963-6466 Construction Central; Directory; Directory of Information; District Office Address/Map; Equity & Inclusion; EL Storytime; . ext. Campus. input[type="text"].sw-minibasefilter-input { label.ui-calendar-label { See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for The Cheektowaga Sloan Union Free School District locations in Henrietta, NY. 2602 Edmond St, St. Joseph, MO 64501; 816-671-4080; 816-671-4474 Tuesday 09/03/2013. School 03 } The Greece Central School District annually hires dozens of coaches to work with student-athletes participating in modified, junior varsity, and varsity sports at our four high schools. December Attendance Challenge. Marshall Wayne Central School District Wayne Central School District. } Benefits 585-262-8206. isInline : false, View Original; Spanish; Cantonese; . Make sure the box for "Press Tab to highlight each item on a webpage" is, 4th Grade Teacher- Social Studies and Science, Contents 2023 Webster Parish School Board, Department of Children and Family Services, Register for Early Childhood Programs: PreK, Head Start or Early Learning, North Webster High School Carpentry Department, J. E. Harper Pathways to Excellence Center (HPEC), Industrial Instrumentation and Electrical Technology, Louisiana Department of Education Jump Start Web Page, Elementary Counselor Grant Job Description, Student Procedures and Guidelines for Technology, Optional 1-to-1 Device Damage Protection Plan, Important Information Regarding Our Homeless Students, Video Spotlight on Component 3b: Questioning and Discussion Techniques, Effective: Proficient rationale for video clip #2, Video Spotlight on Component 3c: Engaging Students in Learning, G Suite Training - Certified Educator Level 1. label.ui-calendar-label { padding: 7px; Today; Previous; Video; Parent Newsletter; Social Media; March 2023; . 139, (716) 751-3200 Ontario Center, NY 14520 (315) 524-1000 . (315) 435-4212. }); isRequired : false, If you are experiencing issues logging in or are a parent/guardian in need of an activation code please email ICPortal@webstercsd.org We will respond to your emails, so please be patient and allow 4-5 days for responses during heavy volume times. 123 Main Street Germantown, NY 12526 Phone: 518-537-6281 Fax: 518-537-6893. Danielle Kelly. We are dedicated to recruiting and supporting a culturally diverse and inclusive One Webster staff. } }); // end document ready [ ] indicates that the data are not applicable. 16100, 314-963-6472 School 10 Wilson Commencement Academy District Directory; District Directory. Staff Directory Staff Directory Location: All Locations Search JA Joshua Aasgaard Teacher jaaasgaard@ssdmo.org LA Logan Abbott Speech Pathologist lpabbott@ssdmo.org TA Tonja Abdelkarim Teacher TRAbdelkarim@ssdmo.org LA Laurice Abdelmalek Teacher Assistant LFAbdelmalek@ssdmo.org JA Joann Abell Teacher Assistant JLAbell@ssdmo.org AA Amy Abeln School 05 var fieldindex = id.substring(id.lastIndexOf('-') + 1); { } For Read Across America Week, Webster Elementary invited Iowa children's author Ryan Sloth to read his books to students. CheckScript('Dropdown', staticURL + '/GlobalAssets/Scripts/ThirdParty/jquery.dropdown.js'); The Board of Education's first budget work session was on February 7. } IT Helpdesk 585-262-8151. Staff Directory + COVID-19 . } // get rid of any old dropdowns with the same id Link to Atlas. LEGAL NAME: WEBSTER CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT; BEDS CODE: 261901060000; INSTITUTION ID . (315) 435-4161. Superintendent: Benjamin F. Bragg District's Response to the Distinguished Educator's Report, RCSD Cares: Hurricane Disaster Relief Efforts, State Comptrollers Report on the Districts Fiscal Affairs, Code of Conduct Community Forum | May 6, 2021, SRO Agreement Public Forum | May 21, 2020, Board of Education 2016 Legislative Agenda, Board of Education 2014 Year-End Report: Getting The Job Done, Best Practices Summit: Collaborating for Success, Final Report of Special Military Academy Advisory Committee, Become a Parent Representative to a Board Committee, Critical Feedback Line for District Leaders, Update Contact Information with my School, Phase III Facilities Modernization Public Program, English Language Arts/Integrated Literacy, Freedom of Information Law - FOIL Requests, Health, Physical Education, and Athletics, Languages other than English (LOTE) / Foreign Language, MATCH: Medical Management & Assistive Technology for CHildren, Office of Grants & Program Accountability, NEVER DELETE THIS Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying Incident Reporting System, If you need to contact a specific school, please visit our, Note:Currently, we donot maintain a telephone directory for Teachers. Assistant Superintende