I spent 34 yrs. These two are going to share a lot in common intellectually. GOOD LUCK to all Aquarius ladies b/c its not easy to be one. I really appreciate it a lot.I personally liked your replies to no.5,9,12,15 and 19.These seems to be common traits of Pisces men which is very attractive to me. We're in this together! Hello DK, Thank you so much for your input and honesty. My life has been building towards this man and being 32 I finally feel like my life has started on its proper path. For me teamwork is essential. My suggestion to Pisces men interested in Aquarius women would be to be honest and open with her or she would feel you arent serious about her. Forgiveness at that level is not something I do, and once Im done Im done forever and can be colder than an Antarctic winter. Do Pisces men avoid commitment talks in relationship? If you love yourself, your Pisces guy will love you, too. she confuses me and I feel she kinds play hard to get. Pisces man however, could ruin the mood if he lets his emotions get away with him too much thus making sex less fun than what the Aquarius woman wants to have with him. Its too late now. Since he is so kind and in touch with his feelings, women are naturally drawn to him and he often has several close female friends. 8. I think these two will come to each other very easily in empathy. Still, aquarius is one of the signs that cheats less than others. He will see that she either lacks emotional depth or is uncomfortable letting her guard down, and neither of these possibilities is appealing to a Pisces pal. What attracts Pisces guys? An Aquarius can learn a lot from Pisces in this association and the Pisces always feels very compassionate and concerned towards Aquarius. But I asked her one time about if she is having sex or messaging other guys ( I made a mistake and said I didnt trust her, also I got a bit angry when I didnt believe her, which looking back, didnt help). After I said what I said. He might also be an actor or a poet. Aquarius. Yes and sometimes no. What love means to an aquarius, gemini can understand. Pisces men are usually introverts and they struggle between wanting to spend all of their time with loved ones and desperately needing some time to themselves to recharge. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. They may also be drawn to their rebellious streak and unconventional lifestyle. 2. This ability to wait it out for awhile means that each of them is not concerned with trust right out of the gate. General, pisces are for fun. I dont see any reason to bugger about. 18. On a personal level no makeup, narcissism or pretentiousness. Im Aquarius woman and it read my current paring so painfully well I wondered if they wire tapped my home! I feel and love like a Cancer and Im also a Scorpio Rising so I want all or nothing kind of romance. Also, an Aquarius woman is set in her ways and does not like to be told what to do, and because a Pisces man is so adaptable, he will easily adjust to her. We do talk everyday and I happy to give her her freedom but I feel like she maybe bored sexually because we are so far away from each other that she may seek a one night stand as she is totally unattached to her emotions and just sees it as sex and nothing more. TONY I am an Aquarius woman and have been for a very long time. Rich woman looking for older man & younger woman. I also dont consider myself to be pretentious. 16. Ive always missed him and compared my relationships to him. So I got a job I loved, and put all my time and effort into that, and my sport. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 27 and this . I am very much like that. thats gonna make him look for others alternatives.. which is really strange to me. This is an incredible pairingone that can be incredibly psychic, nourishing, and imaginativebut both will need to grow as individuals in order to step into this kind of relationship properly. Dont worry, he probably loves you and this is just his way. Pisces and Aquarius can find common ground in their shared philanthropy and desire to make the world a better place. Their chemistry seems so effortless. I was married to a Pisces for 34.5 yrs. 13. Other forces may be leaning in too heavily so you need to make some concrete and exacting decisions about where your plans and values lie. Be straight so we can set our minds on how to deal with stuff 4. So it makes it hard to leave. Im aquarius February 7th, and my fella is pisces March 11th, oh my god this is dead on about us. Although they have a few things in common, their differences will likely be too numerous for this pair to make a good couple. Serious Aquarius woman and Im thinking about dating a Pisces man so Im glad to have read everything because it hes very nice handsome and he looks like somebody I could see in my life, I am an aquarius woman Im am with amazing pieces man but only thing is I messed up by hurting him we fought so much and he cheapt pointing finger at me I feel unworth what Ive done I cheated drunk I try asking him to forgive me bkuz we have a bong wer e we can feel each others bad feeling Im just just to afraid 2 lose him I understand ppl will hate for this but Im willing to take on comes my