International Democracy & Civil Society Development. Organizations whose activities focus on influencing public policy within the Science and Technology Research Institutes, Services major group area. (NTEE Q32 organizational classification. Organizations that provide in-person or telephone assistance for people who are in acute emotional distress; who are a danger to themselves or to others; who are having suicidal feelings; or who are hysterical, frightened or otherwise unable to cope with a problem that requires immediate action. Organizations that conduct research in chemistry, the science which addresses the composition and behavior of matter including its micro- and macro-structure, the processes of chemical change and the theoretical description and laboratory simulation of these phenomena. Organizations that provide preventive, diagnostic and treatment services in a variety of community and hospital-based settings to help people to achieve and maintain a state of emotional well-being, personal empowerment and the skills to cope with everyday demands without excessive stress. Organizations existing as a support and fund-raising entity for a single institution within the Education major group. Organizations whose activities focus on influencing public policy within the Human Services - Multipurpose and Other major group area. Organizations whose primary purpose is to conduct research and/or public policy analysis within the Housing, Shelter major group area. Organizations that provide support services to patients and their families. National Taxonomy of Exempt Entities (NTEE) Code . Organizations specifically designated as Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. troops and councils. Organizations whose primary purpose is to conduct research and/or public policy research within the Crime, Legal Related major group area. International, Foreign Affairs & National Security, Private nonprofit organizations whose primary purpose is to provide services or other forms of support to increase mutual understanding across countries, encourage social, economic or political development outside of the U.S., and/or impact national, multilateral or international policies on international issues. Organizations like Parents Without Partners that provide supportive services for single parents. Organizations that provide, on an outpatient basis, a combination of treatment and education services to restore maximum functioning, a sense of well-being and a personally satisfying level of independence for individuals who have temporary or permanent disabilities. Use this code for higher education institutions not specified below. The National Taxonomy of Exempt Entities (NTEE) system was developed by the National Center for Charitable Statistics (NCCS) and is used by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and NCCS to classify tax-exempt organizations. Organizations whose activities focus on influencing public policy within the Religion Related, Spiritual Development major group area. PHOTO/CALVIN FERGUSON. Use this code for organizations that focus on a wide variety of genetic disorders or on genetic disorders not specified below. Use this code for organizations that clearly provide human services where the major purpose is unclear enough that a more specific code cannot be accurately assigned. Consultation, training, and other forms of management assistance services to nonprofit groups within the Food, Agriculture, and Nutrition major group area. Organizations that provide or coordinate a wide variety of programs and services for people who are blind or have visual impairments. Organizations that identify and promote laws for the protection of species of birds, animals, fish or other wildlife that are at risk of extinction; and/or which sponsor programs for breeding endangered species in captivity and releasing them to selected habitats in the wild in which they are given a better chance for survival. Organizations that provide benefits or assistance primarily to employees that are not elsewhere classified. Use this code for organizations that clearly provide services related to international affairs where the major purpose is unclear enough that a more specific code cannot be accurately assigned. A bona fide church . Senior Citizens Housing & Retirement Communities. Corporation. \[Note: These organizations are typically found in section 501(c)(5).\], Other Vegetable (except Potato) and Melon Farming, SoilPreparation,Planting,andCultivating. Organizations that raise and distribute funds for multiple organizations within the Civil Rights, Social Action, Advocacy major group area. Organizations that raise and distribute funds for multiple organizations within the Food, Agriculture, and Nutrition major group area. Line 2. Form W-9. Organizations whose activities focus on influencing public policy within the Civil Rights, Social Action, Advocacy major group area. Organizations existing as a fund-raising entity for a single institution within the Recreation & Sports major group area. Part II. Includes Zen. This code is used primarily for organizations exempt from federal taxes under 501(c)(15) of the Internal Revenue Code. Use this code for general safety programs or those that deal with a specific safety education issue not specified below. Use this code for named diseases not specified below. Equivalent to a corporate tax return for nonprofits, IRS Form 990 must be filed annually by all 501 (c) (3) organizations. Person to contact. Organizations whose activities focus on influencing public policy within the Voluntary Health Associations and Medical Disciplines major group area. Also included are smoking education/prevention programs that help persuade people to avoid the habit before they start. In Part VII of the application, you'll select the foundation classiication you want to request. the church has pastor chris mcdonald telling me this vandalism won't stop sunday service saying in part, thanks to the christian community pulling together, we were able to get the church ready . Use this code for organizations that clearly provide services relating to public affairs or society benefit where the major purpose is unclear enough that a more specific code cannot be accurately assigned. Organizations that support the passage and enforcement of laws and other social measures that protect and promote the rights of groups of workers and employees. Consultation, training, and other forms of management assistance services to nonprofit groups within the Recreation, Sports, Leisure, Athletics major