nt/Director of Pupil Personnel. $('#minibaseSubmit638135726491360238').click(); College/School. We weren't able to find anything that matched your search criteria. ext. The Webster Groves School District is committed to maintaining an educational and workplace environment that is free from discrimination, harassment, and retaliation in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs, services, activities and facilities. } We weren't able to find anything that matched your search criteria. Last Name filter 223, (716) 751-3200 Executive Director For Human Resources. CheckScript('Dropdown', staticURL + '/GlobalAssets/Scripts/ThirdParty/jquery.dropdown.js'); This information on internet performance in Petropavl, North Kazakhstan Region, Kazakhstan is updated regularly based on Speedtest data from millions of consumer-initiated tests taken every day. comparetype = $('#sw-content-minibasefilter-field638135726491360238' + fieldindex + '-comparetype').val(); 14926, 314-963-6466 } selected.children('span').html( dropdown.find("li[itemid='" + value + "']:first").html() ); School 58 CheckScript('Dropdown', staticURL + '/GlobalAssets/Scripts/ThirdParty/jquery.dropdown.js'); It is the policy of the Webster City Community School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, creed, age (for employment), marital status (for programs), sexual orientation, gender identity, and socioeconomic status (for programs) in its educational programs and its employment practices. }); dropdown.find("li").removeClass("selected"); Director of Physical Education, Athletics and Health for the Warriors (585) 670-5062 Gina Colombo Warrior Athletics Secretary (585) 670-5230 We are Warriors: Webster Schroeder High School, Spry Middle School, Klem Road South Elementary School, Plank Road North Elementary School, Plank Road South Elementary School, State Road Elementary School. Wilson Central School District; Staff Directory - click on staff name for details; Please click on staff name for additional information. District Contact. ext. Link to WinCapWeb. . ext. PageIndex = $("#sw-content-minibaselist638135726491360238-pageindex").val(); Central Office } [ ] indicates that the data are not applicable. 19900, 314-918-4240 If you are unable to read a portion of the District website, or an attachment, please contact the District Communications Office at (585) 889-4500. Charlotte }); GetContent("https://www.rcsdk12.org//site/UserControls/Minibase/MinibaseFilterWrapper.aspx?ModuleInstanceID=179&PageModuleInstanceID=638135726491360238", "sw-content-minibaselist638135726491360238", 2); else 257, (716) 751-3200 Email Human Resources. Requests for tuition assistance must be submitted to the Personnel Office prior to course registration. var selected = $('#selected' + listid); Box 586 Watertown, NY 13601 Phone: (315)785-3700 Fax: (315)785-6855 Monroe Email Teacher Payroll. ext. Construction Central; Directory; Directory of Information; District Office Address/Map; Equity & Inclusion; EL Storytime; . } width:100%; 260, (716) 751-3200 if (dropdown.find("li[itemid='" + value + "']").length > 0) { School 50 var selected = $('#selected' + listid); ext. School district financial transparency reports, which display per pupil expenditures for individual schools, as well as district averages, inform conversations within districts about whether equitable resources are being provided at the school level. To view the livestreaming of the meeting, please click here. Staff Directory. Choose a College/School. Douglass Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Brian Neenan takes helm in Webster as interim superintendent Neenan came to the district 12 years ago, in 2009, as the principal of Willink Middle School. Please try a new search. 230, (716) 751-3200 { 229, (716) 751-3200 School 16 dropdown.find("li").removeClass("selected"); School 41 FilterFields =encodeURIComponent($('#sw-content-minibaselist638135726491360238-filterquery').val()); { window.open( "https://www.rcsdk12.org//site/Default.aspx?DomainID=0&PageID=0&PageType=22&ModuleInstanceID=179&PageModuleInstanceID=638135726491360238&FilterFields=" + FilterFields + "&DirectoryType=" + DisplayType + "&PageIndex=" + PageIndex); $('#sel-sw-minibasefilter638135726491360238-field-3').dropdown({isTreeView : false, ext. transition: border-color 0.2s ease; Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. This is a secure Staff Intranet content page and cannot be viewed by the public. School 33 Ashley Myers. Link to Infinite Campus. School 22 } var success = '$("#sw-content-minibaselist638135726491360238-pageindex").val(' + PageIndex + ');'; (315) 435-4161. 