way, well as pieces man, thats was a terrible mistake, we forgive but not from inside, so he will but is just period of time to start losing what he feels for you. 7. Do Pisces men have bad tempers? How did you take your relationship to the next level ? Are Pisces men secretive? Its not about how much money you spend, but about how much thought and effort you put into reciprocating his generosity. I couldnt have asked for a better life partner <3 <3. If youd like, you can learn more about me on this page here. I feel like my light is being smothered out. We are both used to doing everything alone since we were both loners, so it takes awareness to make sure we actually do things together, but you need to, it makes everything so much better and brings us closer. Tell her how you feel, we Aquarian women can act outwardly cool and detached when in fact we are completely in love and are just afraid to loose our independence. While Aquarius is naturally drawn to Scorpio, their relationships often end in a metaphorical battlefield. Just rhyming words that he thought up, pitifuland stupid seriously. Sometimes its better to ease into the conversation like it would kill me if you ever stopped being mine and just read her vibes aquarians go a lot by vibe, but usually pisces are the ones that can read it. 13. He will use emotional blackmail to make me behave the way he wants. But, since he is so sensitive, you need to be careful with how you express your honesty. However, shell also notice he wants to move quickly and she isnt one to move too fast. I am sorry but as another Aquarius woman I can NOT sympathize with you. You can have a shower afterwards to wash off. For the last year I spent trying to JUST BE FRIENDS with her (and nothing more until we were both ready) the entire year which I never do for any woman. He calls me nasty names when he is angry at me for the most trivial things like forgetting to get the mail. DOB 02/04/1966. This one might be a product of my upbringing, but: Extremely. Aquarius Man & Aquarius Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? I really feel sorry for him because no one wants his broke old decrepet ass and when he was with me everything was looking up for him. Well, what I can say is the fact I am a Pisces and I am finding it hard to hand this Aquarius. I am HAPPY for youI was with mine for 33 years that were bitter sweet. Pisces men love love, and they love beauty. It is important for Aquarius to learn where their limits are and when enough is enough. I think Pisces and Aquarius can work, if the Pisces is matureand the Aquarius is open-minded, at the same time. When we met it was like, finally! Someone who gets me! Do Pisces and Aquarius fight? It isnt easy to expose your vulnerability to strangers and I appreciate your sincerity. He would be with me but giving every other women his attention by staring at her, trying to get her attention, that's why he is by himself and no one wants him because he's a hoe! Both Pisces and Aquarius have deep needs for creativity and helping others. He is verbally abusive and starting to show signs of being physically abusive as well. You might want to get to the root of his behavior b4 you do what I did and waste all of those precious years that you will NEVER EVER get back. As DK perfectly stated, we keep our cards close to our chest. Aquarius understands a Pisces need to have me time with yourself as we do the same sometimes(and we will design and build you your mancave) but if you bring that detachment and aloofness outside the mancave into the relationship then it would hurt the Aquarius woman a lot. I am an aquarius woman with a pisces man long distance. Their soul is always elsewhere, dreaming, but never present. Aquarians tend to try to act cold to protect themselves. This is a problem with him not me because in the past I have been very sexually fulfilled with men that are not pisces! 8. She has a sense of poise in her lifestyle which makes her flowing, like water. Aquarius will always fall in love with fellow air sign Gemini because the two of them are very compatible, know how to love and talk through their problems, and can genuinely have fun together. 11. Maybe a bit of both but definitely leaning more towards the former. Dont quit my brotha. She is ambitious but doesn't display it, and she wants someone who is ambitious too. IF a man is already verbally abusive and is already showing signs of being able to be physically abusive to you he well may do that very thing and it might not be pretty. They need attention and some of them need it everyday. Us Aquarius women use that as a defensive mechanism sometimes. A man born under this sign probably has a career in the arts or at least a creative hobby. Make some decisions about what is acceptable and what exceeds the boundaries around which you seek to protect your partnership. They are better suited as friends or coworkers than as romantic partners. Surprisingly, this partnership between an aloof guy and a highly sensitive girl really can work. For an Aquarius woman, sex is an intellectual exercise, and she likes to explore many different things. They value friendship and happiness Aquarius men are much attracted to women who laugh genuinely and easily. She wants to get to know him further and see if there is a possibility between them and find out if hes worth giving up her free time a bit for. 11. 