group area. Form W-4. Organizations that support the right of the press to freedom of expression without censorship or other restrictions by government and/or which support the right of the media to maintain confidential sources. Organizations that conduct research in the area of social science that involves the systematic study of employee-management interactions and the management of issues and disputes regarding working conditions and worker benefit packages. Organizations that conduct research which can be used to improve the options available to physicians who have special training and expertise in one clinical area of practice which focuses on a specific age group, an organ system of the body, or complex scientific techniques developed to diagnose or treat certain types of disorders. Some establishments in this industry may provide these food services in combination with selling alcoholic beverages. Organizations that provide pre-hospital emergency medical care and rapid transportation to health care facilities. Organizations that prepare amateur athletes to participate in the Olympics, an international program of sports training and athletic competition which features a variety of sports and games, or in other similar competitions. Organizations existing as a fund-raising entity for a single institution within the Public Safety, Disaster Preparedness & Relief major group area. Organizations whose primary purpose is to conduct research and/or public policy analysis within the International, Foreign Affairs, and National Security major group area. 11/04). Use this code for organizations that broadly address civil rights and advocacy issues or which focus on populations not specified below. Use this code for organizations that provide nursing services that are not specified below. Her mother, grandmother, daughter and grandchildren are all of the COGIC faith. Separately incorporated, local Salvation Army sites. The contractual arrangement of these establishments with contracting organizations may vary from type of facility operated (e.g., cafeteria, restaurant, fast-food eating place), revenue sharing, cost structure, to providing personnel. Organizations that provide technical assistance for nonprofit organizations who need management support in areas like board development; facility administration; fiscal administration; grant writing; personnel administration; program planning, development or evaluation; service delivery; volunteer utilization; or public relations. International Science & Technology Development (Draft Code - not for internal IRS use). Organizations that provide mediation services which help individuals who are having a dispute discuss the situation and reach an agreement without resorting to litigation. You can check your NTEE code on the NCCS web site. Organizations whose primary purpose is to conduct research and/or public policy analysis within the Science and Technology Research Institutes, Services major group area. Reese presided over the congregation of Selma's Ebenezer Baptist for 50 . The related medical specialty is rheumatology, a subspecialty of internal medicine, though rheumatology is broader and covers more conditions than arthritis. Organizations that conduct research which can be used to improve the options available to physicians who have advanced training in the medical specialty which diagnoses conditions which require surgical intervention and provide preoperative, operative and postoperative care for surgical patients. Organizations that are established as vehicles for their parent corporations to set aside funds for workers compensation, medical malpractice, general liability claims, and other insurance purposes. Organizations that conduct research which can be used to improve the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimers disease, a form of presenile dementia which is caused by atrophy of the front and occipital lobes of the brain. This is a must read for all churches whether the decide to make the leap or not. Organizations that bring together the humanities, physical sciences and social sciences to develop and enhance a broad understanding of particular populations, cultures or other related areas of research. Civil Rights, Social Action & Advocacy N.E.C. Coaching, access to riding and jumping facilities and officials for competitions are generally included. Includes a variety of activities from public education and influencing public opinion to lobbying national and state legislatures. Organizations that conduct research which can be used to improve the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of any of a number of illnesses or conditions that are hereditary and passed from parent to offspring. Organizations that provide classes for people who want to develop a basic understanding and control of their pets \[These are typically section 501(c)(7) exempt organizations\]. Organizations existing as a fund-raising entity for a single institution within the Mutual & Membership Benefit major group area. Use this code for organizations whose research covers a wide variety of medical disciplines or those that are not specified below. Organizations such as nature centers that provide informal classes which acquaint participants with particular aspects of their environment and increase their understanding of and appreciation for ecological balance. Voluntary health organizations active in the prevention or treatment of diseases or conditions that affect the kidneys. Organizations existing as a fund-raising entity for a single institution within the Employment major group area. Organizations that are primarily engaged in financial administration and taxation including monetary policy; tax administration; collection, custody and disbursement of funds; debt and investment administration; and other similar activities. Organizations that provide or coordinate free or low-cost transportation services for older adults, people with disabilities, people with medical conditions, people who are indigent, students and other eligible individuals. Organizations that conduct research in the sciences which analyze the structure, function, growth, origin, evolution or distribution of living organisms and their relations to their natural environments. Facilities which house a collection of materials including books, manuscripts, journals, government documents and non-print formats such as paintings, musical recordings, videotapes, films and data files which are organized for access by a targeted population. Natural Resources Conservation & Protection. Programs that provide opportunities for children and youth to develop individual and group initiative and responsibility, self-reliance, courage, personal fitness, discipline and other desirable qualities of character through participation in a wide range of organized recreational, educational and civic activities under the leadership of qualified adult volunteers. Organizations that provide all forms of support except for financial assistance or fund raising for other organizations within the Medical Research major group area. Use this code for types of outpatient facilities or services not specified below. Consultation, training, and other forms of management assistance services to nonprofit groups within the Community Improvement, Capacity Building major group area. Organizations that are involved in the cultivation of plant life for a variety of purposes. EIN: 37-1820870. Organizations that acquire, preserve, research and exhibit collections of objects that have significance in the natural sciences including botany, zoology, geology and physical and cultural anthropology. Postsecondary educational institutions, known alternatively as community colleges or junior colleges and commonly organized into two-year programs, that offer instruction that has been adapted in content, level and schedule to meet the needs of the community in which they are located. Organizations that provide a wide variety of informational, social and supportive services for children and youth including runaways and other troubled youth. History museums may specialize in a specific era such as early Greece or Rome, a particular geographical region such as California or Appalachia, a particular ethnic or cultural group such as Native Americans or a specific subject area such as costumes; and may contain items created or used by contemporary or historical figures. Organizations that provide inpatient, outpatient or residential treatment services for individuals who have a physical and/or psychological dependency on alcohol and/or drugs. Pentecostal Assembly of God Inc (EIN# 223217155) is an tax exempt organization filed with Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Organizations whose primary purpose is consultation, training, and other forms of management and administrative support services to nonprofit groups within the International, Foreign Affairs, and National Security major group area. Organizations that conduct research in astronomy, the physical science that addresses matter and energy in the universe using observational techniques such as spectroscopy, photometry, interferometry, radio astronomy and optical astronomy. Organizations that provide all forms of support except for financial assistance or fund raising for other organizations within the Recreation, Sports, Leisure, Athletics major group area. Alline C. Reese (center), the wife of the late F.D. Organizations that conduct research which can be used to improve the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of Down Syndrome, a hereditary condition that results in mental retardation. Organizations that provide nursing care on an inpatient or home-care basis for people who need continuous care but are not in an acute phase of their illness. Also included are complexes that are owned collectively by the people who live there. Use this code for centers or services for special populations not specified below or for facilities that serve multiple special populations. The NTEE code you use on your Form 1023-EZ will depend on your organization's purposes and activities. Some clubs may also initiate small business ventures under the guidance of adult volunteers. The secure way to pay U.S. Federal Government Agencies. Private foundations are considered family foundations if relatives or the original donor are still active on the board of trustees or in the operation of the foundation. Line 7. Organizations whose activities focus on influencing public policy within the Animal-Related major group area. Organizations that provide supportive services which help people obtain and remain in suitable housing. Also includes parent companies of diversified single hospital systems that provide comprehensive management and support services for the hospital. Includes collectible/antique fairs, county and state fairs, street fairs, festivals, parades, and other similar activities during religious and patriotic holidays and other special occasions. Use this code for Protestant churches as well as their ministries, missions or missionary activities; bible camps and schools; and bible distribution programs. Moms for Liberty, what liberty are you seeking and for whom? Organizations that conduct studies on major national security topics including the U.S. armed forces, weapons decisions, deployment policies and the security aspects of U.S. foreign relations; monitor legislation on national security issues; advocate for specific defense policies and expenditures; and engage in other activities related to the security of the United States. Organizations whose activities focus on influencing public policy within the Community Improvement, Capacity Building major group area. Natural History & Natural Science Museums. Organizations that gather, store and distribute food to indigents at no charge or at low cost. Organizations that provide gas, electricity, water and sanitary services including the hook-up of services and the installation, maintenance and repair of necessary equipment. Voluntary health organizations active in the prevention or treatment of illnesses or conditions that are hereditary and passed from parent to offspring. Learned societies, professional councils, and other organizations that bring together individuals or organizations with a common professional or vocational interest within the Environment major group area. Coaching, access to a swimming pool or other facilities, sports equipment, and officials for competitions are generally included. International Economic Development Q33 International Relief T03 Use this code for organizations that provide a wide range of health support services or which offer services not specified below. All SureStart clients can rest assured, knowing their first year's Form 990 preparation is included . Voluntary health organizations active in the prevention or treatment of epilepsy, a recurrent paroxysmal disorder of cerebral function that is characterized by sudden brief interruptions in or complete loss of consciousness, motor activity and/or sensory phenomena.
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