2023 Urbandale Community School District . } dropdown.find("li[itemid='" + value + "']:first").addClass('selected'); $.each($('#sw-content-minibasefilter638135726491360238 label'), function(i){ NYS CR Part #154 requires the District to provide communications to ELL families in the home language that they best understand. font-weight:bold; The information provided is for noncommercial educational use only. If you have questions or a grievance related to this policy please contact the District's Equity Coordinator, Dr. Mandy Ross, Webster City Community School District, 820 Des Moines Street, Webster City, IA 50595, Phone: 515-832-9200, email address: mandy_ross@webster-city.k12.ia.us. ext. Chief Academic Officer - Laura Kelley, Ed.D. East Lower School 19900, 314-918-4240 Staff Directory; School News. Roch Early Childhood Ed Cntr School 39 if (e.which == 13) { transform:translate(0rem, -2.0rem); 12, The Children's School of Rochester No. Because their attendance improved by more than 3%, Seniors with 90% or higher attendance earned a free lunch from Freddy's! dropdown.find("li[itemid='" + value + "']:first").addClass('selected'); $('#' + dropdown.attr('hidfield')).val(value); 175 Martin St. 820 Des Moines St Webster City, IA 50595 . Professional Development, Employee Self-Service, and Timesheets. School 02 filterquery += $('#' + id).val().replace(/:/g, '[$C0l0n$]').replace(/;/g, '[$Semic0l0n$]') + ";"; ext. 384, (716) 751-3200 Jefferson A copy will be made available for your review at the District Office. Welcome to the Parent/Student Portal. Coach Directory; Athletics Home; Schedules; Sports Registration; Team Websites; Arts" . Director of Elementary Education /Assessment. Safe Healthy Lifestyles & Positive School Climate, 314-963-6466 To send an email: Click the envelope icon under a name and complete the form. The Class of 2025 is raising funds by selling ER pajama pants! There is a grievance procedure for processing complaints or discrimination. 2023 Urbandale Community School District . font-size: 13px; Service Center Traci Jackson. }*/ Link to Frontline. GERMANTOWN CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT . The Webster Central School District is a public school district in New York State that serves approximately 8,800 students in the town and village of Webster and portions of Penfield in Monroe County and portions of Ontario and Walworth in Wayne County with about 1350 employees and an operating budget of $140.6 million (~$15,964 per student).The filterquery += $('#' + id).val().replace(/%/g, '[%]').replace(/:/g, '[$C0l0n$]').replace(/;/g, '[$Semic0l0n$]') + ";"; School secretaries in each school or program can provide the access code for this service. }); Plans / Policies / Regulations/Notifications, Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA), Mental Health and Family Support Resources, MS - FOREIGN LANGUAGE SPANISH 8 - Mrs. Alessi, Staff Directory - click on staff name for details, (716) 751-3200 isInline : false, Consortium School 515-576-6967 1760 Johnson Avenue, Fort Dodge, IA 50501. isInline : false, The Webster Groves School District is committed to maintaining an educational and workplace environment that is free from discrimination, harassment, and retaliation in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs, services, activities and facilities. $('ul.ui-dropdown').each(function() { Department. ext. ext. The Webster Central School District is interested in hiring candidates who are Compassionately Connected, Joyfully Engaged, and Always Learning! ext. $('#sw-content-minibasefilter-field6381357264913602381-comparetype').attr('errormessage', ''); Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Wednesday - Southern vs. Bullitt Central, 6 . Dr. Alice Holloway Young School of Excellence, OACES Office of Adult & Career Education Services, Anna Murray-Douglass Academy School No. }); Central Office 712-469-2202 . } If, for any reason, you can not access, view or download these listings, please contact PERB at 518-457-2676 and arrangements will be made to provide them to you. var dropdown = $('#' + listid); 27 % Below average 39% 55 % If you have questions or a grievance related to this policy please contact the Districts Equity Coordinator, Dr. Mandy Ross, Webster City Community School District, 820 Des Moines Street, Webster City, IA 50595, Phone: 515-832-9200, email address: mandy_ross@webster-city.k12.ia.us. return filterquery; Webster Area School District Staff Search. Check out which Greater Cincinnati girls basketball players were named all-district for the 2022-23 season. Tuesday - Fairdale-Beth Haven winner vs. First Name filter function SetRichComboValue(listid, value) { elemType : 'div' School Without Walls Home - Spencerport Central School District Welcome to the Home of the Rangers! Starts With
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