11. They have more in common than not. We decided to date and things have never made more sense. Many men find this softer femininity attractive, but it does not impress an Aquarius man. If these two actually do fall madly in love then their love could help them overcome whatever problems they have. They crave strong emotional connections and look for a partner who is as loving and caring as them. We are capable of deep love but we are choosy Im who we decide to give it to since secretly we have trust issues. He called me buffalo butt, balloon boobs (my boobs are smaller) hippo hips (before they were larger) and rhino rump, and my butt wasnt all that large either. In fact, a simple romantic gesture gets her every time. To woo a Pisces woman, be funny 4. Free to join to find a man and meet a woman online who is single and looking for you. i dont know what he dreams about or if it even includes me. Once again, most likely a deep-seated issue. She will fall for those who can be different from all others, and give her impression of exclusivity. 6. You both need to get past the stage of awkward shyness and doubting eachother, like the article says, once pat a certain point it is all smooth sailing. Aquarius isn't usually quick to anger, but if they feel you're being fake with them, that can change in a hurry. She displayed all the personality traits that make her so unique and she whispered something I said to her a magic word, so to speak a phrase that was quirky, charmingvand whimsical, just as I had whispered to her for a reason I couldnt exolsin until now: she wanted to show me that her visit was surely not my imagination. But, as I read other comments, if it doesnt work somehow, it could be really painful. Assuming the relationship just easily sparks? In my experience, most definitely not. 9 Secrets To Seduce Cancer Man With Text Messages. We divorced in 2001, he passed away in 2011 after our divorce and his remarriage He is also my best friend in the whole world. i dont know what to do. Down to experiment, and down to explore a kinky side. In fact, they are highly - and strangely - compatible. They try their best to have discernment. I want that devoted, committed, loyal man. I had long forgotten it untl she said it to me. Pisces is imaginative and Sagittarius is hopeful. and had 2 kids There are millions of men out there (trust me) that will care about you as a woman and love you and treat you with kindness and the respect you deserve It feels like torture. An Aquarius can learn a lot from Pisces in this association and the Pisces always feels very compassionate and concerned towards Aquarius. If I meet a man even at my age now and he doesnt text me everyday or email me everyday my mind wanders away from him. We fight but I know we both would rather just be in eachothers arms. Pisces men are naturally empathetic. She allows him to do his thing and she gives him positive feedback. I also didnt realize at the time that I was still very much in the fog after having suffered the loss of my husband of sixteen years. The previous one had typos and inaccuracies. Aquarius woman wants a man she doesnt have to change much for. A Pisces guy will become frustrated when his many attempts at getting his Aquarius friend to open up to him are thwarted. He loves to shower the object of his affection with attention. Im sorry about that but dont be so hard on all of us! I didnt think any other man would want me and thus remained alone which was a huge mistake. And Aquarius placement women have put head in the clouds for this kind of thing happens often. Personally, a little jealous (could possibly fall into the greater definition of possessive), but controlling, no. It would crush my connection I have for her if she was having casual sex. The reason for this is that both of these signs see the world in a different way. Im an Aquarius lady (double Aquarius & my rising sign is Libra) and my husband is a wonderful Pisces. It feels like ive known her all my life. Ive been on a few dates with my Aquarius man and Im a Capricorn woman in the past 4mos. 17. I want to share my everything with my beloved, beautiful Senorita Gabriella. No matter what happens, I know we will be together and in eachothers lives. Neither of them likes to make promises as they hate to break them when given. Will they want to is more of what they have to consider when figuring out if they want it to be forever or not. He really wanted me first. PLEASE dont tell me anymore about this sick situation until you get the heck out and do something about it. It means I am far more nurturing than a Cancer Sun Sign female.My maternal instincts are very strong so I wouldnt prefer a male who doesnt want to create a family because a Cancer Moon is all about the home life. You wanna get your rocks off, have a wank. Ive felt like the relationship has been stagnant for a while and sometimes he is so cold towards me I start to feel insecure about his feelings for me and if we will last.
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